Zurich Herald, 1923-03-15, Page 7A OT ER'$ IlEALTil
Care of Home and Children
Often Causes a Breakdown,
The Woman at home, deep in House-
hold duties and the paras of mother-
hood, Lieerle oce€tsional help to ;; te.ep
her in good health. The .deznandq Up-
on a mother's health"aremany and
seveve. Her own health trials and her
children's welfare exact leeavy tolls,
while hurried meals, broken rest and
much indoor living tend to weaken her
constitution. No wonder that the wo-
man at hone is often indisposed
through weakness•, be laches, back-
aches and nervousness. Toomany
women have grown to accept these
visitations as a part of •the lot of
ruotherhooxl. But many and varied as.
her health troubles are, the cause is
simple and relief at hand.. When wells,
it is the woman's good blood that keeps
her well; when. 111 sho must make her
blood rich to renew her health. The
nursing mother more than any other.
woman in the world needs rich `blood
and plenty of it. There is ane way to
get this good blood so necessary to
perfect health, and that is through the
use of Dr. Williams' fink Pills. ldrs.
W. T. Riley, B.R. No: 1, Apple Hill,
Ont., has proved the great value of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills to mothers, and•.
tells her story as follows :--,r Two years
ago, after the birth of my iioy, I be-
came very weak and run down.. Grad-
ually I lost weight and energy until'I
was unable to -do my housework. I
could not sleep, my nerves would
twitch and jump so that I arose irtrthe
morning with heavy aching limbs and
head. Indigestion helped to make the
misery worse, and my heart world pal-
pitate• -terribly. I doctoredsteadily for
a year without getting better, but just
dragged along feeling . that I would
never be well .again. But one lucky
lelay, on the advice of a friend, I began
treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink
PiIis. I have taken only six boxes, but
I wish you could see the difference.: I
am now able to. do my work, go about
and enjoy myself. I feel so entirely
like a new woman that advise every
weak or ailing woman to try Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink fills and I know they will
get beneficial results."
If you are ailing, easily tired or de-
, pressed, it is a duty you owe yourself
and your family to give Dr. Williams'
• Pink Pills a fair trial. What this
medicinehas done for others it will
'surely do for you. You can. get Dr.
(Williams'' Pink Pills through any deal-
er in medicine or by mail at 50 cents
a box or six boxes far $2.50 from The
dDr. Williams' Medicine Ca, Brockville,
To My Mother.
Deal gently with her, Tithe; these
many years
-Of life have brought more smiles with
theni,than tears,
il.ay not thy hand too harshly on her
'But trace, decline . so slowly on herr
,That like a .sunset of the northern
Where twilight lingers in the summer
And fades at last into the silent night
Ere one may note the passing of the
So may she pass- since 'tis our com-
mon lot—
As one who, resting, sleeps and: knows
it not.
—John Allen Wyeth.
A crowd of a milion persona stand
ing in comfort would cover seventy
Londoners have lost the knack of
laughing, :aecordingto a German I usi-
ness man who has been in the metro-
polis for the first time since 1914.
"It's altogether too easy to get a
"Well, maybe ifit wasn't so -easy
to get something to get a divorce
from it wouldn't be so easy."
Three Wishes. -
If a fairy cattle to me
With the gift of wishes tbree,
First, I'd have a hour:e (quite small!)
With, 'rosesl on thesouthern wall,
Four red claimneys, leaded lights,
And shutters for the winter nights.
T'.hen; I'd have a garden, too,
Where the old-world flowers grew;
Lavender in misty beds,
Flaming scarlet poppy heads,
Fruit .for jam, a. kitchen .plot,
Wallflower and forget -fee -nit.
Last, a white fence and agate
Where the One Beloved could wait,
Watching the long road for me,
Looking outward -tenderly.
—And It's a pity, so I say,
That :'fairy folk have passed' away!
-V. Arlett.
Neither Seen Nor Heard.
A small girl was at her first grown-
up dinner party, and, being wedged in
a corner of the table, she was quite
She suffered is ; silence for some-
tine, until at last, during a lull in the
conversation, a pathetic little voice
-piped up: "Does aurone- want a clean
I know a thing that fro one knows
Save .only one and 1,
So frail it is, a theeud seems etrvnlst
So great, it mocks the sky..
I dare riot tell it if I would,
And would not if I dared,
It is so shining even gold
Is only dull compered.
But he must tell it --f must wait,
As modeet maidens` do. "
My little heart, will he be glad.
To find I. know It too?
--Helen. Frazee -Bower.
