HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-03-08, Page 1Vol., XX I I I No 35 �.rr�ii����.✓7=�.-Cy-n-• -':: _-'--=-=ALL •'. 1.ET US TAKE CARE OF YOUR FEET ti WE ARE SOLE AGEN TS FOR THIC.4 DISTRICT FOR THE CELEBRATED Dr. SCHOOLL'S FOOT EASE AND ARCA SUI'OPRTERS, AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WWI SAME BY (RAKING ORDERS. DO NOT SUFFER FROM FOOT'TROUBLE IF YOU CAN GET RELIEF BY WEARING THESE. We have just a fe<w dozen pair of comfortable warm sP ats which we are selling at abigisacraficce, and it will pay you to take advantage of these b argains for next winter's wear. EVERYTHING IN FOOTWEAR AT .POSSIBLE LOWEST PRI CES. H. PFILE, MIS ZURICH TEM ROME OF GOOD SHOES REPAIRING NEATLyY DONE 0• 4.•4.4,+4.•4 4.O 14.•d 4 OG4•�O, �• �oa000�"�ooc�'c�� �; :��•• 04.OG�4�40:4.4 Oa�O�fl'O'O''O�•44�1•l!l!'4.4"4:00•l!`9 • • • 4 4i S ec als roceries P s ;'RING'8 NEW FABRICS WHAT A GLAD NOTE THESE NEW; WASH 11 ! ':.' 0,00:b ' BKNG TO THE FABRIC SECTION• •W MAY TELL YOU ABOUT SOME OF (THEIR Ys `` l REFRESHING NEW PATTERNS AND •COL- ORINGS AND PRICES BUT YOU'LL JUST, RASE TO COME IN AND SEE FOR YOURSELF, TO LEARN ALL ABOUT THEIR MANY DIF- FERENT PATTERNS AND COLORS. CANTON 'CREPES Beautiful quality pure 'silk and Wool Canton Crepes, the newest Fabrics for the coming . season!. 38. and 40 inches wide in all thellead ing ,shades ' 'BBETT AN`i 'A L COLLARS Just received a large range of Bertha .and Panel collars in h the newest styles. Sold bye made the yard_ as well as the ready Collars. GINGHAM Don't forget to orok over our Splendid range of Ginghams, Pat- teriis> Galore. Anderson's Ginghams in plain and .fancies 32 in. wide and 45 yd. Fine engli'sh. Ginghams, 32 in wide. A fine range of designs, Spec- ial quality and fast Dye at 35o. and -40c. per yard. :63 'Boxes Coria. i.:s .: Jr ...., 25c A4 -lbs. Rice .poi 25c ,,, 5 bars Liferm>y soap, ._- _ .._..25c z tan's Libby Red Salmon, Reg45 now, 2 cans .or 75e. , ,Don't forget Preetees Special Bi- t? ended Coffee at .,., .-., -.. 50c. Cry our Golden bantam Corn gat 20e ".4,SUGARD0O The Sugar market is very strong ,N•and present indications show Ian .1 dadVan�ce in Sugar. Would hdVise ou to buy, as exc. stock is lim- .Vted. D4 G,,, �1 :+y 1-„, 4-,•4+4.4. :• 41.4.4.+4,+l'�S•'3++1.•i••i'M•L•i.,1..F'•(.,l+��'+..++4..444. •I I IR L/ i1TFIR.. VOILES: _Thi+s season, Voiles are elegant and as usual we are show- ing the largest and best •assortment in the, trade. Buy; early- as the demanid' is brisk ALL PRICES AND'SaADES r MEN! Here's News Our 1923 Spring Surprises TO :11 -IE MEN OJ THIS VICIN- d FOR SPRING;. THE NEW 1 Q JUST WHAT YOU LIKE, CATS BUTTON HIGHER, LAPELS LOOK SMART WITH NEWCONCAVE COLLAR. SPORT MODELS WITH NEW PANEL BACKS ARE VERY 1-p STRONG IN FAVOR FOR 'THE SPRING TRADE. AIJTHO WE '7, HAVE EVERYTHING THAT IS NEW IN THE LINE OF NEW Qtr 4 P 01 • Miss Pearl Wertz is visiting with ,heruncle at Toronto. 'rift«. W;. IT. Hoffman was oni a bus ins'$s' trip to London on Tuesday. 