HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-03-29, Page 44,age Pour >� l 148414 ONE The Flat Oil Paint For Interior Decoration For the walls and ceilings of any room in your house, most delicate and harmonious effects can be secured by the use of NEU-TONE. It is cheaper and more sanitary than wall paper :aid will last much longer because it can be washed without inkury. It positively will not rub off. NEU-TONE is made in eighteen shades, and by the use of various tints most pleasing combinations may be secured -el I4ARTI N $ ENOUR PAINTS AND VARNISHES NEU-TONE is easy to apply. It covers well and leaves no brush marks, producing a dull, soft, velvety finish which will lend charm to any room in the house. Any surface may be successfully treated with NEU-TONE—Plaster,wood, burlap or metal. Call and let us explain the merits of this and other MARTIN-SENOUR finishes. For every purpose—For every surface. Our stock is com- plete and we can give you full information. Melick & raun ZURICH, ONT. "100% Pure" Paint For buildings, outside and in. SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT It wears and wears and wears. "Varnoleuin" beautifies and preserves Oil Cloth and Lin- oleum. " Marble-ite" Floor Finish The one perfect floor finish. " wood -Lac " Stain Improves the new—renews the old. SCHOOL REPORT -4 h roilo�r_' it the report of ee=?`T^ 4' tephen for si'ty, Marks fies and da - Joe null 8e, 'ry hWalper t bo . r W+1Kellar 65, Har- d Keller :6o'; Rhein. Heckman 8, Otilla. Wolper 3p; rBuce Ken- ay12. Primer — Janet Turnbull 91; Mar to Rader SI, J. 0, Lindsay, teacher. - DRYSDALE. Mr. Christ. Ayotte from Pinne- bog, Mich., has returned home af- ter fter spending a few weeks with 14'riends and relatives. Mr. Arthur Geoffrey retuned to, his home at Goderich, last Sun- day. Mr. Glen Stelek, of Dauphin, Agan., has engaged with Mr. Ed. ,Ed. Rousseau, for the summer. Mrs. Peter L. Denorny is gone to iatratford to visit her sister, Mrs. dart. Mr. Paul DurancUs sale was a lig success, as prices were good, 'which 'speaks highly for. the auc- 1onree, Mr, Jas. Denomey, Mrs. P. Durand is moving to her daughter, Mrs. Adams. 't+sTe are sorry, to report that Mr ltd. Rousseau is not improving. very fast. ',Rev. Father Rondott and blather ' trorder are spending Good .Fri- Iay at London. Mrs, Jerry Corriveau is on the ISick list, The fishermen on the Sauble, lhuvie all lifted out their nets on account of the east winds, but 'with continued cold and west winds wwill again make fishing good. Several flocks of wild geese have ben seen flying alongs the lakes, •which is a sign of spring. Wle are sorry to report that we *Lre loosing one of our good. citiz- s, Mr. and Mrs. J'as. Sopha, who have rented their farm. to Mr. John Denony and. are moving to Detroit. We wish them all kinds e►£ success. DASHWOOD. Mr. Jacob England had his ho- 'aisehold effects moved to Medford where they will reside. Mr. P. M, Miffat was a visitor to London on Saturday. Miss Rawl Seel') has rotureed from. London:. Vire, Burns of Pt, Huron i$ V is- iti'ng her mother Mrs, Witzel. Misses Letta Guentherand Myrta Lloffnran spent SaturdLty in Lon - Mr. Goldring of Chatham has shrived. here Pilling the vacancy of 111,Ir. :Rutherfor in tilde Bank of Our Band. is making great ,pro- gress under the able leadership of 2. Walper of Exeter. Everyonle is taking a kind interest in Wand .ve are expecting an open air coneert es soon as the weather is f a' ,oeable. FROM ST. AGAlTHA 0 hTe death occured on Monday March 5th, at Baden' of Mrs. Mike Schrag, +she( had been feeling hey 11- th for 'six months aith diabeitesl aged -56 years, 5 months and 8 days and is survived by her husband, 1 son and 1 grandchildren, funeral was held to the A. K church. Mr. and Mrs, Abe Herner spent Sunday with friends in Joseph's- burg.—Mi. Aaron Kropf and Mil- ton Boshart •spent Sunday with the friend Noah Herner.—Mr. and Mrs. David Steinman spent Sunday at the home of. Mose Steinman.— The wedding took place on Thursday, March 15thr'at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. John Schwartzentruber when their. onlay daughter Matilda was united in marriage to John L., son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Roth of New Hamburg„ Reil, D. H. Steinman tied the nurptal knot.