HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-11-30, Page 5Thursday,,IToveleber 30th, 1022 BWIN CARP Ptirplrrlloot, %illcta'Ssn & :f1Ola'klaR, Pirristext usil6:, Lie, Chicle ,on the Sgn2►ii', $ed door from Hamilton St Clod,- iericl�. feevale feeds to loan al ,lt*weet rates, W. Proudfoot, J. L, ;Killoran D. E. Holmes, Mr. 'Holmes will be in Henault on Friday of each week. Andrew P. Hess, Township Clerk ;ltasuer of marriage licenses, NotarY Mobilo, Commissioner, Fire and Aut- (mobile Insurance, Representing Buren and Brie Mortgage Corpora- 'ann.,' orp oral iaon.,The Canada Trust Co. Zti , Uterio. e Dr E. S .arcle DENTIST At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY iDAS3WOOD EVERY THURSDAY Y WAIN OFFICE OSCAR KLOPP Professional Auctioneer, graduate tot Davenport Auctioneeriug School May me for real estate, merchandise, ileWehery pedigreed stock, farm story sales 'Rates .alwaysreasonablp, my the world. Choice farms_fo Zurich le. (sone 111.8-93 Licensed Auctioneer .- iJT-yowl Wants, For Salle, prye. t , Found, Notice, Etc, Ads t TN r.CiIIS COLUMN WA NTE ! We are m the market for Dutch 'aettc and large onions, Highest market prices paid. Must be well cleaned. Licensed Auctioneer. for County of Huron. In a position to con- duct any auction sale,hegardless ,as to 'size or articles to sell. I solicit your buelness, and if not. satisfied will make no charges for ,services. Weber, W , - Dashwood, Phone 31 r 1e, Zurich net MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Boiogna Sans -ages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool!I CASH I'OR eKlIeS• : HADES te Deichat 'ZURICH LIVERY T; I,', WU]M, X16 WANTED :DOT CFI SETS: ' Highest mar- ket price paid, must be thoroughly dry and put through fanning mill ' 3. GASCFIO'& SON t-16 FOR SALE 100 pure4bred White Leghorn pullets sepply to Ed. Dimmick, R. R. 1, Zurich; Goshen Line, Stanley 18-2 WANTED A. Lady or Gentleman to sell silk stockings, gloves, silk blouses underskirts and hairnets direct to consumers on commission basis. Car .owner will be .able to build up a good income. Apply to Lad- ies 'I' i ilot:'ing Service, . 425 Rich- mond street, Lonomd 18-4 Ivlra. ]Yfleb, Kaerch'er continiics quite poorly. Ale. Chas. Hartman of Ingersoll is Visiting under the parental. roof Mex, E, Truemner is spending some time with her son Mr. John Truennrer, at Detroit. Miss Campbell of Clinton sp- ent the week -end with her friend, 'Niles Mabel Preeter, Senator William Proudfoot of Goderich is seriously ill at Tee onto.. the result of a major operation. 'Messrs. Lets and Chester Ben- edict clef( 'on Tuesday morning for London where they intend to re- main for :same time, Ralf the people in the world are unhappybecause they can't afford the things that make the other:,alf unhappy. With a 'little colder weaker, it will be possible for the ' mail- ager Mr. E. Koehler, to flood the open air skating arena. 'Considerable over a foot of snow has fallen the past week, and the sleigh bells are gingling while the roads for the auto are. *very heavy. Mayor Cameron Wilson has de finately decided to retire from mayoralt contest in London add t .this lust sasnion of Ontario £eeisiature an Act was passed by i tiineki, the wi'V!es Pi tho,ie having prctipert yenough for 2 to qualify tan wore given pa4nicipal votes. Ind curie the px opert yis in the. wife's Mune then the husband can qualify four a municipal vote .on the wife's I property, ri'•he names of husband and wife are b aeketed on the vole - me list, Only One of the names counts when it comes to recoiling the number of 'municipal electors iso that there will not be any 'inter- ference with the County Council Act, which earl there shall be one represeittativ'e from every municip- ality which has less than 1,000' vote ;era and an 'additional representat- ive-for epresentat-ivafor every iiiunieipality with an adclitionial thous'ancl names. This Act giving wives equal municipal rights with their` husbands comes in force on Jan. 1st,1923, This will mean at 'lea'st half as many more na.tnes' on 1923 lists as on previous voters lists and :will add considerable to the cost of mun- icipal printing neict year. When assessors begin their' work on Feb- ruary ;15,, 1923 they are compel- ed by statute to add the names of (married