HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-12-07, Page 5Thursday December 7th, 1922 BUSINESS CARDS Pioudfoot, Killoran & •iiOLMES.'' Barristers, :Solicitors, Nutax•iee, Fu'7,1i , Etc. Office on the Squaw, .8nd door i;roua Hamilton St, God tench, Private fund's, to loan at .kweat rates, J roudfoot, K.C. J. L. Killoran D, E, idolmes. Mir. Holmes will be in Hensall on Friday of each week, Andrew F. Hess, Township 'Clerk leaner of marriage licenses, Notary /Public, Commissioner; ,Fire and Aut- omobile Insurance, Representing ro:r Y:Ql1l Wants, For. Sale, Lost, Fo'u.rad, Notice} iEtc Ads IN THIS COLUMN STRAYED Wwo orale year old cattle. Oiie pure+ ?wlite and one rod and white both rte horns, were Ilsst seen 114 miles ''north of. Dashwood on Dec, Bird.. es00 . reward offered for anyone rihut!tng up same :and, notifying Was, Forrest, R.R. KipE-- pen, Phno!e 4-93,, Ilehsall. 22-1 Sharon and Erie Mortgage Corpora,'.• •y. tion, The Canada•; Trust Co. Zurich, Ontario. ' Dr.E. S iiard,ie , DENTIST At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY) DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFFTC12 - HEN ',JAL +•w OSCAR KLOPP Professional Auctioneer, graduate o! Davenport Auctioneeling School Try me for real estate, merchandise,' jewellery pedigreed stock, farm sales Rates alwaysreasenable, my territory the world. Choice farms for sale. Rhone 18-9 3 1 Zurich man Licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for County of Huron. In a position to con- duct any auction sale, regardless as to size or articles to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for .ervices. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood, Phone 31 r 13. Zurich Meat MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price fer Woull 1 CASH FOR SKINS & HILES Tungbiut & rt Deic .c ZURICH LIVERY I ate: in a position to accomo- date all requirements in the Livery Line, have Auto for hire. Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL Phone 59 • Zurich& G. S. ATKINSON, L.D.S.,.D.D.S, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and of the University of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every Tuesday and Friday from 10.00 a m: until 5.00 p.m., at the Commerc- ial House, (Upstairs). Main Of - tire at Bayfield, Ont. -19 - LIVE -P O U LT R Y WANTED Taken every day till 3 Oclock p.m.. Do not feed fowl same morning when brought lb. Highest Cask Prices --CASH POW:— ,Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Photne 94, Zurich COAL Spring and Summer DELIVERIES SEASON 1922 Owing to the strike of theMiti- ers now prevailing in the Pennsyl- 'vania Anthracite coal fields, we are tunable to guarantee delivery or price and until ,conditions be - tense more . settled orders will he taken subject to our being able to Obtain .supplles and at prevailing price time of delivery.r��= COAE & PRODUCE MERCHANT TERMS ;—C.A,.S11 ;r letaone- Office 10w, Florae 1Oj FOR SALE A few good second hand rook stoves at a bargain~ , •. ,Stade & Weida, Zurich. tf-22 POULTRY WANTED I will be at the. Walper House, Zurich .fl•oin December 7th to Dee. 12th. Highest' prices paid for Geese, Ducks, Turkeys and chickens. C. Et Lossing, Kitchener. FOR SALE iQO purebred White Leghorn pullets Apply to Ed. Dimmick, R. R. 1, Zurich, Goshen Line, Stanley 18-2 WANTED A Lady or Gentleman to sell silk stockings, gloves, silk blouses underskirts and hairnets direct to consumers on commission basis. Car owner will be able to build up a good income. Apply to Lad- ies Tailoene Service, 425 Rich- e mond Street, .Lonon.d 18-4 WA NTED Distrirrt :Representative wanted for Zurich and surrounding territ- ory to repreCent the Old Reliable Fonthill Nut -ores. A splendid op- ening for the right man. For fill information write; Stone & Wel'lizigton, Toronto. .--'STRAYED From nye grass farm, Dixie, Parr Line, a red year-old steer calf, - with in the last two' weeks. !Fin! - der please notify Garnet Jacobe, Zurich • FOR SALE One 5-h' p. new United Gas eng- ine, also a light one-horse sleigh will be sold very cheap.—A bar- gain. L. Prang, Zurich. tf21 FOR SALE 6-h p International gas engine hopper cooled, magneto, friction cl!atch pulley, on trucks, fe. cheaji, apply to Alex. Mousse , Zuticis, tf-20 LOST In the Town Hall, Zurie,h, on Saturday- evening, a purse con?