HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-02-15, Page 11 'Vol, 'XX 1 I No 32 Chester L. Sz it1a; ubji�ltii $1.25 a Year In Advanleee. 41i,r0 IN ARRF.i RS, $2 1111Y BUS CEARGF . LET US TAKE CARE OF YOUR FEET WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR TIII' DISTRICT FOR THE CELEBRATED Dr, SCHOOLL'S FOOT EASE AND ARCH SU:COPRTERS, AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WISH SAME BY (TAKING ORDERS. DO NOT SURFER, FROM ROOT 'TROUBLE IP YOU CAN GET RELIEF BY WEARING. TiXESE. We have jut a few dozen pair of comfortable warm Isp ats which we are selling at abigisacrafiee, .and it will pay; you to take advantage of thelse b argains for next winter's wear. EVERYTHING IN FOOTWEAR AT POSSIBLE LOWEST PRI CES. t r , PFILE,e ■ ZURICH' THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES REPAIRING NEATLY DONE oo4ec eo oeoo°vovoo` d oo 000aoo4a ae The Imperishable GIFT 4 rD IA ID IU KED JI4MME To Busy to Quote Prices • THE EI\ORNMOUS CROWDS THAT JAMMED OUR STORE ON THE OPENING DAYS TO QI ITS CAPACLTY HAVE SPOKEN VOLUMES, AS. TO THE IRRESISTABLE DRAWING POW i ER OF OUR EXTRAORDINARY VALUES. HUNDRED S AND HUNDREDS OF PLEASED Q PATRONS REVELEDL IN THE GORGEOUS OUTLAY OF SUPERIOR MERCHANDISE . LADEN, BUT HAPPY, UNDER THE BIGGEST BEVY OF BARGAINS EVER PRESENTED . _ Q TO -THE SHREWD CNSERV A.TIVE SHOPPERS -HERE ABOUTS. BARGAIN AFTER BAR- E GAIN, I31:TNDLP� AFTER BUNDLE LEFT'OUR'STORE ON . THE OPENING AX EVERY B D TONGUE. IN•,TUWN AND SURROUNtAJ G•• CO Tll"i''', II.Qir BEEN SET TO'W'A.GGINe 4, AND AGG-INEVER REJOICING' AT BEING ABLE TO PARTAKE:. OP OUR'` WONDISR,I?:C1. BR , ., - BA'RGAINS-'11UNDREDS, YES THOUSANDS OF WAL KING, TALKING' .A.DVERTISEM- ENTS IN ZURICH AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY SINGPRAISES OF OUR STORE AND OUR PRICES. NO MERCY WILL BE SHOWN, STOCK .MUST 73E ES T E REDUCED. I AM GOING TO SMASH PRICES AS NEVER SMASHED BEFORE. THE URGENT COMMAND THAT HALF THIS STOCK BE CONVERTED INTO CASH QUICKLY HAS LED TO PRICE `SMASHING SELDOM EQUALED. WITHOUT REGARD FOR COST OR PROFI T'S,..WE ARE DE•TEI:M--INED TO CARRY OUT OUR DESIRES AND HUNDREDS OF SATISFIED CUSTOMERS TESTIFY TO THE `:i'H OROUGH-GIVINU HONOSTY OF OUR EEFOR'DS. Just two days ramaiI' and they Will be days filled with cushing bargains - They are days which bring. goidleI�.ances to you. Grab your 1344;7A -book and run, z' • 'lore Friday Feb. 16th and don't miss Big. Sat s. V Feb.l7th. J. A. Balmer passing out the stock RESTER ZURIOII A. Balmer Sales Mgr. NEVER BEFORE GIVING HAVE I BEEN AI3LR ° ORE IN MY PAS1 22 YEARS OF BARGAIN GIVIN ATO. OPER SUCH PRICE INDUCEMENTS ON SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE OF QUAL- ,°-J. A. BALMER, 1I. ' SA'1 URbAY FEB. lith, ENDS IT', H,+ +++3 +4.1r++4.4.+'i•40+4•+444404.4 + H^l•'1•' +^l'+'r +K; +4,: °1•++.1••S4.l..l !"s4+•5+.k 7'+++ x44,1..;.++ +4°344°'t4++ ID a Phone 59 Z 11 R 1 0H Produce Wanted Bring us Your Alsike and Clover Seed. We always pay the highest Market Price according to Quality It .. E:' R.' `i 0466 r,.�eCie`CJ �'Y��l*,. Jr�'..�" `i. ..•.!✓•,. 604, ' C ,yam w 4 . ♦,, e , � °di °4 �C.1.�d'""�l°\-"1'�i��b ♦�,r°�`^h° '`J`a" ♦ ♦ a PREETER Q NTED-At once, an eexn~' `Pant and vest maker or an ntice Lady prefered. Apply E,, Wuerth, Tailor, Zurich. Ward Fritz left for Kitchen ,..Wednesday morning. •st < Tuesday night a pleasant xng was spent atthe home of sand Mrs. Wendel Smith, play- rn t"i'nad.�rcls:: a; is said to have fuel en- ough to 'latst 50,000 years, and yet 'it :is very hard to get enough to to last tip weeks, Owing` to the revival services • being held in the Evangelical ch- urch;e there will be no WAT. U� m seting this month. Mils A. Rose, Babylon iLne has retn; ned home after spending two e'eeks, with her uncle, Mr. J. D. Webster, • Preston, owing to the death . of his only daughter, Mrd. THE GIFT OF A DIAMOND IS A GIFT THAT NEVER PERISHES NEITHER DOES' IiT DEPRECIATE IN VALUE,. SEE OUR SELECTION AT MOD- ERATE PRICES HESS the Jeweler JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN PHONE No. 74 rS U E MRSOI S BANK I el Incorporated 1855 ti Cap t. Paid Up $4,000,000 Rf e'rve Fund $5,000,000 er 125 Branches It it F.. of necessary to raak4 a spec trip to the neareat brand _1 The Molsons Bank every time you want to deposit money. Send your deposit to the Bank by mail. Write today to the nearest manager of The Molsons Bank for in- formation:. C. H. JOY Manager Zurich Branch .es e444444®•1pUi!