HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-03-29, Page 5121 misses son 017 e lens.i: 7ah chs ' ped Ties who mit !<ite ion ore. ere use his .. ng. the 'or- tee' incl ing rt- ►S . ER N-+ UY [L-_. AId Y DS. )M s.. Theseid,ay, March 29th, 19'23 BUSINESS CARDS Proud Coot Kitimat) & H101,M1f9 Barristers, eoin+t+ars, Noternts ;Pu„rill., Etc. Oita.' +in the Syuai • d door Irons Hamilton St. God.. ericL ,Navalc funds to loan al lowest rates. ;y11, Proucii:oot . lc C. Ji L. :Killoran E. Holmes. Hnli"ses wii os in Remelt on k alone.~ ,i +wall week, Andrew F. Hess, Township Clerk Issuer of marriage licenses,. Notary Public, Commissioner, Fire and Aut- omobile Insurance, Representing Huron and Erie Mortgage Corpora- tion, The Canada Trust Co. Zurich, Ontario. in t Y h Dr. G. L. S U$ICH 131 R AL. PUT YOUR• Want?, For Sale, Lost Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS .COLD,MN FOR SALE.. A large quantity of yellow bl- ossom sweet clover seed for sale. Apply to Elinor Thiel, Blake, ph - EGGS FOR HATCHING Oaly a L. settings (15 in sett'ng: Choice Barred Rocks. Guaranteed pure 'stock, Record Breakers, price. 75 cents, See F. Braun', Zurich. tf-37 LOCAL NEWS l i', John Albrecht is spending the week near Kippers, The Herald extends to all .its rriany readeres Our most sincerest Easter Greetings. Mi.” Brill is confined to her be With an attack of La Griptpe, Mr. Jars. Denomiy left 'for God- erich on Wednesday morning, Mr. Irvin D. Smith of of Hanni- ton called on hie brothers `O, of the 'Sainble and "C'. L. Smith of the village on Wednesday. The auctionsale of the chattels of James Overholt, Satble Line, on n: • . Saturday wa'a well attended, good EGGS FOR HATCHING prices were realized,. Practically- BRED-TO-LAY racticallyBRED-TO-LAY ROCKS all the machinery ways purchased Eggs for hatching at five cents by Mr. D. Allan, of Parkhill. L.D.S. (froronto.) D.D.S CChieago} above market price. One pen of Muss Dollie Hagen, ndrse, of the DENTIST Superior Brecl Bird , — These pule Parr Line, hand the rni'sfortunne to AT WALPER HOUSE, ZURICH,. let shave .-laid continuously since have, blood poisoning in one of EVERY WEDNESDAY 1. November, eggs at 50 cents per hez• fingers; and as a consequence, MAIN OFFICE IIENSALL dozen. Phone 85-1, E. G. Krue- had a '.very sore term being , at OSCAR' KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones Nat- ional School of Auctioneeriva. Try* me for Registered Live Stock; frame house, with kitchen and (All Breeds), Terms in keeping woodshed attached. Smoke ho - with prevailing prices. Choice use, bank barn 30x36 on cement fauns for sale. Will sell anything ;anywhere. Zurich. .Phone 18-93 or write, ger, R.R. 2, Zurich. tf-37 Clinton. Hospital, but is at pres- ent nearly reco\rered. Those that rase at six o'clock this Wednesday morning Witness- ed ode of the worst blizzards of the. {seasonf, as it Was almost Passible to see the n!eighbor'"s houses and with the mercury e lit- tie ittle above zeros it does not .,look very much like •spring or the last: :wall with galvanized roof. Shed.,,x steels in March. • • pies pen, hen house, driving shed The •annual Spring Fair heldiunr and other Outbuildings. Theire der the 'auspices of the Huron area variety of fruit feces on the Central Agricultural: Society will be farm, This fame is all seeded ex- held on Thuiesday; April 5th, at at Clinton. The Fair promises to cept about two or three acres, be the r. biggest eveSeven hue Farm would be •suitable fora truck tired Doll.aris is offered in prize farm or for raisin celery or small fruits. Also good n>onle for pasture as y it is well watered. The Hen!sall Spring Show to be For further particular's apply to held o'n Tuesclfry.,' April; 3rd, is Chris. Schrag, Zurich, Administrate looking Forward, to as the coming or Estate Menno Kipfer. best showy; et held, if the weather ie favorale:4r as more intrest is man - ifcsted in it' hy!' birth farmers and FOR SALE business nxei. FARM FOR SALE FARM—Fifty acres, more or less being south part of Lot No. 17, Coni. 7, Hay. On farm is 1% story 'Licensed Auctioneer. Licensed aur.'tiolieer position Coo unty of Huron. In a duct any auction sale, regardless Ss to size or articles to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for services. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood, Phone 31r 13., Zurith Ment MARKET Fres..h and Salt Meats • Eic1eE,r -ausrt�.:es, etc .g•.:est f.; . , faire for Wool!! CASH i ': ;ICiNS & Ti1DES Ti�.Z�gtic;t M ' Deichert ti URICH LIVERY ani in .a position to accomo- all requirements in the Livery e, have Auto for hire. Any - ng done in the teething line. GEORGE 3. THIEL Phone 58 Zurich, :eh S. ATKINSON, L.D,S., D.D.S, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario ,and of the University of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, London,Gnt Office hours at Zurich every Tuesday, Friday and Saturday from 10.00 a. m. until 5,00 per at lite Com gaercial House. Main Office •at Sayfield, Ont. -19 LIVI3 POULTRY ilWANTID Taken every day till 3 Oclock p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning >rhein brought in. Highest Cash Prices —CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Pholne 94. Zurich COAL fiSpringg and Summer DELIVERIES SEASON 1923 Owing to the strike of the Min - ere now prevailing in the Pennsyl- vania Anthracite coal fields, we ire unable to guarantee delivery or price and until conditions be - tome more settled orders will be taken subject to our being able to obtain supplies and at prevailing price time of delivery. • 3a.A. Caritelors. O•A11i1 & PRODUCE MERCHANT TERMS;--CASIA' *Ilene: ; Office 10w House 10. H ENSALL• OMTr, Li:OAL NE Messrs, Dara and Breanuel Koeh- ler, were 4+eeexrt visitors at Kitch ener .and Galt. 1Vfr, .Wm+, Roerieh +ha's taken • a position with Mr, Jacob Deaichert blacksmith, .Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Sopha and Farr: il.y of, the Sauble Lind, left for De- troit on Tuesday morning, where they intend to. reside in future. Sorry to report that Mr, ,John Kipper, blacksmith, is still nimble to attend to hie ,daily activities. The auction sale of .property and household effects of Mrs. Christena Volland on Saturd;ay was well rite tended and good prices realized. The property pas purchased by Mis sLirrie Volland for $750° • Messrs. W. H. Hoffman and •son Lee WI. wer+e to London on These day, theoecasian was to deliver- a truck Oat Mi'.•'lIoffman purch- ased at Clirlbone'and will have a fine up-to-date huese mounted thereon', which wilt; be a big ns - es •tt tol his undertaking equipme it. CO-OPERATIVE EXPERIMENITS WITH FARM CROPS INTERESTING NEW VARIT'IES Seeds of practically, ia'lt of the farm. erop+s which some Olntario farmers are now growing were ob- tained originally from the Ontario Agricultural College through the medium of co-operative tests of the Experimental Union. The co-oper'a'tive experiments -for the spring of 1923 number in all thirtyLfive, and inc'l'ude not only the well knlown .classes of farm, cr- epe, but also new introductions whi•clar have beim . tested at the College hunt areses.'yet little known throughout Oot°-.anc'l.regarding wh- ich limited quantity of Yellow.The 'April' issue of; Rod! and Out , ich mac his being written, such as' Blossom Sweet Clover Seed For Soy beans, IIwham Sweat Clot er, Sale. Apply'' to Hy. Clausius, Zur- ich, Phone 6-94, b Canad!i:, `published monthly' at Woodstock,. Ont„ by Wt J0). T'ayi lo.r Ltd. contains several features which ought to instantly eecomrm- end it to lovers of the out doors FOR SALE everywhere. Among the artic- ides are "What are you going to A •small ' quantity o clean tl,,. 'About it." "Seal Hunting in (Hubam) Annual White blossom the No'rtherri Atlantic,"; "Ponit sweet clover seed for sale at 30 Pelee—A public Shooting Ground; cents per 1b,. Apply to Fred. J. Haberer, R.R.I, Zurich Phonie 11-94. tf-35 FOR SALE Eight acres e f land, opposite Zurich Fair Grounds. Suitable for pasture or cultivation. For particulars apply to . Jacob Dei - chert, Zurich, Ont. .4t-35. WANTED Dressmaking and house sewing of all kinds. A11 work neatly done and 'satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. 3. A., Meyers, co. Mr Morris Weber Zttitrich. , tf-36 FOR SALE Aelimited quantity of Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover Seed. For Sale. Apply to.. E. A. Westlake, R.R. 3, Bas field, P:.