Zurich Herald, 1922-12-21, Page 777 14. W-,.,* Uow HIM!" A4ve"lisem"" nt WOMA MiGHT hists coapurbeur mice visited. a , vronv%va'. l2l;f S vo Part of 004tral China Itnto wtoa to the IVOV I T Z4AXA14J-14, J-U ­ o Weis- ytkf't-­� - rt%�• T best of his k owUio gie u U ra Otreft, Toren ew-4w 140 "N GOOD, 1% ALTH, _x a w,,U to, Atelp '9 4. A yq�106% 1 11" evw pone 15VIla 49 r$W W116 01 1000." tro , ont "0' G; - ; Z nteoe rouud him In a b% Of. Chi, XN1TWxX* AT =Awl It Can flers it 8 eeps Her In one df the to' e beg to read .46, h 4REQUIrme PARTIE191 TO IKNI Mood in Good C Ition, to thom, from bble, New Testaniout In for us ond W at home. ettbel, th W1 M $ rte for f�r "Up ever W tiGn,* pendi 9baveste, p3reaa tile tgtory'vf jes4o, onl-0 or "by� hanal", Wrl c ri oman"ttelongo a ".glitto ta 0 Canadian assoz,,avd XIOD of 44 Out, 97 holes 'Wind r CO,0L. VlJoy 4, healthy active life, yet nine boaiifng a 4 ])IS j) suilter, ofton in, silence,'O. f in Awwwjg 0, tame Man, WAID-1, -7 X. out of te r0 liIALE. 'like We lepers that 'split -ting, headacbes, torturing back� his he4ng lop"i, - C OAD OD. SLAE W001), crowd the, strojets, of the town; ,.>e '7 aches or: some other of the many evils lots. Mold Brvo,, Rothwoll, Ont` :o J e'11'f *0 of the people that follow amaemia or bloo4losiness. ., P41 % . 4'a. 1'j7hat Is why one goes so M&Uy Wo- lighted up, men with pale, thin chteks, dull eyes Oh, we knowlidnit" to y c4led, "He M ATRlGWLkT10X' C.LAr,8 lqd'* st�hd dr(YoDing B —all Used tio, live liere. Our- �Ure itign's that the M't-bers and grades tegcher6�i� portifloates; Y! Sal, twen -fly* , 41"t 4ion.. ' lie yepro of 19,ucces p; Bend for, calwo"e, kc it t. We Vc(L should win the riglivt 0 be well b re. lived In -a bimo&-dpwn ht str )n4L Ilan L q0treopondene I ' ers' , blood Is out of otd r. These women faa haV46 told us 7 ee HIM, 11,11 reshing their bodies � with the new, know whw'e IN& 1B, buried. Hft grave it you, teach. rich blood of health that n promptly is 11&0, we WIN AhNow HOICE SILVE -0 great plague is tr - er. When th calne th ,apoictims them into beelthy, attrac rest lefft Uts� but R BLACK FOX101%. Wh Bake -Au Inflo ve. -en. 'Pu", adulta. Reid Bros., 'Bothwe% y r he would not I�ave, us. Sir Herbert Samuel •.4 •-There Is no other medicine com tsup. ye, US, strange' thongs out of a Vuen you can buybread, hlk'o Iii., Who faces, a huge,task in Palestine, 101011s rich, red bl,�cd so speedily and botil`0- We took the, Mona. and were., BELTI-N 'so r Ink pills, bettor. We had babl"; they Q FOR SALE !rhdre, accbrdi�i' surely as Dr. Williams' P were ready, baked? g to Bishop Maelnneff, Through this. medlbins� thouiando of blind. He washed their, eyes and made BkL-rING OF ALL 1UND.-, JAW 4Un Of J61'dtsateim�, no* In Canada, Mdhabi- tli*6d� Used, pulle3 1, hors f"40UNT the raisins—at ers' modern ovens ffi- your medans I suffering women have found, tbem.We"�I;­tlioy could stsie. 04, we i 10, "We. 4*bW aife'Jo1i�1'ugj..w health,. 'Pof example, Mrs. p. know him' wola! He has often - _!�_Jppeld 0 to.9001ro itar Co. n 'it Itit and a As a %.,.A least eight big, p1timp" city. And, it's made "with forces .to. oppose 46e high-handed pbll-. Lane, Paris., On.t. years 'walived ao.*n our streets and spoken 11,f, -York st.1, Toroute,:. few tender � iiru;t-mea s. to' -the, Sun4lliiid,R41sins. tics. of the Zionists. r ago I was in a badly run down condi to us wfillen we were alittle." Broken Glasm. 