HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-02-01, Page 3NERVOUS EXIT:tIJSTUON 7.'hc Only Sure Relief is to En- rich end Build Up the Blond. Nervolts exzhaus�ticn is the cause f . o headaches and dizziness, aid it is dile, almost always, to conditions of lin, pcverished blood. Tablets and pow- dees for headae4 ee •shzculil never be taken; they cannot possibly reach the root of the trouble, and are .often most lnaeMful. All that is needed to bring relief is e tonic that will enrich and• purify the blood, and the very best tonic for this purpose is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, Those pills have a, direct leucin" action on the blood, said ill this way truth that "all the world loves a Irr Now, n Word of a IIC» ,ieT,ir is such a tlfing as a, 5t.a40,l'e it conti#tiriing move poetry than teeth "Tura back 'the uavhc se and give ire ye<stierdaty," "eines wM1 11]" and "lisie,9lis w,e11;" but It's uul"ee;i'thy just the sutler "Taking ilz s Ship" is i enol , { a i 1 o z saki a t o y � p all eight—Just occ,.is . sial:Sy, bust it oan Imereo melted and speellu,a,1 dope. Th,:e slays:•cf link' luaba alio totally un- fit for the realities of to-dta'y. '1'n a heelthy nand, evil yye'e:rare I contagious, We litive aa1 erjoyed hear- 1ng old peoplo- talk ;of bygone,. days, but frankly, didn't y oer pleaaeure arise 1iom. ,tete fact •that iggave Olean plea- sure to live those days aver again? Thee Sort th'ialeg "lea bit akin) to the the headaches, dizziness anti other bad For olid people to live in the past is 13ynptoms rapidly disappear, est not curly natural, but becoming and ltiiark 1 Granby, lovable. But as long ,as "To -day„ F. , Tay el , G nby, what this medicine did for him. He ••brings to you duties and tasks and bur - tells' --"winch ,'dens, can you successfully perform says; 1 severe headaches wild ] had i•; would be aecompaiziecl by vomiting i those tasks and ditties, and lift those spells. These would last for two or i burdens if your strength is sapped by three days at a time, I would take one I an Over-lnldn•IZlenee in the dope of re - of these spells every three or four trospeotion? weeks, and it is almost impossible to Dieter into to -day as ardiently and d:es•oribe the misery they caused me. I eirthual.asticaldy as if there had never I tried a number of medicines without bEen. a yeeten'dlay, and never would be getting relief, until one day my mother a to-morrcw. Inustea,d" of waiting ten brought me Six boxes of Dr, Williams' ( years, and looking back upon it as one Pink Pills, When they were used I of "the good old 'clays'," which you may was feeling much better, and I got` a vainly wish to recall, squeeze from It further supply, and under the contln.ued now the goodly chase of w',hlolestame treatment every symptom of the trou- • joy and serenity it surely holds. • ble clisappeared. I cannot speak too Instead of sentnnlerntadly looking . higihdy of this medicine for it certainly back on past days as "the good old hies done wonders for me." days," why not sens'ibly'•anrd optimis'ti- You can get thes,e pills through any tally and pra'cltically view each new • medicine dealer or by trail at 50 cents day, right while you ere living it, as a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The "a good odd day?" And meet important pr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- of all, make to -day "a good olid "day" ville, Ont. far everybody with whom you come in contact. To -day ought to be the beet Run on Lower Flange. An electrically driven heist with a capacity of a ton has beeii combined with a trolley conveyor that can be run on the lower wage• of a standard I- beam. Container for Match Boxes. • Two rubber vacuum cups hold a new Apply this to the wall with bntsn, .container for match boxes! osl any The meaning of the corneae! and the smooth surface. keeping the water hot all the aims. AR turnings in ' 5 �- i ees Progress ng Mother ---"Mary, doe% you think you are getting too old to play with the boy 1?" .