Zurich Herald, 1922-12-21, Page 6What.woiuld I b� waabin, wdtb. two
ehou-M be of that PI*w1,ak1o:n
l" ,
kind In wlifthi the grus 6 "erJft
mud ftostty," the, �� bas a latke,
"You'r eMiron might pl"y with
and, It
daY Is ote "thet, might Induce a
tO hal
A, it 4
"They're both boys., Juwdga," Andy
grela,640A& an4 Play, st leapftog
dcelore,& with brisk fina-liti
The big. Santa C�taus slank into -9,
to the,
ad Andy cepily with the expreisAon
for which he was:vamout5-�and dread-
ed-�-on the bench, Seeing.that the
burglar did not quall beneath it, te
rose aLgabi, with a suddendetermina,
1111111 call you*,, bluff Andy 1)4�.pan, if
11 he sa 1 1.1109
it is. a bluff, U,coldly. 1113
�;g I J.,
-covered, then ose I th
In piursuit of his regUlar calling, were still si�ev*intg and 1%,7in one apiece benejth ili e dollis and, the sled and show me 14:
sboc� :1
Andy DUgan left home shortly after dropped out of the open window as in�gs; and after judging gravely where, Ibis house ii."
raidnight and betgan tlu-lasdhig a tor- lighftjy as he had entered. Once in between the desirability of tbe,slP I "You're not going there with me?"
Andy inquired.
tuous wa7 �amoo; the aliloy.i and back the Alley, he broke Into a n4so3eqV0 and of the skates-, te book the. former,
and put the dolls carefujily uppn,it. -Ing them!"
stroets of the city, Ordinarily, lie dog -trot which brought hini rapidly Br
Andy chuckled.
nas Eve in to the magisla'ate's, "That's plenty," lie said,,taking the
would have spent Christi "If you get in the way I, did, Judge,
bed, Vike other men, with perhaps a Res, wa-ited a moinei-it, beforta elimb� thwee toye'in his arms. tlThe-se� J�ids
it'll have to be through the-vdndlow�
long enougth intermiTtion to deck an Ing the back fence, to make, sure that mtlon% mism it, much, and if thern other and that's burgilary."
evergreen tree for the benefit 01 the no four400,ted, watchmen were �Vbout. kids dan't believe in Santa Claus after "If you don't -care to show me the
-as; b.qt h, r they get it, I'm no prophet.11
yo,ungew Dulgia e, had not. PUIN A few Mcks againelt the. boards; dn
go,ord job for sionie tims and iiiiitation of a 'Suppressed se�tffle con-, WS , say So", the other snapped.
od off a F or the moment, righteous satisfac- Z.1 dy plaked up the doills and the
not, ' Any't n
ftind;s were running ]low. vinced him that therta were ion had olvercome, his usual c4ut$on. stled without fuTblier comment and f ol.
He had in inind, a eertain hou.sO don- would, bave responded to',sueh a fiad it not been so, he might hiave lowed; his host tothe front door. Once
toward the seaburbs which bore, the Zlilenge. So be clambered over and- raised his eyes, in time to ayer� a pain- they were outsiRe he led -the -way, t,
inction ul bvmg a migistrate's. madie hats way quickly to the side of 0
4tsL , ful surprise. When he did look UP, a the bmaok a4dey and dm.rn it to, thlaooen
The fact that the magistrate ',ived tha sleeping niansion, 'big- nian , stood, in the dloorway) quietly window of the melan-Pookiiii uee�
there was lincidental, though It I -ad a The kitchell winiow wast locked, regarding him. The man was clad, in rjbe Judge was si-lent througi ont and
v; but a w1ilch meant that the other windows. Santa ajaus eovturae, and ��bis arms Andy did not presume to, speak., Once
vtindidive, intorlegt for Ani,
well-definod presumptiOn that the would be locked, too; but a few skall- wore folided on his.;4-reast. or twice, however, he glancea ineradu-
sehfWd �V - h plate and - vider" brought Andly put down the toys with great loUdy at the big man Ili the fastiTia
hou .434 sluppilled wit ful �Tlodsof Andes 'Iou-ti
jewelrk was ot the highest Import- forth a slatisfactonj click,�Pom withlin. studdennessand drew his revolver.. garlb walking be�ide hin-L, and but for
ance: Andy flgwed that if he could He was, about to throw his strength "Up with yotv hands!" he slaId, in the. toys in his arins he would, have
effect an uncibibruslive entrance, and against the vv.tnd;ow when instinct told, businesslike fashion. r7_2 I
been t;nipted to Tub his eyes to make
could withdraw again without being him that if be raised it a burglar The big inan kepthisarms f0j4ded. sure that it was,not all a fancy of
p�raaved, the empty coffers ol the allarin would, go off. ai "Axe you going to, put' 'ein up,:. or the light., I he lob acco oF Quah t7
Dugan faini17 wtuild, be well on their , So he went ;be work om the little n't you 9 " Andy �,den�anded.- In f-iont of -the -window Andy core-
Ily laid down his 'burdens.
