HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-04-12, Page 1,V01.. XX i 11 No 40 ZURICH. THU -211New Spring Sli.. �.ers • NOW THAT SPRING IS }}A�GAIN NEARING, YOU WILL, BE WANTING .A REAL, STY.I.ISH, AND UP-TO-DATE SLIPPER FOR THE OCCASION. We have just what You are looking for. ` A Slipper for every Foot, in the Correct Style, and a perfect fit, Watch our Window Display and come in and ask for our law prices. o WE ARE HERE TO DO BUSINESS WITH THE RIGHT GO- ODS AND PRICES. Wi IHL., P I LE THE HOME OF GOOD SHOE S ING. APRIL,I2,I9234- ZURICH REPAIRING NEATLY DO; • +3v o as � �•t cfr1• fid+ •4444• 4.O•rO•`e�l�4�e!•O�vd• g• d•og••'•OS OUSE CLEA Mr. H. G. Hess was a business vif,ito'r at -London last week. Misses M. Ai. Lamont and 0. M. O"3rien were to .London a few clays �) ISA week. Mi. Wellington Johnston suffer- ed. uffer-ce . an acute •attack of appendiciitis the palet week, but pleased to re - part is agaiin on the mend. • ' Mr. Lloyd Gabler of Ur ditoii and Who hard his hand injured ,from :belt last week, is,vis'iiting his sis- (rs, Mrs. F. Haberer and..Mrs. Wm. 1) cher, this week. Mit. Jacob Steinman, la well- known horseman, of New Hamburg \izas on :a business triip to Zurich, last ;week. He also visited at the hoine''of Mr. Menno Bechler. Mrs W. F.:Finkbeiiner and, da- ughter, a- u ;ht r, 11;Xiss hazel of Stratford, •vi`sitc -. a few days last week at the /Mine of Mr. and. Mrs. W1,. 1-1. HpffmOri( NERr ADS—J. Preeter, Denbmy Ir3taE,, S ,Giugeriich.,joint auction "(e,• Uarich; Consiigmmnet Ane - tion 'sale' Dashwood; Hamilton, Chick Hatchery, Martin Seniors. Prof. Alvin Suterns', who visited.`. -is' homeon the Bronson over Eas ter, deft on Monday morning to re-- 'aumse his studiies as lecturer on languages, at the; large Boy's Col- lege at Oakville. • '.Mrs • John Ilartman, and.daugh- ter ziSse Agnea Hartman of Kiit- etienerr, and Mrs J Hey Jr„! were . ,; �s iitk'y Isiitort�aine�d by IV1rs D _#g‘Jr:11E'4 of ,: e 'qco aherF ` `9triYtli,' care day' last week. . i1fr.. Thos'. 1Turnbull,'of' the auble''Line, while cutting vood on -Tuesday, in same way a:; long pole' hit his; leg at the knee and wrench- ing ,Same to (the ektent`that Ar O'Dwyer ofZurich was called and Mr::Turnbull will be laid. up for 'some time vl. .I' I\ \ As ' It Sweeps Ruas.t'ecome particularly soii:led' during the winter by gritty "dirt carried • froin muddy 'streets' andby the Sooty furnace dirt. Broom Sweeping will. not ;brush out this .dirt neither ea'i: it be auc- tianed^?out' .byA air 'alone. c , :BUT As it Cleans THE HOOVER WILL THOROU= GliLY CLEAN YOUR RUGS. THE HOOVER BRUSH TAPS GENTLY AND SWEEPS EFFICIENTLY .AT THE SAME' iTIME. NAP IS STR- AIGHTENED, COLORS ARE •BRI- GHTENED AND YOUR RUG A- GAIN BECOMES A THING. OF BEAUTY r i ( . Buy your Hoover now'and make Spring Housecleanin a thing of the past LACE CURTAINS AND MADRAS MUsLINs Don't decide on your Dra'periies until you have seen our New Sea'son's Patterns. We have this Spring received the finest; range of all •kinds of curtains, Dra ieries, suitable for any room lin your home. 'SILK. SWEATERS-- SILK, SCARFS We have several new and vexy attractive Silk Sweaters and Silk Scarfs for Ladies. We know you'll like them and best of all. Wehave them in all ,the newest shades. e, • "Seeing is Believing” Men and Boys:: LOOK GOOD IN OUR CLO;PRES • OUR •CLOTHING ROOM IS'BRI L I! LLL SOF NEW •SPRING `SUITS FOR MEN . AND BOYS'. ORI] STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE AND WE ARE 'IN A SPLENDID POS- ITION ITO T.KE CARE OF ANY OI YOUR• `'REQUIREMENTS. QI Why; not Suit U � from -the largest. Variety and Latest v� Styles ti , '€+ B +++'�i^'E�+4 +4 +++++4014 %++?4 y°I°.i+'i'ti�q+�.'�+'j"'q++j"+j'�"y'II„h.lu'1�'11'•;'gp'�,M'1i}"g'O'y'•t„1'+i"gb"'l,.,s'°l+'1"Ig'!1''�ss' 1.`i'1++F'hj"g„II' 31' IPN.EET ii 'hone '59 ,. Z U •R N O H Produce Wanted Bring us Your Able and Clover. Seed. We 'always spay the highest Market Price according to Quality dA e�+ APRIL The Month of Diamonds FOR THOSE WBOSE BIRiTIIDAYS OCCUR •'DURING THIS MONTH, THE DIAMOND IS :THE PREFER- RED GMT 1VONlit 1 • . , c r SEE .OUR BEAUTIFUL SELEC TION AT REASONABLE PRICES. HESS the Jeweler JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN PHONE No. 74 wCbawwt�rr L+ 8mitli, kabliaalit $1,20 Year In Advo MO IN A1U F3ARS,$2 MA,,B' liF. CigiUVAXP, _ ,Kt Incorporated 1855 Capital and Reserve $9,000004: 00-er 125 Branches T H f3 „. MILSONS BANK. This institution offers deposit -4 ors safety for their savinga,res. asonable interest compounded every six months, and freedom from red tape in case of witlh+- drawis, Savings Department 'at every Branch: Deposits of $1 and upwards invited. C. H. JOY Manager Zurich Branch eo••••••1�+0•••••••••<+•o•4.