HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-11-30, Page 8eeiee ,. 3 1 New Frill and Winter Condsfc�t• your inspection. G\'•o c,an 'one', lines at tever hat means in Dollarsesaved to la'ces you New Serves in all colors priced from 85c. to .3,50 per yard. Velours and Hoanespuns for Coats and Suits. New Short Flannels in leading she - des, suitable for skirts, nadctys and Children's wear. Black Douchesa Sill:, guaranteed. Extra .heavy quality at $2 90 yd Eiderdowns and Kimonf Clo'h , a- been baro to fathe_ market crena; have _ R MEN been. off .she fo a fnra• �S.li years.\, ut we are new again showing a fine range of part erns to choose from. • NI?,V FALL SUITS FOR MEN _-- a•: it BOYS, FALL CAPS, HATS, Mcnaafh Teetle in Down, Doves 1.t)\%ES, FINE SHIRTS, TIES, - ane Floss, 25 colors to Mew- a S, ETC• from. \'i 0 o and Flannelette 'Elan c iciv-to-\Near "lothing M Fhaia ;1 a3 , 'vTjve ager : tlt, p EN OM Y PROS, Ord ered100 + The sthre with the Vara! Cash DisculiI GENTS FURNISHINGS Clothing Fit Fox The Best Unusual -- , sural----, , i,,,„, ,i,r,,dels of the Art Gashes to :• ee,2 and.1.923 are inters- , IGlee to alma' the particular we- ar 'r interested hi good Clothes. 1 acakalete range of Untlerwt:ar Exceptional` The fabrics and patterns and Children's wear. echotce see tons, Cloth can be relied upon to give ser - ,V.• have again in Stock, Reiiers Wool and Fleeced, for Lad-- • are that N ,: 1, quality Hosiery in heal' menium yarns, for Ladies' leaf Children wear. And have; edited e supply of Yarn, this I in guaranteed to give 'satisfac- ti in to wear. Aghast market p 1 es paid dor Line Foes® try taken every Wednesday Forenoon Dried pp es Wanted J.+a.*C 1.0 SO DESIGNER PATTERNS PRODUCE WANTED • ►'. • • w• r•i h' g a ge U0 TIRESWe have on hand a Compie Line of DOMINION TIRES And TUBES. 111 Siees (hest on the M,,;c,•.t). Also a few Seconds to Clear at (Extra Special Prices). LE!' US SUPPLY YOUR NEE.' )S Ol'e AUTO CYLINDER LUBRI- CgTINfx OILS AND GREASES. WE HANDLE NOTHING BUT THE THE SES r AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WI 1`'R OILS OF PROPER VES- COSITF TO SUIT YOUR MOTOR.- Also stocka compete lime of vice and btand the test of time. Quality� THE' SPlLENDID APPEARANCE OF THESE WINTER SUITS AND OTS F FICO ATS IS ENDURING IN 'I'EEIR EVERYDAY WEAR. TREY • RETAIN THEIR STYLE AND GOOD LOOKS, THIS CHARACTER- (S I'IC 1N "Atli' CLOTHES” IS . TREAL QUALITY SOUGHT AFTER BY THE WEARER. •- When you look for these three particulars -the Unusual—the Exceptional—the Quality -you' are certain of results in buying Art• Clothes. Genuine Ford Farts ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO MOS 1' CALLED FOR PARTS OF VARIOUS AU l'OS. I.X.L. :Battery Sales and SAcetyline Welding. Y, , Get into the habit you, and Serve You Ww PHONE No. 103 Service Shahan, Battery EXPERTAU PO REPAIRING .A SPECIALT of Pat-. onizing us. We want to serve 11. I[, Niousseai Zurich ltirr 0'-'1`k4 P �, ro roup t e 4 auge for GooC. s ;y, a . THE BEST XMAS GIFT LOCAL MARKETS \,turas for the Boy. istinas for the Girl.. i strias fox the Fathers. .19tmas for the Mothers. astriias for one and •ali bound . the 52 weekly issues of .The •-t Companion for 1923. No eriodical can take the pail •Companion 'at the family o . other reflects sot home spirit. ues of 1923 will contain o a dozen serial stor- o hundred short st- sketches, special abt ys, the girls, the se, The Children's octor':s corner will r vears, prove in- ires of the ' paper mind receive, ps;.'of 19923 will be nll , serial stories, short arerials, poetry, facts and olea eribe now and receive; i,, tith's Companion -52 is - n 1923 t`ile remaining issues of 1922 Companion Horne Calendar r 1923. -- All .for $2.50. gat include M•cCa'l1's Magazine; 'elle monthly authority on fasll- r'as. Both publications, only $3. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION 'Commonwealth. Ave. & St. Paul St. Boston, Mass. Subscriptions re- ;.•;lived at the Herald Office. leerre.cted. every Wednesday). Better Egg pard ozen. ireei.d apples per 'ib. , _..r Dutch setts per lb. -. Potatoes per bag Oats •,. \Vheat p.er r$ushel Flour per cwt....Bran per ton Shorts per ton Chickens per 14. Old Herne 114 g.., 'Ducks lb -•. Hogs •' -1-1•.0 i-i•-:r+•II••§ ++++ ++'i•4'fi'•t ++31,14$! t' 3o+II • .313i- + r r F'%.}'.i i.F'o°++ i• 43i41 -I. ITEMS OF LO la LATE FRED All The sad nays r field on Monday, Nee death of Fred Aike` Win. Aikenhead, near who died in the Sanita? Weston, after being there weeks. He had been ill all mer, ;so that death was .not. ti pected, His father and slake were called. to see him before'. passed away. The remains w were brought to his father's ho and the funeral was held on W nebday, the services being ,co ducted by Rev. W. D. Milnitosh.. brother Wilfred, who was on way -home from the West, ret „+� ned in time for the funeral. t The • deceased was 21. years of age and previous to his illness was empl- oyed as accountant, in the Molsons Bank at Zurich. There was a -lar ge funeral many relatives coming from other places.. The Better ...,,Furnished Home I Sh.CM ad have Oneflotiaur eg� "•I• e� mQ ed it e4. +a• � 7 ... -4. N ew that- the cold winds of Fall + 4. ,'r' and the chilly evenings are here, + iw• one i.hould thinly of the cold weal �a•. aer coruin Winter will soon be+ 1, ' ;r^t_l) 1+' Make our Home coir �^ tc� , " �;)� ,1• 4 at hand. Ma Y _:.... I i � �+}� t # plett and comfortable with one r ��‘`*=" �,. =��'° � - - �e �• ,or Heaters. Come ' ..w µ�. • :: o-... ,: - e our Ranges d 4 ou need an x -° Ind tell us what y r � ,t+ in4. \ i� 4. ._ , •! ,1, we can fill.your requirements. .' FEN/NV/LAR .EE . !S• . FURNACES!"-- I FURNACES! 4. ;4'Vt ri ALSO ^y,CK AND. INSTALL ITHE `YELL -KNOWN BAN•- eTER PIPE:LESS FURNACES ' AS WELL AS, SEVERAL OTHER s "� PROMINENT MAKES +1• 0 Coming » ocial Events The young Ladies' BibleC'lase of the Evangelical. Church: have changed the date of their • bazaar from Dec. 2nd, to Dec. 9th. .A grand concert consisting of Mamie talent will be held in the Town' Haye, Zurich on Friday ev- enieg, December 220d., The proi- And see the Voiderful Val- ues in Aluminum now showing in our window. Here are just a few items: TEA KETTLES $1.98 COFFEE PERCOLATOR 11.98 DISH PANS $1.98 SET 3 SAUCE: PANS $198 8 AND 10 QUART STEWING KETTLES $1.98 '.these are all Guaranteed Heavy. Weight Utensils We carry a complete line of Furn- iture and Hardware. Your confid- ence is solicited. 2:1' N PHONE 63 0 Herald Job Departmeut Is al Nays .at your service for GOOD PRINTING. Wedding Invitations and Announcements, Calling Cards, Stationery, Letterheads, Billheads,,Statements, Envelop - es;_Cnsc' Baak-3, Posting Bills a sp3eialty. PRESENTATION 'pupas gramme is being put on by the of Z. P. School, Under whose The friends. and neighbors of 1 ..tespices it will be held. ,We all Mr. and Mrs. B. Pfile and family , remember . the big attendance last gathered at their home on Wed -1 year, and the fine program, some nesday evening, Nov. 22nd and of the audience were in the goodHall showed their regret of ,thorn lea- ; at' six o'clock to assure a ing. During'- the evening, a pree- eat The management is of the h d- ei,tatioti consisting of an electric I eyingto make a R all iron and electric toaster was anade { and sell reserved seats this year. anid thle •following address. So the first buyers .of. these seats Dear Mr, and Mrs. Pfile and Farrar- have 'first choice. ily;— Wc; a number of your nei- ghbors and friends have learned with deepest regret that you are about to. 'leave this neighborhoodl in the near fut ire and so prompted by than fact we have assembled. here to -night as a 'farewell party t oexpress toy ou the warm feel;- ing which each and all of us cherish towards you and. we trast friendship 11T1a7 C h that the ties of exist beeween us •spier(\ not be severed by -'our • removal, but but that it shall continue and bre;- aden while you have been our as- socciates for of rs we have alwa 7S found ;fon willing and generous. And though we regret being sep- arated from you, we know that ethers wits Ibe blessed by lour kin- dness and whien ;von are no longer residents of this vicinity we still hope that you will reserve in a corner of your bil hearts a fond recollection of •your fourteenth fri- ends. Now we could not let this' opportunity pass without availing oayrselyes of the privilege of show- ing our feeling towards you. We -therefore ask you to accept this gift and Telt it • serve as a token der i reminder of our'good washes an. (' $aarany happ dries spent together. Signed on behalf of those engem- bled, , Milne Rader, W n . Haugh. 1 ,l. c 'fit+-letill)S OF SHEOL'F HA.:R•DWARE, ETC•, ALWAYS IN 0+ ALL STOCK, -+- NO i7 ROUBLE TO SHOW AND EXPLAIN ALL T INOUi' OUR GOODS. GET OUR PRICES AND THEN BUY. 1+ +1+ 0,RECTEA BLOC K - ',ZURICH ;i++++++++++++++++++++++044++++++++++++++++++++444+4 +1+ BIBLE THOUGHT ....FOR TODAY. Bible Thoughts memorized, will prow' a priceless heritage in after years. Whe,ace then cometh w:sdoni? a -'d where is the place of understand Inge :Behold, the fear of the Lord that is wisdom.; ; and to depart es�i1 is understanding. the • --For as many as are sed by .Spirit off Gods, the yare the sons of God. Know ye not th .`.•' •e are the temple of God, and -th•tt the Sg- I.il'it. of God dweileth my ourself. ° "'Teach me to deo thy will •; for though art my God; thy spirit is good; lead arae • into the land of uprighteess,. ce are ye saved through >_a B yg . faith; and 'that not of yourselves it is the :gift of Goth. The Lord is with you, while ye be with him;: Be ye strong there- fore,' and let not your hands be .veal. - ive When( ye stand pz' ayrri�g, forgive if yea have aught against any,thut� your 1 athe'r also which is in heav 11 fors i,e wooer-. trespasses. FREE! FREE! FREE! Special Bargains till Xmas. Bring along your Dried Apples, Fresh eggs and Cash, and we, will give your coup- ons which will' entitle you to beautiful.' guaranteed Silverware FREE E Now is Your Chance. We have a big Stock of the following; FRESH PEELS, NUTS, CANDIES, ORANGES, RAISINS FIGS, DATES Toys for the Kiddies SEE OUR NEW LINE OF SWEATER iCOATS AND MONARca YARNS HANDKERCHIEFS FOR LADIES' AND MEN BIG BARGAINS IN LADIES FURL REDUCED PRICES IN MEN'S OVERCOATS, CAPS, GLOVES, N 'Z TIES, SCARFS, MC. A. FEW MEN'S SUITS REGULAR$27,50 FOR $15.00. ALL WOOL MEN'S SWEATER CO ATS Afr $2.25 - 0 DR. HESS'STOCK, FOOD AND PANACEA, KEEPS YOUR STOC3', HEALTHY AND MAKES YO I;R HENS' LAY i, , (i YOUR XMAS. SHOPPING NOW AND REMOVE CASH CUPOLAS DO 0 terick ashiOfS, �COO11�Ge Wanted,. ' 1� hone .ior 87 • L. UR