HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-01-11, Page 5'Thursday 'Tannery fills, 192 ti avoir i".SS CARDS • rr.Mudfaot; K11or'a) i Xi 0I alltsi Barriatei.e, Soleetors. Net VR ?ytii;, lsir; "0i:fu•k' on the :;iqutn, li ri door .from hlamilion St. (A.od- iarich 1,r4vate !malls. to l iirr ai lowest rates, t�►,. Proudfoot, K.C. J, L, Killoran 1) E, Hol.mt s, Mr; Holmes will he in .C1ensall on. Friday of each week. Andrew V. Hess, rrowgisltip Clerk Issuer of marriage. licenses, Notary ?ublic, Conitui•ssioXier_ Vire .aud .2,ut iomoblle Insuiapt''e, flepreslei(mg Huron -and Erie Mortgage Coiaera- tion, The C(inada'Ti•ust Co. Zurich, Ontario. E. ► .-Har Dx. ie DENTIST 'At ZURICH EVER .f WEDNESDAY DASHWOO) EVERY .THURSDAY MAIN OFi+ I'C k ,.- ' Fl F.1,T or i • OSCA.R KLQPI?' ' Professional Auctioneer,.' graduate Of Davenport Auctidneeriu),g School "fry me for real estate, .merchandise, Iewel'lery pedigreed stock, farm sales. ,Bptga,alwayereasopable. re,° 'e, ,';(cry ':111.13' world. Choice farms for sale, none 18-93 'Zurich Licensed Auctioneer • •Dicensed Auet.ioneer for County of Huron. In a 'position' tb con- duct any auction sale, regardless s to size or articles to sell. • solicit your business,,., and • if not satisfied will make no charges for services, Arthur Weber, Dashwood, Phone 31 r 13. Zurich Neel IYARKET' Fresh ' Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc. Highest Cash Price' for Woull 1 CASH FOR SKINS & TIMES I" ugbi'it & De ch t �>r ZURICH LIVERY I am in a position to accomo- date' all ,requirements in the. Livery Line; have. Auto for hire. Any- thing done in the:teaming:linea GEORGE J. THIEL Phone 59 Zurich, G. S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, D'E.NTISrT Graduate of the. Royal College t. Dental Surgeons, of Ontario and ef the University, of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, London,Ont 'Office hours at Zurich every ".Cueaday and Friday ,from 10.00 a 10u until 5.00 p.m., at. the Commerc- ial House, Main Of- lite at Bayfield, Ont. - -19 LIVE P U U L' T R Y. VANTE3D Taken every day till 3 Oclock p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning When brought in. Highest. Cash Prices --CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone 94.• Zurich CO Spring and Summer DELIVERIES •SEASON 1922 Owing to the strike of theMin- iera now prevailing in the Pormsyl- "Vfnia Anthracite coal fields, we are unable to guarantee delivery or price and until conditions be - tome More settled orders will be tekert subject to -our being able to ;Obtain !supplies and at prevailing p►1iee time bt delivery. • 16S. c rleteiOx'1. IOAlu & PRODUCE MERCHANT TERMS;—CASH bone Ofttii eiow. p House lOj, ;.,H�rl`f�rSALL ONT,. P VW ,a,n6 Fyor Bare, Lot, -oun Notice 'gte. Ads IN THIS COLUMN lad LAST On Decontber 24th, ,a Partridge. 3On:3j autoinobile casing on Town Linebetweezl Dashwood and 14th cork, Finder please notify Ervin Eckstein, Daf',i;woocl,, Ont. OUiND) .: A Man's rubber, man's glove and a peir pi child's mitts. Owners eau have 5Oral?, at Herald office by paying this adv. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation of the Cpunty of Une.on'wi11 'meet in the Council " Chainbers, CGodi- $erich, at 3 p me;-Tuescl,ay, January 2.3r d, 1923:: ' All .accounts shoultlj be in the hands. of the Clerk on or before the Monday preceeding the nieet- ing of •Council. 'e , . GFO, W. HOLMAN, Cok.'