HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-03-29, Page 2e ionee , t� BY' KATHARINE SUSANNAH PRICHAR.D Copyright by Hodder and Stoughton. CHAPTER XLI,—(Cont'd.) hearth. Misshapen, with unkempt, "Sebe here, Steve," McNab said, braki:ah heats and beard, turning grey, "I've s great something to say to Deirdre. wrinkled -and withered, this was no matte sensible gird, got new head for hex ,glowing youth! Bilit rvlCle,,t dad well -:screwed on. We're old pals,, mein. that ]matter? She eerier the School- Dcirdre. You' go owtsade while I talk things over with her. We'll, epee what can be drone." Steve eeuiitlied acmes the robin. He was crying helpeessey, and pulled hits master's farcy as she had last seen it the dean:, then, eager farce with deep linieus, drawn by the sleepless ache lof his heart, on it. • She knew now wly there had been an underlying grief coat sleeve across his nose ars he went and 'bittea'nieeis in wheat hie stand when to the door. he vent away; knew that he must "Now," MeNab said genially, "you have been afraid of recognition and sit there, Deimdlre, and we -can balk." its consequeneels, ":'Duet Mirs. Cameron Dire ; took the ehaiir Steve had had required •him bo -suave Davey. It Left. Shae e sat very skiff and straight wits all plain now;_' Yet; Deirdire real - en in it. She knew what was coming. "zed that what he had done he would There were fear and loathing in her probably have. ionic: wiithotre her hay - eyes. •Iiut•M•eNaab only saw how great ing to ask for it,, What amt had Mrs. and 'dark they were, how red the curve Catnero:n had in his life 'Ghat she could of her lips, how fuel of vigor and -grace ee ,and Jhium—rthelt lsibe dared ask the Milnes of .her strong, young body. him to lay down urns life for her? "You know what'hli happen if it's What had sale donne for him? In the known Fa red.'s an escaped• convict?" old time the Schoolmaster had staid: he asked. "We owo her move than either you or "Yee." I can hope to repay, Deirdre." But "Part A1.ithur, irons, 'n the rest of surely he had paid—on the night of it! Well, nobody need know, lest I standing with dumb, dull patience under the yoke, swinging' their tails to keep the file's off, Some of tihem had gene drown on their knees by the roadside, whale the teamster had a drink and yawned with Steve, Then elm hand heard the oraieking of the teamster's whip, his oaths and calls to the beasts, and the creaking of the Heavy, blue -washed cart as it went on again. "What is it?" elle asked breathless- ly, thinking of Davey. "Oland Oiimeron," Steve sand. "John- ny Watson says he was found dead on the road 'by Long Gully—,a tree fallen on him—this interning." "Sieve!" .There was horror, and yet a vague relief, in her exdleination. "Johnny, says; Cameron went down to line Black Bull yesterday evening, and there was trouble between him and McNab—MeNab having 'let him in for this cattle stealin' case, know- ing Davey was in it," Steve went on. "Bunt Thad gat round him sounehow, telling hien that he didn't know Davey was: in it, and he'd get off, anyhow, been' Cameron's eon. $uttered the old man up that way. Conal and the Schaorodimaster'd be nabbed for sure; he made out. They were good ereap.gh friend's when they parted only •he'd had more'n a jugful, and a couple of the boys had to give him a leg: wp to his horse. The brute must 've shied at the dead tree near the , gully, the ground was cut up round it. It fell on them both. Mrs. Cameron Hound 'm this mlommmng," "I'% go and see if there's anything the fire if at no other time. And I can do for her."•. like. Theae's a couple of lades can now— I Deirdre took hem hat down from be - grove WhoSteve and q'r fathee are McN ees gaze on her recalled her' . bind the door. b „��-h ,t ltl 1� .ko � That's s I ..� wt they won't—lest I "lee." mind 'ba what he had said. a• :ane you going o i ., . a ' what I want to 'know," Deirdre one&y She met. it steadily, unwaveringly., e her hands gripping the arras of the Yds. She wound marry him, ie. chais, "D ependls on you, my dear!" He learnt foxward Her' thought west . back on its track. If what? Yes, if Dan got off—if he did not get the these years. If he had There was appeal in her eyes, But to go to prison for three years, then her eagerness, her hunted wild -bird it would be no use to marry llfcNab, ! air onPy stirred, in McNab a lust -for He .could not help Dan then. For three of her.years he would have to live in a tll"Ie fyou peonies*ure and tommarry me, no-iprison, wear filthy, hideous clothes,( Little Great Elizabeth's Gifts. (thinking, "my hands are useful if they thir:g 'IU be heard of it," he said. work like a beast of burden. are not beautiful." De rc e Was not surprised. She lead, "I'll tee' ,mai this Bat' weal.," she Queen Elazacberfah may be even great- They may be both! expected something like what he had; sand er than historians have admitted. At r. ' e sawn o 1 t Thrntl� you'll know teem how the least one peal- on Mr. Frederick OWN TOUR1CARPETS 27x84 ins., $3,75. 