—The wedding took place on Sunday March 18th ',vixen Mattie, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Jacob Lesi, of Bamberg was united in Marriage to Simon, son of Mr. and Mrs;. Geo. BasI Rev. D. H. Steinman tide the knot. BLAKE The monthly meeting oflie Mission Band{ will be held in the church on Saturday, March 81'st, a, good attendance is requested. Miss Grace Love, of Hillsgreen es visiting her sister, Mrs. Albeet Keys. Miss Jennie Tough spent • the week -end at the home of Mrs. R.N. Douglas, Mr. Val. Gerber Jr. has moved to Mr, D. Tough's farm which he recently purchased. t 11Ir, Peter Gingerich has taken a position with the Cook Bros. Hen !sal'. Mrs. Oesch', Sr., is visiting with friends near Credtni . o Miss V. Meyers called. on Friends near Dashwood on Sunday last,, Mr. Sam Hey spent Sunday with friends in Dashwood. EXETER Wrni. Andrew is out agani after his recent illness. • Mrs, A, E. Bennett and daughter, Mrs. Kelly of Sask., who visitedin Exeter, Hen'sall and Goclerich left for their home. 1 W.rri. Westlake, of N. Dolt. return eel to his home. and was accomil- anied by Mrs. Whyte, who will sp- .end the isurrtheer them' Wm. .13rimaeornbe, of Exeter North had i►e misfortune to slip 'n the ice ltoe week and. fracture ,a bone in, the left wrist. A young man who was holding a horse in fronit of the hotel last week, received a nasty gash, in the head when the animal 'struck him I,with afoot. A happy event was celebrated, at the home of Mr. ;and Miss. John John's in Exeter on Tuesday last, it being the fiftieth anniversary of their weddngi, Mr. and Mrs, Philip Madge of iaborne, celebrated their golden wedding on Tuesday last by hold- ing a family re -union. Their four children and 10 grandchildren were present for the occasion. A repast was served and a social time was spent. The groom of fifty years ago, was dressed in his wedding suit.. Mr. Marge was born ip Devonshire, Eng., and when a lad game to Canada) ;Mrs} Madge was born in Usborne on farm, on which !she now lives. HENSALL N. P. Warrener, butcher, has rec- ently disposed of his business and are leaving town in the near fut- ure. Jack McDonald., who has not been enjoying good health, left lost ccleek for Bermuda. He went to New York taking he boat from: there. It is hoped. that the chan- ge of climate will prove benefic- ial. Mrs. E. Rennie returned from a pleasant visit wdth her daughter in Montreal. • Mies Selina Beaver left for Kit- chener last Wednesday. Loyd. Hortin had the misfortune lately, while carrying a bag of peas, to slip on the ice and in falling quite 'severely injure his ankle. Week-en'di visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Owen Geiger were; Mr. Amos Geiger, Pigeon, Mich., Henry Geiger' of Cavalier, N. Dok., and $inion Geiger of Twining, Mich., all brothers of Mrs. Geiger. Mrs. D, Kercher of Berkley, Cal., and Mr. Norman Eckstein of Pigeon, Mich. The open air skatngi rink erect- ed by the Hensel. Board of Trade has suffered considerably owing to the warm weather, the Boars! of'i, Trade have given it up for this ar'aron but intnecl to enlargen it for next 'winter. The iuemb•ers of the Methodist church choir lest Monday evening gave a +surprize party to Miss Selina Beaver, daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beaver at their house .on 'Brock est., prior to her leaving for Kitchener, to take a position there, and presented her with a fine ivoryclock; in token of their appreciation of her • rare one of the members of the choir for anum-. her of years. !A. very pleasant eve ening was iptne and a dainty lunch served, Miss Beaver had been saleslady in E. Reptile's General Store for Seine years and will be missed. GRAND BEND Herman Gli] of Lake 'Thew House Grand Bend, has disposed of his hotel on the Lake shore to an Ari- erican company, who own u chain of hotels and eater to the travel- ling tourists and own large places in all the leading United ;States re- sorts, They purpose building on, the property' a large 200 room 'et- ructur'e this summer, which will contain every convenience. No Expense will be spared on this structure and it will be second to none inside and outside. Mr. Gill will remain in possession 'of the Lake View this season as it is too late to carry out the .plants this year that