HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1923-01-06, Page 1'Vol. XX 11 I No 26 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING JANUARY 6, 1923. IIVVe take this opportunity of extending to our many customers and f riends the Comp- liments om - liments of the& Season and our best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous NEW YEAR W. H. PFILE, ZURICH THE HOME OF GOOD SHOE S REPAIRING NEATLY DONE •Y• • •`: 45 •v r,: • od�s��•oaaoc�vvoc•c`�+000`�` 4.0• oQac�000u��• •v oovc�o<o�0000•o•ovovo•r>oo• ocov000� 000a• diO' ro� ll �i� lllltltf14111►11i�i1ii .11 s �t To our many Friends and Customers Another year has passed .and gone and we hope our business friendship has been strengthen- ed. Please accept our hearty Sea= sonable Greetings and it shall be our aim to continue and improve the service we have had the pleasure to render you in the past and this merit the continuance of yonr patronage during the season of 1923 J. PREETER Phone 59 Produce Wanted WL" AItE IN TILE MARKET p' OR ALAIE E AND CLOV1 * SEJD Chester" L, Smith, ?ubU $1,25 a Year In Adve . ' +; $7..50 IN ARREARS, $ tilt 11,AIMB). 'Write it 1923. Mr. ,W. C. Callfas is on the siek list. Mrs, P. Koehler is spending the week. at Port Huron. Mr. and Mrs. J. Howald return- ed from a visit to Kitchener. MissFannie Kipper of Parkhill is spending the week at . her home here. 1Vliss Nora Snell of Detroit sp- ent the holidays at her .home here. Mr. q acob Gesell of the Goshen north, Was a visitor to Kitchener the past week. Miss Beacom of Goderich was a visitor .at the home of his sister Mrs. S. Gascho. n Miss Agnes Kaercher, who had been visiting at Kitchener, has re- tuvni d, ° home. Mrs. Iij Weseloh spent Christ- mas in :Detroit, . visiting with her daughtte Mrs: t:T. J. Gettus. , Mae Clara Volland of near Clin- ton spent the past week at the home of,' Mr,. Wm. Leibold on the Babyl p line, r Mie d Mrs.'M. G. Deitz, bridal coupl .;, jturnedl- to Zurich on Sat- urda• are taking up houseI:e- epee Mrs. E. Bender and ,)Blyth, were New Year t. he home of Mr. and es of Kitchener, spe ;ys with his father, A., who has not been health, but is int - COCP CP C. CP COO CP of George Cumi- '1;r'20 Second ay. found. dead ife last Tuesday, ison whiseky, cla- -seventh victim in year 1922. Nine - lents who were tar als over Xmas. from u'* octions are impr- "i�r of W. H. Gabel, aged 75 cured suddenly in his late: at Bervie on Friday, Dec. 29th: w q1' - ...was one of the pioneer reside of the Township of Kin' cardbih and -was in business in the village ;of Bervie for over 40 years. The funeral took place to River- dale cemetery on Sunday.. The late Mr. Gabel wras well known to many residents tof Zurich and vic- inity. 'Mrs. Henry Thiel attended the funeral. The new tax imposed by the Dominion Government at the last sessio of Parliament, will ,be -come operative at the beginning of the New Year. •? This •is the stamp tax on receiptsg iven in acknow- ledgement of payment of sumo of ten dollars and upwards. The $tax is niot a graduated one like that 'o'n cheques, 'Ing the case of receipts a, twol-cent stamp is toj be affixed in. each document regi- ardless of the amount received. OBITUARY W e 'wish our many friends and customers a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous and Happy New Year HESS the Jeweler JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN PHONE No. 74 MOLSONS BANK Incorporated 1855 Capital Paid Up $4,000,000 Reserve Fund $5,000,000 Over 125 Branches It is not necessary to ma's a special trip tee the near( r,. branch of The Molsons Bal every time you want to depo money. Send your deposit ,•>; the Bank by mail. • Writ* today to the nearest manag of The Molsons Bank for inti formation!. C. H. JOY Manager Zurich Branch • •y0000o***000000000000****O..O`OO,•M.•t *****••.••4 • 0 s a 0 0 O O •3 a Also a 0 O . •4 O a 0 O 0 0 • 0 a Fall Horse Goods 1 Test Received a Large number. of Genuine Woolen Horse Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72x84. +� Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prices 40 Ranging from $7.00 to ...... ... _.. $13.00 �. SAVE MONEY' BY GIVING US A CALL. 41, A BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always on hand. 4 Club Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Prices. 4. HARNESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY PHONE 1a2 itt FRED THIEL - ZURICH ®O��a®o0•a0000oo�s•ao�+i000:r����'���►°«��•"�i�--~:---r, i? •!•• +3••II••F••1• •• ++•II••II••1• I.3••II•+•II••Z:++•F••1••i•••F••4••1••II••t••i•+•2•+•i•+•Ffi•• ++++ '' •i• 0 •f• 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 4. 0 .g+ 4. 0 Miss Agnes Martin born in Ire- i.and, Aug, 27th, 1837, passed away very 'unexpectedly* in the home of Mr, and Mrs. Peter Koehler early on Thursday 'morning, Dec. 28th,. She was suddenly laid low with ;a paralytic stroke as she wa.s walk( from one room to another, 'She became unconscious and never re- gained consciousness. How very sudden at times the death warrant is signalled, The departed had lived with Mrs. Koehler for over seven years; .where she had a good home and the best of care. For years she lived a cbristi'an life and now her probation is ended. Of late she{seeneed t ohave a Premone i.tion that her end was near. In consequence she spent much time in prayer, meditation and in the reading of her Bible. She leaves to mourn a sister in Sarnia and a brother in Californial. fA short memroial service was held in the Imre of Mr. and Mrs. Koehler on Thursday right. IThe next morn- ing Mrs. Koehler and little Gladeea ;, ,pith aeeompanied the remains'` o port Huron•, where her body was interred in the Presbyterian cern, etary, to await the sound of the passureetion trumpet. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use ForOver3OYears Always baize the Signature 4 , ' � ,.. We take much pleasure in ex-' tending to. our many Customers and friends our most Sincerest Thanks for the past Season Business relations. it has been a pleasure for us to serve you and we wish to express our apprec= iation by wishing you a happy and prosperous View dear C. FRITZ ■ & SON* SHOE MERCHANTS 0 • ZURICH ONTARIO 4; .••1••g..o•g.,g..l..l••i•.g••$•.g,•g.•l.•g.•1.•3..1•�`•g.,l••II�E••�-II••:.F..1•+ •F••fi•.,l..g•.1••F+.II•.l•.l••F••1++.i�i4444•N. •E •E� 4 t44,stk A llappy and Prosperous 1922 we wish to all our eitstoners and fri- ends and we trust that the friendly relationship which has existed be- tween us in the past will be even more firmly woven together j.n the New Year. R. N. DOUGLAS CGENERAL, MERCHANT' •PHONE 11 �- 97 BLAKE • 1