80x60 ins., $4,50. 8x6 ft., $5.00. }ire pay express. Send for catalog. $anitary Rug VVorks 66 Cit. Nickolas 5,,, Toronto. Steve went on talking of Donald Cameron, muttering in his .vague, ' ehtliidisrh fashion. "However he •came to get it with McNab I can't make eut," he said,. "There .sveren't no two greater ene- ! mies a while back. Oh, he wras but as mean as you make them, D.C., he ]nide his mark in the country." Deirdre had on here hat. d. "I "len m going, Steve," she seal won't stay =lees Mrs. Caine'ran'�s got no one wetlh her; but the Bosses. and Mrs. Monnileon are sure to be tlhere." "Right, Deirdre!" he repaired, She took her bridle from its nail by the doom, and went into the paddock beyond the stable, callling the chest- nut, He beard her cry: "Coup land! coup laddie!" and beau the white- sto.ckimg, at her calal, come galloping serosas tihe Iverwi y'-:gre`en grass, gilded with srunshine. She sfflipped the bridle over his heard, brought him into the yard, saddled him and turned out to tele road, Wrihth thouglhts of the tragedy that had befa!l'ren Mrs.. Cameron, as she went along the windii'ng track under the trees, were woven wonderings as to how Donald Cameron's; sudden death would affect Davey and the Schoolmaster. (To be continued':.) About the s e Shall we start a Hands Beautiful taa'd Ieless. ;Th' d f `t stunned h�r l,ri�al's gin"' he snarled. "Well, Chamberlain, tdle m•oslt ree�ent student Campaign? re"P'rapu the Sclrolnaastem'1!1 get off there's an end to three years, don't of the charac'tem and capacity of the First, leaf urs take a trip to the store this affair. ,of the cattle, but that's only , forget, xny pretty, and if he gets an t th' 1 tl t h' It riane in town where the toilet goods are tt 1 'hi th thr Ill come three Fears MoNa'b staid, "The, acqul a on �,r s, a .o er other 'd he till the expiration of his o'a't, unlesis- —. ` sentence, probably for the end orf his I She measured hdnz with hex eyes. L 1afe, spy done; 'n Steve—+a month O You marry hue the day he gees two 'd be the end of him! You're the free of this clharge—if he gets free— price of their freedom. You pays ye -or on the day he gets has .three years to one -y ,and takes y'r cihoice, Deimdme." Deirdre olid not hear him. After alt, !she was thinking, this was a proposi- tica+ She was even grateful for it. —if he's hgortn' to get them, and you don't want 'm ty be far Hee." He leaned forbad, his voice husky wilth eagerness.. Anything sleen,.el better than help- "If you change y'r minds, Amy dear, leasne-'s hopelessness --the terrible of course I can change nune. prospect of not being able 'to avert He laughed -uneasily, his fingers ales of ducats catastrophe which twitching. threar`henedl Dan. All that had . been But I'll give you till this day week sensitive serer joy or sorrow in her he realized • only one .essity.' 'One fact, others, filled her ab .hard said that ha' • to the hall; laguely, that she arry him, and that to break her prom- ehe would marrediec- e Book h at him' as he sat by the PATENTS that• bring the larrest return are those properly protested. You can write with confidence to our firm'for free report as to patentability. Send for List of Ideas and Literature Correspondence invited. I nemeses' co. - Patent Attorneys 273 I9an1 St. - Ottawa, Ont. INVENTION'S Bend for flat of Inventions wanted. by Manufac- turers: Fortunes have been made from ample Ideas. "Patent Protection." booklet on roqucet, ®HARO6LD C. SlitPMA% _tt. CO. ..PA A1aT' flfEYS Ohba 1A CA RADA •.sarin,, nr.',V42Qca ,East or West Eddy's Best MATCH Insist ©n having EDDY'S! to make up ,yr enind whac'h it is to be. Then you give nee y'r answer. Is it ;a bargain?" "Yes," Deirdre said. She was dull and rvreary—neaten:. • }Ie rose froin'ltiiis:eliade and shuffled towards the dolor. "Then I'll go and get the house ready for you, he cried, gleefully. "I'ni not afraid wheat y'r answerer'' be. Oh, you're snared., my pretty bard, and there's no way out for you, if you'd night when retiring and.loose, met gloves worn at night. e. Liquid nail polish is one of the new ideas for siavinlg time in giving the earls a lustre but many of us still clang to the old buffer and nail powder for the shining -up process. To develiop tapering fingers, press the finger tip's, one at Ii time, between the forefinger and thumb after the manicure end after "'meshing the hand's. Fcrc stiff and awkward hands, one of our great music teachers reeonl- mends masstag!ing each finger. Begin at the base of the finger add rub with a round and round elation down the finger to the tip. A few moment's massage has a wonderfully soothing and comforting effect, For special occasions, •baticum pow- der dusted over the back of the hand gives a soft velveity finl'slh. The Lights of Rome. - The white lights., the bright eights, How fair they shine to -night! I love the glint ;ant gleam of them, The °hanging topaz gleans of them, Against the towering height. They are bo me a beacon set To guide my barque aright. Those fax lights like ,star lights Afiame along the bey— No prince of India's envied gems Nor flash of Lombard diadems Entice my soul as they— Lodestars that draw me home again If I perchance eight stray. Oh, deism Bights, ole, near lights! The bast long league is passed; The winds among the cordage sleep; Gray veils of mist from ,shoreward creep; The anchor now is cash. How 'bright they be to welcome me, The lights of home at last! —Agnes Montgomery. Dye Any Garment or Cad Drapery in Diamond Dyes have underrated her. She was, he slays, kept, Their fragrance greets us and Buy "Diamond Dyes" and follow the by far the greatest woman of history; and as we approach the counter, we! simple directions in every package. she was not ;only the greatest monarch a who has ever oeeupaed the. throne of possess the numberless fascinating England but, if we except Alexander, bottles and boxes. Caesar and Napolleon; the gmeaitest For chapped red hands there are lo- monaach who .has ever occupied a tions, creams and hand pastes. Before throne! applying these the hands must be The coz clusi;on is interesting assure thoroughly washed wiith warm water edly; and .since he greater great 'folk and a good grade of soap, then rinsed beeetme the more we are inteanesited in nn Dodd waiter and patted perfectly dry them as ehilldren, we read with greater with a towel. Experts tell us that avidity Mr.' Chamberlain's portrait •of wiping the hands loosens the skin Princess Elizabeth in her childhood. and makes wrinkles, and what girl Polar little ere, whldse smother at the wants her hands to look old and j or run, „------e--- behest of her terrible husband Heavy wrinkled. Hands are the worslt tattle- The Number of insects. VIII. had been beheaded when Eliza- bales about age, anyway, especially if beitth was only two -.years, old, and they are not given the properc care. The number of species. of insects in whose fartunt s from tete telt esrvstzang Dust and dirt and . dish waiter are the world probably exceed three mil - The number ea '1 reach out to Don't wonder whether you can dye or tint successfully, because perfect home dyeing is guaranteed with Diamond Dyes even if you have never dyed be- fore. Worn, faded dresses, skirts, waists, coats, sweaters, stockings, draperies, hiangings, everything, be- come like new again. Just tell your druggist whether the material you wish to ;dye is wc:o1 or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton, or mixed goods. Diamond Dyes never streak, spot, fade, years lay at the mercy of Ruhr i$i • perhaps the greatest enenzvel to lovely sueceelding eitepinothere! :,. hands and so they must be concjuered. Thestepmothers, We nary protect our handis from the easel of the, Henry'a surviving queen, Catherine first two by wearing old gloves when - possible seems honesltffy to have ba ever possible at our household and keep Dan Farrel, els be calls himself, friended the foreman courageous, am- outdoor tasks. These are people who out of the darbhies, and him in his bitious and precociously intehhigenilt wear rubber glllovels. for dusting and blindness, theI1 �ndnese, going t o s amd again! Its taken a heap of schemin to get you—but I Leet my hand on you when I saw you a silip of a girl coquet -tin' with Conaileeart, 'Hegartyhs—the night i you came back to the Wirree. The desodlation of leer attitude re- assured hien. "Good-bye, my pretty," he said in the doorway. "And some dlay, when She was onlyeleven years and y'r my wife, Deirdre, youel kiss me } good-bye." three months old when she presented He went out with a chattering carat- to Queen Cath.emine a transllatioih in Item of laughter. one hundred and twenty-eight piosle Steve came back to the ldtchen. pages :of the French poem by Queen "Have yon been able to manage