way toward replenishment ',ceillar winflowan. front of him. It waaJ "", an *You Wme baflare ihe �U-dv fu
�Sbraage what ;UOing temptations scarcely large, enough to ad -mit a man . Dutgan, I'll'give you five years. for, this "Tm;s. Itg, micro jn- line than
e. plansf Andy of ave,:age si7 :my
coxiie to thwart One's 'e, even. with squeezing,, j obl " 'was the reply. ..'.'A nan � is 'get- yours -Jnd1ge,1' he iftturad timialy.
W2G nearly 9A his desitination. , An- but Andy wais icOnsiderably baloW L the bing down, to pretty- %unalll' Poltgdees- ."Yole4 better let me 1boWtLyOU_jnsi(]e teas To N, 6
P� Other square, whioh had a convenient average. Pexbaps its narrowness had when he steals toys -from childian's and hand up the 01,6-1 and dolls, then 0
alley running blirough it, would heYO led the aengner of the ;burglar alaxin stocking.s." I'll foRow. after." a—WI C
It": 11�,L; it and in pl�j kag el,�-%
taken him theiv. But instead of coni-. to consider it beneatth his attention. Apdy replaced, -thp,revalver in his, As you say," the Judge returned
r1leitim,g the distance, he zbopped. be- no, allarm responded.
i At any rate, podiet with- an,airof resigriatkri� - curtly
nd a comparatively mean and In- Andy waited, to assure ms�� "I might ha-ve known you,Judge'll Ai�,�y madea "step" w I ith -his clasp -
significant lOoking house, merely be- no, Aelaye& buzz was coining; then, he said sladily. "I've seen you Often ad hands and, the Judge scrambled up
cause the windtow was open. with a s den effort, ned the win,- enough, but not in that rig. Y
Ou say without niuch- noise. He took the toys The Judge turned, toward the door. Judige. Id' faffier work days, if they'd,
Open windows, had a fascination for: dow to Its full extent and- shot the you're ')Ing to. I give me. flvd years; as, quietly and. put forth a hand to ,We must go before any one catch- left me."
Andy. They were the eigns and 37m- rays of his flashlight right abd left then in! 6 you won't glive,me any help Andy over the windowsill.
ayb as uts," the whispered nervtousily. "Have youever triecIlionest work ?
e bols of hiscaliling. Per1haps abrother through the basement to pick out a niore forr speaking out and saying. that Andy delayed picking up -his. bur-
O'PellatbOr NVIaS at work Within. Perhaps Ia-nding T)lace. if anybody's getting down tosmall p,o- dens to turn the flashlight on the When they were in the alley again the Judge inquired.
