HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-12-14, Page 1• RA ' -� ....�!.•I '.. ... . .�r..�,w.T'e..� .r.r�.y .. Pan• zURiCI -L THURSDAY MORNING!. DECEMBER 14, .1922. '01.XXIII No 23. AU Sizes 811 Styles NOW THAT YOU MAY EXPECT. DIRTY SLUSHY WEATHER ANY TIME, COME AND SEE OUR STOCK BEFORE YOU BUY ELSEWHERE WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF THE AMES HOLDEN BRAND. A RUBBER GUARANTE ED; ,TO OUTWEAR ANY OTHER BRAND. WE ALSO HAVE A COMPLETE LINE` OF COSY FEET SLIPPERS AND FELT SHOES OF ALL KINDS :FOR MEN, WOIVIEN AND CHILDREN. W. H. PFILE, ZURICH THE HOME OF GOOD „SHOES REPAIRING NEATLY DONE ••0000004.31.•• •�v�00000000a4o•�0�00o4•�v0000•v e • l -. 1 Ivr re opping ig.Days Till Xmas. ' • VN D -1 • OUR STORE IS BRIM FULL OF BRIGHTE".W, CHARMING .a IFTS FOR LADIES,' GEN)TS AND Q 1/4vHILDREN, SO WE FEEL CONFIDENT AN rINStPEC.1,ION OF OUR LARGE' SHOWING - OF HOLIDAY GO' P WILL SO VE,THE XMAS. GIFT PROBLEM: FOR YOU. COMFY NOW • r- Pridayti Dec. 15th is the last day to �ay !you 1922 taxes. 'The local open air skating arena Was opened for the first skate this •TTresday evening. ;Me. and Mrs. Rol. Geiger and •Mz. and Mrs. B. Pfile were to Ex- eter on Monday, Mr; Emery Ruby of Kitchener is sjnding a few weeks at the home of his parents, Mr. ,and Mrs. Wm;. j3uhy, Mr. Ed. Haberer of Hay Townt- ,aliip attended the Bee Keepers Con, 'iretfion at T@ronto last week. As Christmas falls on the last IVInday in the year, the municip- al nominations will be held on Fri- day, the 22nd. Mr. Peter Reichert Jr. of Hay Tpwnship is attending the big U. E.O. Convention at Toronto As a delegate of the club in hips •dist- x•714'1:: � � Mrs: C. F. Hey, who had been here for several weeks during the 0 illness and death of ler mother, the late Mrs. Michael Kaercher, left fQ :for her home at Mad Axe, Mich. on IQ ''Monday morning. Mr. Andrew Price, accompanied by, his sister, Mrs. Lovelle, left for Detroit last Thursday, where Mr. price intends to be for some time. They '`also took along Mr. Prices infant son. t guessing contest at Hess' ei y store this week, consists cel mething ;Real", a jar of mon- g• 'e•y,h,e !guess. who'' is the. nearest �/ k " ' amoanitla of • money th Vin, 4,1,;i: ht alarm clock gab leVat closes Satua F .udafy' of Text1 d'wCe '1 'ili Chester Smith, Publisheit $1.25 °' isxax In AdVaa>t $1,5O TN ARTt1i has Alga 111, k HARA7 'D Xmas! Xma Xmas Now is the tim' o choose Your I� mar a suggestions that win, terest Yon Here are a fe LADIES AND GENTS JEWELLERY, PEAR AND STONE SET VERWARE, PYRE MUSIC:4L AND PENS, ETC., ET Perfect r;y es-, uricntif. OC'KET AND WRIST WATCHES, FANS 4 RINGS AND NECKLACES, GENT'S SIGNEl GS. RICH CUT GLASS, COMMUNITY SLS -WARE; IVORY AND EBONY, CUCOO, MANTIS',, UDIOR CLOCKS, WATERMANS FOUNTAIN. White a Diamonds from $25 up JEW1I:`*LER AND OPTICIAN •00400+ *006.0.4•.0..00.0.00 e.40.00..40.4•............4.407 . PHONE No. 74 0 . 0 a o�, ►' Tust Also 4.m 9 -0 0 a A BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always on hand.. all Horse Goods/, Received a large number of Genuine WoOlen Horse Blankets frig Assorted colors Size 72x84. • a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prices 0• Ranging from $7.00 to $13.00 Z SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A CALL. • ags, „Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Prices. NR 1021. 0 s: HANDKERCHIEFS, FANCY TOWEL SETTS, 'TABIE•.LINENS` E7: xnfg td have 'an, eleet"ion 'ata th Township and Village. V. Hy. Truemner of town, Mr. a . d Mrs. 'Dan. Truemner of the Goshen South, and Mrs.' j.K. Goetz of Dashwood were over the week- end. at Sebewaing, Mich., attend- ing ttending. the funeral of the former's sisL ter, lira,. Otto Soldorr / •!