HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-03-15, Page 6M!i
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Address communioatien9 to Agronomist, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto
!dare of Flock at Lambing Time. must be made comfortable, Most
Dreading ewes should be put in a dairymen stable their caws mast of
I ood theravin.g condition and keptt in the time during the winter. I find that
+it condition throughoutthe winter on an average, my cows are stabled :,
tee to lambing time, care being taken twenty-three out of every twenty-four
to have thein neither too fat nor too hours. Mild: days I allow on caws to
thin. Ewes that carry excessive flesh remain in the yard from one to two
usetaaly develop a good real of fat hours, but in chilling weather they
inside, wheelie peeve/Iles the proper dee are in the yard just long enough for
velopinent of the lamb and very often watering, I believe daily outdoor ex-,
ie the direct cause of so many ills at excise adds to the health and ,comfort
lambing time, On the other Band,' of the dairy cove.
ewes. that ere too thin have not ,s'uffi-1 My :cows are tied we`ll swinging.
client nourishment foe the peeper de- i stanchions, These stanchionsare sus-
velopment of the young, either before I pended on a short chain ' about six
or after birth. A good ration for! inches long and are also fastened at
breeding ewes is a mixture of one the bottom with a short chain about
and oneehalf parts of oats to one part I the same length. I like this stanchion
of good wheat bran, fed at the rate { as it gives the eows a great deal of
of one-half pound per ewe per day III liberty, yet they are properly tied. I
along with two pounds of •goal motel do not like the rigid stanchion. For TO WREST WEALTH FROM THE HINTERLAND.
and two to three pounds of good years we tied our cows with chains
i about the neck, attached: to a vertical When geologists, mineralogists and prospectors all agree that Northern
glover hay per day. Roots should be
reduced in the feeding ration ones bar. This tie was far ahead of the Quebec has the richest bit of we:aliln producing land yet untapped in Canada,
month previous to lambing time. + rigid stanchion from the • standpoint it can be readily expected that there will be the next groat gold rush. In
on weaning time the shepherd; °f comfort of the cows, tut the swing- spite of intense winter weather thousands of gold seekers are •already in
should keep a watchful eye on the ing stanchions are the most •satisfac- Rouyn Township seeking the precious, metal:. An unprecedented rush is pre -
flock .both ni ht and day for, verytory of ail. dieted for the spring 'when, the ways open lip.- It lies just east of the
often a little careful attention to that To stable cows comfortably, a prop -Quebec border and not -far distan ,rom therl•chl are Aelds of northern On-
newiy born lambs means an extra one erly arranged and constructed stall is tarso. The water route to the new Id will be by a chain of lakes and rivers
tia. We ave._used plank floors,
added to the flock. This is particular- essenfrom the head of Lake Temisk'ami
ly true with the young mothers and int cobblestone and block floors in our
cases of twins or triplets. Very often stable, but the cement floor. is the
one of these is weaker than the other, most satisfactory, beyond all question.
and should it become chilled may die It is easy to keep Olean and sanitary
before it gains sufficient strength to and because of this there is no un- hogs has been demonstrated" in num- Thew is Tattle advantage to be gain -
take nourishment from the mother. pleasant odor about the stable.' I con- arcus instances, but it would not seem from chopping aifealfa er grinding
When the lambing season is early sider foul gases about the stable as amiss at the present bine to. osier a it into meal, except for young pigs,
a comfortable lambing pan is essen- injurious to the health of the cows as brief discussion am the matter. Be- because of the fact that the increased
etisprofitable at anyto the dairyman himself. I believe a cause of its suitability do a vraiiety of visas has not moven .sufficiently
spas; in fa it p smooth, tight floor an important faC•-
time, for very often ewes with twins foiniis, it has proven to be a ,boon to.great to offset the additional cost. In
tor in the sanitary stabling of o of the hag raise. " ) the ease of young pigs, however, which
The stable should have. plenty When used in the. form of green are ncapalble of handling any' appreci-
Rindews on alts sides, if gassrble, and feed either as a soiling or pasture able quantity of roughage, alfalfa can
especially on the south side: During when cured and used as hay,; er be used in the form of meal to good
ground into meal,. it `las been found advantage.
