HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-12-28, Page 2F. 7 . : .11, . .1 .11 1. -M -I �1, , � . I 111,111.1.1 I _i, ..... . ... .. .. ........... . .. �'. . ,�..'�,��-111:1�:.:"��"!�".,�"—".,�'.1,11":.,.Ii.�—l-,� W � I I ', — , . . . peI I I I I � .., . .. I . . I I �. : . I I � . �; I I . I 011 , I . . .. � . ''. . . . : . .. I I I I � I 11 ,. . , . . I � . : . I WW I 4h � � I � ,, . . . I I I 1. ''. I . . � . I ; I : . , I . I . -S, I .1 � I . , .I I . . . . .1 I . I I . I . :,. $ 1 .. . I 11 111. . . � . I I , . I . I . I . � .'' I I . . . 1. . pl� .1 I . . I � I I , . , I . I It, I . �.," I I . . I I I . I . . . , i 111r"%h 9 . I I � U % A-% �" : I i I �� The I rionecl. S. "i E __ I I., . . .,. , . "I -1 I _�____. I . . . ,� I I I,: Woman's. Sphere I � I . �, I I . 1. . � . ..., . , I - I � � 1� I I . 11 I . I 11 I I . . -XX in-, =—.--=W I I . - , , g-,�- .100.2'..'i.0 ` ; . . . . . . I __ ,. ....., I '.�', , .. . ,.'� .1 "'. .""'i"! .. , , ..,., . , . . - - ";,�!" 11 -0'�� � I .... I I . ., I e . - � ,,'!�i�!:�� ::: i. -I 1111.11, , . , � . . "'i-1,11 ...... 111 ... f ���. ` I . ; - " . I . �!I.il ... I I � . � I ' � .1 . 11 � 4ilf v ... ..'. , I . I I I I I Q� 4�, ii, . . a She doesn't k.rW a thing, � She ,T -- - - � � ." . I �P,Ads, I— I � . �., I � � i!"�.'��s;` I t,wly?" lie ci, ,. I , � 11 I � ..... I ... '� - th I . , .., 0"�'� I� ' At the Candy Counter. �ol6t -at, Aur iod" NESUSANNAM . ."i .,; ,' , ,., I I I - , 13Y V. :`!��iiii .9 A �.","�'�.,.*,."...�"...".."'i .. . JMARI PRMHARD': , i., I . .1 I — ; 'i"1"`;1' -,J. t"Sty-looking 110,11, t - : ft, " . I , �, - I ; . . . I I I . - I ;i.."�",....",.",i�,.�,�"".."...."".,.."I��I , I � Attracted by a In , ,. .%; 1. .1 , I I . , 1�. I �i -`i-;,1;:::;-;.::.... ,::;;;:.",.:.:;�l���ii���,����...;i��.,.�;i . It can?t offect (her, Reff�u.� � 61.4 , . � ckedlipIs " I I � . � ; ,...:111-.1.111.:t.:.;.:.'." ­ 4 ith livi � I u ost 1 h C1111blains, I '' ri 11 I --- � .. .... .... R:��;� ` i"".�i�; I "..."..1.1.1 ...... � , . i i;:.:-.-...;ji,.;,;i, ... ��., . ,,,, !1. 0:_,:�� :;; i��, .. ::X,.,-.1" ,.,�., :�:;�...,..�ii�!��..:.,:,- � , sugary mutcri,. wi I. I th 9 I I , , !,, , � ... -, .. I . I I I , I " I .!,;.N;2,.;.;�;.';';, * i - _�. I copyright by Hoddft- -aind Swughton- I , - - .�, 11 I , '':-:1.":4:::;;:�?' te-Ted-the it Mak . � � �� "', lil, .. :1 I kernels ding it,.,I on . es youlr� �. 1, I � .. i�i!�'.,-' 3§�ij�;!��:_ surroun I k,""�"..!i�,�.-.-.ii!�i�iii;�,.::- :.. :1. . I � � I � I �i,,.. I I ... ..... 'i;�, Or a brahman? Doll � . I � ,.,...!","."".�.."."i��',�.�..�..�'.."..�I :. ,:. :: .1!j��. �� skinsoft,white, . 1. .'�, -.I ` .1 , CHAPTER XXVIII.-(ConVd,.) . set with rubies, and Pearls, at the end. ::!:."."::.,.i';i:.':.,",,:,::,.*,;",:��.�,� :1'��": 1 Shop. � , * I , wvald, ingree with the ome I teard � .. .., "I . , , � �' I . � �,�!i.,��i!i'.",",iiii. '.. ! . The young lra,dyi ypas gerving p Oils- ,6jbP,ult th t r (lay t? . I . , clear glAo *xnootb., ,,, I I ��i��!..�', - -.,.'..,..",;Iii.-'-"'.-.'-.'��.-.'�'!,,�:: I , '.�!i.,��i�'..` -;11---.i..--1 '.11.1i J)JJUG.GZS!tS4 _ ­ '"'. . I ��,��!,.".�""....'�i�.�,.-,.-.�.....-,,, "".. ...Z. . . - . �, , I Both men, were, Silent for 0, few cif it, . I I , .0 9 . he " 11 ,. h, isn't it peettv!" she cried, 1 :i�il�ii,.,.'�.',ii��,.�ii,s..,.,�;�iii.,':,. i:!:i:�* *a SELL ZT I , . .1 momentS, Only the fire creakeld in "O �;,*ii . �j!,`ii,iiii.�i! ,' t6mior who had bought a box of nd7- ,' Brahman? How 4n ,the worlo- iffm , I I I ,.� , ' , _ I I . �,�, ;. k., ..;:;:::,:::.:.:".:�!;!.I�::;::: :. A � I I I bila St ,i:.,'�i:!,.-�'..-:'�:�:::�;,'��,'.,..,Iii,.*'.�:"..', I ` ir bila. a . :11.. ....... - ,j:,!1H:: ... ­i!`i' ! ered' her a 'flve�dolh .1 - , , � _ . . - l��:�i::�i:����iii::�i:::��:;;:-�i;;-i!,:�:.,.:�i.'.,��,�.�.��... I:.: ".. ��-',,`i� I like ,onle, of t 0 , . � . , t The School , ster aTed at it, and :.ij:.i,:'-- "'..""'I", , :",���;!,..,."�!�,-,'.*..-',�.,.�,,�,�*'�,'-, .- ., He teihd ? - " ,��:;:�:�i";"4., ....."It", :��, � � ; ;, � � . I �.`i!�"."il � se oldheathen?" I . � , k room. '. ........'....", --1�i1.1-'-11P-' , : ; , ,. , - " � ,;! . .1 � let c -i, very dirty one. $.he -took it in h& left . , Aunt,gplly lau-ghed� "I was think-; Thaty,9 ge beginning .47"' ' . IL , Oil orel's face a thunder -cloud, of re .:;.;'.-1, -!:!i, � ........ :::: `-.'�:: ,.','-`���.I.i; , ll , .:. ,!. -:I,1..,.: ,, ;X th�q= Fin I I �;':!**�� X1 �i�"'ii,�'i� � � herailly I tile , 1, I .� I through with this bit of sentment gat,bered. ,'*::.,:!:!_ - 1 6 R. . - :i:�i11.'*;:,;;!1i;:: ..", ",:: ..... .... ::: ..... ..%�­i." . :,.; "' - I , . . : K.". ..... ! ... . . . , ... , I I wo(ilt., 11411 ge-t <�-lit ji,A set up on' the - ;::*j::::::: .41. ��. - bana, .stiiij &L',"it--olit With:': the big of a'story that a missionary wrote i6lj36n*of What I've toldl � ** - � .. .., N. "Whib ddd he"tell you sent it?" the' ;:::*i*:" I . . . . . . . . . . I ,;: ,� ' � well, You .1 �� 4 9:i�iii; ..I.X.D.......; ;:1:;;.