HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-12-28, Page 7, ..,'^...-_..'_^^^,-„"'.--+«:--,--. ... .. .. .., ...-. '•••'-w+-•`•'fir .- .,.. .. ,. •-....r,�..rn_`r�.—:,�n._,�....,.�r.... �....,,—.w..••^.n..�....+.:.x.:'.•.. ...-.,+.::�— .•.«.-,.. .. ;......'«.�. .'..'. �.. _.,.. .." .. ...... �_ .��.'�"'�' ..••w: -.N' ,•++� r ..r• -•..+—_••r--...., �Y•r�-�•��.t�s '111 ,.the d A�*fat�N' ;pal atial 0,14 o� l�apf!x ? j e!ti ?ii w 't9 i10fA 1iif � EXPANSION OF PULP PAS AND ,SICKLY *0 �►bont 800, One a day, or 2!0.000 'tour a a Y.w,, in 44diti0A to 1x0,000 tops' pt x►a treated: ,pulp makthis,„ iuuprIlrr YhroJitialsp, t.�. ,, "�+•!r• , m stet � 8!R• 't - : - ''...•>,..... - , , !gtion Oi•: 1 ? V Y.ongls 8ti<'4�t, T4C011kO.. ]7ealyt•r • y ---' AND PAPER DUSTRSLS AND BOYS ,•�•�..,_. � Queb!ets gftie� pulp anti �.,,�rnt; Attorneys. Band tqC iwar boplti4t ap�e'r areas, o p f CSA s Plants projected or u d <i neo 5040o�' ! e4' 'fon,. true~ .• ,.- -- 3RD AMONG CANADA".5. would eine a , Need,. . h • rerl th That Rich :. ' •&SA,i ;ac., - ,:�-,s., d, ,, �-i +�%., Dari 7�► t be 4s naY1T�- ... ��. �►5�� Strength r” ',1'O $1G;,i�Tliti?A:X^ 7Y1'1�,N W'.!�V'�'k,''Z]• - ,, ..lF; •,t,an.. roll a, tb ...at once; city a44 pra}ries deinafl!( r REVENUE PRODUCER e e e lose already estt'ablished anal d $' 01Y an Give em. autouio7aile irteehanica and driving. tr 'c . -cs nos nux • �„ t.� ' R RS Rc lu � Th g opoati'ng.• - -. ... tar n tire vulcnnizSnk, : ox (toi o ati A' t The Pi>ovlueial 'Pa Paper iVIi11s are 7t th is the me to 1a the foiiutl2t•? r�` elYlerae wetdin , storage batt a' p. 071 h time y e)t.ctricul woric. , we teach these trades, 'Necessaryt oneeir tit' tyleetip a large planta at Point A thur: ;4011 f z heakhi Re, : r] Gild er.ery praotfcal cru,iriing;: 0111 raw waekn e ' i o F, ry g? quired,; ; day-ntubt'. cl(us 'es, Write kr °:. ' I' lvp 1•'� The British Columbia MiaiotaW of boy should have plenty sof. • pure, red �,�Ltei151iVIL' Forest, Re&Ql'REi:'.Ces i' free catalogue,' bio s, os6, steady ,pili?- Lanxlg recently announced ilia; a pulp blood and strong nerves. With thin, ployrnent. Henaph11 Auto e -as Tractor M for Future' Generations, and paper plaint would be established Siva ure b ods they stftrnt :life with a' Schools, 1,03 King ''lV'cst, To:ranto. yp to Y on (frlum!bia Lake by au English con. handicap Soo :great to win success and ( b` Thieve is little `doubt put that the Do- cern•, aCt'rxseTXXGF AWR I ssonZ. happiness, Rich, red bioad means ES ld today occupy Acacmdin9 fie its' a$reexualit with the health, full growth, strong nerves, a, W for aR h me eiTIES her with =a- %:r in-inion. favorable and and,: place, in 1 , tamio ,Government, this Great Lakes clear brain: and good d•tgestion. In, a.11 chine or by hand?'; write for in orma, iflo>y+ �®. world legard if all otkleu 4f its multi On p p, tion, send Postage. The Canadian ole Pulp and Paper Company is to spend word pure blood $3 the foundation of sale lois: Co.; Dept A; Orillla. Ont furious "industries were negleotood and _ $L,000,000 within three years ,on t)he health. ` -- -^ ^-------- �I 'W® • • it did n�othng else but rill the demands, eiectlon Of a paper mill at Fort Wil- The signs of weak, watery blood are I Von 0AL21. "M ith for pulp -and paper. Tb -day m<z,ny•coun- linin. utiimistakahle. The pale, irritable girl ORI) 'WOOD, . SLAB 'WOOD, CA.3, ' "'� R: n tries of this globe' aa'e: coming; to Cana C. iota, Reid Bros. Bothwell, Ontario. • - 7.lie : l3atlturst Companry, Ltd., is, in or boy, Whig has no appetite or asnbi- da for their supplie,4 of these wood s;� lIng a newstp!rilit machine in its tion; is always tired out, , short of ! posBe. '--and -already baked for you eMduct ” land the yaair has been one mill at Bathers N�ir7r Brunswick breath and dans not grow strong, is a ? " Bathurst, (`I Fi0ICE7 BiLVB1R BLACK FUXSS. of surpaasi.ng impo, tante. for the pulp which`; acealxia"ng to ddreotozs' an.' victim of anaemia -iter greatest ; �J Pups, adults. Reid Bros., Bothwell, AVE the trouble and the a delicious sante I Theres 13 and paper industry r Month Tiy month nonmeennent, will be Inoperation in the: enemy,; of youth, TheTe' iso Just one .Ontario, its prestige has increased; azid nearing spriptg and,empioyin G •-- --- 'tirne of baking pies at nothing left to be desired in g 00 persons. thing to do far these girls and boys•-• �J � �y home, yet give your_. men : a, pie. than termination of the year every mill In;Britlrh Columbia eastes�l capital- build up the blood with. Dr, Wi!l.Iiams' BELTING f'1E i in tate country, working at high capact-' ists:baye secured aro, option on a site Pink Pill's. Yo -ii ean't afford to ex - folks Ies;that are exactly to, Made with finest seoded Sun. ELTING OF ALL XII ca 1e > mo n'' ...p - ty, and effecting extensions at a iapid' at Na1w 4Ves'minsttet icor a paper mill, pel;iment with other remedies, for � used, puticyp, paws % i their taste. Maid fin sins: rate, fail to adequaately srcatis8y at and ti pulp and pp,per xnlil is este there. must be no guasework . in the etc.. shipped subject to apProv'al sit fon- i 15tS0 calories of energizing nu- Woj d eat prices in Canada York Baiting Co.. Master bakers and ne gl% trin7ent pef ouad in praetically '' �; for Pr1111ce George in the same pro• treaOtent of ansemia Dr. Williams' 116 fork Ht„ 'Toronto. p — borhood bake shops in your tEim nested form. Rlch'in food- The pulp and, paper :iidustty ranks � vinee. Pink Pills act directly on, the blood, I city are making luscious > ren, also -good cod for the. third among :Caaladian activities in 1t�5 I Certain. American interests are giving it the elements it lacks,, thus Health Endangered by i rdisi# ie fresh eve da blood. annual revesiue - ° As a produeer of erecting a pian;;• at Elko, in the Koate. developing strong, healtthty - girls and ' Air. P �' Y Make' cakes, puddings.- .anal pulp. and newsprint 0anada takes, nay.dis�tri�ct of British Columbia r 'bays: Mrs. 11. Kinch, Hepworth, Ont., Pollution o A k Your 'grocer 'of these bake other good foods with them. eaond,place to the UnLted States, lilt subs vnt'ia1 !13matls, o , e Each day we breathe thirty-two Shops Can su 1. thein.. f timber have been. tells as follows what there pills did ,t .. PP Y You may be offered:. other the Canadian figures of output are as- secured, Officials state that the first for; her daughter:='l think it a duty, p'otlnds of air, while,.we take onlT six Taste ahem and• you'll brands that you know' less well tending so rapidly- that on the auth-i uh-WoUthr. plant,'pmoduotog 50 tone of to let others know the benefit wb1ch poun water and food • inba our s than Sun Maids, but the kind C , systems in the same 1Periad" Of time. know why there's no longer you want is the kind sou know ority of the most reliable experts the i ptiper datily, will b operaiting. 