that almost invariably this feed has Because of the peculiar limitations
taken a foremost place when com-
pare& with tbe other legumes '
In the cured state as hay it is par-
ticularly well adapted to meet the re-
quirements of mature hogsas a
roughage. The hogs 'consume only
finer portions of the stems and t
leaves, and it is, therfore, very
portant when harvesting this crop to
preserve es many of the -leaves as
Analysis shows that alfalfa " con -
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• The feeding value of alfalfa for
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tained where a system of soiling is
pas -
relatively inexpensive source, it
ver„,pra•oticed than when hogs aro .pas-
rela of a material reduction in the tared, but the not inconsideraible addi-
Bost of the ration of mature stock. tonal labor and expense involved in
the cutting and hauling of the crap
has resulted in the production of pork
by this method being fully as expen-
sive when compared on the basis of
eost per pound ofgain in live weight.
or triplets when left in the flock will
dlsowwn their (lambs. Furthermore,
ewes after lambing require more gen-
erous feeding, and the lambing pen
makes+ this possible. A careful watch winter the ,days are short and many
to assist the weak ones will reduce days are cloudy. Unless there are
the number of losses. In cases of plenty of windows the stable will be
heavy milkers, milk fever may occur. very dark and gloomy. The dairy cow,
In suoh cases the udder should be like a human being, enjoys sunshine.
bathed be warns water, thorougl ay My cows are stabled along the south
dried and rubbed with pure hog lard side of my barn so that the sun can
as hat as the eye can stand: If their shine directly upon the cows.
teats become sore from Iambs biting Good ventilation is absolutely nee -
them, two or three applications of essaiy to the health and comfort of
vaseline per day will helm them. All the cows. Few farm barns are equip -
wool on the udders that prevents the ped with an adequate system of ven-
iambs from feeding properly should, tilation.: However, fresh air may be
be clipped off with the shears. I brought into the stable in various
It has been noticed that lambs soon`ways if eare is exercised to avoid
begin takinga little. of the grain mix -1 direct drafts. One or more windows
bi 1 niay be raised several inches and - a
tore fed to their mothers, therefore it,
is advises + p;11„lrun. malts' board fitted across the. opening in • such
t' } a :manner as to - allow fresh air to be
at one. en he pen into which the,
lambs only may go and be fed sapar- in without draft. A door may be left
ately. A good grain.mixture for: partly open on the side opposite the
lambs is two parts of wheat bran, ones prevailing winds. Abundance of fresh
part of crushed oats, one leart of finely air is essential for the health and
ground corn meal and from one, comfort of the dairy caw.
quarter to one -hall' part of oil -meal. To consume her food profitably the
Whole oats will do, but the former is dairy cow must have 'a comfortable
preferable. Should a ewe not have bed to lie on. Plenty of clean, dry
sufficient milk for her young, the bedding not only provides comfort but
lamb may be materially helped out by assists in keeping the cows clean, and
giving it two or three feeds per day the stable sanitary. I like to use all
of cows' milk. the bedding I possibly can in my
All lambs should be narked a few stable as it not only keeps my cows
days after birth, thus saving trouble clean and makes them comfortable,
but materially increases my manurial
supply.—Leo 0. Reynolds.
Study the Individual Cow.
From various experiments in feed-
ing dairy cattle, and from observa-
tion made through the records ofcow-
testing associations, it has been found
that good feeding will increase the
milk flow of the average coww? from 25
to 50 per cent., says Mr. A. H. White,
Chief Dairy Promoter of the Domin-
ion Dairy and Cold Storage Branch,
in his recently issued pamphlet on
Meow -testing. To bring this increase
about, it is not sufficient for the
dairyman to know the requirements
of his herd as a whole; he must know
the nee seities of each individual' cow
in order that she may produce the
most. This knowledge can be.Obtain-
later on, All ram lambs • that are un-
desirable as breeders should bo cas-
trated and all lambs docked at the age
of two or three weeks.
As many of the failures in the sheep
Industry can be attributed to careless --
nese and negligence during' the breed.:
ing and lambing seasons, it is most
essential that careful study and atten-
tion be given to the flock at this tine
i1 success is to be assured.
