HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-03-29, Page 8i9k 't n,.i, �IlztiG:4lay, :T z'(:i.i 2s)th, 19`d3 ' h pring ''1 New ` 'moods ' a•rrn Oaliny days -.are coming at.d you will • want new dress matte:=al::, We invite yo Aa --..p, tion of Our many limes of New (AS For Ladios Suits s oats Fie,. Navy arid Bette Poieet Twill 51 izi .will: at per yd ... ... $300 9 Trieeleaie, epecial quality 31 in, wide, ;it per yard ... ... $3.75 Botany S.rge,s, all colors, 52 aches ceide, `at per y I. .._$2.25 FOR DRESSES' Sergcs, all colors, from! 85e. ;i - r yard up'. to. ... $1,50 W.,- II popiTini, black. T a V r, e•,° brow..z 50-in..vide et .. $2.50 New V"les, Or 1'•.''•i i -1+.e3 C` `t le r'1otlee�s, Raein.�s andCreper. Spl1 I<`L—All Ratings and crepes, t t i,.1 eelera 38-i,i. at --- --.75c+ GI.:UK IS—Anc?.rs-rn Fine Eng- Bee xin,'-i , us 32 ,n, width, 40 and 45e. per yard A Range of Can,adi'n Ginghamms ac 25e. to 35c. per yard, House F frit°shhings SPRING HOUSECLEANING TIME IS ABOUIt HERE, WE ARE READY TO SHOW fOU A FINE RANGE OF •CURTAUS AND DRA- PERY MATERIALS WINDOW SHADES, EXTEN,iION RODS. CR- ETONS, CHIN£ZS TAPESTRY .CUR TAINS. SEE OUR NEW WINDOW CURTAINS" WI CH SILK PRING EDGE, ALL READY TO HANG. Small quantity t)';' Linoleum and Cong. Rugs. WE CARRY IN STOCK 4 -YARD WIDE LINOLEUMS', FLOOR OIL- cLo rHS ALL WIDTHS; AND , A LOT OF CONGOLEUM RUGS IN ALL SIZES.—GET OUR PRICES. Wall Paper! wall Paper! Now 'i's the time to think of Wall. Paper and the price to buy list is here, where you fet, more Rolls' for your Money. W'e .carry Wat- son Foster's Wall Paper, which has met with 'Our Customers Entire Ape pro vak. Our Wai'iplaper trade is increasnig every season. Prices from 20q. to 85c. a double Roti) Forty-five 'samples to ehoosefrom :i ax and Timothy Seed For Sale • GA}1O Pro d u SON Phone 67 Gu'age Tk I . S We have on .hanll a Complete Line ni '-: l-ei ()N TIRES And TUBES, All Sizes (Best on the Market). Also a few Seconds to Clear at (Extra Special Prices). LET US SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS ON AUTO CYLINDER LUBRI- CATING OILS AND GREASES. WE HANDLE NOTHING BUT TI1E THE BEST AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH OILS OF PROPER VES- COSITY• TO SUIT YOUR MOTOR. Also stock a complete line of Ford PfIYts ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO MOST CALLED FOR PARTS OF VA :Ii)i?S AUTOS. I.X.L. i3attery Sales :eel ; i'1 ice Station, Battery Charging, Axy- Acetyline Welding. . fl t'E11TAUFO RI.I'AIRI fi A SPECIAL' Y, tt lilt. the le +'•+ n" Pat-ronizing us. We want to serve you, and Serve You We'll. p; 3O i ". f (13 IL Mousseau Zurich `i • I.ueen Incubators • a•i • • Everybody interested in the Poul- • • t• t•fb.ould know some- • I thing about the Queen Incubator a • • new one in Canada. •• :,1,' fl:e 1:'C1IES OF I.IEALTHY CHICKS ARE PRODUCED BY • 21 TIiII QUEEN INCUBATOR, THEY TAKE THE UNCER'T'AINTY LUSS .VN) WORRY OUT OF 'THE POULTRY BUSINESS. PER- . ER- ▪ I+ECT t'+YSfRUC1`ION OF CALIFORNIA RED -WOOD COMB- • • J. FOOLPROOF WATER HEATING SYSTEM AS- SURES YOU YEARS OF PRDFI'.TABLE USE, IT PAY'S FOR s • ITSELF IN EXTRA CHTCKS THAT LIVE AN)) GROW. • • Wsy su.p;rly as well, the Queen Colony Brooder with ale 3 and • • O e k + ". teghi and day, in all weathers and are known ar used by all successful poultry raisers. • Cell and see those machines and get hill information. TA • fq, le ▪ Aim* &WEID' R TER 'BLOCK - ZURItHotteo600aeasee0AstifocotOs040,41.401,044141. 4:* , i • •I • • S Reedy -to -Wear Clothing; »»NOM Y 13ROS, GENTS FURNISHINGS Orderef3. Clothing Habberlin Clothing 1'}IE BEST CLOTHING IS THE KIND THAT SELLS AND BRINGS I I; p E A.T ORDERS. THAT IS WH A -' I-IAI3BERLIN I.RAN).) WILL DO 'PAIS SPRING. THEY' ARE MAKING SMARTER SUJITS ANI) OVERCOATS AND USING BE- IER FABRCIS THAN `.1`13.:EY II e E EVER DONE BEFORE. PRICES ARE AT:1'Y A C'i'IVE 110313ERLIN CLOTI•IING IS LAC KED) BY Ii Ali BERLIN SERVICE, WHICH (ICH MEANIS COMPLETE SAT IISFACTION DENOMY EROS. Product taken in exchange for foods ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST NOTICE TO .TRUCK. DRIVERS The law stipulates that no truck driven on a County highway dur- ing the month of March andApril shall beloaded over one half its rated capacity. Any violations of this law will be rpeorted. Dan Oswald, Overseer. er. we have a place open for you. ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING OF EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH, ZURICH A full house met in the Evangel- ical Church on Monday night, March 26th?, 1923, to transact the an- nual business. The Rev. J. G. Litt: pastor, • was in elle chair and open ed the meeting with devotional ex- ercises. The secy,., J. Preeter,wha was also re-elected for the coming year, read, the minutes of last me- eting for information. The Pa'storor's message was in part es follows ;— "Dear Brethern and Co'laborers; At this time we are called upon to reflect upon another year of varied a.ctivitie-s in our church life. It was another bury year. Our accomplishments;, we confess fail to fully 'satisfy our hopes and anticipations with which we en- tered upon the conference year. With profound gratitude to our heavenly Father, we are permitt ed to' say that our united labors have however not been in vain. Our public (services have been well attended and have been se- asons of mutual inspiration arid. encouragement. The various Auxiliaries were active and ef- fective, and very' helpful in car- rying on our varied enterprises. The Superintendents, Presidents, other officers and Teachers seem to realize their opportunities and responsibilities, and are apply- ing themselves faithfully to their tasks. As Pastor, I desite to express my appreciation of the support and encouragement by the officials of the different bo- ards and organizations aid members generally. Our rev- ival tservices were not as succes- isful as we hoped. fort. Weather and other conditions were against us. Some good was done no doubt. At the Hay appointment the attendance and interest too was very gohd during the year. The finances, . notwithstanding the tightness of money, are com- ing up. After giving ;statistical report 'of the congregation, as well as the number ,of visits reported a- mong the; families, under his pas- toral care during the year, he continued.—"The past year was not devoid of worries, cares and anxietied, but these we all have and you have helped to make the burdens light and the work pl- casant,, , I can scarcely hope that in my efforts I succeeded in pl- easing everybodyb but` I did the the best I could,. and take it for granted that your criticisms of roe were those of love, and I' want to thank you on this occas- ion for lyour prayerful, sympath- etic and, practical 'support, as well as for kindnesses shown me and my family. . Above all we feel grateful to our Beavenly Fath.e•r lo the man,- Bold benefits, the wonderful de- lithi+ttnce;s and sustaining grace humbly acknowledge His mercies. rill honor'+, .. glory and praise to )flim who( redeemed nes. The Chairman then called upon the heads' of the various departm- ents for short reports, which were all interested, and evidenced alert - nese to the work in•hand. A.Melick classlleader reported in behalf of the preyermeetings that they were well atteirded, and were 'spiritulal. 3. Preeter reported a succeesfuh year in every way from the Sun- day School. He also reported for Missionens. J. E. Gascho the cur- rent treasurer, had put his splen- did *report on the blackboard, 'sh- twing receipts. and. how the money Wats -spent.. The accoupt shows -e small deficit, which will in alllik- elihoocl be 'oracle: up ofn;the near, i[tnre: .114, ;G: Siebert reporrted;for the Forward Movement ,Fund. W, 13. Pfile reported a good yearn for the Evangelical League. Mills. C. 