�rs;4••••••••M••••••e• 4 • f� a 1 Sprng ilorse Goods • • • • • • • Ranging from $7.00 to ._. ... ..........:... • • SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A CALL. • • • A BIG Stock of. Harness and Halters always on halad. • Club Bagg%, Suit Cases: and Trunks at Right Prices. HARNESS: REPAIRING A SPECIALTY • ZURICH lust Received a large number • of Genuine Woolen Horse .Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72x84. Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prices • $1a to• • • PU N:T ilk t;,' '.. 44+4+44:14+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4444+4+1. • —OBITUAPtY= i: I •`LATE NENA L SCHILBE Snvinsr Footwear .•,I*iuric ha�1i. �. . id cam nuniitY were aho cked'on Tuesday morning to learn i 4 of the, sudden death of Miss Nena Schilbe,. daughter of Mr. and Mr's i .g. Conrad ',Schilbe of Zuriich. She + passed away in .• the priime ofWei at•the age of.28 years ;1 month and.; •E• 8 Jaya. ;Departing this life •a:c ae,; roundten o'clock, Monday evening: •P April 8th. •And at 9.30 o'clock was'! still .:seen ire Vie village, being 'H• doivnitownn, and enjoyed her usual health, when] after she had. retired .Cdr the 'night a short tibne, the other members of the family not- iced- that some strange breathing sounds came from her, and assist- ance :was at once given and med- ical and iamuxnoned, but it was all +vain,.'as the Angel of Death had car iedj her toil out of the• body to LADIES! You 'take great pains and pay particular attention to Your Spring Bonnets. We consider Easter Footwear equ- ally as essential, and •san sup- ply You from a Large Assort- ment of the Newest and Nift- ie'st styles. ' • Only a few of then are shown in our Window Display. +F+ 4. • INSPESTION INVITED Repairing done by the very latest methods await, the sound of the trumpet on E the reseruction 'morn. 1'he d.ep- t artedhad not enjoyed just the best Z.:: ZURICH ONTARIO ' of health lately, having had con- d° 0. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS 41, siderable heart trouble the last passea.: aiwtahe was of a fine; a.a.••r+4' ••1•°!••:••'i4'•1°'1°•t+°6•'b•5'•i••F+M'''r'1•'T{°1"fi^•S'+'t••i•F4'•E•++°#•'3+°S°•ik++4'1+ +441.401 quiet and loviing disposition, and won •uthe friendshiip of all with whom;'!she camein. contact wiith and will be •greatly missed in Zur- ich, as ,arse of our prominent young ladies, But such iie life, not in our. -hands, but in the hands of Him Who created all things, and we know jriot when 'the rool-call will be us Besides her bereft par- ents, Mr., and'Mrs. Conrad Schilbe, of Zurich, ,she is survived by two brothers, Warren Schilbe, of'near Kippen; . and;; ;Mr. Henry; Schiilbe of the 14t1 co%t t :Hay Tpi. Five 'sis- ters; Mrs ' 1 red Daters, Hensall; Mrs.. OOrville McC4inchey, Stan, - ley Tp.; Gertie, .Greta and Anna Sehilhe • at home, who have the most sincerest sympathy of theen tire, community. The remains are i being laid to rest this Thursday alternoon, at 2 o'clock, interment being invade to the' Lutheran cern- eteryl, Rev. H. Rembe� h'r pastor \ti ill officiate. (She• will also be greatly missed by the Lutheran congregation, as she was always a Willingand helpful worker for tli4` Master's, cause. few Months, and of which she also +i• • CASTOR IA Vor Infanto an4 Children le Use Foitverr3OYears )ligms the SPECIAL VALUES W.E. HAVE JUS' ° OPENE D UP A NICE LOT OF THE LAT EST PATTERNS AND COLORS IN CREPES, GINGHAM'S, VOILS, PRINTS, GELATEAS, ETC. ALSO WE ARE lig KING A BIG DISCOUNT ON HALTERS, AND HARNESS REPAIRS, MITTS, AND GLOVES, UNDERWEAR, OVERALLS, ETC„ BTC GIVE ITS A CALL AND YOU WILL FIND THAT OUR PR- ICES, (QUALITY CONSIDEEED) WILL COMPARE WITH ANY OF OUR COMPETITORS. Highest Prices for Farm PrAuce R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE 11 97 BLAKE 4