.C'lerk,. Goclerich, January 15th 1923. NOTICE. The annual meeting of the.,Suli:- scribers of 'the Hay 41unicipai Tey. e , iwill '4611.4 c ne i pho be in the Towz'X I%all, Z urzi ii; ore SATURDAY JANUARY 27th, '1,92x, at 2 'o'clock, p.nl. La led at Zurich, Janutary 9th, 1923 A. F. HESS, - Towirslzip Clerk. The Annual Meeting of the Zur- ich Agricultural Society will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on r 1 I])AY . JANUARY 19th, • 1923, at 2 O'clock, p.m. Business—Election of Officers, re- eeiving Auditor's' Report, etc. E. F. KLOPP, A.F. HESS, President Secretary Dated. at Zurich, . January 9th, 1923 FOR SALE T hree pure bred Yorkshire young sows, duet in April. Genu- nine bacon .type, for sale. . Ap- ply :,to Simon Greb, . Babylon line, Phone: 9-811 .Zurich. 25'-2 FARM FOR SALE .First'• -Class 100 -acre farm, sit- uated a few miles froria Zurich,, for sale. Farm 4s in good state of. cultivation, with - 18 acres ' alfafa, 10 acres fallwheat, 45 acres 'good hard wood hush. Good ick' dwelling with ,slatie 'roof and large bank barre. and, driving `shed. M{ -o, Bern. equipment qn st+ables Hog pens 'will /house 80' or 604hogs: -' For particulars apply to A. F: Fess;' Zurich, out. FOR RENT; Ones. 6(-h.pi _G'as engine will be given out to rent. L. Prang. t21. FOR SALE We have a limited quantity of BuclwJieat honey on hand. Get your supply at once for your rad is tor. J. Haberer - & Sons. FOR SALE Pure bred Yorkshires -3 sows and one boar 3 months old. The above are choice Bacon type and willb e registered., Henry Krueger, R,R.2 Zurich 22-4 FOR SALE Empire disc cream: separator,' nearly new, for sale. Mrs. Peter L. Denomy, Drysdale. 24-2 FOR SALE A:few good second hand rook stoves at a bargain. Stade & Weido, Zurich. tf-22 NOTICE I have taken out License for Auctioneer for the County ofHur- on, and am in a position to con- duct 'sales by auction, Give me a trial and I will assure you satis- faction or . no lharge. tf-29 James L'enorney, R, R. 2, Zurich, Phone' No. 10,,, 93 DR. JOHN WARD Will make a complete test of refractive eondie;'on of. the eye, and of the muscles. Spectacles scientif- ically fitted. Services at reasonable charges. Will `lie at;- 8-22 Ziunner's Fotel, Dashwood; Waiper House, Zurich, FARM FOR SALE Lot 10, coni. 1, Hullett, situated on Provincial Highway, 3% miles from Clinton and 5 miles from Se- aforth.Contains 100 acres, well drained and fenced. in high state of cultivation, three , acres hard wood bush, 2 acres orchard and 20 acres fall plowing done. On place la good pine' barn 60x50, stone foundation, sta- ble all cemented and in first class condition, driving. shied 50d.20r ten - roomed brick house with good cellar. For further -particulars ap- ply* to Mrs, J. D. 1VIeDermid, Clin- ton, Ont; or Mr. C. M. McGregor, 1<,R. 2, Seaforth, Ont. 21-•4 Mr.', Eldon Snell feet forDetroit on Friday; D'fr, Julius Thiel was 'to' Centr- alia an Monday, The price of auto 'tires has 'rale - oil froiy ;10 'to 15 per cent. Miss Alice, Roffman and .1VIxs; Stacey of ,Dasliwood„ and ,Miss 7'irontier of Centralia were recant sis tars at the horn,ejoiMr, and Mrs .7, praetor. aeter. Miss Laura Gesell left for Kiteh,r ene.r op Wedne,clay XTironiXtg, 1VIr. Andrew. Price, who spent ' a few weeks at Detroit has returned: to Zurich, Mr. David Schnell of Aberdeen,. Sask, is visiting relatives ,and 1'rzends in and: around' Zurich at ir. esent, and we are all glad to see him. rM. and Mrs, Henry Schade, of near Dashwood, entertained a, number of their friends to a' fowl supper on Saturday evening, and all report a :good 'time. Mrs 3. Hey, Jr., County''Presi- dent of the.Womens' Institute, Was recently at Farquhar in behalf of this society and. conducted' a me- eting at the local Institute ,at that iia'ee. Mrs. Hy. Wolper of' the village accompanied by her mother, MM. F7, ,Sera las of the Satrble I ine,we- t. s i ; 1e �ilJt izso•at � �,c, v II'ani'burg, 'New Dtiindee and other eastern places recently. Mr Oscar l0bnp,,who has .spent' the last few weeks at the Woria's, greatest 'Auetioneerjf school, has returned. and 'says "lie: is in better. Shane "oto sell . articles by auction than previous to taking the course Mr. and 1VIrs, Gott. Merrier, on motelay celebrated their 6,8th mar- ria? anniversary. 