Margai •et of Navarre entitled the Mix ihini, Deirdre?" he asked, feverishly, ror of a Sinful Soul; she sent it with t"Wlvart have you said to hint? To go her love and duty as a New Year's child, whose scholarsthip• Was So "rye -1 deshhwa.shing, Old kid, cotton or silk markable that she might fairly he' gloves give quite siatisfactory protec- caeled an infant prodigy. Either from teen for general week and there is a policy or from affection, theugh.prob. t'lvay to wash dishes without having ably from 'both, Elizabealh rer'p indeed the hands a1U the time in hot, soapy with every attention iii heir power, water. You may already us•e a small The gifts that she gave her latest mop and , a little brush with sltepmather still exist. bristles fastened in a wire loop on a small wooden handle. The mop is for dilshies and the brush ie for pots and pans. Then there is the metal dvsh- dh olth for sco achy u•tensatls that need scraping. B'wt to return to the Coal t goods counter and inquire the road to shape- ly, well kept finger nails. If we do not already possess a good steel file, that is first On our shopping list. The nails ,are filed into !shape, never cut 'back there---" I Hes face woreked pitifully; his i hands twisted over ;each other. , "You ;don't know what it is like. I'd kill myself rather than go back, 'Deirdre. And your father! Wh:atoll he deo ? It':li be worse for hint than for me. He's got you to think of. What died McNab play? Will hie do offering "From Ashrige the-laste Jaye of the yeare of our Lord God 1544." It was leen first li teary woe .1 Mr . Ohambeelein writes: The pages awe contained in • their original binding, which is canvas worked over in large silk thread; the ` anything for you, Deirdre? He calci thing has been so carefully done that the sum he would deo anything in the world for alt first;,s.sisurface appears like you. And, you'd want hem to help us, a piece of woven cloth. Embossed ;wouldn't you? You ,vouffdn't let.Dan upon it on the front cover .is an andy'r oJd Uncle Stevie, go over there elaborate scroll in gelid and s+ilvex ete,e4filit)1 \\ i e Slake your 'dove nn Ofl•Gas Stove. Do sway with coal and wood drudgery. The wonderful Oliver 05 -Gia Burner does Nits. !Setter beat fog or baking Aro instantly. e ayes Limo, money, labor. CHEAPER THAN COAL OR WOOD 'lbs Oliver Burner makes Its own gas from cara- t* (kerosene). Oil Is cheap now and getting cheaper. Doe: not change your stove. Shop in pprr flit of Brebos in ono minute, ABSOLUTELY *A6i0. Simple. Protects health. Latta lifetime. THREE TIMES THE HEAT of coal or weed, 'rhe Olive, gives mach heat or IlfxJa,. as desired, by simply turning vnlvo. i'Its> Ab stove, range, furnace. 18 different models. JUST' TURN A VALVE to meat or caolt. Ne Brea to make, no ashen, dirt, luuol[a, choppft s ahovelhig. currying dirty coat rr wood.. Heats and bakes better, quicker, 3l DAY'S" TRiAL Amey the conveniences of the Oliver for 50 dam You. In not' rine n cent. 100.000 nMr.aori ((na[ceretnm {s,nyl e}(Yenr,, aa, It 1e artll n t'eb th•OGerYOlri9lLf+FapVar: cVtlr IOVentnd, Portal) infort n tion write t+) Oliver Oil Burners Limiter: 63 Venue 8t. Toronto There rare agenc.cs Avfailable. Wrier. .rair•..,�+.w:.,wwr:W •++>.wnvreamisinenwdr with the scissors. The cuticle is press- ed back with an orange -wood stick, Powdeered pumice made into a paste with water assists in this process. There are also cuticle removers, which when used should always be followed by the application of a little Olive ail or cold cream, to soften the cuticle ' c r , and prevent hang nails. Olive oil ia" braid in the midiet of which ante tae softens the. hands too if applied at gadn?"It'll be all right,", sihe said, looking initiadis of Catharine Parr. The edge's • past him, "You nntstn't think of it ,are bound withgold .braid, and there !you, atymver, said that."vist wwee just to worry l is a thin line in Ted silk at the top ' s "oh' it's, wonderful girl you are!" f and at the' bottom; a heaztsoase is etn- He clung to her hand, fondling' etd broiclered on the eove:r in colored sack; tears streaming. down his cheeks.i three of the petals of each flower are `Nobody here to save us, your farther! in purple, nodi two are in yellowwith and me, but you, Deirdre! And you' small gold thread interwoven alid a to deal with McNab—.send him away little green leaf between each two. The' with a smile p1evsed wtt'h ,hims'elf"' entire back cover is devoted to similar No idea of Atha terns McNab was flowers which are so worn as to be likely to have made with her occurred indistinct, As lace of needle craft to him