HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-03-22, Page 4tl� bra e. • 1 ARBLE4TE FLOOR FINISH If your floors are hardwood,,.. Use Marble - Ire The Floor finish with ; a mohey- back guarantee. It wears and wears and wears. It will not mar nor 9scratch white and is not af- fected by water. af. , S'" L ;: eeteve che Flo� ,ir / A worn floor spoils the look of your home and is impossible to repair, but if you keep your floors painted, feet cannot touch them. Let the paint wear but save the wspd. Save the Surface and you Save a11, SE or ;1r int is easy to use, dries very hard with a high lustre and will with- stand a great amount of hard wear. No skill is required in using SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT. Anyone can apply it. The result will greatly enhance the beauty of your Home and much labor will be saved for the floors will be very easy to keep clean. Come in and let us give you full particulars. We have a full range of shades in this and every other MARTIN-SENOUR Product. There is a MARTIN-SENOUR Paint or Varnish for every need. We will be glad to advise you. lack 9 -5.' .., e -,-- ,,, F 3 SHIM, *Mt • . 10' W. -quErzoramaim mane u..:,.u..,,attNIIMAISMa2=123111W2iPai•ve". Vat .F�IE9Wc:' L r. !V Ye. fa Fit 11 4.lit&:P trig ^i9r�9I r 111/(6 01811111:- -action - Sale f Farm Stock and implements AS THE UNDERSIGNED HAS- RENTED. HIS FARM. SO IT IS LIP TO YOU TO COME AND PUT THE HIGH NICKLE ON AND itAKE YOUR GOODS AWAY FRO3!'i Lot ` 1$, ° Cil.. 9, Stnnley Township 11 MILES WEST AND ONE MILE SOUTH pF VARNA ON THE BATS /ION LINE ON 'Wednesday March 28th, 1923 COMMENCING AT 1,00p .m. HORSES -'1 pair_ black Pereheron liox:;scs;"' 6 -yrs oldr, weight's- bout 3200 lbs, A good pair; 1 black Percheron horse 4 -yrs olcl Weight 1400 lbs.; 1 Carriage horseyrs. old weight .1200, a good one will work any place. CATTLE Roan cow 7 yrs old with calf by 'side; Roan cow :tryra, old due 1st; June.; Roan heifer, rising 3 due in Augiust; Roan heifer, rising 3, due in May; Red cow 9 yrs. old dry; Pair' Of grass 'caattle rising 2; white heifer rising; . 2; Roam heifer_ one yr. old; Gives^ 9 months old:; Yorkshire brood. sow due in April;. Brood Sot, with pigs 5 -weeks old; 2 bronze Turkey hens and 1'gobbler; d$0 hens mostly pullets; 2 pure bred Buff Orpington roosters. IMPLEMENTS - 7 -ft Deering binder; Deering mower; • Inter national spring tooth cultivator; !set 4 -sec. diamond harrows; Fleury Calow No. 21; seed. drill; 331x40 Empire wagon; road. buggy; Portland e tier flat hay rack; . newg ravel box; most of the implements have eBly been in use 3 years; Premier cram ''separator; set brass mounted haraess nearly new, set farin harness; set single harness; 1sr, collar tops; 'pr. collars 22 -.fife ; collar 22 -in; drive collar ; .pr back ands new; set heavy `wagon0oubletree's, set plow doubletrees; 2 Is:ckyokes; 9 -in. post holo auger ;scoop hovel; Yorks and shovels, ?watering pails, and strainer pailgalvanized pig trough'No. 3 Daisy €huirn; butter bowl; solid side collapsible go cart; 715 octave pions -organ; quantity of lumber; 4-ton2--12••2 fertilizer; quantity of hay; :about . 50 bush. little Yellow Dent Horn; quiantity of oats,; bunch of window 'sashes; and !numerous othat, .rticles''. • TERMS' OP SALE -$10 and, under cash, over that amount 8 mon- ths credit will be given on furnishing ,approved joint •notes. 