HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-12-14, Page 8tirNw�;¢�e: ' H INA\\ ARE SPECIALS 1 only 97 piece Danner Solt, GILL band at -_. 1 only sett, Pink design ai'-- -' suitable complete array of fine• China, Gifts. See our display. 7 e: a sx 9t . r•••wy,Tl.-�M.+M' "r4,:r -* �.,....�_ -r.'.. 'tri..+[,-....n+......-..ea+w.i.. .:++„•'*'^^^ _ C1i,IS ; AS The Giving Time Happiest Month of the Year :Did you ever stop to think it was not the recess., of, gifts that makes us so: peppy on Christmas' Day The recti joy come:.• from giving. To seethefaces of the lit' le folks heighten:,. To see the look ' et surprise and appreciation; on the face of the friend to whole the pre •ent is given -that is what takes U9 alt1 so eager tc, buy gifts and to be surethat the rihot gift tor each is selected,. so that there will be no dissappotntment. Gift sujjestions a� honed in ever' corner of our Store, Come and sc.e the beautiful Goods we collected to solve Your Gift problems, $22.50 $24.00 for Christmas Ni EN'S WEAR Fine Shirts, Silk and Knit'ed ders in Fancy Boxes, Wool ters, Gloves, Heavy all -wool patterns, Special at $6.50. Ties in Separate Boxes, Suspen- and Silk Scarfs, Armbands, Gar - Sweaters, fa.ney stripe or check Infants and Childrens Wear FINE KNITTED TOQUES AND N1TTS TO MATCH, PULL- OVER SWEATER COA i S. FINE COATS CURLEY CLOTH 1� ITH CAPS TO MATCH, MISTS, SCARFS, TOQUES. Handkerchiefs SEE OUR DISPLAY AT' PR:),: C OF STORE, FINE SWISS 'WITH LACE AND EMBROIDeft \ ELGE, PLAIN WHITE LAWN 'WITH COLORED EDGING, E rC. Prices from 7c. to 75c: � rgi,r,OW CASES, TOWELS. CITSH- S'ta "y,"6_ 'l OO S TON' TOPS, CENTRE .PIECES, CHILD'S DRESSES, D ;RES` SETS SCARFS, DOILES, ECC. GLOVES Ladies' Chaznoise Gloves in two donne wrist and gauntlet style at $t.00 ro $2%00 a pair. Ladies' and Misses brushed wr,o'I gauntlets, 75c to $1.35 pr: Silk Gloves in plain .and fang wrists, Special 1.25, 1050 pr. • NEW RAISINS, CUTSRRANTS,• FIGS, New Fruits :CAhS, WALNU, ALMONDS, FILBERTS, PEANUTS, BRAZILS, ORANGES 'AND CANDIES OF ALL KINDS USEFUL GIFTS. See our new style Silk Blouses in variety of colors Special at $5,00 Flee Silk iCamiisol+esS at --- $1.00 13oudior Caps at 25e. 04c. 75c. Bath and Linen Towels, assorted colors 50, 75, 1.00, 1.40 each. Tea Aprons at 50c. each Laundry, bags at $1.00 each. Something entirely new in centre pieces, come and 'see - them prices 85c. to $1.75 . each. Fine Chintz coeered cushions large • ,sizes at $2.50 each. SWEATERS AND HOSIERY Ladies' all -wool tuxedo style Sw- eater Coats, .new colors, prices from $4.50 to $8.:50 each Misses Pullover Sweaters from $1.25 to $2.00 each. Ladies purp silk Hose in newest shades $1.50 and $1.75 pair. ' Black, white, brown, nude grey,! SiLk Hose, with fancy cloaks, good weight silk, special$2 .00 pair. Ladies' and Misses pure wool hose in blk and leather shades 75te'1.25 TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FOR THE LITTLE FOLYS PRODUCE WANTED DESIGNER PATTERNS J. GASCHO & SON �arage IRES We have on hand a Complete Line of DOMINION' TIRES And TUBES, All Sizes (Best on the Market). Also •a few Seconds to Clear at (Extra Special Prices). LET US SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS ON AUTO CYLINDER LUBRI- CATING. OILS AND GREASES. WE HANDLE NOTHING BUT THE THE BEST AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH OILS OF PROPER VES- COSITY TO SUIT YOUR MOTOR. Also stock a complete line of Genuine Ford Parts ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO MOST CALLED FOR PARTS OF VARIOUS AUTOS. I.X.L. Battery Sales and Service Station, 'Battery Charging, Axy- Acetyline Welding. EXPEETAUTO REPAIRING A SPECIALT Y. Get into the habit of Pat-ronizing us. We want to serve you, and Serve You Ww11. PHONE No. 103 H. iViousseau Zurich r a®a�we� :f.ess •E-•t••1•++++++++++++++fir++�'r ret e++++++++.1eHie+++ h+++++•# : • The aatter Furnished Horne Sho r < lges 1, \f, ,v i n;i: ilit• . ,, f1 winds of Fall au+l th , t h;ily t'ei'naigs a•rc here, ., , ii ,.. t ;,(1 cold wea- 4. • lh''' unsung, Winter will soon be + at .ir:,nll '•1 :r. •ii' 1.1 snit; Com- a171f (c:, lind eitimorlahlt, with one o 4* our Flanges or I-1 eters. Colne 4- • in and c:• e, wh to yoil need and + ea can ell your requirements, + have One of Our Oei' +44:: + 9 d• AEN/NSUL Lan '��.J +l �`� .J` R.L'V A C E S! .+.g. ' ` \"i',18 :\1„'.0 S 1'OCF ANTD INS "TALI, :TI -IE WELL-KNOWN BAN- j. + NIIII1 ,I'l erei'': 1'T:11N.1Cl'S AS WELL AS SEVERAL OTHER * f • P1 0 \l 1 e: 1; e'i' „I' SE ES ,,.„.,,„. • 'i'Ie, KIN13 i OF SIT BOrjT+' TIAPDWARE, ETC„ ALWAYS IN .� 4 S l.'0 'K. - Is,0 '1 1101713L1'3 TO SHOW' AND EXPLAIN ALL A liOU't 01'': (00t>S. (E'1' OUR piqicits AND THEN ,BUY. y '4 Sl'A'"E ME I 0 4.+ • PRSETER BLOCK - ZURICH t. ;e eelI• ler++444 s+ ++„E++ 4,44++44+404++++++++++++4.44444++++40e1.44+:4; ITEMS OF LOCAL IN. Reeve EH F. Klopp a December meeting of Oa' county council. last 'wee stem • Thejpayment of the Hy, o bills have this month been extended from 15th Ito Dec• 18th. Mrs. Carrie Heyrock is spends- ing a few weeks in London with her daughter Mrs. Frank McCut- cheon 'Mr,. Thea Habeeer has recently purchased the dwelling property owned by the estate of. his ' late father Jacobs Huberer. Judge Dickson of Goderich con ducted the local Courti of Revise ion of the Hay. ,TR Voters', List' in the Town Hall, Zurich on'Friday. Mi;, and Mrs. Berson Saunders of Mitchell are spending the week with the latter's parents Me, and Mrs. Andrew Thiel. Considerable business was traps- acted at the local. Court .of Revis'oe, in the Town Hall on Friday. 15 names were added on the voter's list, while several were struck off. Reel. •Dr. Staebler of Cleveland; Ohio-, ,was a visitor at the Evangel- ical p ar••sonage on Mondays. The Doctor being a brother=inelalw' to ReV. J. G. Litt, and also a first cousin to Mrs. Litt. Mr. Peter Kropf wishes tp,advise auto owners that he is doing auto repairing in Mr,. L,. Prang's' im- plement shop, Zurich'for the win- ter months, {and .will have in stock all most -called -?roe parts of auto repairs,. Mr. 3, Hey, Jr. returned the other day from a trip t,o Gode. ich, Lucknow, Clinton and the nor; thernj part sof the cotuntyo on. pros; poetise tour for sae of Ruggles trucks. Mr. Hey reports that the outlook is very brisk' for , a good' big season's business. Mr,. J. Galinlan .Sr.; last week sold to Mr, Dennis Bedard,r: an eight months old hog weighip;�; 460 pounds. (Mr. Gillman' purchased this pig in the spring \when six weeks old from Mr. G. Q. Smith, Sauble Line, and it sure attack a wonderful growth. LOCAL MARKETS ,Currec;t<'d every Wednesday) Halter 35 is ,s 50 l e fed apples per lb, 7s Dutch setts per ib. -- -. 5e Potatoes per bag .., .-. 75 Oats 54 Wheat per ileushei 1.15 Flour per cwt. ... ;. 3i00-3;75 I3ran per ton ..- ... ... . 25.00 30.00 -.. 9-17 6-14 16-18' . f 9.75 Sbortsp er ton Chickens per 114. , Old Henn Ducks lb,, ..: - 11o44, .. Barristers D. E. Holmes and Mr. Carrow' of Goderich were in the village on business on Friday. Mr. John Bingeman of New Ham burg is. convassing the farmers of this distric4 with his celebrated stock tonic putup by the Maple Leaf Stock Tonne Co,., of Ki;tche ever. Mr„ Claire Melick was the lucky number in the guessing contest at Hess' jewellery; store, last week, it being the number of parts en an alarm clock, the nearest guess receiving • the clock. Claire gue- ssed' 1170,, and the number of actu- al' :plans seas 175. We spend money -for gasoline, we take in picture shows, eat ice cream, drink soft drinks, smoke smokes and indulge in hundreds of things that bring us nothing, but the entertainment of the 'moment. No permanent benefit ever .comes to us from any of it, but we never think of kicking. It is only when we come to pay taxes the thing that gives us schools, roads, side- walks, public buildings, governrn- eut and permanent benefit, that we rise up on our. hind legs and hole ler our heads off. -Ex, OBITUARY LATE PETER DURAND In the Stratford General Hose* ital. the death occured on Monday, Dec,. 4th, of Peter Durand, a life- long resident of Drysdale, at the age of 49 years,. The death of Mr, Durand followed an illness of be- tween three and four weeks' dur- ation„ daring' the latter portion of which time he iv!as confined to the hospital. The deceased was. born in ;Drysdale and resided there all his lifetime: Two sisters of. Mr. Durand reside in Stratford; namely, Mra. W. E..L:attimer, Nile St„ and Mrs. Chas. true LaFranier, Guelph st The other sisters;, four brothers and: Mrs. Peter . Durand, mother ,of the deceased also sure- "1 e. They are; Mns.r'P E. Adams, Goderich;; Mrs.: Robt,- Douglas, Saskatoon; Joseph, Grand Rapids Minn; Paul of Froks, Minn.;- Henry of Stephen', Minn.; and Louis of Chilliwack, Bi:C: The' remains we- re taken to Drysdale ;for interm- ent, Mrs,. • Anna Eisenbach, (nee)' Icahn, wife of Mr. Frederick Eis- enbach on the Babylon line, ,born Nov. 16th, 1861, died in her own home. on Dec.. 10th, 1922. While she was suffering for years with asthma, she was confined to her bed mostly only for .the last four weeks. She passed away rather unexpectedly on ,Sunday Torpids, December 10th, aged 61 years and 24 'days. , She leaves to mourn be- sides her' bereaved hiusband, 4 daughters„ 2 sons, one sister and two brothers, antal other friends, Four children predeceased her in ,death, She lived on the Eisenbach old homestead ever since she Was married for over 29 years. The funeral services were conducted by' Rev. J. G, Litt. The remains we re taken ito the nearby union cem etary, on the Babylon .Line for bur- ial- on Tuesday Dec.l2th It being a very cold days as inr a. short:timc two of the pall bearers suffered frostb itte'>ears. ISa it 'ia. We ire'ver can (tell what to -morrow br- ings forth, The Herald joins the' neighbors and friends in amusing the: bereft family of their sincere sympathy,. Anthracite coal has .been drib bling into Ontario !during the past feat weeks, and the pricers quote oted to constiiiyiers at various ;parts points in Western Ontario are int- eresting, as follows -Walkerton,. $22 per ton; Kincarcline, $10.50; Pa islet' $19 50; Owen Sound $16 Luck now, $20; :Drayton $17.50; tendon $28; St. Catharines $16.50. Guelph $16; St. Thomas $18; Pt. 1i gin 16.50 13arrie $18.50; Listowel! $14.50; Iiatn ilton $18.50; Chesley $1,9; Mount Forest $1,5.50; Windsor $19; God- erieh $16; Hano'.er $16, Newstadt 14.50 '�i , Cl ztiiarrl ,418, 1'almerltc.