piece "If only there'd; been someone hese the production is of the highest excel - to help uhs," she cried passionately.' lance of this or of any age, but its "If only father, or Davey, or evenI peat and lasting impprtance is that Conan, had been here! But to have it is the sole wort;; of the Mae Eliza- Her mese i alone." Ber voice broils. She began to cry, No less beautiful and even mere finding relief in utter abandonment.' charracberistic than the fine needles- Steve put him arms round' her, trying work of fibs savers is the clear, firm, to comfort her, i. "Deirdre! Deirdre!" he muttered exquisite handwriting within; and die ooscfuely. "Don't cry! It's your, Queen. E'lizaberth's writing remained father's own girl you are. So brave! always'a model of character, legibility Meet n' the devil himself with your and beauty. A year later she present.'i clear eye , 'n nue no mare than a' ed another marvelously executed .book had t t it l " Ateverird old corpse where be le!" r Deities lifted her eye- She looked d to Queen G-. hierttine; and two years. into tfle pauthetic quivering] ae oo a after ,bhhatt event she prseented one to y ehi1diirsh, her young beat or, King old face bent ever leer. y g , Edward, All' "It's the 'beset thing you could have are now cherislh,ed treasures of the ria -1 said to rhe, -.'that I'm my father's own tintz, the fennduatienhs of which in her Biel, Uncle Stevie," she said. "My days of maturity and power she help.' father's girl shouldn't be crying like ed so wisely to lay firm and true, this when there's work—and a lot of thanking to do." CHAPTER XLII. "There's bad ne'ws from Cameron's, hands, of course. We sometinies ex - Deirdre." e. • • cure bursel'veo and silenee the wili Steve came in from the road. - A bu!1oek wagon haul ju1_t'st, passed permg s of a guilty con,s1elemce by from the Wirree. Deirdre had seen it ,lea:it up, Silo taint -seen the beeleocks Minard's Liniment for Cough* tit Coids A '%ady's Lovely Hands. We all should mice to have beautiful Doctors Prescribe and Hospitals Use 1�. JEi L Lir because of its purity, wholesome nourishment, sued delicate flavor.' Also best for home use. Economical and easy to make. One package serves eight people. Costs only one cent a serving. At all Grocers Specify McLAItBN'S INVINCIBL$ JELLY i'OWl)EI !!Isle by McLAREtTS jLTMITII'.D, J Hamilton. and Winit(pes. 6 lion. Minard's Liniment tor orns'and Warts Pumice -stone is a nidnreoial thrown out by volcanoes. After every Ml In work or play, 11 gives the poise gift s eadiaaess that mean reassess. It helps digestion. allays tt:a se, keep... lana, the month cool and moist, the thread muscles relaxed and pliant and the nerves at ease. D•38 Catastrophe! "There," he said, as he surveyed the clothes -post, which had taken hien the best part of the afternoon to fix in the garden; "that's- as firm as a rock. Even, the combined forces of the elements cannot bring it down." Later in the day he found the pole on the ground. "Did you do this?" he demanded: of, his eight-year-old son. "No, father," was the reply; "a spare row perched on it. 1 saw it myself." Prevents chapped hands, cracked! Lips, chilblains. Makes your skin soft; white, clear and smooth. A11 druggists sell it • 11 4 ir^ rich burn efees- -este eeeeesesere 40,3.4 e, Ate ake when you can buy bread like it, ready baked? iriOUNT the raisins at 'Lot least eight big, piume, tender fruit -meats to the slice. Taste it—see how the rai- sin flavor permeates the No need to bake at home when we've arranged with bakers in almost every town and city to bake this full - fruited raisin bread. Just 'phone and they'll de- liver it—all ready to sur- prise the family tonight. It comes from master balc- SUN. AI ers' modern ovens id your city. And it's made with Sun -Maid Raisins. That's another reason for its superiority. A rare combieation of nutritious cereal and fruit -n. both good and good for yea so you should servo it at least twice a week, Use Sun -Maid Raieins also in puddings, cakes and cookies. Yea may be offered other brands that you know less well than &m- alteds, but the hind you want i3 the kind you know i3 good. In- sist, therefore, OT1 SUE -Maid brand. They cost no more than, ordinary raisins. Mail coupon for free book a tested Sun -Maid recipes, ktajl 1011.' The Supreme Bread Raisin ts,5 Te- aid Raisin Growers Membership 14,000 Fresno, California Irv, rum MIMI Ratio non exas 11.1411111121. MN xelgatais CZ.. MOM ileal. i CUT THIS OUT AND SEND rr ISun -Maid Raisin Growats, IIncase send me copy of your free hal*, "Recipes with Raisins." Bloc Package Muse rerareas