Zurich Herald, 1923-01-11, Page 6„w .w w. u• wxF, wo.own. inW+hw•iWwNNwwiwgnwfiyuap�4Mi» "'.�'rmir;wruuw.bwrvnwuwwtaW.w.+wxw«: w+.,.,c- ... w, iw ,m.w... .. , ...,:.w� .. w .. �. .;,— ,.. , .sr,...,
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d� For= C��i
x� Y
Riland Ctra►�sa
urs giS M 0
vd our ehll4ren' spp dei serve the em' is of rn tzinea t
Lot � th�olr dapidat dhr!,Ud l.fe a!asd upolirvtiies.
0, 1
- rr training in the early yaars'
- �» .:: 4 iv'es, in the knovvl-edgo of beautiful I have
d'fer colo+its no*,ed that the rtiilriran
Ad:tre • cosntnynicatlgns eq Aprono 1s2',.7$ Adelpide Qt, Wlest TOront res. Help them to enjoy tlsre Pic- P'i
! p � studim. They Cara foo! '#Wtwreas Of
` it is svacescseaay to increase !the l 'mss tures in the boons. : lrrsft
Mrs. A. M. S,,, Woodville, Ont,: When our children there babi , we pea!ple or an ah rathsr than .
�houlai sour milk or butter�iiilk be of the setaYes aarre andin8'iy 6, -• as o#tem, tallced to them about "Mir ;pie- those of fn'eanim -W objeots, Boyee. lilts
used iii fattenin cockerels and vsitat to enau're the proper „ ,s snce of. tiny As a result, they could, poinet pi urel showxn!g atncmgbli, as keg
g and ooild!leiw; while girlie kko those"-
ccmtn sus Raaburn s lEoy ,,,,; �•.w
inches 'between elle eihds. � u,�y : v «r
. � out such pictures ssdvar cagq is there in ie ',pile apple box, which is b'e g and the Ra!hrbit," Sarg+ent'n "Priexe of ! pomtms,ying daintiness, +be!msrtitsrl ic4nilr, / «.
Ai ,N2a�» With a view to testing and _ideal eurrou' !ddnga, Roth �'l
” the x„. , mare arnd more used' for the finest
values bel' sorts milk and tieu4arvy the prophets,, pictures of : he Bay f derem,
„• a �gmados •of apples,, more POrJohn, the Aurora, I3trfmann's `lllead' boys $'ix� like pictures of notiV- r
water a
s thya lig'udcl portion of the xa- ►
tion i1Jr crate feeding eoakerels, aof dessert varieties, must 'have. of Chti.st;' several orf t�jio 1Vi�a.domnas ities and spombs amid casae 3n a while.
8 inches, a will0b, they fancy,a beautiful landscape.
Ville *-'as. c�aaraad on Pit the Lennox-
length of x and S'ir Cralahaid,
e Qua.-, Experrim:ental Station. The inches, and a d-apth of 10}/a oe ible it always gave them greeat'iplessurre Of course, to be honest, a mother
ek a a:ase i(1 involvstl three weeks' representing as nearly as poi s,& when they would find these •pictures must add that the !pletuves Sometimes e
l? ” 2,174 cutis ituches. These are ineidle° in other homes, it also .gave them found, in their frames are not always �
, g, birds were ready
M feat! n, »blfist eri1'ha bids were fed a maatents an appreciation, art, and" Stimulated the most esthetic". Far i have lode
#na: i consisting of egwl• pants of i�lue papilla crate' correspond in of their interest and observatdon, noticed pitimrt8 at the football heroes,
mens"ons wlt9iii 'tihe box; The w^al1!s � , oldest boy, ;ago five, in their season, the attraeCive ad!vedr-
lax: creel' and white midklldngs nhix- the crate should consist of strong pointed One may, e of Burne-Jomes' tivements for Campbeive soups, and
w ped to a 'sloppy state with sour mAkl to til$ picburre
�c.- tine of the lots and with; w�atei• for slats placed three-quarters poi` an inch „Golden Stairway" and said, !'Mother, posters far .a .coming circus. Yet it
aWL These descriptions are pnrblisrhr did they take than picture wiblh a ko- is best to let it be the children's choice:,. t
` ea, ii of two others. Where nidlk was ed in Acta, Ordlems easel! Regnn2ations
�i:se,d the (birds mrad'e an average' gain trent od dak, or did Someone paint itT' Then ( I was 'h!suppy to note that w 1 .