• ,Alary="No, mother; 'tire older 1get, the better I like theins' GUA D TIE BABY AGAINST COLDS Ai $'VY JNG 'ICK LIKE HE USED TO r Thanks Tani tc For Put. kixl lr i .Back On Joh After lllaes Pa rce 1 Um to Quit. "W,he:n Tilxilae helped lily little granlleietightei: so wonderfully I tiesuglit maybe the medicine would hell) lire too, 'turd s�ie'ce rvo taken• it I. are feeling live," said ,Tall' Jones, 19 f;terline St,, London Ontario, "1 came bere a year or so ago from Calgary, where 1 wits' a miner, but bad •td• quit on account of asthma," he can• .tinuee. "I was badly run clown, and thee, I got a touch of pnetnnenla th€4t mocked. me out completely, I couldn't get my s'tren.g.th back, Chad no appetite, vas unable to work and didn't know what it was to get a good night's sleep. • "By the time I took three bottles of -7,auiee <I was eating just anything, on ylcepin.g like a log and I have been the job ever since. My asthma doesn't bother Yne-s'o much now, and it's a race between me and my little grand-dnaugh- tet- at lisps time, for • we bath have plenthd appetites.' • Talalac is foe sale by all good drug- GUARD rug -• ,fists. Over 85 million battles sold. To guard the bas?.' -against ..olds nothing. can equal Baby's Own Tab- lets. The Tablets are a mild' laxative that will keep the little one's stomach and bowels working regularly. It is a recognized fact that where the. stom- ach and bowels are In good order that colds will not exist; that the health of the little one will be good and that be will thrive and'be happy and , goc clew tured. .The Tablets are sold by Medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents.a box from The Dr.' Williams' Medicine olid day'of all the "goad old days," Co., Bricicville, Ont. -Why? Because if we have lived truly and earnestly we have just a little A New -'Year Thought. mane experience and wisdom to put in- At long last we shall find thein, iti we, set ourselves to look, - The answers to the problems in old,: Time's big puzzle -book! ' • The why and how and wherefore of the ups and drowns we meet, • to to -day. To Remove Wall Paper. Heat a gallon of water, and add to it a heaping tablespoonful coif ealt.patre. i Life's,Street! ter a few applications the paper will pull off easily. Translations of the Bible, or pore the lessens, of the way tions of it, are published by the Brit-. At long last we shall sting them—all ish and Foreign Bible Society in 550 the carols of the diary. different languages. We may not find it quickly, but at Minard's Liniment for Neuralgia. ,,_____ At long lash we 'shall learn them— Popularity lt!em Popularity is more often a reward • •for not displeasing people than for pleasing thein. Surnames and Their Oris BAGLEY Variation—Bagiy. Racial Origin—English. S A locality geographical name which might have As a geographical term war; RAMSEY Racial Origin—English. Source -A locality. Ramsey is oils • of those Englisch long last if we're true- We'll dig It. out and finish it thait Work. we're meant to do! • At long last we shall get there to the top of }fill• Success ; We mustn't tire of eliie1:iug, we must onward, upward press ! And when the mists have broken. we cures= 511011 view with. clearer:stightt This ;is one of those family names nainles which are distinctly Anglo Sag maven for�tilla faibaries which have which might well have s hung up in on, in distinction from those which ars h.elpeld.us gain atihte:hQdgch dependently: in many sections of Eng Narmaaa-Prencit. Stili it 'dans not fol- Lillian Gard. Eng - Land throughout, the period in which Low that all who . bore it in the first the majority of family nanieis wsre place were Siaxonst A name of this' The Pleasure of Mom. formed—that is to say, between the sort gives. little, or no, clue