HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-12-28, Page 4Pngs
sued' Wednesday neon from. the
li6ftective after Jan: let. 1920
bacriPtion Terms; $1,25 per yea'
advance; $3.00 may be charged
if sot euo paid. Q, S. wubseri.nti-
a 141.75 strictly in advance, No
Paper discontinued until ail ar-
share !ars paid unlese at the option
+et the publisher, Tae date to
which every eubeeriptlon ieriaid
40 demoted on the label.
DINplay lidvertising-Made known
'bb application. "
Uri* Animale--One insertion 50e
*Mei insertions $1,00.
Parm or Real Estate for sale
Si fors first month, $1 or each sub -'i
equent insertion.
Professional Cards not exceeding
1.. inch, $5 per year.
Auction Sales, $1.50 for one in-
aiertion, $2 for two insertions, if not
•elver 5 inches in length.
Local and Legal advertising not -
ire', reading matter, 10c a line for
first insertion and 5e per line for
Mach subsequent insertion.
Card of Thanks, In Memoriam, 50e
Miscellaneous articles of not
mote than five lines. For Sale, To
"!!cent, or Wanted, Lost, Found, etc„
- %e is insertion 25e.
:Address all communications to
, • Stage leave ;Zurich ... 7.00 a.m.
• South, No. 162 _.. .._ ... - 8.58 a.m.
North, No. 163 ... ... ...10.33 a.m.
Stage leave Zurich ..3.00 p.m,
South, l`li , 164 ..... .....4,50 p.m.
North, No. 165 ............6.14 p.m.
If you have an visitors a le.
tamp on an unsealed envelope
tivili bring it to the Herald. Office.
Or a phone message is quicker;
while . we always have a letter
'isoa at our office door where you
cease slip in your articles. We
would like a few more correspr-
amdents. Should have one \ at
lake, Drysdale, St. Joseph and a
Vow more such places that have
=si Eine bunch of visitors . and hap-
• ings and events 'nearly every
week. It is a fine edaucatiei and
t interested come and see us,
The Herald Department is al-.
esrc ready to turn out first-class
`(nese'( at moderate prices, consider
'big the great - ; „ease in cost of.
'Reduction. Every farmer should
Mal many have already, have a
",luted supply of note paper and
:envelopes, with No. of Telephone
vend Rural Mail route, and perhaps
"whatever specialty he follows in
attack, grain or fruit. It looks
'businesslike and costs 'little more
than the retail price of the blank
Mrs. E, Stoskopf of, Kitchener, is
Matting her parents, Mr. andMrs
drhomas Johnson over the holiday„
The family of Mr. and Mrs. M.
ne ger have been, en:jaying chap-
"y renunian over the Xmas. holi
• y:. It is twenty years +since all
the living members of the family
anent Xmas. together.
A. very unusual_ event occured
aI the home of Mr. and. Mrs. John
• Smith on Christmas day, when
Itheir children;, eight in number and
aeven grandchildren, gathered for
the Xmas. dinner, and a very ple-
atxant gathering it was.
A Deserved Diploma --
Certificate of Health
Mlas fid- lived in the Ottawa
Valley, not Sar from the capital, with
iter mother and young sister. Work
seemed the natural thing when she
inert school, and, accordingly, she
*tasted out to get what she could for
iter services, Progress was not fast,
but at least she did not stand still,
and her earnings were always in-
With such prospects it seemed that
iter little sister could get the chance
Hutt she had been denied --a Univers-
:Hy education. The baby of the family
*ant to Queen's, and this year, her
anima rnater gives her the degree of
ilachelor of Arts. . Next year she's
ioing to do better -Master' of Arts.
But here's where the sadness comes
1n The elder sister, broken in health
lay overwork. is no longer able to
tacCssiat. She is a patient at the Mus-
•koka hospital for Consumptives, but
lit is hoped that she too will shortly
graduate -with "A Certificate of Good
Seventeen thousand patients have
been cared for by the National Sani-
tedium Association in its hospitals in
(4tuskoka and at Weston. Half of
*here have been restored to health
and happy 'homes. Ton can share in
this great work if you will.
Contributions may be sent to Hon.
