HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-03-08, Page 4EXETER
The 15-b.p. steam ergine of
S., Cann, opposite ,the Met.
° ►tDtel, ran away on Tuescleey and
eatrnaidt:rable darretee to his shop.
The many friends of Miss� kEnow
'Wideman will be pleas.
€t els; is shoaling signs of im
Five' cat loads or cattle e ere
Ulbipped from Exeter and Centr-
*ila to the Old Country market's
*VA Week, purchased.
R;, 'Welsh of town has 1
Toru H. Rundle, the 13 twden pro-
'4,erty* north of the river, consisting
oat a fine brick residence and 12
lures of land price being, $5,000.
Mrs; S. Skinner had the misfor-
tune to slip on some ice and in
waling out her left hand ito as
l,,•erself fractured two bones in her
W itse
Yin, . the ed.lest son of Pong
Xwong, who has been assisting his
tether in the laundry business for
Vreveral years, left to return to
thine, he is going back home to
llet married and expects to ret-
urn to Canada in a year.
r. -
arm corning in contact with sueb -
force as to: cut the arnr, to the Lbone.'
Miss Alexia Murdoch, of Brant
ford,, Who has been quite ill for
some time, is expected here, with
her :father Mr, A.. Murdoch and M.
and Mrs. T. .Mur{loch, Of Farm Stock, .impletnentl;and
Miss S;ivah Fee, who had been' 'household effects will be held . on
confined to the house for v some Lot,„ 0r Coni. 9, G•ashen Line Stanley
weeks, is now getting trr•outicl' `ar 11)., 4 miles north of Zurich oil
TUESDAY MARCH .13th, i9 ,
Commencing at 1 o'clock, pj,
UASIInt 7Ob. the, following articles
Mrs, :Moffatt is visiting at her LIVE STOCK -2 General 14urp
hone near Clinton. geldings rising 6 -yrs. old ; 1 CT4ln-
Anumber from here attended eral Purpose gelding : rising nine
the funeral of the late A. Musser 1 driving mare 8-3=rs'. sold; 1 Per
al Exeter on Friday. eh' rnn filly rising 2 -yrs. old. 1
cow 9 -yrs., dur iu April; 1 cow 7
Miss Letta Guenther .entertained yrs, due April; 1 cow 5 -yrs: due in
a number of her friends to a card May; 1 eow 7 -yrs. due. in ',May;
party on Thursday evening. 1 cow 6 --yrs, due in May; +1 cow 3
yrs. due April 1st; 1 farrow cows
Mr. Jacob Schroeder spent .a s-\,rs, old; 2 good heifers due lin
few daps in Exeter last week. \Iay; 3 2 -yr, old. heifers; .2 ,;,ear;.
Mr. Adam Burk is on the sick list
ling heifers, 2' yearling steers; 2
we hope for a speedy recovery. calves; about 250 hens,-motsly pini-
Mr. Jacob Zeller still continues lets, all pure breds.
very poorly. IMPLEMENTS, ETC. -11L-4-1, bini
Miss Mabel. Schade is spending der 6 -ft. cut; M. -H. monure; isore
the week on the Babylon and Zur- ader nearly new; Peter Hamilton•
ich. "spring tooth cultivator nearly new.
Miss Alice Hoffman visited in set dish harrows, drill, . seta 4 -see-,
Hensall on Saturday; tion diamond harrows nearly new;
Don't forget the .school concert doubieti'ees for 3 -section harrow,
Miss Vercy Geiger is at pres-
nt 'hone from London, visiting her
parents;, Mr. and Mr•s. Owen Geiger.
3r. G. L. Smith has opened an
%nice for the practise of dentistry
two doors east of Maisons Bank,
The •Sipiing Seed. Show, held on
friday afternoon last, was well
attended and much interest shown
Itop the fariners and .others, a..nd
LIVE STOCK•—Hoi"ses—t mat-
ched team. black, 6 -yrs, old; 1 mat-'
chid team of chestnuts, 7, and 8
old; 1 kcrcheron colt rising.
