HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-01-18, Page 4a ".is:,:,. 1 Exeter STEWARTS We e Taken Stock: We have balanced Our Boo s Ou Outstanding Stock is too Heavy Our' Ou g Accounts are too Large 10 DAX SALE .JAN. 18-27 6.i} DAYS SALE 4A,N. 18.27th. We Must Raise Money PRICES TO MAKE YOU BUY Bargains for . Men Grocery Bargains tta ifield's pure Wool Underwear 2 Red label Garments for ... $1,60 $2.60 Blue label Garments for $2.15 15c. Heavy Waolee socks for 490 42 Winter caps with ear -bands $1.00 ten's leather mitts and gloves 25c. Ifc warm knitted mitts for ... 45c 3,3'5 Miner levy low Rubbers at $2:98 45 heavy Tan Workshoes at $4.25 `;x§1.,2.5 work Shirts full size for :_.98c OVERCOATS 425 Men's winter Overcoats at $1590 $40 Young Men's Overcoats at.$11.50 •150 Mouintairx Goat fur coats $39.50 RAISINS Sunl Maid Seeded per pkg. 18c . Seedless Raisins 2lbs. 35e 4 Crown Muscatels lb. ,,.-:: 20e Royal Yeast cakes 5c Corn Flakes _-.. • 9c: Golden Syrup per 1b.......Sc 7 lbs. Oa,timeal : for '`__i et•r-• 25c 3 Jelly Powders. for - '24e 60c. brooms for ...lee _.. 48e 4 boxes Sardines for SOAPS 3 cakes Palm Olive soap .... 23e 7 cakes Castile for r_, -_ ...25c 15 bars Comfort or P&G $1.00 Bargains for, Ladies FUR COLLARED AND BUR( - CH HERALD .,eret ee„te-, .see. ..,,.:;•a ;.•..... r 111claaae ditto 443,00;' 'W. Of, riess', rep4irs to hydro teL office 1.50. The council adjourned to meet agate on Monday, Feb, 5th at 1.30 o eloe'k, pan. �•, . A. F. Hess, Clerk, BERRY STYLE 'COATS $30.00 Coats for - --- $17.25 $25.00 Coats for -. $14.0 • Good warm Coats for ladies and Girls at _.. •.- -- .4.99 $2.50 Girl's, 'Sport Hats at !151.50 25c. prints drk&light col. yd. 20c 20c. factory cotton 36''witle 30c. flannelette good ,quality? ' and width, per yd. ... 22c 30c. Jute and linen toweling. yd,121i. 60e. Shep.c'heck Dress goody yd,38t:, 200 -yd. cotton spools 4 for , 25e T bix Flannelette Blankets•'. $3.50 Largest size for $3.00 size for Pure Wool Blankets a, pr.J STEPHEN COUNCIL The newly elected Council of the Township of Stephen convened in Ole Town Hall, Crediton, on Mon- day, Janulary: 8, 1923 at 11 a.m. All iricmbers were preseet. After each had subscribed., to his de► cleratio'n of office, the minu4.ea of the previous meeting were read a and adopted. • The Reeve and Clerk wee auth- orized to sign and submit to; the Minister of Highways of Ontario the petition of the .Township of Stephen ehowieg that during 1922 there has been- expended npencthe Township roads $7,921,63 and 're- questing the statutory grant on that amount. 'es providedby the The' following officers were api- rointed for the year 1923-3Asseeior Jos, Guinan, •Salary $150;Caretaker Ernest Guettinger 'salary $•25; Audi- tors, . udi-tors,.• Thos. Trevethick 'and Fre man Morlock $8 each; Board of Health Alonzo Hodgins; Sanitary Inspectors H.P. Eiiber, i Geo. Mer nee and ;Wm. B. , Oliver. Directors of the Athletic Field; ;— Alex. Neeb and John .Hays. a,. School attendance Officers; H. F. Eilber.