The winter'season lea hard one on
'the baby. He is more or lee confined ray age in Canada.
d rootiis. Tt,ie "Before •takin. 'Saniac I vias �;ll. run-
r` aE LE,'I�"T`ERS�
Canadian Writer Declares He
Never Saw Its Equal for
Building One Up.
'•",I'anlac is a faithful old .friend that
never.;. falls ine," deelared James A,
Broin,: 671: Gerrard St, > ., Toronto,
Ont,, recently. Mr. Drain • is one of
Toro nto's best'known citizens, and in.
addit'tan to being a sa e,cessful business'
man, bas written many .poem and'
songs ' that have gained wide peen-
"I've been taking an oecas.ional treat-
lnent'of 'i'ianiac for four years, and it
helps ele in Inci. condition. Why,
right now, I feel like I could Void
ground in a foot race with any man
to stuffy, badly, ventilate1 , s
so often stormy that the mother does' down, lied little appetite, and was suf-
fertng from Indigestion I wasn't
sleeping well and was often so weak
end nervous I couldn't attend to busi-
ell, sir, all tl ese ailments
p red with my figstt eatmantae ran -
lac, and to this good day I've been eat- I
Ing; sleeping and feeling fine. In all
not get him out in the fresh air as of
ten as she should. He catches; colds
which: rack his little .system; his etom-
ach. and bowels get out of order and
hes becomes peevish and cross. To
guard against this the mother should
keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in
the house. They regulate the stomach
and bowels;, and brei up colds. They
are „sold by medicine dealers or by?
mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr.
Williams' - Medicine Co., Brockville;
Something Worth While.
Guest (inspecting pictures)) --"Ah!,`
an, old master, I think?"
Mrs, Newrich—" Y -yes; but the frame
is new."
Dominion Express 14toney Orders are
on sale in five thousand offices
throughout Canada.
Music can lull to slumber any form
of disease curable by-science,"accord-
ing to a professor at Cincinnati Uni-
M•inard's Liniment for sale everywhere
Ten years is the average life of an
Surnames and Their Origin.
Variations --Eberly, Eberle.
Racial Origin -Welsh, or Cornish, Ger-
erman, possibly Scottish, English,
Source—A locality, a given name, a
characteristic. '
Here is. a family name with several
possible sources, which certainly may
be .assumed to have developed from
more than one of them.
Unfeatimately it unusually diffi-
cult to get track, of it in the Middle
Ages, but'fr Ln, known data, considered
name of a similar meaning to the Ger-
Racial Origin --English.
Source -A place -name. .
This should not be a difficult name '.
to analyze, for it naturally splits itself
into the' two words "south" and "well."
It would therefore seem to be ob-
viouseexample of that eines of "family:
naline which originated in a place name
� and 'which was used to -indicate the.
in the light `of linguistic development, place of residence of its first bearers.,.
the following explanations present or to distinguish them by reference to
themselves. • the place from which they had come.
As a German family name it may be And that classification is -cornet, In
considered the development of a nick- many eases there is no doubt that it
!lane indicating a personal character- indicated a place, of residence. near the
istic, from "eber," a "boards" .and south well of this, that or ,the other
meaning "bearlike," figuratively community.
"fierce" or "hoed."' Or it may have But there is, also another explan
come from the gflven name indicating tion of the existence cif the name
this characteristic.Th!n ere is Nottinghamshire a plaoo.
As Welsh orr Cornish British "hit I called Southwell, end it is, logical to
would be the development of "aber- believe that in many cases the family
lee", indicating a marshy place where name simply indicated an original re-
two or three streams. come together. sl•drenoe in this community.
The Gaelic equivalent for this would This place name, however,, is not
be "eabar," and the name, developing exactly what it seems, The "well" in
in the section where highlands and this, case, historians believe, is not the
lowlands of Scotland fuse, might be
due to unconscious• redundancy. Those
speaking English coming .across the
locality known as "Debar" might con-
ceivably add • their own descriptive
Word "les" to it, not knowing that the
meaning of ..the two words were vir-
tually the same.
''nAs an English family name, it may
be a development of a Saxon given
word with which we are familiar to-
day, and which also was in common
Use throughout England in the Middle
Ages, There was anot>aler word "wail,"
loss frequently used, but none the less
quite common in niany sectiones, of the
country, which _indica:ted a plain, or
open field. And it is believed that the
nreaning of this placezlaane was "south
ur vitami x s
Vitamin and Mineral elements are
part of the splendid nutriment
which Nature stores in the field
grains for nourishing and„vitalizing
the human body.
