Zurich Herald, 1923-02-15, Page 5'huOre
Preadfoot, Killoran dt IIOLMES,
flarras'tera, Sok-Mare, Notaries,
Publls Etc. QUiet rap the Squate
Skid door from Hanoiiton, St. God,.
anti • Private funds to loan at
lowest rates,. '
Proudfoot, , K.C. ,I. L, Killoran
D E. Holmes.
Ile, Holmes will be in xlensall ori
Friday of each week.
'Andrew F. Hese, Township Clerk
Issuer of marriage licensee, Notary
Pabiilc; Commissioner, Fire and Ant -
*mobile Insurance, , RePreseinting
gluon and Erie. Mortgage Corpora-
tion, . The Canada Trust Co. Zurich,
.:tai' ^ e
A -U -C -1 -i? -N -E -E -R
Graduate Carey M. Jones Nat-
ional School of Auctoneering. Try
rue for Registered Live Stock;
,tAil Breeds). Terms in keeping
With pre ailing prices. Choice
farms for sale. Will sell anything
tsnywhered.• Zumich.
Phone 18..=93 or write,
a,_ 4
Licensed Auctioneer
Licensed Auctioneer for County
• of Huron. In a position to con-
duct any 'auction sale, regardless
Ai to size or articles to sell. - I
solicit your business; and if not
(satisfied will make no charges for
Arthur, Weber, Dashwood.
phone 31,fi"ia.;
Zurich Neat
Fresh and Salt Meats.
Bologna Sausages, etc
Highest Cash Price for Wouli,l
`uAgbl at
Reichert I
i am ,:in a position to accomo-
'date'all'requirements in the Livery
Line, have. Auto for hire. Any-
thing done in the teaming line.
phone 51 Zurich,
I'UT yovi
Wants, For Sale, Lost,
F'oun4, Notice, iEte Ada
In renewing your eubscriptibns
for your daily and weekly papers,'
rnnienaber the Herald Office t
agent for most of• them and in
s+mile cases can, save you ail much
as 50 ,cents on a single subscript-
ionl, ,
A pure bred Shorthorn bully
roan color, 15 months old; 2 cows
due in March, Applytoo Garnet
Jacobs, R41,;, 1, Zuricho phone
Consisting of 100 acres being Lot
7, ,LR.E. Stanley Tpl,there is oil
the premises a 134 storey brick
house, a bank barn 4,0x60,. implem-
ent barn '26x40, good water 'supe
ply, fences are in good. repair. 5
acres of orchard and about 10
acres ofg ood bash, ten acres se-
eded to fall wheat and fall plow-
ing completed:. Situated 41: miles.
north of Drysdale, reasonable
terms, for particulars apply to
Chester, J. Nicholson, Bayfield,Ont
6, S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S,
Graduate of the Royal College
of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and
et the University of Toronto.
Late District Dental Officer, Mir-
:iitary District No. One, London,Ont
Office hours at Zurich every
Tuesday, Friday and Saturday from
39,00 a, m. until 5100 pm at hte Com-
mercial House. Main Office at
iyfield,' Ont. -19
ltPov LT R Y
Commencing • Saturday Febr-
uary 10th, Dr. 'Atkinson will be at
his office, Zurich, on Saturdays as
well as Tuesday and Fridays.
Taken every day till 3 Oclock p.m.
Do not feed fowl same morning
'When .brought in.
Highest Cash Prices
Cream and Eggs
W. O'Brien
Phone 99. Zurilch
Spring and Summer
Owing to the strike of the Min-
*Vs now prevailing in the Penneyl-
'crania .nthracite caul fields, we
*re unable to ,guarantee 'delivery
tor. price and until conditions be -
cone more settled' order@ will be
taken subject to our being able to
Obtain supplies and at prevailing
price time of delivery,
IONS G"c"'�t1'tEa+n
.*boo- Oftice isw. noose 1e),
50 cords hard wood rails for inY-
mediate use, apply • to ;
Wml.•S. Johnston Zurich. ,
145 acres adjoining the village of
Kippen, frame house, two barns,
one a bank barn; all in grass..
Spring creek running through
farm. Apply to Samuel Thom-
son, Brucefield, Ont. 28-5
Mr, Leniti Kraft ie. spending the
week' at Kitchener.
Mr. Dan; Millen' o'f the 14th coli,
left for Kitehertea' `•01 M°Pdav'.
Miss" Viola Hartman anent afew
days with her friend Discoia Sinixh
Miss V. Siebert is .atteirdiiig the
millinery openings at London this
Mr. Eldon Rennie of Indiana it
visiting with his mother, Mrs. -•S'
Mies Fannia. Preeter of Dash-
wood is visiting at the home of
Mr . and Mee. J. Preeter.
Planting a mortgage on a farm
is easy enough. The trouble is
to raise 'it.