•' W,- B. Oliver and Chas. Steinhageu. The various Path Masters, Fence Viewers and Pound Keepers were also appointed. The Reeve Was to' request Georg Ae M'IcCubbini, OLS, MEIC to pre- pare re-pare;ai plan forthwith of Lake Vi- ew Park at Grand Bend being pt. of Lot 1, con LBW pursuant to the 0 plans. and Registry Act. Byelaw Na. 302 being a ]3y -law to granta telephone franchise to The Ceetra1-Mount Carmel Tel- ephena 'Co., for a term of ten • r use certain Highway's nn ;:,, hownship of Stephen, having been read three times be passed and sealed; Thefollowing orders were pas- sed; John Wein : grading blk S. -Rd. $5:00; Treas. Prov, of Ont., Anruse- ment Tickets 10.00; Feist Bros. ac- count 3.05; Dr. J.J. Williams, act. re Alma Williams 19.50; Express Co. charges 60; Municipal World sup- plies and subscriptions 8.80; Sun- dry personsexp. of Munic. elect- 1,ate tan 134.88; Dr. R.H.Taylor act re;: g to Cs7,sane Indigent 6.60; Dr. "G, W, beacey. ditto: 7.40; Joitah Kessell dr - the m;giF, Bit 5.6 rd. E,; -E 2 i0, Hy, Eil'- a r 19, �2 45.00 ro Supt.', fo road. .. p ood p The council adjourned to meet tr4aein in the Town Ha 1, Crediton on flionday the 5th •of March 1923 at 1 p.m. Henry Eilber,' Clerk: AUCTION SALE Boys' Clothing Bargains 610.00 SUITS, GOOD CLOTHS AND ALL SIZES FOR $6.49. •prOOD WEM OVERCOATS' SIZES 29-34, $549 010YS WOOLEN. SWEATERS, WEATERS, LARGE SIZE $1.89, SMALL SIZES $1.39, COTrroN, SWEATERS 50c. EA} 12ac i SHREDDED WHEAT, 12c, LUX 10 c. 2 Large Cans Cascade Salmon 35c. 2 CANS PEAS or CORN RAISING_ E. fE. Jan( 18thterec 4I1ONEY RAISING SALE JAN. 18th — 2.elfte J.A. STEWART EXETER N. Would We Hesitate. ea „. '..mn+^iJ'+, - L'ua }lt.•,�/-'Y' k'pr Y11n •Vi -•tt JY .$a.v1ng in these times of high prices is difficult, and to get the. money for a ":bend may mean some deprivation. So It is when' some dear member of the Family is sfek unto death and the ex leanse of medical advice and surgical dll and care is mounting to figures that it seems as if we could never eneet. Do we hesitate? No ; we pledge the last dollar and are glad to do It. Now should we feel five years from scow if we were to have locked in our ,hearts the knowledge that our mother country perished because we withheld 'Te things that would have auslal►led icer strength when she was fighting the powers of rienti and darkness?-- •llTenth's Comnpanioll, Chance for Daddy. Ift,tcbard watched his mother knitting stocks for sometime, then he looked up ♦sit his father, who was reading neat- ly and asked; "Daddy, don't you 'elfish you were a soldier?" Elis father replied: "Yes. Why?' and Teddy said: "Caus den you could get all close socks mother knits for other e, COUNTY NEWS Mrs. A.. J. Ford, of the London Toad, Hay, met with u most un fortunate accident on Saturday of eagle week. She was cleaning a pair ref gloves with gasoline and had sem en her hands when in some manner they caught fire from the 'kitchen stove. She endeavreod to' leut the flames out by rolling her liaxids in an overcoat but the fie elegies ran up her arms. She next titled putting her hands in aip•ail e water, but that was ineffective. teefore the. flames were extinguish- eiti. Mrs, Ford's hands and 'arms tawvere badly burned, Her hair land eyebrows were also singled. she has suffered a great deal deal in consequence. Thos. H. Cook, who is 'Sarnia's eayor for 1923, and who on Nov, 1922, celebrated his 50 years, of eiesidence in that city, was born' at "Ve.rnal, and completed his school lays at the old middle ward school 0U late 'Wm. Sinclair being his last 'preacher. { 1 r Dr. and Mrs. Metcalf of Bayfield left for Detroit where they will sp•- zratd the remainder of the winter. John Colclough, of Blyth, was toned dead in bed last 'Sunday mor arting at the Bushfield home in ,e rats, where he was staying over *tight. 