HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-03-22, Page 8rice e `novena 3W in effect on fro11owing 7 • of Seasonable l 7doodail eiothin Ready -to -Wear Clothing Mensand Boys' Over- coats and Suits About Four Dozen Sweater Coats for Mem and Boys and 1. dozen Lad les' Coats. PRICES 'CUT +TO•PIE- CBS IN THESE. Men's Meavy Sox, Mitts, Gloves, Wool Blankets, Etc. NEW SPRING GOODS _ARE NOW ARRIVING. See our new Lot of Prints, Ginghams, Skirtings, al- ateas,' Chintzes, Creotns, Special Price on" 200 yds. print light and lark Colors, 25c. yd. NEW Shipment of Stamped plats oh. hand. Make your choicenow 'TRY ROYAL PURPLE t. Laying Meat for your bene Makes hens lay more eggs. We have a /IOW lot of Royal Purple and.Pratts Stock and Poultry Rand. ulator, also Oyster Shell, GRIT NOW • ON HAND. DLNOM Y BEQS, CtrENTsN.FU RNISk"tING$". llabberiin THE BEST CLurfING IS 'IRE KIND THAI SELLS AND BRINGS REPE,Per ORDERS, ' THAT IS, WIi AC BA1313BTtLIN I;RAN'D WILL DO THIS SPRING. - THE ARE MAKING SMARTER SUITS AND OVERCOATS AND . USING B-- TER FAl3RCIS THAN THEY HAVE EVER DONE •BL'FORi PRICES ARE ATTRACTIVE ROBBERLI_N CLOTHING IS 1 -,,AC TIED BY. 11A:33lsERLIN SERVICE, .'WHICH. MEANS COMPLETE SAT . ISFACTION Our 1922 Accounts are now ready,. Will YOU cAll for Yours. If not call- ed forq in. a sh:, rt time, we will forward`. thhemn by mail. GASCHO & SON Pr educe Wanted Phone 67 urich's Garage AUTO TIRES We have on hand a Complete Line of DOMINIONTIRES And Seconds to Ordered Clothing DEVOMT S. Prodiu,oe taken, i ozo ante for Goode ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST .BRONSON LINE MOTES -- TUBES, All Sizes (Best on the Market)., Also a few Clear at (Extra Special Prices). •CATING OILS AND GREASES. WE HANDLE NOTHING- BUT HE THE BEST AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH OILS OF PROPER VES- COSITY TO SUIT YOUR MOTOR. Also stock a complete line of Those who were build fig their hop's' Lor spring on the except- ionally. fz.nei .dad* on Sunday, ‘-found on Monday .that Marchstili eld. some of the genuine olt evinter the weather. However, many of birds are back land Mr. Weaver,our cream collector is • around again with his Ford, so we ate not taking the cold turn very +seriously. . Mr. David. Tougli held quite a +successful sale last week The. cows perhaps being the most out- standing feature of . the sale, as far as good prices were .concerned' these ranging, in price from forty . to nearly one hundred dollars per head ,Mr. railgli rather uncer- tain as to when he will move to Brtucefieid, owing to the condition of the roads. At the close of thel services in the Bayfield Presbyterian church on •'Sunday last, Mrs. D. Tough was with; a Life MembrfMr presented eitif ,CErtzficate to the WL M. •S • a Tough with a fine hymn book, a gift from the +session; of which .Mr Tough was a _member; Rev.Mr. t ,as also expressed by MacFarlane on behalf of ham'1 1f and the congregation iD l'o'sing Mr; and Mrs. Tough and family from the church. This feeling of r2.