W. :t, Charlton, 223 College Street,
. Johnston is spending
f.. io.idays ' itr. his uncle
Iola au t t: awed M s Chr s Ric` e:
Ruskin Keyte, Sitio ;i 'steache
ala;, ,.rear /exedra Tz: ne a c
liihi : h , 3
Ni " • Roninsrrn wh it .s bee-
n attending Toronto Iii ive sity is
gil:.1S. S�01
141isses (Edna and Alice Wreathe
(they of Londoe spent Xmas, .at
their home of thein .brother, Orval
1I Cil ey.
. eC inch ..
Miss ;Eleanor ciiin ,y who is
attending school in Clinton, is epj-
ending theholidays at her henna
here:, c t ll
The Xmas entertainments of our
schools were held. last week,, Bae
bylon .on Thursday, Goshen el
Friday each vele g ood pro.
gram, an6J had n good crowd in
Mrs. Dinsmore of Sask, is vis-
iting her parents, Mr and Mrs
Ralph Stephenson Sr; wand other fr-
iends in ;Stanley. Mrjr Dinsmore is
eepected home :this week.
Municipal Nominations were held',
in the •Town Hall, "Varna lest Fri-
day and resulted as .follows; For
Reeve, Geo. Hanley, WV. Elliott,
For Councillors; John Manson, J.
eltue,. J. Rathwell, Wm Douglas, W
Carlyle. M. Elliott and We Carl-
yle have since withdrew:, leaving
the others named, elected by
Thos. Robinson„ who has reeent-
ly sold 'his farm to Wilson Armstr
ong has purchased the farm of
W. U. Stegdill.
Miss Florence Clark, youagest
daughter of Mrs, Wen. Clark, of
Varna, passed away in Seaforth on
Sunday last at the home of ; her
sister, Mrs. Evans, She has been
in failing health ,far some time,
but until quite recently has be-
en able :to be around. Thefune-
eral was held on Tuesday to Bary
field cemetery. Much sympathy is
felt for the bereaved mother and
In order to clear ^out our $3,000
Bankrupt stock of Ladies', Misses,
Children's shoes and Rubbers, we
are offering same at less than Half.
Price. Everybody needs Foot-
wear; so give us a call and take
advantage of these bargains while
they last.
Mrs. Fiukbeiner and daughter
Cathern are visiting in Sarnia.
Mr. Arthur Graupner and sister
Clara, of Fort Wayne, Mrs. H. ar-
aupner and little daughter of Ve-
nedy, Ill.; Louis of Stratford, Carl
sol Toronto,; and Oscar of Ft. Wayne
are all spending the Christmas hol-
idays with thfir parents, Rev. and
Mrs. P. Gra'upnier.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Graybeil of
Woodstock and Miss Beatrice Gre-
ybeil of Toronto are visiting at the
home of J.W. Greybeil.
I'Ir. and Mrs. Pearly of Stratford
are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A.
Birk over the holiday.
Mr Wnm,, Morenz of 'Detroit • is.
visiting at' his home here.
Miss Euloeed Guenther of Wind-
sor and Homer of Waterloo are vis
Siting at their home here.
Mr Elgia Schatz, of, Collingwood
is visiting friends here.
Miss Clara Kuntz, of Lansing is
visiting her parents.
Mr. E. Welton is spending the
holidays at his. hornet.
Mr. A. Musser of London spent
hie Xmas. holidays here.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Goetz and son
are visiting in Sarnia.
Messes Hazel and Hilda Snell of
London, visited their parents ov-
er the holida.y
Mr. Ira Tiernan of Owen Sound
is spending a few days with his
Mr. Irvin McIsaac of Ahmerst
burg is spending his holidays with
his parents.
Miss Luella Merrier, of Windsor,
is visiting her parents.
Miss Salome Tiernan of London
is visiting with friends in town.
Miss Rose Guenther of London,
and Harry of Windsor visited their
parents over the holiday.
Miss Dora Kraft of London and
Clara of 'Forest spent Christmas at
their home. '
Lorne Pfile has returned from
the west.
M. axed Mrs. Hazeen Dark of
Windsor, are visiting the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Steinhagen
Mr. Geo. Shore renewed acquain-
tances here on Friday.
Mr. Harry Kraft spent Christm-
a$s at Sarnia.
$ Mr. Freda. Weseloh of London',
$spent the holiday with friends
Mrs, Hopkins and children of
St. Thomas are visiting et the
home of Wen. Stader
Mrs. Pope and daughter of
Hensall spent the holidays here.