'Mrs. F., D. Walker of Port Austin l h„ is visiting her mother, Mrs. 3L .Edighoffer, 14th con, Hay. Mr. Fred Steinbach who spent several weeks with relatives: and friends here, left for his home at Cav'alier, N. Dak. on Friday Meriting,. Mr.. and Mrs. Solomon Denomy pf. Windsor < visited relatives and ;friends at St. Joseph the past we- elt , and returned to W&pdsot on Monday morning. `• Mr• and Mrs. C. F. Hey of Bad .Ace, 11/lich., who had been visiting n several weeks with relatives here, retrnned.to their home on Thurs- i day morningl. - 'Mr. George Smith of the Baby- Jori: 'Line, Stanley, has rented his farm for a term of years to Mr!. Cherie isGossm�a.n. Mr. Smith is holding an auction sale of his of feets on March 28th. Ma. Joh Hey, Jr., or better known as "Ruggles," in some dis- trics, is this week making a. tour • 1 of, 'rhe Walkerton district in the interest of the celebrated Ruggles tru'ks, and reports prospects good in that district.. Our local Postmaster, Mr. Wt. L. Siebert wishes to advise people addressing letters to ,England or' ,w e sles, to be sure and have tl 1 essary postage thereon. It r+ es :4c. postage, fora letter t ed : to ; England, and in all ca'Se•s w. re only 3c. poistage is put on, tIv party receiving- the letter at "b it e st na-tion ' as ,to.f.ptay,tWo CONTAINS REAL NEWS ITY IN NEED OP A NEW SUIT STYLES. GET THE NEW STYLES EARLY AND BE AHEAD OF THE REST;, ASK TO SEE OUR NEW SUMMER SUITS TRIMMED LEATHER BUTTONS AND LOTS OF NEW IDEAS: va . WITH Just received a shipment ' of No.• 1 $e postage before it can 'be Zurich Will have a hand again.. A; enge'ments have been complet- ed; and :prospects' are bright for a iJumnier's 'program of open. air catcerts 4Mr. 'Chas. Eckiaeir, lead- • 'roadhageai; Baud, has been engaged, and will enter on his n,G leader of Zurich Ba'nidd' on ^March'. 15th[ As quite •• 'the members of the farmer bahld are still in Zurich and otheils are desirous of joining a geed' hand will 'likely be secured. Alfalfa seed. Leaveyour orders:no . ' Q d8U Pito ZURICH duce Wanted �� Produce - Save the. Pieces We can duplicate your Broken Spectacle Lenses from the Sinal- lest Chip within 36 Hours: HESS the Jeweler JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN PHONE No. 74 Chester 1.,, Smith, Publisher $1:25 a Yeax 111 . `t�dvance,,, $1,N NAl{1 N.+rl,ii,S, �t2.M.AY'BI7 AQAItt# i Incorporated 1855 Capital and Reserve $9,000904 Over 125 Branches T FI E MOLSONS BANK Farmers will secure sympath- etic banking at any of our br- anches. Careful attention to the needs of Canada's A.grie- ultural interests has always be- en a feature of The Maisons Bank. Savings Departments a$ every Branch. Deposits aif $1.00 and upwards invited. C. H. JOY Manager Zurich Branch A public meeting for the ben- efit el the improvement of the live stock breeders'will be held in 'the Town. Hall, Zurich on 'Friday aft- ernoon March 9th and at Hensali in the evening. The object of these, meetings is to find out, just what'•th^ British and foreign mar- kets' demand along these lines. and steps will be taken' to get closer to these requirements. Canada, sorry to- sav, with its fertile soil is considerable behind some other co- untri-e whose soil does not contain near the fertility, along these lint's. One