HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-03-22, Page 1;r. 11 ++ +•Pl..r.n+., .!«`..w.,....+...r+..+!**,V Vol XX I-1 I '4 a 37 ZURICH tHURSDA'l TVIC _1111 .......,.. l .. 1111. 1111. 4.t...�I.�.��r.Y...Mrl�..,. ..._...... 1111__.... ........ 1 NewEastillppers NOW THAT EASTER IS ,A.GAIN NEARING YOU WILL BR WANTING A IlEAL, STYLISH, AND UP-TO-DATE 'SLIPPER FOR THE OCCASION. \% c' have just what You are looking for, A Slipper for every F oot, in the Correct Style, and a. perfect fit. \1 atch. our Window Display and some in +and ask for our Iain, prices. O • WE ARE HERD '.'0.1)0 BUSINESS WITI3 iTHE RIGHT GO ODS AND, PRICES. . H. PFILE THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES - 14.E 1111 1111. 11;11 '>•:.: .. « •::1111• -•'Fa<:�i::s`..'9y'i:r'%'`Eii:2.'fi:';t, �'', 1111,: x.r •:c'<''"`�'`��'i •;�:��';:: •;•i:•;::<. " `::::::'a" •1111: •11:11.,:::, 11:11:;•:.;;.:.;>• "''rte <:i.,.:::::i '• :1111.. :1111. NEATLY ...... 1111. , :r b�sr� 1111. 1111 . 1111 . DONE ��. REPAIRING oogod•ci P•O Pdev oe ;6,1: G MARCH 2. 1923. M H. G. mess was a -b+siness v i'sitor to London this week. Mr. henry Geiger, of Cavalier, 3�. ',Dak, is spending the week with friends here. 1, r. Kuno Hartman and Simon Sneith left on Monday for a bus- ine s trip to Toronto. Mr. Chas,. Gossmanb who has rented the farm, of Mr. George Suiith in Stanley, for a term of ye ids, has _ moved thereon. & Son are demonstrat- ing ,a.' fine display of spring shoe ,Steok in their show window. • O•r?•r� Samuel Sararaia of New Duifidee is visiting relatives a rousid.these parts, he also 'attended Mr., •Schrag'�s sale of Holsteins. Mrs. Wm. Liebold of the Baby - 1 <ikt Line is visiting her parents/ 111:1!.c. and Mrs;, C. Volland near 01- laton,. ` ; A play entitled 'Let;:s all • get Married." is being prepared by the •i+emus' Institute, and will be given (some time in April. Today, Wednesday, is the beg- inning of spring and the weatherMaple Seems quite seasonable. syrup boiling operations will soon be assumed. st Spr1ij Good the Store with the Stock • Lister is approaching ancl. Wwariner ispring days are ,not far wvay. 'Lhis. Easter we present for :your inspection the fin.'egt 11p Range of NEW VOILES', NEW. CANTON CREPES', NEW, :CREPEDE (:RENES, NBWf (X1N7GHAMS, NEW SHADES and NEWEST. of all ,are Our New' POPULAR PRICES'. S`. Extra Fine Bleeched Sheeting 256. Yds. Wide for BED SPREADS Thus extra One sheetihe 90 inches • wide is what they are ..;now Using for making' Bed Spreads. This is- an exceptional good pieee at $1.25 a: Yard., Congeleum Rugs We have a`i ,arge range of Congoleum• Ruga •with which you will be surprised at their OW cost. We have thent in patterns that for :1 beauty of design and' richness of'color are equalled only; by expen ive woven rujgtso i All kinds of sizes and patterns for Bed Q Roon1, Dining Room, Living Room and Kitchen IQ 'Men's Gabardine Coats FOR RAINY AND CHILLY WEATHER To complete your neev Spring outfit you must at least have one of these New Gabardine Coa tis. These coats are not only for the Rainy and Chilly weather, as they are used for a real Dress Coat as well. We have them in both the light and dark shades. Also clearing out one line of Men Raincoats for $9.90, Regular $25., ITS .TIME TO BU Y YOUR Easter Hat OUB SPRING STOCK IS COMPLETED the leo cling Spring 'shades and . shapes, new ;ur1 brim , at extremely $ low prices. ramemosonwe 414' 1.4.1+1•+II+ s4.i••1•4• 3•+i•+++°+k+•a k.,k..+4 etee, 04•++til+•€+++d++ +++l<+• 4++++•i ++.s++++*+•letetetel+eefeel e4•. +4, +•1.+•!•14+++3+•3++?• t� mw.„.xm.+iw.sirw Two Bloomer Suits FOR ACIIVE BOYS These two Bloomer Suits are just the thing for Boy'wea• Splendidly Tailored and a good variety to choose from :it the wonderful loW prices of $9.00 and $10.,00 Seed ,fust eeceived Our shipment el No. .1 Canadian grown Al- and Timothy' Seed, Also Red Clover and .Alsike. • •Q Mr. Menno Steckle of the Bran- son Line; and Mr. Albert Ritten- house of the village deft on Tues- day- to, visit relatives and friends at £Imi'ra and ,vicinity. :Judge Lewis of Goderich was in the village on Thursday, last, to preeide at the Iocal Division Court but no cases were up, so only the other usual business was transac- ted, f iiiU 1 flioi r preparatory services ,.will 'be `held in the Evangelieal ch- urch this Friday evening, when Rev S. M. Hauch of :Crediton will de- liver the message in the english e langu�age� "` Q' PROPERTY CHANGES' Mrs. Arne Stelek has purchased Q Tthe' dwelling property from the Q TEstate of the late Rud. Heideman with possession given in ,a few 1 ilmissuomewammowerialezemison 49C • Q� SPECIALS QD • 4 for Friday and Saturday a 1 yard wide Pine BIeeched Cotton, Q' Reg. 25c. a yard for . 19e Q Heavy quality Black Denim, Reg;. ,50c. yd for . 1111, 1111.. 39c Black striped Shirting, Reg. 30c. ,a yard, for 1111. 23e QI 3 Boxes Cornflakes for ... 25e Q� 4 -lbs. Rice for 25e r 2 cans Libby .bed Salmon, Reg, 4a now, 2 cans for 75e. • Q j • 1' r .-1:'1-4` 'hone 59 ZURICH Produce anted. Clover Seed. We always ::Ay "the.,:. 1111 Bring us Your Alsike an highest Market Price according to Quality ** , !"'s+ ;= ySOSe ems. e eeCti!*!'�e ', , ori ?''-• 'fie r d 11:11 1111. - .r alietter 1. Stall?ik: ,F'03 s,* g` • $1.,25 a Year In AilVan • $]_dip 12'ARRi es, 1ln Y lir (i it see ' 1111 Sara the Pieces • We can duplicate your Broken Spectacle Lenses from the Smal- lest Chip within 36 Hours. HESS the Jeweler 3EWELLER. AND OPTICIAN PHONE No. 74 Incorporated 1655 Capital and Reserve ;9,000110 Over 125 Branches MOLSONS Farmers 'will secure syxripath etie banking at :,any of our lire anches. Careful attention to the needs of Canada's •A ;rie. ultural interests has always be- en a feature of The Molson4 Bank. Savings Departxxiexits:at every Branch. DepoSite o $1.00 and upwards invited. C. H. JOY Manager Zgrich &ranrch :7} =00i Pi4S+4n w.'..� v*z 1111 ♦..NlO♦0.....4 �ir..,Ci+E.0 y Winter HorseGooIs • L •. y Tust Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Horse • Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72x84. 'sr • Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prices 3 o Ranging from $7.00 to $13.09 y + SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A CALL. ' • P A BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always on hand. .I ,Club Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Prices. * 0 • HARNESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY '' PHONE 1a FRED THkIELZt : .., e ;®9a..9,,,.,, 4).4* 04:0 0.***41100a ..44•444444+Y ,• ;ar 445, • w,.4.44t, r; 0 4.44444++++++++++++++++++++++++++++44-14++++,4** f•• a ih1F , +II 4. 4. 4. �t eeks. Mr. W(.' G. Hess has purchased 4. the two-storey brick business block, next to the Zurich Garage, .. from. Mr. Thos. Johnson, with inim- ediate possession. 14. Mr. Eds. Haberer of Hay TN. has purchased from Mr. Hy, How- ard, his dwelling property includ- ! et• lug 10 -acres of land, possession gi- et von in October next. Mr. WI. S. Johnston has purchas- ; 4. ed the 100 -acre farm being Lot 22 4. S.. B,. Sta_nie'y, sold at the mortgage ++ sale in Zurich on Monday. I( Mr. C. L. Smith has purchased I .Og. from Mr. A. F. Hess the business' + block now occupied by both part- ,q les as a .printing office and conn + e} ancing office respeetatively. Mr.' .'3g. Hess will remain • in his office as formerly, with practically na changes'. LATE MRS., 'JOHN VOLLAND , Mrs. John Vollan.dt, a resideti, of Zurich for many years, but who for the past two months has been eared. for at the horns of her bro- ther, Mr, Thos. Houlden, died on Friday last in her 74th year. Mrs. Volland',s maiden name was Chris- tina Houlden, IShe was born at Whitby, and at the gage of 7 years niaved with;. her parents to Ails - green where she \Vas married. to Johne Vollandi who preiieeeased her about 9` years a ago, phe ' was taken ill about eleven weeks ago suffering from' cancer and two months ago went to Exeter, She is survived by twoi sons and one daughter, James and George, of Detroit and Mrs. M. Hasey, of Lit- tle Palle, N.Y.. Two sisters and two brothers also su•.rvive; Mrs. T. Elford;, of Detroit; Mm. Wna.W311rs, of N. Y., John of London an t hoe. if `Exeter. The funeral Was held or, Sunday afternoon, March lath, eonducted by Rev. Fames Foote, interMerit being made in the . Fx- .?ter 'cemetery, ATO 'RIA. For blots and Children in Use ForO er 0 Years Always teats the Signaffltie o£ aster Footwear LADIES! You • take great pain's and. pay particular attention to Your Easter Bonnets. We consider Easter Pootwear• equ- ally as essential, and san sup- ply You from a Large Assort- ment ssortment of the Newest and Nift- iest styles. • Only a. few of them. are 'shewn in our Window Display. IN SPESTION INVITED 4: Repairing done by the very latest methods O. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS ZURICH ONTA O bletee'l:"i. g" .'F +4+"a.+.g +++t.+.Q'£'++'4•+i",1-e++ :+ '+i.+§:'r '.'II'.+.i-14+e SPEC1A]j VALDE:IP WE HAVE JUST OPEN,' is UP A NICE LOT OP TIV e EST PATTERNS AND COLORS IN CREPES, GIN6Yq. 'i Jit VOILS, PRINTS, GELATEAS, Fac. ALSO WE ARE II,1;i liar G A BIG DISCOUNT ON HALTER, AND HARNESS iiEt'..l KS; MITTS, AND GLOVES, UNDERWEAR, OVERALLS, ETC.. 'c:TC., GIVE US CALL AND YQ,I3 WILL FIND TIIAT O1JR PR- ICES, (QUALITY CONSIDERED) WILL COMPARE, 'wi R ANY OF OtJR COMPETITORS. Highest Prices tor .. Fa m. Pre t,:: . ce N. .DOUGL $ GENERAL MERCHAN F'1�1 r 1'V.� O f1 �. ' filLAKEL