'He had been , driving a truck selling dloth through the country, and retired aperrrently roan ,'ere?tea:.hi6 fa,thelli Browning ie town, while here Dr. Browning assistedby his father, performedseveral serious oper- ations. A new Cafe has been, openled in the building south of Dawson's jew ellery store. r Mr,. and Mrs. E. Heideman recei ved word last week to come to Toonrto at once as their daughter Enima Was in a very critical con clition; suffering' from a tumor on the brain. • r' Mrs. Jos. Senior- left last week for Victoria Hospital, London, wh- ere she underwent an operation. Herb. Trevethick of M•elford6Sas. is visiting here.' Mr. and. Mrs. A, A. Erickson and and child of Mayv il)le N.Y. are vis- iting Mrs. Bissett, HENSALL rlelo, Moore, who as been vis- iting in 1Uehsall for the past -few months, has returned to hi 'shome m Meaford. Mrs. C. Wagner of Zurich is vis- iting her dauhglter nest kletW1 Ortweini- Mrs. E. Rennie ,fo town,, visited. in Detroit over the week -end. Miss V. Geiger who as at pres, in Londono vis'ited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Owen Geiger. ' Mr. and Mrs. Stephens of Tor- onto, visited( the latter's ,grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A, Reichert last week. , Miss Jean Maxwell returned to Whitby with her sister, i' Miss An nie Maxwell, who visited at the home of Dr. Peek( * Garnet Case was here attending the fulneral• of his uncle the late 'Wm. Laramie. • Mr and Mrs. Cleve Joyn.t return ,Councillors, Clerk and Assessor. ed from their wedding trip onSat- The following were appointed urday evening last and are receive as follows of that Township for ing mealy congratulations. the 'year; 1923 at the''salaries suited Miss . Ellen Ford has returned and that !a Bly-law be prepared .con rrn»n visiting relatives in Miele firming same. vine, l r Clerk and Treasurer, Andrew F. Geo. Dadson entered upon date Hess, re. T'otvxiship work $360.00; itis as courier' on leensall Route No. re. Telephone $1180.00; re road wrk• two:. $20.00. Assessor, W. H. Edighoffer, Regret to report that Gertie Hog $120,00 r:Auditors, P. J. Haberer garth owing to a 'severe attack and K. Routledge, $12.00 each. b�E q of appendicitis,' had to be t,'aken retaking Mese L. Rupp, V to London for an operation and is of Board of Health, A. Heideman( doing nicely.: Sanitary Inspectors, C. Silber fo Quite an interesting game of Western Div. and le. ;Edwards hockey was played on our rink on for Eastern Div. 141onday evening last with Sieg; The following accounts 'were forth and Ilensall, resulting in la passed; , ret ny,' for the home players by Ont, Hospital for C. Rupp, 39.00; o satire of 6-1. A,1. Hess, fees, Cie, of Revision; tendreve I,ani;mie, of Detroit, was Voter's List 15 81; W. H. Edighoffer MONEY ma fire dee • tde rename' was Aggie H daughters, Miss Amy of Tor Miss Greta at home and alis son, Ray; also two sisters•; W. Henry and.• Mrs. Gee. of Hensall, .and two brothers (drew of Detroit arid 'nee in'tb The funeral which was bein private, took place on Mor dia 'i ie- 1eimen1, being made to the Ex, eter cemetery. -aid Ise oro fa. HAY COUNCIL. The Council of the :Township of Hay; met accrdoing tothe' Munic- ipal Act, ,on Monday, Jan. 8th., in the Township Hall, Zurich„ when the following subscribed. to the Declaration of Office; Reeve, El- Imor, F. Klepp,. :Councillors, L. H. Rader, W. R. Dougall, J, P, Rau and; 1A.. Reichert. The Count= cif was