About 2,000 matches are lighted
every second in Canada, of which
1,990 are borrowed.
bars. Wm. Bassow and daughter
Edith of the Bronson, were Sunday
vi 'tors with friends at Dashwood
Mrs. J. Kellerman of Dashwood
wwa's a visitor a fewdays last
week at the home of her sister, Mrs
C. Fritz.
Mr. Elmer Restemeyer and Rein.
Koch, spent Monday evening with
Mr. and rMs. Herb. Disjardine;,
Parr Line.
rM. and Mrs. Wnri. Walper of
the village, spent Sunday, with
Mr, and Mrs, Wrn. Thiel, Bronson
Mr. R. F. Stade is this week at-
tending the Ontario 'Hardware
Merchants Association Convention
at Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Thiel and
family of ]slake;, spent Tuesday at
Dashwwdocl with the latter's par-
ents, • Mr. and Mrs.; Geot Koch.
The Bible Society now prints
the Scripteres in' 550 languages;
having added 12; (a record)( dur-
irsg the past year.
'Mrs. Joe Meidinger and ate
Reinhold Koch' are spending ai few
days at Auburn with the. former',
sister, cels. Wm. Doerr.
Harriiltori Herald—Now that
Premier Drury has been initiated
as a Freemason' he should .bo more
resolved than ever to do things
"on the 'square."
Rev. S. M. Hauch of Crediton
had charge of theservices in the
E . angelical church on Sunday,
On December 24th, a Partridge ;while Rev. J. G. Litt conducted Al1-
30x3automobile casing .on Town `Eve 'sary Services at Crediton.
Line between Dashwood and 14th' The Farmer's Sun believes that,
con, Finder please notify Ervin
Eckstein, Dashwood, Ont.
A_ man's • rubber, man's_ glove, and
a peir-of child's mitts. Owners
can have same at Herald oi',fice_,by,
paying this adv.' .
cl o cp F q•lkf FOR'' SAL
Lot 12, Concession 12, Stanley,
containing 100 acres good clay.
soil, all cleared. well fenced and
tile 'drained, 8 acres fall wheat, 44
acres ready .for. spring .crop., the
rest is seeded. On premises is a
comfortable house, a, large • bank
barn,'cornett flocirs, water inside
'pumped in by wind -mill, and driv-
ing shed under barn and a hen
house by itself, Rural Mail deliv-
ery and also phone in house. This
place will he sold cheap and on
easy terms. Apply to . David
Tough, R.R. 3, 'Bayfield. Phone
8-48 2'Iensali, tf.29
First'-Clrss 100 -acre farm, sit-
uated.a few miles from Zurich„ for.
sale. Farm is in good state of
cu]tivation, with 18 acres alfafa,
10 acres fall wheat, 45 acres good
hard wood bush. • Good brick
dwelling with slate roof and large
bank barn and driving shed. M -o
dern equipment in stables. Hog
pens will ']louse 50 or 60 hogs. For
particulars apply to A. F. Hest',
Zurich, out.
I have ,taken out License for
Auctioneer for the County of Hur-
on, and am in a position to con-
duct sales by auction, Give me
a trial and I will assure you satis-
faction or rio Marge. tf-29
Jaynes Denomey, R. R. 2, Zurich,
Phon" No. 10-.33
Iiu,-31t1d ;fs` fO
a:srorrd areas even tart
tiler llo'rttp,. '.';,''tie production of seed
et chee,'pearl in Ontario is a more
tinct `ta,i.n prublete, in g000 seasons,
first=41dh4 seiesl,of a number al varie-
ties hal^Veeboen Carodueed at Guelph,
and In poora,0easons uo matured seed
Was 'obtaliieii,,from any variety.
Soil ,''In 4,1ut1on'. Necessari•
beii,So, are very rich, In nitro-
gene the e0Sttltaving. a higher protein
content than' either common beans or
I'tl _r
f :,ire Is Vet
Gds` +Mlgfl.
mitis •e,ing Planta
$,rsiteeatic iileld
4�p t1..•.zAaah a R'psrtment pL
e,, r. OIL,•Y) Tort1O to.)
peau be successfully
nit 14tSltitl+ r ; In Solethwestern
ptar o " ld` Arts the Niagara Persia -
within five years, the man on the
farm will be in a better position
than the average man in the
towns and cities. Bu isn't he in
a better position already?—Clin:-
ton ,::News-Recro.d
1n �yeaes that have gone; and
not. as very long age,: advea°tising
matter could be' seen ail, through
thenpo ryi, on :sign boards,>•,tel,'
egraph poles, 'etc., but the day has
gone, beciu;: a farmer in. his auto
drives too fast to' read the posters.
