HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-02-22, Page 1Vol. XX i 11 NQ 33. tg ZURICH,' THURSDAY Mo R 14111111110 LETUS TAKE CARE OIF YOUR .FEET 7,171,0 "FEBRUARY 22, 1923. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THIIa• DISTRICT` POR THE CELEBRATED Dr. SCHOOLL'S� FOOT EASE AND ARCH STI'FOPRTERS, AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WI(IH SAME BY (TAKING ORDERS.DO NOT SUFFER FROM FOOT TROUBLE IP YOU CAN GET RELIEF BY WEARING THESII We have'7irst a fetw dozen pair of comfortable warm asp at's which •we are selling at a•big'sacrafice, and it. will pay' you to take advantage of these b argaine for next winter's weareEVERYTHING IN FOOTWEAR AT POSSIBLE LOWEST PRI -CES. r H. PFILE, THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES ZURICH Wer q2 REPAIRING NEATLY DONE • OD f\ /,\ rte • • • ;10 feD \ ��o'�o�,d',00cogogdoov000Ooovoo• Oa WONDERS NEVER CEASE THE WRITER WIASIN HENSALL A FEW DAYS AGO. AFTER I' HAD RESISTERED IN THE HOTEL THERE, I 'OVER HEARD A CONVERSATION BETWEEN FOUR "TRAVELLING SALESMEN. THE WRITER STATES THAT THIS CONVERSATION SHOULD BE OP INTEREST TO THE PEOPLE OF OUR TOWN AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY. (THE TRAVELLING MEN WERE DIS- CUSSING ZURICH'S STORES AND AFTER GIVEN THEIR VIEWS ABOUT THE PROGRESS OF OUR DISTRIC1T. THEY SAID "JAM F'REETER'S STORE WAS BEING PACKED EVERY DAY AND EV - TO .B' A VERY ERY ZTIG+.HTj-BY A GENTLEMAN WHO APPEARS ENERGETIC MERCHANDISE MAN. HE EXPLAINED TO HIS' THREE ASSOCIATES ABOUT HIS VISIT rro JACK PREETER STORE 7THIS WEEK. HE APPEARED TO BE VERY EXCITED RIi'- GARDING THE TERRIFIC SACRAFICES JACK PREETER WAS MAKING ON HIS ENTIRE STOCK. This travelling man explained to his associates that He actually wit- nessed Lee Hoffman of Preeter's mar- king $20 and $25 Suits at 19.90. Why Gentlemen, he said, I saw the finest line of Men's,, Overcoats that sold for. $25 to '35 marked 510.90, . $14.60 and X 16.80. HE TOLD US THAT IN CAIS ENTIRE EXPERIENCE OF iTHIRTY YEARS ON THE ROAD HE NEVER IN ALL HIS LIFE WITNESSED SUCH A BONIFIED SLAUGHTER OF PRICES AS "JACK PREETER" WAS MAKING. THE OTHER TRADING MEN ASK THEM THE RE- ASON FOR IT, -i8, HE BUSTED OR ARE THE CREDITORS AFTER HIM?—BUT HE EXPLAINED MR. PREETER WAS REDUCING HIS STOCK $10,000.00. HE SAID HE WAS GOING TO (TAKE A TRIP TO ZURICH BEFORE THE SALE .WAS OVER AND GET A COUPLE OF THESE $25..00 SULTS 'FQR $9.90/ ALSO AN OVERCOAT AT• $10.90 WOULD ADVISE PEOPLE FOR MILES AND MILES AROUND TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF 'T`HIS SALE NAD STOCK UP FOR PUT URE, USE AS WE FEEL THAT NEVER 'IN THE HISTORY OF THIS COMMUNITY HAS A SALE BEEN PUT ON FOR THE B+NEFIT OP THF,, PEOPLE. EVERY ONE, IS ASSURED OP A SQUARE ,AND A FAIR DEAL BY ATTENDING JACK PREETER'S ITREMI+.NDOUS .SALE. -A CITIZEN. eDo eP eP • lig to IQ • 40 ;'O 1 . T Q. 14+b++F+ ++II++++i•aro+ 44.4.+•t•i+rs+++++ ++E+ti`++f'r3 4.4.E -:, o +++++ :++++ 44, + +3,,++3 4,44+4•.1.., .l..p,.l,.1.4..,cq.4.. :-:. Y Q 1 1 14Z. E "FT\ T 1-1 R __,._ ' ,'(),.,.'• Produce Wanted. S Phone 59 ZURICH Bring us Your Alsike and Clover Seed. We always pay the highest Market Price according to Quality • Viso' ,�Wry•. �+,J+p. ,,/y1N"-IF . .. .11�...��r..' •F+_Y�yI'."J� �..�. Irl y�.•;e,' • + �l?!r,i�Y��.+�1+Ci VV'�. y •cy �.,,o� • .�•e'�'n' ` �y"�� ti.•`1..,.'�l. Mr. aitch No • a. is sa4ying anything about that mWinter 'the'se days. Mr. 1 'Melick is to Detroit, on a business'` trip this week. Di Taylor and. Mr. Chas. Guen- ther:of ;Dash'wood were int he vil- lage; an MondaYi , . ' Mrs Elizabeth Geiger, of Dash- :wood ash-u ood. spent the past week with her brother, Ur. J. Hey„ Sr. Haveyou: ever ,tried 'smiles to brighteli up the home,? They're cheapen,, than electric light. . The Hall ..Acme Glove factory re- sumed operaterations after be- ing shut dbawn for a couple of weeks MTr, Louis Kraft who att' ided the Kraft-Lautenschlager nupt- als at Kitchener, on Tuesday last returned; home on Thursday even- ing. Mr Emanuel .Koehler has taken a position with Mr. Wm. Walper Zurich's popular baker, as '"Ill2.r Walper cannot handle the volume of ''bulginess alone. • Mr. C. Fzit:.awho had been for several' 3V(:e' F. ': "Kitchener, at- tending t.. shoe store there, returned.i Thursday even - ening, bite,' rd is now in charge of i , chener branch: Mss 'Z.'... 