r• ' the big drawbacks is lack of co-'". Every farmer farmee ,should attend these meet in;s and partake of the useful in- formation given. There passed away at the home of his .daughter, Mrs. Richard Days . Ex t',r on Wednesday mor- ing F^b, `?8 Aaron 13q. Musser; at the age of 3"1 years, 1 month. The deceased had been in very poor health for the past eight months, suffering from a general break- in. un - >.f the 'sy's�tenr. The late Mr, .Musser was born in Waterloo County, \vhere he resided with his parents 'until about 60 years ago`, when 1..:, wanes to the neighborhood of Dashwood and followed the duties o£ sawmiller, and which he followe•d.'-nearly all his life in that district.' A little over a year and a half ago he came to Ex- eter to • reside -with his daughter Mrs. Davis, with whom he has .s'nce niadE his home. In polit?cs hr' was a I.lbeyal and was a member ,of the Evangelical. Church. `H wa's esteemed, and 'respected by al�aige circle of friend's, and is survived by fi\e nese end two daughters-An- d.Tew Musser„ London; Angus of Btit's`� Co'umbia; Peter in Man. Ab rahaa'a�'�ir•,jt Mrs. Sheppard., Rr.';inn John r,7 Tiuperial, Sash,, andMis Rich. Davis, Exeter. - M e.� c ring ' Your MMsi e and Clover Seed. We always pay the 4A' etVYV highestQuality fest Market Price accordingto ••p•*9�54r .....*..*.......a4.**., Winter Horse roods 1 Tust Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Horse Blankets in Assorted colors Size 12x84. Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prices �- W It - Ranging from $7.00 to ... ... ... .................. $13.00 SAVE MONEY BY GIVING- US A CALL. t • A BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always on hand. Club Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Prices. 4 PHONE 102 • HARNESS REPAIRING A S PECIALTY • FRED THIEL ZURICH• t..004 AAHOO•46454,4114 •n:+41,•II••i'•E••II•dr•,1•'L•II•'i••IIr�F••I'.g,.3•.II•..1.•i•.I.�l••p.++3••l••i• '•¢••i• •4'•F••II••F'• 4444• 4.4^• 4.4•�@y104* +g+ 4g. 46 a' Now, that the Holiday giv- ing Season is over, most of us are' getting to think of our CASTORAIA of Infants and Children ilt1 Use For Over 30 Yeas AtvVays,beaxs the '' Sigiaalilre of :'.` Winter Footwear own personal and family needs ��. The weather has been cold, lately and ask yourself if you + have enjoyed warm feet dur- : ing this spell of winter. If not 4.come to .us and we can assure you comfort in footwear , as 4. well as durability. + 4. 4. 4. SHOE MERCHANTS ZURICH ONTARIO 44+44+44++++ l••I..•r•l++II••4•+II.•a+•I'.g,.F•+4.4.4.'g.•y+d••I.g'.301-1444444+ i•.I'+ ++ +.i,•l•.g.•g.g•.I+^I ++t•+T~+•+ Repairing done by the very latest methods 0. FRITZ & SON 247 SPECIAL VALUES WE HAVE JUST OPENE D UP A NICE LOT OF THE LAT- EST PATTERNS AND COLORS IN CREPES, GINGHAMS, VOILS, PRINTS, GELATEAS, ETC. ALSO 'NE ARE MAKING A BIG DISCOUNT ON HALTERS, AND HARNESS REPAIRS, MITTS, AND GLOVES, UNDERWEAR, OVERALLS, ETC., ETC. GIVE US A CALL AND YOU WILL FIND TIT AT OUR. PR- ICES, (QUALITY CONSIDERED) WILL COMPARE WITH ANY OF OUR COMPETITORS. Highest x:'1.3(les for Fa Pr duce R N. DOUGLAS GENE! AL M 'RO .AN r PHONE 11 - 97 BL AKE