HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-02-08, Page 3deneeses
'ewe no, once wild)** to harra thing
he really loves.
When a small baY who has net been
taught --one eeal usually tell by Ida
treatriteut Oanj13ea-is seen abfliIl
anipaal, we should tel Oen,
wb.410 he is hurting it,Lhow to treat a
dog, a eat, a hors; tell him, then,
while he remembers his deed, that
deg will not love him if be 'kicks it,
pulls. its ears, or mistreate it in any
way, Then point out someone, if pos.
elide who levee the ar1 dog—.if
be a dog—he has just been hurting,
and mark the love and devotion of that
animal to its benefactor,
The average boy, deep down. In his
heart, likes animals. He will se the
difference in treatment, and the d1f.
ferenee in the dog's response to kind-
neas and cruelty; if the boy has any
good, common sense, he will doubtless
begin to think, and the reselt will be.
a change in his treatment of animals.
Let us help every boy's natural
ing. of animals grow into love, and a
great dee of cruelty wild be killed at
its birth. •
The winter season is a hard Matson
the baby, He is more or less confined
to stuffy, badly ventilated rooms. It is
am often storme that the mother does
not get him out in the fresh air as
often as she sbould. Be catches colds ,
which rack hie little system; his '
stomach and bowels get out of order
•load he becomes peevish end cross, To
h h ld
ara. g
keep a box of I3aby's Own Tablets in
the house, They regulate the stomach
and bowels and break up colds. They
are sold by medicine dealers or by
Mail at 25 cents a boa from The Dr,
Williams' Medicine CO., 13rockville,
• Ont,
Why Do They Do It?
• The man who beats his horse "to
make him go" is, at the same time, do -
lug something to himself of which, he
Is entirely unaware. The man wbo so
Mistreats his horso has lowered him-
self beneath that of the animal he has
• The boy who kicks a dog "to hear
him howl" is making a big mistake,
At an early age he is allowing himself
to be worse than any of the dumb,
helpless creatures that he takes such
pleasure in harming. This is the sort
of boy --if not properly instructed in
earlier years—who growsto be the
man who beats his horse; aye, worse,
he is the boy vrho grows to be the
man who beats his wife and children.
"Why do they do it?" So easy to
ask! Shall we not say, "How can we
stop it ?" There is a way, and it is
not as difficult as one might think:
When boys are very small the mothers
and fathers should try to install in
them a genuine love for animals, be -
Minard's Liniment for Rheumetism.
Instantly 1 "Pap e's D iap epsin"
Corrects Stomach so
Meals Digest
The moment you cat a tablet of
"Pape's Diapepsin" your indigestion is
gone. No more distress from a sour,
acid, upset stomach. No flatulence,
heartburn, palpitation, or misery -mak-
ing gases. Correct your digestionfor
a few cents. Each package guaran-
teed by druggist to overcome stomach
Drugs and Prohibition
• By Rev. Peter Bryce.
."I believed in Prohibition, absolute- The City Health Officer of Jackson-
ly, but my faith -is shaken," said a
friend to me a few days ago. "The
statement attributed to Judge Mur-
phy," he continued, "in a letter in a
morning paper last week, seems to
,make it 'clear that those deprived of
• liquor are turning to drugs, and the
results are deplorable."
Judge Emily Murphy, in her book,
'The Black Candle, in the chapter de-
voted to "Prohibition and Drugs,"
makes it clear that she does not con-
sider Prohibition to be theecause of
increased addiction in drugs. She be-
lieves it is tad association and the
• lunge of an illicit traffic seeking to
;profit by the pale of the habit-forming
drugs that are the most potent causes
•IfOr 'the growth:of thesevil." She fur-
,— - —liver states: "In most 'places those one weak (April' 1046, 1919), most of
deprived of liquor seek substitutes not them were mere youths, nearly one -
in opium, cocaine or other 'allied dings, third of them are not out of their
• but in. raisin Jacks home-made wines, 'teens. One boy began at the age of
•ja,maica ginger, paregoric, essences or thirteen." 'Mese youths are doubt -
moonshine." Another argument ac- less animated by a morbid desire to
eorteing to Judge Murphy, why drugsimitate what they believe to be the
cannot be said to be a substitute.for habits of the underworld end gunmen.
drink is the fat that such a large per- Dr. C. M. Crawford, the Ontario Hos-
centage of drug addicts are in their pital, Whitby, says: "Morphine and
'teens. cocaine are responsible for certain
Many medical authorities confirm type of mental disorder. There has
Judge Murphy's statement. Joseph C. been -no increase so far as we can de -
Doane, M.D., the Chief Resident Physi- termites in either morphine addiction
elan of the Philadelphia Genera] Hos- or cocaine addiction since prohibitionpital,
eital, otates that teem the testimony came into effect."