'sitz had aegood word. for the Ladies' Aid, end also gave a short report on the cradle Role Mrs: Heyrock had :some interesting things to say about the choir,All these reports, as well ars others, jroved the. fact that the Evangel- icals believe in wide awake and thorough work. IA. • Melick., who;so had expired, was relected . as Tr- ustee for a term of three years•. The Banner Bearer Sunday School ;Class, were elected. as Church ush- ers for the coming year. After a number of important business lers had beep disposed of, the con gregation were invited down 'stairs where the ladies had prepared li- ght refreshments and were a de- lightful ,social hour was spent Inc Ladies were 'extended a hearty vote of e,hanks for their kindness as well as thoughtfulness, rafter which all jointed in singing "Blest Be The Tie That Binds'." JI,BIBLE THOUGHT ...FOR TODAY Barra.4. w ?• prta.lee. citta{. i� i1 rm"„n Glory' be to rod inthe hi/heat and. on earth peace, good will, to - 'w and men. , . The' Lord God is a sun and sh- ield, the Lord Will gi : e grace and glory; no, good thing will bei iviht- hold 'from( them that walk upright. The peace of God, which passeth fill un d,erstandnig, shall keep your hearts and mnids through Je us Christ. +--* Fear thou not; for I am ,'with thee; be ;not dismayed; ,for I an thy God; I (will etrengthed; I will help thee!. yea, I Will uphold thee 'With the right hand of my righteo- ousness.. • i' He that coveteth leis sine shall not pro, p(r; but whose confesseth and forsakethf them shall "taverner ey. , ' For getting th'o;(e things which nate behind and reaching 'forth unto these) things which are before I press toward, the mark for tate prize of the high calling of God in Christ, Jesus. Whosoever therefore shall hums, ble himself as this little child, the 'seine is ;greater in the kingdom of s r bountifully bestowed. W,e h ,tavetiLL •r tt Imo-IIRM0)411.1004M00041..r...•.._. The store wilt the Liberal Caai Dis ;or t ATTENTIO Mr. farmer NOW IS THE TIME TO DO YOUR FENCING, AND. WE ARE IN A POSITION TO GIVE YOU A GOOD CHOICE OF FENCE AT VERY LOW PRICES.iTf IS IS HIGHEST GRADE MADE. �, ,. , WE HAVE FENCING HERE ALSO' AT A LOWER PRICE--� COMB AND LOOK IT OVER, IT MAKES A GOOD FENCE, WELL GALVANIZED AND WILL STRETCH UP FINE. IF' WE DO NOT HAVE JUST WHAT YOU WANT IN THIS LINE OF FENCE, WE CAN GET IT FOR YOU IN A FEW DAYS. Take Notice Every prospective buyer should know this. This is very important,. — A Chain, no :matter how large, is only strong as its weakest link. — Now this is the point we are driving at. Da not be satisfued with any Fence which hes not as heavy a wire used in, the lock, asthe line and upright wired, bee cause it is bound to go at that point first, and time will surely tell. We have on hand an an assortment of Choice Galvanized Gatti Price's will be- right. We have painted Gates in stock from -last year, while theme y las We won't refuse any reasonable offer; You make the pric Barb Wire, Coiled Wire, Plain lV(ire all galvanized. Bigistoc' enough for all. Staples, Black wire, Augers, Pliers,; in -fat every -thing you need. . t 2 large Fence stretchers at your disposal. Ask for one,' you need it, No Charge. NOW LET'S GO AND lI AKE THIS A BUMPER FENCE a'EA mEueics, BRAUN PHONE 63 11111600001. NO INQUIRING AFTER Stray Stock CHAMPION BRAND tanamaiT e o , ' rr kd` L: dry^ ,� uuse -- AT LEAST SOME EACH YEAR Put a certain amount of wire fencing every year until your whole farm is fitted with hog -tight, horse high, full strength Champion Brand "CANADIAN” Fence strung on American Steel Posts. This is true economy. We sell Champion Brand "CANADIAN" fence with the utmost confidence in its satisfaction on your fai.m; Right Prices—Right Quality, Right Service— backed by the guarantee. of The Canadian Steel 85 Wire Co., Limited, Hamilton, Ontario. Melick :.raun, Zurich • e.. A Safe and Popular Form of Investment Huron & Erie Debentures are issued for $100. or more for a term of one, twwo, three, four or five years. At the end of 1922 over $10,640,000. were invested. in Huron &, Erie Debentures. 500. will earn for You Gi G1 1000. 1 27.5Q P 55.00 I' reconmrend. Huron & Erie Debenture's because they are safe -guarded by Assets of over Twenty-five Million Dlarsi HAo1V 'YOU SP. RT1 FUNDS FOR INVESTMENT! OA1 AND SEE 11li A'1.' ANY +TI'ME. ,flop w F. Hess, ■ Zunc..h Have *You MADE YOUR WILL? TheHERALD to New Subscribers t . • ... r 75 cents. January1 ��� for