2 -yrs, old Cattle -2 roan fresh
c0 \17% 1 cow die• in May;1 1 low
due: in( Junes 1 cow duel in April, 1
cO w ,supposedto be in calf;" 1 cow
due in, June, 1 cow due inApril; 2
Heifers corn$.'..,; 2 -yrs.; 1 heifer ris-
ing 4,,iwa.; 5 .steers. rising 2 -ears.
5 yearling 'ster�rs; 3 yearling he-
ifers, 6 calves. . Pigs -3 sows
due in April; 1:8 stocker pigs, weigh
tng 125 lb's-. Geese -Tali laying
der 7 -ft. cut nearly new; M. -H. bin-
der 7 -ft. cut; M. -H. hay loader;
Deering mower 5 -ft. cut 111.-H. 13 -
dish drill nearly new; M. -H. cult-
ivatpr; Massey. iron .2 drum roller,
N o\on diad; M, -H. ,Dean 'cultivator'
with puller attachment; Cockshut,
riding plow; Cocleshutt double pl-
ow; M. -H. walking plow; Fleury
walking plow;: 12 -ft M. -H. hay rake
new; Deering hand scuffle., wal-
king; plow; Maxwell Not seeder;
3 section barrows; 4 section lar -
rows; ,cutting box; 2000-1b. cap-
acity scales; ,fanning mill with bag
gar attachnment; hely rack new;
2 hay rack's; 2 wagons,; waigon'box,
pig..rack;, 2 top buggies, 2 cutters
bob sleighs,! 3 gravel i;oxes; hand:
power emery; grindstone, conn
shelter; extension iad.der, 10 lad-
ders from 8 to 24 feet long; wagon
jack, onion seeder, cradle,' scythe;
Onion. iscuffler, 10 eveners and 10
whiffletrees all hand made, neck -
yokes hand made; 500 feet new lum
ber; 8 •bushels of clean clover seed
block and tacle and wire stretcher
combined; 2 wheelbarrows; hag
tru,ekl 1 good -,heavy double sett
of harness, double' sett of plow
harness, single harness. 2 stonebo-
ats new, all kinds of logging chains
hay forks, shovels,, single bed with
spring and mattress, bed with sp-
ring and mattress, bed, big fern
plant,_meat barrel, 2 cruel st.aind:s,
water set, and numerous other art-
Thursday evening March Sth. set 4 -horse donbletrees ; 2—lumber
The soft }weather of the past wagons, set bob -sleighs, hay... and
few days has made the roads in a stock rack combined_ nearly: new,
bad condition. 2 hand corn- ;scufflers, `~walking
plow, cutter, top buggy nearly
AGA+TI3A NEVV;S new, open buggy, democrat, road
ST' cart, fanning mall, 2 oogd -setts of
Owing to bad, roads and high 1 sin sa about 115 nton ofaress, set sgood
ane fine' samples of grain shown. \. ter people were unable to drive.sweet clover hay, 5 ton timothy.
on Saturday and Sunday. hay, Magnet cream' ,separator ne-
Dr. Geos Blatchford of Clinton!,A number of our young people ail new, wood Beater, cools stove
Mich is spending a ,week or so 111 the neighborhood attended the y
kitchen chairs; couch, some beds,
cupboard, sideboard, wheelbarrow
rake's, chains, spades, hoes,' for•sk;
and numerous other articles, ,
•smith his brother Richac•d, and sis-
ter, Mrs. Geo. Brown,
Dr. G. W; Duffin; of Thorndale
Up opened up here and has his
suffice in Joynt's brick block on
the second floor, and we believe
atomes very highly spoken of.
