HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-12-14, Page 4ie
lllr, an dllxrs. Sam Oestr 3icher
i,atyit `111r:a. Brunner vieitecl at Kit-
:hener over the week -tend.
Mrei, +T K• .Goetz is attending
11* funeral ,of her stater, MIs, Otto
ZUkt,C HRRA, J?:
Sodden at Pigeon, Mieh,
Miss Pearl Tieinan spent Satur:
dab* at London, •
Mrs. M. Melsaae left 'last week
to . join h.er husband at Courtright
where they intend making their fut
u:'ra home..
,444.4,44+1..+4,+„++44, 444.+++44
Lumbeit Laths
Everything in
Combination storm and screen doors made to
Lumber a.tid,Building Material
Custom Ny Q1W0u1 Sreciall
Always iii the market for saw logs
r •.1,+F•s.-1••1•+• .M4•'S-++,g•,4 Sg+.l'+4'J .1.+41 t•`i•4•i.ai•.y.'q..t'•tr++$•++++'€'++'4.^g+4 4'•i+,4.+3'
kake It A Gift
dor these in the family a Suit
or Overeat to be proud of
We .have given special attention to the wearing qualities of
ai tr Heavy Overcoatings. A large percentage are the new. light
'Colored Fabrics that have all the appearance of the mueh-in-dem
; t'nd Soft Finished Fabrics.
The brilliant Radio backs of these rick Woollens offer many
' a>ew figured and plaid effects. They add a touch of color and
kelenracter. .A great variety both imported and, domestic.
Mr„ A, Bear of London is visit
ing in this vleinity.
Mrs. IL Ragland is in Lonadoal wii
ere she tender went en ' operation..
We hope for a •speedy rpeovery.
\ ilson:.A.rmstr:o'ng has purehe`Ned,
the 100,-acee farm of Thos, Robin-
son. This farm joins hie .own, and
makes Mr. Armstrong 300 ;acres in
a Block.
We regret to report this week
the serious illness of Mr W. L.
Keys of Seaforth, but are glad to
state that at time of writing he
has taken al change for the beta.
Mr, Wilbert Johnston; who is
going extensively. into blackfox
raising, recently purchased a"''fine
fox which was shipped to sum from
Prince Edward IsIand, . this makes
him four pair of breeding forces
for next year: t.
Mr, 'Wan. Bohner and family
have moved. from the Bronson iLne
into Mr. Orval McClinehey's ;house
on Goshen;
Mr. Wm, Hayter hasleased a
farm in Tuckersmith and intends
moving to it in the spring.
Mr; and 1V i's, oJsssph Weber of
Waterloo visited the latter"s son
liei7 'Weber. -Miss Isabel Raid,
stay, accopniaiaied by Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Leeds of Doou on ainotor
trip to Hamilton, -The congreg-
ation of the .Mennonite church put
p.stew tin on the root of the sheds
-Miss Garai Creasman spent the
week -end at her home,, -Paul Wilfe
left to make his home with' his da-
ughter Mrs, • C. Bartholme;w of the
Town Line. -Mord Grischow left on
Saturday for Sudbury where he
-will Work in a lumber camp Or
the winter, -S, .Lautensclilager and
MI'. and Mrs. Otterbeie of Kitcli-.
e:ner and Mr. Otterbein of ;Dash
wood were business visitors here
on Mionday,.-C. L, Moser of Kitch-
elver spent Monday Acre elenoting
rabbit ,' art least he tried to -Cyrus
Schoch has • s(old his farm to Mr.
E. Otterbein of Kitchener.
Bayfield is circulating a petit-
etition for the Government to build
a new pos.toffice. They are also
making provisions forfire-fight-
ing opparatus.
John Cottle, of the Thames rd.
is laid up with :a broken hip bone
On $500.0
OVER FOR TERMS IF 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 YEARS
Andrew ,F, lass, - Zurich
W. Tuno RSOof=man)
A. J. YOUNG, North Bay,
Ontario Government
GEO. G. COPPLEY, Hamilton and
JOHN ELLIOT. Belleville.
Ontario Associated Boards of Trade
and Chambers of Commerce
Canadian Manufacturers' Assoc.