1 ;iYs., of London ,and daughter,=Mrs :; iverich of Detroit who . •epen ` the Past few weeks at the home the former'�s son, Mr., Andrew l�;rice, have returned to their res ectitie homes. Nor. 1 Hess,; Clerk'of .Hay Toanis lir, xhas• received -Word from the ,:Provindiai 'election officer, to prepare andhave printed. and Dost up part III of the Hay Township Voter's List for :1922. This list of 11922 will evidently be used in the coining Previncial election which is probably set ,for October 22ndi.' The .:list contains all the Ivom n's navies who .are residents and over. 21 years of •age and not mentioned on any of the other part of the list- This will be quite an addition to the already list which is nearly a thousand names, and the amount of names in Part III is 633, making the total voerst on the list 82 1657 for Hay Township. e O'Brien; is visiting at aver 'the week -end. Is Zurich' to. have a -band this summer.? Some rumors point that way ani: at going to press we are advised by an enthusiast that Mr. Henry Eckmeier of Mitchell, a good cornet player and bandleader is coming to Zurich one of the first diys and if conditions .are favor- able, he will move his family to Zurich:. Mr. Eckmeier is a ,painter and paper hnnger of no mean:ab- ility and ,a man in this profession is badly needed in Zur-ich,. a'nd be- sides the Zurich bated could be again lined up;, as considerable of The. former plaiyers are still here, as well as a'll the instruments/ `Boost for the Zurich Band. Make the village a live one. Keep in tench, as a meeting will bre dal - led upon the arrival of Mr. Eck- nlCier. H'YMENIAL— KRAFT--L.AUi rENSCULAGER • A quiet wedding was solemnized al SL Mathow's Lutheran person- ae?, Kitchener. on Tuesday after- noon, Feb. 13th, at th.ee o'clock, elatm Winnifred Lautenschlager, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Henry, :,autensch1ager of that. city was united in marriage to Mr. Herbert Kraft, son of Mr, and Mrs. Louis. Kraft of Zurich. .The pa'stor,Rev. T. Schmieder performed the cere- :aany. The, couple wore attend- '.dd. by Mi+-: 'au,d, Mrs. Clarence La- utenschlag'er, of Waterloo. A wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents, 109 Iter •st., when only members rs of the two families were pi es ntt \Ir. and Mrs. Kraft will reside at - tel Peter street, Kitchener, where 'hey have the beat wish of .heir aany Kitchener friends well is in Zurich; The Herald ;rdso ).xtende congratulations. CAS --TO RI A For Infanta and Children ITN Use ForOver3OYears Alwarsh beats Signatuie Vit' -r---Chester r2, Smith, publisheat, $1,25 a Fear. In; Advanc4 $12.64 IN AR1't.NIA IIS, $2 KAY BL ea,A1tega, The Imperishable GIFT THE GIFT OP A. DIAMOND IS A GIFT THAT NEVER PERISHES NEITHER DOES' IT DEPRECIATE IN VALUE. SEE OUR SELECTION AT MOD- ERATE OD-ERiATE PRICES HESS the - Jeweler JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN` PHONE No. 74 Incorporated. 1855 Capital and Reserve ,$9,0O000Q Over 125 Branches THE MQLSON-S OANK Farmers will secure synapatb-. etic banking at any of our hr.. anches, Careful attention is the needs of C'anada's A.gric-e ultural interests has always be- en a feature of The Molacina Bank. Savings Departments at every, Branch'. AepGsita at $1'.00' and upwards invited, C.H.•JOY Manager Zurich Branch l••••••••o.4.o.Fo.eoms..a+.i•''ow ••••••••••••••••••••••444V • 0 Winter Morse Goods • • • • • • • • •. • • • • • • • • •• • Tust Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Horse,.'' Blankets in Assorted colors Sins 72x84. • Number .of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prices • Ranging from $7.00 to ... ... •... ... ............... $13.04 I SAVE MONEY BY GIVING tYS A CALL. ° 4k - ••• PHONE 162.le Also a A. BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always on Club Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks at Right. Prices. HARNESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY FRED THIEL ZURICH t hand. •a••••••••••:•••,A•4M•?****•**44•04•44;44#*•a•a."••wwM• .124414.4.4444+++++ r ' • +l+ • • 4 ZURICH ONTARIO • 44.:44444++++++++++++++++++4i4+44+4•+++4,44++++++++++++++‘ Our 1922 Accounts .are now ready and we kindly ask our debtors to'call for same Repairing done by the very latest methods 0. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS 1. SPECIAL VALTJES WE HAVE JUST OPENE D UP A. NICE LOT OF THE LAT- EST PATTERNS 'AND COLORS IN VOILS',„ PRINTS, GELATEAS, ETC. A. BIG DISCOUNT ON HALTERS, AND HARNESS REPA RS, MITiTS, AND GLOVES, UNDERWEAR, OVERALLS, ETC., ETC. CREPES, GINGHAMS, ALSO WE ARE MAKING GIVE US A CALL AND YOU WILL FIND THAT OUR PR- ICES, (QUALITY CONSIDERED) WILL COMPARE WITH ANY OIC OUR COMPETITORS. Highest Prices for Fares. Prod, et • R. N. DOUGLAS' GNERAL MERCHANT PHONE 11 » 97 LA •