Mrs. G. F. Casa, received Intel-
%igence of the late Wim. McNaugh
w' agler—Lie's wedding at Bamburg
o. r March let
The wedding took place on Tui
rsday at the home of Mr. ;andMrs.
Sul. R. Lies, when their. eldest. dau-
ghter, iLzzie, was united , in mar-
riage to Eimer• son of Mr. and Mrs.
lea -c Wagler of near ;St. Agatha.
Rev. D.H. Steinman tied the nup-
ton, of Wjannassa, Man.. who was tial knot. Wishing them- a, long
quite well known in this section
from visits he made and making
ishipments of horsees.
Mr. and 11rs. Jno. McAllister are
Upending a few weeks in Toronto
with relatives. 1 not improving.
•The little son of R. E. Cook had i Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Herner spent
the misfortune to Pall and break Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Ws collar bone. I Zrnrnerrnan;,
Mrs, We Fairburn hacl. the mss- t Z Messrs. Abe Hernier, Ed. Gin-
ortun,e, on. Friday last to have her gerich and J. K. Roth were bus -
arm badly cut ,whPan a window. 1:Irma visitors near ` Ratzburg, on
which she was washing broke, her Thursday,.
and happy wedded life.
Mrs. Mike Schrag of Baden is
very low.
Jacob Schwartzentruber of St.
Agatha, who is on the sick list, is
^. rt?: n •:.: ,::ii•:... u h, z "iini Y:.,; .,,..,li ., 7+ft ,tf y,'lit,r+7
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TERMS—$10 and under'. cash.
Over that amount S months', credit ice:: Positively no• reserve as
will be given on furnishing iieeee r, ,.;iter is retiring from the
ved. joint notes. 4% discoii -i terming.
for cash on credit amounts. Hay
and chickens cash. TERMS OF SALE -$10 and under
George Elliott, Auctioneer:
Ed. Limrnick-, Proprietor. cash. Over that amount 10 months
credit will be given on furnishing
approved, joint notes. 4% off for
cash on credit amount4,i L •
i Arthur.'Weber, Frank Taylor Auc-
The undersigned- (Auctioneers Wiiu SE Johnston," Clerk.
have been instructed to sell ; 'by .Jacob Brown, Proprietor,
Public Auction on Lot 12, •Conep
11, Goshen ;Line, 2 miles south. of
Zurich on
1�: +
�l ++
Now is the time to freshen and beautify the home interior. Do not let this Spring go by.
without that re•decorating which every home requires. If you would have your new wall
decorations in accord with the latest conceptions of the best authorities, insist on papers beam
ing the name
In their collectiony ou will find just what besides enabling you to paper a room with
you are lookingfor. The patterns . fewer rolls, means easier" hang. more beau -
are ap ,
plicabte to any interior, tiful designs and the improved appearance
p s from fewer seams.
These new patterns are 2 inches wider �` which resin,i. 4iw,,
than the old type of . `Wall Paper ; which, Look for the name Boxer on the Selvage.
v7. � -JL.i .ALJ '�/-+=C/.lJ.•�. .•.,. •., a, ..; ^ ,n,, :, :,•.e .. .,,>.4 , t ,..,a • ,rt,:•° , .'x!x:e, .!'.�
-�_-__._.. _.......
Of Farm Seock and Implements
The undersigned auctioneer has
received instructions to. sell by
public auction on Lot 12, confes-
sion 12r
oniession,12, Stanley Township on Wed.
nesday March 14th,
1923, commen-
cing at one o'clock sharp; the
LIVE STOCK—Horses-1 horse
16 -yrs. old; 1 . horse 15 -yrs. old;
1 horse 10 -yrs. old. iCattle—1 cow
10 -yrs. old. .calved 4 months and
bredagain; 1 cow 8 -yrs. old with
calf at foot;. 1 cow 6-yrs,old Cal-
ved 2 months; 1 .calf 10 months
oldie calf 4 months old, 1 calf
2 months old;' Pigs• -5 p`gs 5 mon
the old!. Hens -50 pure bred Rook
,IM:PLEM)N i S; ETC -McCormick
binder 6 -ft. cut with truck and
sheaf carrier; • McCormick mower
5 -ft. cut, New Ideal manure spre-
ader,; McCormick rake 10 -ft. Deer-
ing cultivator, Cockshutt 14 -plate
disk; 12 -hoed drill; M.H. plow No.
