Zurich Herald, 1923-01-11, Page 7"rho world's'
greatest Indust` • 8i1111•ee,w.
of ,all om0biles needing op alat;t
service; militorr3 of batteries and dee
to repair; millions 0f tecta to rebrr,;tet.
mere Dire opporeeettee await the tease gate-
h9 t
t0 not 1. east' ween t ,
auto r 71 ftt it ,tie u l ra e
�1 ail the
automobile IlaSuogs,-••-anti ,cera in.. Dotralt''tlle
auto weer of the world, tiie `heart el; the Auto i.
areaway whore ase 0 the euros ate mete. ,:•
MOW 90t0S-09000YeatlY
--Have a realness of Item Own
Thousands 01 our graduates aro ,malting
12laeneY in rho two business.7Surrts
t6*l8li. melting moth looney than he e'-
vol% : Pettlfretr (Quchee) appointed
atrucipr Itt Tech. i3chool; Collette
(Alberta) i11 husinesa and hue
4i1 he can do; Steekle Crone)
WAR getting 818 weekly, now mels-
Ing 8_100 per week; Mayes' (lee.)
nets 8800 n onboy 4boya tX-
eafro; "p aAn (0111 ), i) 1)-
r, ed from " onoit 00111(8" at
813.60 weekly to auto me -
Minnie at 342.50 per week.'
hundreds more ,lice them,
complete Course --
Endorsed by Big' Tato Factories -
Every br4neh 0f the acute business is, taughtl—
Censtruction, operation, un -,coon and repairs of
autos, trucks, tractors farm ligating plants and
gas engines. All teaching bi'
actual practice. No - guess
worl , 6tudsnts lear?1 by
actual factory methods, 7iig.
auto factories helloed outline
our Colima end give our
students fullest oo-operatimt,
also heartily eudorao our
Speolal courses hl 13atiery
Attalr,11 °W $`obis, Welding
4 n Shapiraatico.
Orad les-,1?as 08, Ar1Our i'°"'ra,r,c; ;y,�-
gl ee nd y ,A,ji. ata{Ione o ",`221ally
colli rp 9tio,n, w i adman; re.'an ie nil Any rorintlyy---•
Incringp flim,. with good collieries' and osreoll. apDortunitjoy
Yor.advnocemeaa, or le info basin e•for'youreoll.
Come Nowt pont wsat—The man who "gets
tbo:,"one E fir` , "trap buoy." Ity no, a'QawWo o p1 Cann b+,'
done}'—but • 1 y u wont to do tta" if you do, Imo' c your
ob.noo. Start owl Write Today for$lt0b7 Catalog.
MicJtigata State Automobile School
5.372 Auto side., Detroit, mice:
tyt@ftatrttl to ,• sin
fi s
Sensible Saving.
She was, so bored by him that she
• felt -she could weep.
"It costs a great deal more than you
'think to become a broad-minded and
,intelligent man of the world," he re-
The young thing saw her opportuni
i ty and took it.
• "T .suppose sa," she said. "And I
don't blame you for saving your
1 money."
iMlnard's Liniment for Neuralgia.
Canada Has a Drug Problem
Dr. J. A. Amyot, Deputy Minister of
Heattlh;, in a speech in Ottawa fast
weekdeclared. that Caliada alas be-
tween 12,000 and 15,000 drug addicts,
who constitute a serious menace to
the Dominion, His .department is at
work combating the :evil,
No Ordinary Feller.
"Yes, my dear," said the old lady,
"there's one thing I'm thankful for,
and that is that my daughter Lizzie
married a gentleman'."
'"And 'ow do yo -1 know 'e was a
gentleman?" said her friend. •
"Because I put aim to the test," re-
plied the old lady. "The first time my
daughter brought 'im 'me, I gave 'im
a cup of 'et tea, and when 'e poured it
out into 'is saucer,. 'e didn't blow on ft
like any ordinary feller, 'e fanned it
with 'is 'at." "
Live so that you beautify ' your
name, even if it.,,wasn't beautiful to
'Begin with, making it 'stand in people's
thoughts for something so lovely and
pleasant that they never 4lhink orf it
by otseItf.—L. M. Montgomery.
A Plague -Proof - City in India
By J. H. Stephens
Although Europe had suffered from
many visitations of plague before and
during the Middle Ages, it was not uii
gestion•, The first remedy to be adopt-
ed, 'therefore; was to find a place
where neither of these conditions
would exist.
til tlie_nineteenth century that plague As a first step In this direction,
came to India.. ',bout 50 acres of agricultural Iand,
This was due to the prevalence with open ground all around It, was ac-
'In.dia of the ancient caste system ct , quired on- the outskirts of Bangalore,
i the'Brahmins, which resulted 'in sepa- ' and this was laid out as a new plague -
=Hon and segregation. The highersbelow
proof settleinent.; The roads. and
castes lived' apart from the lower streets were made very wide for -India,
'castes, and between each f
o such 'se and were calif about 131n the . w
ob o
gregations -open spaces „were left the ground level. , Thus- the building
which allowed the circulation of fresh sites between the. roads, ;and streets:
air, 'tsnd provided' for"' expansion With- were in the fors, of elevated .platforms -
out , congestion, Thus, uneeittingly, which kept the houses high and dry
'the caste system adopted one of the and free from dampness :and moisture'
most effective measures for prevent- during the wettest season. Small de
ing the spreading of disease. - tached houses for the poor were erect-
. Under British administration, caste ed with open yards around each house.
rules' were less strictly observed, and The site of each, building was one -
the different castes tended to converge twentieth of an acre, and 'was divided
Whilst congestion increased, resulting into three parts, only one of which
ht the 'first appearance of plague in could, be built on, the other two parts
the city of Bangalore, capital of the being left as an open yard. This made
native state of. Mysore, South. India. the new town not only plague -proof,
It broke out first in the most` congested but also a particularly healthy and
Tivarter, where sunlight and air were agreeable place tolive in. The town
excluded- or . polluted. The natives has become very popular, and is finan-
were used to cholera and smallpox, but cially a great success, spreading rapid -
`this new disease appalled them, and ly in every direction.
(they appealed to their trusted friend, Bangalore has now learned that
the British government, for help. • plague is a preventable disease, and
In seeking a permanent preventive that its bitter experiences of the past
of plague it was Pound that the disease could have been avoided if overcrowd -
had a.:peculiar affinity for rodents, and ing had been checked and kept under
the house rat, being the commonest proper control.
-f.redent, becomes its first victim. The Younger cities may .learn valuable
fleas from the dead rat carry it- to lessons from these experiences,. Cities
human beings. The rats, however, al- are going to expand more rapidly in
though they were the first victims of the future than in the past, and if na-
th'e disease, were not its first cause.' ture's laws aro strictly observed, a
This:. was: found to be the absence of healthier race of city population will
light and air that resulted .from coal- come into being.
41110,1•1,1.13,...",111' __..
Ilcre the elooay light
' Circles on oryf,telline peaks,
And the left fail of satin petals
'Stirs wide oodles of perfume
ie. the emerald pools
Of walled gardens.
Here the delis^ to accent
'Of wt
f bright ,waters...
A,ud the cadenced music
O gentle to
h'ioat upon the air
Aad curl themselvesin silence
At late sunlight
I Fades in deep rivers.
, The rtes have purpled Many times
Against that wall,
I know the' foeeta,in'h legend stow'
BY heart;
The r story of this gracious land
Is told.
Those 'harsh, time -eaten bills'.
Like peasant ' women, stooped and
They crouch as though to warns them-
selves together;
They wait, aspeasant women wait,
For their own sons,
I must go back to them; ,
I must go back,
—Henry Bellamann.
Tracing Cows by Nose
You know that no two people in the
world have finger-tips that are exactly
alike. The arrangement of the little
ridges and furrows ofthe skin differs
iu. every Case,. hence fingerprints • are
themost certain method of identifica-
tion. that is known.
It has been found that a very similar
method can be used for identifying
cattle, but in this case the nose is used
as the •testing spot.- The wrinkles, of
the tip of the nose are never dupli
sated in different animals.
Nose -prints are `lade by applying a
thick ink to the soft skin between the •
nostrils, and then' taking an impres-
sion upon a piece of soft, absorbent'
paper. - ..
They, :supply an invaluable, method
of sorting out valuable cattle when, as
sometimes happens, they become mix-
ed up after a show. No one could safe-
ly steal a pedigree animal whose nose -
print had been taken and ."Sled," for
it would be impossible for the thief to
remove the means of .identification.
Air Patrol Service Proposed.,
Banff, Alta.—A survey of "suitable.
aerodrome and landing sites in connec-
tion with a proziosed aeroplane patrol
in Banff and: Kootenay National Parks
has been completed by the Acting Di-
rector of the Air Force and the Inspec-
tor of Canadian • National Parks, An
aerodrome site near Canmore in Banff
National, Park and eight other eases
tial landing places were selected in the.
two parks, as.' well as a number of
emergency and non-essential landing
With the opening of the Banff -Win
der•mere motor highway across the
Rookies, and the resulting increase in
traffic through the parks the fire haz-
ard will be considerably enhanced and
itis believed that the establishment of
an' aeroplane patrol service will be of
great importance in this connection.
Owing to the mountainous nature of
the country theteenier warden ser-
vice is handicapped in its, patrol work
and the `
feasibility of aeroplanes in
augmenting the service has been Under
consideration by the Department of
the Interior, for some time:
Hooti Mon!
A' raw Highlander was put on guard
outside the commanding officer's tent.
In the morning the colonel looked out,
and though he prided himself on know-
ing al] his men, the sentry's face was
"Who are you?" the asked.
"A'am fine, thank ye," was the re-
ply. "Hoo's yerself?"'
Fresh and rosy—oz' pinched and chilly?
' That's a matter for Mother to decide.
Children; as well as grown-ups, need
a hot mealtime beverage that is whole -
Some, invigorating, and free from harm-
ful after-effects.
Childhood is the period when nervous activity is at its height. The
brain is ever busy receiving new impressions; the nerves, muscles and
senses are alert and actively developing. r
Tea and coffee are harmful, especially for children. Instant
?pstttin is the one best beverage " to give them needed, warmth
and comfort, these cold and frosty mornings. It is made of roasted
wheat, has a delightful flavor and Aroma, is free from any harmful
element whatever, and is uv'holeson e, healthful and invigorating -
Order a tin from your grocer TODAY. You will enjoy it as much
as the kiddies do.
Instant `Octan FOR HEALTH
"There's a Reason;"
A generous 88 plc tin °I./natant
'ostum will be sent, taatpa(
4r 4cents inster ps Wrigo.
Canadian Postum Cereal Company, Limited,
45 rient:Street, E., Toronto " Factory: Windsor, Ontario
n* 0ws.
Olid Time R. 11, Man Says
TTnlac Put l-lzrn Back on
Job. Feeling Fine.
e f
Oran rln e t veteran gran ra1 a man,
xo d xri n,
living at 52 Forest Ave„ Stt, Thomas;
obtained remarkable results
from the use of Taniac. Mr. Denne
weals •a gold: bilttoxi given bim by the
STiohigen Central, in reeogriition of his
forty years contemoue service to that
road. !
"A veer ago ” said Mr. Donne "I had.,
indigestion so bad i couldn't eat and
Wes : too nervous and . miserable to
seep.; I' -was alnl.ost wild with head-;
aches -' end dizziness, lost weight rapid-'
ly, and'thought I was ab t d f ;
` Cascarets" iOc
For Sluggish Liver
or Constipated
U 8,140 UU- r v„Iplb . i lion 111111,
When you Peal sick, dizzy, upset,.
when your head is dull or aching, or
Your stomach ; is .soul' or gassy, east
take one or two 'Caecarets to rel°.eve
constipation. No griping -nicest laza-
tive-cathartic on earth for grown-ups.
and children, 1.0c a box. ° Taste like
gli Duo - Or.
After getting ee weak I couldn't •work I 101LTTINra OF ALL kci.l .Ds N 1,V OR
g e �� J*p' pu eY�r �.bIQ .noel
r s4
C.tlossicrrd' Ads► it n
auxa bCnoorr, �.
t' TO .$10 7.�Bit' DA'r'' it1T9N WANT +,aril! 1
ttuteenabileixleebadel nicsaan3 deletes, t*'0 '
for operating, tire vulcariiaix oX'o
acetylene welding, ttorage eatteeye
electrical work. We 'teach these tradapr
r ego
a i al training, ainifi ' only feww e+
a, alta r
attired; eQ day -
night � night elasl}ee. Vf�i^ita fQ>r
free catalogue; big Wages, stead' e}jnn
ployrnent, Xxtmpltill Auto Gies l.laototi
So.hools, 368 Ring to st Toronto. n>� T'S a . .0 `onto.
a'ze'ZT�'xl t A .olaCa, •
,for us at home,
either wi.� maw
chisio or "by han"I write for infortna-
tion,; send postage. The Canadian Whole,f
sale ,1714, Co„ Dent, A. Qrlilia, Ont,
:Poh`0 L;+4Z 5
J lots,e"
Rid 73ros•, ?:3othwell, Ontario.
candy. BELT/ it FOR $A1 E
I took' a 'trip o -at West, thigking the']
change nifgbt help me, . '
"But I kept getting worse until my
sister .Whom I visited . in Kalispell,
'Montana; got ,rue to try a bottle of
Tanlae. In a week's time I was a dif-
ferent' man, and' in seven weeks I bad
gained seventeen pounds and returned,
to my work in ae good health as any
man in St. Thomas. I never have any
of.my old troubles now, That's Just
bow goad a job Taniao has done for
me: "'
Taal/ee,:.is for sale by all good drug
gists. Over 35 million bottles sold.
Move :Child's Bowels with
"California Fig Syrup"
The skirt 'of a large whale is 2 feet elaed; ll `maws,
tt11d'ck: ere,, e5lippeal• subiect to approval a,t low--
rst Pi'lees io Canada. 'Toric Belting Cas
115 York Eft., mergers
,m•'"'• "unTfi...w'•''rY °:E•P,.Ednrzaft- '-w.z'L;v---. ta:'M.
Rub Mi.nard's Liniment into
the scalp ---it cleanses the sur-
fane, it opens the pores, it
works ' clown to the roots and
etinlulates them into activity.
Apply four times a. week, rub-
bing thoroughly --no dandruff.
The Family Medicine Chest.
Bulk Cadets
Amexica'n Pioneer Dog Remedies
Book on.
and $ow to :Feed
Mailed Free to any Ad-
dress by the Author.
E. Clay Glover Co., Ina.
129 West 24th Street
New York, U.S.A.
Hurry Mother! A teaspoonful of
"California b'i'g Syrup" now will thor-
oughly clean the little bowels and in a
few hours you have a well, playful
child,sgain:' Even. a cross, feverish,
constipated child loves its "fruity"
taste, and . mothers can rest easy be-
causb..t .r ever fails to work all the.
sour bile ''d poisons right out of the
stomach ' d bowels without griping or
,upsettin' a child. ` Tell 'druggist you want only the
genu,` innia;;Fig• Syrup" which
has dir. t` for babies and • children
of all a: •rioted on, bottle. Mother,
you mu • ' say' "California!' Refuse
any imit- on.
No Monotony.
According to the ten -year-old daugh-
ter of a certain clergyman, there are
wage of making, an old sermon seem
almost new.
"Jane, new.
one of the friends of
this young ' critic, "does your father
ever preacb;the same sermon twice?"
"I think perhaps he. does," said Jane,
cautiously,`but` I think he talks loud
and softin
time, so it doesn't sound the same at
pc, minden Express Money Orders' are
ort sane hi five thousand offices
tlltroughowt ,Canada.
Why People Slip on Ice.
Why is ice slippery?'Tt is not its
smoothness that makes It so, for ice,
as 'a matteroffact, is nearly always
rather rough. 'A sheet of glass is far
smoother and much harder, but you
would not be able to slide far on it.
When you place the sole of your
boot or •tlie blade of a: skate on the ice,
the pressure caused by your weight
causes a engirt melting to take place.
In this way a'thin : film of water is
ormed between boot (or skate) and
he surface of the ice. This flim acts
s a lubricant` which` allows your foot
o glide forward almost without effort
on your part:
In the long night of the .Arctic re-
ams the cold is so intense that the
ressure eatised.by one's weight: is not
uffieient''to melt the surface at . the
Explorers often report coming across
hoots of ice Which for this reason are
hardly more slippery than an ordinary
tone -flagged pavement.
Destruction of Eider Duck.
-A on'siderable decrease in the num-
ber of Eider ducks, one of the most
valuable Of. -the water fowl protected
'under the Migratory Birds Convention
Aet, is reported title , season by the
Chief Migratory Bird Officer for the
Maritime Provinces. This scarcity is
more noticeable along the seacoast of
Nova Sootia, one of the principal lanes
in the'migrations of water fowl, this
official states in a recent report to the
Commissioner of the Canadian Nation,
al Parks, Similarly in lefeeeachusetts
the Direotor of the IJivielon of Orni-
thology of! the State Department of
Agriculture in h,is, "Notes for. Obsarv-
ere." of Novexnboi 15 remarked that
Eider as well as other ducks and geese
were appearing in 1'f4tssachusette
water with few i1 ally young testifying
to a dfsas'trous nesting seset:ea, -
A w�o"i)).e11r1a. face is uauellllly Mire
h�eauti,talswivel regamclerl�, rom the Wit.
lassue No. 1 '•t�8,
The Affectionate Ballot.
Little Dorothy (watching mother
vote) -"You voted for the man yell
love best, didn't you?"
Mother—"Why, dear?"
Dorothy—"Because you put a kiss
after his name."
Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism.
The largest pant in the world is
probably the gigantic seaweed known
as Nereoeytie, to be .found in the
anthem Pacific. It grows in the'
`,salter to a height .of 800 feet.
144.e++4..+M-+tt40 a+14 *+4'.re,++-f
Instantly! "Pape'sDiapepsin"
Corrects Stomach So
Meals Digest'
The moment you eat a tablet of
'tape's Diapepsin" your indigestion is
gone. No more 'distress from 'a Lour,
acid, upset stomach. No flatulence,
heartburn, palpitation, or misery-mak-
isery-making gases. Correct your digestion for a
few cents. Each package guaranteed
by druggist to overcome stomach
MRs, Davis
TellsWomenflowShe Was Restored;
- to Perfect Health 13y Lydia: E.,,
Piekhaln's Vegetable ° Compound
' Winnipeg, Man.—" I cannot speakeak
too highly of what Lydia E. Pincham s
Vegetable Com-
pound has done for
me I was a nervous -
wreck and I just had.
to force myself to da
my work. Even the
sound ofmyown chile ,
dren playing made
me feel as if I must
scream if they did
not get awayfroxu
me. I could not even `
speak right to my-.
husband. The doctor
said he could do nothing for me. My hus-
band's mother advised me
v to take the
Vegetable Compound and I started it at:
once. I was able to do my work once
more and it was a pleasure, not a bur-
den. Now I have a fine bouncing baby
and am able to nurse her and enjoy do-
ing my work. I . cannot help recom-
mending such a medicine, and any one
seeing me before I took it, and seeing
me now, cansee what it does for me. I
am only toopleased for you to use my
testimonial.' —Mrs, EMILY DAVIS, 721
Md.The Street, Winnipeg, Man.
Lydia E. Pinkhani's Private Tent -
Boost upon "Ailments Peculiar to
Women will be sent you free upon
request. Write to the Lydia P.Pinkham
Medicine Co., Cobourg, Ont. This book
contains valuable information, o
Cuticura Beautifies
Your Complexion
The daily use of the Soap cleanses
and purifies the pores, of the skin,
thus preventing blackheads and
pimples. The Ointment soothes and
heals any irritation or roughness.
They are excellent for the toilet as
is also Cuticura'Talcum for powder-
ing and perfuming the skin.
Soap25c. Matelot 25 and 50r. Talcum25c. Sold
throughouttheDorninion. CanadianDepot:
Lvmns, Limited, 344 St. Pani St., W., Montreal.
Zar"Cutieura Soap shaves without mug., ,
UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you
are not getting Aspirin at all
Accept only an "unbroken pa.ckagd" of "Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked, out by
physicians during .22 year and proved safe by milliolns for
Headache Rheumatism
•'Toothache Neuralgia' Neuritis
Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain
Moldy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets—Also bottles of 24 and 800•--Drugglsts.
Aspirin in the trade meek negleterod Tri Oettttiia) et Bayer lannureetere or IMMono-
axoetteacidester of P.alieyr1Caeld. While it is well known that Aspirin means PaYor
Inan01ICture, to n0slrt-atho public a^nlnst t±nitations the 'ra1lett.o::'Soyer l:ornpane
rroill bo at6rA sod with their ikonerai'trade teerk, the "Ba1e0 droesa'
.- ,.> a-seeeee-..,-.,,
,t 11 1 # i_t 1