­1:�i;. fingers of hee r�,ght handund pla,Qed, it I _� �..S:;2:::::;::k � I * ­'. �*ii �1��:i,;:,;? S:j!,.:! �, k respectable somewhere. We could taRe Sebooliffiasiter asked. I I 1:�i�ii " I" �..�,Ii!lii:�i�.iji,.; I to me a while ago. Itaeem�q that some' yoq my dear!" I I ','I " �". 01 I up a musile of hundred acres on ove "He wouldn't sey-only that, it -was i .: �;`,.; las :-.,!,:.. ­­­­ .I in the ,earsh register. Then she toolk . home -had s6nt,bini a na,rriago, love, " .;. I . ­­ _111,1iii I people bere'at The I -wrock,er, We �� own account, you and me," Conal �".:5..."t W . I I from a Idevoted admirer.' " : � ; " I out two- two-dolilar bills, each dirtier liftuti1al wi,croocope in 4% box of qup, amusih,er the blappineosi-kilaer; is at' I : .!, F., I .. - .. ; "le � ha,j aIc-eptied..- These I I ,� , � I . I kP1 milrmuTed; "go to church, wear long "Have you any idea w1bo It's from?" 1, i than'the-bill sh � .1 . I . ­ U�,?.,: : ,I, plio's.for bi� school; so he thought'.he .1, 1, ' ,�. 01 tailed coats, ring �on acme f'ancy Dan asked, anger and anxiety strag- Also s'111,6 straiielt,of1w, by smoolthing , I . I i WYK I , .. r7]� , 0- sveechifyin'. e 'noDeirdre 'd Sing in . I I 11 'would amuse and, instruct solneothisl Andl­-the Pity of it -in so many 111. I .� I , M gh, gling within him. A n Icelandic Lawmaker - I them with her fingers. She, handed � I . �� �, the choir. When this., i all throu I I I 11 ', I - Hindu f�lelld!s, They were fasicinate& - iede eagil6li because, . , a Deirdre looked up at Conal. I . them, to vie',custonu,.-ii and then turned- - j *Roes 'the work !Pm i i I I �, there's Something 111-1 -want to be say- cc Madame, Inge-bJorg Bdarnason, ,a . I .. . not " ip�ed. tha'C I I I 11� I IV's not,frova you, Conal?" she lever Icelandic wom ' , -, to me. . wit," Most of the things that,they S4wi th,e,.ybun9'wi0 ' has, gr I I � " as -- ugh. tile , I . Ing to you, Dan." I (ked, hesitatingly. Ile Shook his c I a.n#,,W,hU is a mlem "M -nice 161oking r0la in thro; microsoolpe, but whon he� i,2 She 10vs9 her husband' 'she must lbe , _1.1 I � I . I I I : ber of th 1, �� I There -was another moment's dTelam- head. I e upperhouIsd'.0f.the Artink, gct is thit -t .. low . .4 dro-P of d1rinkiii- water under lo,yal to him. :.1 it is not'10Y*Ity to 001nit', .. `�,, - . 0. silence. The Schoolmaster spoke "Perhape it was Da,vey,?yp the goverpment, of that I countr ., lee. the ? ) I �-asked. lilu - . I . I � 1,1,�I - Y � it I ' 4i " - the Iona tili,ey wore horrified, fl�r ihey',plain-'of a husband'% shortcomings, I I �; pecan .. . I I ',� I I Ing land has ' saw that it was sw1irming,with anal- ther'wbinan.,'' , 'il. i� with a sudden resolution. She looked at thli Schoolmaster. never been' guilty. of-preju. Mexican roll I I.. � � icb. ,,D,o what you like "No," he said "Davey had no � dice to the, woulen's, , inov,e�inent, but "How mutch -per -pound-?" , I even if they exist, to ano , 1 ", 1 . . I6, I I , , , 1c,alles-, Their reirigion stHed e him., I ,� � � I "'No" he sa t I made up my . of ,' "One dolliar.'� . I , ma Y for- it Is ot loyallty.t(>. discuslis� I �� , � nurs6lf, Conal, bn monen I know, io he couldt't have women have taken litkidadvantage . � - bids, them to taker .1-ife, and the micro- It �11 - I . I . I )" le, : � .so "I�ll take,bal is 16YI tb'� TeX Use, to I I I L 1, . ,d long, aigo llot to have..anything sent it. You've no idea I of any one , their ancient Pri�ileioi,,�Pkrtl-y be6hu � . f a Pound., Seim- e-sthowed -thein. that they were 'single word -1 .1 � I 1, to do with cross, jobs. rilinot in this. I else?" . of lack of transoo-i-tatioij &j�jtt With fingers which she -,-had used- In -against him. And it iwi les. 111. I I I I I I . I don't want to be and I'll have no- "Nia.11 The light had gone from her ­ � - doing it. I to k I .� I , . 1, thing to, llo with the proceeds." face. Since 1600 icelaiiA has h'ad, smootfifn­g the dirty bills the Young. . the -highest 110YRAY ;6k 01 I �� ... " � .., I � I ; , , a I aw, I o r- lady took the roll,la.id it on the Coun- Tffie next daj�opeof the Brafil.rane silence when, Possibly, .there is 0,cca I � � _ . , I ,�! �� !,:" . , 101 I Conal seized his hat."His mouth get 'bidding warfare an4 the "U'�S4'e of: AT*Ll. I " ak. Mar-,. I "You call, Dan!" Conal rotse from . , 1. . ', bar and cui.off a number of little , came to the misision-ary and, asked ,ion and temptation t6 spe � : �'4 � I I whether he ciould buy th-emicroise-ope., , qd, - - ' are but 1�.Umgn, vul-; - � � '. � �: 0 1 tum of in an ugly line. I . . . -_ ker , � I—'' . - 1. i� , i. his seat by the fire with a ges 149, to be buryifi' the most,,�eauli El.