Grape -Nuts, made from wheat
and malted barley, has for over
twenty live years supplied vitamin
end other elements necessary for
Perfect nutrition
There's a crispness and flavor
that delight the taste --and there'e
natural health -building goodness
that makes Grape -Nuts With creafn
or milk a complete food—and won-'
derfully delicious!
Grape -Nuts is truly economical
because a small quantity provides
Unusual. nourishment.
Grp a: utsFOR 14ALTII
theke's a Reason”
Sold by grocers everywhere!
Made by Canadian Posture Cereal Company, Limited
4g Peaat Street lg., Toronto
Feetoryt Wladsor, Ontario
Lift Off with Fingers
Doeltedt _tort , a bits Drop a little
`Freezone". on an aching corn, !Maul
1y that corn stops hurting, then short
ly you lift it right' off with fingers.
Truly k
Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of
"Freezine" for a few cents, suf l lent
to remove every hard corn, soft corn,
or corn between the toes, and the cal-
luses, without so,eness or irritation.
my seventy years, I've never seen the
equal of Tantac, and I just wouldn't be
without it."
Tanlac is for sale by all good drug-
eats.Over 35 million bottles sold.
And Shoulders. Burned
Badly. Cuticura Heals.
"My trouble started with pimples
breaking: out all over my face and
shoulders. The pimples
were large and red and fes-
tered, and itched and burned
so badly that I could not
sleep. They were very sore
snd my clothingaggravated
"I read an advertisement
for Cuticura Soap and Ointment and
sent for a free sample which helped
me. I purchased more, and after
using four cakes of Cuticura Soap
and,three boxes of Cuticura Ointment
was healed." (Signed) William C.
Steen, 39 Peabody St., Buffalo, N. Y.
Use Cuticura for all toilet purposes.
I;. Sample EsehFraeby13.a11, Addresa•'Zymana, Ltm-:
lted, 853 Bt. Paul 8t., W., Montreal," Sold every -
Soap l'6o. Ointment 25 and 60c, Talotunrro.
Cuticura Soap shaves withoutmyr,
Instantly! End '. Indigestion
or Stomach Misery with
Papel Diapepsin"
As soon as you eat a tablet or two of
ape's Diapepsih" your indigestion is
gone!: Heavypain, heartburn, flatu-
lence, gases, palpitation, or any misery
from a sour,acid stomach ends. Cor
rent your stomach, and digestion for a
few cents. Bash package guaranteed
by druggist.
America's'Ploneer Dog Remedios
Book "on
and How to Feed
Mailed Free to any Ad-
dress by the Author.
May *lover Co., Inc.
, 129 West 24th Street
New York, CY.M.A.
Opened' Solomon's Pools.
In its. solution of .the vexed problem
of ea water supply in ,Terur•slem the
Department, et` Public Works, in Pales-
tine bus contrived tocombine utility
with romance, writes the Jerusalem
correspondent of "The London Morn-
ing Poet." In the days of the Roman
.occupation, hen the population of tie
HciIj' Land was no smaller, apparently,
than new, Jerusalem was -wen supplied
with water. It has occurred to the de-
partment to notice use of the. Roman
reservoirs and aqueducts; of whir.!). the:
ruins can still be seen.
ThUS the Pools of Solomon, so called
froth being near the Gardens of Solo-
mon, and of second century date, three
1a1.gereservoirs, with a total capacity
of 40,,500,000 gallons, situated some
eight' miles from the capital, are again,
after centuries of ,disuse, supplying
Jerusalem with water. Some clilii•euity
was found in repairing leaks, but two
of the pools have, al' eady been suf-
ficiently, deified out and restored to
fitful their original purpose.
The department has. even found, it
poseibie to use the surface aqueduct
and tunnels, which the Romans made,
all as to secure connection, between'tihe
pool§ and their mainsource of supply,
a spring rising in a cavern named Bir
Darash. This was effected atter the
removal of Moen silt and stones. So
bistryry is repeating itself at ,Tei'ussieni.
Petroleum In Spain,
The ;Spanish Government will drill.
4 to 2,000-nletrer Wells in a eearah, tor
petitOleum in 'provinces. w1i•ere it is• be-
lieved to'dxist•
When a dog harks n.light in, Japan
the owner ie eri ested. and sentenced to
Work [ora fixed tinie for the neigh»
hors chose slurubem may have 'been
ISSUE fie, 10—'23,
Endorse Minard's Liniment and
, prescribe it In their practice.
prescribe it in their practise.
Write' for testimony of medi-
cal !nen. -
'jlassified Advertisements l
1►C11tTl k�"Uia4 114).; BEAD'
Iry earded1 anal iiutey. Dint fr
Trete oil of gretiso. 7.,arge econple, exmolit
for oomforte,�, 'ens �loliar. saloon
Mills, Georgetown, Ontario.
SZ.X,MSZeltErt WANT4:0.
ares eSaTet Ornate;
1,13An1 QLOVi Ft, 'xenet pet
lit annual, write 1' et int rertel g .l
formation, D, 'Fraser, 4,.1t. Y eertR
True dupatio o.,.•
No person ,can, be called 01110464
Who will not do effeotively something
that he does not wish to do allele,
time when it ought to be done.--Nieix
oiaa ,Murray Butler,
Minard's Liniment used by 13111p31041.134%
Duet from vokanile eruptions hat
been known. to laeonsel 500 miles
through the air,
+aeaseeoeeela+:o +.aessesosa,ihseeeyoaevwa+
" Cart"1C
Best Bowel Laxative
When Bilious,
.+44 es•W.*,u «ao+.aana•4-1 saa *«,,+++N•+r4+o++4ta
To clean out your bowels without
cramping or overacting, take Caspar,
ets. Sick headache, biliousness, gases
indigestion, sour,' upset stomach, and
all . such distress gone by morning..
Nicest physics on earth for grewu-ups
and children 10c• a box: Taste Like
candy. e. r
aeseeasseaoesse-seeeeasseasees -tease sassed;
s Relieves
spe p Sia
M. D. advises "Persons who
suffer from severe indigestion
a and constipation should take after
each meal and at bedtime, fifteen
to thirty drops of the Extract of
Roots known to the Drug Trade
as "Mother Seieens•Curative Syrup."
Get the Genuine. 50c. and$1.00
(Ru bottles. 1
The Family Medicine Chest
Bin A
t are
from rhannaticpairil
Whether you have suffered
for years or are experiencing
rheumatic pain for the first
time—Sloan's Liniment will
bring you quick, sure relief.
Apply Sloan's to those
stiff, sore joints.
Its tingling, penetratingwarmth
brings comfort numediately. Be!
fore you realize it the pain has
Sloan' s Liniment will make you
realize how unnecessary it is to
suffer from rheumatic pain today,
The most .stubborn and chronic.
cases yield to Sloan's.
Made in Canada
Sloane Liniment-hi11 ptdf
For rheumatism, bruises, str ains; chest colds
Mrs. McMahon Tells How She
!round Relief by Taking Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
- r Chatham,, Ont. `1 took Lydia -Ail.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for a
run-down condition after the birth of
my baby boy. I had terrible pains and
backache, and was tired and weak, not
fit to do my work and care for my three
little children. One dayl received your
little bookend read it and gave up take
ing the medicine I had and began taking
the Vegetable Compound. I feel much -
hotter now and am not ashamed to tell
what it has done for me. I recoinnend
it to any woman I think feels as I do."
-Mrs. J. R, MCMAHON, 153 Harvey
St., Chatham, Ont. -
Lydia E. Pill; ham's Vegetable Com-
pound, made from roots and herbs, has '
for nearlyfiftyyearsbSenrestoringmak,
ailing women to health and strength. It
relieves the troubles which cause such
symptoms as backache, painful periods,
irregularities, tired, worn-out feelings
and nervousness. This is shown again and
again by such letters as Mrs. McMahon
writes, as well as by one woman telling
another. • These women know, and are
willing to tell others, what it did for
them;. therefore, it is surely :worth
your trial.
Women who suffer should write to the
Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co.,Cobourjt,
Ontario, for a free copy of Lydia ,
Pinkham's Private Text -Book upon
"Ailments Peculiar to Women." o
:UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" ;on tablets, you
are not getting Aspirin atA11
:Accept only an "unbroken package',' ,of "`Bayer, Tablets of
Aspirin," which contains directions :and dose worked out• by
physi'clans during 22 years and proved safe by millions for
Cole , kieadach heumatis ll.s
Toothache Neuralgia Neuriti
Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain
Moldy "Bayer'' boxes o 12 tablets—Also 'battles sof Vii: and 100 ---Druggists.
Melds,is the trade hark (registered in Candia) of 53ayer 7,la'hcreeturo of Noie-
iteetleacldenter of anlles-lieacii1, While It is well 'known that Aspirin nniez s lt,tycr.
lmanufaeturc, to eselet the public against ltuliettc,ts. the Tablets of 14nyer ;':oinpatty
Will be stamped, 'With their gambol trade Marko the "Beyer Cross."