4% of; 44Itar cash on credit amounts, Poultry, grain, hay and corn c-nsh. 101O. ELLIOTT # 117„.$$. JOHNSTON, GEORGErSMI'.CIi, Auctioneer. Clerk. (Proprietor. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Household tri- vets, Etc. The undersigned Auct- • . iron has been instructed to sell by 'ailblic Auction at Lot 19, Con. 11, stay Township on fl'HURSI)A.Y, A1a.Akt.CTi 29, 1923, C nanheneing at 11.30 o'clock., lint. LI'C'E STOCK -1 Roadster filly ira�inb 4yrs. sired, by Emperor Mc- :k.inney. 1 cow 7 -yrs, ofd due its April; 1 cow 4 -yr rs,old duce in rip- .t fat cow; 1 heifer 2=yrs. old; lA Steer 10 months olcl;: 1 calf ,3 itionrths old; 1 ° sow dae in April ; 1 'WOW wi tli litter; 4 dozen young bens 3 Barred Rock Roosters; 2 •muck's, 1 drake. (GTT BR ARTICLES -2. new gravel --o.4•es cutting box, w.heolbarrow; -a eget single harness, light harness oatid 'traces, set of ,,heavy team br- aidle's; 2 collars, cross crit •saw; wit fug t; 2 crowbars, '.axe, hay' toxic;, 2 dozen gra):in bag;,; ebaains, *two seeder, 2 , stone hemmers, 2 tL t ",'l9 fire t y shafting with pulley, neckyoke, 2 doubletrees, scythe, forks, 'shot*els ; spades, hoes, rakes and numerous other" articles. HOUSEHOLD El'ECTSr-Enteen sign table, sideboard; bedstead; 6 kitchen chairs; churn; 2 eider bar- rels; crocks, sealers; ,pails; music. rack, 'stove pipe, drum and :muft- i ous other articles. 14 T:EJ3.i'IS OP SALE -U0 and under cash. Over that arnoi at 9 mon- ths' • credit will be givren on £urn- tshing approved joint. notes, 4% off for cash on credit amounts. Louis Wur'm, Proprietor. W..1, Johnston, Clerk. Oar I(lopp, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Of Real L;stato, Furniture and Ilousehold Effects will be held, 'at Zurich on the property of the late Mrs, C hrintt'ne Volland on Satur- day 24t1a at 2 o'clock, para. S. T)oitz, Arthltx Weber, E ;y•„• ^t1Fr;„� AUCTION .SALE -”` y Of Parra Stock, IMplements: Household Effects, E; c. The und- ersigned Auctioneer has been in- structed to sell by PublicAuction on Lot 28, S,B, Hay Township, o:s, TUESDAY MARCH 27th, 1923, Com mencing at 1.00 o'clock, pan. - the following; - HORSES -Heavy Draught mare 12 yals. old; Heavy draught geld- ing 12 years old; gelding ricin; 5 yrs by Commodore; driving' mare quiet and reliable. -CA TLE -Cow, "Beit” (117711) 14.- ,$'-ears old with calf at Root; ' cow, Rosebud Belle (:118333) 8 -yr. old due at time of ; sale; .tow, Bluebell (159076) 4 -yr. old with •bull calf at at foot, bred to Cloverdale ,Chani - pion, due Sept. 20; cow, 'Toptsy (173617), 3 -yr. old. with calf : at Sool'; heifer, Daisy (182005) 2 -yr. oldbred; heifer, Maybud. (184417) 22 months old bred; heifer calf 11 months old pedigree applied for; 1. fresh cow 6 -yrs. old.; 1 cow rising 4 -yrs. due in Aug.; 1 baby beef ; ; grade calf 3 month's old; fresh cow 9 -yrs. old; HOOTS -5 hogs... a2 out 175 lbs.each 50 Plymouth Rock and. Wyandotte pullets. IMPLEMENTS, ETC--M.-H, 7 -ft binder good order, 1ti1,-TI. movver, Maxwell hay loader; Maxwell 'side delivery rake, MoC'romick. hay rake 10 ft.; ]'Kemp manure spreader steel roller, Frost a.a 1 Wood milt- ivator, Peter Hamilton 10 hoe drill; 2 & 3 'section drag harrows, walk lug plow, Maple Leaf double plow Cocioshutt gang plow; scu.tfler•, Frost & Wood dist., wagon, 10 -ft• hay rack, new wagon box, bob 'sl- eigh, light bob 'sleigh; critter, new' buggy, old burg y, wheel barro°arr; root' pulper, 6 h:p; 'CS'';a. rloo ger engine in good. order;a Maple beat grinder 10 -in, plate; Wisconsin In- cubator, brooder, coai heater, :cut- ting box, Chatham fanning mill, fruit ladder, new stone boat, 1200 lbs. scales; bag tru -k, firs 'extin- guisher, set brass nttalinted double harness, set heavy h,arnesS, 3 sets single, harness, 2 extra 'collars, corn planter, corn rsheller, past holt auger, pair woollen horse bl- nukr. ts, wire stretcher, cross cut saw, forks, neek yokes, doubletre- us, chains, 2 bucksaws, 3 crow- bars, . hanging lamp, parlor lamp, a pipe wrenches, stocla rat`k, gravel bnx, and numerous other articles. -SHED GRAIN -300 bus. 0,A.C. Nor. 2.1' barley, a quantity of Sweet Clover 'seed, yellow blossom, '.I':Ir`,1i112S OF SALE- -$iO and under cash. Over that amount 12 mon- ths credit' will beg iven on furn- ishing, 'approved joint notes, 5 per cunt, per annum off for cash on credit aniountns. ;Grain said seed :Cash. Oscar Rlopp, Auctioneer. T. Miller,"Clerk. Prod'. Wiilert, Proprietor - AUCTION SALE barn, wParmn' Stock, Implements and Flousehold Effeets. The aim►d- ersignsd 'Auctioneer has betgi i . tr"- Ancti •:n er', .ai,ruct�;ci to self by .I'iilalit 11:uetao'n on Lot 'WM 20, N. E. Hay Town's1 Ala 12:ilf-riffle East of Drysdale, on MONDAY: MARCH 201,11, 1923, Commencing at, 1.00 o'clock LVL STOCK --1 mare 9 --yrs, old in foal due in May; 1 mare 88• -yrs. old.; 1 mare 3 -yrs, old. CATTLE -1 cow 9 -yrs. old; 1 cow 5 -yrs "old a,t c;ow 4Myrs, old. due in May; 1 COW 1i 5rs, old; 3 yearlings; 1 sow due in April; 1 sow with litter at foot; 100 hens. IMPLE11 ENTS, ETC ;--1 119 11, binder 7 -ft. cut..; M.H. binder.- 54t. cut; DLR. mower 5 -ft, cut; hoe drill, steel roller, cultivator, set diam- ond harrows,, wagon, wagon box, light wagon, pole, walking plow; double plow, hand 'scarier, sleigh fanning mill, lscsaaes, gravel box, hay rack, top buggy, 2 cutt re, 'sat single harness, set plow. harn- 'es's, 2 oil cloths, lap robe1 Buffalo robe, extension ladder, • Ford touring j'ar, bicycle, barrel, apple drier, work bench, dozen grain bagc, toolbox ancl tools, wire st- retcher, (shovels, forks, -whir fletrees Etc,, Etc .• HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS ,Flap py thought range, glass cupboard, extension ta4hle, writing desk, 6 kit- chen chairs;,, kitchen table, coal oil heater, '4 z'ockers, sewing ma- chine. 3 bedroom sets, hanging lamp, parlor lamp,' dresser, - carpet 4.sw- eeper, washing machine,. crocque- not boars; clock, pictures. kitchen louuge;'oil stove, phonograph with reeord!.s, carpets. cream . separator; 2 bedsteads, : churn. porch chair, 2' lawn mower's, dishes and kitchen utensils,' 2 5 -gal. oil cans, piano, and numerous articles. REAL ESTAITE - There will .al so be offered for sale at the same time and place the foiling proper- ties namely;. 50 -acre farm beta °i W.% 29, W. B. Con. Hay Tp. This, Ss a fine property of good farm,, ing land, large brick house bank barna driving hsed and garage the- reon, Aliso part Lot W;4 29, Stanley Tp. consisting of 25 acres - • less of good farming land. All shimaa of $10 and;, .alder cash. Over that amount 8.. -months - credit will be• given on fur cashing approved jof it notes. 