'Most of es are F;i:.ar.1 if we can live tie the 'age., of 66 years, while this happy old corral.. earn boast of being mar- ried this time. Owing to Mr. W. C. Callfts be- ine indisposed with illness and not able to. ;attend to the running of the stage. to Hensall, he has ap- pointed Mr. Urban Pfile to look - after this 'end of the business and make necessary collections from passengers. Mr. Lloyd O'Brien, Who had the misfortune to fall off a root lost October and fracture a hone Mills spine while employed, for Me'lick Se Braun, had returned back to his position; but sorry • to yea., is lin- able to work owing to weakness'in his back. . A grand Carnival- will be held on the h Zurich rink this Friday tday ev; ening Jan. 12th .Special efforts hax eb . een .made by the manager to; rake.'.,chis a huge success: See ihet ills: for partienilers, and get' your costume "ready or Friday ev-' ening,liberal prizes Will also. be awarded to the winners. The an ition sale held by Mr. W. S Jo'. ;stop on Saturday in Zur- ich wan well att,on,ded aiid fainly gor reaves 1ealized; if the ear-. th werild have been a little mil- der, even bot' er r: su Is would have been received, Auct'one'ir' Arthu' Weber was the spokesman. and conducted the sale in his usual able and masterful manner. Navigation- at Goderich harbot. closed the otheer weak with the arrival of the. steamers Berryton and Canadian. The : belated ` ar- rival of these two boats completes, the winter fleet for Goderich which now includes fifteen vessels. The' 'total capacity of the fifteen now in prto is 2,625,000 bushels, white the total value of these grainers is estimate:I. at $5,000;000, G. L. sons, manager of the Goderich El- evator alicl. Transit Company es - tiara les the total, . value of. vessels grain and industries at present lo- cated. at the harbor at $12,000,000. Mr. Milton Johnston, son of 1'Ir. and. Mrs. Thos. Johnston, of- near Blake, is spending the winter with Ins parents here. Mr. Milton has a farm at Thornlove, New Ontario, and. has a vivid and ex- citing experience to tell .of the severe • fire that raged in that co- untry, with an eightyamile wind bloiving and( the whole heavens is blaze, burning pieces of wood fly, mg.,thr'ough the air, a person wo- uldd, do well to just save his clothes fi..om conflaragation. But luck- iiy Mr, °Johnston foughtthe ingea and 'salved nis entire belongings;.` Hp is the owner of. 160 acres of the 11i'iiest farming land that a person *olud like to see, very, ;fertile soil and adopted for growing" 'Spring wheat ass' well ,as all kinds of sunt,-, mer crops. A unique event was celebrated at rugal home of Mr. and Mrs. John Weida of the village on "Satur- day evening, the ,occasion being Mr, Vo' Ve'd >, s birthday, rA fine rlun,ber. being present and the evening was spent in games ant7, other ,aznuse- inctit, until midnight, this then was, followed, by a luscious oyster sup-- pea accompanied by nary, other good eatables. The good trine was II,eptegoing into the wee houi'a' of the 'morning. ,Among those pres- ent were; Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Kraft and family and M'r's. F. Preeter, of Dashwood; Mr. and Mrs, Gee. Smith and fancily of Varna; Mr,: 'anti; Mrs. Wilfred Weido andt,.family Mr. and' Mrs. Garnet Deters and Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Weida oll 'of flay Townsizip. Mr. and firs. We- ide certainly know how to enters Uv Steck ` d •rel ,?eiienais Must Have a' Body ISl=ii it,+� GoodMineral ibfixture $egg,, ested -- 0onitnetting Vicicl NrllA)a. (coo01buted by On'tarin IJepdi•tinent of Agriculture; Toronto,) Thefeeds that we p lye our young animals aro the hotly building ins teri,ils, and are jt(si, as necessary to rhe kj$iii};' pig, o;elt, aolt e brick$ seri boards toer , the carpenter # n aged in building a house., house building alzd,body-bedding'are alike fn h enuc- iuz althat 'iitatoibotialsdepfurirdished.upon ' Whentheztrwe see a•fine house we are at once im- pressed with the •evidence that is before` us, in good aiid abundant iri<Le ial supplied the workmen. When we see well -grown, fine and sleek calves and pigs• we have the Sam thought-.-,t1iat abundant. body- building material has been siinPlied. Oa tae ' other 1a,tri4' when we ogee ve a shack built of scrap Iumber, Qi see a calf with its hack up, pot bellied; tt ndei' size, .or a pig crippled and off:ite feet, we axe al; awe struck with y?'he..tloug1it Ilia orneone has not swplilied the very necessary, ma- teiitls.;.for body building or house budding. feed of ji,iino and Phosphorous. ,. Two 'materials that are necessary in gr9wit li and body building are lime and .phosphorous. Young animals running withtheir dams on pasture vill as ;a rule show no evidence of a shortage of these minerals in their development, since the milk of their darns is adjusted: to the mineral re quirenent of the young. But as soon as the: youn " animals become depen- dent on the Leeds given thein by man thein -ease isdifferent, and they are frequently equently very much neglected, in that ' a proper' selection of feeds is not it'ade for them. A calf or pig that is shut -up tight in a pen has no choice; it is entirely at the mercy of the owner or feeder. Should the feeds .supply' all the requirement of growth, then all is well and good. If the'feeds do not supply the re- quirements, then development cannot take place. With animals confined in pens the mineral food shortage is usually pronounced, unless some spe- cial provision is made to supply such. The effect of its absence is shown in unthrifty, crippled or dwarf animals. Results' of Experiments. -In an experiment recently conclud- ed,where. two groups of pigs were befieg fed the same grain ration, a remark • difference was noted in that received in additioni ei n ration free fi a access to ' a ture or salt box contain- ollowingt essentials to - , bone meal, rock salt, The presence of the the one pen during the of the feeding experiment garage gain of 132.8 pounds ile the pigs in the pen in one gra. to the miner ing t growl and ch salt" bo 124 day-. gave an A per pig,, i which there was no salt box gave an average gale of 69,5 pounds per pig rn the 124 days. The presence and Ise' of the salt box was accountable for a gain 'of 63:5 pounds per pig. f young stock'ar"e out on good grass hey can generally get what minerals are required for their body develop- ment, But the confined animal gets my what you give it, and the giving s iudieated by the condition of the animal. If the animal does not thrive our giving .has been misdirected or tingy. i►Vetch. Your Stock Look at 'the pigs and calves on, our farm Are they "oaf their feet," 'up, in tip 'back,'" "st inied,,'• or stilnrity" If 'so, then lust take a ook~ in.. tine :mirror when,, nobody is round and see the fellinv respons- ble for the Condition. When you. ecognize yourself as the stingy or e ;lectfful feeder; proceed at once to tie 'workshop, and Make u mineral- alt box, fill it, and see that the young nitnalsnever want for the essential one and muscle building elements. he pigs and calves will be more apt thrive, and they will also have a etter opinion of you.—L. Stevenson, ec., Ontario, Dept. of Agriculture, oronto, I t 0 s y 1 ly z ii i. 8 a b T to b S T Combatting' Field Mice. Traps for . field mice can be used only on limited areas. In the case of large tracts, recourse must be had to poisoned ;;tarn. One ounce easul- phate of strychnia dissolved by boil-' ing in a pint, of water and an. equal quantity, of cheap syrup added will poison hall a bushel of wheat or corn. Cracked and crushed corn is better for this purpose,than the uncrushed kernel. This grain should soak in the poisoned liquid several hours and then be allowed to dry. Grass grow- ing about the base of a fruit tree encourages the presence of mice, as does also early mulching, " Cover crops such as buckwheat, oatsor clever may Harbor mice. Snow about fruit trees should be tramped down oee tsionally to keep price from work- ing under It. These pests would be less numerous if neighboring swampy areas were drained and thorough ploughing and harrowing resorted to in cultivating crops. Hawks , and owls, 'weasels, skunks and loxes de - story large numbers of field nice. The free use of an effective lice. powder is always in order with poul- try. A dustbath is ver3reeessential in ridding the fowls of lice. White - Washing is etteotive against vermin.. Use kerosene on the roosts and in the cracks to exterminate mites: 'idustard, cress, radish, lettuce, set onions and epinacli are crops that can be grown in a hotbed. 130 sura that 'the snow is well am and assure a good titin, to their)tx'a't,t1)er" about the 01)010 slid plum b" IC'.5 ,�. li; .n e, S. is will di4cottrage iniee from aeaai,ij„. lea.4i ..la+aiir, t -. N9 *079 lelropridinyggitt lifedida gef AVetefshisPcsii ati simiiatinglifero by g i ,ingoheatcmac l3ow a l t �;, Mitet'ebyP1omolizag»igestaif Gfneerre,ineSs'a1tdRest,Gon.ai0 � A neither Opiultz,1ViorP1drle nor iiIdineral. x'1'OT liARt o'rI wrigni Purtp7�rr',5'e8 1 S nna ,rioSerJps/ a fCmmril9� Pf�te reenf'avv_ AhelpftidRemedyfos 'r 1;Oofsta aiianalld'Diatri0ei andFeverishness end [, Loss ox Sz,EP iil 1 ehrrge iii. i_fo�Ei t- ro„ia$�ag l 1 t xaeSivalie5igst ofji ll i 1. HriOCNPNT;RAtiE�i4AfLa4,1�LrCa,u to, f For Infants and Children, Gs tb rs Km That o&Castoria Always Bears die Signature of E:act Cop, of Wrapper. !IA Fo Jve Mrty. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORiC ClrY. 4! i7. -e* 'CatrgaMMUMESERMEN IS5 na,.=tra RBI <. a.IEBIariz ' * r oecreasR,sce:ats The Eleci n is over, Now Red T FOR SALE Chalmers Six ... ... . $650.00 One Four Wheel Trailor . RE PAI R iNoCi Painting Ford Car, Onee Cial• "15� .00 Two Coats o s ��o.00 Covering Ford: Top, Good Material _- _ $i27.0A Changing Ford Curtains I:r open with Doors . 35.00 Painting Buggy j.8 ;10 IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUBBER YOUR lfUGGY WHEELS. - Laid ��hF�����••it�3�F���•F��������•�•l•�„q.�'r•,�,•i„l,fi„p,.�������������••�•Ir��•P ,fig, iliumberLaths Shingles 4. Everything in + e Combination storm and screen doors made to order; .L Lumber and.Budiding M f Custom Work of Ereciaity Always ii the 1T ar1 et for saw logs .10 C. KALB:FLEICIJ+P6g -ZURICH r •a .+.q' '•1"1144elekeieleielei-, 1g++4++''gul"4' 1.4.','+'1'"jM.14°!<^++rII'+•i4•>I^'H'.t.++44144$ 0 YOU RECEIVE IN 12 MONTHS AT ORDINARY SAVINGS INTEREST ON, HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES OR CANADA TRUST Co. i . CERTIFICATES YOOU RECEIVE 27nE;40 INTEREST IS PAYABLE HALF YEARLY ON SUMS OP $100 AND,, OVER FOB TERMS IP 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 YEARS COMOBINED ASS -STS OF I3OTH TNSTIrIJTIOONS TOTAL OVER THIRTY-FOUR MILLION DOLLARS VICTORY BONDS SOLI) AND BOUGHT. Have You MADE YC: UR WILL? FOR rum, PARTICULARS APPL Y TO ; r Andrew t ra Zurich 4 a a 1