women•, spinsters, widows and married women ;with property in their qwn names have had the municipal franchise for several years past. Women are eligible for trustees who .ars 21 years old, British subjects and are entered on the assessment roll. WANTED fol' ors A1d,. H, J. Chl'lds as his• sue- • 'Diatriot Representative wanted cessor. for Zttrirh and surrounding territ•- Mr. J, Hey Jr., 'returned on. (Iryin renis ent the Old - Reliable Friday ,!rom, a business trip to Fnnth•1" Nur ere A splendid op- S;lgannvrT ,Mich» He also called on ening for the right man. For fel• inrnrinatten write; Stone '& Wellington. Toronto. STRAYED the ll nni;e of her parents, . TvTr, and Lin rom a neda e eon-olda,ste geese farDeer•''calf,i Xrs Hee Truemr..er: She 'left on Tue ria,' for Florida, where shewill spend the winter,; "Handel's Messiah given by the South Huron Choral Society wee be rendered 'in the Clinton .Meth= odist church on Friday eve. Dec eniber 8th, Mr. and Mi's. 13en. Pfile' an family of the 11th con. movedt eir effects on Thursday into 'thee residence in the village, and ler his uncle,, Mr. C. F. IIey, at 'axe, Mich, Miss Dorothy Truemner, nurse of Toronto,"' spent the weele-ned at Bads - with in the last two weeks. Fin- der• please notify Garnet Jacobe, Zurich. Z am in a position to accomo- date all requirements in the LIAyery Line, have Auto for hire. Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL Phone b9' Zurich: O. S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., DENTIST FOR SALE One ,6-h p,. new United Gas, eng- ine, also a light one-horse sleigh will be sold very cheap. --A bar- gain. L. Prang, Zurich. tf21 FOUND A small quantity of money in welcome them as citizens �.tO Zurich. Apply at Herald Office _.Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and .01 the University of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- iitary'Dietrict No. One, London, 0nti Crumb,. Court of n at the TownHall,Count Zurich, 'Office hoursdat'Zurich every y Hon the Eigth day of December,1922 n. until and Friday from 10.00 me a 1 at eleven o'clock a, ne, to hear 'ltitl,.until 5.00 p.m., at, the Comrnerc-. . $al House,, (upstairs). Main Of- l and determine complaints of er- -19 tnr� an o fife at Bayfield, Ont. STRAYED Onto mi premises, Lot 8 con. G, Stan' ev `i'n A rear -old heifer, open'• Oct. lr't. Owner can have Sallie on nremises by proving pro- perty and pay;ns; all expenses. B. W. Carlile, Varna, P.O. 18-3 ich. ."What's all that noise on ovah at yo' houses last asked an old colored woma, another. "Sounded. like catamounts done broke "Dat? Why dat was n de gen'tnan from the fie eollectin' his. easy pa'y Mr. Kenneth Ro ceived the appoinee district as agent 'crown farmer's jolt Mer's Advocate. should read. this pa:. inter•0st, and' we h ledge will induce the A very peasant uni of the \'r , C. T. U. an THE LAW 1TO RESTRAIN 'lIIE USE OF TOBACCO 13Y YOUNG PERSONS Some abetracts +as taken from the Dominion Law 1 Selling, giving or furnishing cigarettes is absolutely forbidden to . persons under sixteen years of aea'uerier any circum=tances, To- bacco in other forms cannot be fui.nished such :persona when for their own u e `Penalty $10 to $100. • 2 The constable must seize cig,- arettee etc., when in the possens`.oe of such persons, in any 'street or Public place. ice, 3 It is a crime for any oneune sixteen to chew or smoke in public place; or to .purchase ssess and cigarettes ' or cige e papers; for t0 have any tole- . t.,...4,.4..; t••l• • • •• •t••t••t•t•lelei, •.x..t..e..z,.;. ie his possession for his own Penalties, a repremand or up•to $4;00. o the magistrate must de - 'ender oath, where cigaret „„ were obtained. Refusal to reply is deemed "con- court." somyouths under sixteen Thtantel. reittaes in >slot mach" a �'�M'..;` '�1,ir�+r�i�+:' ,� 9T;,�:4A. S1F. ,Jp!,• tutu i�owumuiuuuumumu�mum� �. ounii melee1V4 eine • ''ihel'COpfietaYorl'atrn 2+%8icineil� Ave ete'bleieparmtionibt �simifatit►�ttleloodbyl#e�td tingtitsStentacle andl eeetsof i1There bye- °t.