Keep the Cow Comfortable.
The dairy cow, to give a large yield
of milk of high butter -fat per cent.,
Any of the following inay be had free
on application to the
Publications Branch
Department of Agriculture
Report of the aliniater• of Agriculture.
Report of the Bee Division.,
Report of Clioinistry-bivielon.
Report Division of Forage Plaints.
Fox stanching in Canada.
Directions, for Collecting ailgl. Preeery
:vg Insects.
lo Cow 'resting Worth While?
Melanie Cheese.
Influence of Feeding ca Type of Hogs.
Care of the Ewe and Lamb.
Artificial Incubation.
Natural Incubation,
now to Make and tTh4 Hotbeds acid
Cold Frame.
New Varieties and Seleetiens of Crain.
Th* Fertilizers Aot
:i'tardy Mesas.
]diens Fruits,
eceeenniended Varieties of Field Roots
*sede'and Weed Seeds;
e Maple Sugar Industry.
9 Itotatioiia for Cleated and. Ill t-
e n Canada.
The Strawberry and eta Cultivation. .
W1ua Hafebandey ill Canee,die
eitieotiable Hiatt.
`scat ,n_
of Pub to a 142.
Det" otic
l.tt, Ne.I'eteeitiese,
(Nt, ;tamp re4pt'ir'e')
. i -W
Grading of Eggs.
The only exported farm produce,
excepting fruit, in which we do any
grading worth mentioning at the.
present moment is eggs, and when it
comes to eggs Canada ranks highest,
next to the home article or the Hol -
of the hag in the handling of rough- land az bole, which of course, reaches
ages, this 'class of stock 'Cannot ag k Britain. inside of twenty-four hours.
substantial gains on 'alfalfa F Thirty dozen crates, "Canada Firsts,
were quoted some shillings higher
than American selected eggs, Amer-
icans being naturally our greatest
competitors," testified thea Deputy
shown that when on alfalfa pasture
Minister oAgriculture of the Do -
the most economical as well as the niinian.. in a delivery en his' return
most 'rapid •gains are realized when from a personal investigation of the
from 21/2 to 3 ,2 pounds of corn or British `market. In connection with
barley meal are supplied 'for every this statement it ie -interesting to note
tains upwards of 16 per cent. of crude 1 pound gain in live weight. It was.that Canada is the only country bathe
protein and about 8.5 per - tent. of further found that the most economic world with egg standards based on
mineral matter or ash. Both ; these al gains on alfalfa pasture are obtain- flee actual ails` of the egg. These
e en tituents' are. relativelyiiir orta" i ed f oni hogs which weigh in the q
a s p F. standards ate based en weight, size of
and in the case of the former, forms proximity of 100 pounds when placed
air cell, visibility of yolk, firmness of
one of the must expensive constitu-• on the:pasture. ` the white, and cleanliness. In the
ents of the ration. When thus pro- It is a generally accepted fact that standards, eggs are divided into three
cured from alfalfa hay, which is _a 'somewhat .greater gains niay be o'b- classes fresh, storage and preserved,
alone without the addition of concen-
trates. Some form of meal is neces-
sary in order to produce economical
inc. Experimental results have
A Mad March Hare Party
Here is a rather novel Idea for en The Mad March Hare brought with
entertainment, known as the M•ar.lt him to -night
These bundles, which. seem so queer
Hare's Party: If you are well ac to me;
quainted with Aclice in Wouderiaiid He says there are wonderful things
you know all about March Hare, , inside,
The invitations ale written bn cards But that we must bid and see.
and pasted on the top of each card is • with paper and stringed eggs has also been adopted and
ed them
And wrote on each its name
For he •said he thought they might get
wet -
In case at began to rain.
cracked and dirty. The class for fresh
is again divided into the grades, spe-
cials, extras, pullet extras, first and•
seconds, and the claws for storage and Irrl ated Farms��
preserved into the grades, extras,
firsts, and se`cencls. If, inspected eggs Southern Alberta
are intended for export and are up to
grade, they receive the Government, the
Vauxhall eo ct
mark, consisting of a maple leaf de- An especially good location for mixed
sign bearing the words "Canadian farming and dairying. splendid oil=
yortunity for' young men now'. living
Eggs" ``Government Inspected." l In districts where good land cannot
A system of inspection far import -
dition, the selling and purchasing of
eggs for home consumption by :grade
has been, encouraged, and retailers re-
port complete satisfaction in the me-,
thod of grading adopted. An advertise
ing campaign with this object in view
has just - been concluded by the De-
partment, covering the significance 'of
grading and the culinary uses to
which the different grades may be put.
A provision in the regulations relative
to grading requires wholesalers and
retailers to live up to any • grade
names they may adopt, and to be sure
that the eggs sold.under those names
meet the requirements and definitions
when candled.
Safety first, and all the "time.
Harnesses in good repair are accident.
Add Co`nerete Improvements to Your Farm
- The farmer of to day realizes the ad-
vantages of concrete. built silos, troughs,
fence posts. etc. The “Brantford" la
the biggest value farm size mixer. Loads `
and unloads, .from : -
either side. Made'
for hand or power,'
on skids, or mount
ed on trucks, with
or without engine.
Write for booklet.
Goold Shapley &
Muir Co., Ltd.
200 Wellington St„
Brantford Ont.
a Tittle ibrown rabbit, running. A few Ho ti cin up wi pipes came into effect on October 7, 1922,
touches of the pen make the eyes'.and
whiskers, and then we have a hare on
a mad chase. Beneath the picture is
the verse: -
Will you come to the March llareas
Ai;d be as mail. as nmd can be,
And 'with the Hatter and the
Dormouse -
Sit dawn for a •cup of tea?
He has invited only a - chosen few,
And hopes that you wilI .be there;
Come March twenty-seven at eight
Seielt please the Mad Meech II0e,
ed only ,ley keeping records of each
cow; but, se Mr. White points out, The rooms ase arranged as heite:c-
-where thereis a milk sheet, at is an *eater as -possible: ' Pictures upside
easy and, simple natter to apportion dowvii, an old umbrella blown inside
the grain ration according to each ani- .out over the 'door. peesyv✓•illeows scat
final's production. It is no uncommon tered about an 'confusion. In each of
thing to find dairy cows -being fed 'a the guest rooms is a basket contain -
ration of .wilage, hay and straw with
a little oat chop and no grain at.all.
Yet they are expected to produce milk
profitably! As the author further
says, protein is a necessity and should
be supplied either in good alfalfa or
clover hay or in each concentrates and
grains as all mealy cotton seed cake,
gluteal meal, bran, eat -chop, and other
male. -
Small Profit in Scrub Stock.
To eecure quality arid early martin
irty in beef aniiiiada (and it might be
added for economy), a. good pure-bred
+b'u11 is essential. With present prices
it would pay mostfanners to buy
t set
For each he brought a bag of beans,
With vehicle to'bid high or low,
These. being very much better, it
Than the - stuff that inen call
So please the Hafe and bid en these
•An•d we hope they will make you
But if you should find` them•silly or
Remember the March Hare is Mad.
wince which time inspectors working
tinder the Dominion Department of
•Agriculture have been able to -report
an improvement- in eggs from. the
United States compared with ship-
ments earlier in the season. In ad -
make big money selling our IlIng-
lash-mad four-i1yknitting wools.
Sell on sight. Profits 75 cents and
Si 'pound. Twenty shades sample
wool free. Write to -day.
English Wool 'Company
Dept. WI,
Then the bidding begins and a loft
of fun wills follow. Someone twill bid ,
mat of his beans on a package label-
ed A Pair of Slippers, only to find.
hiniself : when he has opened it, the
ing a• rabbit surrounded by little bows proud posaeseer .or two banana
of various colors, each bow having'a Another package marked The Most
mate in"anothei basket, A card con -I Important Part of a Dog will prove to
beanbag this rhyme is ' given to each be a piece of bark, Meet of the articles
guest: Amid make. nice little favors, Then
distribute small cards reading:
Please go upstairs and take off your The Hatter and the Dormouse
Are just now chinking tea;
And while up there get a liefbow; Are
March Hare too has joined them
But do not stop to have a cleat, And that's wlxere you :should be.
You carr do that later, down below. `
"No :room, no room," they may cry out,
Each guest accordingly Tecta a But •do not let that matter;
ibow, and after all acre asse»nnbletd Just, push right in, and like Alice
'downstairs finds a partner wearing e
bow to match. They talk for flee min-
ute, then separate, :each to write ia. Iiattf3rp'
such an animal now, or if ne to
description of the other inverse, not
.more than four lines. The assembled The •dining -room can be strewn with
about a pure-bredeg ebuil innth - for the coasts then read their verses and the pussywiilelo'ws and little raibbits. Crepe
It a buil the kind near, ,inner of the ane voted stile beat' re- paper With lhr^otvn .rabbits •can pr�o'baib-
It thereDin on animal of the Wean, eeives A large rabbit with a ,yellow ly be obtained. Use for the centre.-
the aslna ran eme bofovercoming
ing Picea a tea table mounted oil` a box
er has atrrang�enxenbs for overcoming' liow` about its neck..
the difficulty, anti will furnish infor- Bach guest is next invited to take a covered With a yellowcrepe paper.
eheet of large paper and: crayons, ate Have at it the Hatter, a Dormouse
anation on requeet. _ to dtaw the !best allarch Hare he ear, and a Mad March Hare drinking tea.
Died Bald. A prize is given tee the best, These little figurers can be procured at
The ;tame affording the mire` filo a five -and -tee -cent store. Use little
comes next. Ail sorbs of little favors cups and saucers, and around the base
and fuiity . objects have prcviousl?1 of the box have ;rabbits.
been wrapped up in;daulidles of various The place cards shouldbe written
shapes awl si%es Each •guest is given upside limn and backwards, and at
a bag containing twenty foe beans, caele place shouffd be a verse from
and when alt are sl ia'tod, tile' auction- Alice in Wonderland which can be
eser ri ifrelad aloud daring 'supper.
The ptipfie had 'bets writing t. hie-
tory essay, and w'heai the to atter Wee
oorreotlug tate'papers elle vas Puzzled
to find this recti rk f t alta of theme
"Mei John died lased,"
On being gt[eetia,. ed, the. be/ Who
trail Written Otte 'wad "Welt, teacher,
ion said he edI$ *t#alleet'li4t*
Corrugated Galvanized
Steel Roofing
Direct from lthrnislacturers to Coo -
sumer. Write for Frites
Special Terms to Farmers
The Metallic Roofing Co.
Limited 300E
1194 Kiang St. W., Toronto
be bought at reasonable Prices.
first 10,000 acres are fully settled and
another 10,000 acres now ready for
settlement; maximum distance from
railroad, seven miles. Good roads,
telephones and schools. Easy pay=
menta, extending over 18 years.
Thio. Is the Best Land Buy in Alberta
Write for further iniornzatton to:
ooiitrear, , 2113 UTED
8[odicine Hat, - - Alberta
Keep Kendall's
always in the barn.
A strained muscle, a
sprung tendon, a jolt..
or a knock demands immediate --
attention. .A few hours' delay will
result in a long lameness—perhaps
in the loss of the horse. Kendall's
Spavin Treatment has saved more
horseflesh than all the other known
remedies.. Under the name of
Kendall's Spavin Cure, it is the
forty.year•old standby of horsemen,
farmers and veterinarians.
Get a bottle of Kendall's today.
,risk, too, for the Free Book or
write for It to
Give Your Chick a Strong Start
Every chick you lose means real money,
wasted. Give the youngsters a fair start, and
you can carry them to healthy maturity on
owls Buttermilk Baby Chick Food.
regenys "Baby Food for Baby Clicks," Cor
tains ev ry food element needed for the first fee
weeks. Mechanically predigested. Takes the strain
off the delicate digestive organs. Prevents bowel
troubles.. Insures rapid growth and vigoroua
health, Positively no other food like
it in results.
Ink& `hotter Back If ROtY Are l'Tot Satisfied
PltATr 8001) CO. 08 CANADA, f iinitlJcl
s3gvesr Cerlavr Avenue, Toronto '