- —NV,G- pieces. She wore 'no c9p, and in, tale T ge-,�Nmeg I 9 , I . . I I �! - . . Fill. go and see Pat," he said. ­ - . My friend co' -Asented, but what walFi his tares'. Why flizij,�hem la bb-'sibland, hie . .1 ; , ; P�_ dasappointment. "It'll. be� full moon o" - � ii�bo . I 1k. 1:1* . The 4d!oio,r slammed behind him. man in the S ubh?',� I . midst af he rs she s4'bopiped to ' ' - let n# iti . d . ­ �, " ? I , , g;��, �, b� to -morrow night and I'm goin' toi Deirdre stood looking dowrr on the, "Weld. I'll have td be go-ing "(042. � g waves. .0 . , earbornishment to see the -man take* the honor, and hisi 01hracter, as prey 11, I : ',*,,,f,� - � 'glimmering thing in her hand. . 'Pat and,. pull'the Un�dlu i glass ,Out into the courtyard as soon. arri�wes ­ ,� 1111) He had.edg , , ` her ii, 'Still using, heir fingers, i as hehad bou lit it and batter It into The moml is. obvious'. If m, � , 1 I � I., � .1 ."', I.* make a desh for,'m. Teddy and I ran: DeirdTe'moved- quickll�. ,,7 ' , .' hiiiiin.-The - '' , � P .. � , " ,, a yard near the old, ,but in Narrow 4ty a' e� to Te m,,ain happ- y, '4 love and' loin i , - 1. I ou're not to wear it, DeirdiTerp -ei nearer and near her � . 19 are . al- : -fi" I �., Valley. Thart's what's been ]keeping, if u - I L4he,pio'ked-u.p,th,,epieces,o,-f confeation- I 1:11 : � I . litil his; breath touched her. .face as' i pieces with a avc1d �Then clasping t , .re ,to r.dign, , : ideals are to ;be I I ! ,,, � 0 1 � . me. S-teve'is goix2 to Send tucker and - the Schoolmaster saidi harshly; Her ery one by onea;nd Placed them ori! the � - iif I...... .1 I I .1 L 1. � , I leyes flew to his.. Hecaught a reflec- she puliledt the strings. ol-lie h , tb' I his hands with deldght, he ex6lalmed: ,Y a I I . I I �­ � - , I I , , - ' I ... I . I I I .� . . I ' I ., :1 � I ­ , :1 . . 0. .. . 1, , * -, ""les, 'Now IshEA-have peaeo4jalrdl -11 escbeN� .&e llfrlenft4iil�' ,4 an older I . " *fire -irons dlown to -day." . tiQn of his -own spirit in them. - gether. . - I I ' ebain4 then brid,69 shouid instantly . .. .. .. I,. , - "What albout Young Cameron?" e I she I'Socks has, been Saddled this,ballf Next,.wlth one'llaildshe. grasped a . . . . . 11 1. 1. . 1� , Schoolmaster asked. . . Do, You think'I'd be likely to," i I L ' . .1.1 i "Am I like that, Aunt Sally?"asked married woman'of the wr�ckin.g type .. "I ­ . . �- eap -an eye on him. I va ill. 1hour. FatheT'll 13.e.1`ga&'t'b` ,;see -you paper bag., In opdor to openAt she Marian �Aowly. ' � '' . �, I �k . j., .�' �L 0� I "Weli have, to k Tit was, hours Ifater when Conal i� any &Y at Steve's, I'm sure, � Mr-'IVlc- moistene�d '.the filige-es. olf the other, I ldescrlbe4�albovo- In so faxlAs it is .I.- ,� , ,� I You don't Suppose he',111 blab do yout "It certainly Ilooks so, my ftar.. But possible, a bridld's wamAn- friencl, - .1.11.1 , " P, silammed'the door af the cottage again. ' Nab,'.' she added,,,,baicking, toward,s the hand. -o-n her lips and was luboult to I �., , , . 6 -:V You say he knows the gam� alYeady. The -Suppressed rage in him burned door. � I. I � , . I . . lly ord-eT. . .. breaking the microscope, you must r -e- should be a bride, or -at itny .rat�, ..,.,�, r and hasn't. -But we can't afford -to � coinipadite i er,-dbesn't broa the truth!" a . McNab glot between her andJt . married, �� ,6�� - take chances." . tto wbite ash.- ,.,r, -r He But my t-aste for Mexican pecan memb k someone who is happily I .1 ,,,��'. -, , . I "He's Igone=.Patl Glynn!" he said put his harid, *on her arm. if that were the rule,,and, I I I I � ­ I : I "But he's not to be dragged Irn,; - ' - I,,,,. he I rDE had vandshed' and I asked the I - Marria e -Wreckers. ers'l.were trealted as polso I . I ." 4, , ' . I 9 n­ca=JM :angrily. "I've ransacked the Place for ' "MY, the petty ne6k it . lady if -1, inight change .my ;== �' " . 'I P, - Conall" . gurgled, his voice dgep'in his'throat. Young "I . 3, laugh..: hirn. He's melted into thin air. I've; I have ,a better oppo.Titunity' than _4hunned ,and, ostraclsed-then thou-' , - I d leased- but pie- ' I - " , Conal threw back his hea, , , 'been out along the Rane road and "But where's thd.gold chain Pat. Glynn I min. - She was disp ; , , e . I I .., I ,I : Ing. ), I hall way into the Port-, but he's: done told me he had for you from a�'de- tendied otherwise. most of laydng my finger with certi- sands of marringes.wou .. 11 ., � � 1. , , W -1 I 1�� I - �. . "Well, I want another man, le the disappearing trick. . There's not a voted adifillrer,' no lo&R.L A gold chain � "Yes, certainilyll' . tude ion the cause orcauses whi-eh are frombeing "Tailure,§. Love ap� l , I 11 I'll" - I I .-r said. "As Re being dragged in, he ,_ arls on' ' esponvilble for so many matrinionivol pi I e . !, "it- i'Thon I think 111-Ftake a box -Of. T i , id win tbirough, as. . . � won't Ile dragged in. But did You. ­ack of him anywhere." . it V'ra's, with rubies and�pe nes�g woul - ," . . , I .11 11 . 