4nd tU�s waa the thouTht whic I Andy turned uncert9inly � toward his' , "Once. A man gave me a job, and
P 4 11 % There -was a pile of p*ta)to sa4m tatoes it's yourself -when yolif,'hove sleeping children for *a Judge's bene -
warmed. his heart—the wind,ow had, nd companion, you let on to -him that I was, a =o ok.
erneath the window—a highly sat- I presents. hke, these f or your own,kids 9t, then Piloted his guest to the W,
been carelessly Wt op� on, and a mini- ..Tao' eezed i and let kids within a bluck of you go chen stove, which was now coijd and I "How abou %d,g�aqyt Then I 'was fired. I was -going to
isTaotory Con lition. Andy squ 't the five ydrs" swear off When I got thlat.berth, but
mum of effort would, secure something, himadIf through and lighted noise- With neat to nothing. YOU think I d!aadl. Hexe, he placed, the light slo that, he asked., with anxiety.
well worth the trouble. The second, jesislY upon them. While he was slli& was talking these things for myself. it would shinefullon the thTee -stock- There was I lost it so sudden it took my nerve
poosibillity was� worth testing, any-way., wasn't.)) Soraemoonlight ngw, to away.ly
He Pbaced both hands on the ' i ing off the seeks a tool' of question- Wall, I Ongs and- waited in silence for theireflecit upon the hardened snow, and "You '-have said, enough.' If I gat,
w"I'lable usestell from his pocket, but hel Me big man stepped up hya.Aes�sly Judge to- examine theni. theYcoudd, seseach other plainly. Tho you honest eniployment,, atid guar-
dow sill, raised. hinisialf with the ease' -caught it nelatly, in time to prevent and stood, in front of -Andy. I teld you A straight story, Judge looked flioughtfully,at Andy for antee that your prevdous record slhal-
of muscles long trained to that sort. its clattering to the floom. "Youxe not d bef
runk " he said, with' Judge V he asked presently. some time . ore lie spe'lone. not tela. agnainst you, will you take.,it
Of thing, and lan&d quietly in thei The door 'leading up from the cel- a Reen glance. "Are' you crazy? If I The Judgenodided. He had pulled up "Andy Dugan," he said, softly, at "I witia, jutdge,l wedi I
Andy answe
room. Here he turited-on his flash, , lar was locked buta brief manipuTla- so, now is the time to provt it, It'a kitchen, chair and put the two doll -Is length. I "How does it come that a promptly. "My Wife, best beenpraying.
In a f ew nlin- may save you a heavv sentenca;`t', upon it with great care that they
light and paused- to look around. [tion sufficed to'.cpen it. I man like you should. follow such a for it, ever sdnce I manied her."
It was evidently a -bedroom, The tas he stood in the darkened Idt, "Im neitherthe on; nor the shoUlld, not j�olll- DIT and be ftinaged. eallilig,?Pp
windo-'v had, b I The Judge put out his hand,.
ean left open for air, in chen, beyod which all was de -ax Andy retorted, lookinj him in, the Heihadalso felt in the pockets, of lijis Ancly shifted his, flashlight from one "Then I pimmd6i t6 find it for y-ou,
spite -of the, sharpness of the night. saing. :face. "If I wa3 I kuldn't be trying`trolusers and, iii-iderneath the Sianta n s
hand. to tfie Other and ramai �el
,costurneand, had., Slipped some- "Why doujt you answer?"I my neighbor, after this,, f or want of
thing. Maybe I'm 'a. fool Clau's vsba;f
The iny of light, trarreling to and fro, 1twas an axiom with Andy, born of U119 Sort Of WC -Ierd. and, I promise not ta inisulloa
glanced f or a moment upon white bed, 1 long experience in his prof ession, that becaluse I didn!t go -off -%vfth your'plate, thIpg* therefrom into each of the ellf f t(Ild you the tratth, it'd hurt the will- to ge;Vlaiequainted with...him.
clothes at the other and of the room. safety should never be taken for'when I had the chance. This 1� my stookings. your f4eelh7gs, Jildg,-.11 Now, it you will return with me, we
Andy theret a1hurt it off entirely granted. Obsernng it now� hie deter- second job tonight, JiLdge, I didnt! "Is this, the house next the corner?" I -Tall me the truth," the Ju'dge re- will talk over another inabter�you
and proceeded to invesitigate t1le, mined to inspect the entire ground get nothing at the fikA how a, because he inquired, in a whispe plied,, earnesbiy, 1�ive children, -too."
v%epers, with eyes which had slOnlle- floor of the house before. getting diorwn'there wasn?t nothing to get.. F�om all: And�v nodded. r. Andy wavered -a onient longer; They turned to got, in I the mloonlig . lit
What of a cat's faculty of seeing in to busine
sa. He could have secured I staw there wasn't enough to eat, lelt I "Then these people are tenants, of but summething, in t m re they
the dtak. 1. They'xe ndllghb�.rs of mdn,..', he other's tone, just preceffing d1awn; but bdo
rather than in -hit, words, toldi him had igone� far, Andygraspe(I his colt -
the plate Xrom the.sideboard, 'but some alone to stea
He sitepped to the Ado of the bed, lalte member of the fanidlysirtting up,YO"um-%. They live in the,same spare. "Let me ask- 3roU, Judge,", said, Andy that it -vras safe, to
cing any slound. There In the dwa-wing-roo, . : r a awher I - Th '-s three kids, speak, panioh's itrm and mobioned. him to
witliolat ini-ki n o is e are two gllq.s :�-gild a! eagerl�,, "Wbat kind 61 a. watman is "Pra a crook, . u
'boy—just .1-11-0 you= -k; "because J dq%' he began silence.
WWO twO ck'ldren in'it-twO little might have heard the chink and have, ���'the moiiierv'
Vi4s. � They bad kicklecl off the. cover- invescgated�. wItli. -runpleasant - results. i little Christmas. them I slowl I fell do�vti, and . "Lisi*ni Judge," he whi
after that everybodY held me down. , FrOM within the hoUS0 bh,ey had,
ing* which.,o 14Y in, gr heNf-'VOrtly at TIm�,efOrd; her'�,' ctoiit6t�e'A 4AIoself -to
-.I -was sent up,. tind -wjibn I got 'Out, just, li anie' ouAd of,childish
the &A pa&ttly''On, the The 'r6 .04 =ng ft le the si
ahtd, � q y examination� of,.t e, lute, �y My the t*o hhd kick- they pifiefied, mo, -agalfi� on -ughter, - ba5edtMe_s§% dnd' hystvilical;
I'vering in their and, �-rp&mdedl into the hall,. road anda five-oent top, ily'l suspticien, Ila
110OTP and they wereshl
k their bedlcio�hes,, off, Poor littlLe You... know
staircase went. Up from his feet, sur- and, a 11ttle candy blirc wa& In. . 9 n 1�1) 1. .. . I hGW 4iat goes, Judge. 'I, such ktughter as comes only on
didli!t have, a chance to, 'do a ny-tiiing 'Ohrltstmas moming, and (bh4n not to
"Cabebing -their death o' coI&I tool" '4 ng. "Their beMobhes? They were cov- otit O.f the way, but I g%(
nrountbd by a gilgantle moose head. measure. That's whir bbey" g Tti " ).t tfiii4y days, e�ery,Vhfil cl inl�tbe, city. Mingled -with
Andy growled -to himeff, "A nice The ray of light iwmailed i - SUP for ered, 'well enough wbert I looked at just tbe� After that I was sore it, liresently, was thie do , - b, -
a lit�le I was going to pla3 I same. ep half so
mother they must havel Window open marble statue on the stair post, -which once in My Nife and, take lem. isome- them, jif-4 mow," the Judge r-etu ' bing U
and blowing down their spines. like a Andy contemplated vfth hur:ried ap- thing worth, while when - PI I . 1. MO, 4nd, I pulled off a job. You gave ni� , ugh �f a inam
lmife.r, YOU 10aine in spielo Iiy. a YeaZ� for it. "Mat's how it has been The`11kids" hl�d- found, their ft -66k.
reciatiom He glanced into two "Do you mean to say you, were tl_ I . !j', nd 0
p I . So they were," -replied Andy cheer, ever since—ih a ut Nobody wants Ulgr';
He laid the fitashlicht down for a three moOme leading from the hall, to ing those things for s-omeone elsel?" Al 7 It 'ou . et think I'd see them to -give me anhonek job, and bere am.
womwit WA ?Ut the bed, clothing back find them Wll &eserbed and, silent, A ng and noteover them UP? I've I With a -wife and, two ki& to keep. The Light'DIV='e.
Fin- the Judge demanded. I .
WhOm It be'DIVed, then P89sed 01A olly, he came �o what was evidently "For them kids, Judge, s%eip nre. I u�nself, Judge�", What etse can I do 7
into the wway. He was taking the drawing-rooni. it to Y014 -97 clow; land, how fair a
n0ts, Intanwkile, that the furnitur.0 The flieker of a fire in this room Ion, tha,L:'flrs� gladi Christmas
i were not of the cOstliest. shone plainly on the po�dsailad floor EARLY, CHRISTMAS MORNING.
in be near the niagfistrat,2�5 the hallway, so, he peeped cautioUsay
61 1 !:f; 1! .1 a lOV01.yL ljt�if� Jesus :lay
00, but It was a long around the doorpost before venturing
ra, 'it hay,
W�a it in wealth. The quM, ha -d wilthin, No one was insdd�a. The Vpon. His bed,
d, to tip. '®r J'g, g, Y�5 a stable �stas.`a'
m c(arPet of any Idnd,. came froni. a buge. fireplace, at The light.divine nbouflHis head,
He ha flick
1 6 1 k , e oom, I w ich
toe with elabcMatO Oau*Orl to avoid the other sidle. �of th r n h
mald-24 too mueh, noise, It wasaoubt. a log was 9611, burning, A very fadut
And tall around His, inafiger bed
'sit woul p_ -a soft -eyed eattla;, and ,%near
fd, whother the A P. Th
d, be wooth aroma Of ciggar smoke tickled the nos, His mother Mary, qulc& to hear
while, after a%, ib� Andy made a brils, but it would. haral)r have been
Tule Of h-1 through. Som�- ne not in search of grwgig.�!�, g And mind- His slightest; mill
perceptible to e. g"
times Unlikely pla;es
held O"A a Vold such traces. Andy oomidered it
rewaird -to the diligent worker.
-rce17 strong enough to be of real
we be as quick to bear
sea 0 might.
He had expected to find the grown importance. The sinoker niusit have And to respood to that Voice dear
folks' bedrooms. next thiat of the chil. left:tor !bad fuRy hour before. M11 ithat sibilly might
dren ' 'Inst4�ad, he Mundered, into the Ile chuckded, however, att sight of As Mary was
i�KZten- " The ;emains of U meal were three stoOdnes hanging above the When shone the star -of peace so
Wnc m, the, table, which in iitse;V was firepllac_ They were well -made stock- brighlt,
EL bed, omen for the Weall'th of the ings, of :Brie texture, and- they swung To point the sheOhjerdsl wayl
place. In the sboveat the farther sidle, S�tif
%y with -an air,of comfortable fal The 'light that ehone about His beadl—
mine rloals werO still S110168ring-'ness, st as. if their wearers were
almo The. light divdne—might We be led,
Andys quick eye caught three long, inside them. Andy set himsed to:
By some such radiance be, eft
slender objeets suspended beneath
examine them with niore Interest than! The path our feet.unaftingly
such things us-slually would have ex -
the chimney hole, landhis flesh brought
In faith should walk to_&VI
back to him with a start the feet that citey in him.
—Loulelia q. Poole.
ft was' ChristinRf, E-ve. The slender I None ;of the stodkings steemed large iiii:
ObjectLs wewO sboefemgs- Two 101 them enough to contain, aB Via presents
beilionved, evidently, to the little girls which their possesisors were to receive�
,1v hie bed, Just,corvered, in their sleep; the Two <ij the. I Christmas Com*
n had each a pair of large. ing.
istinas, - -ning!
other to law.Ahw child whom he had doll, Chr col
., I.ying -on leather -covered chairsi
not a b6y. beneath—ftals which could not, to the I Pine tree, holfly,
Andy reoogn= the' 1MPOrh110e Of, grossest iniaginlition, have suggested Mistletoe and, laulghtar,,jolllyl
the fin& What the children were get- , fl-V,,gndtea_c0,t sto
a.%. Beside them
ting forr Maigimas WOU'la W11 him weresobs of dall"s furniture, complete, Christmas coming[
a well -whether it was worth ne for each of lthe first two stockings. I
Air a tringle,
to vo on w6th, the job. o ...........
i A rnammotli boolbaled), "knodkedIdlown 11 1 *`§.'
POP- lay partly in frot-b -of -all the chair's" R_.!�
Snapping logs in oozy inglial
flrst stOcking'hatl a 11,
w-rn �n its toe, as. be COUAIL9 -WA 0.7 3:eeL- Theft was a smaller sled, too, berreath
Ing, and a, little candy atop of that, the third, sbo, i)t mingi
kj1,xtg, w h a pair of Wig-
airistmas co
Above ther -candy was a brown-OYed' racing skates, atop of it, gaatth pu&filug,
§ -G and onion stufflngj
do,11, which he draw out careflua-ly and Andy insip" ed all these with
9mv- Turkey—sag
p his
replacedi. OW smile lit U
'Tlve-4andpten-cerat store," was b' I ity, and a al 'Ohristnisa coming!
is weather-4beaten features.
1111ra nut the man to rob a kidea 4 Joy exuding,
The next �sltoaking wu like 1he -first,. 15bolcking,l,) he said to. himself. 4133,A M
NN M`Avc6p&er, Pumpkin-andph=-7,UddIng1
except that the daft epas were blue J it sUlikes me that *he,* these' kido 24
The thir4 whilch AndY had dzed' UP'huve all that pile of staff, and them!
ad behongi to a boy� bore, Out h-19'other kids ain't got noihing but ten- Phrigtmais comincl
surinise. 39t, 116ve 'its fleavlen—
contained' Popcorn and' cent dall's an& a five--centtop. theriN
candy, like the other two�, Jmt in PlhOA robberygoing -on somewhere. For tvo Peace on earthl Give than], -s to
of the doll there -was a top. -bits I'd do, something that Providen�oo
"A f
We-center.11 Andy OPP-Valsed it, seem& to have oveirlooked, and throw
SM —Maurice morrisi,
"Twerxty4hreei for'the rest of the job over,"
with ealsy skill.
anta a
and earpets
house disban
me I This aint the phe6*11eft Adwn He hesitatedl, and peered in -to the
Worth srbollo the themselvep. ii
a C -rept b 1 th the haN way, "Rerets a fountain pen.," be said,; §gw 1 - .
again by bedsidle of thet land 'a StIckpin—solid gold—ands, bai.
N a gi -certain ifiat they
o h7 eiriL..ff And rUhis, 'Ono's got a two.
0, 'with a saw aztd screw.
diiver and! a iiait pagsor—1 *ouAdWt
Por 0hrisitnima thO WeOkb4tr +,:h.n+ 1.4
. Y"v_q�,Irf 4vfi+�41kA IA
,6 lose it tbrPough me. And
be.(!, harels pen, number
yfro jeallous Id,ft,P maybo
'at 4 pen, the I Ias, goi
9TWAYInvge them, -a
;,dwt 60.0m, right, Damn
[jrh�/' ho conaldd*L "gem
not 11661it, for �bo other
-1 , F
Id't h6 gob himgem
ehou-M be of that PI*w1,ak1o:n
l" ,
kind In wlifthi the grus 6 "erJft
mud ftostty," the, �� bas a latke,
drY, bftolug ooWn6s%," a4d the
and, It
daY Is ote "thet, might Induce a
tO hal
A, it 4
grela,640A& an4 Play, st leapftog
It_pIlto anA
to the,
,6 lose it tbrPough me. And
be.(!, harels pen, number
yfro jeallous Id,ft,P maybo
'at 4 pen, the I Ias, goi
9TWAYInvge them, -a
;,dwt 60.0m, right, Damn
[jrh�/' ho conaldd*L "gem
not 11661it, for �bo other
-1 , F
Id't h6 gob himgem