-- estion Gleertu fnes8.andRest Coii°airs neither 0 ium,%forPhtnelg Mineral. NoeNA1WOTIU Recipeol l S, (rI rigla PtaepXlrr sem Senna jorhelleSalts Anise Sad �tl6Car leSWIP efffirfied gal' �trf„�,S„•ca:7avo� bu AhelpfulReULDd�k°lioeai� °G'and Feverishness and ®I Sit 9P :reoltitingtherefroarininiancy.;[1JLoS `ie3i nature et gacr5itiu it > •-an _ rart rlorlTxrA'�,1'f�a , �e;a For Infants and Children. others{ ;.10' That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of In Use Fr Over Thity Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. S N fffelanWeetZleentree THE:CENTAUR COMPANY NEW YORti CM. �_;t`_o' its to :emir -e 'ettes. 4 ,,provieg age on y kind can 'be unclayr. ;Stand,- o,license to sell e Lord's Day. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY - COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation of , the County of ,Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, Goderich, at 2.30 ceclock ie' the afternoon .of Tuesday, the 5th 'dace of Decenir leer, ].522. .All accounts against Institute was held in th the County intuit be in the hands ' - : `held Mrs of the C1•erl. 'not f Ater than Mon- illr,.Le . Nor.15th.the W. r T. day preceeding the. meeting of roe.- Council, the chair during the clevot GOO, W. HOLMAN, County Clerk, part. Miss Collins favore Goderich .Nov. 20th 1522, ladies with a solo. She also ' a 'eery interesting address,- rvlzi'C . - - ---- was followed by a quartette b, -----------------7---- � Mrs..A. Geiger, the Misses Rennie;r. NOTICE e Routledge and Pre Iter. The me - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN eting was then handed over tie that a Court' will be held, pure Mrs. Manson Pres. of the Womens suint to Tel he Voters' List Act, Institute who conducted the bus by His Honor the Judge of 'the iness and closing of - the meeting. d missions in the Voters List of the Mcmicipalit'y of the •i'mrnsbip of Fray for 1922. Dated at Zurich the eth clay of November, 1922. A. P. HESS, .Clerk of the Municipality of the Township of Hay. L I VE It!? OU RY WANTED Token every day till 3 Oclock p.m, Do not feed fowl same morning 'When brought , in, Highest Cash Pries - CASH FOA-- .Crean),4 and Eggs W. O'Brien Zurich Pholne 94, Spring and 'Summer DELIVERIES Mr. and Mrs; J. W. Horner, loth con, and Mrs4 E. Geiger, Dashi-- wood returned home last Friday from their western trip, they tell us that they enjoyed the •tiip as well as good health throughout.' '.Chef arthest stopping point was Smith Centre, Kansas, where they. visited with Mr. and Mrs. C'. Mathes and other friends, Smith Centre is a beautiful little town on the Rock island railroad. In this western country the fanners depend largely on wheat, corn and hogs. Owing to the lack of mois- ture the reheat has been a fail- ure the past two.,.:years, corn be- ing a fair crop this year, Mrs an:cl,.Mrs. Mathes who are up in the seventies are •still hale and hearty and gave them a royal welcome. and showed thein a fine time. They intend coming over another year to visit their Canadian fri- ends. The first stop on their way home was Abilene where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Holman and spent a week, the weather was more favorable here having had more moisture, the wheat was nicelynicely"-up and it was a beautiful sight to see the dew on -the bun& reds of acres' of green wheat at sunrise. Falls City was the onl:' stop in Nebraska where they vise tied with Elmer Hey and family. Elmer le a sun of -the late Henry Tiey who :went west in the seven- ties. The main erops here were also wheat, and corn. •Corn ev- eraging fifty bushels while wheat went over forty per acre. The land is ro'llilg and very fertile and sells at from $200 to $300 per acre. On Noes loth' they again started, (or home coming through the States of Missouri, Illinois and Mich igati, stopping at Bada ce, Michh, visiting vv'itb C F. Hey and also. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Parent, On 23rd inst. they started foe' the land of the naaplea, although they saw wonderful sights and grand scenery, they* saw nothing to conte NOTICE .1lin ee taken out License for Auction: er for the County ''of Hur- "on, and am in a position to con- duct shies by auction, Give me ii trial and I will assure you satis-' faction Or no charge. tf-29 James DEmnmey, R. R, 2, Zurich, ]Phone .No. 10-93 SEASON 1922 Owing to the strike ofthe11'lin- ers now prevailing in the Fonns l mania Anthracite coal fields, we are unable to guarantee delivery er tome p tee and (mill .renditions \ be- • °more