Not mails years ago farmers came
to town in buggies and wagons to
gc; their mail, do shopping, and
titin e', business. What a change
'has taken place, f or to -day almost
every farmer has a nail box at
his gate, or telephone in thehouse
and his car to., drive, around
The way to get the farmers' :at-
tentit n is by advertising in local
Saturday was the busiest day
in Zurich possibly for years, and
an enormous amount of business
was transacted, The joint: sale con
dusted by Auctioneers, 0. Kiopp
and A. Weber was largely atte-
nded and a success; while tharaul-
ti.uc'ies and throngs of anxious and
hungry' buyers that carne to, the
General Store of Mir. J. Preeter,
was astonishing. Dozens ' were
turned away that could not gain
admittance, and are making good
use of the days of this week to
partake of 'these bargains offer-
ed. •
A young chap had proposed to
a beautiful gorl, blushing and.
weeping a little, had. 'accepted him
Ht folded, her in his arms, pressed
his lips to hers and whispered;
"Dearest, is this the first time yuo
have ever loved?" "Yeas," the
girl :sighed, "but it's so, nice that I
hope it won't be the last."
Will make a complete test of
refractive condiieon of the eye, and
of the muscles. Spectacles scientif-
ically fitted. Services at reasonable
i'har'ges. Will *a a at ;— 8-22
Zimmer's Motel, Dashwood,
Walper House, Zurich,
eaant legume,
i?i is a g
arieldWheneeiNiited for tit• first time
should be loculated with the proper
uitrogett ii inffi bacteria, The Soy
been?; has warren use;;, the whole crop
being grOn fog: hay, pasture, silage,.
and gree 1arrure and the seed for
stock 'fa ee,l , the Orient, the seed
is grOw,n *tion1Y for stock feed, but
to '2,i! evep;'larger extent for human -
consulnetip .
E'er Hay, ;Si1ri e;. Pasture or Seed.
Soy taesus Kaye 'been grown for
fodder sad see°d produetina :in the
exp'erimentt .plots at Guelph aince
1894; and'. have been distributed
through the mediiun of the Expert-
amental U,nI'gn to farmers of Ontario
each year'fur 'the past twenty-three
yentas During thevast five years, the
most proanistng varieties under test
at Gruelph,:.have been the 0. A. C.
No: 211,.3tti San, ,Minnesota No. 157,
Early Brown and > a:rly-Yellow.
Sailcly SoiV,Nof too Rich Preferred.
saie.iie lm oa'soil not too rich 3s
:}A;uithble t'o growing Soy beans. The
seed-hod•preparation, for Soy beans
ahauld be much the same 'as for in -
diem vern.and they should be planted
about the ,Same time. Soy beans
usually produce, better results when
planted in drills which are about
thirty inches apart than broadcasted.
it 'requires "...three- ;quarters to one
bushel to plant an acre for seed, and
about',one and one-half bushels to
plant .the same. area for fodder Pro-
duction. •;
producing Plants for Selection.
A- number o1 plant breeding seleo-
tions are- under test at Guelph, and
it is hoped that before long varieties1
will. be"pro`duced which w•111 be early;
enough to ' •matere seed each .year, 1
and, at `tiih same time; produce a i
good yield tr!'green fodder. One of
thedbe•st chains, tested at Guelpl is
the: Oe.elte'0; NO: ":-211. , This strain
.:will be : included in the \ Soy Beau
Expertmentai Union •Coroperative Ex. i
llerimept !ziaterial for which will be i
sent' t0 R s ,axio i'arrner Wlio•- de
sfiras. to. Excite cre in tile "'eking
of 1923.—Dept of Field Husbandry,
0.:A. G.,-Guetiiiie,
Lot 10, con. 1, Hullett, situated
on Provincial Highway, 3% rimless
froth Clinton and 5 miles from Se-
aforth. Contains 100 acres, well
drained and fenced in high state
of cultivation, three acres hard
wood bush, 2 acres orchard and
20 acres fall 'plowing done.
On placeis good pine
barn 60x50, stone foundation, sta.:
ble all cemented and in'first class
condition, driving shed 60x20, ten -
roomed brick house with good
cellar. For further particulars ap-
ply to Mrs, J. D. •fcDermid, Clin-
ton, ,Ont; or gr. C. M. McGregor,
R.R. 2, Seaforth, (Ant; 21-4
FOLKS—Read Balnier's " 13 lu e
Liazes Tog'em Up" Posters, they
now On the way to you. They
ars as hol.plul as a check from
fat;ued iThey are a bitter dose
for high priced. merchants. They
are a tonic for wide-awake:mode y
savers. They contain the biggest
Bargains ever offered the buying.
publi,i. They defy all other
other Sales. LISTEN FOLKS I—
when I diei as I hope to in time,
I hope there will be chiweied ota
my tombstone. -To the memory of
the maani who trained faltering feet
to walk` on the Sunlit trail of Bar-
gains—who fought High Priced
stet chant:' with all his heart and
soul, who conquered gloom an'd
crowned joy.--J.A.B.