to! the race eleventh and the fourteenth centuries. of those. who first used it, because it; Beauty in all its, " eery can be. =And all of the available tsr dicaticais in was a place name before it became a brought to the' hearts of children the form of historical records of noun Sandy name, and the Normans, when ,through music. Bess townshlie and vii ages go to show they spread their sway over England,' The joy received from hearing that It did,. saw nla reason for renaming the lo- i beautiful, melodies preserves that The "Bagley" was the kind of local aality. ! ideeiis'm; which is one of the most pre- I Like all family names derived from citrus, possessions of cfbdldhood. When sprwng up ^ admicsrt anywhere in the place ' nanres,-its first general use was such music is heard it reaches their! country. to indicate the place from which a consciousness tihrough.rhythm, melody 1 I it situp given person. or family had come, thus and harmony, through form and stile, ly the combination of two ancient An- distinguisrliug 0 man fro'ni leathers, who 'through the warnetir of stringed instru- glo-Saxon words, "boelge" end "leagh." bore the snipe given name. Later, ments or the rich tones of a French The former is tire word which in the these names, for the most part, lest horn, but it all affords' a pleasure course of time has developed into our their locality significance and became which finds eche within and is an in - modern verb "bulge," meaning to the hereditary names of families, Only fluence for good. swell. The latter is .untd principally lin a minority of case._ do such names The world can not live without in geographical names, to the terrains -i indicate that the onigined lt•earers were music. It is uplifting and makes one tions, "ley," "lea" and leiglt,' and it'of a certain locality in the sense think of the better things -of life, meant either meadow, or initillled land. that they were the rulers of it. . When we realize how vital a factor The "bodge;" "leagh" or "bagley, As a place name, Ramsey is a con's- flange is in the life of each individual therefore, simply referred to some . bination of the Saxon "ey," which we will also realize how important it local pierce of rising or swelling ground meant "isle" or "Island" and either is to hear good music. that was untilled. Any one living o?.'i i{ "ram," or ,else the word "reonia," The Y• - such ground was likely to be d'istin- 141st named meant the "edge" os "bor- Taking interest for money lent to guished in the speech, of his coin- der" and was the ancient form of our Hebrews was expressly forbidden by munity •by reference to it, !modern word "rim," - • the Mosaic Law. Agamerous sample fin *t Inaba PeeCarn will be yeti, postpaid, ibr 4o is cramps. Wri&e: WV. lawil.8111.1.04.001 Is Your Unite at lei 0? OU say "No" to the children when tea or coffee is being passed; but while explaining that little folks should not risk health, do you drink tea or coffee yourself? Your health is 'valuable, too—and their need for a hot drink with breakfast may be as great as yours. There's ' complete 'satisfaction in Postum, and safety alike for young and old. Postum is made from clean, hard wheat and is free from any element of, harm. It has a pleasing aroma, de- lightfur- flavor --and thousands who have wisely stopped tea and coffee are finding satisfaction, comfort and better health, in wholesome Instant Postum, At your Grocer's in Sealed, Air -tight Instant PostumrIOR IlEALTH. 4ninpdiata Pontutii; Cereal Co„ Limited "There's a Reason" 45 Front St., E., Toronto ] actory: Windsor, Ontario 1. K N1'M'1!N'•'44i�?Y41N040¢41iMH'H'aN1N0+F04fPMJ-1 PUT -STOMACH 6N ORDER AT ONCE "Pape's Diapepsin" for Gas, ` Indigestion or Sour Stomach tautly! Stomach corrected! Ton 'itJiever feel the slightest distress from !indigestion or a sour, acid, gassy sttom- ;'ah, . after you eat a tablet of "Pape's Diapepsin." The moment it reaches he stomach all .ourness, flatulence, 'artburn; gases,. palpitation and pain i ppear. Druggists guarantee each kage to correct digestion at once. your stomach trouble for few cts. 1 Quick Relief for lie k the A headache is frequently caused by badly digested food; the gases and acids resulting therefrom aro absorbed 1 y' the blood which b tuna irritates the nerves. and causes painful ay_opptouis called headache. neuralgia, rheunna- _tisrrq, etc. - 15 to 30 drops of IMlother'Seigel's' Syrupwill correct €aultydigsstiouenr afford relief. 1r a ,'OARS. SALT LAND SALT Bulk Carlota TOR,QNTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF TORONTO Ameerioa's` Pioneer frog Remodies Book on DOG DISEASES an Ilow to Feed Mailed Free to any Mi..drecse by the Author. H. Clay Glover Co., ino. 129 West 24th Street New York, U.a.A. Faster Than the Fastest. Oechce ra Drummer—"I'm it:12 fa e t men in the world." Victr'nist "How's .that?" D. --"Time flies, doesn't it?" rs,"" -So they SaiY" . O.' D.• -'Weal; I kaa•t ,times MONEY ORDERS. It Issalways safe to send a Dominion E press Money Order. Five dollars co ,ts three cents. Death and Life. I do not know what may befall to -mor - :row, W1hiait' stoires of blessing, or what weight of sorrow; But -this I know, whatever may befall, Whatever Lite inay be, Death ends it all. 14,1Y14144444i 4414141144144111.44114 ascarets" 10c Best Bowel Laxative When Bilious, Constipated ... 4414444 #yyy. $$ 14tH444 N'M4y 11 M 44114441401145•o4441M...4+4 rl'o deep out your Jewels without cramping or overacting, take •Casoar- ets. Sick headache, biliouesiese, gases, ill'dlgesition, Mous, upset stoma.cli, and all such distress gone by , morning, Nicest physics on earth for grown-ups end children. 10e a box. Taste like, Andy. New Socket Wrenoh. Weighing . only 1% pounds, a socket wrench that has been designed for a certain type of automobile fits nuts of eleven sizes,. Pahl? For immediate relief rub the affected part with Minard's Liniment. " It penetrates faster and further than any other, soothing and stopping pain. Two generations have crowned e 1King of Pain. Minard's Liniment The Family Medicine Ciiest. But •stay! Does Death end all we knew of living? Though it may end the tears aatd woe and the forgiving, Ts itnot rattier, 0 my Soul, the door To life Eternal, life for evermore? No eneering doubts! shall quell my beast' S belierving, Though hell eon furies ply their arts deceiving The icy strrearn may o'er my body roll, But Death cant never rob pie of my S call, fulto.,;tihtrue. The village postman, being an invet- erate<gossip, could never resist read- ing the. postcards! ertietruarted to him to de'livern, en;dthen oonumtutcating the tleli4rethsts,'gainied to olthars. The deeber was nuicli bothered by this, and one clay, , iii writing to a friend, who lived quits :close, lee added; "I wonlld tell youmore, omay I luniow the lroisrmsn will read it." 116 then posted the card in tiee lee ter -boa, whence it WAS eoldeerted, and taken to the poet -office, and sent out for delivery. Tho postman stomped up to the shouse with the card and knocked air the door, To 'tee surprise of the good lady who opened the. door, the postman handed ]tear ri• Postcard, and exclaimed angitly: "lie's a Marl 1: don't rand 'on!" -. -t tiE No: SEVERE RIMS 1 BURNING Pi PIE Over Face and Neck. Face Disflgureci, CuticuraHeals. "My trouble began with a rash which later turned to pimples. The pimples were quite large and of a reddish color, and were scattered all over any face, neck and forehead. The itching and burning s" were so severe that I could not help scratching. My face was disfigured for about a year, "The trouble lasted about a year before I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment. They afforded relief within two weeks, and at the end of six weeks I was healed." (Signed) Clarence J. Burnell, 474 Tyler St., Pittsfield, Mass., Jan. 4, 1921. Use Cuticura for all toilet purposes. Sample EachPreebyy Mail. Address: "L ans,Lim lied, 144 St. Pail St, W., Montreal." Sold every- where. Soap 25c. Ointment 26 and 60c. Talcum25e. Cuticura Soap shaves without mug. ANTiD-1114 /A13LE A•GEN"S.