HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-03-08, Page 8or r Pr Ir Pir ic Now in uctions feet on following lines of Seasonable Goods: Mens' and Boys' Over- coats and Suits About Four Dozen Sweater Coats for Men and. Boys and 1 dozen Lad les' Coats. PRICES CUT TO PIE- CES IN THESE, Men's Heavy Sox, Mitts, Gloves, Wool Blankets, Etc. NEW SPRING GOODS ARE NOW ARRIVING. See our new Lot of Prints, Ginghams, Shirtiugs, Gal- ateas, Chintzes, Creotns, Special Price on 200 yds. print light and dark Colors, 25c. yd. NEW Shipment of Stamped mats on hand. Make your choice now TRY ROYAL PURPLE Laying Meal for your hens. Makes hens lay more eggs. We have a new lot of Royai Purple and Pratts Stock and Poultry Reg- ulator, also Oyster Shell, and GRIT NOW ON' H A.ND. ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Your lest chance of the season, So be inure end meet ail your •fir(- en;3n at the ileal Carnival et the Zurich Rine, on-Thuif1day evening' March 8th at S p.m. Ice will be in No, I, condition. i3ENSAi,L SEED SHON • ti t! it ?G b Thursday, ;Mardi 8th, 1923 LOCAI, MARKETS. (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter , 35 Liaed apples per lb. 7,c Dutch setts per lb, .., 5e 1he exhieAs at the Seed Show. Potatoes per bag ... 75 which was ;.witd m ;...the F e eiee Wheat per leushel , 1,15 l'own Hale, ..,n Friday Feb. 231d,. Oats 45 ,could have done credit to a Pro- Flour per cwt i,.. .. 300-3.7,5 vincial 'dhow according to. Prof, Bran per ton .,. • .•• ••. ......... 28,00 .3quirrel, of Aire 0,..lege'., who acted' Shortsp,er turn 30.00 ei Judge. 7i o11owling 'the judgleg Live Bogs ,.. ... .,; ,.. .. 10,00 ,i seeds, Pref. Squirrel addressed Owing to increased number of he gathenng that filled the large Heavy hog's being marketed, the lom int tielricli the. show was heltd, variou's packing houses find it Sita a number not being able to riGcessary to establish the follow- t (iii. He seated that lit was lthe ing reduetions.—$1.00 per cwt. on ,_st seed 51r,1'ty he had ever seen all hogs over 220-4bs. $1.50 per c Hensell. A. nuhrt,'ber of quest- „L.2 uest- cwt. on all hogs over 270 -lbs. $1.00 is :mere as'�ed the speaker as to per cwt. on all cripples. .i • growing os A1fa!a,. The Pres --..- �. _ -- s. ..„ ' dent,. Joseph ,Burniei,� occupied the _hair, hie:. prize winners were as T1'HE BANKRU!TCY ACT ” :oUow No.s;— 72, Oats -w,: Forrest; weeNOTICE TO CREDITORS Pepper., W, Cl. Pearce: Wfhite oats; anyother^veriety— IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES Robt. McLar•ono WI, R ,Dougatl,,G. OVERHOLT, of the (Township of Ingram: He in the County of Huron, Far- 6 -rowed Barley—Wm, ;Pepper, mer, .authorized agsignor. W.R. Dougall, W. W,. Chapniitiiv, Field Peas—John Pfeffer, Alex: NOTICE is hereby given that the Buchanan, G. D. Thompson. .. above-named did on, the 23rd4day Field Bea:i!s—C, Truenener„Geo of February 1923, make an auth- Ingram, "GE 'Thompson orized assignment to the "under- i'imothy.Soed Wam. Conlsitt. signed. . • Red Clover—W,.. W. Chapman, O. NOTICE is further given that E. Thompson; C !Trueinne . the first meeting of creditors in Alsike—�Vxti.. Conaitt, W.. R..Do- the 'above estate will be held at ugall, C Truamner; 1 , Early Pota;t Donal ex.Rennie,w the office of Messrs. Proudfoot Wh Chapman ' Donald Park. Killoran Si HHolmes, Henlsall, Ont - Potatoes for general crop ex alio, on the Ninth day.of March, R. Doug1a12 'G`. Truemner, Alex 1923, at thirty minutes. past. One Rennie. o'clock inthe afternoon. „. Our 1922 Accounts are now ready. Will Y015 call for Yours. If not call- ed for in. a short time, we will forward them by mail. J GASCHO & SON Produce Wanted Phone 67 Zurieh's Garage AUTO TIRES We have on hand a Complete Line of DOMINION TIRES And TUE 0S, All Sizes (13est on the Market). Also a few Seconds to Clea at (Extra Special Prices), T, ST US SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS ON AUTO CYLINDER LUBRI- CATtNG OILS` AND GREASES. WE HANDLE NOTHING BViT THE THE BEST AND CAN, SUPPLY, YOU WITH OILS OF PROPER VES COSITY TO SUIT YOUR MOTOR. Also stock a complete line of Genune Ford Parts ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO MOST CALLED FOR PARTS VARIOUS AUTOS. I.X,L, Battery Sales and Service Station, Battery Charging, Axy- Acetyline Welding. EXPERTAUTO REPAIRING A SPECIALT Y, Get into the habit of Pat-ronizing us. We want to serve you, and Serve You Wwll. PHONE No, 103. OF 1I. Mousseau Zurich SCHOOL REPO. RT - The following is the report for S.S. No. 30, Hay for the month of Februarys names are in order of merit. V --Florence Armstrong. -IV—Cooper Forrest, Orland Siemon. Sr, III—Annie Jarrett, Stewart' Blackwell, Russell i3lackwell. Jr. SII Harold Reichert, Wilf- red ilfred Mousseau, Minerva: `Reichert,. Ross Richardson; Arthur ; Broder- ick, r.oderick, absent. Sr. II—Margaret '' Mousseau,' R.u- ssell (Kyle, equal; Dorothy Kyle, and Wp11 .Armstrong, equal. Jr: II—Tom Armstr ong, Elda Stephensor;,equal; Delta Arm strong: Pt. II—Ray Byron Kyle Richardsons absent Primer—Ray Broderick, J nxstrong, Iva Sipfer. 