P and there we taldced'togebher of how returned from the hospital with e s
� of 1 % ]bis, eesch, at a cost crud Na, 4, of the Dominion Department
r. • of 1014 ,cents. When water was used �s prints were made from great Pic, � new -baby boy, the !pictures in their
► , '`
as `%lows liquid portion of bile ration, the Apples' may also ells sold � open tures, and of the galleries where the. framaa were "Jesus Blessing Littile
T 1,3 made .renter' -gain but at a, eon � ' where til a used origishel, basket nals are. kept. � (3hildren�' and Jessie Wilcox Smith's .1
g bdamup' , While teaching kindergarten, I had Mother and Baby picture.
e.v , r..bly hiig+her coast pec.• paundp the
fs c es beim' 1 s/d lbs. of gain per bird it is required, that packages . dual be bought a . large platin oak picture- II Another suggestion which I taa!ve
s' aw r: cost of 17�s cents' per • frame with a hinged back so that pie -i found helpful dii the lucre � to have
s s premises, wifili the name and fm III
'P' poniwd. marker! before being taken from the
glroA" r Pz tures could .es;sily be pclian�d. during, dire Pictures in. flue claild7eiih+ bods
addereses of the grower or vendor as the year, As I recalled this, I decided, roams or play room hung on a level
Packages for Apples, the cam maybe. that it wosuld be,a good thing to have 'vritli thieir. eyes, It is emxTpsrIffbW to
L G., Durham County --What are one in the !true. So I had t- swcah see.
liow muv�h keener I% their obsgr• '
tl;e legal packages in whish apples Identification Marks Por Hogs. frames made. Ya are so provd vation when this Is costs. Let the may be packed for marliet avid what J. Mi N., Victoria Co.: -What sy to hav framed:. pictures ctuildaen cls u!p or be lidied u boq� o
pictures which are P l�i, .b l�ba= d Qualt
ate their respective dimensions? tem, if any, ;ha s been adopted for Iden- banging by see n!itinte interesting tos,see � higher so that they can really study
w Aaev a respective
Inspection and Salle tifymg hogs marketed according to And it has been x g
eii" flue enjoyment- they take in chaxagisDg them. Always take time to help them
s A k w i administered by the grade?
Improved ear -tag for the pictures and in making their oven understand pictures, for y!aa -thus be- *�-- !�"��•���'
r Ie`rait E ,anc�h of the Department of ,- Answer• -An n their appreciation of srt. • •
r Agricuh t -re Ottawa g
r , pmovidee fox the marking commercial ha s hats receiv- selections. The Present Sigaricance of Type and
r marketing of apples in barrels, boxes, I ed the approval of the Dominion Live It has res hit in.j good 'ogldecd to These suggestions could he carried
and crated• Barrels have been longest .Stock Commissioner, who announces of pictures which the children add to out in any home, for, with the Present
s in we aind most of the cmop is market- than the tags will be diskibuted to as they find those. that L interest them wealth of good magazines, such a bol- Fe g of Bacon HopMe
r ed in icons form of package. Practkai� formers wishing to ship co-operatively To this I have. added many of the lectimn could easily made, and ask
17 soli of the h;astern Oanaids apple or to sell according to grade sit local Perry and
Brown prints wdu!ah I had little cost, while a very inexpensive -�
r ci+op exported to
Frrngland i eifid oin-ts. Points of distrlbu� used in my kindergarten Work, and, frame would .wuf'fice. � secret;of access En Hve &tots grade yam! selects under market gads
selin!prp2m.g P •
K' in barrelis. The law pmo�vicles that tion are being arranged in the differ- endeavor
� !prodhiotion od exarctl� sass, ah!s pigs od the pa+en*iovdaUy '
barrels, which should be made o4 east provinces, but ¢n the meantime the od to thoroughly freeze before fomc- `what the market calls flow. This poivit tioned exosrsm Iraeft the news -!bred•' ._.