Mrs, Mary Miller returned with
Mr. Shore to Woodbridge.
TVlr. and Mrs, W. Veneer of Ford
are visiting the Tatter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs, N. Stire,
Dr. Gi Snider of Carlington, O.
senpt Christmas with his parents
Mr, Milford. ani Miss Alma Koch,
of Detroit and Mr. Earl Hatton ofe
London, Mrs. Jack M. Dale and son
Mclvin of Wilton Grove, Mr. and
Mrs Russell Pitt of Thornda'e, Mss
Myrtle and Roselle: Koch of Lon-
i t all spent Xmas with Mr,. and
Mra. G{eoi, Koch Dashwood.
• Mr. anti, Mrs. Joseph Meidinger
and Ma Rheinold Koch and Mr:
rind Mrs. Elmore Thiel of Blake
spent Xmas. with Mr, and Mrs,
leo. Koch..
Mrs. T. Hayes and children eef
droit stye • C"hristntas with
A number of ont-of-town fr'ends
ee eaten 1 ee the Tierxr ri - Wild-
• ,Y
M. Henry Lafond who is spans,
,ding his 'venation . at^ Mx;.„Evelyn.
liroderick's at present, intends sto
leave for :Sarnia shortly,
Mr. Francis Lafoud, Grand Bend,
andb rother Leswu of ,Saskatoon,
were visitors at the home of J. :St-
ephan en Sunday.,
Mr, Wm, Consitt is recovering
from hie recent illpese,
Wedding bells will be ringing ii
the near future.
Dancing enci eucee parties are
the order of the day,.
The :Flake "Mission Band, Which
was organized last June, with
membership' of 33 members held
membership' ';•,
their, open meeting in the church
on November 25th, ,when the par-
ents and friends of the children
enjoyed ,a. splendid prograim(me '
given by the members oIl the Band
The barrels were opened and it
was found that the contents' with
the open collection amounted to
$52.00. The following are the'nan-
fes of those who received junior me
nibt:rships; Grace Manson; Sara
Manson, Marybel Garble, Jean
Carne, Margaret Dougles, Gladys
Douglas, Russell Manson, Donald
Manson, Harold Finlay,,,,,
The Mission Bandheld its ane
viral meeting at the ,home of M.
and Mrs. Finlay; on Deceiiiber 16th
when the election Of officers took.
place for the coming year the us-
ual business was transacted after
whieh.a social time was pnset in
games, singing etc., followed by a
treat from the loosing side.
Rev. Schultz of Milverton, con-
ducted devine services in the Men-
nonite church here over the week-
end. t.i -
Messrs. Aarou and Ed. Gingerich
left for down east, af' er which they
will be accompaltiecl byfriends and
will visit int New York State. •
We are called upon to record f i,
death of a respected citizen "
person of Charolette Parsons, who.
passed peacefully away on Dec.
14th at the age of 59 years. De-
ceased was born in Howard, tp.
Kent co. and came with her paren-
ts to lrillsgreen when very young.
After a number of years they mo-
ved. to Goderich tp. where they re-
mained until the death of her fad
thee about 20 years ago, whenthe
family moved into the village.
The ladies of the W,.1V11,S. held
their final meeting for the year 1922
on Wednesday :last. The reports
from the eeariaus Cecretaries were
very gratifying and show an in}•
crease over last year. We had a
membership of nine and as Many
as twenty-four 'attendants one me-
eting. Binge of -the meetings were
held in the homes of the members
of the Society, and to thesea rmee-
ber of visitors from neighboring
societies were present. Program-.
mes were printed at the beginning
of the year and. these were follow-
ed. at each meeting, the vice -pees
ident taking turns in presiding. A
book, "The Planting of the Faith"
was studied throughout . the year
and was found most interesting and
profitable The thankoffering was
held on the 15th of Oct., when Miss
Rennie of New Hamburg, gave a
splendid address. The year was
closed with a birthday party to
which all the ladies of the congreg-
ation were invited.
Lorne Brown, 13.A, of Toronto;, is
spending the holiday with his md-
ther. ,
Mrs, 'AK. Ei!ber has returned
home after receiving treatments at
Victoria Hospital, London, her
many friends are pleased ' to note
a big improvement.
C. Zwicker shipped a carload
of beans to Port Arthur and part
of a car to the west.
Mr. and 1VIrsi Dani Sehwantz of
Goderich., spent a few days the
past week with Mrs. Geo. Holtzman
anti Chris. Haist,
Thursday De
Silber of Zurich, spent the
Xmas. with relatives here,
Mr. Callfas of the west it svasit
ing B. Brown dor a few days,
Herb, Feiner and .Sane, Wein are
getting the open; air rink in shape.
The rink is situated just east of
the school •oir the sport; field,
The magnificient new Method-
ist church at Crediton wasapeen-
ed on Sunday last, when preachers
ser.•sices were held morning, after -
mon and evening. Rev. Millyard
preacher of the London Conference
preached. able sermons morning and
evening, and Rev. Rivers of Hen -
era] preached in the afternoon.. The
chii:•'h was filled to overflowing on,
ea eh occasion. In the 'a4ternoon
the Philrathea Club unveiled 'a
memorial window. In the evening,
Rev Ifiaueh with Rev. Brook and
Rev, Rivers assisted in the serve -
ices. T' '
•DrE.S.AS.Hardle spent the veek
at Toxo r!to; { ;• .
W. CC Pearce has been quite ill
diming the past week but r
a im
John Stacey was in, Goderich re-
cently serving as juryman.
Richard Blatchford h!as been cone
fined to the house for a couple of
weeks, owing to a heavy cold
Mrs,. Taylor is here from tthe
wwest and intends spending the
winter with her sisters, Mrs. • Dins -
dale and Mrs. J. Murdoch and ot1-
er ,relatives.
While playing hockey in. Ex-
eter last week, San(. Rennie had
the misfortune to have his thumb
badly squashed.
Mr. and Mrs•. Andrew Love are
leaving this week for ;California,
whale they intend to spend the win
Jack Bonthron and little dart
ghter of Moosejaw,, Sask., who.
Len visiting relatives are
_wig for the west.
Mr L. Brinker, who has 'been a
resident of our village since last
sunim'er, has moved to Exeter„
where he has rented ai dwelling.
Mr. John Passmor-e4 who has of
the Hydro System here, met with
an accident on Tuesday forenoon
last. It appears that he had been
,making some repairs and adjust-
ments opposite Davis's. Block on
Main' Street and when descending.
about 15 feet from the ground his
spur catching , in a hard, knot in
inthe pole a lowed him, to lose his
foothold, and he fell heavily to the
gement curb on the edge of the
sidewalk. He was picked up in an
unconscious state and quickly con-
keyed to our private hospital
white upon exami,ation it was
found, he had no '!('ones 'broken.
butwasmuch bruised and 'hurt by
Mr and Mrs. J. Preeter of Zur-
Zich •risiied at the home of Messrs
Wieert Bros., on Sunday.
Mehl Curlissleft Wednesday for
sher home in Bolton. She does not
intepd resuming the business here.
having disposetrd of all her st-
ook, She has conducted a millin-
ery rooms here for anuumber of
The death took place in Lon-
donhospital on Thursday of last
week of William; Russell Southeott
aged 04 years and 5 days,. He
was a brother of J. M. Soitthcott,
editor of the Exeter Times. ,The
deceased had not enjoyed • good
health for .,a number of years,
passed away usddenly'. He was
born in Blyth and early in life
came to Exeter with his parents,
was engaged in the Times office
until about five weeks ago when
he Went to London.
A very pleasant gathering was
held 'at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. A:rrnstrong last Monday even-
ing, the occas'on berg the cel.-ebre
bratiou of the 60th wedding an-
nivsrsary of Mrs. Armstrong's gr-
andparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jason
Berl€erd; Mr, and Mrs. Bedford mo-
ved to Exeter a fewy 'ears ago f
from Raeford.
Northern Ontario Still Nee a Help
Now'°that winter has gripped. the North help is more urgent teed -
ed than ever , Here is atypical scene -a little boy who travels many
,., wria
rlarge family,. „
nig father i ea for 7, daily supply of food f
a 1
m l7r ay
y r
In h
di the
e n
new !louseto replace the o destroyed
!ding a p 'One dost y
In --,,t - 't;' r'r and the children live in an ofd oak `"hack on the outs-,
;,Icirts of Cobalt. j
Mr, J,J. Merrier, Seaforth return-
ed, last week from a business trip
to the west,
Samuel Gottschalk, Seaforth,I'eft
on Thursday last for New - Orleans
where he will spend the winter.
