HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-02-22, Page 5-•••••••,...-1 mlxureday: February 52n'd, 923 .. RESINES CARDS proudroot, Killoran dt HlT M$S, Barristers, Soileit.ore, Notaides, rPubli„ laic, Olfict,' on the Square, llind. door 'front Haneiiton St, God- iericra !Private funds to loan at lowest rates. Proudfoot, K,C, J;' L. Killoran l? E. Holmes; Mr. Holmes will be in Hensall on Friday of each week. A.adrew F. Hess, Township Clerk limner or marriage itemises, Notary Public, Commissioner, Fire and Aut- #mobile Insurance, Representing .Baron and Erie Mortgage Corpora- tion, The Canada Trust Co. Zurich, Ontario. Dr.E. S. Hardie :DENTIST At ZURICH EVERY DNESDAY 1 ASHWOOD EWE THURSDAY MAIN OPVW1 - BF, NatLL A--C-T Y -O -N -E -E -R OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones,Nat- iionat School of Auctioneering. Try me for Registered Live Stock; (All Breeds), Teams in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice farms for sale. Will sell anything anywhere. Phone 18-93 or write, Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer. Licensed Auceionei:r for County of Huron. In a position to con- duct any auction sale, regardless 'as to size or articles to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will .make no charges for services. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. Phone 31 r 13. Zurich Meat MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Pricefor Woetil CASH IfOlt SKINS & B1i)ES r, Tu bg biut ' Deichert ZURICH LIVERY I am 'in a positionto accomo- date all requirements in the Livery Line, have Auto for hire. Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL Phone 53 • Zurich, O. S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College et Dental Surgeons of Ontario and of the University of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich • every Triesday, Friday .and Saturday from. 10.00 a. zn, until 5,00 pm at hte Com- mercial House. Alain Office at Rayfield, Ont. -19 LIVE 11POU LT R Y WANTED 'Taken every day till 3 Oclock p.m. Do snot ;teed fowl same morning when brought in. 'Highest Cask Prices ---CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien , Pholne 94. Zurich (COAL Spring and Summer DE LIVE RIE S SEASON 1922 Owing to the strike of theMin- yarn now prevailing in the •Pennsyl- wania Anthracite coal fields; we era unable to guarantee delivery or prise• and until conditions be, table More settled orders will be .taken subject to our being abieto .obtain supplies and at prevailing pries time of deliver*. •- .. Cax�.te1ox`s. • tom)) & PRODUCE MERCHANT TERMS:; -CASH . ' one; Offices tow. Howe lei. MSALL ON:1 c, PUT 'ir Qi1Ii Wants, For Sale, Leet,. Found, Notice, Etc. Adel IN 'PTS CALUMN FOR SALE. Hard body wood for sale, Valeo some standing bush. Apply tp Orville 'Talar, Parr bine. WANTED A party would like to rent a suitable farm of about 100 -acres, possession this spring. For fur., Cher particulars apply at -Herald Office. In renewing, your subscriptions for your daily axid. weekly papers remember the Herald Office is agent for most of them and in some cases can save you as much as 50 bents on a single subscript -i ion, •FOR SALE A pure bred Shorthorn bull, roan color,' 15 months old; 2 cows due in March. Apply too Garnet Jacobs, Rot. 1, Zurich, phone 11-88. FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 100 acres being Lot ), .LR.E. Stanley Tp'., there is on the premises a 11r storey brick house; a bank barn 40x60, implem- ent barn 26x40, good water sup- ply, fences are in good repair. 6 acres of orchard And about 10 acres ofg ood bush, ten acres se- eded to fall wheat and fail plow- ing completed. Situated 4;r miles north of Drysdale, 'reasonable terms, for particulars apply to Chester J. Nicholson, Bayfield,Ont NOTICE Commencing Saturday Febr- uary 10th, Dr. Atkinson will be at his office, Zurich, on Saturdays as well as Tuesday and Fridays. FARM FOR SALE BY 'TENDER 145 acres adjoining the village of K.ippen, frame house, two barns, rate a bank barb; all in two. Spring creek • running through arrn. Apply to Samuel Thom- son, Brumfield, .Ont• 28-5 . If not sbld part of 'it, will .be rented. LOST On December 24th, a ' Partridge 30x3iS automobile casing, on Town Line between Dashwood°.and 14th con, Finder please' notify Ervin Eckstein, Dashwood, Ont. FARM FOR SALE First' -Class • 100=acre (arm, sit- uated -a" few miles from Zurich„ for sale. Farm is in good state of cultivation, with 18 acres alfafa, 10 acres fall wheat; 45 acres good hard wood bush. Good brick