� gret is also shaved by Mr. and Mrs 'Tough's neigh1 ors on the Bronson. Several in our vicinity consigned cattle to the. Ui;F,.OF'shipme ddt is - appointment last Saturday}.' all round was felt, owing to the fact that four cattle consigned by Ivir. Colin Campbell. there 'au opposed to thte trip, that they utterly defeated the drivers.'' by running twice around a five anile block, landing back at their own stable. at will be sometime before r141i, Campbell .will be title to ship these cattle owing to the over-exertion caused by so much running. LETLETUS SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS ON AUTO CYLINDER UBRI- t FOR SALE fertilizer- for (spring use. I have in different places; 'Kippen,, Brucefield and at• Zurich. So if Zan+yront wants :some call phone 88, Zvrich: 4'.. Ivey Jr. 31 tf Germ'ne Ford Parts ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO MOST CALLED FOR PARTS OF VARIOUS AUTOS. I,K.L, Battery Sales and Service Station, Battery Charging, Axy-, Acetylene Welding. EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING A SPECIALT Y. Get into the habit of Pat•-ronizing us: We want to serve you, and Serve You Ww11. PHONE No. 103 - Ti if o seau Zurich • 1 u en • • Incubatorsi • • IEverybody interested in the pout- • thin about tb.e. Queen Incubator a new one in Canada. 1 -try ' b; eines$ should know some-' i •p BIG HATCHES 011' HEALTHY CHK S ARE PRODUCED BY • 'tI11I QUEEN INCUFiMron, THEY TAKE THE UNCERTAINTY 1j LOSS AND WORRY OLT OF THE POULTRY BUSINESS. PER- • AI FZrCT CONSTIOTC'rION OF C.l 'LII! OENIA RED -WOOD COMB- INED WITH A FOOL -PROOF WATER HEATING SYSTEM AS-, t SUR.E.a YOU YEARS OF PROFITABLE USE, Fr PAYS 1, OR ITSELF IN EXTRA_ CHICKS THAT TJIVE AND GROW. . We •s'np15 ly as well, the Queen Colony Brooder with air it known and e raven heat, night and.do.y, in all weathers and are li aged, by all stiecessful poultry* raisers, Call and see 'the*? machines and get full information, CREDITON Lila Kuhn' returned to St. Thom a's last week, after spending a few days kvith her parents. R, S, Wi coni, ••manager of ,the Bank of Commerce, has been tr- ansferred to a branch at Hamil tong. ' ` Herb. K. Eilber was i'n Godericli on business for a few days last week. Mrs. Jas. Gibson of Blyth, + ani nounces the engagement of her dal-. tighter, Gertrude Isabel to Mr. William Oestreicher of Credit:IA the marriage to take place in March. Mrs, B. Brown had the .misfort- tine to, fall and, 'sprain her knee in the 'Forester's Hall. • morn- ingdeath oa`la+st Sunday of John Steinacher Cance as a shock to this eomiminity. gelledbeen out andaround ,as uoual Saturday and no person ,thought his mid so near, on Saturday i eve. he wa+s taken suddenly, ill: when medical aid was summoned; but nothing could be done and ,'1 he v forenoon. ;,a r u n da w i a 1S Pa g ead y, Crediton carats( a bo tj t ttore `n Steinacher four years ago from •Sebringville at which ,place he had been -work ng a fent,. During his life • he took :e deep; interest in clj�des6-. ate, Aird parsers, es cattlen1e horses, tending all the Ideal kOtee from Which he received, in;ariy,przies, ho' was a ti'tsiamher o•f tiie Ewµir,�;eli& al church, Thursday ' '111:1i'eh 22ai ,ifl2 Thi store . with the Liberal Cant q« aiut ATTENTION! Mr. farmer +------- . NOW IS THE +TIME TO DO YOUR FENCING, AND WE A2t13 IN A POSITION TO GIVE YOU A GOOD CRO C DE' MAID AT VERY LOW. PRICES. ;TRIS IS HIGHEST ,,,O,RADE ..... WE HAVE FENCING HERB SO AT A GOOD A LOWERFE RICE... EE,. iC'OME AND LOOK IT