1 Margaret L. Hees, T r 21oetnmmeirpobeseeeageeott*s'*s*sass*s*3tss*assi*is*s • 1.:3ueen Incu'..at�rs ••Everybody interested in the poul- mr try business should know some- / `L7 tan g about the Queen IncubatoIncubatora new one in Canada. • 13:G HATCHES OF 'a#DALTIiY CHICKS ARE PRODUCED BY • THi QUEEN INCUBATOR, THEY TAKE TEE UNCERTAINTY 0 :LOSS AND WORRY OUT OF THE•POULTRY BUSINESS. PER- o FECT CONSTRUCTION OF CALIFORNIA RED -WOOD COMB-. INl+,D `WITH A FOOL -PROOF WATER HEATING SYSTEM AS- SIT"rl YOti YEARS Or PROFITABLE USE, IT 'PAYS FOR ITSELF IN EXTRA CHICKS THAT LIVE AND GROW, 1i We suipply as well, the Queen Colony 73rooder with air • eVe heat, night and diay, in .all weathers and are known 'arid M used oy all successful poultry raisers. Call and +see those machines and get .Eu11 information, • ur • I ,° +�..+ �.+.',►:: r� - c! '/^► Its :i of 'cur :5c'iiool beard a.nd ':lisl,te- • s• R E 1 E taLOCK U RI�.rl"7 y• late payer's Convention to 17e rielel 1x1 µO, wse0+ se•2414* le6se ►"Ise6Me(DOM!"each**** lA,4stly+2�a*60030$1 I Toronto' during ilio Easter weelt‘ —.Tames $;2. • i • • • Ruth k er, e COUNTY NEWS Edwin Glavin 57 years age, died in W;ednesday of last ' , St. in St. Joseph's Hospital, 'don. Deceased formerly resided ;re Mt. !Carmali, but for ,the past 'few • years had been a resident cif Lon- don. Frank Geroxw:t• e, of Gran Bend who disposed of his farm Stock and household effects, leaves sh- ortly for Bi }aro. i H. J. Pettipieces onie of the out- standing weekly editors of the Provinces completed. hits 'forfeleth year as publisher of the Forest Free Press last week. The Huron Presbytery held their quarterly meeting in Willis Church Clinton on Tuesday land there was a. good represent Ion Rev. R. A. Lundyi of Kippen was elected. Moderator for the ensu- ing year. ' The funeral of .the late James Gillies took place Feb. 20, at Parkhill. Interment was made in Parkhill Cemetery.. ail. Gillies wheal had lived in Parkhill fornear ly 30 years, was in his 67th yeah He was in his usual health till last week. met took ill with flu, ;and pneumonia On Wednesday evening Qf•last week, fire destroyed the residence, Mr's. Alf.. ,Ross, near C!hiselhurstt. rMs. Ross was awayat the time and, when the fire broke out a dau ghter and two ••small. Cloys hereat home. 'The fire started in the 'second storey from overheated pipes. Neighbors weresoon call- led and arrived before the fire had gained much headway but owing to the lack of water and, the dense smoke, lit+le could be•done to 1i+- ght the flames. Nearly !everything downstairs, including the piano were saved,] but some of the things upstairs were lost in the fire. The house was completely destroyed, there was $1500 insurance. • • s e s B E s r 0 E11 To entitle you to vote lthereat6 proof of your claim must be .lod- ged with the undersigned before the meeting is held:.• Proxies, to. be used: at the nreet- ing. must be lodged with the und- ersigned prior thereto. And further take notice that .if you have any claim against the debtor for which you are entitled to rank, proof of such claim must be filed with the'andersigfed with- in thirty days: from the date of this notice for, from and after the expiration of the` time ,fixed iby subjection 8, of section; 37,- of the said Act, the undersigned shall distribute the proceeds 'of the dem btor;s estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to' the claims, of which the undersigned has then notice. DATED at Toronto this twenty- Seventh' day of February, THE IMPERIAL TRUST COMP- ANY OF • C'AN'ADA. Authorized. Trustee, 15 Richmond. St., W, Torontgi PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN '& . HOLMES', Barristers, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the aur • thotruiste4ized. BLAKE. The regular meeting of the .Blake Mission 13and was held in the church on March 3,rd. There were 12 present for the Reds and 10 for the Silver. The meetiig was opened with hymn 758 then the Lord's prayer was repeated in un- ison, Eleanor Meyers then read Scripture Lesson Luke 10; 36-37. the(, sang hymn 773 after which Seeys and! Trea' reports were gi- ven. The meeting was then div- ided into two classes, Mess Albr erta Finlay taking the junior class and Mrs. P. A,. Manson taking the senior crass after singing hymn 370, Mrs.