01 . �, . - fit for a lady to wear! Amd there's mixed, chocolates.." I tangles and mairriage failures. - entitled to, do. . .11,3 111 . �� I ever hear of a youngster 1who'd- sit I CHAPTE more for you, wtheTt'.Jt C0,71le, from. . Let me .say at once that the. two 0 - . .. .11'.. . 19 behind the doo,r and, suck his thunibs; R XXIX. The one that gent 1twould dress'ybu So -I did and, went away with my I As axulle, what the heart 110698 ! I " W . purch4tse. Btit even for chocolates, my causes I am. about to name are not the � ... forl , r"', . .1 : I while there was moonlighting in the' "So you're goin' to Stoves, up� like the finest ladly, in the land;� Pat in, the head and, the. hands can acconi-I I - ,�';, I 1, �� "" I - - P1 , .�':,I.. � .. ,. air? It won't be a 6ase of 4raiggire Deir&e?" _ . said if you would tike-hhd declined -because I could not only ones that opeTate. But I cla . . I . 0, I.' ' ce. He Tho first is plish. X0 . I �� ! in out. After: It was Thad MicNab who spok. De'irdre wrenched herself away ' I q .14 I li, " �. .. fro�m help thiii-king that perhaps the MY- that they ,are the chief. � — I � , k� . all, it's, the ,sport -makes it worth stoodon the dooriltep in the sunshine,1 the clutching hands.."Tley caliAt at white -fingers -which had. Picked them.! Ivifei-Y disloyalty; the ,second is�-to , e.� I., - -, I OP while -the waiting, ruish, fight and his .yellow faice thrust through the her again. . r . I I ­ I . vary a wela-known line-wonien's in- Minard's Liniment for Warts. - I i " ­ I . . ,: . also,biald'hiot -been directed by a mind[ . I .1 . . p, 0� . carryin' through of things," doorway, the pale eyes in it, smiling. ,,you must ic.iss me. goiocli_bye��'then, - h - � hunih-mi-ty to women. I 1; i � �F4 lie Stretched his long limbs. I , Deirdre was ,putting the last of her pretty," he whispered. 1�� , "I gwerned -by the principles of - ygiene. I To put it in another way, it � is a! . I — ;, ,r' P The young lady in the shop seemedl i �:" � "But I won't have Davey 'working"ribband�, ,liandkerchieftr and little per- She saw tie flame in his,'�yes, the certain ,type of older married women I A Priceless Treasure. . ,, 01 with you, -Ccnal," the Schoolmaster belongings into a small ca . "X to'be. surrprisedand somewbIat mysIti-i . . 'L' . � � 3 I' � . * IV, . .. sonal ag. nvas: wry smile On lis, lips. t � - jed fied. ,and also da-spleased,at my Sudden' who wreck the happiness of younger: A ha,ppy d4sposition"is a price- � . 11, .L �_ . said angrily. - 1 ssddile­ib� McNaYs voice startled I The chestnut was standing S�a&d married- wlomen.. And some -I must - '11, - No. Deird--e came into the room, a little her. She ,glanced, a&oss at him. his bridle over the. pos;t by'Ahe 1.o,or' change of mind. . But if she happens � . less treasure. So -me iyeArs- ago , I � . I 01 bonnet overher head, and a long black "Yes," she said. The Sight of his Deirdre leaped to his back,"'her' bag to see -and,to read this 4he will 11bawn be fraiik�do their evil , work dellbeT- I the writer had to Impect a row � . _ . 1! �4. cloak covering her. There'vi,as. a wild crooked figure there, in the doorway, in her hand. . . � the reason_-oF. D. ately. They have lost t�-'eit own iIJ � ' � , I . I . of miserable cottages, dark, '1111.7 I I 1. 1; color the wind had. whipped, into them with the sunlight playing across it, Thad followed 'her out-of,-d_�oors ,�,nd . I lusloils; their own maTria,ge is a sanitary, and badily ventilated. , - I: ! . .. �,!� 1�- in her cheeks and, her eyes were, brought her a sense of uneasy wonder- stood- watchingber, rubbint his hands I I failure, and, they t,a.-e. ,a virciou�s life-, In one of the N�rotched little I 1. i�- . sh'inin ng. . I ­ I Had* Rather Not , Know. _ light. in" -emking the ina-yria f _. I � d'YoT I I alte re, together. , . . . . Av,r . , ges a backyards he saw a smallboy. . _ I � I Ill '' Conal!" she cried eagerlyi Q. suddenly, the night befo "Soeby my blackbird, SIC) sh pt I � y. le I . when she .saw the tall figure of the. r, arTel hadt. decided to go up to the! ' .1 cs Y. - 'cNever "But, Marian," Protested her Sun-, others. � - .. i� I " pla-ying by hmself. He looked.so , ,. , , _ 11 I. . *d y .1 exclaimed! a in. t gleefli'll day school teacifier, I'do, you mean to! lidoesnoit apply in, every.clase, Of I brigilit and, ­cheerful that he. , . -1 I I I P, -as with * mind. A�ather day,'perihaps!111.� ­ . � drover. "When di ou get back?" i H, - Conal in the morning. He � . I . �, ., �. * I . .. - tell ine; that you are not even willing: course, but when, I ,see ta bride of a I �seem-ed to light up 14s gloomy I �_ . � . � � Conal saw only her shining eyes had, bolld DehxITe to follow them as (To be continued,) , � ,,.-'.'.. � ' ,rI'. : . � * �hip i . . 1. � I I I -11 �...