of their drug patients, there is no con- Dr. G. H. Kirby, Medical Director of
nection whatever between drugelisf the New York State Hospitals., says:
ease and the inability to get liquor. "Sloes prohibition has, come into ef-
The New York City Health Depart- feet alcoholic mental disorders have
• Aleut, in the year 1919-20, asked 1,403 practically disappeared, and further,
drug patients the cause of their ad- morphine and cocaine addiction have
diction. Only 1 per cent, came to it not increased at all." He beses his
• from alcoholic indulgence. The Secre- statement on many thousands of eases.
• tar y of the Rhode Island State Board If other causes have not shaken my
• of Health says: "We tail to find among friend's faith in prohibition, there is
the •applicants for treatment any one evidently no cause for the foundation
formerly addicted to the free use of of his faith being shaken by the facts
alcoholic beverages," regarding the drug traffic,
Advantage of a School
Boys' Band and flow
to Start ()ne.
By V. A, Tubbs, aSaperin-
teadent of Sehool Music.
. sat
14 atarting a band, issue a Call to all!
W1.1.0 are interested. Then lay out you
scheme upon the blackbeard, based
aeon what would be the proper pro.
portion of each instrument ie. a bead
of fifty playens. •
Deseribe the instruinente, manner ot
playing each, and the nature of the
part played, Tell why a boy slow of
movement and thought should not
select a clarinet, which is entrusted to
much the Beene work the violin has in
tke orchestra; why a boy with pro-
truding teeth should not play aix. iii-
struinent with a .cup mouthpiece; why
euphonium player ehould he very
!musical, of fairly good size, of good
lung capacity etc.
It is surprising hoy quickly the.boTa
Will agree with the leader in assigning
After the instruments are given. out,,
each boy should have Individual, les-
sons until he can produce a tone re-'
cognizable as to pitch and cote play
the natural ,scale on his' instrument.
The group lessons ehould be given to
suppeement the priv ate lemons.
Following this, the braes and reed
sections should be rehearsed separate-
ly. This method of gradually increas-
ing the size of the group until the full
band is rehearsed keeps- the interest at
"white heat," and when the first full
rehearsal is called every youngster is
in plaoe wileing to do his best, which
is an ordeal for the teacherP. ri vate
and group lesaone are given after
school hours, with band rehearsals
twice each week from 7 to 8, The
boys are allowed to "blow" a little be-
fore rehearsal, just as the symehonY
player is supposed to do before the
concert. •
When the director takes his stand
the instruments are placed across the
ville, Florida; reports, that from the laps, all talking ceases and everybody
histories of addicts -registered, "it ap- Is ready to hear what the director may
pears that there is no relation be- have to say. The director seldom pla-ys
tween the habitual user of alcoholic except to illustrate. The boys are
liquor and the drug actdict." taught to follow the baton and nevem
The Medical Committee of the 10- allowed to overblow. The boys' band
wanis Club, Vancouver, states: "Prac- is of more interest in the homes of the
neatly all observers state that there members than any other organization
seems to be no special connection be- In the town. The leader is consulted
tween the use of alcohol and the,use oftener by parents M regard to the
of drugs. There is no evidence to sliicew band work than he is as teacher of
that the suppression of the use of al- other branches of school music. Most
cohol increases to any appreciable ex- ot the boys whoetre studying piano in
tent the addiction to drugs, as drug the town clerived.their first Interest in
addicts'are rarely alcoholics." • music through, their band work.
Cora Frances Stoddard. in her Pre- Boys will pray ixi a band When no in -
limitary Study on the relation be- terest can be aroused.. in the orchestra;
tween prohibition and drug addicts however, that Interest is apt to de -
says: Of 1,169 patients treated at the velop later M the musical ones. a be -
New York Narcotic. rtenet, Steeled in
=..1/1,•.1••••11 •••••••.....!••••••••••...•1•11•••=1•110•11•11•M.........7.0
Let the
S s
The., Right Thing to Do is to Take
Tonic for the BIoal,
When, you become so exhanated
ter A day's work thee you cannot eleela
or sleep falls refresh you, it le time
to- leek after your health, Failure to
aist et once means a steady drain on
year health reserve, labia can Tenn
it but .one thing—a nervous break-
•.:1)c, not wait for a breakdown, The
treatment Is simple enough if you do
let . your condition become too .far
advanced. The treatment is one re.