� \ ij \ ri\ 0.1 fit A. t0‘‘ 9 $ OUR ASSORTMENT' OF O Q' EVER WITH PRICES ,pD l)%�.. _. - - f o IT`BEATS... IX14 7-,- I403 N' 7 i �1q 4 pklius:��; .. �6; 4.0 . 44 4� Jl, D 4VOc FRENCH IVORY WE HAVE ALMOST ANY PIECE YOU MAY WISH FOR, AT PRICES WAY BELOW. EXPECTATIONS, SEE THE DIFFERENT PIEC ES DISPLAYED IN OUR WINDOW. Suggestions For HIM SILY AND WOOL SCARFS SWEATERS 1 SILK TIES KNITTED TIES FANCY HOSIERY PLAIN HOSIERY PYJAMAS RAW SI LK SHIRTS BATH ROBES CANDIES AND TOYS CANDIEES AND TOYS IS LARGER THAN 10 iTO 15% LOWER THIS YEAR. MADE IN CANADA ' `ref �. E as it Sweeps as it Cleans A. lift that lives Allyear round"her" thoughts are on clean- ing. There's hardly a day that She doesn't have to get after dirt, somewhere. You can eliminate most of her cleaning labor with your Christmas gift. Ga c "I,er" a !looser. • Its powerful motor will save her hurs.f tiresome labor. Her cleaning will be done quickly, easily,thoroughly. And year round the,l iwilt l;firvl much -satisfaction in the knowledge that her Only 38.00 beings The. Hoover Phone 59 R and 3 40 �0 le,Clothing.Department Al way s 4Q0 Umo$ fir' ate 0�0 QQ� Dinner Setts 9 to $37 iPg Produce Wanted 'WE IN TEE MARKET FOR ALSIIE AND CLOVER SEED yam; :.G7.�d /J"C.'•Q�• �"!✓�.-✓,�',p�•-a��Q'q C�1'd 4•`�•c�a• � Cl, .p.p.�q' h�C�`'�C�. •VQ..°4 `����'��0,�,� � A4' • T H E IYLOLSONS BANK Incorporated 1855 Capital Paid Up $4,000,000 Reserve Fund $5,000,000 Over 125 Branches It is not necessary to make a special trip to the nearest branch of The Molsons Bank every time you want to deposit money.-- Send your deposit to the Bank by mail. Write today to the nearest manager of The Molsons Bank for in- formation. C. ,.Y• JOY Mau ger Zurich Branch 04.0�..�r.0...�.0.��.•i•�•� T BUY USEFUL What is more appreciative than + a useful Gift for Xmas. Some - .q" thing that will be used every day. •II• which ,,always reminds. one of the giver. * Let it be this Year a nice pair 1 of house slippers or house shoes. 4' We have a fine assortment of the +very latest and niftiest styles, and •g• the pricels are so low that Nice is no consideration;;. COME FIRST ANI? GET FIRST 4. 4. ZURICH Cnl'I°�4'�Icl► 1:++++++++++++++++++++++++4+++++++++++++++++++++++++++,-. •+;•+s+•t•dro°•i•-#•3-+•€••F•.F•y..t».II••4•.p.0+3••F••II•P+•g.•.•.y+++•F••F+•1^.l•.g•o'••g.+++.g,•4•+•5.++++k,. GIFTS =MENIAL . A very interesting even occured at the Presbyterian manse, Hen - al; on Wednesday afternoon, Nov 29th, when Miss Alice Dick, only! daughter of Jas. Dick of Hay town I Alin was united in matrimony t'. Mr: Roy Weber, of Hen all, son 1 of Mr and Mrs. Louis Weber Zurich. .Phe marriage was very! , quietly performed, by Rev. J. A. Connell, and th•e happy couple of -1 tcrwardh proceeded to the home! of the bride where they were 3o,-1 ined by a number of their relate -1 Val and a sumptuous dinner joyed, . The bride was dr esse• 1 1 r; Lar charnlenise satin, with lace trimmings and bot,fire reel, 1 a itlx whtte fox fur. The happy I (amnia have taken up their home in Ha•i all on Richmond. st. North, j and their many i'riend.j and rel)1ti -; y a.i wvish them long ,And cont:nu 'd 'happiness. 0. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS 'If4.4.4.f++ ++44 4 CAST RIS For Infants and Children in Use For Over 30 Years Always bears , the A Sid-#l,ano. a %e m 61 CHRISTMAS WE HAVE A GOOD AND COM- l.'LE'rE STOCK OF -BEAUTIFUL !?RESENTS ON HAND FOR OLD AND YOUNG. ALSO NEW FRUIT, ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS AND CURR- ANTS, U.RR-' TS, DATES, FIGS, CANDIES, I/ L' TS, ETC. CALL AND SEE 'OUR STOCK AND GE P OUR :1f23 CALENDAR. R. .. A, GENLiRAL. MERCHANT _ PHONE f . 97 L. •