� � �. . � -getting in: 60se friends ' rLdIngs. I -7r- ,�!L''_�.1,&,-, '-",ead ,the b , . - . - . � �, . . and the fluttering line of 'her moutb.1, sc,cil as- 'she ,had set the cottage in� ., ­ '�',I�L: �0 'Cloll? So lon, ,,as you Xe* ilkenths surTbu, I . .1 I . I .1 I 1'� I I � . I ''I .iweii � I 1. �, . . , I w i marrie, I . I � , .. �, It stock at ber2 it ,,d 7 and collected h I the& : Sh k -, ti � * th 1140�_ , * w. - - ': , I He .- rinj',' - . 4�,litte­vnd,,4'y&ur aothers ,X ��, - n ,years%l � rrhe writer said.to his slwttern- ", ". ". ­ I - 1. , , p, ' ild. M a I F, I I . � ' ' I 11 . I -tood , -:still sta ' JW As, I �H ` , I �� d wc,mWi�,bf ,,ke . 124,1117 to, h - 'i "' I I v6inding, 1 am afra!6--afraid' I . . . 1.4 . �� 0; ;�a to go with Xem but, there ' I . ,�kni '' � iT� I ... t 11117 clothes I thought- Vhat I Or So ly mothler: "He:seeins to be en- 1� � .1 11 4�,410_lt Q is simplo, , nt .1 I I I I I I I � . I I . I I I I ­ . � - � I ' Isk ��_efbdi it, , eyes' I a hundred.sind one things -to keep ' Met. " � birdi: fbr' the' Younger woman's -heppiness. I . '.. .. , , ` 7 I . were . I - 11 I : ought meT-elq to tell you that the Joying, hlmiolf:111:�'. � . 0� were . shining. Only that glad. and ,her busy in the house -dishes to scour I The tyl�e-­-rthe vicious rtype-of old- 11 .1 , I have never met a beast . ,:: had to. Guffer and' die to make trim-, . I Yes," She replied. "Re's got : � 1. . , eager note in her voice pleasect, him. !' floors to sweep, covers and crookery Who decked itself in the skin, Of' Its -mings for your hats; but now that you or w�men I h,ve in mind. , sibarts, ,by I I a liappy disposition.." , I ,` No, The Schoolmaster bad heard people to lo -61c away in'the cupboards. She I I 1. . 1. . . . . . say that Deirdre was fellow -creature. I . . I ...-� � are old' it is idur duty to r6ad, no; Putting a blide "wis.,e" - a's to 46 men and How much better it Is. to bd . b, . beautiful; but had. just quenched- the fire. The ashes . I . . er . I . I.. � � � I " � . , IiI I. Who. did,not prefer pure freshV,ater wa: . she had never seemed! more beautiful 11 were smoking behind her, under the , matter 'how plainful the� reading ma:7 their ys." . I born happy than to, be bom rkeb,! I .,I - . . . - _� .� , - . 1h. I than she was this evening, when shelwater she had poured over them, to, any other drink. . . . . be. Why, my dear, if you knew how The bridle, olf course, thdinkshei bus- Do you kilowthe story of,,tho . 1. - .�' I � - I � came out of the gloom, bringing into when MeNab appeared. The townshl� Who fawned upon me while,plan, someof ,those poor Uttle birds are toT.: 1,yand, absolutely -perfect. , The other sick king, who was told by his � W . the quiet room and acro as the thlresh.-� I was 'wela astir .by this time. The ning to destroy me . . . woman laughs, boarillyly, and sigMfi- doctor that he would scover It . � !I 10 . I ' I I tured, just to make you pretty igirls! . I r . "...: 1, old of his troubled, thoughts, her Youth -Schoolmasiteei had talked, of going to. Who ate unnatural and 4ighiy seR- a little prettier, I'm' sure you never!'ciantly. , I 1, ,he slept-�u the s,,bdrt ,of a -happy - ; ' % I � ' , , �1' I.: I and buo,yancy of spirit,L the whole tSeve',s for long enough; she did not solle6 food carl,coctions. I . , uy.their feathers,11" , I "you wait a (little while, my dleAT. ma�n? 1Y , leks-encers �we,re seat to I I . I .again would, b I I . � I ,,�� , ,,�� 61 secret and ,s�btle essence of her fem-'expect that anyone would, be �urpris�d Who lbemte,17 m. ,. . 1i del destroyed her, un. Marian made a ilittle grimace. "And Men are all the -same. You�ll find -4i procilre the garment'. They could � . ininity in bloom. I I �. I outlyt 1. I , W i either, though he lied made. up his born offsprng. �� there, my darling Miss Eunice," she� I I flind only bh6 man who admitted . �i� . "Oh I -I've just got ba,ek and came mind -rather suddenli the night before, � ­�fi , � . ", !" , I - 0, . Who assumed a "hdier than thou"..said, "You have put the whole matter� The bride .protests, but is sal-endedl. thatU was, appy, and he was is � , , k I to see your father at once, Deirdre," end, had told her 6 ride 6ut quietly I I . 11',._ , . - � I , . was all - Conal could say. , and without chattering to anyone in air with h4s.fellorwis. I . a nutshell. I'm so afraid. that the I by the nasty 49wisdoin!' of her."friend.11 trii ' . who -had n6t got .&'shlrt. I �, I i I Ill. L Into - I . I - mp - . i - Wbo boasted 'of his ped4gree, . Id iffe you slay thatl' "I hadithe .same ideas as ,-, __,; We can ill leam to'cultivate a ... I "Did -you have a good. trip?" she the morning. ' Or book wou set me as - , �,.; . ,, Yet MeNab seemed surprised, and r . .I wouldn't read, it for the world -1 When' once. Wait till you've been married happy ait�fl I .1, asked, taking -off her -hat -and, cost. bored me with stories of his Prowess. tude -toward'11fe. Hip- � ::: I, . . � . , �� I I � 0. He wandered how much of his en- annoye(L..- She wondered how he knew I have never met A "lowev, animal :1 see,an exolusi-yely bewibching-felath_� Imalf as long as I have.' Then yo-�`111 piness is thie best doctor In the A � "'. I , �- terprise she knew. But there wm no . le, P . - I _,. . I so soon that the Schoolmaster had who would not become my real �r' n(I er turban I doWt want to know of all know—' . - world. ' . , :: 11 ' . . I shadow on her face. gone -wit lies iiL harears that ment,into. its- mak� Arid so it goes on. .� I -Smiles are a, great tonif- � I I � � th Conall. R was very early. in return for kind . ses shown h the _Hap- . I . . . L�- "Yes, all right, 11 he �said, a little The surishine,was still of an untarn- � -David Lee Whari;cin. - .T . .. � . .- , I , _ I � - . . . � ; , i -- - I I- . . � �i '. , , . aw1wZaiY. . . , 11fance. Mrs. 'Mary Ann't � . ing.- _. And it gets worrve -when the bridle, p1hesi-kild smiles' do not, how- .1 . ".. - . . � . . .1 I � - . e ill saw Mrs. Cameron at the store I ished bril I . ______0__.__ The next day Tom, Marlen's broth- d0m - y �, . � , ducks and, geese were making their . . Solo -Polo. . inated, lyy the other wo,man, begins , ever, take the place 'of energ . .- � father," she continued,, busy with. her flirst trip in waverinz white and'mot- . . I er, stopp,,­f $bv to mwke con5dences. 1. . . and resolution. But ,.'You can be I � , . I .. �, I , M . �_ . I - �. . . .. - I own thoughts, and- turning over-im, her tled, lines to the Shallow pools I -eft by . P&derewza,1 appemrs.to be acqulr-�. ,,By the -way,. sis," he sadd casually, 'Such � simple'remark -as IIJ h ' both'haipy ''and �nerivetic and i . �. , .. " I reputation as a humorist --- " "I . . , � De I I " "I Wouldn't go out tG. the country club going to work late for the ' S' le. ,,, I � . mind what Mrs. Cameron bad- saIS to the tide besidle the river. irdre inglas high a next three resolu . I - I , t . Mrs. Cam- could see them through the open do"OT-i on aG a. m,u . , w I ' th . �.� - 11 . her, what she 'had. said to� i Pe he �as w I iiolan and a ith Misr. Dennis &gain if I L ,were you. days," ia met wi : I '' ­ I,- I , , � -r1s � I - � -t I [ _., I eron, and the plot, light as a epidie patriot. His latest example of'-wI t� 'has, he 1. Q . I - _'� I , way. Sh�e's not your sort.you understand?" "Oh! So he's fterted tha , ? . � 1. - . . I , � - - I I .. 0i � web, that they,had. woven between "Mighty sudden - the Schoolmaster. comes. to us froul the United States,, - - I . '_ . - lii­ , I . I I , I I - I I don't fortunately,'? "' I ------. ­­ ­ - I � I �t thent for Davey's benefit. i my bilackbirdf?" where he was staying wlth'Ur. Frank "Weli, no, I I . ­. . 0 . "And as I was coming along home,ii, Rd , ch, . "Belle - I . I . ', wh Marian retorted carelessly. ... �'';: N� � she laughed blithely, "who did I meet- ge �i- for him was Damrosich. It war, dur-Ing this visilt De . nnis has a nice III I title roadster, and 1, �t'l . . I �, 'geniality on his that M. Paderewsad was introduced to io5th Attinual Meeting I , � on the road. but Pat Glyn -n! - And- he rice bad a sour sound. - � Mr. Cowdlin, the. famous' Polo player, . she (can sa,fford to, take anyone she likes . . .. li!_ . 11 ,o4- ll� , � put tbis little parcel in -to my hand, I He shuffied"into the ro om and stolod to tea at thd ellub.' I didn't suppose'any . � .. and said- that hehad; been told: to, give . . and Mr. -Dauirosch, who made theAn-­ - e- ., ,1� . . near her. I . of'Bank of Montr&aF- I._ .� . t gentleman went wound talking ,b , , IV . it to me. lie made me pionlise not Deir,dre folded a ribband -and pack- tTodu6tioli, remarked, "'You ought 0 , .- , .. .1 . � I . . hind ' I 11 11 11� - to open it until .I got in, -boo I" I I I e& it into 'her bag. She made a, great know each other, for one of you. is a� girls' backs How's th&t, Tom?" .... I 0- She tore the wrappings of brown t appearance of being � busy.. going to Pole and the othler a 'pololst.1 It . � "That's all very. w6l,l,' . ' Tom replied . Sir Vincent Meredith, President, Take' r . ", I I 0- . � I . 3 I r I with . s-ome, beat, "but wh 'k -e r � a View That on the Whole Trade Con. � 1.. � L ,!,r � 0- aper and newspaper from a little from the kitchen and- the cup- "Sa,Y Tather," replied Pallerewaki, . en a girl 1,1 ditions More Satisfactory than a"Year Ago.- . I .