(miring an effective tonic to enrich the
bleed and feed the starved nerves.
The moat effective tonic known is Dr.
Pik Pine, which at direct- tem,
ly on the blood, and with proper diet gmommlimmsn''
MON EY oarmaa.
0%4 a Dominion Express MorteY
Order, They are payable everrelwree
Trish peOPle, Who eat fiarge quanti
ties of potatoes, never suffer •from
• Dragon -flies cap cateh up other in-
sects travelling at Veer forty vitae
an hour!
Eathe your feet with warm
waterthen rub well with Min„.
arcas Liniment. Soreness goes
—feet feel no or Minard's
Liniment is 'Xing of Pain,
The Family Medicine Chest,
haVe Proved of the greatest benefit in .
nervous troubles and all conditions
due to impoverished blood. Mrs. Mali
Hanson, Braeside, Ont., has proved the
value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and
says: --"I was taken 111 with what doc-
tees whom 1 coneulted called neural -
eft ef the tissues of the SYStern. I
was a complete wreck from constant
Penis in my body and limbs, dizzy
headaches, fainting spells and consti-
pation. So intense was the pain that
at times it caused vomiting and I
would have to go to bed for two or
three days, only to get up so dizzy
and so weak that I could not cross the
bedroom. without aid, and while these
spells lasted I could keep nothing on
myfstomach. I doctored for almost a
year, but witb no beneficial results. mRs ANDERsoN
Finally the last doctor who attended
Classified Advertistrateots,
itufor- P0 at home, eltlxer 't!tsTitiiirov
by bend. Send stamp and_elrifi
envelope fez' anrormation. The uin PI
Wholesale pilstributing Co., rropt.
Qr11114. (2-------r4t.
gtrgallffl Cr. VII
1:11313Arif OLOVDR, TalM GREA-.
Arination, D. Fraser, Xeft. 114ertazh
annual. arlorruitzef43:r ,intereatinie
tnD-TO-LJZ noon
cookere10, geed ineividuses, IMO°
each, David A. Aehworth, Penfield, Ont,
used,, pulleys, saws, cable, hone,
etc., ehipped subJeot to approval at low'.
el .835t pr
1r 1: Si rlt . , C.21 raott 0 T°11c Benillig Co"
jassoalleal Zooms Dor awnotIle.
Book on
and How to Food
Alleged Free to any A.
dress by the Authota
U. May Glover Co., IAD.
129 West 24th Street
New York, U.S.A.
me' said medicine would not benefit
me. I must have perfect rest, and
spend most of my time in the open air.
Be gave me very poor encouragement.
Knowing that the mother of four child-
ren could not spend all her time in
idleness, I told in.y husband I was
through with doctors and was going
to try some other remedies. I got one,
but after taking it for a month found
no benefit, Then I decided to try Dr.
Williams' Pink P11ls and at the end
of two weeks I found these were what
I needed. With nerves worn thread-
bare from all the suffering of the past,
I continued the use of Dr, Williams"
Pink Pills for three months and by
this time I was able to do most of my
*own housework. In fact I soon felt
well and was able to do any kind of
work without feeling tired. Since that
time I have continued to do all my
own work and have had no return of
'the dreadful pain 1 suffered before. I
have recommended tho pills in many
cases and' have always seen good re-
sults from their 1180."
"Ton can get these pills from any
anedielne dealer -or by mail. at 50 cents
neve- here is no other means.as boxes tor $2.50 from The
as the band in creating an interest -ion
in• Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
the part of the boy in all things moan
sal in his school. The boys are also
reminded of the great advantage the
syllable reader has in playing a band
instrument aver the one who cannot
sing by syllable. I have known several
cases where boys have learned to sing.
by syllable in order that they might
be able to play the band instrument
the better.
The music rehearsed is never trash,
The last number played at the close
of the rehearsal is usually a popular
song or ballad of the better cease,
given as a piece Of pie might be given
at the close of the meal. This popular
number so dearly loved by the boys is
always looked forward to, and if the
rehearsal is drawing to e. close and
there is no sign of the popular number
some one iseere to ask, "Don't we get
any pie'to relec..?" and the pie is surely
• Rice pails is not made from the
rice plant, hut from the pith of a
tree growing- in Formosa.
Are you fagged and foggy when you wake
• up in the morning? "There's a Reason."
Tea and coffee are known to affect many
people that .way. Often, too, these bev-
erages cause nervousness, sleeplessness
and severe headache. "There's a Reason.".
