Zurich Herald, 1923-01-11, Page 8• r i°. 1 P r • r k r r 0.'a dight 4 , ; t , e It :?! t, To close the year without ex pressing appreciation of our pleasant relltioaship in 1922 would be leaving one of oar. principal debts unpaid. We wish you a very prosperous 1 23 J. GASCHO SON Produce Wanted Phone 67 Zurich's Garage AUTO TIMES We have on hand a Complete Line of DOMINION TIRES And TUBES, All Sizes (Best on the Market). Also a fete Seconds to Clear at (Extra Special Prices). LET US SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS ON AUTO CYLINDER LUBRI- CATING OILS AND GREASES. WE HANDLE NOTHING BUT THE THE BEST AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH OILS OF PROPER VES- COSITY TO SUIT YOUR MOTOR. Also stock a complete line of Genuine Ford Parts 'ALWAYS ON HAND ALSO MOST CALLED FOR PARTS OF VARIOUS AUTOS. I.X.L. Battery Sales and Service Station, Battery Charging, Axy- ', IAcetyline Welding. EXPERTAUTO REPAIRING A. SPECIALT r 7 Y. , Get into the habit of Pat-.ronizing us. We want to serve you, and Servo You Wwll. PHONE No. 103 Ha Motsseau y �•n wK-.xer,• sa. Zurich 5�. is ftlerrg 1brletnacs We most cordially wish all our friends aMerry Clirfste auras and a Happy and Prosperous . New Year. Good Times beget Prosperity, Confidence .begets Good Times, and Good Appearance begets Confidence, 4•J''''" IT IS WITH MOST SINCEREST THANKS THAT WE CAN AGAIN EXPRESS TO OUR MANY ICUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS. MAY 2HS' NEW YE A.R BE ONE 01? f~,RE A'1' REJOICING AND OF MARKED PROSPERITY TO ALL, AND CONTIG JEi) CONFIDENCE IN OUR BUSINESS RELATIONS TS OUR MOST VALUED DE- SIRES. Stade (Sc Weido ITEMS OF LOCAL .:.lvett'ise in ,the herald ani let laeople know what you have to sell Mr. 9.'heo, Smith left her Kitch- !ze cost is so small that it is no ever on Wednesday n cu'Uleig. eonsiderati;on. Don't eonsid.er, advertising an A. number from the village a't- 'Xp•encliture, its nn inves4ltaeni, n•d,e*"1 thie :funeral of the late Miss C. Brown of ,Creditoza^°•txosday. ,.z*riel Steinbach at Exeter on the week -end at the hone., of Mr. Mr Lloyd Wainer of Zurich and clad' Mrs. J.Preeter. .T.ise .Anna.' Richardson of the Parr Master Lern Easter of Hens'ill, !,l'y' spent the woelr=end at the rpent the past week With, Orlando '..,rate of Mr, and Mrs,. S, Greb, tattlerlabylon Linei bylon in., 3 Mr. John'Hey,, Jr„ and; son Mr, Reef Alvin Stx crus, who spent ,toyd and'' Mr, H.H. Neel) were o o Cleo o hold ays at his home on, the nesiness to London on 'Tuesday, ''n"''te nn"the Bronson, has return - Messrs. Theo. Wagner and Lloyd t! ss as Professor of languages in ,.aibfleisch returned last: geek to the college there. Y aterloo to resume their studies -t the Sexlninary there..., A, • tits` part. of Ontario during the we - 'N Oakville to resume his du, - • Dr. H. F. Kbopp and family of al; -end and the mercury dropped lmherstburg were visiting at the considerable below zero;; t gibe borne of his parents Mr. and Mrs. sleighs are running and by the fall .flat, Knopp, New-. oYears, Call of `sniow while going to press, Mr. John Kipper, blacksmith, has it looks like a real old time Cane een appointed. as agent for this ada winter. Jstriet for the celebrated Cock- The new Council' of the OEown� ;butt line of farm 'maellinery, wh- ine]. ship of Hay convened in the ch is well knlown as second to non ;. unid we wish Mr. Kip,per success Tonin Hall on Monday, when the al his undertaking,carious members took the oath of ' office, considerable business was Mr. Garfield, Broderick' near i transacted, the full detail of the iensall left last week, for' London minutes will appear in' the next" vhere he is taking a course in issue of the. Herald. the business college. 1 The Herald is desirous of pub - real cold wave passed over Communion 'sernaces were held Turbans all the news of the town in the Evangelical church on Son -1 'led ' district, choosing the import - day, and preparatory services on a11`deme from week to week. It Friday evening, which were con is no small task to gather this news and many an item would el- ude us if our friends did not keep us in mind and "put us wise" oc- Inspectors Pellow and Wallace casionally. This is what we like, of Goderichi were in Zurich one day the hearty co-operation of all our last week, and being acconlpiaziifriends. When anything happens which you think we should know, about give us a hint by- wordof ducted by Rev. S. M, Hauch of Crediton. (t c, iedb y Co!. Constable Jul. Bloch; of Zurich, they made a raid on a cellar a few miles out oftown, and mouth, telephone or card, or emptied three barrels of hard drop a slip of paper in our letter cider, approximately 125 'gallons. box, at our front door entrance. The owner of same also fined $10 We are just as glad to publish - and costs for over indulgence of news about people who do not the use of these spirits and being read our paper as about those who intoxicated in. a,pubiic- place. do. One of the cold!-bloodedest trag- A number from town were to edy seen in many a day wee pulled ',London on Monday evening to off • at Kincardine on. Saturday„ 1 hear The Messiah sung in the First when Donald. P. • McDonald enter-' 3lethod.ist church by 150 voices. ed the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Geo., One of the special attractions was N. I.ay, while, they were taking theb ass soloist Mr. Frank Cuth- their dinner and in revenge of an hrrt of New York, who delighted oid feud dating back to recruiting the large audience with his pleas - days of • 1915. McDonald opened ing voice and manner. The Hall - fire upon the Kay family sitting ielujah chorus was beautifully rex- at the table enjoying the meal. Mrs ;flexed and worthy of special men - Kay Kay was first shot in theheadtion. and the gun was then timed on Mr. Kay, who imniediatel stairs but while doing so bulletts pumped into his fell over, dead.,. _Made 7 -year old daughter, hi sofa, and upon the niur phoned Tor assistance, Mn in a serious condition. I then went and played fi of pool before his arrest. "+. ran up d five y and the Bind !a• ri leave Kay is is Donald games From the report of the inspector of the County Home, we take the following; -The total number of inmates admitted since the open- ii.rig of the house was 575;,, number of inmates .on Dec. 1st, 1921, 85, lumber of inmates in the house Dec. 1st' 1922, 79; (39 males and 40 females; admitted from the;•several municipalities ..as follows ;-1%Iee Kiilop 1; Usborne 1; Colborne 1; Turnberry 2; Goderich town 1;• Seaforth 2; Exeter 1; Wingham 1; Clinton 2; Beerfth 1; total expend(- iture on the house and farm $12,- 067.94; produce sold during 1922; $1,898.91; received from paying in- mates $2,245 13; average Weekly ex penditure per inmate; $i;93; coll- ected during the year for mainl- tenanee of inmates, of which no ac- count has been taken above, $1- 052.83, The Luther League of St. Pe- ter's Lutheran} church held their annual business meeting last Tuesday. evening, ilhe meeting was fairly- well attended and all present took an active part in te- ansacting the( business of the meet- ing. +After the reports of the 'of- ficers and the cliairnian of the var- ious committees had been givext, the election! .of officers took place. The following officers were elect- -:c1,—President, Albert Kalbfleiseh ; Vice -Pres. Albert Hess, Secy., Freda Kalb:fleisch; Treas. George Dei-`' chert; Organist, 'earl : Johnston; Ass't-Organist, Laura Deters. The meeting was closed after each of the newlyreleeted, officers had giv- en a she.... address, Rev.' Rembe also spoke At the close ;of the .me- eting. - }Ie suggested that the me tubers take ';as their motto for the year 1923. A bigger Leagtie, anld a Better one. r 1922 Xmas Sealer .(Derry The Nati 61'1'6,1 Sanitarium Associa- tion is to be con- gratulated on the handsome Xmas Seal now on finale to s of the. lltuS koka .fiospitltll nor ,igasDesed shoWtt above, worked out with .ad, . and roti~ green And '.black, the seat is very` at- tractive, and should be wtdelty, used for decorative purposes on Christi'nas packages, letters, etc.. . 'The Hospital is in need of +utak to carry on Its work. Why 114bus' ', these seals in llett of; others? of only Will you get good value inire- turn, but your rriortey rw(11 bir ,r nde to serve a greater end,:for It will go to help s'omeono in distresti, pli For sale by school chi frlren,'Illan fs, ,COMMUNIC&TION Zurich; • Jax',vary 543. To the Editor Zurich Herald • Dear Sir ;— Will you kindly allow me a few lilies in your paper re- garding an article which appeared a few weeks ago regarding The Adolescent Act. If .seems to me that a lot of daily as well AS weekly papers are all worked up about the absurdity of the Adolsoent Act, which they claim was found unworkable in Great Britain. "And Yet", they say, "The Drury Government co- pies it, passes it, and has recently said intends to 'enforce it; in sepit of all opposition." Apart from the, fact that the Drury Government did not copy copy the British Act., and did not pass it, these papers are right en- ough. The statement needs to be reiterated that The Adolescents Act was placed upon the Statute books by Hon,, Dr. Cody, Minister of Education). The Drury Govern- ment has simply provided for the enforcement of a law they found in existence. when they took office. Thanking you for your valuable space. I ami, Yours Truly., t 33. G. Krueger. Coming Social Events The.•Zurieb branch of the Wom- en's institute have decided tohold a box social some time! in January, It is some time since a box social «sae -held in Zurich, and it will be an interesting event. ,u41.7;17i ,,, BIBLE THOUGHT —FOR TODAY Bible Thoughts memorised. wlt1 prove a priceless heritage in after years, The Lord bless theeand keep Thee The. Lord 'make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee, �,g 0. Lord revive -thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make kniown; in wrath rennember mercy. Love, joy, peace, longsuifering, gentleness, goodness frith, meek nes.",temperance, against such .thi ere is no law. If ye abide hi me, and my worde abide int you, ye 'shall ask what ye will, and it ,s'haill be done' unto you, Ya shall know the truth, annd the truth shall make you free: Peace I leave with you, my pe' ace I give 'into you; not art the wrold giveth, give I unto your Let not your heart be troubled, nei- ther let it be afraid, They that wait upon, theLor , shall renew their strength; they shall run Fond not be weary, and �,orrwdireet Cron! Nome -'wan Depart.. theysballl want And not faint. :went, Ortrle ,institute, Toronto, !:sats :; ` • rhursciav January 11tnn.. .14i3 es :The store with the Liberal Cash Diseount And see the Wonderful Ya1= ues in Aluminum now showing in our window. Dere are just a few items. TEA KETTLES $1.98 COFFEE PERCOLATOR $1.98 DISH PANS $1.98 SES.` 3 SAUCE PANS $198 8 AND 10 QUART STEWING KETTLES $1.98 These are all Guarantees Heavy Weight Utensils We carry a complete line of Furn- iture and Hardware. Your confid- ence is solicited. MELJeK& BRI4[JN PHONE 83 Rerald Job Dcpartmcnt Is al ways at your service for GOOD PRINTING. Wedding Invitations and Announcements, Calling Cards, Stationery, Letterheads, Billheads, Statements, Envelop es, Check .Books, Posting Bilis a specialty. • FOR SALE 6-h.p. International gas engine hoppercooled, magneto, friction I clutch pulley, on trucks, for sale cheap, apply to Alex. Mousseau, Zurich.- .:W _ _ tf-20 TO CLEAR In order to clear out our $3,000 Bankrupt stock of Ladies', Misses, Children's shoes and Rubbers, we are offering same at less than Half Price. Everybody needs Foot- wear, so give us a call and tape advantage of these bargains while they last. GEORGE EDI .,HOFEFER, Dashwood LOCAL MARKETS - (Corrected every Wednesday). Butter 3 Eggs Erred apples per lb. 7c Dutch setts per lb. ... ___ _ 5c. Potatoes per bag 75n Wheat per lltushel _.. _.. ... 1.1 Gats 4.61 Flour per cwt: _.. ... _..... 3l00-3.751 Bran per ton Shortsp er ton .. 30.0(t Chickens per 114. ... ... _.. 9-1/ Old Hens lb!, 1. F 6-14 Ducks lb. ___ .. 16--1$ Hogs .- --, = $1.0.0111' Ready -to -Wear DENOMY BROS. Clothing GENTS FURNISHINGS Ordered Clothing ear Gree:tin. THANK YOU FOR YOU RLTT3ERAL PATRONAGE THROUGHOUT THE YEAR lNES1922 AND FOR THE CONFIDENCE YOU HAVE SHOWN IN OUR IA- * ts MAY YOU CONTINUE TO FIND OUR MERCHANDISE AND OU SERVICE AS DEPENDkELi • THROUGHOUT THE NEW YEAR AS IN THE PAST—ON OUR PART WE CAN ASSURE YOU bF BEST ENDEAVOR iTO 'GIVE YOUR, ESTEEMED ORDERS '!THE l:'1tCle PER ATTENTION GOOD BUSIN-ESS DEMANDS.^ 2D311011T 33110S. l'c)11.)) t)n, in exchange for Cfodds