� . r I i and' . Miss Dennis is running, -around with I . . . . . �, k ?rlown box, ,opened. it and drew out a board's, wrapping up and putting i'nto ',that I afti -a poor Polo who plays s.0110, . . - . L . r �_ heavy, old-fashioned, necklace mad'e' Of , the bag a � lil manner of things, that she while our friend here, is. a dear spul iny kid .sister -I could tell you stoeles, Sir Frederick Williams-Tayloro General Manager, Shows Necessity for Bring,:,,,- I * . �- links and twists. of gold., with a 1ccket!had not. in order that about thatgifl, Marian," � Ing Down Cost of Living in Canada-Reviews'Fidaturcs of Annual State� - - . . , L meant to take . - r, I r , . - !.she might nqt be st,,,�t -look at, or who 131, . LYS Poloill .. "WeIll, for Pity's I I I . . I . . ' rrr �, . .... I...".,.",.......,............ ,o sake, don't! Ilikel nient. . . 06- � � I I . .,-% - cent. r B.14 I � r , — 1. . . , , . _ � di Deserts -cover twonty-four'per . - V -d rather not I I , . �� ( b� to talk to McNab, She d, not want � e Dennis, and, Sight .., r � � ­ At the annual ineeting of the Bank of Imperative that taxation and the cost . ­_.­ ­­ 1�_ �� ...... --____-_-1 r ---r1---1-.- 01-__-.. Iiiin to see )low the hiin had of the earth's surface. .. know." . , *11ontreal, Sir Vincent Afere.dith, Bart., - of living should be reduced to the level; , . " . . _�i I I ­..___._­.­ � ., I - �' 00_60 I set her ,heart throbbing, 'a little nerv- I . I I his address, gave a aii; ,t,.n rate, of that Obtaining In the . .. ? � . I . r' In ekaopeanation Tom turned to ,the the !)resident, ,in T 'I y '. : ! . . lous - her throat. MInard's Uniment for Colds, etc. ' , other persion fil-the room. comprehensive review of Canadian and _ d States. I I " � �01 In Use for Over 25 Years. His pulse flaft"in n "Call you foreign conditions, and said the Outlook , Sir Prederick said in part: I � ... I I nearness filleT her with a sick . . . I was for reasonably profitable opera- "Canada's e . .. 11 I . ­ . - ,�.1111_11. � - � I - ...­­ .1 ­.,�._­,-.- ­ ­....­ ...."-.1.1 .111.1.-.... -1 - I conointe position , I I fear -but sho would not have had M,c_ " ost lines of business. - .a not , . , I ,i i . I I . I . , tions In m satisfactory. How cowd-It be satisfac "I : : Nab, guees it. She knew the shrewd 115. . i, ,',",:,�:;:,�:��:!"�l't--l-,kl,"��!�,�-'Z7,11�--- - '!-,i:',�.i��! . i I __ ", " �_ . ..;`:-;I:.,.1,:-;,., �, Year's Developments. th the whole finsincial world ou i 1. * -, ,� ...-I rn,,�;.,,;i:�, .! .... ; Sharpness of those Pale, shifty eyes .: i � �.Ory'.:w' . :. - VIIII.I.M.1,11-i m g, J nt? As everyone awar�e, our i�l � , �:. I _. 1.;�, 1-111".1 ;­ Referring some of the develop ", � . i�l §'$N '. to bles have partlV been the result of A I j �' R � .. .".. , I ments Of the ye .�, 11 ._ �17v a �bs a , 7t of his. Her eye�r- met his clearly. , U 4�.,,�*.j�,'�f7 � this universal condition; partly the M- ,� I !, 1, . .1 .. '. " so.*; '. I I Them was not a flicker of the smooth, I, 'ag 1v Part; suit of the war. it is well, lio,wever, 1.;L1 I . . I 'T , "Statements have been made I ; . I ­.. _Xi&§�!,;P. n the ft AO - ow ., to bear in, mind that our problems are - � - - 11" white -lids Wbove them, . I., .... '1�.;N:-`P'11S` . gublic press by uninformed people that .�. � - I ...310 �i��:ij; :::: larkely of out, awn creation. . I � "I 4 I . , i " L I 110b, lio," she said', "he'd fix,ed to go �?,�: I I . , . ebtors, especially in the West, are be- � I_ . �. 1" � ... 00 �51*1114 . . is pressure by the , �'11 . I . - t R;`ii .. .i. � in subjected to undi; "Readjustment ivill ("orne in tkno, for . I Z r Ill Jifo to�idayo some time ago." . . 1"'?,!, . 1. :�,�'ir . B g1cs, Loan Companies and other . I . , .. , ,� .. ... this is a country of )III'llity and untold , - "'' " I ... "..."1111,11 �4K'�.,� 1� n - I I , it .. . I �; .::, ."i. '. I I I Well, he might Iver said so," replied- .."....".. . ,:,;;;; _r?�� ............. 4. ­'q?.!l:;: .:.-'i<:�;_ resourcev, � � ; , � � ,� -,*-,,*,i, I I " .... . . . . . . .X.M..... - , creditors. So far as this Bankis pan- wat =6�,.thlng stands out � gr.il­i�- .1.11­� ,,�:, �PMMW::�:; I M 4 "" t signally, tryi opinion� namely, that 1 � , I : I I Acluebil — cNialb. "There was something I ,'<.,._." -`i�^.�in-�:X .. 2�: cerned, every eonsideration and grea I � I � ,:;:,;,.::':-;'; .?*%­';--,�:-;.X-1 9", . UUMELCle, � -lead � � I � !� 1�-- .... ., .1 I - I -111 ...,$ 111 111 . . cannot go al again as she . .,.Io,K!...:.:.::4:.:.:.:.:.:�.. I latitude have been given to debtors . -.-.,-�.-.-....,.....:,.,..-%,:..,:�i.:ii::'i�'i;',�::I�.,'-% ::;;;:U":1 slioula Nytille taXa-tioii and I 111;�! I �. - , %�:!r.:,Z ...:i*-'.:��,: 17 `iiii�!ii�i!il - i � I wantealto talk to him about, something & I. ... . �,, .. �. , � - ,1.`� ;, -;'�il :::-M.� . is or Ott . ... � , i6r ._ff , "'... . ,,� ... . �� ., i. :,:;..: p 11� i: . ...R ::;i�-,,�1�11 � ,;;N, through bad harvai than ' �, . — ,artielar." ., et ilyin.- are higher in this cc , .�', .,;.. - -.1.1-1 ....... . _=.,"-',',':::.X-:- schance, have been unable to me I ' I 1� 11"', .�-,�t"�.%...�-...'.i�.!i.',.'.i��.ii�i.,.-.ii:i�iii� , ; " I , ., : , X "" `:�P: their obligations, This Is and a , . V- . . Ali the 'United un r.' I . "Can I tell him what it is ?J) , , t a,,, ttiey are Si�lb'es of '. �::::;:�l:::::;."