Zurich Herald, 1923-01-25, Page 7SACKS ACS
The f(idneys Seldom to JJb* le
The Trouble Due to Blood
impurities. ,
There h is mere nonsrgise talked about
beekaehe than any .ether trouble.
Some poolrle have been frightened Into.
the belief that every h.0 dkaehe means
deadly kidney trouble. As a matter of
medical fact not one baiita,che in twe .-
LY hats anything to do with the lcidzl -Y ,
sh e
from o c r
• s.
ba c
U t
weakneeks and kidney drugs can't help l
that. YYou need something to Improve } e„K„l
.your blood and build youup, and that ,.
is exactly what Dr. Williams' Pink 1 aceogaiks Part.
Pills will do. Some backaches are „kh,e papers say there would be no
;nearly muscular rheumatism; Houle e'e I panics if people only had confidence in
t'he symptoms of such ailments act in-' the hanks.''
fluenza, indigestion, constipation and "Well I'm I'mn t oxry'ng aanfideice
liver troubles, In women most back-
aches conte from any weakness or ir-
regularity of the blood supply: To get
rid of the trouble take a tonic like Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills to enrich the
blood and bring strength to aching
backs and . weals nerves. 1V Ir. W.
„Prince, Lovering,- Ont., tells wheat
- ;thecae pills died for him. He says:
"Periodically I suffekred for about five
• years with backache. If I caught cold
it seemed to'settle in my back, which
pained me so badly that I could hardly
turn over in bed. These attacks would
last for a week or ten days. I tried
many remedies but they did not drive
N . away the trouble. About two years
ago, while suffering from one of these
attacks, a friend advised me to try
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I followed
his advice with the best of results, as
I have had no attack of the trouble
since, and I feel sure that I am per-
manently relieved."
You can get these pills through any
dealer in medicine or by mail postpaid
et 59 cents a box os six boxes for $2.50
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Cwirc0/1)a s n CO 1'ex1o>l110
One of the Moet aa� ottani /OAP-
triee c4 Bora%) iss'auphor gathering',.
and men' weird religions rites Et e eon -
fleeted with it,
Calnphor ie abtalne+i front tile weed
and leaves of the eaniiihor tree, and
tie variety :grown in Borneo is pax
ktieularly valuable. The induetrY is er�l-
tirelY,.in the lianas of natives, for Eur
()peens confine their aotivitiee to rub
bor. k
The camphor is fou'n�d, on certain
trees, either in littleoryriktale like
sugar, Or in masses, These large
pieces m
are net unlike the huan fore
arriu in shape and size;
Before the natives 'set out to gather
the camphor their village's are unkeen-
nily silent, The men wbo are to reap
the harvest .avoid oil of any kind, and
when they set out take neither pin's
nor mirrors • with them.
While they are away from home
o: w : — they may eat only riertain tools, and.,
is the only thing I ever hard in a bank.. each man must consume a small por-
Around Like a Young
ince TAlcing Taniac,
JS :Hensel Citizen..
0,yon don't often see a loan as spry
0th " at s5Vantytwo," zificla?'ecl
•'1'honnaOsVallner, Sr., w`eil•known lretixed
fa' ' rjf, Hansel, pot„- 'While ou a
yiait,iit,oudoai, cot;
r�A't rile tune l got 7'anlac I could
htirdly Walk, at all, ' and hadn't been
diSWP''tarwa-. without my walking stick
Just So.
When everything goes crooked,
And inclined to rile,
Don't kick, nor fuss, nor fidget,
Just --you—smile!
It's hard to learn the lesson,
But learn it if you'd - win;
When people tease and pester,
Just—You—grin. -
•Si1k, furnishes the longest continu-
;obs fibre known. One cocoon has been
known to yield nearly three-fourths
bf a mile.
Minard's Liniment forRheumetism.
tion of earth to ensure good luck. e
gatherers speak in certain set phrases,
which form what is known as the holy
camphor language..
When someone tries to do you
By taking more than half,
Be. patient, firm and pleasant;
But if you find you're stuffy,
(Sometimes, of course, you will)
And cannot smile nor grin nor laugh,
Balfour's Modest Caddie.
Lord Balfour was once playing golf
on a strange course and had with him
a diminutive caddie who was very free
with his advice as to distan:ces, what
clubs to use, and so forth. The states-
man played the round with much suc-
cess, and when he had holed his last
shot the little man turned to him ad-
miringly and, gazing at his tall frame,
said, "Eh, mon, if'I had your legs, and
ye had ma intellect, what a pair we'd
Surnames and Their Origin
Racial Origin—Scottish.