4% ! — "tIon. My appetite Dr, I fell 0�'j "No, that could n, I bei" said the col- Thaes ano6l er,resoon for its was superiority. A rare combination -A Bit Added. In. Weight, and could -with difficulty do, ptor�eur. "Re lived In a land fw, fax The safest way. -tor, gath*ir up broken ar Taste, it.;� how tile rat- qVilt-L- 1 1. at of nutrit-, us cereal aid He -rabg, 'fin, 6: little con& 14 from -here. He belonged, to a (91ferent glass 101 to *190 it UP With'S wet flavor permeates the both good'* and good for yog,.so X blousawork. Nothing I took seemed you should scr�i it. at le*-fwlce�, Thai, the -fellows In -his, i§hop-1- t6l do �ne any good until a neiglibc . r ad- nationelity." en rag, whicibi should. tbAm be wrapped, CL Week. 'Anal stayed'a little longer vised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink "No, sir," they institited you are mlis6 in paw and thrown away. No need to bake at home Whei� the vtdstle ordered "stop! Pills. I bad- only takin a few boxes of takent, He was, right -here. Come and Use Sun-Mald Raisins also in Mliiardla,Linlnottent foi- DistaLmisisr. *heti, wh?v6• .arranged with da- �- .. k He worked a little. harder 't4e. P111i when I of �, . I pu ings,ca e3244COOkIeS. Y6113" bekoiato feel strongerf. 'Will - how "wth .0 Saved Hand Labor. baketin almost every town may be egiered, other -brands that And he talked a Tittle He went amd'%,aw the I , , . I and I continued using them until I had .,grave and its tla and city to bake this f�11- know less Weil than Sun- He s"mod but littlebuMed taken ten boxes, wh6n I felt an well as Inser-i-Ption, whichl was in EROS!'. He Operated by compressed ala, a me - aid,, -but the kindf you want is -showed but little -ever I aid, and had regained my lost looked up the, history of the town, and fruited raisin bread. , A, And h6 chine bar. been invented to rub down, I , the kind you'kn6iv is good:"In- :For every little movement My husband and children learned that the man Whom the W- the paint on automobile 6oddw and pbone-and they'll de- sist, therefore, on San. -Maid His efficiency expressed. have alsto used the Pills with good re- ple had spoken of was, a British colun. save much. hand labor. Us, 1114 itallr�ady. to "Our" 1jrand. they cost no more than young Thus his envelope' grew just gults, and I would advise amyolie who teed', a doctor wto bad, just cum- jy�dse the, fam,11y.1Qnight ordlaary raisins. thicker thah the rest. .,."M..l .., for free book of' A �Xtftlo thic Is "run-down to giVe them a fair trial:. pleted ,his,- medlml edurie, vho had The hbrse' -as no eyebrows, It comes from master bak- tested ScoupP., ed Sun -Maid recipes. He say.ed a'httle money You can get these Pills. through any gotno up thi� Yangtee River six buri. In a hundred little ways; dealer In medicine or by mail post- dred, miles and, breaking Into the ren - He banked a I.Ittl e extra Paid at 50 Cents a'lfox- or six boxes for tree and northierly Interior, had settleid FARMERS' BOOKLETS When -he got a bitt-le "talm." $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' lVedlelne in the little town. The plague at last' SUN MAID RAISINS g model" Co., Brockville, out. bad taken Me !life. A little "working The Supreme Bread Raisi•n Took lids NttI6 "leisure", time-, And away out theme years after SEW FREE He wrought each little part of It Britain's Oldest Road. when the ppoVlev heard the words With patience most�subllzne, One of the world's most famous about GhVkst they called out: We ------- Sun-Maid Raisin Growers Now its very little wonder thoroughfares Is Watling Street. knew him! He ldve.d.' here! We knew Apy of the followima maty,be had fee That he murraurs, with'a smile, Which. Tuns from Richborough, am" il�m Weal Membership 13,000 r an applftatlou to the Aa he ecans, his Ubtlio bank book: Dd"r,'to Wroxeter, In Shropshire, an Fresno, California "Are the little thongs worth whdle?" 