` Manson closed. with pra- yer., CREDITON Miss 'Lauretta Holtzman, nurse at Victoria, hospital, London, is much improved' from her recent re (Incas. . The 13e11 Tel Co repair mean is in town intsalling batteries and snaking repairs, Henry E4lbex, Ex-M:P,p. was in Toronto last week on business. Alonzo Fiodgies left last week with a load of Cattle to the Old lCountree G. Nicholson sent a carload of heavy "battle from .Centialia, on Saturday for export. C, Zwicker is in 'Toronto on' bus- iness this weep, . The Board of iTre's1eeai have 'ap- pointed, 1I, C. Beaver as a deleg- BIBLE THOUGHT FOR TODAY- B!bls Thoughts memorised will prove a priceless heritage h anter years. Whatseever Ye shall ask in my namely thatc, will I do,—Jlni• 11;13 The Lbrt1 is any light and my sal .va,tion; ,whom ,shall I feiar? The. Lord. is the strength of mylife; of tvhone shall 1 be afraid. Ps.27 ;i. +—•i• Okn,d. the Knig shall answer and say unto thexny Velr'il'y. I • say un- to yotu, ;Inasmuch as ye halve done it unto one of the least of these my brethern, ye have done it un- to me. ;Mat.25 ;4G. +- The Spirit of the Lord is upon me; because 1te hath lanionted, me to preach' the gospel to the poor;. Ire, hath] 'sen't me t 7 Ileal thetrok- en;-hearted,. to pney.'h deliverance to the captice!sm and recovering of sight to the blind, to (set at liberty them that area bruiisedl Luke 14;18, •• Then ispake Jestts again unto t'h,en�4 (saying, I a Yi• the light of the world; he tha t foltoweth pie shall not walk in darknerxs, but shall j;have the idght Of ,fifee.-- John 8;12. If any man offend. not in W;orcif the 'same is a perfect man;, and able, also to b,ri'dile the whole body; The store with the Liberal Cash Discount This Space fora good Bar- gain in Hardware or Fern- iture next week, friday and Saturday,. Mareh 15th and -16th And each week following Friday and Saturday only until further Notice WE WILL ONLY OFFER A VERY FEW ITEMS EACH WEElt AND WE CANNOT GUARANTEE ANY SPECIFIC'' NUMBER OF EACH ARTICLE MENTIONED, SOS IF YOU WANT ANY ARTICLE ADVERTISED, COME ,EARLY IN DAY AND SAVW DISSAPOINTMENiT OF I3EING TOLD,. "W 5 ARE SOLD OUT; WE WILT.; !CALL THIS OUR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SM - ECTAL ADD. SALE. , MEICK&SRRU; PHONE 63 �'. !!ii Do You Knowe' THAT WEARE ALWAYS AT YOUR 'SERVICE FOR ,t, GOOD PRINTING ,4; THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING 4• 0 INVITATIONS AND .ANNOUNCEMENTS z� THAWE' PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH + -,AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND "' ' S`x'ATEMENTS THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANUFAOT URERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- ? PLY ANY QUANTITY AND ,SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS. THAT WE CARRY IN (STOCK WRITING .PAPERS; ENVEL- t ODES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON OR TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM ST - 'f A'i IONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS INI'1'WO SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., ETC. • .Y. THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BO1 TLE WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR 5c. LARG- + GER QUANTITIES Al' BIGGER REDUCTIONS THAT WE PRINT POSTrNG BILLS, AUCTION SALE POS- ;TERSE MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENERAL f PRINTING OUR SPECIALTY :‘++++++++44++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4* ' HERALD OFFICE . • rommor riorsormar Ready -to -Wear DENOM V BROS. Clothing GENTS FURNISHINGS°' Ordered' Clothing Habbeiiin Clothing THE BEST CLOTHING IS THE KIND THAT SELLS 4ND BRINGS REPEAT ORDERS. ;THAT IS .WH AT HAI313ERLIN BRAND WILL DO THIS SPRING. ,THEY ARE MAKING SMARTER SUITS AND OVERCOATS AND USING BE - TER FABRCIS THAN THEY HAVE EVER DONE BTFORL', PRICES ARE 'ATTRACTIVE I101313ERLIN CLOTHING IS ;SAC KED BY HA131'3ERLIN' SERVICE, WHICH MEANS COMPLETE SAT 1SFACTION 0 Pr dace takes ezohazge 0e