%t%:�:..%,'.�,,:::!�*,4�i,.,.,.,�V�,".','ii.�'i� ..�,ii*i* ; I 1, . For 91FAching Joints, Rheu. ;k::N America.. I I I . I ;,. , 1, I 'R blil before the clear ' - - 11.it:,A;;�,�- times bas been the policy of the Bank, . . I , . .;, i � I I '., 1, is�, eyes f inno 4 � , , � I � -I' I . . I , , ­!�Ikalftng Oystem. I oe"",,; , ,',i�i ,� '. , and never has that policy been more Sor-ildneaw of . f ! . cence of her gaze. He uneasily, . I.... . , * N, ib ed upon our Managers "Canada is one of We bes t.couli tries ... � I matic Pains, Neuralgia , , moved, -��,-�i;li�!i:i`f I ,. , a i;; ., .,.% than during repe-rit critical'years. Ill th rld to live Ali. to work In, to �. I - 1, I , I I:. Sclutioa, Lumbago and Gout "No," be so -id, "I ftrsay I'll find �'k 7:;z 1 0 . i, , .11 . .. son a :: Bank Act. 1I c,V, " , . Dab, I s Now Lffe, Rernedyf time tq. goi and sloe him up , t.. 8teve's :;:;,-,�,�, . play Vll-In Point of stabil , curity I � " . � �, .1 - Ahese days, Tell him that . . . , , ,. , . hag atoodthetegt Of time. one of ......-I., "Banits are, business, not benevolelit and comfort It Is au earthly 1),ftradise as ,� 1�11.' 111-1 coine Soon." Ile chacklea. a mo� 1w compared vflth llhlrap6—but we must I ' . Institutions. They are expected to 1), not stand still, and An , or(Ior to progress � 1, i : . One bottle for Ne 4Dolla * * Obey � fell- m L,," he went on, :: their Sbareholders sL rpaSouab,le return the cost of llvlii,r and ta,xation must be , I . � on their Investment, which Includes the I 11, I ­ � �Six bottles for Five Dollars., eyeilig her narrowly, "they tell me, . Rost Accoum--tho nedumulmdon of diminished; otherwJsa, wit WIll fall .to I I , : I 11, . . ' he's, hken that club of Cameron's with : . . inany years --a. 'well as the Cle'llital of attract Immigro. 7ed con- I : I; I I ditions are largely delibildefit upon in. " .11111, ­ thb� Bank. Tbe; rate ol' dividend is not . I, . Ask your, Druggig Or lnaile5 him.,, , ' � , disproportionate to that invesiment and creased population. .- . . I I - "..- : . . I direct from I Hie did not wait for ber re,ply, but : i� . ! � certainly has noL proved so lavish 6,s to "As to ways and moalit.; they are ob. � .1 . �� I I . �... . capital.te, seel� the banking Aibus to all -who reileot, and the neces- " . .. 11�� - ran oil the malice that Was never st bt holno let 5. ... I encourage WTtthereof ? now being brou I I . I f,dld. As a nilattlev Of ftet, the distribu- � I. I from it all und'ordurielib in ills volto �,.11 I "I . tons to shareh'61ders in Canadian Banks ) fte� hood ess by tb�i,t llitfles8 but . 11 I :0 I 'I , ` I I I .� illilbovililL again. I . I . unerring 'hoceA.�dty,,, � I - ade by In con lie".1011111'r . .1 ' . C Is substantially less than that rn L, ,',,a I Sir Frodevick .stated 11 4'Ife's not very eltvot,r 'Your tather ,'. _: --- - 1- banking- Ins,titutfoils Ill Great BrItain . xtw at-Iftebu Compaq I � ,, � I I I I, Or tile Vnited Statos," � � that the nianlier In which Cia-iiadfan' . " I Ettit I-dy -dear, for ali. he's a schoolinastor' banks generally had'ecync,through 'the ", I . I , I I T OXPblqD . . agitathig thries 8 1 �. I It watt okd6laldt St.# Tor*a% a he wouldn't bave, ,dono thatt Give I SrOnTSIA . I tll_� foluj-,, Cost of zivlur, t.116 � Illce 1914 mli,-'t be , . I . lillii mv res-peett ,and Say I hopo the An ,11-11,er-4",0,110"!.�"lLe hurd'o rac,,,�, 1"eehly conte3ted, a ,I, _,j 1)ri,,lslI , ,(;Ir p1reaericit , 'Vl�illlams-t,4.)L�ilor, taken a,( evidence at tbo fund,,Lmnl)taJ I I I danada * . . al i-winager; ill cloaling inore par- 8oubdii,es'p Of tile cAilaolan bl.,I)k1lik .. , , 11� I .� 1. � 1111.1s'll 'be :for tbe, good of his� lidalth, 1jnlv0"Slt. a Sb6iVil3g dield to on!"' ' I - . I I � , . .Y. 1'q'our ineu. Pre 'utight In ,1. uniquo pic-tur pping g � wItli'doine8tte coNlitions, Nald s #qm. * Tbore was rearon to 1�w hmnl,-, I 1 I 11, I ... I'll -­­­ I...", I I ­­ . , tioul'i'l fy . '*� ji A "'a' e. � � I u � . I Vou—I hope You'll be onjoyin, ether. I .1 I that U. Canada were to mttl�.e the pro- I that.no great ton�41',&"?,l bpoak� , ;, � . �,ctjgql fVs il pyll" the MIMI, tog 11 — a yltself up ther a lace . I . � I gress whicli they all, hoped for It wag'do,�vn had ocolifre&' I . I ,,, VIRM , I I 11 - I . . I I 11 I ,� I ; I I . .1 . . I . � ... , . P4 ..: . ? , � i I I . f .... -). I , , I i 1, , ,8 . IN" I I � I -1 .I . . ,� . ., �i. . I 1. 1.� . I I . ... . . ­ " . , I I . . � 'I . . . I ,, ,� I . I --1-11"_ §.@, ;;" , , . . . I I—— ­ I'll I'll, - I ­ - . , ­ ­ � . I I . . . , " , I � . I 11 I—- 1`1- - ­�­I­ - I I I I , 11 I ­II1­11._I_I -Li- _­�,­ .. .. 1.41­.t­�;'­­,g�; ...... --_,_1 .... ....... .... . . .. � ,1 I ..ill. � li�­­�­" -­­­_­.,­ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII