HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-03-15, Page 8et Price eductions Nowin -effect on following `Ptlfi� lines of Saasonable Goods: Mensand Boys' Over- coats and Suits About Four Dozen Sweater Coats for Men, and Boys and 1. dozen Lad res Coats. PRICES CU p TO PIE- CES IN THESE. Men's Heavy Sox, Mitts, Gloves•, Wool Blankets, Etc. NEW SPRING G00US .ARE NOW ARRIVING. See our new Lot of Prints,,,.Ginghams, Shirtings, Gal - ideas, Chintzes, Creot:,s, Special Price on 200 yds. print light and dark Coles, 25c. yd. • EW Shipment of Stamped mats ori hand. Make your choice now TRY ROYAL PURPLE Laying Meal .for yeer hens. Makes hens lay mor, e gs, We have a new lot of Royal Rurple and Pratte Stock and Poultry Reg- ulator, also Oyster Shull, and GRIT NOW ON HAND. e Oar i92 4 ' accounts are now ready. Will YOU it for Yours. ,If not call- , ed for in a s h) i t time, .we will forward by Mail. . G SCHO & SON : Produce Vt,a n .y ped Phone 67 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mrs. C. Frig is spending, this and last weeks with Rei sistel,Mrs, J. Kellerman, at Dashavood.. , In New York raw sugar has te- ethed the highestlevel recoa:ded. since 1920,, selling 5 3/8c cost and freight equal to $7.40 for ce!zi'rttfu.' gal .for .March ishipmenta, Oc.sugar in New York means 12e. sugar beret figured ,on retail basis. , ; We are in receipt of a check from Mr. Richard Nicholson, of A.rthua;, Ont, for renewal of hi''sub ascription. This pays Mr. Nichhti. uon to January 1927, and has the dis tinction of being the best paidiip subscriber on our mailing ; '' `Gstp" ear which we thank Mr, Nicholson, We .haale however, a Iew on. out' 7st that are about as fir in ar. ears as Me. 'Nicholson is in , a,dh ince, and, we wish to drawthe. ate -trillion of ,such to the feet that an t 7ur subscribers in general, pay '-oodi, and it would also' be +a cre ,:o have these few to pay up .Ale,' The regular meeting of -the Co - wise and be, in good standing:, until of the Township of Hay was held in. the Town Hall, Zurich, on STANIXEY WEDDING Monday, lefarch 5th 1923. , All the •At 4 o'clock, on Wednesday, Mar, members were present. The min- ,rates of the previous meeting were 'eh, at "Maple Terrace' .the honor adopted as read. of Mr. and Mrs. Launcelot Clarks !The Report of the !Township VernCal, a quiet yet pretty `avec-1 Engineer _ re Schwalm Drain was ding took place, when Mabel .i. adopted' es read, arid that Byelaw Elsie, their youngest daughter, a ,No..4, 1923, -be provie:oriale adopted; came the bride of Mr. Ephriam'' , and that a Court of Revision be Zurich's Gtara$e AUTO TIRES We have on hand a Complete Line of DOMINION TIRES' And TUBES,. All Sizes (Best on the Market). Also 'a few Seconds to Clear at (Extra Special Prices). LET US SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS ON AUTO CYLINDER LUBRI- CATING OILS AND GREASES. WE HANDLE NOTHING BUT THE THE BEST AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH OILS OF PROPER VES- COSITY TO SUIT YOUR MOTOR. f 1 Also stock a complete line of Genune Ford Parts ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO MOST CALLED FOR PARTS OF VARIOUS AUTOS. I.X.L. Battery Sales and Service Station, Battery Charging, 'Axy- ,Acetyline Welding. EXPERTAUTO REPAIRING A SPECIALT Y. , Get into the habit of Pat-ronizing us. We want to serve you, and Serve You Ww11, PHONE No. 103 H,Mousseau Zurich • • r,anse®oesseeeeim•W'o•ite*•••4•O••••!