K Jp nu 16 and aheed undrer the bench t i �eagen!ce! e C aeda'e place am- cross -trod sow fiat
A Rea1 'Time -Saver. d Using the
amrong seasoned wood ®haiald be made tags Deas be obtained of A. B. Mc- Ing. They were brought inside on been emphasizecF pig is a marltimt hog mlty.
e At the end we haves fifty feet !Tong, breeding ifl a gra:
of srtavas of a 1 Our cow stable i ,..
length od 28r{i incluse, Donald, Tor -onto, for Ontario;, of P. loco-ted.a ttiv000t a' Pl w
the head should have a ddmmetor of Rodtcigue, Montreal, for Quebec; and January 18.
The roots were spriivloI!ad o� bile great h>auoon producing eoRan- tmagnadg Tsetse oriel the one incdipienA��
$No" or drum' ' 0n this spool are as occadslon and some soil
K 17�a Inches, the d!lsdbaanee• lietvyeeai • of J. K. King, Moncton, far tins Mari- s+eq'ar>s'ed, trues. We have the feedrs. We hteave dam!ger in crass lareedisng piQra
K s' g+ wound sprocket chains which are was scattered around them to help re- the ]ho
luea,cls 26 inches, and the circumferenoa time Provdnces.. They are avadlalilde ,gds. Unfortunately 'though, dram• Correct Feeding. Certain stilairsa
slpreadd on the spool gat tithe ,s� me width Lg� ing the ,past, and particularly dhiramdg Durow and Clhestaer Whitas, proper
od the barrel at the bulge 64 inches in lords of 100 and cost $2.60 per lot. fain moi�o e+e. To exolhide i �an-
as the_,gutberr in the stable, There 'are the war yews,. pigs were psimAr p specially fees, manse go«i
outside measurement. This size of Punchers for insertion of the hags coat vas was ip@aced sound the bendlh' The i� ease
fifty feet of the chain- wound around �� zchi�liaafa was mead to use Febs^ur lexll et10 p
barrel has a capacity of 7,056 *,cubic three dollars, rikk'le-plated; and two 'y Pr aicticaft the same prioes applied ( hogs Almost any strain of Ybaha shire,
the spool at the, rear end of the girt- all types of hogs, Be
Inches. If soft wood.,}}eads of thicker dollar, Japannepd. Direatiozns for tag- �, all the time. This is'`,unwonizid dry 3., and It 'vvras finrisdhed March 30. yp in so far as the iil�!hire and Tames improspei�ly
'dimensions titan the staves are used, ging aacompany each purchase, - The area occupied, was 22 square feet. farmer ways concerned. Sevezrael breeds fed may be c+liarsae!d in ea variety od
when we clean the .stabla, ' The yield ways "89:75 pound-, The yield of swim have been featured, not all- ways 06W Gari sus seleabs=�idp'haR�..