„0, Phone 5-99, I3erTsall Central, 1134 In renewing your subscriptions for your daily and weekly papers remember the Herald Office is agent for most of them and in some cases can sate you as much as 50 cents on a single subscript- ion, FARM FOR SALE BY TENDER 145 acres adjoining the village of Kippen, frame house, two barns, one a bank barn; all in grass. Spring creek ,,running through farm. Apply to Samuel Thome, son, Brucefield, Ont. 28-5 If not sold part of it will be rented.. NOTICE I have taken out License ter Auctioneer for the County sfHur- on, and ant in a position to con- duct sales by auction, Give • me a trial and I will assure you satis- faction or no +.harge. tf-29 James Denorney, R. R. 2, Zurich, Phone No. 10--93 DR. JOHN WARD Will make a complete test of refractive condition of the eye, and of the muscles. Spectacles scientif- ically fitted. Services at reasonable charges. Will line at;— 8-22 Zimmer's Fotel, Dashwood, Wainer House, Zurich, FARM FOR SALE Lot 10, con, 1, Hullett, situated on Provincial Highway, 3% miles from Clinton and 5 miles from Se- aforth. Contains 100 acres, well drained and fenced in high state of cultivation, three acres hard wood bush, 2 acres orchard and 20 acres fall plowing done. • On place is good pine barn 60x5b, stone foundation, star Ole all, cemented and in first class condition, driving shed 50x20, ten- roomed brick house with good cellar. , For further particulars ap- ply to Mrs. 3. D, McDermid, Cline ton, Ont; or Mr. C. M, McGregor, R,1t. 2, Seaforth, Ont. 21-4 also a'nI account of the annual'. me- eting of the Ontario Hunters, Game and Fish Protective Assecatior The number- hi one of the 'beet yet published. Make your flock a paying pro- position by adding new, vigorous, quality chicks Royal uality baby ch cks are' from heavy laying Con= adian `stock, Rocks Reds, Wyand- otter, Anconas, Leghorns. Call at our offices or the will ship ' ex- press prepaid to your station gee anteeing 97 per cent. safe saev v al. htlanadien Chick hatchery, Limited, .Departinent C. N.-1431 King Street,, East, Hamiltonl, Ont.• EVANG, CHURCH NOTES " The Good. Friday. services will be held i:n' the evening at 8.00 o' check in the church. The message ba in English. Easter Sunday in the: morning the holy rite of. baptrssi will be, performed, and reception of mem- bers. An appropriate sermon will be delivered and holy communion administered, All are- welcome. Dr, A. J. MacKinnon left on Tu- esday, for New York City, where he expect:: to spend a month taking a course at the Post :Grada ateMed- ical School and Hospital. LUTHERAN CHURCH NOTES Last Sunday '2inorning the Cat- echinaons were confirmed in the presence of a large congregation. The pal tor's confirmation sermon was based on the words of the prophet Amon, chapter 5, verse 6, aces: the Lord and ye 'shall'live" The lent english Lenten service was held hi the evening, Rev. Ii: Rembe having charge of the liturigical'ser- vice, while Mr, Kalbflei'sch, a son of the con,;regation, and a senior student at the Waterloo Seminaey, preached the sermon. Good Friday, morning at 10.30 o'clock, the last german denten ser- vice will be conducted. IThe theme of the •seraton shall be =-Finished.— Easter Sunday, appropriate ser- mons and music. Theme of the morning 'sermon —An Easter Heart - and the theme of the evening•shall be esse. Bouquet Of Easter Flow- ers—. ,Holy Comniunion at both services, You are cordially invited to attend. (Colne to the 'House of the Lord on Easter Day and. rejoice in the life of your risen Saviour. Monday evening, April 2nd, a meeting bf the Church Councilshkill be held in the 'school room at 8 o'clock, Tuesday evening, A.pril 3rd.; monthly* business meeting of the Luther League, tint 'e, 8 ,o'clock; place, ischool room ; The Pastor will give a 's'hort talk• on, "An Easter Penni," after the business is con - eluded,. Wednesday evening • April 4th; the Ladies' t.4.id will hold the fourth business •meeting of the year. We are looking forward to 'a good wee sting and a full Attendance, Time 8 o'clock. Thursday, evening, April 5th; at 8 o'clock, the Sunday School Tea- chers convene at the school room; Subjest to be discussed; " The/ Holy, Life Of The Christian." Please be present. Friday, eveniegy April Oth, Choir practice et the ulsnal time. Can you !Sing? (See. the Choir leader„ .Sudan Grass, Field or Cow cabbage. Hairy Vetches, Grimm Alfalfa, Rough Buckwheat, Sugar Mangol,s Gold Nugget C'orn!, and rockier Sunflowers Any Ontario Farmer wishing t cu .1:urt a co-operative expenir in 1523 should apply to C e :'.s', itz, Agricultural Col - lee • ,r Ont. for a Circular exp,s,sis; the nature of the work givin; 't l'at of experiments, and and 'fun' ,' i'g a blank from on tS hick ted alley for the material of the particular selected. FOR SALE Fertilizer .for spring use. T have in .different places; Kippen. Brucefield and at Zurich. 13 > 'f Zanyone wants some call phone 8S Zurich. J. Hey Jr_ 37 t, NOTICE. L. Am' in a position to do any - kind of paper hanging, painting grain.ng and decorating. Can al- so eulppl•y wall paper' if,' ordered :trine, 'my ,samples. H. Eickmeier, Walper Zurich House, te-37 Herz, and There Renfrew, Oat.—Mr. Ritchie, the station agent of the Canadian Pa- cific Railway, has received instruc- tions from. headquarters to rigidly enforce the no trespassing order on the property of this company. This is particularly in reference to peo- ple walking down the railway track. When accidents happen it always entails a trouble to the company and lately there have been complaints that school children have been using the railw_,- as a thoroughfare. Vancouver: —"1 have been in the Alps and the Pyrenees, but I have never seen anything that can com- pare with Banff," said William Fa- versham, famous English actor, when speaking; at Hotel Vancouver. Mr. Faversham spoke of the won- derful international dog races staged at the winter carnival, and said that he had on special invitation visited the great motion picture plant at Banff. Inverentere, B.C.—An appropria.. tion had been passed for the building of a depot at Leke Windermere by the 'Canadian Pacific Railway, Lake Windermere is the depot for the whole of the Lake Windermere district. It enjoys the distinction of being. the only station on the Lake Windermere amara branch between Gol- den and Fort Steele, which has en- joyed the benefit of an agent since December, 1914. A modest little portable depot, a box ear on the, ground, has done duty all these years but with the proposed open- ing of the Banff -Windermere road on the thirtieth of June, it is no doubt'thought that it is time the old box car took a move. Ottawa. -The Canadian National Parks 'Branch of the Department of the Interior is commencing the con- sttructionof a hydroelectric gener- atingtation in Cascade creek in Banff National Park to supply light and power for the town of Banff, Alberta. The dam lit the outlet of Lake Minnewanka constructed in 1912 to provide storage facilities, will be utilized and will erasure a steady flow o4 water for power pur- poses without further impairing the scenic attractions of the locality. Electric power for Banff is at pres- ent obtained front the steam plant of the Bankhead Mines. The work willbe undertaken hV day labor. k'age li'i iraR :TimPfo etaieo leentiyfeditillek AVedefficiaTiriarOrA.57 �ysimilstiu�tt.el.00 y � tingthe.StomachsandBow•petsOl !' :T1witFAr f r?L{f�" Tt a byPromatingDieeStio0 il' a they O%iurn,Morpt a no alvlirleral. OT It'AYtgo'r1G Rcdpco:Old.Qr'sr1r1l(L1'� 67111 Frnirpkr' kJ Sean2 "base .7'eprrrrmrnE �yCQ,�ianafeseariZ 6(cr3%iea'+lar�l' -Ya,%- jYrn�im�rtn- AhelpfutRemedy'for (Constipationalld'Dia-rhe?an.. : Feverishness pees of S>LEllP� les ultittgtherei'rarteinlnfancY Tac Sirsite Sign of rffa CninAara CormAxv. :bid For Infants and Children. others Know That Genuine ,y Always Bears Signature of in tsa For Ovr Thirty Yrs Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. sROMMIliiiimmagamftwzmazetSeineaZit Read Our° ±,Tlair. Prices EA Chalmers Six ... One Four Wheel Trainor $650.09 $5.00 REPAI r1 Painting Ford Car, One !''oat, $15e0, Two C i .: r vering Ford Top Good. Material .. Chz:iaing Ford. Curtains Deal to open vel Palating Buggy r • IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE BERUBi3ER YOUR-.BUta; y WHEELS. F. M. Hess & Cc. 9. .,ani `ie (Lumber -Laths Shingles i • Everything in - ,i, Combination storm and screen doors made to order Lumber and Building Material • 4. fi+ C 4- 4* !Always in, the market for saw logs IF KALBFL• • sr a. ZURICH t PHONE 6 _.,....,-.,..,÷.1.4.i.44+++++++++++++++++++44++++44+4+++++++4•44444 *+lw—+—+i+—-*—+—'t—+-3'—+—+i'-- +—+l'—�'--h�--+9'--+2 4. -E° No War Prices On These Suits We have es always just what you need in the line of a new Spring I Suit. You Men who want Your /Suit +Suit made to Et you so. Come .e, to Us. t + You Men who want everything that is new and up-to-date. —Con - +1+ stilt trs. r • + Look ever our Navy Bine Serges Guaranteed Indigo Dye for $32,00, +Men1s Stunhner Suits at . .°.$23.00 +Our price for making and Trimm- ing . Suits only ...( ,,.w .........$i15�00 Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money ''refunded, i ; • �E+ �w ■ ■ ■■ ■ nr n s :wow w1e. 'TAILOR AND FUNERAL. DIRE O +—+— +— +--+—d,..-+h— ---