'knPoirtant Place In R.C:naix days. Poor Co=latlon". Publications Branch part of Mots road Is now the see,,, of Qua,,rtexmevtei--'S-he'R,sitwAy up a a great modern engineering feat for it bit sir, onoe'she!s round the -Lizamd." Department of Agriculture CLYT THIS OUT. AND SEND IT— Douglas Fir. is being widened and remade. Passenger—"Oh, or—gioDd. Is it Ottawa, Canada. On account of Its etreugfti and the Watling Street, which passes very faT to t1be, Llmird?,, Sun -Maid Raisin Growers, tur Quartermager-­,'Oh, no. 'Bout tbIr- JA Dept. N43342, Prtttilb, California adze in which It can be obtained Doug. ough Can.trbuy, London, St. Al- Ifalfa growing In Eastern Canada. las fir of British Columbia Is, consider- bans, Dunstable, ToWeeSiter,rand Wei. teen hours. of your'ftee book, rop Rotation for Central and Eastetrn, Please vend me copy ad as Cansda�a finest wood for strut- Ift' Canada. .gZ)-Z was made by •the Ro . . .... During its - "Recipes with Raisins." lifetime the sturgeon ;Potato, The, Its Cultivation and Varle-s aural purposes, although It has U10,117 The original name was Via Vitelllani, lays about T,000,000 eggs. ties, other uses The tree reaches helgibts but INAME . . ......... Whe-n the Saxons came to Britain -Year Hog Cabin. exceeding 250 feet and diameters they renamed it after one I o . f their . Diamondis'feel much colder to- the The All tongue than paste or glass.. _'The Feeding of Sheep. above seven or eight feet although, Its heroes, Wastla. This Person was a 'Keeping Dairy Herd Records. Blue Package ................. size Is much below this on ar, average god whq was said to, live in the mass !Why and How to, Use Milk. In the Interior paTt of British, Colum.� of stars known as the Milky way, Why and How to' Use Cottage Cheese. -bila. It W an important timber for which was also called Watling Street i Winter Egg Production. structural Purpose.% fOr the PrOd uc- by the Saxons. Poultry Keeping In Town and Country, tion Of lumb4r, railway ties, plies, How Pro'viding for the Future mono timbetra, wood. block paving and plic'ed well the old Roman road was The Former's Poultry House. tau' be. Judged by the fact that I Simple Methods for the Storage of lee. many other Purposes, when the L;ndoii and North West,,,, -Dehorn Your Commercial Cattle. By REV. PETER BRYCE being built, modern en. Dressing and Cutting Lamb Carcasses. -Tuberculosis., I AwLizo flud no better route, and 113 -ovine letter ,,,I sPent I three on the TH. ABY jongsItra. ft� -_-'Feeds for Winteriff1r.-and Winte-e- Fat., About A year ago I rfteiVed. . a I years we�st G.Ua.r E B from aman in thti,citi, aft -'�efta of jewbo-"'i to of Beef Cattle In Eastern, e,r'put N- "U'unidlaind I observed jIming his , qualifications for matri. iliere in certain ftabailles an UrraMge- - Funny.Signs, Canad AGUNST-tULDS .mony, stated he would like to marry � a� mdn.t whereby a boy, when he reach tNew varieties and Selections of Grain, oveir W, a doorway Widow WIthr a furnished house, 9A_11be ed the a" of eighteen or twenty- dettist placed The Root Vegetables Act, 1922. a ims1kiess, rugal wfX,ch read: "Teeth 'was biourding, and just go In and *harg- yeaxs, pro -coed ed to lay the foundation. -To guard the ))shy agalwt colds Iimtracteci "kth &,re�,t � pain,'. !The, Community Work In Dun. •�­!