HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-12-28, Page 8• Pft To close the year without ex- pressing appreciation of our pleasant relationship in 1922 would be leading one of oar principal debts unpaid. -17%.1" We wish you a very prosperous 1923 .44 J. GASCHO SON Produce Wanted Phone 67 Zuriei's G AUTO TIRES We have on hand a Complete Line of DOMINION TIRES And TUBES, All Sizes (l3est on the Market). Also a few Seconds to Clear at (Extra Specia'1 Prices). LET US SUPPLY YOUR ,NEEDS ON AUTO CYLINDER LUBRI- CATING OILS AND GREASES. WE HANDLE NOTHING BUT THE THE BEST AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH OILS OF PROPER VES- COSITY TO SUIT YOUR MOT(3R. Also stock a complete line of Genuine Ford Parts U1 NOM? $ROS, GENTS FURNISHINGS Ordered. ,Clothing eckwear With a New 1,1e 'BOTH MAKERS AND WEARERS it aVE LOOKED FOR YEARS -FOR A TIE !THAT WOULD'N'l' WRIN- KLE OUT OF SHAPE UNTIL IT HAD GIVEN FULL SERVICE; NOW W THEY HAVE LT. A NEW IDEA IN CONSTRUCTION -THE LINING IS NONCREASABLE— SIMPLY CAN'T GEIT . OUT OF SHAPE We'er showing neckwear with this' new 'feature in soiree of the mostb eatuiful silks you have ever seen. The new idea alone will sell dozens of them to men. Why not -take advantage of it in choosing neckwear for gifts? • ""-" They are specially, priced ate,- $1,.09 1;115 $1.50 j$2.001. WE ARE STYLE HEADQUARTERS DEITbMY BROS. Produoe taken in oxohaxige for Goods LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Butter ___, ... ... Wednesday) -35 Eggs .. --- L:rted apples per lb. Dutch setts per lb. Potatoes per bag -- Oats ._. ... ux Wheat per ibiushel -_. -.. _ 1.15 Flour per cwt. ___ 3100-3.75 Bran per ton ... ___ .__ 28.00 Shortsp er ton...... ... 30.00 Chickens per 9-17 Old Hens 14 F- r° • 6-14 Ducks lb. __: ___ ..16-18 Hogs 9.00 50 7c 5c 75 ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO MOSB• CALLED FOR PARTS • OF VARIOU,S AUTOS. ' I.X.L. Battery Sales and Service Station, Battery Charging, Axy- , Acetyline Welding. EXPERTAUTO REPAIRING A SPECIALT Y. , Get into the habit of Pat-ronizing us. We want to serve you,- and Serve You WwI1. PHONE No. 103. Mousseau micinnensannoussancenserminitt Wim^ -urs- a 2 :,,-: s Zuioh 6bristmas errs We most cordially wish all our friends a Merry Christ- Inas and a, Happy and Prosperous New Year. Good Times beget Prosperity, Confidence begets Good Times, and Good Appearance begets Confidence. ..> IT IS WLTH MOST SINCEREST THANKS TEAT WE CAN AGAIN EXPRE SS '1'0 OUR MANY !CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS. MAN. 1.:E1 ^ NEONEO NE RE'F TREAT REJOICING ANL) OF MARKED PROSPERITY TO ALL, AND ,CONNTi : all) CONFIDENCE IN OUR BUSINESS .RELATIONS IS OUR MOST VALUED DE- SIRES. Stade 8c Weido ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST_ Messrs.. 0. A. acid C. W. Hoffman of Galt were week -end visitors un- der the parental roof. To our many Readers we ex tend hest Wishes for a bright ha.pi- py and prosperous New Year. Miss Agnea' Hartman is visiting at the home of,' her parents over the holidays. Miss Vera Siebert, who had be- en as milliner at Caledonia, has returned to her home here, Mr. Kuno Hartman returned home after visiting with relatives aid friends in Kitchener, Waterloo and Williamsburg. Mr. and. Mrs, Davies and dau- ghter Irene and Messrs. Albert and Charley Medley of London sp- ent Xmas. ''with their friends, Mie and Mrs, T. McAdams, Bronson • t Mrs E. G. McMwrchey and daugh tors Helen and Margaret and Mr. Sam 'Geiger from Semans, Saske Bev, R. M, Geiger and Mrs. Geiger $of Rockwood are visiting at 'the h$.ome of Mr,. and Mrs. M. Geiger of the village. Two slpendid Xmas. entertain- ments were held the past week, one on Sundaiy, evening by. the Luth eran S:S. and the ether on Tuesday evening by \the Evangelical S. SC In both cases much credit is due to those who so actively took part. This week we are publishing the Financial Report of the Zurich Police Village. We all pay taxes and sometimes growl at them and wonder where the money goes,- so study up this report and you can ,asily see where the large amount If the money is spent-. Mr. Oscar Klopp, who has-been attending the Jones National Sch- ool of Auctioneering in Chicago, for rhe past several weeks, will return next week, and actively nteer the field here,. He has taken colnpl eta courses and. instructions in all branches of Auctioneering inclnd- ir.g Live stock judging,, the readin,;; of pedigrees,, farm personal pro- perty Valuations, horse selling and a commercial course embracing ' Real Estate values , and merchalid- ise methods and values, Mr,Klopp has a large acquaintance andmany friends who wish him success and predict his success. ;PRESENTATION; able leadership an capable inst., ruction. ' Although we realize that we have not attended this class as regularly as we should have, yet we have (always considered it a great opportunity to attend your class, for every lesson which you taught, proved not only to be ed- ucative and interesting, but it left a deep impression on our hearts anci. minds, and was the means thr- ough which our characters were transformed and we were brought closer and closer to Him., Who ;ave His life for us. We therefore wish to express our appreciation :and sincere gratific- ation for the valulable services wh- ich you have rendered to this class has -otaar teacher,•an;d ask; you to ac•- cept this gift, not as a recompense for your services—for money can not repay you—but asa token and remembrance of this class. Wishing y cru a 1eley(I:e • y eh_istm`sal.e'a t happiness and prosperity , for many more years, We remain your S.S. Class. NOMINATION Hay Township Nomination pass ed: off very, quiet in the Township Hall on Friday a large attendance u •, ratepayers were present, and manifested considerable interest, - Two nominations were niade for reeve, ria.mely;, My,. E. F. Klopp, and Mr. W.. A T,fl ibullr the later with- drew, "Por councillors; W. E. Turnbull, J. Campbell, S. Deitz, L. H. Rader., J. Jeffrey, J. P. Rau, W, biackwell, A. Reichert and W. R. Dougall. Campbell and Black- well resigned leaving seven in the field for e'.ection. r The Police Trustee Nomination in the evening was without a doubt the most interesting and the stage of excitement was the highest in years, as some real debates took -place and the real old, "Fight" was demonstrated. The fire protect- ion problem was under discussion. The -nominees being; H. iTrueinner. W. Lamont, F. hP ,C. Kalbfleisc,'. Ilaberer, D. Bedard, G. Thiel, H Howald and CI Schilbe; Lamont, 'Kalbfieiseh and! Schilbe resigned„ leaving five in the field for elec- tion;. Thu,•sday 'lkeeerab^r '28th 13'r? , • The stare with the Liberal •Cash - D seaaat Van And see the Wonderfu1Va1= ues in Aluminum now how4llg in our window. Here are just a few. items:. TEA KETTLES $1.98 COFFEE PERCOLATOR $1.98 DISH PANS $1.98 - . SET 3 SAUCE PANS $198 8 AND 10 QUART STEWING KETTLES $1.98 These are all Guaranteed Heavy Weight • Utensils A. MELICK&B'RIUJNPHONE 63We carry a complete line of Furniture and Hardware. Your confidence is solicited. . PHONE 63 t Herald Job Depart 11 ent Is al ways at your service for GOOD PRINTING. Wedding Invitations and Announcements, Calling Cards,. Stationery, Letterheads, Billheads, Statements, Envelop- es, Chec1c B)aks, Pasting Bills a specialty. On. Sunday evening the melt- hers ,of the intermediate Bible Class of. the Initherae church pre- sented. their teacher Mr. Ferd- irand Hess, with a handosm& sw- eater coat', The following adds rias was read; Pear Teacher ;— We, the members of r your. Sunday School Class, leave n,sseme bled. here Sunday after Sundwty, dt*r in the past i:ew ;y `a.rs under your Coming Social Events The Zurich, branch of the Wom- en's Institute have decided behold a box, social some time in January, It is some time wince a box social }'a + held in Zurich, and it will be an interesting event. 1922 Xmas Stab The National Sanitarium Associa- tio , is to be con- gra.taslaLed on the hand ,,.pie Xmas Seals --now on sale In aid of the Mus- koka Hospital for ,,' Consumptives. Designed as shown above, worked out in gold and red with a touch of green and black, the seal is very at- tractive, and should be wider used Cor decorative purposes on. Christmas packages, letters, etc. The Honpital is in need of funds to carry on its work. Why not buy these seals in lieu of others?Not only will yeti get good value in re- turn, but your Money will be made tel serve a greater end, for it Will go to help someone in distress."' Per Sale by school children, Banks, or -direct from 'Xmas Seal Depart front, (lege lnbtituie. Toronto. Ont. May all the . joys of the festive Season de sfiia' by our friends in the full- est measure and may Nineteen- Twenty- Three hold for each and every- Qne an abundance of prosperity. Produce Wanted. ButerickFashions fr Phone