5% off for cash on credit amounts. Real Estate -10' per cent 'on day of sole, balance. in 30 days. J'as. D.enomy Auctioneer. `'v, S• - Johnston, Clerk. ilia s. Julia Durand, Proprietoress. COUNTY NEWS James Rowe ofc.l3rinsley, accid- ently . fell from the" top ,beam;, in the barn 'floor, and lai's right arm ti'as broken at 'the .elbow tarsal he received. a' bad shaking up and; was, taken to Victoria l'l•ospitali' London, where he underwent an operation, on his., elbow. .The recent .controversy betwe- en the St. Marys, Medina nand :ir- kton Telephone Co, and the kirk - 'UM 'subscribers seexris to be y;u r ieti:ng down !somewhat, It appears so Inc that oiil one phone has been taken oat, many of the ,pet- ition 'signers when confrontedwith being, deprived of the 'service hay ing changed .. their mind's. What might have proved, a ser- ious fire took place on Monday ev- ening last on the farm of 'Wm'a Hamilton., as Cromarty, 'when the pip les in the house became tixerheated and it was thought iat .first that frig was smouldering in the roof Mr, Hamilton Istimznoned.' help from the neighbors and soon quite a numberwere on the scene. The Thugs l,ay 'i ta;tch 22nd, 1923 winter'0141-li;iy at the house was low and, the, water had to ba brought from the batA, but the fine waits controlled. On friday last the' little ,sen .Loy Pepper of Tuckerunhith, tivl+. Ile out in the barn where his 'father, and twa older 'boys Were .crushing. gralglec.rnbel. the nzdaelz3rats .� A i end getting his foot caught lirsora�Q way wag badly insured, i 'Fbe milk "and cream of some of the (oderieb milk dealers frail bei low the standard set by the town Board of health andthey have been notified that they, melst bre ing it up, Reeve Ammos T'ipinig of Winghairir was somewhat shaken up in the cohesion' at Cobourg recexitly. why Ile returningfrom a trip to tawa. Wroxeter ' voted last: week on a by-law to raise $200o ` to erect a community hall. The vote wala. 191' for and. 28 against. Senn Bujts • End c+� NOW. IS THE TIME TO ORDER' /OUR EASTER SUIT AND Unita , COAT PROM US, YOU CAN:i NOT BETTER YOURSELF IN 111U' r° II' G ELSEWHERE. THEY WILL BE HAND • ,TAIL= °RE77 TO YOUR INDIVIDIIAlfa MEASURES, MADE Ilv' A14Y", STYLE YOU' WISH, HUNDREDS OT) PATRON'S TO CHOOSE .FR01- You Will Like 0=JrRro k tier •. • ,yes, kir 131 tiM.11 APO/ 6olues wen! &cowing pro.blaa WALLPAPER wi11 accomplish wonders in the beautifying of the home interior, it ern. a,bles you to alter the whole character of your rooms. For papers of exceptional merit, insist on those bearing the name BO .adoado Dialiets' �WaU Papas In this range ofqualityhangings will be fouhd, large selection of papers for the Liv» ing Room or Dining Room--charimng pat-. terns for the Bedroom—clean'looking effects for the Kitchen and Bathroom. The new Boxer Papers are 2Y2 inches wider than the old type of Wall Paper ; aif•. fording opportunity for more beautiful,.der signs; giving better appearance .because of the fewer seams; and 'costing less owing to the greater covering surface. ; You will find, the maker's name -on the selvage of every roll; FOR SALE BY P R E A R .•. RICH Al