then organized for the ye- ar 1923. The monthly meetings of the.. Council will be held on the first Monday of each month at 1.30 o'- clock, p.ni. lduring 1923. The annual meeting of the 'su!b- scribers of the Hay Municipal Tel- ephonie.System will be held ori Sat- urday; January 27th, 1923, at two o'clock, pan', A delegation composed of the. business men of the Village of;. Zurich waited on the Council re •garding the matter of ;licensing, transient traders and fixing am- ount of license fees for same was read three times and finally' passed The Clerk ways instructed to sub- scribe for seven copies of the Municipal World, one copy for each of the following;—Reeve, lien` attending the funeral of his ditto 2.65; election expenses 126.00, 1a le i>,roarer, Wm. Lainrnie. T. R. Patterson fees re Becker a= Thuxsclay, ELECTION' RESULTS HAY TP., FOR ,COUNCILLORS ONLY Polling Subdivision1. 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 Samuel Deitz i 2 9 : 113 58 15 24 6 b-232 W'. R, Dougall 77 50 67 52 23 33 29 21-352 x John Geoffrey 2 " 3 43 40 18 7 1 33-117 Louis H. Rader 23 16 74 72 57 124 21 28-115 x John PI, Rau 1.2 15 101 88 28 34 16 29-323 x Alfred Richert 8 21. 85 70 20 37 32 5-27785: William 'Turnbull 40 13 32 20 • 31, 73 11 25 x-257 (x¢) Elected, E. Klapp will be Reeve by accl m a a ation 'TP, STEPHEN' MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS Poll No. 1 2 3, 4 5 6 7 8 9 REEVE Alex.. Neeb 52. 318 David' Webb 48 33 COUNCILLORS Elmer Lawson 49' , 33 62 Geo. Penhale 42 60 34 Victor Snell 84 57 55 Wm. Sweitzer41 19 52 (x� Bl;eeted, ariil:tr, 18111. 1i)23° 43 68 62 113 48 20 .24-4;'8.10 39 40 1.4 9 37 42 91-356 55 46 79 73 45 40 25 51 25 42 91 39 66 31 97 66 20 69r390 40 56-43x 32 47-462 X 51 77527 X. SATISFACTION IF YOU WERE DIS -SATISFIED WITH YOUR LAST SUIT OR OV- ERCOAT, !THAT YOU BOUGHT ELSEWHERE, COME TO US, WH- ERE YOU ARE GUARANTEED "COMPLETE SATISFACTION". WE ALSO DO ALTERING, CL- EANING, PRESSING AND REP- AIRING. -y'ot ILL LIME OCR WORI( E E. Wuerth, Tailor, Zurich of PASTURE FARM andHARDWOOD BUSH in' the Township of :Tucker - smith. • The undersigned has been in- structed to sell at the Commercial Hotel, Hensall, on FRIDAY ,FEBRUARY 2nd, 1923, at 2•o'clock, pan. that excellent pastusie farm and bush land de- scribed. as Lot 13, Concession 2, L. R. S. Tuckersmith Township, con - tanning Daae hundred -acres more or less. On the property are 40 acres of bush, mostly maple, with some rock elm, •This property is only a short distance from Kippen sta- tion so the timb•sr, can be redily shipped. ,Ane all-yearam ad pas- ses through the property makes it an ideal pasture farm TERMS OF 'SALE -10% cash and balance in 30 days without interest. For further particularsapply to; Frank Taylor, Auctioneer. Peter Kilpatrick and Margaret J. Hay, Executors James C. Mc- Lean Estate. Gla.d.inan 8,; Stanbury, Hensel]. and Exeter, Solicitors for Estate. AUCTION SALE EXETER ;A. ''tar any illness of many months ward 26.50; Municipal World, seven Chas. McFalls .anal John Luxton Mr Wei, Laiminie died at hie home subscriptions' 7,00; Sick Childr ns *tended the funeral of their aunt tee Friday January 5th, ,Decea hospital grant .5.00; Children ys Aid t Bay y City recently. ed was well to in years 'and Was and. Humane Society, Goderkc'h, Method- rant; W. L. 