The 1923 'sittings of the local
Division Court in the Town Hall
Zurich, and canducted. by; Jd;g u e
Lewis of Goderich are se follbwe
The appointed time of opening
ie 10.00 o'clock a. in. unless ether-
arrangements,' madle.
March 15th r Sept. 18th.
May 15th'. 1 Nov. 10th(
July 10th. r Jani12,'24
Postmaster W`, L. Sieber is 'the
tool Clerk of the Court a Zurich
Children Cry for Fletcher's -
Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for Infants and Children.
Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine
is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared
for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need of
a remedy for the common ailments. of Infants and Children
that brought Castoria before the public after years of research,
and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30
years has not proven. '
What T 'I ?
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. . It contains
neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has
been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising
therefrom, a‘,,d by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
The . Children's Comfort—The. Mother's Friend,
n Use dor Over 30 Years
Sy stenracic �'ieid Aihrungensent.
Many ahold farin has waste land,
unproducti$e pastures, irregular field
and fencer .1inee and rundown soil,
but still th_e proprietor dogs not be-
come FL batik upt. The farm gives
hint hoard"fand lodging, and if an
early homestead igharea it has no bur-
den of carryrrig charges. When these
old farina ;come into the ownership
of young and., progressive nen, pur-
chased at Seprice in keeping with the
present market values, reorganization
crust be affected. - The reorganization
will usually Consist of a general•
cleaning up of fields, fences, build-
ings and trees and planning anew the
old Earn area` -to conform with the
modern anti necessary farm plan with
its systematic arrangement of fields,
straight fence lines, drained areas,
tidy orchard -and tidy farm yard, so
different from, the half century of
accumulation,„— too frequently seen
about old teens homes." Old farms are
not. Luodernieed or .made over ia a
year. '1'ltne is required to clear the
stone piles;'and stumps away, to dretn
the fields,. to' rebuild the fences and
to repair the buildings. The present
day ]nveslt~nient requires that every
foot of land should be productive,
and that the field arrangement and
general fanin edan should be such as
to reduce ;the labor • to a minimum
This is r, accomplished by having the
farm buiidthgs located in proper re-
lationship to the fields, the lane and
the highway, ---L. Stevenson, Toronto.
Marl is '.a mixture of disintegrated
limestone and clay; it contains in
varying 1r'i portions. lime, phosphorus
and potassium. There is no better
fertilizer, for -sandy lands than peat
and n3arl,:;. and it is surprising that
greater use is not made of this ma-
terial on many farms. Small marl
beds are eoration over the Province
of Ontario, and this material can us-
ually be ,obtained for the labor of
excavating, . Farin labor and teams
might be Well employed during'' odd
days during, the summer and autumn
period getting out marl for future
applications. Crushed or finely di-
vided marl' can be directly applied to
the landat any season of the year
..L. Stevenson.
The Election is over, w Read This
Chalmers Six _._ ... $650.00
One Four Wheel TraiIor $5.00
Painting Ford . Car, One Coat, $15.00, Two Coats ... _ $20.00
Covering Ford Top, Good Material , $27.:00 •
Changing Ford- Curtains to open with Doors -- _ $5,00
Painting Buggy ^8:00
Fess Co.
pursi«Bred Mikes Best th
The grade hog is more profitable
for the Tarnier than the” scrub. or,
ras.orbaok and the pure-bred is more
profitable than the grades The pure-
bred Was weight paster on tki same
teed than either the 'grade or the
scrub and aniabes so touch better for
market that it invariably co ntuseds
a mticb better prdce.
The bigger a hog tun make of him-
self tits mere profitable bog hs is,
tabor tatting hale resiltinery cart
i±csevl idl, r, slis eats iws.ylls araisMilrsk_
Lurnber Laths Shingles I
Everything in t
', Combination storm and screen doors made to order
4- • Lumber and Building Materi .1 I
4. Custorn„Work cur Erccialty
I Always in the market for saw logs
t v . C. ItIL 11Z1b.‘_... A'.1J- ' ALA 4 A ,C, %,,R_
+..s...... ZURICH I
s ..4.
t +4.4...+.H••4•+4P#d+ .1.4.++++++++•1••1••1• +++++++++•1•d4 -1•++++'H'3' 1.34irei
59th Year
The Best in its History
FROM $+8,334,000. TO $10,6.43,000. BECAUSE THE PROFITA-
per annum payable half -yearly
:places thottsanctc of extra Interest 'dollars in the pockets
of Folk who invested their savings.
call and arrange for a Debenture which wilt
Why not
make extra income for YOU?
Andrew F Hess,