"— Another fi%ty foot of chain with
do v well. The press should stand per. square foot was 4:07 pouaixie. Tho � which nazi plasm merit cis bacan�thi�-amaobh,'ebc., etc. Pnaner feetL
M en'Y el�eahs on about every two feet apamt, conditions necessary for growth, it hogs, notwdthis!banding other desirable mg god ,the bacon hog destined to pro•
fisrniby on a -box or raised Platform but lays in the (bottom ,of tahe � ter all
r need auk be fastened clown. Three the time. Then there is en gth addle- �� ''� observed, were principally cuaracteristibsti � dhi!oe the right type' of wile sibs
pieaere of oto strong burlap about Now, however+, we are catering to Is almost, id' not equandy, as im>portaab�
waammtiii and mloi'sture Thelight was
ti'o •.ter twNo- excluded: -Similar results can be ob-
'' It it a f;mct that dusting, t3 the naw f�ty inches square to honed the rhelted foot s o in�the rn ureIl' rad. T1ie a dhsrtizietPy dmsoeriminra!tirng maadcet A as breedin!g.,'brc� and! erfie
clean u was will be twined in the.fdrnaice room of a !house must be rodu khat conforms I'articiilaijky eavlosLd overfeedsin!g eiid
t wvil method far a !hen to 'P regni�= ds Xere 'dill 1� po
.•, two spools" are attached i; SQiafbs ,
But:ai'hem for eevea+nl t' h cellar. It is worth trying, that is, for dpefinite ash, i.e., the pmodhi!o- flits inose partk�cularly 3n the weaning
• r Ad lar body of lice. iP with sears, The yrs a +perated one. who enjoys "pie plant in Its for the British. anal, recently aveeatei�, g ,At thile
�petiw boxes ere used in "the' winter Whets rea!d� to p'bagin woo+); ipl�,ce ono ,a asoline ens `ase. to.. tion of a Wiltsblre 4sldeo
;.: flt conlddklOar
the "tailor. ,oar bdori era oornfiaini with 6' gi _ mar�eL In, ejvdnt, thio: hag mars!t ler stasge dare an5el ixuore pi!gms aazined ;as
oi! .the hours oS _ _ n1g when:we el'ean the s �. sweep
4111ee of water` -over the (1) of correct type as r�ros'en�d.by ulHrisnabe •ee1*ct-% than:, ere~snT atm,
6' &oud� with d!ast most of the dewy. about �!orm the litter •into the gu sad -lien
aDasrt ai!alres the house Unpleasant fire :self tine sooner turns put oa the other ', 'manure Erects 0i FOrC1rig Winter scone three, )breed of crosses tlhereod; 'S,zerp.yovng pititw hanKi'�-; Proxido en .
'!lsds npl start the engine and wa-tch
saI nznh+ealitil>I#Rrl for bath tire heir rind bofder about half fnilIDi o!f vvabea, Into (2) ted In. such %a way and, oa � erne, green �ae!d, .eartAs; ,eitarc
mrove Haat into the manure ' ..This Egg Production.
their caretaker. Dusty adr seems to this put the rare or folibwexs of the takes about a minute. we're- foods as to develop tJh>vs type, to tine ashed; u'se feeds mP fio, iota momtEbs
be on # at' the causes of coldslin some press •to hV01. Tlne combs oer cappings :verse the gear .stud wind' thg su !us , .Fixim the, vlmndjpoint of the hatch- him ,d�,e, age than 'wddb grow bons add Muscle.
are isiien gi+adnial}Y poured into the . ability in the eggs, there is evidently The. ebadon hog ,mush ATA :gnaw g,
: i chain an the s ol> at the ]rear of tlhe The Ibbreeder a mch hogs lases every tboit a,pig
6orrue �powltryanan ,have successfully first taaik wed stixned occasdon!a11y. As a limit to which one may ,go in forcing thing � gain orad nothing to fear from fmyn& Remember, !dbaii!�,
gutter. This leaves this cleated part hens for winter eg+g Production. In -tao rsapidly. pled eat the !ice dsrsa
used an o�idle dusting boat, Just osab• soon as the wax is reduced to a steam- � market grading regulathoms pro -
used .
front Ivsrs it its res in the bottom of the gutter ready far an experiment on of the Char- se ?; not show the giaald od stele os
side ane of the trap cocas of thf ing m ready clethe
aning the tetras again. saraht+y to be etifomc�.
r' hour* a errirall shed is con- to pressing.. Now, remora the first labteto�vn Experimental Station, the right OAnixtvre of rela'tiow!hdp +cd
We find this u3 very convenient weay Type, Briefly, ssnaoihaiaese and qualh•umd
sErweted Z41e front o! the amald Io�v rack from a hot water wind place it hens were feet! fuli rations with pa view a'iid Lean. Mdddli ngess, shorts; oaM
shed a all n er, the coast is blown da the om the
of this Press, spread sae to dispose of the manure "and thiweme iety are parr!amowA e!sspen!tials, neat, barley are all good lclonvdonpmk.