Instant Posturn, made from choice,
,roasted wheat, is. a delightful mealtime
• beverage free from any element of harm.
Try it for awhile, instead of tea or
coffee, and let the Sunshine in.
,At Your Grocer's Ln Seale4 Air -tight Tine •
afor** Parle a 'The
1 tat tytion of Weer
Ifth r
lona CAutAKtl,S,A
•'m ritiiiiitt—retA0Met5
M r
41/4 generous sample tin of Instant Posting "There's a Reason"
sena postpaid, for .4a Stanaint- Write
'Canadian Postunt Cereal Company, Limited'. • %.46 Prent St, rc, Toronto. Factory:. Windsor, Ontario
The sea covers three-fourths. of the
earth's surface, or a total area of
about 145 million square miles.
ti -41+4.444•44-441-64444+444444+44•4444÷4.44
uascaretsII 10c
• For Sluggish Liver
or Constipated
Bowels •
$4444.40•1 14-443•444+41
Clean your bowels! Feel fine!
• When you feel sick, dizzy, upset,
when your head is dull or Rolling, or
your stomach is sour or gasey, just
take one or two Ca,searets to relieve
coestipation. No griping—nicest laxa-
tive -cathartic on. earth for grown-ups
and children. 100 a box. 'taste like
The Drawback
"I'm glad you doe't like candy any
better 'than you de.",
"I 'spect I would only I get full too
'qa ick."
Flax Seed air Canada.
dxi aecount a the standstill of the
fax hitiustry in Ireland, aix havestiga-
lion' is being made with a view to
growingilax in Canada.
Man was Plainly intended to work;
else Why when he asked for butter
did 'nature give him a cow?
The Word "stentorian" comes from
the name of a Greeter) heral.C1' named
Stenter, whose Wide, according to
legend, was as loud as that of fifty
men' shouting together,
Minard's Uniment for Neuralele,
How Backache and Periodic
Pains Yield to Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound
Leslie, Sask.—" For about a year 1
was troubled with a distressing down -
bearing pain before and during the pe-.
riods, and from terrible headaches and
backache. I hated to go to a doctor,
and as I knew several women who had,
taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound with good results, I finally
bought some and took four bottles of it.
I certainly do recommend it to every
woman with troubles like mine. I feel
fine now and hope to be able to keep
your medicine on hand at all times, as
no woman ought to be without it in the
house." — Mrs. OSCAR A. ANDEASore,
Box 15, Leslie, Sask.
Mrs. Kelsey Adds Her Testimony
Copenhagen, N. Y. — "I read your
• advertisement in the papers and my
husband induced me to take Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to get
relief from pains and weakness. I was
so weak that 1 could not walk at times..
Now I can do my housework and help
my husband out doors, too. I am willing
for you to publish this letter if you think
it will help others." —Mrs. HERBERT.
KELSEY, R.F.D., Copenhagen, N. Y.
Sick and ailing women everywhere
in the Dominion should try Lydia E..
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound before
they give up hope of recovery.
Bulk Carlota
Clear Your Complexion
• With Cuticura
Bathe with Cuticura Soap and hot
water to free the pores of impurities
and follow with a gentle application
of Cuticura Ointment to soothe and
heal. They are ideal for the toilet,
as is also Cuticura Talcum for pow.
daring and perfuming.
Seap25e. Ointmeat25 ana50c. Talmage. Sold
throughouttheDominion. CanadianDepott
Lyman, Limited, 344 St. Paul SL, W., Montreal.
"Cuticura Soap shaves without mug,
Chest colds -broken!
Inflamed membranes. congesti6n,
oppressive pain.Apply Sloan's to chest
and throat.It. scatters congestion
-your cold is gone!
Sloanis Liniment
—kills pain!
Made in Canada
.UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, put
are not getting Aspirin at all
Accept only an "Unbroken package" of "payer Tablets of
Aspirin," whichcontains directions and dose worked out by
physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions' for
Colds lieada.clie Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache • Lumbago Pain,' Pain
Handy "Beyer" boxes' of 12 tablets—Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druagiats
Aspirin Is the trade Mark cregistorucl in Canada) of *Bayer *Slawaratture. a Si,' .6,,
,t6,11,•6fhiester at 0 ii, 1kI 1. WhIla It Is well Unimit 111A1 A vpirilr Avoi is
me nu fa el lire, 10 ati.:03t 11, 1,111111e a galast 111)1'13110ns.li TAbl^ta tlivr (JOH ,a1.137
will 1)0 walla:a with theft geat.11,1 trA40 tilt: "BUY Cr