_ das County Ontario Up 1114 hat, as It Were6 anU IU%tLe 1jjj.LL_ OA. t& LjVLrb",, Sjp_ IS 913; — nothing can equal Baby's Own Tab- 'thing like the butch - self at he ' me andjook after' her and lng,. so; and each year i adding. I to the JetS.14 The Tablets are a mild laxative -orks, -tii:gm - which ran: "Beet b Very the house. He added as a. postscript to his letter, "The, Lord wall Provide," foundat6n junti-I thie house whil erected . and he had 9 house io i hU: Own 't6 that will keep the litto one's stomach and bowels workingregularly., It Is, a high. ,ouT Im'oer3i are. .this sixine?'; and . lsevhere t1ho "Domft evidently 'with the desire to impress which to take his bride. The same recognized fact that where the stomi. groca'st" go o •to be . ;LObbad. T;iT um" me with his, plety, thing, perhaps', m. ild not he done -here, ash and bowels are in good order that 1 40 r --=60 In the matter, of pro ' oviding for the but the PrI116iPle is Sound *f& filkAlIca- colds 'Will not exist; that the health , Baby.Carriage Motor. future their are -some who sa7­u!lc- Con antywhere. The young man Who !he little one will be good and that he he A motor wheea fo i ir baby carriages tiously "The Lord will provide." Some & ,templates matrimony, aud'.',inOst will thrive and bti happy. The Tablets T t 515wan has Invented also. that Z,kh Englis appoax to be sincere, and` to believe It young mien hope to .,have a li;ailae, are hold by medleffie'dealers or by einalble sian: atteodant t6ride by stand - would manifest a lick of trmst In God 111�ake begin early to prepare for it. !you mailat 25 cents* i box from The Dr, lai on a .1 to thought for the moxrow-11 . 1., The young man who can prdsej�t is Mqdldine Co.; BrDC Kvill :L,U I , 'A , 0 P.IN E N I A Others, I fear, are like the man of the letter to faith in God bride with an insurance polilqy., o�ae take 'their to the home he has acqAiTed, has' Ont. . I vilbbi Preteautioms, which are ct.ftpbtful value. shown in a practical way hi.4 love and The Emotional Cabbage.. VA I find . no wa;rant in the revelation of God for, believing that we need his capacity for the respo#a1lbilities that belongto the married state. Do plants and vegetables experience ..,-,.and,..6ther.Lulig.Dlseases- Claims rnkn-� 'Victims in Canada and should be guarded against ' I make no. pro'WsdoA for the futuTe, All Youth is the time'to lay foundatigns, the aaln,6 emotions bblat are felt' by, MINAR&S LINIMENT `thait we know of the Great Provider physically, mentally and vocationally. �Scientists we boglu- _ 1 .19 a�,great Preventative, being one of •would indicate that He expects all up- Should we not as ratuvally think of ning to think thet thsy-�do. -the oldest 'remedles used. Mill , aTd 8 on Whom responsibility rests, to dis- Youth as the t1me to lay foundations � Some extmaicirdtinary dislooveries have ., - hag Liniment relieVed thousands If charge that reapoinsibiltity to'the full- financially far the . future home e, and been made, and it has been proved n na cases :Of Grippe Bronchitis, Sore est possible extent.. wife and oluldren? I wish every.yGung that even the humble cabbage ibas feel- , t - , Thr&a:C; Ashina and' kindred diseases, .'It is, appa-reilt. to all who have know- man, f6l*.jusitamice, were expected to Ing% tis also knorwL chat noses ex - It is