171 the Dr: Williams Pink Fills have been. to y need to bake at.home. ie good. Innis the=afore on time is, in sight; when Canada will lead fall of 1,923. my -daughter, and I hope this may be Notwdbbstiarnidintg that preponderanes H of air ct>nsunapt' 004 tens' of mbldoms of r Sun -Maid brand " The ,cost no the world, As a newsprint producer. I On the Pacific coast the Seaman the means of inducing some other'suf• M Crust that s light and Y - dollars, are spent annually to prevent . more -than ordinary raisins. After the depression of 1921 the pre- Paper Company; aE Chicago and Van fever' to.try them,- She was weak; flak - tender thin-skinned convex interesits are reparted'as being mentons and badly run down. She the adulteration -,of food. anrd. wades', � flaky ­tender, Mail coupon now for free book sent year has, seen a remaxkable ex - juicy fruit, the Hulce forming of tested Sun -Maid recipes. a'nsdon'3n the Canadian imdusttry. For about to build a.paper mill, within 100 took medicine from the doctor but got whrlfn compamatively northing is spirt p miles from the r " The year ending April. 1st; 1922, pulp great part: no benefit, and finally she was not able to preterit the podlutiom of the air we - • v and paper exports had a total value; of aid to bs to walk to sichool. I was advised to breathe. l.V� 1�MAI 1V over $180,000,000, a figure exceeded � sting with the city oE:Kingstan, give liar Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, �•#'— q " . IIn Ontario., with the object of building a Minard's Liniment for plstamgar. gyp• which I did, and after taking them for ' -The 'w�Itil reme Pie Raisin only by duct is of wheat and news- Pub � .. 'a time she was ,restorced to perfect `"—"•"r • ;ural pa•oducts. The news- p' p and Paper 311 the old capital, Canada s Trees: he'altht I cana'at speak too. highly of ..., jj��,,//�� • •� e - print mills now have a visited capacity Activity fromCoastto Coast: hn Canada there arra appmaxi•'n1afiely Sun - Maid �d Ra Yslr,� Growers of about 5,526 tan : per day, equivalenthtese pills." AlAll over the Country from coast to 150 dlff'ereavt species and varieties of e Membership 13,000 to an output of 1,250,000 tons, per year, coast, this' extension to the Dominion's You can get al Williams' Pink Pills plates re wbirog t,7ee raze. Onl7 thirty - which is, double the output of any yearn ti through any dealer in medicine, or by Frestrro` California ' prelni'er industrial activity is evident: cline of these ase coalitemonai;•, but k� t prior to 1917. In•, addition Canadian mail at 60 cents a lax or nix boxes for _ Especially snguiflaan is the develop- $2:50 from the Dr. Williams' Medicine wood of these meares up 95 per cent. mills are 'equlppeiil� to produce 2,600 mein; on the Pacific coast. Pulp and Co., Brockville, Ont. of this country, Forest products, and r , tons of pulp 'daily., The combined o'ut- paper is being manufactured there, �y- the trees themsizavest cover even a 1 , 1 CUT`THIS"OUT AND SEND IT put represents a daily cut of 6,000 and`andaxtlie> Psacificeaoasts�tates,,a California Our Captain's Call. larger proportion of tie potential fox - J sores . of foreslt land: est area Sun -Maid Raisin Growers 7aell d Jit once Bar each the White Ship e • ,_ s An Invested Capital of $347,000,000. to Australis, New Zealand, Japan and touches post; Dept. N-533-13, Fresno, California The Canadian pulp wind paper Indus- Ohllna. That such -extension is Wgent• Though none` behold the sells, nor �y, �y �* ��{ Please send me copy of your free Book, try .is, 111 fact, accomplishing so much Ly • needed in that region would seem 11V NV*11"I 1`el T 31. O f_�tl , `'Recipes with Raisins:' sound i's- hewd ; B that it is a• difficult matter to eep ac- to be evidenced in the. fact that Orlen- i - k . Yet while one waits, Bend for 11at of inventions wanted by Maautac- - o �> NAME ............ ...._....__.._.....-...�. �...::- curate trace.of _it, 8114 statistics which tal. bu)nars: have placed -:large orders curers, rortunes have been made Brom simple with firms in Three, Rivetrs ]n Friend after friend gof�s silently ideas. "Patent Protection" booklet on request. apply today may be entirely inearrect Quebec, aboard STaE> r.......... .. __.. .. .� and that stteamere have this, sammer ' ' " _.. _.... ....._ _...... � to -morrow. According to government lill�B�OLD C. L�aFfQl'sM,ASd a Ce�.i The unseen ship. and alnWard sails to- ., sea "ANY s"sr � Blue Package fignrQs far.1920, thte industry employed loaded thlere for the Antipodes and the 1'ATFt�T ATTORNEYS OTTAWA. CANADA ...,Paovixce__.........._ wardT-- _ 000, of which slightly more than v4-.stPd capital of over 47000,- ;counfries� of the Orient. • 4 The Golden Crates. •i �+ 000, an o which ch sli!ceof Quebec an half. Thiele can be little do7ub't. but that 1 thein'the the time Is, almosit in sight when Cana- We trust the future in Thy hands, O or ore �� ra+GH Race ��� ���ng, 192 first six months of 1922, Canadian da will leave the United ,States beil'ind y y e mills produced over 516 000 tons of. in pulp and newsprint production, and For �• as•sumre' the lea'dersh6p of the entire 'We who draw near unto this feast of�,� Cold in the Chieat, Etc. -; �ewsptint as compared with 612.000 -world in this'it Ord: Th. h Thine, . � • a : lis, S, a only Given far us. r�� Dr, J. G. Shearer, Secretor Social Service Council of Canada. 7aroduced by United States mills. The wa. Canadian mews -in girt ut .durin ., adoi0„ ',thea'tjYtgh,:her,possessiiou.;''oE. mag- ; Another racing,season_o,n,th©-.race i But,wliy is.thexe a dro2►.of;$12,009, P. p gains Kneel theme, and Itray,.and take Thy e sax mcrntils arrow - is stated to hays, niffcent.forests .of tremendou% extent. tracks lias'gome "and gone and the re- i 000 in Ontario 'this year as compared p' ,Bread and Wine, been `93:6 per cent. of mill ca acct , Forests-ilre not inexhaustible, as other " • suits so far ast'Ontario is" com�corned with last? It is mainly. due to two p , Y• • Find in Thy Sacrament- -the I.otae 'nations+ -have ddscovered to .their sior- �gB •are published by the Government. causes, First,`the 6%" tax placed b3 Whitest the volume of United Skates Divine°p64a9� �" row and Canada is taking steps to see The total money wagered in the sea- the Ontario Government on. aill moneys newsprint production has replained Upholding us,, that her Rwested areas, are.reasonably l sans- of 1920, 1921•, and 1922, an the wagered, wilidch netted $2,212;220 In _ad- Pra�oticaIly-'stabionaaryat around 1;300,- � • conserved, maintaining their, valuable' _ J sight tracks in Ontario, are: 1920, dition'to 'taxes an bickers of admission 000 tons sincae 1913, Canadian pToduc- The presence of our Saviour nearer i supplies and retaining for the Domini - $42,1'64;000; 1921, $56,778,596; 1922; (amusement tax) and the. Sax of $7,500 tion has Increased fro s 350,000 tons'to , seems; $44,244,402, ?x ons pulp• and paper Indusitry the im- • per day on . mile. tracks,, `and $2,600 on 812,000 tons in t11� same tune. Ex- And heaven and earth Glaser to blend .YARMOUTH, N. S. half -mile tracks, Second and chiefly, ports to the United States hlavo in- p'o'rtent :place in economic affa"iiis it oc- and shape -`- We have nut the figures for Quebec, which in 1920. $11,000,000; and rsis the splendid and insistent daily' cam- creased from: 219,602 tons to 791,978 copies today, and is coming inroreasing• Our destiny. were for 1921 $10,862,000. They are Pro -b- paign kept.,up throughout the fl tons.. The United States hast'` in fact, Ly to fill. In this national virork, for khe have Faith lova, deep peace burn strong ' ably not much different for 1922, This mioalths' 'racing season by. tet; Toronto Globe, tiie Detraltt'News (wallah reach- agme to depend on Canada for 86 per cent. of the newsprint in ad,6iition to art •th greats ter part, e grovernmen the earnest, and+ sincere oo-operation the. while we wait , Our Captain's, clad to sail -or soon or remark will apply also to the other The total,. th�ereforo, wag- � the bulk of the patrons- of the three huge quantities of pulp. There, is also of the :various con]•panies• 'exploiting late - provi�ncee�. Troy • ered'fn Canaiia thiri•,year will probably Windsor tracks), and other papers. an extensive trade :being built up, and not only oy a nation- Across the sea. be about `$66,000 000,:which will be The two pa era named deserve special increasing rapidly, with the Antipodes al duty; but a realization that Canada; is onepf the few remaining lands with She Got the Job. $12,000,000 -,Tess than. for 1921, the credit and of these the Globe's cam- and the. Orient; and ift this. regard 'the Pa ifi t extensive`'forest resaumces' and that M Shea wain en�gpgtag a new :r whole difference` being in Ontario. This I paign was, the abler and more pe t- o c coal' as. a pulp and paper area their continued. proaperity� lies in the r• p` ent; editorials on thte subject, appear- Is fast developing in importgsilce.' Total typist. —� constitutes a serious handicap on Ing at -least once;a week, if not often- pulp and paper exports'for the month inbelligent manner in which they ex- "Che'w gum?" he asked, ^�1 AA{� ��++ /► holdings.. "No, 0,�Od"9RSE ,SALT legitimate business. Iv. 'add'ition to this, however; there is, all 'the nianey..er of.June„thds.yearambutLted in.value"to-plilik and consdrve.;their..holdi �t. �• wagered illegally with handbook men Every day the figures+ were :given of $10,534,896, 'and for. July, $9,738,252.' --"< "Gossip over tilre phone or talk L � �' '� � A L T in shops, stores, pooli~ooms, :hotels, fay: 'the• total tale'betting .public paid out,: Production in the Iatthe-month wag Ej Ej ii i slang?" the total rake-off the Joclt ey Clubs nearly double that of the correspond. A SPLENDID MEDICINE "Never." I3fd?.i CtirlOis toric),, etc., which no one can know ing month in 1321, though, due to "Flirt with life clerks -wham you're TORyQNTG SALT WORKS but which tq estimated to be probably tonic, and the 'total the Goinemnment �R THE. CH� LI{ not•bussy " as .much as. -vin t, wagered—legally on took in taxes, and the total that the lower prices, the value way only sQight, C. J. CLIFF - TORONTO ly, increased,'iNo." e race, tr fr.lsantinues, thraugit- ,betting publia -.i+ T& Ii was pelsiste>Lt-_... out the, the bets being;pla ped .on ly argued that -in , c(moequence thelb ',Newsprint and Pulp 'Mille pull Capaciiy --- He paused to think uD some more __.._ was an absolute oertaility of serious Without. a Baby's Own Tablets are the best questions., when the girl began: ;nates anywhere oil the continent In loss to the wagerers who p exception, towards "Smolce cheap cigars- when you're ,winter betsr1we placed on races in, the o usually did time closing of the year, Canadian medicine a mother can give her little „ not on the average get back more than newsprint and ones. They are a mild laxative which dictatizl- 8ouh•'h and in Mexico, where than is the I pulp mills are Opera;- „ » three-fifths of what they paid out. in quickly regulate the bowes and stom- Take It no. `tfavol'ibe racing sieason, whereas legal- g to full capacity, • wliils�t the eaten- I Further, these papers g ply ach and are guaranteed to be entirely "Talcs it out on the typisit when azed betting in 'Canada le� limited 'to published sd'oals• to existing its under way; f , free from any; injurious drugs. Con you've had a row alt •home and tome {14. days in summer 1011 each track each plants under canatructdion,- and cerning them Mrs. A. D. West, Lore. Off worst?" from day to day cases of defalcation, new ;year, broken homes, divorces,. trials, conic- further er efitabl shtments definitely as. burn, Sank.; writes; Baby's Own 'Certa1111Y not!'` t1ons and d for the near future have com• sulting from the frenzy of betting on biomed to eonstitu'te wheit .is pmabably tion than anything else I have ever business. is, bad?" There the most outs�t;andiug f . Tablets,'have. given ire more satisfac- "Do you use forcible language when _ ' the part of great numbers, eature of in•dus• given any children. They are easily "N--neverl" were Interviews, also with business trial expatisdoll .in the 1922 period in' taken; always work well and though ; "Want me to get. to work, or is your, t; mien, who complained of bad debts•, Candia. Noted below are inany of I have given quite a few to my baby time worth so lbtb'.'e that—" buying, and fall the extte'nsdons under way or proposed Ing off its ad of cash credit ins�te ~- 1 they seem to work as well now as at "Look here," •he broke irn, reeo+vemiug _ ~� purchasing' resulting from Additions to the, - land „letters!• " ''rhe 'world'oflrst,• Canadian pulp which is something other taxa- himrself, leets get at ;hone I greatest lndustry. Millions extensive wagering. aper industry. ' of nutomobuav net sing constant. tines seldom :do," This Tablets are �t� serv+oe: ,� Mons of battetics and +tree Asa consequence we. believe that p The ,headquarters, of tine Belgo Pulp to repair; millions of parts to rebuild. Trb- sold by medicine dealers or by mail at Wisps of Wisdom. mondous opportilottles await the trtdned auto Public opinion in Ontario is aroused as. wind Ziaper Company have been trans- 25 cents a box, from The Dr. Williams' It is the fear -not, the worry -not, the tnobno man. That's why a na re to toara_the :lnever before against this iniquitous -faired from Belgium to (laalada with pvtoiliobae buslnnsm,=anti learn t`n nottiait, the 1Kedicine Co':, Brockville, Ont• auto'tlenter ort eflorid,—tiro Heart of the Auto vice and the legalization of •the busd- executive offioes fret -not man who wine; h at -'Montreal. The induntrr whore 9w% of thti antis are made. ♦ If life is 'hard for you, try to make nes" of promoting and cultivating it. new company has an authorized capi. Wasn't Asked A Make$2,000t0$10,000Yearly Parliament will be challenged again gain, it easier for somebody else, \ tel of $20,000;000, and wild increase its' -Plato a Buslnesc of Your Own early in ills coming session. We shall Joluvriy., who hard been ililvited out A mail whose only motive for actical Thousands of our graduates are maxing output next year from 200 tons to 360 " bi .moan I tib auEo bustnese., aunts nice 'with what result. Two ,., ani'enal= tons,,- makiul a7 annual to dinner, wasp admuanlslled by _has .is 'hie. Wasson does a bad piece of 7vor1;:. s r ng 1 production of (cask, 'making morn money than he et- ments will be asked.. to the G}ainbli incliner tax remember his mlanatemsy and High authority shouQd be regarded peotti�t Petttgtow (p.nebeo) oypointnd 111 ' slfghlbly sten 100,000 ;obis; : ex losivtr-•alnd handled with 1 strutter at TecH: 8ohool, Cou tic . Sections of t'ho Criminal Cadie• one to speak do eomlplimenttary terms of as a high ly (Alberta) 111 biielnes9 sad Sinn , In Fel7r7lary last ilio new uewsprllt the food selvrd Jzdm,. He heeded the care. an ho can not steskic (Penn.) that ;Ills busiues's of betting .by p f mill of the St. Maurice Lumber do,, q was'gotting tS18 Yveokl�, now mak- ingsloenorweok:.lvlavesace) mutuel ma -chines, book -making and Ltd, .. at-•Tllree Rivers o . Instruction, sand dad the best he could. Zuhatyau earn is souls in;tustonly. saves 8100 monthiy above ace) i o nlriienced �.• . . Johneoh oblol Jump- pool -selling. be n]ade �crinvinal, as' it al. � • _ s under stress•; of eml0alra�s'smeint. It is what you do wall it that really adsafrom " 'enoli( nrlshor at operatic% Tits 111311 now has s earl- H me- f ready its everywhere' except in race : After he liaa. install the soup, he re matters: ' l N3,so wee 'y to auto ca +num capat itg of 340 tons per day. > ebanio,at $4.z.so per w k accts ^uriri the racing meets': t I o harked, boidlyt There are many eght,hour ineit with HUndrods morn uke them. tr d g g , h� kelt 1 pint Rouge the Donnaconna „ ge Other that the publication of betting: Y>aner Conyia'nv is Tlils: is 'pretty goad soap -what sixteenliottr wives who cughtrta7inioll- Complete dour 1 creating anew homes. Ehdolsedl .h Bli Auto li:actorles •odder; tips, and other Information ;lint' vtlu'dwoott mill: there•,is �f i;:" Sze their h ' Y e f tau lit- la be and is used in beton it I He 'wain greatly disconcerted to ob.The time and energy you devote'ta s Bvor9 branolt'of.the auto bunt' ss. s a tjht' of - g V ill The Thunder Bay Pulp {Lind Paper 1 "Ot ltiWT Ai: Construction, 60tateof,, unitedl, and rep e11 be also m sierve, thatt. ]ids remark caused a frown grumbling at anotbei s error would �" �1 Autos, truclto,- tractors farm ilgitt,ng punts and bend -book m ode a crime., Company, list Port Ai thu'r, is Increasing use Cuticug a and N was engines. Iu teadisfng bis When thus is, done, racing will viand oil elle face o8 hls� hostess, He, haat. often be sufficient tea i eadjust it. o actual prantlno. No guess its output of groundwood -pulp to 100, ,A, rent m.an eo le fall beclau'se d worm. stuaon'ts learn :by trSlE4riii<17Gar 1 p t elied to speak .again 4o an effort to cor. g y p p. tatnn r7nti am an vis. own merits and not oil a •� .. ,; ,[1t°ll,��s' L1������ ��� � v potual factopry �rfethods, nig a unit per $ay; slid iii a,talling a paper ad i i . they're e so sure they al* going to., It auto rant00 tel ed outiino ; b i�d erimival foundation as at prese'nc unit ca able or turning out ` (roc; ali,y b mptessfola liana itis pie X our;t7oUrsls attdb giVo :, r e ^� : _ - p p tt, GO thus per viau speech: would be a shame to disappoint i!he3'm. Regular shampoos with C,f_a�ula 4 ° Udonts fuliost eo•operadon, tea, %fsw d1LY. „ will keep your scat clean .and w ro uoart, endorse our -• -w- rhe lTablt .of ntblaling tJlleu penitord- Atvd there's plenty OY it -rush as it Is Youl gaol in life such iiia; the Soap P Y 10 , . &ohont, u __ 1 ZilePremier lxip•earf(.idY'owerCoin- • healthy: Before 4 ectal 'Caul°Yes In i7attory •` i r .`, °nv OI B, &0 oolimion am�ol g school ehlldreny ls, reacll.ing of it waUld win you a place i=7 , � pp'll.Tit.At,Wrnrntint,watatng ., ,t' " pany, It ArLAVillte, Nova ootia is to • spotsofdAndruff"anditching,ifanyo .nd Maoh�na etran i�rnai;tao, ,. .. �f Iim.(P , a is Qrtls,eveal� to be , i'r# ldU.1 !40U2•Ce 0,'.0 : ' --•--- �s - ,tile h,(�,art9,. the #iiiE.'%'tai1S, t1i�8 1?$tP•(3lli .. ; . h. y G084 Position 'Aural# Out 1. �it e I install a itaildaird crews not Machine , with Cuticura Ointment. A healthy lir•duates--viiptnrint+ a- ' ' `"""' ,""";" disease, especially if the pellold,era are P � FZ0 is a snnalld mall who cannot :Lot of o'tlteits? Or .would it please .on.y n, thick loss 17a1r. � a scalp, Ines s , glossy re aeaud' e, Ina8t8tionea ctmtelly a with a catpaelty;t}f 60 $anB 'if day, yours lf? It "aa, It Wouldn't da e'4 Cn „ eeitto7 M;{i,..n.t,+itrea _. n.-wooeiin 711. o,in ,iny raaontt 1lariffltrJCil- bit!, d11 CtC'en•c {i'C'holiar5, aS +.1. • SU�7i029C'lilll`�L'te,. , io`nav�noatr eni,ov� eii°ta iiia eieayou aeii.° onbartun irl Hy l r'into P06jected. tea Sottp25c. ointrAI t2Saiid50c. Talcam25c. Sold y ,. Cawid Mewl tl8 a t� • h n"tvha els r. throughouttltiei)oln,tiiou. Ca>wadiartTaepAt: n iN i T. a ma,,, y,hart^ma •, ^ n �erse l�ca)le VVTlb' tale• ebt;z"'y' now .Ln�cl tllela The lt7cai,ta!ri 1i�t .CT1rP�e 13:lvers of titt3 '.[`Itt? nla#i VV�h.o �liias no tact atiM1Vays-•---`-•:' - LW .i.Sniffed,8d�1St.PaulSl.,vl::hla:lrenl. w1 ,v.,, .118 T1rn6 tab Uueq. tea rat a aeoetina, 0 a tlonei i,rrp'�no.yanwnnetaa.hr, .rt. at,, aa, here's your ",t , 1 :" : r v. - - -'_. his 'I." '' e8 iti1ONEY OV0111'1'S. Cutecura5opisditKVdaN7ithot�#,.i:tng. y aneo. startx.wtNrlta7oasgtorlTriaxayCetetos. �tU111!in�, a new leaf blot klie flew; �''`, aya�ail7aClc Company .slid ills ,rS't, 17r11,�`S 0..,, ia111t71..SS. eh .: .r ,•, • Ln iek ". -'..m (the Inter. �... A Dominion Expros's lUonoy C7rdei. w w.....":".M.,kw.•+:+ ........».. • o panty (tine lifter •---•t• - +I Michiganti 3i»@ iutnl�ebdle School with the entre staff that spoiled, tfiti notional Pamb. C n f4lfigtd's 1.InifYici7t ror O tet Ili o.ows+, for five doilan costs three cents. i 15SSJ9 No. 51>••--2a, 5;17�Aato Mlldg., lbetrolty hltleht.: I'o1c1. ._ notional 1 01 Co'm17a y) 7yi11 bring .. ,• .. s