•®444414tee* 'r W perty on Wilmot St. to Mr. Cyrus r GoothIL `141r Henry Spill he's sold kis Pro- 1 roWin'ter Ji � �� Schoch;, of Kitchener, who intends , t to remodel the, house and moue to t,o•wn with his family. -New Hamb- 1u urea.Indepndeent. The members of the Luther Lee i Als ague held a most enjoyable sleigh -riding party at the homeof Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Deters on Friday evening. A very good time was reported by all present. _ The Y.PI.A. of the Evangelical church enjoyed a sleigh ride party An Thursday evening to the home o;: Mr, and Mrs. S. Greb. Babylon Line A spleiidict time is reported by. all who went ats they weare p'l- ra'aritly, entertained, while one of • �i �7gls ,an thY return trip hada • �' awed' whieh.1 >a p."ajoyed ''''S4areebt a div r '.5 ^s" th:it.'. tie at Received a large number of Genuine Woolen riorae `J Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72x84.• e a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prices R Ranging from $7.00 to ...... ...... ....... $13.001 e SAVE MONEY BY GIVING ITS A CALL. a 4 A BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always on hand. ub Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Prices. • - 4 HARNESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY PHONE 102 •_R _- THIEL ZURICH w. ant does not 1 ittg ahiaost,,if net c{ititw sinotlie ed 4...s.3+, °II°o�r +++�°43�44dr4�F�F+4++�++. +'l.t+° 4,++°Nd�+�° 3'3° *i ��, wwi gas .. � - .,. pQ ove or furnace while asleep,. If 1 Q��pe;ople made a practice of sled,- et ing' etth open windows th s Nk ould 4. "at t,no happen. It might be., loo, : ,1 Q that there would be .ewer colds if et. e , thes pra.ctise were :followed. 'v oth- 4 D ing like fresh air for health. i � ` read of somebody be-'• Q Q th s fum�r fry n a coal st R� Our 1922 Accounts are we Evangelical church met at the home 4- now, ready and kindly 44of their:. Sabbath School teacher, 4The" Ladies' Bible Class of the • Miss L. Faust for the election of , .1. ()Ulcers-. Miss E. Rennie. P:eedent. ask our debtors tcall for Chairman of each committee gavel t. their repor .. hTet Class raised a- l b u t $160 during the yen: The .1, up the election of officers which 1:1; resulted as. follows; -President, I.+ Anna Hess; Vice. -Pres., M. r .1. RUUu0dge; Rec.-Sec., Mildred Hof- + Imam; Treas. Pearl Pfile. the. .1 evening was then spent in a sac- t iable ,time, a fine lunch was see-; .1. yea; a hearty vote of Thanks was , .Castor„ Rev. J. G. Litt then took! ten,dered to Miss Faust by a hearty o hand shake, and the Pastor offer- 4. same Repairing done by the very latest methods - C. ITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS ZURICH OIRITARIO 4 ed a prayer. t Following is a resort of the fin- 4-.r'1'°i+'- 4+4°4+0° 1 1 11"'1'.S°,.y..l°.1.°1°.g..II^°3..;-+'S'44.4.44++.;.+•F4 4.44 ++4+°d*°f°•4° °kri+40e. ancial Statement of the : Zurich School Fair for the Year 1922. RECEIPTS Cash on hand :.. ... _.. 12,20 Interest ._. ._ 28 Gant :from S.S. Nod 4 ... 10.00 " 12 ... ... 10.00 3 ... ... 10.00 6 ... 5.00 10.00 20.00 25.00 Township Grant20.00 317 > �' 1 7 ... ... ,County Grant :.. ..' Women's Institute,g rant ... 3.00 $125.48 EXPENDITURES Paid. Prize Money to ;- ,S. S. Nod. 3; ... 2,173 12 7.30 7 ... ... 6.. ..... 59.70 71.80 20.60 3.75 $101.15 24.33 Certified Correct -{S . B( Strothers, Agrieulturalc Representative. „ 6 .. I3alanee on Hand CASTORIA For Infants and Children , in Use For Over 30 Yearn �Q ,Alwathe ears 1 pienature • f SPECIAL VALUFJS WE HAVE JUST OPENED UP A NICE LOT OF THE LAT- EST PATTERNS AND COLORS IN CREPES, GINGHAM'S, VOILS, PRINTS, GELATEAS, ETC. ALSO WE ARE MAKING A BIG DISCOUNT ON HALTERS, AND HARNESS REPAIRS, MITTS, AND GLOVES, UNDERWEAR., OVERALLS, ETC., ETC. GIVE US A CALL AND YOU WILL FIND THAT OUR PR- i( ICES, (QUALITY CONSIDERED) WILL COMPARE WITH ANY OF OUR 'COMPETITORS. Highest Prices for. J.'t.0 t. RA a o GENERAL MEROHA NT PHONE 11 . 97 ,�.-.,�- ....... w. h •� V1h,..,... V'.Nt,wu.NiY.m.�+•.MW�W.,.Nv"'li�. BLAKE • a