'Siebert re ,Zurich M.r°s. �l,. Reeder had the �isfb'x� a valued, member of the , , r e- grant; r W. 6. Walker eterd ane to fall down cellar one day tst chatclt and Wes for iaevelra y Drain 73.20; r r ,, • c wrier on the- Ki pee Mal tel. tax 11.35; Bell 'Telephone Cop, !u'st week, falling' 'through a. trap: ears a,;i?p , .. ; tel. bruised .o Route and a'bso en :1L..ltr 2, Ilenoalll toils 56.17; Jac. 1#enh.eter, ereer l rrT.airr and. wars badly butf b Stu;ratrly' ouee were broken. Ile; was borneea r Bayfield, and is tax 2.00; T. Webb ditto 1.90; 1VI. G, rio }r •'°:r 17,1ewe're a C a'o''o i'. we. r::'1, by, bis widow. `cvhonema;- Der 1_w re" .<r'n,r1 res t; oil"123 e" r QIiIMINIINIINNNNNWNNNNNI1NUiINI NIIINNIIIIiIIIINIIIiIiINIINIIIIINII1NIIIIN11101111E11IIIINO111i11iNilullNliIIIINIIIIIIIIII NIIINNi111111INIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIiIVIIN Of ' VALUABLE FARM and. I3USH LAND IN THE TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY • The undersigned , has been in- structed, to sell oil the premixes on WEDNESDAY JANUARY 3151,1923 at 2 o'clock, pen. that Attainable farm and bush land known as Lot 10, Lake -Road East, containing 105 acres in.ore or less, and Lot 11, Lake Road East, Stanley Town- ship, containing 109 acres more or less, On Lot 10 are 50 acres of hardwood bush with come, ash; elm and hemlock, good spring water. Op Lot 11 a brick 1e2 storey house with galvanized iron • roof, good bank barn 44x.75 with cement .flog ars in stable and water piped thr- ough; Straw shed 305c40; good root house, drive shed and wood house; also blaeksinith and repair shop. 04 the property: is an ap- ple orchard. of about 3, lacres, ant artesian and 25 of mike ed busThe�rtwollacres lots will be offered, both separately 'and as one par- cel. TERMS OF SALE -10% cash and balance in 30 days without interest. Fro♦• further particulars apply to.; l_ Osear Klapp, Auctioneer. Thos. n Snowden,, Executor M. D n Westlake Est. Giti ladn & .Stenbury, eesall and 1:leat r, aolieitors for Estate. The Herald's r_____ __ 1922' Clubbing - bb n ._ Herald ani Daily Globe 63:00. ... Herald and Kitchener Daily Telegraph --- $$5,11) Herald and Daily Mail anti Empire ... ... -_: ...6.00 Herald and Saturday Mail and Empire 75 Herald . and Daily Star ...... ... 6.00 m Herald and Weekly Star 3.75' Herald send Daily News :._-•= -•- 6.00 Herald and Fre, Prose evening editionE. 6,00 Herald` and Free Press morning edition 6.00 Herald and Advertiser, morning edition • 6.00 Herald and Advertiser, evening edition .._ 6.00 Herald and Farmers .Advocate --2.75 Herald and Farm and - Dairy .. -_ __. ___ _2.15 Herald and Farmers Sun $3.00 Herald and Family Herald and Weekly Star ....:.$12.75 - Herald and Canadian Countryman $2.25 :Herald and Weekly Witness' _ 2.75 Herald teed Farmer's Magazine _ 2.50 Herald and Youth's Companion •-- •-• - $3.75 Renew your papers with us and save money El. El El Et ES .171 it,), The HERALD Zurich 1NIIIIIIIIIINNNiIIalllllllllllillNIIINIINIINVINI>aI NIIIIiNIoIININIImIIIIIIINIIIIiIINmi IrIIINNNpeIIINiIIlrotIt110illlNNIIIIIIumiNUI IIINIII G1 1 • ..till Needs HelP Northern.Ontario S �O •North help is more urgent needle• Nod` that winter has gripped. the p 01that ever . Here is a typical scene—a little boy who travels many: miles tor the daily pl?•stt . ly of food, far a large flurry, Hi* lather is bum ldth a new house to replace the one destroyed in the , big fire. le the meantimwitherwither and the children live in an old oak shack r, en the Mite 6airta of Cobalt,