Source—A locality.
A great many Scottish family names
are of Gaelic origin, particularly those Source—A locality.
which have come out of the Highlands,
where the blood is virtually all Gaelic. The noun "hatcher ofen it does not
birds hatched
All Scots, however, are not Gaels. •refer to the numas a
anders and the 1 at a setting, is described; to -day The nt 1Ofl8 0 of Lowlanders ine in :engraving, or drawing
• opo 'ations of the .sout'Irern . and :east- i narrow l o e du over -it,' a' half'
e i,-.. n a door with an p u g
ems. ipi s 1 blood
andn are to -day
door, a door or opening by which, de-
:. ly T�ptonic in blood show to -day
act great a- proportion of true•Anglo- scent is made from one deck of a ship
Saxon blood as to be found in any part to another. A
Of England. except:.the Yorkshire sec- l to as a hatch.
tion (in the North). What we know I If the word had had these exact
to -day as the Scottish dialect is not meanings in the medieval.ages it is
English spoken with a Gaelic, accent, not et likelyik that
bearing the fa ere would e so many
but a tongue directly descended from people not
the Anglo-Saxon speech of the medic of
eadevel ped exactly tch; at least, a ong the e name lines
it has.
Refer to two of the present-day defi-
nitions, a line in a drawing, ora half-
cated originally that the bearers of it
had come from that place.
Variations—elatcher, Hatchtnan.
Racial Origin—English.
et spate tesseeetees x+444 .
tit 1Me'ret44 ',•'t,.
ascarete" lOc
For Sluggish Liver
or Constipated
Clean your bowels! Feel fine!
When yeu feel sick, dizzy, upset,
when your head Is dull or aching, or
a osrftle4 A 'v>r►x lfot r*ivtillil
AktiVtio 0.01100.0
ASTIR Ti'lIe I'YVE'WIelT141i I37f'
snail. Tiie; touch typeing system
taught in six iesson.a---idly $15.00, Why'
pay more? ''yp1ewritinb School, 7).
Baltimore Bldg., Chlcui-o•
=free' ierseen'reseeeleMatesza4
IxElect lirANT1JJ). WI0 RigQlyxRE'
parties to knit naen's wool socia
fpr us at home, either., with machine pr,
by hand. ,$encs stamp and addressed
envelope for information. The Caa.nadtant
Wizolesale Distributing Co., Dept, .it.
Qriliia., Ont,
snce last September. But last Thurie your stomach is blobr o1 gassy, just
t Casrrai.ets to relieve
. est prices ,in Ctrna<la. York filching Cp.,
115 York St:, Toronto,
day +rent :d'own town twice without take one or ,two nicest lora- B7 id i o r. ALL lvo, S, Nk7w OR •
it . aa�d srrt about ie good PS many a conetiPation. No ,griping- etc shipped subject YL to approval
roan. I suffered tangibly with.
eont44:1atiiJm; the last ten years, bad deal
ai petite ,arid was:bothered a grea ea
With niY• kidneys. Sometimes every
Pint In nay body ached. I Was badly
run crown and seldom got a night's
Sleela ,
"If' X bad' Taniac last spring it would
have saved me money, for I took -Medi-
cine1W0,,YOPTS withonit any relief to
g salt: of. But T'amlac and the Tan ac
Pi1rs have put me in fine shape, and I
strand ready to praise it to the limit"
Tanvlar le for safe. by all good drug-
giiiteSs Over 35 million bottles sold.
The healthy child sleeps well and
during its waking hours is never itis
but always happy and laughing.
only the sickly child that Is cross and
peevish. Mothers, if your children do
not sleep well; if they are cross and
cry a great deal, give them Baby's
Own Tablets and they will soon be
well and happy again. The Tablets
are a mild but thorough laxative which
regulate the bowels. sweeten the 'tom-
ach, banish constipetion, colic and in-
digestion and promote healthful sleep.
They are absolutely guaranteed free
from opiates and may be given to the
new-born babe with perfect safety.
They are sold by medicine dealers, or
by mail at 25 cents a box from The
Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Poison -Gas for Pests.
Poison -gas, the greatest hbrroe of
modern warfare, . has been put • to
many excellent uses in time of peace.
It has been employed with the great-
est succees to get rid of both rats and
mice., A heavy gas is used which
trickles down three holes like water
through a pipe.
