HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-01-06, Page 8• To close the year without ex- pressing appreciation of your pleasant relationship in 1922 would be leading one of oar principal debts unpaid. We wish you a very prosperous 1923 J. GASCHO & SON Produce Wanted Phone 67 Zurich's Garage AUTO TIRES We have on hand a Complete Line of DOMINION TIRES And TUBES, All Sizes (13est on the Market). Also a few Seconds to Clear at (Extra Special Prices). LET US SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS ON AUTO CYLINDER LUBRI- CATING OILS AND GREASES. WE HANDLE NOTHING BUT THE THE BEST AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH OILS OF PROPER VES- COSITY TO STJIT YOUR MOTOR. Also stock a complete line of Genuine Ford Parts ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO MOST CALLED FOR PARTS OF VARIOUS AUTOS. B.X.L. Battery Sales and Service Station, Battery Charging, Axy- tAcetyline Welding. EXPERTAUTO REPAIRING A SPECIALT Y. . Get into the habit of Pat-ronizing us. We want to serve you, and Serve You Ww11. PHONE No. 103. H. .Mousseau Zurich '^'inlhur'r . filerrg Obriotmati We most cordially wish all our friends a Merry Christ Inas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Good Times beget Prosperity, Confidence begets Good.Times,, and Good, Appearance begets Confidence. IT IS WITH MOST SINCEREST 'THANKS THAT WE CAN AGAIN EXPRE SS ',1.O C)tYtt MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS, MAS 9.119.." NEN E.1R. BE ONE OF GREAT REJOICING ANL) OF MARKED PROSPERITY TO ALL, AND CONITEXII :lD CONFIDENCE IN OUR 'BUSINESS RELATIONS TS OUR MOST VALUED DE- SIRES. . Stade & Weido 1111 ry' Capel ti Ill BrEA(.1a Ready -to -Wear DENOIv.I Y BROS. Clothing GENTS FURNISHINGS Ordered Clothing aar Greetings THANK YOU FOR YOU RLIBERAL PATRONAGE THROUGHOUIT THE YEAR 1922 AND FOR THE ,CONFIDENCE YOU HAVE SHOWN IN OUR LI NES MAY YOU CONTINUE .iTO:FIND OUR MERCHANDISE AND OU SERVICE AS DEPENDABLE THROUGHOUT /THE NEW YEAR AS IN THE PAST—ON OUR PART WE CAN ASSURE YOU OF ,THE BEST ENDEAVOR TO GIVE YOUR ESTEEMED ORDERS THE PRO PER ATTENTION GOOD BUSINESS DEMANDS. DENQM-Y EROS. Produce taken is exchange for Goods ilammEC LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter ._. 35 Eggs b0 Dried apples per 'lb. ..., .. ._.7c Dutch setts per lb, ... ... .. ":c Potatoes per bag 5 Oats Wheat per ileushel... 5 Flour per cwt. ... ... ._ r ... Bran per ton ... ... ... .r...... Shortsp er ton Chickens per 111. ,.,�... Old Hems lb! i :t. c• Ducks lb. ... ... Hogs , TO CLEAR In order to clear out our $3,000 Bankrupt stock of Ladies', Misses, Children's shoes and Rubbers, we are offering same <at less, than Half Price. Everybody needs Foot- wear, so give us a. call and take advantage of these bargains while ee,t- v last. .Ge)RGE EDI ..HOFFER, Dashwood hen they say, bobbed hair is ng, they mean long hair tis ng. S. SCHOOL REPORT ITEMS OF LOCAL " Mr. Harry Rose left on Wednesday. Miss Pearl Liebold week on an extended Clinton and other eastern p Mr. Elmer Clausius left f troit on Wednesday morniY Mr. and Mrs. Win. Re Blake and Mr. and Mrs. E. r iii: and family of near Hensel ent Sunday at the home of Alex,. -Rennie on the Babylon line. the fashion makers have found 'a new way, toshock the world. It isn't legs and it isn't shoulders wh- ich hich are to be :exposed to the gaze of the breathless worlds but —hon- or of horrors—ears! ;This is 'the ultimate boxscare limit. Or at least we thought it was until , we read. the next line which said that the lobo of the ,naked ear will be colored a delicate pink. , If ;the forces of righteousness in ,this co- untry have the vigor they ought to have, they will niip this oat- rageousi suggestion in the bud. We stood for shoulders, then legs, but we shall not stand for ears.— Kingston Wig. . . ,,.THE ELECTION- - The election on Monday created a large amount of .interest, and a fairly large vteo was polled,' es- pecially in the village were ire' voters well brought out. A pub- lic meeting followed in the Town flail in the evening, at which the various candidates made addle, y' esse'a. The usual lively time Wats beldb y the boys later on, by r•etting the three elected Village Fathers on a democrat rig and lied their Aid time serenade, this was elided with a game of hockey on the local rink. The Police Trustee vote was as follows. Bedard .. .. 89 Ha borer .. 96 H',ivald ..., ... 100 Thiel ... ... ......... 85 Truernuer -.. .-.90 Leaving R. Flaberer, Hy. 'Howe aid and Henry Truemner elected. HAY TP.. Poll No 1 2 3 4 5 ,6 7 8 Deitz . 2 9 113 58 15 24 6 5-232 Dougall 77 50 61 52 23 83 2221452 Ge')ffr'e"y 2 3 43 40 18 7 1 33-147 Rader 23 16 74 72 57 124 2128-415 J3au 112 15 101 88 28 34 16 29-323 Reichert 8 21 85 70 20, 37 325-218 r urllbul' ,',1) 1' "2 26 31 7 ' 1-0 .257 W. R. Dougall, L. F. Rader, ,,T l'. Rau, and A. Reichert will be the 1923 councillors, with E. F. Klr,,pl'i as 'reeve i7y acclamation. PEEVE STEPHEN RESURESULTS Alex Neeb .. .. 448 David Webb ... ...356. COUNCILLORS Eimer Lawson ;:90 Gee, `oenhale ... 45.4...,, ViCtO Snell .,. 2 Wm, Swcitzo,' ..,• 527 eport of room II for ,month of lember. , - r. III—Rose Leib'old, Eleanor.. 'echauer, Beulah Sararaa, Wit d Ducharme, Gladys Spathe., a,. eve Schwalm, Earl Thiel, Claire 1,�elick; Rose Albrecht. Sr. II—Grace Zettel, Leeand Wil- lert, Nelda Schwalm,, Floyd Kropf Ruth Zettel, Napo:eon Bedard, Carl Bedard, Alice Koehler, Greta Koe- hler, Alice Koehler, Ervin Dietrich Cecil Uttley. Jr. II—Adeline Fleischauer, Gr - George Grenier, Milverna ..eiger, Earl Yungbiut, Clarence Smith, Mary Kochems, Anna Druar, Helen Thiel, Rolland Grenier, Glenn Wal - per, Byron Ducharme, Olin Fos- ter. 1 0, M. O'Brien, Teacher. Report of Room, III for Decem- ber. ecember. The names are published in order of merit. Jr. IV—Victoria Deichert, Rosal- leen Sararanj Agnes Deitrich, Mar- tha Heideman, Faze] Bedard, Mer- vyn Schwalm, Marcella Farwell, Gladys Melich, Wesley Califas, Al- vin Gascho. k Sr.. II—Vera Kalbfleiseh, Lawes rence Ho•wald, Norman Fleischauer aid Clarence Farwell equal; Den- nis Bedard, Stella Ca'ilfas, E dw,- aid Brenner, Dorothy Zettel, �Rue- sell Ducharme, Francis Deitrich, Elzar Mousseau, Willie Neeb, Wil- lie Leibold. • Jr. III—Franz Kochein:s, Floyd Foster, Goldie Uttley„ Grace' Ko- ehler, Bruce; Koehler, Ruth Weeper F. Kalbfleiseh, Teacher( Com ng Social Events The Zurich. branch of the Worn - en's institute have decided tohold a box social some time in January, It is some time since a box social *.rasa held. in" Zurich, and it will be an interesting event. 1922 Xmas Seal;, The National Sanitarium Associa- tion is to be con- gratnilted 'on , the hand ,.,,e X m a Seals --now on sale lu aid of the Mus- koka Hospital for Vonsurnptives. Designed as shown above, worked out in gold and red with a conch of green and black, the seal is very at- tractive, and sl ould be widow used for decorative purposes on Christmas packages, letters, etc. The hospital le in need of funds to carry on its work. Why not buy these seal., in lieu of of cera? Not only Will you get good Value in re- turn, but your money will 1134 made to serve a greater end, for it Will -go to help 4orneone In duties+. 1�1 For isle by settee' children, Jlahkb, ormdirect troth Xmas Seal Depart- Ment, Gage Inatitute, Toronto. Oritr . ......r.. The store with the Liberal Cash discount And see the. Wonclerful Val- ues in Aluminum now.: showing in our window. Here are jnst a few items; TEA KBTTLES $1.98 COFFEE PERCOLATOR $1.98 DISH PANS $1.98 SET 3 SAUCE PANS $198 8 AND 10 QUART STEWING KETTLES $1.98 'these -are all Guaranteed Heavy Weight Utensils We carry a complete line of Furn- iture and Hardware. Your confid- ence is solicited. MRLIeK& S RAUl'`L PHONE 63 1/4 er I Job J)eprtm Is al ways at your service for GOOD PRINTING. Wedding Invitations and Announcements, Calling Garda, Stationery, Letterheads, Billheads,, Statements, Envelop- es, Check Beaks, Posting Bills a specialty.- May pecialty: May all the joys of the Festive Season de shared by our friends in the full- est measure and may., Nineteen- Twenty - Three hold for each and every- one an abundance of prosperity. Produce Wanted. Buterick Fasli of Phone%/ 1II�1