an enemy to gerins. Thousands of ledge of family lite in Cauada that Purchase In6urance, endowment or parlen-ce a rise, in tempera-tirre after bottles'beingus-ed dvei'k day. For sale many.menhave failed to appreciate Iffe, When Ills age milkes possible a they have,been pruned• by all druggists And general dealers. the imlportauce%'of providieg'in'kii ade- low rate,' Experts declare -that there is no Minard's Lifilment Co,, Ltd., Yar- manner quaite manner for the ineddence of Many ni-en and women, Ijj nild-die life emotion, however 4elictaitowhicibi can,. mouth, N.8, A ­44 —A -- — ­­+ ­­­ to -day: would R endowment nolicies not be felt by plants. The Winter Firriahin g of Steers In .. Western Quebec. Repoct of the Division of Horticulture,' Dominion ExpqrImental Farms, 1921.1, Report of the Poultry Division, Domin4 ion.Experimpritsil Farms, 1921. List of 300 Available Publications. Name , .............................. Post Office .......................... R,R. No...... Province. , ..... r ...... . (No postage required), FARM'"'ER'S. WIFE REGAINS, HEATH Gives Credit to Lydia E. I Pinkham's Vegetable I r -13 ,I- Ml- T. —b..' 111111A 0,?.M�a 1�&_ ; ", I % wi kw%j" those' dependent on them. Clergymen were coming (Rie, aitaive oco ion to 11 all over the! country have been again bless those who had urge l such a plan j n4ved this teatuxe,jal plants, They be - and again Reve that love and hatred are botdi ex - brought face to face with upon them. The widow with an in. the tragedy of the death of a fattlior Come would have grateful memories' 64 perienced by IS flovem.. Evetypa-ant and, In early macholod leaving a family the 011ie, *1110 had provided for her need vegetable IVP - its Own 'Cf9laraoter, we no winte" without fluanckO resources. beyond the period of his life. Sorpow, I are told. The mean With a family and Ila re. and loss endured by grost numbeTs ol! Science has still much to le4iln w ih Is winier wept of a sivLall wage finds: It most ddf- women and children might have been this direction, but it may be that be-' noult . to do mom tlian provide for -the avoided it ordinlary nicasu're's of pre- fore'long we sba Il know everything ff barest necusitles in the present, and caution for the fixture had ` been taken that goes on in the plant. "mind," the whole pTdbleni with very many Is by the young niers.o� -thle last genera• aggravated by grjte�djsj of depression, tiall. MONEY ORDERS. bringing in their uneniploynient with I am -a not real estate agent nor am Send ' a Dominion Bxpress Money Order;Five Dollars costs three cuts, Aft, 0,01111staquent debt and general ditslcou.r- I an Insurance agent!, The sugges• tions inade have the ordinary roan' of it ocking Wood" for Luck. limited means In view and they appear' Kn the best available. It those are bet. Why does, a poison' "knock wood" -Royal Ontario Museum ter ineants within 'the 'rea-ch of su�h, a, whenever bid: 4,00s- ilot-want Ills luck to 95313loor, 8t. Weilt.'MMJ? AVin`ab Read ay srafegilartl the. d sext him? Largest permanent exhibition In Canada. Man wh6reby lie in o I to origima�to Al.baeology, Geology, Mineralogy, Pal- fubure of his family, Int them be nilade I The Pnis,Loln iis� believed aeontology, Zoology. Open dally- 10 a.m. froin an old Danisai myth. SundFLY, 2 to 5 p.m. Bloor. known 11311.1 Dupont and Av4)nqe Rd. cars, My. ho -pe is that an increasing xmun-,' According. to 01-0 legell, Wlien ?n Toronto visit the d an old, her of the younger Incti, though livin