>n $20 r;, Altrys $16; Exeter $19; Hensel] $1.5.50: Coming Social Events A grand concert ,given by the Zurich Public School will be held.' in the Town Hall,' Zurich on Thurs- day- evening, •December 21st. The Lutheran annual Christmas Festival will be held on Sunday evening, December 24th. The annual Christmas entertain- ment of the Evangelical eburch W1.1 be held on Tuesday evening, Dec- ember' 26th. 'f 1)' i . a _'i'Rr,er.,1gym 11*:1; y"�y The store with the Liberal Cash Dining And see the Wouderful Val ues in Alnminurn now rhowing .in our window. Here are jnst a few items; TEA KETTLES $1.98 COFFEE PERCOLATOR $1.98 DISH PANS $1.98 SET 3 SAUCE PANS $198 8 AND 10 QUART STEWING KETTLES $1.98 These are all Guaranteed Heavy Weight Utensils We carry a complete line of Furn- iture and Hardware. Your confid- ence is solicited. MELIeK& BRAEJN PHONE 63 Herald1/4 /obi Dep 4 rtment Is al Nays at your service for GOOD ,..PRINTING. Wedding Invitations and Announcements, Calling Cards, Stationery, Letterheads Billheads, Stat a ents, Envelop.. es, C h o c il` B. k s, I Ox ; i l�,? l' a s Three Years "Over There" Two With "The Mounties" Sitting astride a "Mountie's" horse he was as fine a specimen of man- hood as one•could tweet. Six feet tall, bronzed, muscular a , ! keen, he made an athlete of no nu • .. silty. 'Three :wars in the war had ::.:.:,oingly made "a man out of him," but it took a bad cold to show that the war had tar -reaching and terrible effects. One day he played' and worked hard, then went for a dip in the lake. A. little cold came on, then got worse and worse and finally -consumption. His three years "Over there;" and two spent in the 'Mounties," have given him a fighting spirit., Miring these last eight months the foo has not killed his hope, he's still hoping that"God's fresh air and inan's skill at the Muskoka 7Yospital for Oonsumptives can retain. something of his old manhood for active service , yet. Only With the canhelp,:of my° anwarm lriends his e t work be tar- ried great on. Money iS urgently needed. Contributions may. be sent to 'Min. W. A.'iCharlton, .223 Ca11r"ge Street; Toronto. FREE! FREE! Special Bargains till Xmas. Bring along your Dried Apples, Fresh eggs. and Cash, and we will give your coup ons which will entitle you to beautiful g uaranfi eed Silver ware RE E Now' is Your Chance: We have a big Stock of following; FRESH PEELS, NUTS, CANDIES, ORANGES, RAISINS FIGS, DATES Toys for the Kiddies 55 ,11 OUR NEW LINE OF SWEATER COATS AND MONARCH' YARNS HANDKERCHIEFS FOR LADIES' AND ME.N BIG BARGAINS IN LADIES' FURS REDUCED PRICES IN MEN'S • OVERCOATS, CAPS, GLOVES, NEC9 'MES, SCARFS, ETC. A B'E.W MEN'S, SUITS REGULAR$27.50 FOR $15.00. ALL WOOL MEN'S SWEATER COAT'S .AT $2.25 DR. HESS' STOCK FOOD AND PANACEA, KEEPS YOUR STOCK HEALTHY AND MAK +'S YOUR HENS LAY. 1)O YOUR XMAS. SHOPPING NOW AND It] EICVE CASH CI,T 0Nr Produce Wanted. e Ph ne r O