16 •4 -section harrows; top buggy,
wagon, wagon box, 'spring seat;
Chatham fanning hell with bagger
16 -ft. hay rack, pig rack, pig crate,
gravel box, 'set bob sleighs, weigh
scales 2,000 cap., pea harvester,
stone boat, 2 set team harness, set
single harness, pair horse collars,
bag truck, grain bags and sacks,
grain scoop, 2 hay fork ropes and
pulleys, pair slings, logging chain
buzz saw on frame, 6-lh. p. gasoline
Renfrew engine on trucks, 8 -in,
Jolliette grinder, set of rollers, 1
grindstone on frame, 5 -in. rubber
belt, Standard cream �sepalrator 600
lbs, cap.; ladder, crow -bar, wagon
jack, coil barb wire, 14 -ft. blow
pipe, 70 feet %-in. water` pipe, 2
wagon bolsters, gasoline tank, 5 -
gal. oil tank, binder -whip, forks
and numerous other artieljest_� £
TERMS—All sums of $10 and. un -
der cash; Over that amount 9
months credit will be given on fur-
nishing approved joint notes. 4%
straight off for cash on credit a-
mounte. ,
Oscar Klopp, Auctioneers
Wr J,. Tough, Clerk.
Davide Tough, Proprietor..
Of 96 -Acre Farm in Stanley To-
Under and by virtue of 'the pow-
ers contained, in a certain mort-
gaeg .which, will be produced at the
time.: of sale, there will be offered
for (sale by public auction at the
Commercial Hotel in Zurich, Ont.
on Monday, the '1.9th day of March
A.D. 1923, at.the;hour of one o'clock
in the afternoon, the following pro-
perty --
Lot number Twenty-two (22) in
the 'South Boundary Concession of
the Township of Stanley in the
County of Huron, containing 96
acres, more or teas. Oii the farm t 1' h b Solicitor, Exeter, Ont.
are' a •1' story frame house with..open buggy, new buggy, harrow MS.rthiir Vteber, Auctioneer, leaeh4,;
anning ,mill)' two dozen raing wood, Ont.
art i�e� a' b{a�t'il' old straw stretg,�.carti i'.
.Thursday, • Mar•ch 8th, 1923
irh Suits
You Will Like Our Work:
E. E. Wuerth, Tailor, Zurich
The 'Teral
Clubsing List.
,Herald and Daily Globe 6,00
Herald and Kitchener Daily' Telegraph .- . $$510
Herald and Daily Mail and Empire ... 6.04
Herald and Saturday Mail and Empire -_ .-- 3,75
Herald and Daily Star _-.. 6,00
end Weekly Star -. 3.75
Herald and Daily News -. -- •.. -6.00
Herald a,nd Free Press, evening edition _._ ... ....:- 6.00
Herald -and Free Press morning edition ...... 6.00:
Herald and Advertiser, morning edition ._ - 6.00
Herald and Advertiser, evening edition . __..-:6.00
Herald and Farmers Advocate .. 2.75
Herald and Farm and DairY 2.15
Herald and Farmers Sun -- --
and; Family Herald and Weekly Star ..._,$2 75
Herald� and Canadian .Countryman $2.25
Weekly Witness'
Herat nd. W y
Herald and Farmer's Magazine 2.50
Herald and Youth's Companion -.- --- $3.75
Renew your papers with us and save moneys '
Doth one walls, and a driving shed.
The soil+is a olayloam. This is
TERMS -10% on day of sale and
'balance in 30 days, without inter-
est, -FURTHER '.rerrns and condit-
ions will be made known' on day of
sale and may 'be had on applicat-
ion to the undersigned.
DATED at Exeter, Ont. this 271h
day of February A. D. 1923
OSCAR KLOPP, ]iisq., Zurich, Ont.,
GLADM:IN & STANBURY, 13arreit-
ers, etc., Exeter, Ont., Vendor's
Of Valuable Farm Property, Ho-
usehold effects and Chattels.
In the natter of the Estate of
William Heckman, late of . the
Township oll Hay in the County of
Huron, Yoeman, deceased, and'of
The Devolution of Estates Act.
There will be offered for sale by
Public Anction on the property of
the deceased, namely Ele Lot 5, Con
cessioai 17, Tp. Hay, on rFrid.ay,•-
March 16th, 1923. at 1 o'clock sharp,
the following property, namely—
Be Lot `5, con. 17, Township of
Hay, County of Huron, containing
50 acres more or less. Upon this
land are erected •a go'bd veneered
house, and Bank barn with concr-
te foundation 36x50.
HORSES -1 matched team (horse
4 -yrs. old and horse 10 -yrs. old) ;
1 bay carriage mare 7 -yrs, old; 1
1 horse rising 3 -yrs. CATTLE -
2 cows due in April; 1 cow due in
May; 2luiik cows; 1 heifer rising
3 -yrs.; 2 heifers rising 2 -yrs;; 3
yearling" heifers, and 2 yearling
steers. Hens—Six dozen hens.
IMPLEMENTS--6-ft. Deering bin
der; .M. -H, 514 -ft. ntower; 1Yoxan
drill 10 -hoe; M. -IL cultivator; 2
hayrakes, stuffier' 3 -section hale
rows; disc-; 2 'walking plows ;road
care light t wagon ; buggy pole,
bags; about 75 bus. of .:uckwheat;•
60 bus, oats; wagon; bob sleigh;
gravel box; pig rack; 16. -ft. hay
rack; neckyokes; . whiffletrees;
chains, forks, shovels, cedar poles,
5 tong timothy hay, cutter, pails, 15
ton of yellow sweet clover hays
new doublet set of heavy harness;
bevy set of harness; new Set of:
single harness; ,sinige set df hare,
ness; cutting host; pulper; grind.:.
stone, 22 cords of short wood,
Comfort Range; 'stove; glass cup-
hoard; sink, kitchen table; couch
12 chairs, leaf table; sideboard;;
box stove; sewing machine; spina.
ning wheel; dresser; dressing stand
Queen sewing machine; parlor tea,.
ble; 5 bedsteads and springs, cel :•
lar table; 50 gal. ,bbl; 30 gal, Lel!,
10 bags of appjles ; 50 -bush . of pot-.
atoes; Empire creat i separator;;
5 dozen sealers, crocks, • apple
butter, canned fruit, dishes, •rnir
rocs, lamps, lanterns, fire extingui
wisher and numerous other artier+.
TERMS OF SALE—Land will be.
Sold subject to a .reserved bid
fixed by the Official Guardian of
Infants tor the Province of Ont-,
aria. ,10 per cent, of purchase mon
ey to be paid on day of 'sale,the,
balance to be paid to C'an idiun,
link, of Commerce to the joint
eredit of the Administrator and the
Official Guardian with 30 days there
after. In all other respects the
terms will be the standing condit,
ions of the Supreme. Court of One
tario. Chattels -$10 and under,
cash. Balance to be secured by'
approved. joint notes dudAn x
months. 47off •in lieu mites,
Hay, grain and, hems, Cash.
For further particular's apply to
F. VV;. Harcourt; K, C, Official: Guy.
ardian, Toronto; H. Eilher ez Son,
Ceeditoii,r The Adrui.n strator,Johni
Becker or II R. Carling, Vendor'e