GEO. S. MATTHEWS. Brantford,
Western Ontario Associated
Boards of Trade
MRS. M. SOOTER,Trout Kills. and
R. A. McINNIS, Iroquois Falls,
T. & N. O. Associated Boards of
Trade, and Farm Organizations
in Northern Ontario
K. W. McKAY, St. Thomas,
Ontario Municipal Association
J. J. MORRiSON, Toronto,
United Farmers of Ontario
MRS. H. P. PLUMPTRE, Toronto
Ontario Division
Canadian Red Cross Society
MRS. A, H. WILLETT, Cochrane
Women's institute
tis o RSIM
THE indomitable folk of Northern Ontario deserve your practical sympathy.
Remember, eighteen hundred families have been burned out -and must
start all over again. These wonderfully rich farms, mines and aggressive
young towns will re -build and come back to their own -but it takes time, And
in the meanwhile they must live, they must have temporary shelter and there's
nobody to give it to them if we don't.
Suggestions for contributions from. Clubs,.
Factories, Organizations, etc.
1. $500.00 will provide a Shelter Shack for a Family and Rough Stable for Cattle.
2. $350.00 will provide a Shelter Shack for Family. •
3. $200.00' will provide Food and Supplies for a Family to May 1st, 1923.
4. $100.00 will provide a Wagon for Settler.
5. $75.00 will provide a Set of Harness (double).
6. $50.00 will provide a Set of Bobs or Sleigh for a Farmer.
7. $25.00 will provide a Sewing Machine for a Home.
8. $20.00 will provide Kitchen Furniture for a Family.
9. $15.00 will provide Cooking Utensils for a Family.
10. $9.00 will feed a Family for a week.
11. $5.00 will provide Needles, Thread, Buttons, Scissors or Yarn and
Knitting Needles, etc. to help outfit a Home and Family.
12. $1.00 willfeed and supply a child fora week.
Make Christmas come back again
Picture a Christmas in a nearly bare shack in a burned out townin a Northern
winter. Hundreds of children up there, remember. Make a money contribution
now and show your northern fellow citizens that the Christmas' spirit lives and
has a real meaning in Ontario. All they ask is bare necessities -they deserve at
least that much.
Now it is up to you -every public spirited citizen and charitable organization.
Spare one dollar, five dollars, one hundred dollars or whatever you can. Spare
something from your Christmas cheer. Make Christmas up there a
little less than a grim tragedy. Remember, not co=ntorts, but bare
necessities in the grip of'a northern winter, is all that they ask, Sena
today ? Make cheques payable to -
The Northern Ontario Fire Relief Conirnittee
oya.i' )Bank ]Building, Toronto.
the result of a fall., • He wns going
,from the home of hit tliatlr;i.tt'11,,
Aire, J, .Jk, 1V1eDonald to his _ own,
Iaoan;z when, he met with the a e
udeut, ...Kr. Cottle is 87 years of
Roy Neob, who works for Geo.
Hieks of Centralia was sacked in
the hand While attending the Cat-
tle anct the two middle fingers of
his righthand were badly jainmed
his hand :
ti l a
He had a shcav�el in
;the animal jammed both up agile
:lust a brick wall,
Joshlin Harding sold his farm
cif .1.00 acres on the 2nd eon. Usb-
erne, to S. G. Noble of Walkerton,
14,1E gets possession in March, the
price being $9,600.
\\rlia. Douglas and wife, Robert
Allan, H. Zapfe and Mrs. McDonaId
of .lrueefield attended the funeral
of Mr. Peter Durnad at Blake on
WedsrJay last,
Southeott Bros. have purchased
from Miss L, Johns, the John:
]:luck on Main st, at present oc-
cupied by them and by the post
Mr: and Mrs•, John McKenz'e and
daughter of Peace River are vis-
iting the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. .R McKenzie, Exeter North.
On Saturday last Thos. Sweet,
one of Exeter's veteran townsmen,
who is in his 79th year, while out
shooting bagged a bi,; jack rab-
bit that weighed eight pounds and
measured; 39 inches from tip to 'tip
A quiet but pretty wecld'ng took
place at Craven Presbyterian ins-
nse on Tuesday morning at 8 o'-
clock when Miss Marjorie Hazel
Prescator daughter of Samuel Pr-
eszcator was united in marriage to
Walter Henry Harness, son of Mrs.