A lighter form of gas is turned on to
flies -when they seek their winter quar-
ters in the *racks of ceilings and walls
of warm rooms. The majority ,of files
die :when winter comes in, but num-
bers of them manage to exist through'
the cold weather, and it is they Who
prodnuce the following . summer's myri
adB of winged pests. If wecould des-'
ti't''e-cathao tic en earth, for grown-uPs
and children. 10c a boa. 'f'.aste like
Gandy. -
Pigs that are washed 'put on a fifth
mere flesh ttlisan those that are left
°Minard's Liniment for Neuralgia.
' In the end, the things' that count
are the things you can't daunt.
val Lowlanders and Yorkshir.emen,
and. less influenced by the French of
the Normans than is modern English,
The Highlander, except as he may pick door. These meanings are closest to
up this 'dialect from the Lowlander, and logical developments from the me-
dieval meaning, which was nothing
more or less than a single bar across
a woodland pathway as a sort of gate,
under or over which a man might pass,
will speak English with an accent of-
ten indistinguishable to the ordinary
person from an Irish "brogue."
Eiphinstone is a place name of Scot-
tish Anglo-Saxon origin, being co'm-
but the larger animals could not. I
Pounded of "elfenne" or "ealfenne
(elfin or fairy) and "sten" (stone). It was, in fact, a half -door or half -gate.
is the name of a barony, so called Naturally such hatches were local
tray allthe winter sleepers by -means
,o1"gas' there would. soon be vergsafew
from the nature of the peculiar flinty
stones there, supposed in Anglo-Saxon
mythology to have been arrow tips
shot by the fairy folk.
As a family name, of course, it indi-
Sold by. Grocer's
.fir vefywhere in,
Sealed, Air -tight
4enerouey sample tla or
,lO•4Vrt Postum will be
*opt, pooltwird, for 4o is
*mops. Milo;
landmarks and 'a person whose house
was near one of them might most na-
turally be referred to in many cases as
"John atte Hatch," "John Hatcher" or
"John Hatchman."
flies in the whole country. -
A Main' use for gas was found dur-
ing the summer, when whole tracts of
fruit trees were being devou_ed by
swarms of caterpillars.
Aeroplanes flying low above the
tree -tops sprayed heavy gas upon them
and the caterpillars dropped 1ead in
thousands. •
Supplied with every conceiv-
able means of gratification, a
human being soon exhausts the
pleasure of having things, but
given right avenues to employ'
his energies, he never exhausts .
the pleasure of doing things. . .
We fondly imagine that it is bet-
ter to have things than do them
—an error carried to its natural
freight when acting under this
mistake we seek to avoid work
and look down upon the worker.
—Charlotte., Perkins Gilman.
A wholesome drink
f r cold, wea*
&PIPING hot cup of Instant
Postum meets the cold
'weather need for a comforting.
hot drink with no disagreeable
Both, tea and coffee contain
Caffeine, a drug, which often
causes headache, :.ervousness
and loss of sleep.
Instant Postum is a pure and
wholesome beverage made from
hIt contains no
roasted w eat.
Caffeine, nor any other harmful
ingredient whatsoever.
Young and old alike can safely
enjoy the delicious, foil -bodied
flavor and the healthful comfort
of' Instant Postum, at any time
during the day or night.
Just try it for awhile this
winter, instead of tea or coffee,
and .notice the improvement in
your health.
Inst'P- Qt 1 iYYl
"There's a Reasoncit
isadiati pestuxtt Cereal'Cocopany, lAinited
' Pactoryt, V'riudser, Ontario
45 prom St,, E„ Toronto
'flot Minard's Liniment an
cotton wool brings quick re-
lief ''tor Minard's is King of
The Family Medicine Chest,.
Pioneer Dog 8emedie5
Book on
and How to Feed
Mailed Free to any Ad.•
dress by the Author.
JC{. Clay 'Mover Co.,Xno.
129 West 24th Street
New York, U.B.A.
"Pape's Diapepsin" Corrects
Sour, Upset Stomachs
at Once
"Pape's Diapepsin" as tat; tiuua.esi,
surest relief for iu dige•stion, gases,
flatulence, heartburn, sourness, fer-
mentation or stomach distress caused•
by acidity. A few tablets .give almeet
immedlate stomach relief. Correct
{ your stomach and digestion now for a
few cents.. Druggists sell millions of.
For the Kidneys
Kidney troubles are freqfooduently
caused by badlydigested
which overtaxes these organs to
eliminatetheirritantacids f loaned.
Help your stomach to properly
digest the food by taking 15 to
30 drops of Extract of Roots, sold
as Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup,
and your kidney disorder will
promptly disappear. Get the
genuine.; 50c. and $1,00 bottles.
16 swaseasi riaawarga ail
Bilk Carlota
She is asitting in a corner
With a book, `
Quaint as elder blossoms bending
To the brook;
Sd petite and so alluring
In her, nook --
Could I pierce that veil of silence
With alook?
Probably, but if she felt it
And forsook
Pleasant peace: for lov'e's adventure—
Can she cook?
-Helen Frazee -Bower.
Pay your out-of-town accounts by
'Dom'indon Express Money Order. Five
Dollars costs three cents.
Meteors That Gave Us Life?
Were the first germs of life brought
to the earth by meteors?
This interesting theory has been
suggested by two French scientists. It
was believed that no life could survive
in the intense cold of space, which is
probably nearly five hundred degrees
below zero. But it Is thought now that
under these conditions certain low
forms of life might exist. They would
not be killed but merely suspended.
Experiments have shown that some
seeds survive in a temperature of four
hundred and twenty degrees below
Germs of life have, it is claimed,
been found in. a number of meteorites
• which have at various times fallen to
the earth. These germs have been re-
stored to life in the laboratory of M.M.
Galippe and Sonfflrand, the two
scients mentioned • above Certain
forms of animal and vegetable life, to-
gether withtraces of water and oxy-
xygen, have also been discovered In
i'Mleteore, or shooting stars, are gen-
erally believed to be parts of planets
that have become detached, and
science believes that life In some form
exits on other heavenly bodies. There-
fore, there seems.' to be no reasonwhy
germs cannot be transferred from one
planet to anotherif they can survive
the cold and the action of the light
rays found in space.
No Slurps in Nature.
It has been fond that the millions
of strange sial' and other live things
whicls inhabit the bed of the ocean
live an existence of great orderliness.
''here is ne °ocftigon and no undue
overcrowding. ' In fact, there are no
shuns in Nature, although in the deep,
est parts of the ocean It Is a world of.
eternal might, the (limitless, tioot even
relieved by the iltful glsi,ins of phos
phareddent light,
ISSUE NO. S--'28,
Let Cute a ;Keep Your
Skin Fresh and Young
Dailyuse of the: Soap keeps the
skin smooth and clear, while touches
of the Ointment now and then pre-
vent little satin troubles becoming
serious. Cuticura Talcum is ideal
for powdering.
Soap2Se. Ointmeat2San150c. Talcam25e, Sold
through outtheDominion. CanadianDepot:
mu, Limited, 344 St. Paul St., W.. Montreal.
al'Cuticura Soap shaves without mug.
Tells How Lydia E.Pinikham's
Vegetable Compound
Restored Her Health
River Desert, Que.—" I used to have a
severe pain in my side. I would be un-
able to walk fast and could not stand
for any length of time to do my ironing
or washing, but I would have to lie
down to get relief from the pain. I
had this for about two years, then a
friend told me to try Lydia E. Pink-
hara's Vegetable Compound as she bad
had good results. I certainly gotg
results from it, too, as the last time I
had a sore side was last May and I have
not bad it since. I am also glad of
having food nursing for my baby, and
I think it is your medicine that helped
me in this way."—Mrs. L. IT. BUDGE,
River Desert, uebec.
If you are suffering from the tortures '
of a displacement, irregularities, back-
-.ache, headaches, nervousness, or a pails
in the side, you should lose no time in
trying Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Lydia EiePinkham's Private Text -
Book upon Ailments Peculiar to Wo-.
men"will be sent you free upon�request.' ,
Write for it to the Lydia E. Pinkharn
Medicine Co., Cobourg, Ontario. This
book contains valuable information that
every woman should know. O
Bruised ?-ease the pain!
Apply Sloane to sore spot. It increas-
es circulation scatters congestion. This
reduces swelling and inflammation
-the pain disappears!
Si i 4- flS Linime 4V
'kills pain!
Made in Canada
UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you
are not getting Aspirin at all
Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of
As" irin," which contains directions and dose worked
out byp
physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for
Colds Headache Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Pain Pain
Earache Lumbago,
"Bayer" boxes -of 12 tablets --Also bottles of24an(1�S c iircDot zganrti-
Handy' y
aspirin is the trade lei' fl (ref;istercd 3n Canada) n e teat Man
uomi ei(lone, of list, yie pub. ainsttimittions, the TabletssofrBay er'xCioxnt�any
ml stamped toa's'st the((' general er8
Will be Ataztipa:d w'i'lt their aisn,srail trade Mark, the " 33A'Yer Czob�-'