�•••••••••••••*o • o QueeQueen Incubators I • • Everybody. interested in the poul- . e try business shoul know soiree- •• • : -king abo t the Queen Incubator a • •• 1 new one in Canada•. • BIG H.�TCHES OF HEALTHY CHICKS ARE PRODUCED BY m: • • THE QUEEN INCUBATOR, TREY TAKE THE UNCER.1`AINTY •• • LOSS AND WORRY OUT OF THE POULTRY BUSINESS. PER- FRCT CONSTRUCTION OF CALIFORNIA RED -WOOD COMB- _' i INED WITH A FOOL -PROOF WATER HEATING SYSTEM AS- • SURES YOU YEARS OF PROFITABLE USE, IT PAYS FOR r I ITSELF IN EXIRA CHICKS THAT LIVE AND' GROW. •We 'supply as well, the Queen Colony Brooder with air even heat, night and dray, in all weathers and are known and irked, by all success°ul poultry rar+setd. •, Iget ation, Call and tee those machines and rt full inforrri, • 46 TAD &WEIDO3 REE ZURICH i - .I.ws.w,••ielesiosems•�i:•••0404.0.40.4 :0.04,.0. *; 4 • N;,o+4;AL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) 35 Eggs ,,.,., , 30 Lnod apples pee 'lb. Dutch setts per Ib. ., Potatoes per bag Wheat, per -bushel ' ._. • ... , Batter �. 7c 5c 75 1,15 95 Flour ger ewt. 3.00-3.75 Bran pe;,,ton .. 28.00 Shortsp er ton .30.00 Hogs 1.50 Owing to increased number of heavy hogs being ' marketed, the various packing houses find it necessary to- ,cf3tablish the follow- ing redretions.—$100 per cwt. on all, hogs over 220 -lbs. $1.50 per cwt.- on all hogs over 270 -lbs. $1.00 per cwt. on all cripples. WO( n't COUNCIL. Howes, of .Arthur, Ont., the. R J. L. Foster of Varna. officiatin The bride entered thee dainty dr wing room,( leaning on the :arm cif. her father, -wile gape. her away She looked charming in her tail- ored, suit of navy tricotne with•cae. nna canton blouse. •andhat of hen- na ;Satin -finished cere and ,ear>,;•ied. ,' shower budget ofu pink and 'Wh- lay May 7th for presentation to the ite ;carnations, After the wrenn- Council. ony and the usual congeetulatrons• The 'following were appointed the bride and groom led the -way Road Commissioners of the Town - to the dining room, where a dainty ships Roads for 1923, and that the wedding luncheon was served., The C.erk propane a By-law vafliat'ag bride received many handsome • gifts including some cheques. Fol- lowing the wedding the young 'cou- ple 'lett on a !short •fronesytementrsip to Totonto before settling, in their 'new: home. WINGHAM CONSIGNMENV:e SALE ,', Greb, b CFF. Hey;. Rd. No. 7 a P. The annual Consignment Sale Schwalm • Rd, Na. 8 a D. Ginger= *+++++++++++++++++++++++++.114-e+++++++++++++++14+++*, f the ,Huron Co. Breeders' Asso� b J. Decher, Jr • Na 9 a p� e' ore's Stab �_ �.. ' eheld on the 2nd day of April,,1923 'tat the hour of 1.30 o'clock in the afternoon.' !The Clerk to mail .a copy accordance with the Munic- ipal Drainage 'Act. • John Pfaff was appointed as in- epector of the East Branch, North and South Drain, and prepare a report on condition of 'said drain ;said appointment. Road Noy 1, a A. Stanlake, b D. Shirray, c.R..McArthur';•-:Rd.. N0 2, aei. Aldsworth, bF Corbett, c Vi'm Bell, d E. Details; Rdi. Nqr. 13 a C. Aldsworth; b. W: Dignan, e E. Datars; Rd, ,Na. 4 c F. Stelek; 'Rd.. N. 5 at WI Dearing, b T. Kyle., c H. Puss; Rd. Noie.6 a, S.' Thursday. March 15.t h 1923' 41010 .. AN1MWMf6.a•P.61..NWYWPW='WY�aWw_. ... The stare ar�jtla the Lih3ral Gael Jia:oust As advertised last weak we are off t,�'a stet Here are a few specials for Friday and Saturday .5th and 16 th 1 only White Rotary Sewing Ma- chine ' -cut oak, Full Cabinet Style, Regular ... .... ... ...$95.00. SALE PRICE $50.00. 1 only White Rotary Sewing Ma- chine 'same as cut,, .a •beautiful machine, 4 -cut Oak. Regular $90.00. SALE PRICE $50.00.' 1 only White Vibrater Schu,'ttle Machine, 6 Drawer. A BARGAIN AT$40.00. You can't buy them after day at above prices. Satur- You can buy these Machines on part payment; Balance monthlye This is the Season of year, when you need a g ood .!sewing machine;.. A few large 14 -qt. 1 x Heavy tin, Rimmed. Btotom Dairy pails Regular 85. SALE PRICE 55c. Calf meal while it lasts 25 lbs. Sale Price $1.2Q 1ViEL.ICK&FR�-IUlu PHONE 63 t s held to L p• C , 'ticker, b' WM Thiel, c R. Geiger; + to ton wa Wingham m, on Feb. 28th with a barge, No ;10` a , L. Schuaker„ b H. Kru- 'f attendance present. Th average ager, C,aeksc es Steinbach; .'1 , t' . .II. prcie paid for 49 Iota was :$8750 a J tetter; Rd. No'12 Max'f 1 The highest :priee for a b 11 $185,,, Turnbull; ,Nol; 13, a P. Schade ; No g ~/ Villager, II: sold by Stanley. Came14 a J. iCamgbell, b •L. ';K-albflei- '�' it 'pbell of Palmerston to J. I1 ^ Krr schti e E. Hendricks;No. 15 H ight;of Brussels: T'he h�ghestApr,ce }3Pown; Rei No: 16 L. Scliilbe; Noy. f b $145 f Y e! 380 fora heifer '1 or f Ys► 1+ J.Geoffrey; No. 18 A. L. Sreena'n .:- consigned by T. Pierce ot•BruaseY� The 'following + and bought by W. E. Stub,'s • of lowrng .were appointed Brussels. Total amount realized on sales was $4,355. : The ,average price realized ter Shorthorn callte was $90. Five head compoeed AA Angus and Hereford, realized '$80 each: The only Hereford lot,con ,sistiing off a cow and calf, eonsigh ed by Thos. Taylor of Wingharn sold for $125. The biggest drail, back to the 'sale was the lack of finish to the cattle. Z. P. S. SCHOOL REPORT Report of Room II for the month of Febroary. , Jr. III—Gladys Spathe, Rose Lie bold; Beilah Sararas, Eleanor Pt-• eischauer and Wilfred Ducherrme. equal; Wilfred Laurene Schwalm, Earl Thiel, Claire Mellick, . Rose - Albrecht Sr: II: Zeeland Willert,Ruth Zettel, Floyd. Krofp, Sari Haber +er and Grace Zettel equal; Nelda, Schwalm, Napoleon Bedard; Alice Koehler, Cecil Uttiey;.Greta Ko- ehler, Ervin Dietrich), • • Jr. II—George Grenier, , Mary' Kochem'e, Anna Druar, Adeline F1-- eiachauer. Clarence Smith and. Roland' Grenier, equal; Ear+' Yung- blut, Helen Thiel, Glenn' Walper, Byron Ducharme, Milverna Geirer. Olin Foeter. Olive M. O'Brien, Teacher Poundkeepers, Fence Viewers, Sheep. -Valuators. and Weed Insp- ectors for 1923 and a By-law be prePared validating said d appoi nt meats. Poundkeepees —AT Ingram„ E. Weida, S. Grab, Casper Walper, G decker,, H. Krueger, T. F. ,Turnbull, zip. N. Denamme. ' 'Fence Viewers—W. Caldwell, J. Pfaff, J. Eckstein, H. Steinbach, A Hendrick. Sheep Valuaors—Wl C, Pearce, R. J. Haberer, F..Kading. Weed Infspectors-V.1W. Chapman,: C. Stenion, D. Ducharme, Wz H. Haugh.. The following account's were passed= Munic. World cash book and sup- SCHOOL REPORT The following its the report of S.S. No. 5,, Stanley„ for the month o fFebruary Jr. IV—Edgar Smith 78%, Mar- garet McKinley 75; Walter Mc13ride` 75, Irene McClinchey 72; Wesley Hayter 64. Jr. III—Helen Dimmick 83; Era ma McBride 67, Elgin Hayter 59, Russel Hohner. II -Edgar McLinchey 68. Jr II;—Margaret Robinson, Je; nine Dimniick, Grace Robinson Pt. II—Bert McBride, Elmore Mc- Bride, Elmore Stephenson. ' Pt. I; --Bruce McLinchey, Vera Smith, Russel Hayter. Printer — Noreen Robinson, Gam. pbell McKinley. M b F,ed. Watson, teacher CREDITON , The Mission Aid of( the Evarigei ical Church held a very 'duccessllul. oyster supper in the Town Hall last Wednesday .evening. • The annual 'meeting ,ot the Cry: editon Baseball Club was held last Monday evening in F. W, Morlock store andelecti,ern of officers toe oh plate as I9llows Hou. Pres„ rF Kerr; Clarence' Il.olt n an; Manager PE'- ra Oestretcher; • A.ss't Man. E. .."We Morlock, Sec. -Tress. Lloyd Eng• land. plies :53( 48; Tp. ' Clerk, res B M. Do You Know? THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR GOOD PRINTING + THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING • INVITATIONS AND: ANN :OUNICEMENTS . 4 THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH i.AS LETTERHEADS. BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND D STATE ENTS WHAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR.TWO LEA=DING MANU'FAQT .� .r. URERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- ' et + PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS + t TRAT - WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVEla- +4>;+ e+ OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON Olt ` :o TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM ST- + ATIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS INTWO 'SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., ETC. .p • THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK ' BOTTLE 4• y WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR 5c. . LARG- GER `+,F� QUANTLTIES AT BIGGER REDUCTIONS , 44" ,THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POS- t'1'ERS( MERC.AN,TiLE POSTERS AND ALL- GENERAL •. ' PRINTING OUR SPECIALTY ' a 8„ D 3%50; ;. C.L. Smith, printing act ' ° b+l •t + '+++•: +rAs.++•1'•t++ ++€•3 +++++3 + ++ ++ +++II•+3••€ +++ ++++II+ ++++£t'7 i' 157.10; Stroinberg-Carlon's Tel Co.. supplies' `141.39; North. Elec. Co. _b-�-- 'supplies- 23.83; Melick & Braun act. Ready -to -Wear 42.10;4C. L. Smith, printing re tele ephone 42.10; Bell Tel. Co. tolls Clothing 40.28. The Council adjourned to meet again on Monday April 2nd at 1.30 o'clock, p.m., for Court of Revision re Schwalm' Drain and general bus-, J. iness. A. F. Hess, Clesrk. BIBLE THOUGHT FOR TODAY •b)• The•Qhbentad wiII purrs • odaLnbe u utter rear.. ec;r•. _� I !shall yet praise him, who is the, health of my countenance, and my Goin. -Ps. 43;5', My people shall dwell in.. a peaceable hebitatiotre and in sure dwellings, andin quiet resting places.—Isaiah 32;1.8. Withhold •not good from• them to wh'onf it is due, when it is inthe power of thine hand to do it. -Pro. 3,127.- 1. He that keepeth his mouth keep- eth his life; but he ''chat openeth wide his lips shall ,have destruct- ion, --Prov, 13;3 Let another man praise'thee, and. not, thine own lips.—Prov,•27;2 Cast thy burden upon the Lord and: he: shall sustain thee he 'shalt r u fer the ri t o never, a f h gh e tae to be move&--Ps,i 5a;,� t,. , l rethern, if amen be overtaken ie a fanrlt, yie which ere !spiritual, x,ettore such:` nee in the spirit of neekne s; c nstder_ thyrseit, lest thou also be tenn.j 1:edi—Cial. 6;z. DENOM Y BROS. GENTS EURPITSHINGS Ordered- : , Clothing Habberlin Clothing THE BEST CLOTHING IS THE KIND THAiT SELLS AND BRINGS REPEAT ORDERS. THAT IS WE x1T HABBERLIN, BRAND WILL DO THIS SPRING. THEY ARE MAKING SMARTER SULTS AND OVERCOATS AND USING BE- TER F.A.BRCIS THAN THEY HAVE EVERt. DONE BEFORE. PRICES ARE ATTRACTIVE HOBI3ERLIN CLOTHING I9 RAC KED BY .RRA131IERLIN SERVICE,' WHICH MEANS COMPLETE SAT LSFACTION nnrioivrzi Prochce taken in exchange for Goo�� •