D&nd-sh SIN, Cal)'L'1117, J11st biyf0tre start -; 9 In a slPendthrift age, an age which : Ing on a voyange, would always tap, on.1 edide of. his �slifp, and ftion tand In, lives Ill) to tind Indeed beyond Its Ili.' the ra COARSE SALT come, may apprec�late the necessity alemee and listen bca, a few 1111'rUtes. LAND SA L T and value of providing as fully anti as Ads, belief Was 010it 68 � there Were sta ~VjZejy as Possible Xor the'futtzro, ,,11jamy rallillolm of their killed In-ithe teen- 4 deity trains da the swita lt�e. Built 6146ts hero t-beehi-P, the elves of fi%,a wood Equal to the occasion, woul,ft eomte out and ble,5s terra tkip aal Pullman$ vla­Grand CattYoli Pgrlr, Will you buythis Pair of 16fte1104 e TO ONTO SALT WORKS 11'srare It a -.GfLh r(sturn, alio to Southern' Arlzonk�. C. J. CLIFF • TORONTO '_your rlveTelwe?" asked Pat, "81ure, Oth,oril'),�-11�*��,b,ql.ci,rr,,:,.I�., rollowea ilin Pr6d Harvey ineals "all the We,— yo," May I Sella you our A.. • rN, 1, .+1,W- I t1A elders Fork River, Manitoba.—III saw In the newspapers where Lydia,diLydia,B. pink - ham's Vegetable Compound was doing so much good to women, and as I needed something I began to take It. I used to be very sick but I am not now. I live on a farm in the home- stead district and we have tri do all our own work. I tell all the women, see what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound does for me. I think m It saves e from going to a doctor ,and Is the best medicine women can, take,"—Mrs. Wm. CorLT.ks, Fork River, Manitoba. Lydia E, Pinli-tham's Vegetable Compound is a medicine for the ail- ments Peculiar to women. It Is pre - pa -red from medicinal plants, with care and accuracy. It can be taken W women of any age,. Women make a serious inistske int allowing themselves to become so, weak and nervoits that It Is well-nigh Impossible for item to attend to their necessary household duties, Such-eymptoms as pains and irreg. ula;rlties, all -gone feelings, backache, headache, 116i .flashes, nervousness, with a general run-down condition, Indicate some form of female trouble. The Vegetable Compound !la!lasta brought relief to thomands of wnjjjc-l�, suffering. from such allnjent.�,. j,Ltjt = help you, 4 �,y !"Nom; t1ion. Pat," shad the Padro, rd -1 least S-0. Nve "I'ro told, fihe,v".S�nlg S�) I •r :0. Ir. tandr't, (ken, Agout X03SMS covalEIN07 USX "ouly,poktord6y I heard yoil 8111jIlIjitstj to J!`!js 4V11111 -t "'t'U0 Aalit& ro nallwa,17 OH 3ohnIS ,, r i I'll 111. . tenjr Bogic On I tell a vlergyman they were proto,stanit to acquire, iltuni-z'ally froll) tile, jin"riLs (A'. Mich. 'A POr Compound notrolt, g -a. -P 'n ba,oR !it ­ondldon, Tbirtv DOG DISEASES I the Sion' Vhftkel Xhiu 61947 lo breall It up and ret thein and)16W to 351eed "Bodad, , Rlr," I-GPlied 1"Ut, "b1W AS It 1!0S111t 0.10 31 1 - 10 yoarSIr tiSe lots mmd6. "SPOHN'S" 111*,svoiuqabl In treatllq� Aid, 01 11 (loughs and 001c1q, Infli,ertm all(I Avlfh th"Ir Mailed Prep to sul they've bad tbeh, ayoi opened i.n tbo, a Custom N'011 -as llve!l bo.l Gtand Canyon Li S01"ifig 0011,T)lIcn-iin", Atll(l all f'r tho thlo�jt. noj, dl,Lpso by the Author, sent da�% eN .N. flof�4 mer w" provcl)(ive,; act"'s V,o1lnjj:- 14 6w Mover co,jrnb, n Ig"1111. I" t11111 lulig as turs.. SOM In ty"n V17VS At .1111 New M in Metyt for W, S r 0,21 AN 00f,"T91t, tqZA. 4A Me iters eat sal L W I ISSUE No. 60-1Z ......... . . . ...... .. ..r:.".'.1-.'.M1l1.111".",r ... ..... . ... . ...... ......... ....... .. . W