While working in a bash on Tu
esday larst, near Seaforth, part of
{a trema fell on Arthur Routledge and
fractured bit 'leg;
One of the pioneer' residents of
.Fltwon countypassed away at his
home in Stanley township on Dec=
ember 1=4tie in the person of the
]ate William ,Sinclair, he was born
in Okboy Island in the year 1858.
Was a resident 'of Stanley for
ten -years
• M, e I eesons of Bayfield is spe
rebels 28th 1.922'
'ending a few weeks with her SOP
,ilober't Parsons, I4illsg een
Peter McGee, Stanley, 'disposed
of a fine flock of turkies which
brought him 'the, snug SUM' of
$296.27. •
Mrs, Robert Douglas' and der(
Water of Saslaltoon, are the gut...
ests of Mr, Wm. Douglas,, Bruce, •r
Warden ,N WW ,Trewartha hoop. •
purcbased the residence of R, w
,Jenkins,• on Rhttelibury st, Cline
tee e moved in •'from Holxnsville,
Aibo't Pierce, aged 48 of Mitchell'
sees instantly, killed; last Thursday,:,
when he was struek ley, a flying
belt 1rori;� a . was,
engine while
working on a new bridge at Phile
iieseers, near New , -Hamburg., he,
-wes a;rnployed . by; Hill• Bros., cons
tractors of _ Mitchel., 1
•6) : Y4 ei ee eh 4 AS a V y�,i 1
i4.f„F �.A�%i''�i ''
�, '�` -9.•: �y.�. �. ����TMTMs. •s a��i,+�»j leu. °. �`:,;
Zurich Police Village
Balance .on hand
Tile sold ... ...
Village rate ... ... 1269.80
Dog tax ... ... .. 40.00
Township grant... __: 212.55
2414 •
Street lights, 12 months ... ...
G. J. Thiel ... .
G.J. Thiel, teaming gravel 37.50
Sep. 6 G. J. Thiel, teaming gravel. 85.50
Sep.21 G.J. Thiel teaming gravel 54.50
Nova G.J. Thiel teaming gravel ... 9.00 r
Dec.2 T. McAdams, gravel 30.00 $216.50s
Jan.24 'Tp. Clerk, nomination 5:00
Mar.30 Gladman & Stanbury,advice 2.00
May 31 A. Foster, pt. pay, tank 50.00
N. Sararas, labor .50
June 30 A. Zettel repairs to ';...r 5.00
J. Moritz, labor 1,00
Jacob Weido, labor 1.00
Jly.27 E. Koehler, labor 1,25
W. Ruby, labor, 2.50
A. Foster, pt. pay, tank 100.00
Sep.19 A. Foster balance pay tank 70.00
N. Sararas, labor .50
Nov.1 C. Colosky, labor 4.50
W. Meidinger labor 1.35
R. Jeffrey stone and labor _ 1.75
P. Haberer tile and labor 1.00
F. M. Hess, account 2.75
J. Kipfer, account 4.00
Dec,2 Econ. Fire Ins. Co. for Hall 4.00
Zurich Library, grant 50.00
C. L. Smith, salary, print'g act,. 27,75
W.G. Hess, tending clock 5.00
H. Truemner, overseeing work 5.00
"e' A. F. Hess, secretary's salary10,00
J.J. Smith, labor ... ... .50
Stade & Weido, account 14.08
Melick & Braun, account ... .25""h
Interest on advances ...... 23.45.
Total payments '
Balance on hand
Make It A Gift
For those in the family a, Suit
or Overcoat to be proud of
We have given special atten!.icrn to the wearing qualities ot`
Our Heavy Overcoatings, A lar,re percentage aro the new light;
Colored. Fabrics that have all the appearance of the much -in -deem,
and -Solt Finished Fabrics,
The brilliant Radio backs Of these rick Woollens offer many;
new figured and plaid effects. Teey add a totteh of color and
character. ut great variety both tnerted and domestic.
tiEWuerIi ._. - Tri!cr,..... °: