Zurich Herald, 1922-12-21, Page 1ZURICH, THURSDAY EC EM BE R 21, 1922. Chester . $1,25 Vol. XX ill No 24si,gio IN, mats Sn ith, Publiahe Year In Advauf. 114.,4sx Litt IlsReED Only Three more days till XMAS. A few 'suggestions which( will n-iake you wonder if you call and see "how reason'alle"we "fare selling our .Suitabi4 Useful Gift's such as fancySlippers,, Three Buckle Spats, Etc, ( OR ABOVE ALL, A NICE 'STARR PHONOGRAPH,FOR TP.dl (FAMILY. • • H.F.FILE, THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES ���ppp•p•,p 40444000��4•P�O�O�404444 iP 0 17 4P 0.' re 1...11 ping . _.,i.,..,,,,. 0:0,..,,•,,4,... „..____;, .......„ VP .41 hex a Till ::inas._:'� A :24 D '''\\P OUR STORE IS BRIM FULL OF BRIGHT NEW CHARMING u IFTiS FOR LADIES, GENUS AND d P 0 ^FIILDREN, SO WE FEEL CONFIDENT 'l -IAT AN INSPECTION OF OUR LARGE 'SHOWING lir:: ,: HOLIDAY GOODS WILL SOLVE THE X.'vl...;.,:b.` GIFT PROBLEM FOR YOU. — COME NOW a WHILE THE PICKING IS GOOD, 0 VP a� A Few Suggestions' For HER ego CoQ FANCY GLOVES, FANCY SILK ..AND WOOL (LOSE, FANCY yak; )1i *1r ,,I Melte , i„1 ..SE!'TS,:WOOL':SCARIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, FANCY TOWEL SETTS, TABLE LINENS; ETC. (terry ;Christmas!' ;112x_; Louis Durand of Ch.illiwae, E " is visiting relatives here. Mr. Frank Bossenberry of Kia Chunier is visiting here. 'Only four more days then Chris- truas, the happiest time of -all the year Miss Don!ella Ruby, who spent thx� past season;at Brussels as mil- liner, returned. to her home here 64,Monday. onday.. Mr.. Lloyd Kalbfleisch of the, ;Waterloo Seminary i•S at present spe ending his Chrestmas vacation here 'in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fisher and fam- ily and. Mrs. F. Genttner of Dash- wood spent Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs. E. Oesch. Our local stores report busintr eso very brisk this season in the line of Xmas, shopping. They Xalso havefine displays with pr- ices right. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Da id Witmer, south of the vil- lage, is suffering a paralytic str- oke which he received on Tuesday afternoon Mr. James Boyce of southern Saskatchewan, a former old Stan-,> ley boy„ is, visiting relatives in/ this vicinity. He is staying with. 1MI'r. Wm. Lamont here in the v4ii- „r lage. FRENCH IVORY • WE HAVE ALMOST ANY PIECE YOU MAY WISH FOR, AT v PRICES WAY BELOW EXPECTATIONS, SEE THE DIFFERENT PI1LC • ES DISPLAYED IN OUR WINDOW. Suggestions For HIM SILY AND WOOL SCARFS SWEATERS , SILK, TIES KNITTED TIES'” , FANCY HOSIERY PLAIN HOSIERY PYJAMAS RAW SILK SHIRTS BATH ROBES CANDIES AND TOYS OUR ASSORTMENT OF CANDIEES AND TOYS IS LARGER THAN WITH PRICES 10 TO 15% LOWER THIS YEAR, IT BEATS... VER Men's and as it Sweeps as it Cleans A gift that lives All year ro unci "her" thoughts are on clean- ing. There's hardly a day that she doesn't have to get after dirt, somewhere. " You labor with eliminate rcleaning your Christmas gift Give "her" a Hoover. Its powerful motor will save her hours of tiresome labor. her cleaning will be done quickly, easily, thoroughly. And all year round she will find much satisfaction in the knowledge that her rugs areimmaculately clean. Only $8.00 Wings The Hoover Phone,59 E ARI IN TInt MARKET ]l:''OR ALSIKE AND CLOVER ODD p,tea •r' M. Peter Papineau is moving int ,,his new residence in the„vest eina. of the village, which wa's re- eently erected by Mr. Peter' Cor- rig -eau, and was put up in the mat- ter of a few weeks. - .472 it { Vo Incorporated 1855 Capital Paid Up $4,000,000 Reserve Fund $5,000,000 Over 125 Branches It is not necessary to make a special trip to the nearest branch of The Molsons Bank every time you want to deposit money. Send your deposit to the Bank by mail. Write. today to the nearest manager of The Molsons Bank for in- formation. C. H. JOY Manager Zurich Branch ip Boy'Sj Clothing Department fl Xmas! Xma ,.t°' Inas Now is the time ; choose Your GIFT Here are a few • LADIES AND GENTS , .rE W'ELLERY, PEAR AND STONE SET \'ERWARE, PYRE MUSICAL AND PENS, ETC'., ET HAT LAST uggestions that will Y W T erestYou OcitET AND .WRIST WATCHES, FANOr (NGS AND NE CKLACES,. GENTS SIGNET RICH CU . GLASS, COMMUNITY SIV, ARE; IVORY AND EBONY, CUCOO, MANTLE.• UDIOR CLOCKS, . WATERMANS FOUNTAIN:.'' Perfect 13 ; 'e White Diamonds from.. $25 u (cr. Hess, Zurioh. JEW LER AND OPTICIAN PHONE No. 74 -HYMENIAL— A very quiet, but interesting ev- ent was solemnized at Detroit on Monday, Deeember 11;th, when Miss Verde Fuss, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Fuss of Zurich, was united in the holy bonds of wedlock to Mr. Joseph 3. Swartz, of that city, and also son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Swartz of Crede iton. The young couple will re- side in the busy city, of Detroit; where they, have the best wishes their many friends in Zurich and (Crediton. The Herald also exten- ds congratulations. Always Up-`O-Date. Dinner Setts $2 $ J. PREETER Q l"P Produce Wanted 0000 0004,00000,0*0a?rvv0,4•0 't"k@40.44e404444.44.4444444r all Horse Goods' 3 3 0 Y3 0 • Club 4 Tust Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Horse 4 Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72x84. Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prices 'd" Ranging from $7.00 to $13.0ii • SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A CALL. BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always on hand. Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks ,at Right Prices. HARNESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY ED TH'I L-. 4 • 4 PHONE 102` ett ZURICH'44. 4:444+++++44+444.+44444•444. 4,4 ++++++++++++++++++++++' 4.4.4 BUY USEFUL GIFTS 46 i 4- 4 SHOE MERCHANTS • What is more appreciative than • a useful Gift for Xmas. Some- •4• 4 4 .' 4. 4. 4. 4. •1' 4. thing that will be used every day. which ;always reminds one of the giver. Let it be this Year a nice pair of house slippers or house shoes. We have a fine assortment of the very latest and niftiest styles, and the pricels are so low that price is no consideration;;. COME FIRST AND GET FIRST 0. FRITZ & SON ONTARIO ÷ ZURlC!'! A. quiet and pretty wedding took place at the Crediton Eviangelieal parsonage o'n Thursday, Deceml- ber 14th, ,at 2 o'clock, p -.m. when Rev. S.M. Hauch officiated the, holy bonds of matrimony of Mr. Ferd- inand. ITaberer of Zurich to Miss Alice Gainer, daughter of Mr. and ;tlrs..Fred Gaiser of Crediton Mr. Lloyd. 'Geiser, brother of the bride, and 'Miss Melinda Schenk aeted an +xiteess. After the ceremony the happy couple ]eft for' Exeter, ste ption where they left for a honey- moon to Toronto, Niagara Palls, 13uftalo, etc.. Upon their return, they will take up- housekeeping in Zuriche having rented part of Mrs, ;ZCon. Wagner's house, recently eacated by Mr. G. Holtzman, where their many friends at both Crede icon and Zurich,, wish them 'much happiness through life's journey. ,1„1• 4•i••1••II••i•°':'•4••f +•E•II•.¢.•y..II•.h•.l.•II•.II^^l.•F44•4•-IIi•'g'-l,•:.3•.g+oa•II•3r•II•4..l..l••1.•II••l••F•.II•.p.++.II••i^I`.bj.++iw c ASTO R I A 'or Wants anal Children in Use For Over 30 ears Always resins The °Signator`' OIIRIBTMAS GOODS WE HAVE A GOOD AND COM- PLETE STOCK OF BEAUTIFUL PRESENTS ON HAND FOR OLD AND YOUNG. ALSO NEW FRUIT, ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS AND CURR- ANTS, DANES, FIGS, CANDIES, NU rS, ETC. CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK. AND GE r OUR 1023 CALENDAR. MWYCy .jp{`�'A�'�y■/`r GLA$ {�� D i � ilY�r �C.V `.IV' GEN1l-FM1. MERCHANT PHONE 11 BLAKE alt 4 1 1 1 a 4 d