OVER, IT WELL GALVANIZED AND _WILL STRETCH UPe FIND. I WE DO NOT HAVE JUST WHAT YOU WANT I1 ' THIS LINK OF tFENCEy WE CAN GET -IT FOR YOU IN A (FEAT M Take Notice Every prospective buyer'ahould know \this. This is very importan't. A Chain, no matter how.. large, is only •strong tia its weakest link. Now this is the point we are driving at Do not be (satisfued with airy Fence which" has'not as heavy a wire Meed in. the lock, "61° hn,e and upright w1re'scr cause it itis boundto .go at that point 'first, and time will surely tell. We have on hand: an assortment of ,Choice Galvanized Gate et Prices will be right. _, _d,,,on„m...... We have painted Gates in stock .fronk. last .year;, while they last, We won't refuse any reasonable offer-, You amake, te k Barb -Wire, Coiled Wire, Plain Wore all g Big enough for all. Staples, Black wire„ Augers, Pliers, 'in fact everything you need. ,.2 large Fence 'stretchers at your dispose . ,Aslt for one, if you need it; N -o Charge. NOW, LET'S GO AND MAKE THIS A. BUMPER FENCEYEAR. ELIeK&BR73[IN Pi4ONE- 63 DE & WEI 3 i REETER BLOCK ZURICH PLAN FARM IMPROVEMENTS NOW There's every Treason why you should plazi now ----to improve - some part of your faro .fencing. Buy early: fence prices .will in all likelihood advance ding 1923. Order in advance of then season r a � ci and get the benefit of the present prices. C h axn p "C AN A D 1AN'° fence is a one quality web --the .best. FULL GAUGE W1RtS, FULL LENGTH ROLLS, maxim= = strep ,th, minimum strength, rnininunti price -100% service on your fence building investrnetit. USE Aii>ME'i .UC: i N GALVANIZED STEEL POSTS EXET11. R Dr. Rou1ston is confined to „the house front an attack of grippe. ard.in(g mol1ved to town i on in fa last week fr'dm his farm 4.1sb or-' nye to, the re+sitl'ence purehMsed troin S'es. Jones; " i 111r. Geo, Vollaid. o Detroit,Mrs Little alls, N. ,Yi M. Mosey of mica John• TT.nuldeti of •Lontdett, ate, . t 1,1 �' ae flee l funeral of 'dedl' Hier fun teri� � ' Johti Volland 0n Sunday ,ast. Preston` Dearing is•'netrsiing a+ sore fie ger, having 1V4,412it ;la.ixtnned badly, Sant. (Brock. of 134:thole khas purchased. 1'es. Ileywood seer oe petty, the latter buying Nelon' Clark's vet acre farm a't f the in e. josI)a'vis, nian�ager'a lak mill, :hat". ri received inst.ruetions Irene the Onto a Flax .Co., the siva sirs �?f� which are largely reside't4t its th'e British Isles,. . -that the mill will not; !lie operated: l y, the comp any this 5r ear. Jason . Bedford, who for the past e d ale lies J. s has been, ,a. 'rettident ofd niahinga... The a blttk 'der years 1 s c =b`!.i four Y d t iN 'WBI , fo 1 d at est i sa Exeter,5 died on Sundry, ,and 0 rilatttitis:. , i;ile ;'°heel i zitt•nirrs't zt>alil be Mettle to -repair th � h ,years r notKio, nit10 - 'weeks citatan�ate;,d0il�e ; � t. b��n Wiling for } e as born in NOV Yorlt State 'Spent*: mast of: his lite at Toronto, years ago he moved to Exettr'a eviler° two ggrandchildreet xeSide, Mrs. Wive,'" Armstrong and Mrs. , He v'o+odf. • The 'severe wind storm early latah 11Ionday morning did consdlerab The roof I; xt+ter. dfiruag� in ot the Bethany Methodist Chttfeh wait blotv'n o±f, the east endg a,blC h1 tvn',in oe and other da n ge was done,. - to the building es vela us the e