to securing a lrlgeh xiarbe of . eg+g P-
ope is ndoithing for the cows to'"kiek at if d• trim, head .and neck; 8R11�0'oeth�
of the feces of b over this rack duction. Electcric lights were used in ' of the'mixture fiv a gno'vviisg At-
arra* tr m t e :fir nt box i� far enough P y fV rack, are so disposed, Tine outfit is compact shoulclder, well blerud!ed;: There should, be le of variety in
bel c from the faront to keep the earth using a temporary flown to keep %t in the pullet to pens from the 1st of De- 1 plenty
iZlacs, aiitt� into it pour about two gsal: also `�sasuitmry.—C� S__�- fain• not • excessive . 1 of sides
� � �_ ceniber to rtlie 10th of. February, 7�te + 'the meal .mixture. Corn and
bunt deep, with , a smooth weir the
If each an arrangement is nmk used, lops of the meltedwax; fold the edges Superintendent of tiler Station, in lids arched top and well muscled loin may � u� more heavily during
I fthinls it best to leave out the 'bust the burlap over the wear aazafudly Fresh Rhubarb mi linter. report, states that the hatching re 1 last six or eight weeks bu!t .s!p!aring 9 '
box dei tlhe laying quarters. Air of the p French rhubaalb of the tenderest cords that year showed that the use and a straight underirine; a smooth at first. Milds Products are the most
so that there ora no lumps or the pa+e I
(bixrla can be treated with blue Dint- su=e will not be even over the -whole quality may be grown at ,home; ac- of lights and feeding to secure a highs and Wda developed ham; quality ais� valuable of all hog feedls: Wlsere Fs+om .
rent to parent lice. Then they can , evinced by flat clean bone, fine hair
mesas Over thio place the !second rack cording to etas expe2iinenrtivl project' yield pof winter eggs redniced the I four to five ep,oruaids of meal may be
mendust around in the loose straw litter p xperisiientai Sea- hatchability o2,'the a and a , rtz im ear; straightness of lids pound' of gain wmthmA
araothnerr pisco of. 'burlap: and more Fried on at flue, E Y eggs and -the vital- a requdrecl per p
if `they WL& but these wile, be tie thick , repeating the process with bltie tion, Rtntvillde, N.S. Glumus• of Thu-- ity -of the chicks, from slnotulder to ham. Tlire foll!onvdng milk, the meal cost.. of gain, may be
&5t comsdtan�tl kinked into the air third' Provided the press is adapted bomb which had been'two years plant- �.�-- are decidedly objectionable) rougeh,i redluced tso from three -ta three atnd'i►
3' + p en shoulders; too heavy a propgr- r.
=a fanned all over the nests and ten this amount, Row, turas down the ed fram.pseed!li ngs were forced under ea Green feed, meati and exercise help � + half plunder with skim or bti!rbermilfk. '
walls Many poultrymen have found screw units! it engages the top follow- berths in the egTeevhoaise,_,• These winter egg production. Januar eggs tion of Head, neck and shoulder; 11ack Swine dbmeecliug should. not be cons
id -
w iRls.satMany to kryhavthe peeve coo all + T P2 o2 spring -of rib snuck of shoulder; too y unNis
er and flip u the ass . with hot chruaiips were dogin the fall ,rind allow- neverglut the market. t red in any fair! lease why
theds Ming ou bsido in the fresh sir hooter in wEtirh the reel- were .1'.+_4 - - -� --_ — - - --- . __- • -...
- --- long a side; tea short a snide; dnaopizug theme is as!siu+ance that some n>!flls Pao-•
and give them sac chance to coentamin until it reaches the lower edges of the
ate the poultry house air by inside upper spout in the pres& The screw
fig, should be turned dawn' slowly so that
,► the wax and writer has a chance to
1Ze�dcrin Beeswax. As
out from between: the racks':
As soon as the screw is down was tight
With beeswax worth mors than as it will ,go release it until .tile top.
bvribe as mulch p'er poumd as bury tack is out of the water.; this alllows
avemT paatti!cle . of this product teas the the redusue in the buz!ieap to bec:om'e
%1a sh!au1Rl lie !wJ,1 3, In an &piety satmited e�tn, with !hat water; again
r�ssa fox extiiaoteCl hon;:P
y, moat ey# the i ig ten the screw, repeating the pro
V= wh]h come firomu r PPS, but s cess two or three times. The wax ba-
r lderalblo amount can be saved ing 14bber than the water will float
from broken afar! discarded combs WA totEre torp and after tbo . screw is
gwma piedss rad bran comb e� ti tie�i!eci for the last time hat ,nater
tw= the frames d'uar!Eng the seasoaa. � o> to float 'this 'wax off into
Th render small vasYO=tsa of ONP- *=ftineirs where it is allowed to
yhvx and small pieces df toot eommN bovidiem Old honey or water pails will
dw seoldar wax extmcbw is the rbc far tQiils purposc When the wax is.
wt amd vlmrpllest, for tale medlthV is aA Bloated off, the water iu this press,
aU dhow by the hest of the mm and can be &nun off through the faucet
idea wraas iso separated ii lom be refine bdel&wIll the screw reLaa!sod RM'L the '
at the f mre tie. '(silts extMaCtOV, racks removed aM rsturnled to the
however, fes not c ultlrb%`tor 'olds eon" trunk of hot water. The ,burlap is un -
OT a licz•,ge arneaeunt of cappi ng!4 sea too fobieesd ami tdlue resi&o wed from %.
mica vnax is left in the refu s% wbkh as this Is erctanmeiyr hoot, gloves should'
mr nosh csatl acfsary rrnoth!od of {fn rn. Ifila- residue doses scot live
sea rt be fuxrther treated by eprerssd'ng'. be wa
b readily, rubbing itbetween
x!rlexivag coax In 1!atxge quiarttitiise i . tb!e bwWb will loloseid it, If the vwork
r meas of a wax press, oach,ss are •',bus been done prapeady l), w!ax will
in the saixrp0y catalasuee. ah#w between the fingers wb,en a,
i omni! press ao®Gieeg about $18,50 snnall amlount of the retElsoa is squeezed:
will, soon pari foo` ita& In ori alpiaaryof is dire J%U& White the firm look of hover
qty or morecbloasdes.• preW is beinrx pressed a second list can be
#s esa>slley
worked and p� M. g tug; care' Should ,be taken, how -
it ar1i1 the, wax from t'hee ref hate, over, not to let the wax.boll over, as
1f the wax isto ;,►o �xod4A o�ax wto h3g11u r infi,amam,apble.'
me, the wo* shoii!ld Edo Bono ddurlxtg 330aswOM iaa uiseed! in many trades; btxt
best tdme, how*v&,'ie during, wig tach ze of comb foundation. Any,
to bwmey flow to •avoid robbing,The the s of it is used for the matm�-
xrreequito no rrl'Iher 01fteuHl oro wheni til ma uethhe beo a tet of be* to wlaxles into
work tract be ddozae undtt neuro aides- foundaa,tion at a very loth coset, more
factory csoracliti<onas. tineas enough wax clan lie ob�ixnesd fntioaii 1
Thal equipment n.aco wary for melt^ an. J,ary tri one mi to provide,
'iT1fr 1145 VV1Fi5C 'YI tr,AV% 'Ne.fi�: f'�"ea 'trnsWi' trre+WrN►I:i "a lit. i♦ a •�vtiYMiiilrjiiu''t:',i!rl- 0_v , �aYd RJWi7,rve•eFi.r'ie+f
sway back; lack of depth, erbe. . dhict wdll be available dhii'1119 at least
Weight. A. hog is rea!d!y for market- the eaxlier s!ta%ges of tshe' pig°- lift '
ing as a Want sihiree sides when he is Nor is there any real substitute
finished, not before or after. Different milk, Once more and'1eaa�p- a
(breeds nand crosses and .,different ,overfeeeidin!g.
strains within breeds finish at vary Testa of Bacon Pigs. no Depalcw
Ing weights, Some str!adne 'of Berk meat of Agriculture is prying own -V
'Shires, for e=mg'le, are . finisrh!ed at a modest wear at the Present time,
170 pounds; other at` 200. Certain tests withh lblalmn' p!Bgs somewhat in the
strains of Yorkshires' finish besot at 'same way as is done in Denmark, in a'
210 to 220 pounds and higher. The universally !Mange and standlaa:dized
range should be from 185 to 200 way. At the Experi'incn!bnk Farah
pounds with a closer averago rafts of Ottaws and the EWPeTimenlal •StatioD1
195 to 205 poundis. Charlottetown, p.E11-, a number of
Breeds. Tope YYoAzhirre hog in point pates, of pddges grave been feel dhimirng the
od popularity isat the top. The Agh�t. summer. Each Psalm od` pig is
type of •Yorkohin —n'ot too kmgthy from the hazed of one of • the
widltl produce the Aght type of Wilt- swine breeders in the respective prove•
ehiae side. The Berkshire, too, cam inicem, and IS part Of the lir bsr of one
produce a splendid mart side, pro- sow as representing, in a measw%
vidted Qua is of the improved Clanadd:an fArahn w%I; nit bsededs All havo be
(d,# it maaey be sic cdkd) Berloshixe fed uniformly. Aodin*te Weights' S2
type -more lengths, a wn,00tlhex shawl- recordis bove tbeen kept as be time a
deer and less t'hncknese than .ethhe olid fe'edis. T4hes� pig's axe now being ku
faslh!ionecl block Poi , Strains of Berk- ed and�suebjecbed to most earefd,
Shires of the lend er., smoother tylia idaiVlybew tests and sub$Ge rasiit grad
arra highly valuable, 'tole Team OViih Ing by the finishol l Wiltshire sid&
ant, but is ah spliand!iidi'boom bog, pro- hitherto not available,ar rio%•
is Lowest in p'o'int ore nrwmbers' akt rpre!sa- Most in ber0s ting' arA veli
vid,ed it is lde'cte(l.
sass raruge"of ewes g1r!d ,givers withinThJe work is, it is horped, but &.6
Crosses. Any cross, in swine tenets adcanoe mrov,6qiten!t .'tomwazdb extemmivvi�
tmlaa'rds strong^er,'thriftier pIgs. Ef- testing work width firabon. �iag}saldons
forts in cro!ssdiugr, hawevenr, '-should Ile the !ropes prevalent .in Denm!atic ' aVR
clidvotead toruvarcl rtype or a fusion, ' that not o'T -th!o r` ght *arils, bitb
diesrable points fid>m !Che' dbiees ailsothe best dstk+san, arid dasn3lieb
crossed. The Yor1cg hire-l3eA%hke wililxin breeds, vwilll be known, a
crass is -goad In eeithhdr direction, with Dwimarice doatmos but one rlass.o�
the malee'dthe foimov asci 'cline f male pig. -the bacon type:- But twO breei�ii
of the lsutter mroat in d)aibrc. The BelAc- are used, the Larndrace ankh the Ybd7k-
s�h!ixe-Tamwortlh cross Is excellent, uds. Shire, Thee fudsion'of those tvoo breoc'ks
ins a Berinsliixe boeV. Some' adWse gives tlhenj the ]tai tThtvt S! ink
the `S'orkohirde-0lamwotb h fuslodn, Tho Denmark famous as a dbacara`pd acini ed`,
madn gain here, hovr'ervetr, is in, the This is but, the resdu(!dt of ihuteldddgeart
i inito,dnudtion of t>'her• ou!t-crass. The specialization, p'ilopet.^I7 sii!p!eP sed S:»Y1
'1'au7rwiimbh-Dui+ee crass Is a most ch,eplsed• Dohtm&!xk ShaS produced wvQktuE