- tainin • a five dollar bill and a' small amount of change. Finder pleasereturn to Herald office. NOTICE. OF REGISTRATION OF ,BY-LAW Notice is hereby given that a By-law was passed by the Council of tho Corporation of the Town- ship oP Hay on the 2nd day of No r•s.zr o:cr, 1922, providing for the issue o; debentures to the amount of $1410.00 for the purpose of pay- ing for the cost 'of telephone ex- tensions, and that such By-law was registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the County of Huron at Goderich on the 24th day of Noe -ember, 1922, as number 453. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part there- of must be made within three mon- ths after the first publication of this notice, and 'cannot be made thereafter., Dated this 25th day of Noe -ember 1922, 21-3 A. F. HESS, Clerk of Hay Township 11.4 NOTICE I h;r re t;rlren out License for Auctioneer for the County on:fur- `on, and am in' a positionto Con- duct sales by auction. Give me a trial and I will assure you satis- faction or no charge. ' tf-29 James Denomey, R. R. 2, Zurich, Phone No. 10-93 DR, JOHN WARD Will make a complete test of refractive condition of the eye, and of the muscles, Spectacles scientif- ically fitted. Services at reasonable charges. Will ; ir'e at; 8-22 Zimmer's Hotel, Dashwood, Walper House, Zurich, s, ZUBf,CH Hli.t4,»t,LI) Hydro- lights was 'turn'ed; 'ori in Misses 'Ethel and Eva . Willian><O are spending the week at Sees, .Mr„' and Mrs. ,J; Geiser of Cr•e f-' iton visited friendshere on Sun- day. Mr. and -Mrs. Hy, Price of *n- oel' were Sunday visitors at :the. 'house of Andrew Price. Mr, Barnum Mitt'leholtz of the West isvisiting relatives in Zurich and vicinity.. ' Mr, Clarence Deters of H'<iy Township wase visitor the pas week to Kitchener. the. vi441.ga.a of Crediton and Cee- tri lza 1't•. Tueyduy night, Quite a naMber tof' farneurs in the neigh- beeneod. are wired. for the .current, fork oth !light , and power. The alarm clock guessing . eon test held by W, G. Hees, jeweller, has created considerable interest. Last' week's guess went to . Mr. Gear,. Hess who griessed 43 Lours, 20 minutes,. and the actual time the clock did run; was 42 hours, 53'nes- utee, XsTr, Wellington Johnston was a ,close second, x STANLEY TOWNSHIP. Me. and Mrs. Richard Robinson and daughter who have spent the t past two. Months in the west, re- turned (last week' to their home in Stanley, Mrs, E. 'Robinson, who has be- en visiting her daughter Mrs. Loi- uden of Hamilton, has also return &d hone. At the December meeting of the Goshen Farmers' Club, Mr. Geo. E, Johnston was appointed President and Mr•. Ed. Dimmick Sec. for the coming year„ Mr. E. Dimmick was also appointed as delegate to attend th eannual con- vention at Toronto. Missionary services. were . held:, the. Varna Circuit Mast Sunday when Dr. Crawford, a returned mission ary freeri Chin* gave a 'very in- 'teresting and inspiring address. Mr. Crawford has spent fifteen years as a medical missionare in Chiufa, and he is very much inter ,ested in the work there, he is now theme on Furlow, and is taking a 'post graduatte course at Toronto. During the past week, we have experienced ' some real spring like weather, as the fine sleighing with a foot of snow all disappea,s ed on Thursday, night last, while the past few days the weaeher has been somewhat colder and more sea son able. Again this week we are in, re- ceipt of .some articles for . public- ation without a name undersigned. School teachers should also beat' in mind that their school reports will not be published unless their name is signed, and if far: some re- ason they do not want it published same will be donee on their req- uest. Word was received here ontMon- tday of the dearth of Mr. Pete/ Mimed' of Drysdale, who died in to Stratford hospital. He was op` embed on a few weeks ago for cancer, and seemed to be getting along riviely, when things turned to the worse, and he passed away at that p'.hce on Sunday. TM remains were brought home for burial. the funeral taking place, this Wednesday„ Among those who attended the.; funeral of the -late Mrs. Kaercher on Sundafy we notice the fellow - in;; Mr. Ezra Kaercher and two d ruehtees of Kitchener. Mr. Will Kaercher of Detroit, Mrs. Eckst- ein of Tavistock, Mrs`. J. Bender and Mre. Wettlaufer of Kitchener, Mrs. C. F. Hey Yf Bad Axe* Mich, The latter ha'ving been here for some time. Our local merchants have rec- eived their supply of goods for the Xmas. shorner, and it is the fine est display that we have : seen!for Years, while we hews the good news that everything is down corn-. siderahle in price, which makes shopping so muchmore pleasant. The time to do your buying is now, while the assortment is good and not wait till the last few days' when many renes are solei out said" • hee.t. t- 7eplarN eta ! special ads of the: many things offered, and petronize your hon.ie merchants, instead of send- ing yoru good read- each to !the nail order houses, who in most eases send you the trash that then cannot sell in their large stores in the city, which, they think, is good seismal far -,people fifty/ or a hnndre-1 miles. away. 1t.. and :firs. Win Wolper and Tamely, of .Seaforth, breve moved in- to the village last week. Mr. Wal ner having taken over the Zurich baking business from Mr. Ervin Eckstein.. We wish them every sue cress in their new venture and wel- come: thein to the village. Mri Walper has engaged a 'skilled baker for a time, aced the product that is being turned out is second to none/, There is no need of peo- ple using imported bread made by such concerns that one absolutely of no benefit' to your home sup- porters, pay no taxes in. your munr icipality, and are just after your dollars. If your good wife does notb ake your supply of bread, be sure and patronize your home baker. What would be the con' sequences if there was no baker in Zurich? Higher prieed bread. TO CLOSE ALL U,PPO. STORES In view of .losses suffered dur- ing the/ ast year in its Toronto and branch stores, the United Farmer's Co-operative Company Lirited,will close all stores now being oper- ated, according to H BG Cletnes, gene.rai,• mn.aiager, who handed out the financial. statement of the company. Mr. Cllemes believes the directors favored closing all stores throughout the pro'✓ince The net trading]. oss for the year as shown by; the statement, am- ounts to $566,222,78. OOut of the 38 stores nine have been closed with a i•oss of $176,978,21. Theloss incurred by the 'Toronto store is the 'largest item of importance in the profit and !loss account for the year ending Octi 31st, 1922, as the most of the $76,978.21 was lost through the operation of the store in the 'city/. • FOR SALE Pure bred Yorkshires -3 ,sows and one boar 3 months old. The above are choice Bacon type and �z lith e registered. :Henry Krueger, R R.2 Zurich 22-4 FOR SALE 8 pure bred Light Brahma pul- lets, also 2 •cockerels, Apply to S. Buechler, R.R.2 Zurich 22-2 Phone 14-97. ivoTgcF The Huron County Breeders Association are holding a sale in Wingham about March lit. Par- ties having stock to dispose of -are requested to give this infoz,•- ination to the Secretary, S. B. Sti•others, Clinton: Entries close' January'15th. NOMINATION - 'PUBLIC 'NOTIQE is hereby giv- en that a meeting of the Electors ;of the Municipality of the Towne hip of B(yt will be held in the TOWNSHIP HALL Village 'of `Zurich on Friday., .ecember 22nd, 1922, at ,the hour ,from one to two o'clock p.m., for the purpose of nominating candid- ates for Reeve and Councillors for the Township of Hay for the year 1923, and in mals& a poll is den -sane dede pones will be opened on Monday, January, let. 1923. In the several Polling Sub -Div- isions of the:Township, as follows; Poll No. 1, School house No. 2, polling place; Edgar Munn D.RtO: Earl Campbell, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 2, School House No. 14, D. Burns D.R.O; W. ID. Thompson P.C; Poll No. 3, Town Hall, W. O'Brien D.R.O W. F. Braun, P:C. Poll No. 4, W. G. . ass', Shops Wl. G. Hess, D,RtO. D. Oswald P,.C. Poll No. 5, School House No. 12, H. Krueger D.R,O., J. M. Tiler P. C. Poll No. 6, Har- tleib's Hall, J,. Ki Goetz D.R. 0.., D. Tiernan 1 C. Poll No. 7, Sehe ool House No. 3, W. McAllister, ' D.R1,0., J. B. Forrest P.C. Poll No. 8, Frame Hotel St. Joseph, F. Ducharr,e D.R,O., Jos. Corriveau, Pool Clark. Sail Polls will be kept open from' 9 o'clock, a,mEe until, 5 o'clock, p;,ml, and no longer. ANDREW F. HESS, Returning flIffieexr Dated' at Zurich, Dec. 5th, 1922. POLICE VILLAGE OF ZURICH N;0,14EIMALT ION PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY Given that a, meeting of the Dlec- tors of the Police Village of Zur- ich, will be held in the TOWN HALL, ZURICH, on FRIDAY Dec- -ember 22nk.1, 1922 at the hour from 7.30 to 8.30 o'clock inthe evening for the purpose of nominating can didates for Police Trustees for the year 1923, and if a poll( is demands' ed. .a: poll will be opened on. Monday, the est day of Januar; 1923, at the Clerk's Office in the Town Hall. ,Said poll be opened at 9 o'clock, a.ml. until 5 o'clock C . A, F. HESS, Returning Officer Dated. at Zurich ;this 5th day of December 1922, _ +444e3 iefo •r+•hyo +.l••F•3~+4•l~3 3a++•E••l• •He•Dee++•1••3• ;••1••II•+s3• .•+ i•,+•1•eo' 1� Zurich ' Studio and look Room Just received our ship- ment of School Books, High School . Books Etc. Printing and Developing, Photo On Post . Cards, Ete., Etc, Stationery always on hand 4421 O" a'.T! rr LEFLEISCirl d urkh ,�. GoidGold Yish > WE HAYS JUST RECEIVED A ,SHIP1V1'ENT OF GOLD FISH 4 WiIICII WE WILL SELF, Al 10c,, 15c,, 25c AND e0e, EACH. • ALSO FISH ,GLOBES FROM 60e. TO $3.50. CASTLES FROM 1:. 15e, to ;1.00 EACH. S'ISE' . GRASS, THREE SPIKES FOR 10e. FISH FOOD 15c. Cotue Early acid get First Cho tee HA . Posall' Bazaar Exeter • Page 0'1 MM.WM.WWW.TM'M'w,,-w-.+w' w*MwMMwI. m!imamunmmum!mumunn!!m!unuunuwum!Inwuumsonumuuu p Illlu nn tgovinitommtu1011NWIaNN,NUINIWImummuu j„, N° 4078 .1 ThargrietalYOrratentAdicuiek- ' t AvedefablePreparain orM” psimilatingthelbabyRegula tingt Stomaclsandj3owet50 XNIANTS 'Cx>tin Iheretry'PmmotJng 1gA>gA stio, g heerfulness'andllestCyo da neither Opplant,Nlorphsne nee Mineral. NoT NAUOO'rir1 jarprot'O?dAr. ' . ppmosi:w Senna Rochelle &g Anise 310d a A rb▪ a team j • r fi lififitreavatvor, AhelpfulRemedYforf totlstipatifonanniatrho ea BndFeverisimess and Loss OF SLEEP D i ilit!n$ihetert anC a teSignatureof ' Fac$imi s i r PIC 1 TEM fEIa CENTAUR COMPANY Y 31r ISTOKIA For Infants and Children. . Mothers Viers Know That Genuine Ca toric Always Bears the Signature of �n Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. ,q,.ztetaasimalmswimeatuon WANTED The best Fond ,;'125 will buy. FOR SALE Chalmers ;Six, New britt eu x$850 1 Four wheel trailer, )air1 ed $90' F. ,© Hess & Ce. Mach FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 100 -acre farm be- ing Lot 18, con. 9, Stanley Town- ship. There is on the premises a good bank barn with a good e ell in the stables, good out buil- dings, good 9 -roomed frame house ell overhauled and part newly built last year, soft water in house. About ttwo acres orchard. This splendid farm has a rich cla yloam, and all ,low ground is well. .drained, and is fairly well fenced. For further particulars ap pie at Herald Office or phone Clinton central 2-623. 21-5 COCIEEINEMIS FARM FOR SALE ,d Lot 10, con. 1, Huilett, situated on Provincial Highway, 3 miles from Clinton and 5 miles fromS.e- afor:th. Contain3 100 acres, well drained and fenced in high state of cultivation, three acres hard wood bush, 2 acres orchard and 20 acres fall plowing done,. On place is good pine barn 60x50, stone foundation, sta- ble all cemented and in first class condition, driving shed 50x20, ten - roomed brick house with good cellar,. For further particulars ap- ply to Mrs. J. D. McDermid, C!lin!- tnn, Ont; or Mr. C. M. McGregor, R.R. 2, Seaforth, Ont; 21-4 Ready -to -Wear Clothing DENOM Y BROS. GENTS FURNISHINGS Ordered Clothing TAIL RIG Fit For The Best Unusual --- The new models of the Art Clothes for 1922 and 1923 are inten- ded to attract the particular we- arer interested in good Clothes. Exceptional— The fabrics and patterns are cehoice se1eVtions. Cloth that can be relied upon to give ser - vies and stand the test of time. Quality T.IIB+' SPLENDID APPEARANCE OF TPIESP WINTER SUITS AND OVERCOATS IS ENDURING IN THEIR EVERYDAY WEAR, THEY RETAIN' ,THEIR STYLE AND GOOD LOOKS. THIS CHA.RAQTER,- IST'IC IN "ART CLOTHES" IS TREAT, QUALITY SOUGHT AFTER BY ,THE WEARER, When you look for these three particulars—the Unusual—the Exceptional—the Quality—you are certain of results in buying Art Clothes. 1::)E. NO i In.OS m. p'. ,We• l lee,+�1 .. •°K a4 ayq y -