-et TS On coremissipla, for nurasery ran with 2s years experience; free eg04.1Pr menti weedy psyi Welland 2'Tur1eryy, Co., Welland, Ont. rr1 Illi $QARZ.B'[3ISOL4Rs AIsselel► New invention, :A sure scare: ofllc etor.e cellar, oz' an place of vet , , y show.. be without �ihem. Ca � be d. tt+4°. ed to any window or door, $9.00. ent* wanted. Ben Sahneon, Boa 18T8, Wali land, Ont. IfD71P WAISIVIDD-,.pza7wxii3. Ter s' WANTED, 'WEItEre1JTRIli.' Ale parties to knit mance w'oor Sookal for us at home, either with maolzilaR 4s.` by hand. Send, stamp and` eyddresped envelope for information, The Csnadiam Wholesale Distributing Co,, Dept. 1. Oriil.ia, Ont. NT Ak7D---15XP]RI10NCED TI NI'T- '� j TEES wanted to 0 cz' to Cottoree �* p patent machines malting shirts, drawers end oombinatiolas, Apply, stating Wiper!. enee, to C, Turnbull Co„ Ltd,,, Galt, Out.. MZYA.11108. " T IA.GARA FALLS 1ViF.il1'IOaI .'i Hospital Training School or Nurses (Registered) offers a three li) i wit year course to students; aFttltin a g' the Children's hospital, Buffalo, N.Y., eight-hour duty;' requirements: one year of Ili�S h Sohool or its equivalent. 'sir,' they Information upon request to ell oral Hospital, Niagara Falls, New 'York, Superintendent of Nurses. BELTING FOR SALE I) ELTING OF ALL KINDS, NEW Ole used, pulleys, saws, cable, hose; ' eta, shipped subject to approval at low., est prices in Canada_ York Belting Co.; 115 York St, Toronto. One of the first lessons, in lire to learn how to obtain victory out o defeat. Minard's Liniment for Rheum:tiers& Rugby football celebrates its t eiie,j tenary this year. gas, ACHES ANrr PAS ISENEWS Vanished After Using Lydia E. Pinkharia Vegetable Compound "Branchton, Ont.—"When I wrote to you for help my action was mostly tr prompted by carica ity. I wondered if I, too, would benefit by your medicine. t5 was the most profit, able action I have eves taken, I heart- ily assure you, fog through its results I: am relieved of most of my sufferings. I gg fi�rr�'' have taken six boxes of hk- am'sdVega abs: Compound Tablets and abottle of Lydia, ( E. Pinkham's Blood Medicine, and I call• honestly say I have never been so well 1before. I had suffered from pains and i other troubles since I was fifteen years old, and during the `Great War' period I I worked on munitions for two years, and, in the heavy lifting which my work ! called for, I strained myself, causing pelvic inflammation from which I have suffered untold agony, and I often had to give up and go to bed. I had doctored for several years without getting per- Inanent relief, when I started to take your medicines. "—Mrs. GOLDwIN Mis- ENER, Branchton, Ont. Write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medi- cine Co., Cobourg, Ontario, fora freecopy of Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text - Book upon" eelmeIts a#Werner.." 0 Rheurnat sm?-banishpain! Apply Sloans. Restore healthy circu- lation of blood through congested tis- sues: Since congestion causes the pain -almost instant relief,1 Slowis Liniment —kills pain Made in Canada UNLESS you see the naive "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago µ``n, Pain handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets—Also betties of 2f nidi 100—Druggists. MITA rill is the trade marl: (rogietered to C(e ads.) oi" Bayer Manufacture of Mise- neeticacttcstor of Salleyltrne�td. white It is well known that As33krin means RayeY m'a,nofavtnro, to assist ilio Public against imitations, the Tribletra [t iinycr'Conzpony will bo stamped with their general trade math, too 'Bayer trete, 1 1 1 1 1 ,1