J. Harness, all of Exeter.
John Cole, of Usborne, has mo-
ved into the residence on Andrew
St. recently purchased from T.
:Cameron, who has moved on a
farm on the Thames zird,
W. Sims has purchased afrom•
Mrs. A. C'ittle the corner house
on the sou;;h side of Ann st. Mies
Cottle is moving into one of the
now houses she erected this sum -
There died on %Thursday Nov, 30
at the London Hospital, Philip
Baker, at 'the age of 72 years. The
deceased had been in the hospital
for treatment sinse Noveaater. At
times he showed sign °`sof'' imprq
vement, but pneumonia level
about ,a week paeviipas rto
ath and his al=e tdy =idea
stitution gaje;a.awty "un°
strain and the eiad, soon ec
was 'twice married, ;his fust', wa.._
dying in Aug, 1912. A yeas la z
he Married Arvillia �Yal�soii' tv�i
survives, together with three sone
and two daughters by the . first
union, The :sons are; Arthur eye,,
the hom,attread, William gn: tie 13,
Line, and Major on 'the loth con.
the daugluters are Mrs. +cl. Gill,
Jr., and Mrs, Walter 7neland all
of Stephen(. In relit ' i hr' ;v•tq
a member of the Presbyterian t:a-
urc:h and polities, a staunch ((re -
u i-
scr rativ.e. He was a man highly
esteemed for his stirling qualities
and was a valued member of the
illacabee order, under whose rites
he was buried. The funeral being
largely attended, and the family
have the -sympathy of the com-
The Hydro gang expect to corn
plete the power line this week and
nearly all the patrons are receiv-
ing service now.
Mrs, Jos. Heist
who ho has been
visiting in Detroit and other po -
ints in Michigan has returned.
Mr. Morley; principal of the
public school is confined to his
home through illness.
Mrs, (Reye) Hauch is at prese
ent on the sick list.
The new Methodist church in
Crediton is to be opened and ded-
icated on Sunday Dec. 17th, Rev,
J. D. Millyard; pres. of London
Conferencee will preach in the mee-
ting at 10 and evening at 7.30. The
young people of the Philathea Club
have had installed a memorial win
dow which is to ;l:die unveiled on
Sunday afternoon at 2.30. The un-
veiling ceremony will be pe1'for-
sued by Rev, G. W. Rivers.
The oyster supper Which was
held in the Town Hall last Friday
evening was a splendid success.
Proceeds amounting to some $88.
After the supper a splendid prol-
gram was given, consisting of sp-
eeches by our town fathers; Dan
Mcisaac, Garnet iC1veitzer and
Mose Waist, Se1ectioils by the
band, male quartette, instrumental
by Merle Clark, speeches by Jac-
acob Holtsniai4 Rev.- Hauch and' li
Ii. Eicher and piano :selections by
the hydra' foreman, Chas. Zwi-
eker made a very capable cha-
Thur,aday, Decenebc'1' 14th, 1922t
'Little Evelyn-AV:uu' ner had the
tnb3lrarl•unr� time pl ayirig� 1'0ce by
0n t11£z flour ,in tht�il' latae li to rut
u edl > in hel' foot, causing her
great suffering and requiring X»
1 ay treatalent' and surgical treat..
Last Thursday evening the nen
Bern of the Young People's. League
of the Methodist Church, present-.
ed Mr. F, -J. Wickwins, flies= press•.
Went,tvh.o has moved 'to xeter+
with a pair of gold cuff links W.itlir
Masonic enablers,
The scarcity
of furnace coal
becoming more and 'Inol'e of a ser -
lout nature and It seems a ery-
ing shame that with such large
coal fielde in difi'erentparts of the
country, that the strikers and
greed of men should tie up that
winch is so neees,nar^y.
Thos. 'Shillinglaw and others app,
peered before our Board of Trade, •
last Monday evening, to set forth
the advantages of our .: business
ivaia, and others in connection with
the supporting of the rural phone
of the Township of rruckerstaithie
and madet a very good . present,
ation of the case in favor 'of the,
rural systems. It would appear
at dater of writing, that the cone.
sensus of apinioniel i1i favor of
the- rural system andwe believe-.
a petition is being circulated in
favor of it and being, already qu-
ite largely signed. •
Consisting of 100 -acres, in 'Ste
anley township, Bronson Line, 5
smiles from Zurich, god clay loam
well fenced and fairly well. drained
6 acres Fall wheat, 40 acres fall
ploughed,. 10 acres good hardwood
bush, god buildings and an ab-
undance of spring water,. For
further particulars apply to Her-
ald Office, Zurich.
J have for sale •a fine 100 -acre
farm situalted a few miles front
Zurich. Good brick dwelling ant
large barn and sheds. Modern•
ezuipment in -stalled in stables, watt
erb owls, staunchions, etc. Farm
• >.s in good, state of cultivationband
hal same fteush on it. For price.
and plarticul'ar3 apply to Andrew -
F, Hess, Zurich. 23-t.f
The e v eel family •of thelate•
Mic Jk.'. .her wish fo gre-
t andfri-
tl •
heir late ma-
Geo, . Foe, son 'of Walter Fee;
IS home froln 'the West, where he
spent the last few months.
Mr, and Mrs. G.P. Marchallb last
week Moved t orM, 1VIarslialI's new
position, the ]muse they vacated
has been purchased by W. 0..
The want of la good veterinary
surgeon is felt in our village end
there is a good opening for one
Mrs, 1). Urquhart and daughter
Beatrice, . lett here for a trip f n
Florida, to spend the whiter 'mon-
Cie, there. a
sees'" aInnG;rs, note to b4
s s
*Oath ate for lnun-
1 o ° .bis allows anyone
who is owner or tenant of a dwel-
ling, or owner of land:; and entered
on the voter's list, a , Britir,h sub -
Jed over 21 years of age withtax
es paid up and living within twii
miles of the municipality, tohold
.eif ice,
It is provided by the Ontario
Stetute3 the': when Christmas Day
fails on the last liflenday in the
year, the municipal nomination
meetings, usually held on that date
Laub e held on the preceeding
Friday, ;Such is the case this
year, and in consequence 0 only
five clear days are allowed for
preparing and printing the an-
nual financial statements. No;
change is made in polling days
when it 1.4s on New Year's ;day;,
The school concert which was -
dated Friday evening December
22nd, owing to nomination being
on tient date as a consequence it
was changed. to Thursday evening,
December 21st. Parties wishing to
take in this splendid concertcorne
sisting of house talent, will doe
well of ordering their .reserved se-.
qts early, as they are going fast,;,
end are for sale at Herald Office..
We: all renne{rber the scores ape,
)pile who were turned away Dalt
year who could not gain atmittance
Viso the splendid program givens,,
rhi3 y7ear it promises ,to be evetti,
a better program, and .without a
doubt it will be the event of the
season, so let's meet you there.
"Don't Worry About Me'
Tom's Assuring Message.
Tom lived wite h his parrentsttand one.
brother, His father, well tip in years,,
found himself tillable to continue the,
hard work of farming, so Tont tools,
up the burden. The income was,not
large, and the lad signed up with a
oiig.els,strippingbrk and driving.•
teams. Altogether these two Jobs.:
firmer and lumberman, kept his day
u well filled that ho had timo for•-
tle auto than sleep. Nature re.•
r at this heavy burden -.:eons.'
nitup.ion claimed another ^victim:
.Aster trying various ways to over-.
Tome his phl+ticial weakness, he went.
to the Muskoka Hospital.t His par-,
ants are anxious about him, they send,
the other .,on to see hien often, tot.
'thoy are old and feeble and journey..
ng is a hazardous undCrtakng to,
.hoin. Toro's own troubles are never
IleP askso form those itatboutl' 1 im, thlivs
tor little bits iy:P, news about his home,,.
and never fails to send this mos..
Page back, "Don't worry about me,.,
rho people here sure do treat your,
:ho NationalttSasntitariumoAssdote aioi
rhe death rate from tuberculosis in,
Dntarto has been reduced by more=•
,hoe one -halt during the last twenty
rears. et, needs your lioip to make ita.
rl'forts still more effective.
Contributions t he sent to titin.
N." A. Charlton, 223 Cohere Stre6t,