dwelling with slate roof and large bank barn and driving shed. M o dere equiprrtent in stables. Hog pens will 'house 50 or 60 hogs. For particulars apply to A. R. Hese, Zurich, ant. NOTJCE Y hr1r,: hkell otic License f'ar 'Auctioneer for the County allure on, and am in a position to con- duct sales by auction. Give me a• .trial and I will assure you satis- faction or no -:barge. tf-29 Jarnee Denomey, R. R. 2, Zurich, Phone No. 10--93 DR. JOHN WARD Will make a complete test .of refractive .condi!'son of the eye, and of the uroceles. Spectacles scientif- ically fitted. Services at reasonable charges: Will 'ibe at;-. • 8=22 Zimmer's Rotel, Dashwood, r;4 alper House; Zurich, FARM FOR SALE Lot 10, con 1, Mullett, situated on Provincial Highway, 3X, miles from Clinton and 5 miles from Se- aforth. Contains, 100, acres, well drained and fenced in high state of cultivation; three acres hard wood bush, 2 acres orchard and 20 acres fall plowing done. On place is good pine barn 60x50, stone foundation, sta- ble all cemented and in first class •condition, driving shed 50x.20; ten - 'roomed brick house with good cellar. For further particulars ap- ply ,to. Mrs. J. D' McDermid, Clin- ton, Ont; or Mr. C. M. McGregcir, R.II, 2, Seaferth, Ont. 21-4 t f, Mr, Ji, Hey .J , is .on a burin trip to Whigham this week, to a A man `is like a task, be can, o; go osier as his head will let limy. Mr, and Mrs, Eldon. Rennie, oih Argus, Ind., are visiting 4tit k e home of the forznerrs matbelt, S. Rennie, ( Tf plenty of• isonw in winter >+ anis plenttyr of grain in harvest ter~ year 192,3 should have a biitn•p, r Me. and Mrs, Michael Hotting)) are visiting r.elatives andir!ietlde at Kitchener. ' crop. May it prove :'true,, . A few herring fish are '.being caught alt the lake, but they ,arp scarce and. as a consequencesthe. price High, Messrs. Lloyd Kalbfleisclx anL Theo Wagner, who are attending the Waterloo Seminary, were' week -enol visitors under •the pare. wntal roofs. • CIMVORM 4s i 441 mos Missi,a'Ik n. for the Artily Worm, Description and Lite History-aroison- etl F$aii Recopr,nrendeil .--- Keep ,,J4v.'. ,;tuck out of .tree t+"ieltl-44aR tee ?eetts-:-Fewer "Cattle •Shipped. 'te.o.^ttre:,• ,.ea by .Ontario Department of ;.;ricuiture>, 'remote.) in K,aly last reports ea ed p aPpeared d iu tee rat' as of an outbreak of. Army trear r s in two or three counties of tier lenience and that the insects were beginning to do damage to same if tee field crops. These sections ;e+ire visited by representatives of the 3oinlnion and Provincial Lrntomo- iogical departments, 'and It was dis- epvered that the insect was not the Army Worm but a common cut -worm known as the Spotted Cut -worm. In order that this pest may be recognized and controlled should it appear next season, the following in - Mr. Ed, Mousseau and sister,Mztrsformation to given: Bernette of Drysdale, left on . Wed- nesday nnorning for London, where Life History. Mr. Mousseau is taking treatments .;,; ',The spotted cut -worm winters over for throat trouble, in the ground as a small orown or The regular. meeting; of the Womeni's Institute which was posh ponied lest Wednesday will be heldd int the Ladiiles' Ilati at .3 ,.p. m, Wednesday Feb. 21st. Messrs. Win. Meidinger and Jelin Hartman were week -end visitors .at Seaforth, with Mr. ankl Mrs. John' Hildebrandt, we are Sorry to le - port that Mrs. Hildebrandt ;is ser- iously i11 with an attack of ,pneu- monist There is a strong move among the rural •members of the Ontario Legislature in favor of, the pro- vincial treasury bearing the en tire cos„ of the 1800 miles of prov- incial highways instead of the counties bearing 20 per• cent. as at present is the case. Mr. .L A. Balmer, the man who conducted the 'successful gigant:i+: sale of 'merchandise at the ,gen- •oral store, of Mr, J. Preeter, left on Monday morning for his .bonne at Toronto. Mr. Preet•er'sSale continues indefinitely, and there are ;still hundreds of bargains lett For the public to pick up. • This Os your chance to save money, and purchase your year's supplies at about half. price. Cages in the counyt roads de partment for the conning 'summer will ha a great deal lower than in 1022, according to recon-nnendat-y ions submitted by. the hoard • "of To sd directors. Instead of 40e an hour the foreman will receiti e 35c. for., 1923, and the, will\= -L - receive 50c. and ,5ae.,. while labors pis will range .from 20c. to, 30c. per hour depending largely on the work being done. These rates are. practically reek to•pre-war prices blackish larva from 14, to about ea of an inch in length. In May and , early June this cutworm attacks the ?crops sown in the field where it win- tered. In June it is full grown and pupates in the soil. Towards the end of the month the moths appear and lay the eggs for the brood which is :now causing trouble. In about two weeks or about the 10th of August nearly all the larvae of this brood will be full grown and will have ceas- ed feeding. They will then pupate in the ground and the moths Rill emerge In September and will ray their eggs throughout any needy places. b'roiu these eggs will come the overwinter- ing larvae referred to above. Description. The moths aro a dull brown color' with a wing expanse of about an ineh and a quarter. They liy around Only at night or late in the evening. The full grown cut -worms or larvae are about 1'' inches long, stout, smooth and of a brownish or often Weakish color with several black spots an the back, most conspicuous tow the rear end. There is a r light colored line running side just below the brown e back, The head is brown. ;,Fleet can readily be brought and ,)trot, by the use of poison. How to Oontrol the .Attack. In the evening about sunset scat- ter thinly, as if sowing seed grate, 'tile following poison bait wherever the stet -worms are present, and also • along the margin of crops neerty. etllet are to be protected: . The past week witnessed one of the renegaat storms for years.Piles un in of snow have been ,tar- i; to-gether and. to 'ship. banks shoveled through four to fit=efeet deep along the sidewalks is a. common, sight, Many people in the village cannot recollect the like ever before But when the' nice' balmy. old .sun does cone :;out, At ie beginning to feel warrner (and seems getting c1sero, only another week and February will be over, and March. always brings warmer and longer days. The Mennonites who left Canada a few months ago, irgeved becau- ee they had been z'odered to teach English in their schools, instead of Gerraart',r as their first language. They thought they would secure Sart the Fletee. Liberty in gMexico, and so migrated there. Now they have asked The best means of controlling fleas is most instances- is very simple. •Fleas usually originate in the 'base- ment at the house, or in some covered Place such,as woodsheds and stables, to 'which hogs, dogs, of other such 'tn muls have access. The remedy is to give the basement, shed, or other breeding place a thorough cleaning) Burn tide litter, and then sprinkle the Roar or ground in the building or stied with coronion . salt. The salt nhotild be, sprinkled thickly enougl almost' to cover the ground and should then be wet:doyvn"'wlth water. It 'should "'not lie_ • seet. suID_ cleutly to cause it to run, however. If there are..ebout the place any houses, cribs, or' the like built pn piles so that 'hog and• okher :in4 jials cart go under thein, salt sliowldbe applied there;. G•eueraily np(eaking, it is .fairly catty to detern,taait' e where the peas orifi - urate ,,:ane 1e ,actually such a place as :pan he reached by the salt treat- uiefit ,7t Ata.y benesessfiry to repeat the. operatiba two 'or three.. times at about three -des ` inter at8. ran, )8,lbs. Paris greiin (or white arsenie), :1 lb. .Molasses, 3,(1 gal. Lemons or oranges, 2 fruits. Water, about 2 gals. Mix the bran and the poison very tllrhroughly in a tub or any. targe ,receptacle, using Dither the hands or a dung fork for the purpose. Pour the molasses into the water, run the lemons or or1't.ge through a meat cfeopper, and throw both the juice midi the pump into the water. Then stir...this thoroughly, Next pour the ltiyuid over"'th° poison bran and mix so: thoroughly that it will fall through the fingers readily. The above amount is sulfcient for one acre. Keep Live Stock Out of Reach. Takeprecautions that no stock gets access to the mixture before it is -applied, and even after apply=ing it is wise to keep the stock out of t(te Field for four or five days, though L,•aere is no muck danger of their be- ing poisoned if the above directions are ;followed carefully.—L. Caesar, it, College, Guelph. • permission froim the Canadian Gov- ernment to return to Manitoba, because the Mexican ittlerty was not what it 'seemed fromn a. dist- ance, acrd' they would mush rather obey first orders and teach the English language to the children than stay in Mexico ' The London Free Press of Sat- urday contains the following art- lcie ;-Toronto. i!! eb. 1,7 -From the Village of Hemel!, Huron 'County, conies aha extraordinary record of municipal politics, as a result of which George Cooper Petty se - eke to, unseat Owen Geiger, who hay twice this year been elected reeve of the village. The uo war ranto prooedings have reached Os- good Hall and the ruatter-in-chant• .hers, J. A;, C. Cameron, K l.', has granted, a tail( allowing; notice of the mot{ioni to unseat being sers'ed upon the reeve. It,' appears that Geiger, who had been .elected true tee a year ago; was nominated ]nisi' December for. the office of veeve, mend on December 23 resigned from the 'school board. It was alleged that his resignation NVas too late, He.stolid for' electio,ia,, how- ever, and received a majority of voiles and was declared elect - In: view of the question As to validity of his election he diis- rn.ed his seat as reeve on Senn' 8. On. January, 15 nominal were again held for the effi-. of reeve.. Oweln, Geiger ' and name Hudson were nominated. Jar`, 22 the election tools place h receiving an equal number of res; The tie was broken by the of the viillage clerks, who' d for Geiger. The electionis attacked on the ground that t t m voters were' disqualified, the , ed. London, Eng., for generatic na the the Ite:.r' market of the world, ie fac clan ed with a most serious tea 'short- 'uar ager Recently the world's condura- ions ptioh has greatly,, eincreased, also. ;co it is estimated there has been 80, -Tho 000,000 lbs. less tea produced. this On year than is ordinarily colisurned, Eac fu a resift of this, the Mock•ltv Vo London is' now practically ehaus- rote ted. Prices aro at the highest level' vote ever reached and may still go now higher. tort Ywrhr 4..: J'ewer • (tattle Shipped. :A total of 21,530 head of cattle Were stripped troru the port of Mont- real during the past seauyon of uayl- eatibn, as compared with 31,217 head for the season 192.1, a decreaete of. 9,887 head. Of the above total shipped la ..1922 there wore 7,165 head from the United States that the total' itemiser of Canadian cattle that went, forward t� -the Itritish markets from this pout was only 11,916 head. There was no expert 'hinsirtea i •done in' sheep :'duties the pest season. while during the pre- tee41all y'eat,r shipments amounted to 4,44 head. •.ft Is srrrpristng how far the table scraps and scattered grain will go to; ward maintaining the hens. There is little excuse for any one tieing a grade or 'scrub ball when it l lar . ern .east tit sessetra. PerePlited., Children Cry for Fletcher's Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedyfor Infants and Children. Foods are specially prepared for baies. A baby's medicine is even, more essential. for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need of a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, andno claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 years has not proven. What is .CAST `:1A? Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. it contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, a;, d by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy a.nd natural sleep, The Children's Comfort—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE ,CASTOR /A ALWAYS Bears the Signature ofr • In Use .For Over 30 Years THC CENTAUR COMPANY, ,NEW YORK CITY rear The Election is over, how Read This FOR SALE Chalmers Six .. 8650 00 One Four Wheel Trailer $5.00 REPAIRING Covering Ford Top, Good. Material Painting Ford Car, One Coat, 815.00, Two Coats ., $20.00 .-. $27.00 Changing Ford Curtains to open with Doors i5.00 • Painting Buggy0 .IF'iOU-; ;WANT SERVICE, WE H.iiVE .IT. WE RE.RUJ313ER YOUx BUGGY WHEELS. F.- M. Ness & Co. m Zurich P++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++444.44.144414+++++++9 ^F•F++•fr+++++++++h•+++3••i++++++++yr++++ 4.i4.144+s 14++ [+++3111 Lumber .Laths Shingles i i+ Everything in t Combination storm and screen doors made to order I Lumber and•_Building IMaterb.1 i • • • Custom Work! ur Er ccrafty, Always in the n-� arlket for saw logs if • • IF. C• IC h` i I 4 ZURICH PHONE 69 :-.,..+++++++,,,,,t++++++++++++4--4 444-444. +444-1.444. 44.44.0 The 59th Year The Best in its History HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES DURING 1922 INCREASED F'IIQM $8,334,000. TO $10,613,000. BECAUSE THE PROFITAI. DLR INTEREST RATE i% per�J annum payable half -yearly Places thousands, of extra Interest dollars in the pockets of Polk who invested theirsavings., Witt' not Call and arrange for a Debenture wlnclr wilt •c. , titl make extra income for YOU? THEY ARE ISSUED FOR WO OR MOIRE. Andrew F. Hess, Zurich Have You MADE YOUR _°