are contemplated. This has been a long felt want at the Bend,, as hetet accomodation has been at a premium during the ,suninier months. This also could be made a fine winter resort, and pans are'being considered by the col parry for this purpose: The Consideration in the deal is around $15,000. Mr, Gill has no plans for the •future. ' 'The death occured of Myrtle Thelma; the 10 -yr. old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Gill of this place, occured from pneumonia, following an attack of influen.a. She is survived by her parents and brothers, the funeral took place to Grand Bend cemetery, COUNTY NE' "S. + 1Vlrtle: Thelma} the 10 -yr. old da- ughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Gill; of Stephen died from pneumonia,', lowing an attack of flui. ,.She .si survived by her parents and six brothers, the funeral took place to Grand Band. Wm Slearnon, a well known res- ident of Usborne died at theHar- ee . ity Home last Monday; ._, daged i6 years. The decea- ee` had been a resident of the Home for the past twoy ears. He is survived by two children in the Slates. The remains are, geing ought to Elimville for interment. The death took place at Mt, Car mel of David O'Brien, at his home on Sunday March 18th at the age of 80 years. He hapd been en- joying good health up to Satur- day, and was the victim of an ul- cerated stomach and when strick-, u en down soon sucumbed. Hel Iwa's one of the stiu'dy men -of the eolnlnrinity. Miss Harvey of Bgnaonci,ville, is visiting at the home of .'1V1. and AirS. H. Jaeobi, Chisellutrat, sorry to stalte that Mr. Jacobi is not ell- joying the best of health. Mrs, Malcom Ziler; who resicLed about a mile and ai hall ''south of Dashwood, passed. away .on Fri- day lest, She had been hi very poor health for some tithe suffer- ing from gangrene, and, a couple. days previous to her demise her leg was amputated, and the shock proved too great for her already weakened constitution, was 79 yrs. sof a,gei, the funeral took placer to Mt. Carmel" on Monday last. - CREDITON Muss Martha Hauch of London is spending a few days at ;her home. Thin s March 29th, 192$ The; homes of Mrs, James Gibson "of Blyth was the scene of a very .* a very interesting event on Marek 15th, when her daughter, Miss trude Iisabelt, was united to WAxa!, C,. I. Qe'atreichor of Oreditoie,The ' bride and .groom .were unattended The wedding march played by Mies. A, Taman, niece of the bried, Who wee married in her travellin suit of ala v.yr, only the immediate relate- Ives were present for the occasion After a short honieym•oon to Torg onto, they will reside on Clover dale Parni, near •Creditozr. Chas, Silber has sold the 'house and lot he purchased from dais .. father's estate to Geo. Pickering, of McGillivray. Lorne Finkbeiner- hats bought the garage business from Albert Mor- lock and takes possession at once. He will ¢sti1.1 remain in the .old stand and continue the electric welding and repair work of this depart- - !nent. Spring Suits And Overcoats NO W IS THE TIME TO ORDER; •FOUR E.ISTER SlifT AND OVER-,- COAT FROM US. YOU CAN1 NO'r 13E r L`ER YOURSELF IN BUY . ING ELSEWHERE. THEY' WILL BE HAND TAIL-,.. ORED TO 'YOUR INDIVIDUAL. MEASURES, .MADE IN ANY STYLE YOU WISH, HUNDREDS.. OF PATRONS TO CHOOSE FROM You Will Like Our Work.. all "q ' h WALL 1?APLfl 8ol every decorating probkin, WALL PAPER means everything to the successful decoration of the home. Make sure of having designs and colorings that accord with ypur own ideas as to what is cor• rect and beautiful. Select your patterns from the great variety produced by B0)(SE NaasteaItcrs These papers—widely known for their originality and charm—include a fine as- sortment of the plain, self toned papers so well suited to wall"panelling. This treat, merit has become a popular feature of home decoration. You will find the old type of Wall Paper exceeded in width by the new "Boxer" Papers, by 234 inches—which FOR SALE BY of Wall 1apcn not only makes possible greater charm of design, but also means fewer seams and consequently improved appearance. Easi- er hanging is another important feature of these wider papers --also economy, as a result of the fewer rolls required, The naine BOXER bn the selvage is your assurance of a quality paper. 1. PRE TER ZURICH