settled orders will be takensubject to our being able to (obtain 'supplies arid at prevailin'g. vine, timc of delivery. OMi & PRODUCE ME1';:CEAN.I Ti RMS; -CAS' Phone Office= low, ler n t•' DR. JOHN WARD Will make a complete test' of rcondition of the eye, e, and y of the muscles. Spectacles st•ientif- i'cally fitted. Services at reasonable charges. Will 'ibe at; 8-22 Zimmer's hotel, Dashwood, Walper ,House, Zurich, Slufio and Book Boon Just received our ship- mutt of School Books, High School Books Etc. Prinlieg and Developing, Photos On Post Cards Etc., Etc. sty always on hand tf21 is rt very weak boy he can't even turn. book without feeling good many brothers ci his parents are very lion George put on long he was just 1Z at the time anis a roan and took upon 4 the task of earninn, money e family. e -went to learn a trade in an iron dry, where fumes and bard work ermined a weak system and sowed ure trouble. Now and then one er working member of the family mild cease earning through sickness loss of job, and George would have 'keep his nose to the grindstone ew more hours each day to make .-'for- it. His life was just work, ork, w,ork, until- one day he drop- ded on ` the floor. The company physician, who examined him, pre- -scribed a year or two at the Iduskoka Hospital for Consumptives. He can't understand why he never had a boy- hood'and none of the good things of iife,'but hole fairly happy—he knows separation from his family safeguards them. He's content, and he still has hope. There are many just such deserving lases in need of treatment at the Xuskoka Hospital. "Will you lend' a hand. Contributions may be sent to Hon. V .4NA. Charlton, 223 College Street, Toronto. Seven Z Lumber Laths Shingles i .I. i Combination storm and screen doors 1-11 de lo Mel a 4' if Lumber\ and Building NiateriLl 4. .e, canto -; Work cur Sp,ccialty i.Always in the �Iai-1�et. 101' Say • logs �' i F- '.. C • s XAL.LY] Steps to Success b Poultre Culture. 1. Keep accurate records. Little, progress can be made without this; first step. 2. Feed a properly balanced re. 'tion. Such a ration furnishes nutri- ents for growth, maintenance, fatten- ing and eggs. The productihn of eggs Must be a constant atm. 3. Give proper care and comfort by good housing and tnanagenient, Discomforts are: Extremes' of heat and cold, hunger and thirst, four air and dampness, and diseases and parasites. -. 4. Keep ' standard -bred, utility stock. There are five good breeds for the farm; Plymouth Rock, Rhode Wand Red, Leghorn, Wyandotte and Orpington. "-Varieties of these have been bred for heavy egg -production. 5. Breed froth the best, :both male and female. 6, Sell unprofitable stock, 7, Market graded products. 1\faxi- n'tunt returns are secured from geed - ed products. Markets demand a con- stant supply, and this calls for cote- nunityr co-operation. Age of Cows.: I PHONE 6 CB fi• a<4,.x.,4.4.-7...i. +4.14++ en. •rW.f•ro •,l•^3.•g•.3.•s+•#•� .. �. a 1 i"'`, ry;+,1, 1;11°f:irrtt of Can.1'„al about '19 to 24 tnu to e, see, 5ei . t . lee r et of, ll`tioun iii tlua 1olp to verify it. "..:h.u:P:ZSa.i=:,ei '£ Z-lr.. :.1.1M... ..'tri$MIZZE-•..•,••+a=1.1Slh.eT.•.'..+3Elti'SiYS'ta lardida WANI ED The best Ford $125 will buy. Chalmers al w l) 1 u E cr )' $Ft 1P� 'Lea tyailer, pzlinit d OO Fa As r< ® Zurich It is more difficult to determine thy Lige of a cow than of a horse, say the live 'stock mere at the State College at Ithaca, New York, They agree that some estimate of a cow's age may be made from her teeth and hbhis. The number of "annual rings" on the horns, plus two, for example, usually gives the animal'. age, but remembering that the pairs of permanent teeth conte nine monde tl.part and the first pais 'eseiles <it• l;leek. -. Zpiic1 } .: ttr pri1Vinco 9 YOU RECEIVE IN 12 MONTHS AT ORDINARY SAVINGS INTEREST ON HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES OR CANADA TRUE I Co. CERTIFICATES YOOTe RECEIVE INTEREST IS PAYABLE HALF YEARLY ON SUMS Or $100 ANIS OVER FOR TERMS IF 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 YEARS QOMOBINED ASSETS Ole BOTH INS'1'I77U'1.1001V•S TOTAL OVER THIRTY-FOUR MILLION` DOLLARS VICTORY BONDS SOLD AND BOUCIIIP. Have You MADE DE YOUR W1 LL? �. FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY TO; ---- Zur h