HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-11-30, Page 4Paga Vette usines S spende At T. W. Parhner & Son tlotning, Furnishing and Shoe Store Hensall — Ontario DONT BUY DON'T BUY DON'T BUY DON'T BUY ANY CLOTHING ANY FURNISHING ANY SHOES .AN'Y'WHERE AT Any Price me But Wait UNTIL ■d y Aft kt +," ,�j��, 1St ut clock FOR SALE 64-1L4.,. International gas engine hopper cooled, magneto, friction slurela pulley, on trucks, for sale cheap, apply 'to A11ee, Mousseai1, Zurich. tf-20 'LOST In the Town Hall, Zurich, on .Saturday evening, a purse cons". taining a; five dollar bill, and a, small amount of change. "Finder please return to Herald office. WHEN THIS GREAT SALE COMMENCES 'it ZAN — I WILL GIVE YOU THE GREATEST XMAS. BARGAINS "les011 EVER HAD — MAKE ME POVE IT;. 1Il J. A. BALMER AT r Son Store .W.PariHenson - Ort® !' f enual Hall, Hensall. 'SW' 'ONHight FridayDec. 1st LY ARKS �a�S. No. 1 Co • With Gracie and May Bell Marks In the Best play yet The Law" "Within And Relined Vaudeville between acts Not a moving picture Special Prices 25c and 50c And Amusement Tax Instead of inlereaaing ',Canada's debt es it 'net time it was on the decrease? CanFada er net debt fs - noW $2,369,759;026, and it has been increased more than $40,000,000 sin- ce October 1921. This is a young and growi1l,g country and welike to be opttnisticc but if this kind of thing continues: to go on at this tate, since the war, we carr sea nothing but trouble ahead. Ex. POULTRY WANTED I will be at the Walper House, Zurich. from December `7th to Dee. 12th, Highest" prices paid for Geese, Ducks, Turkeys and chickens, O. EL Lossing,' ICiteheee1'. ANNOUNCEMENT Wisps to announce that the Mil- linery store will be closed '"forthis ,season for regular business. on Sat- urday Dee. 2nd. Open Sat. Dec. 9th, and Sat. 16th Just a few hats left to be sold at half price MISS M. E. ROUTLEDGE Kindly Settle Accounts. BORN Demme -.At Town Line, ,Lae, on November 18th to Mr., and Mrs. Edward Den'o2ny, a. `son. F1axbo'ard—Atto' Mr Zurich, nMNq Veni- ber 26th, Plaxboard a daughter, ' FARM FOR SALE - Consisting of 100 -acre farm be- ing Lot 18, con. '9, Stanley Town- ship. There is on the premises a good bane barn with a good well in the stables, good out builr. dings, good 9.- roomed frame house all overhauled and part newly built Last year, soft water 'in house. About two acres orchard. This splendid farm has •a rich cla yloa1TL, and all ,low ground `is well ,drained, and is, fairly well fenced. For further particulars'ap pls at Herald Office or phone ,Clinton central 2-623. 21-5 r DASHWOOD. Miss Ada. Fassoid visited in Ilensel', a few ° days last week. Mr. Olarence Yager has retuu return- ed ed from a, hunting trip. koka. - Mr. Ed. Beaver moved his house hold effects from Zurich last week Mies Hazel Snell left last week for London where she is spending $the winter, FARM FOR SALE.. Lot 10, cont 1, Hullett, situated on Provincial Highway, Se miles from Clinton and 5 miles from Se- aforth. IConttain? s 100 acres, I. drained and fenced in highs of cultivation, three acres h wood bush, two acres fall,ala ing done. On place is go -` barn 60x50, stone foundatie. bre all cemented: and in fits condition, driving. shed 50x, roomed brick house with cellar. For further pestle ply to Mrs. J. D. McDer ton, Ont; or Mr.C M I' R.R. 2, Seaforth, Opts); Mr. axed Mrs. Roy Fritzley of De- troit are visiting the latter's par- ents, Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Genttner. The 10 -day Sale of merchandise of J. C. Reid & Coils meeting with. blg success, eel arge . crowds are daily present. COUNTY NEWS The, death occured on. Nov. 15, of Florence Hodgins,, only daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs,, Sid Hodgins, of near Linen Crossing. Deceased, who was 24 years of age, laud been 111 for several months and recentlY returned from Byron Sanatorium, where •';" had been undergoing tr- i promising youth in budding )manhood )Passed. on Sunday last, of Oscar Harrison, son. cif Mr. and Mrs;. J. H. Harrison of the Thames Rd., :aged 16 years, he Was taken ill on Nov,. 10th, with pneumonia end nine days later passed away • The death of Sam. Scott; an ' d yatnd respected resident ' of Y.Gi11ivray occured on Nov. 14,th .,his 78th year. He had been ail Amy,; for 'some 'weeks and the end 19+uq ked for. Besides his wife he bare left to mourn his loss s and three daughters. Exeter NO OF r EGISTRA Notice is By-law Was of the Corpo• ship of Hay No v ei tier 19 issue o» debe of $1110.00 for ing for the tensions, -and registered in • for the Regist County of Huron the 24th day of as number 453. Any motion to aside the same or 'an, of must be made within ths after the first public this notice, and cannot be thereafter. Dated this 25th day of No 1922. A. P. HESS, Clerk of Hay Tow pry EXETER `-t rm;erl' p s $har has returned wed- .a1t�n S'mcoe after visit- eyes with Mr. and Mrs. 'S';nuis -Truemnei •'of $$t a Pew days the; •wereound Me t•r. it s scene --they left here. Y. Reynolds while going ?.verandah steps had the *sae to break a bone ' in tVkle.••$rery quiet and pretty wed- "' i'vas solemnized last weeket Methodist parsonage by Rev. b,chran;e, when Esther Qu'se, dau- '.iter of Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Guise Cif Larchwood- Was united in mar- riage to Chas. Durisford, of Ex- eter. e Mr. Ilainilton, foreman or the Hydro gang, who are putting up the lines between here and Credit on, 'narrowly escaped being killed on Saturday. The were string- ing the \vire9 when one caught in the breeches of a tree, and while tightning' .one of the lines the wire gave way and touched the 13,00 `olt wires.' The shock knocked Mr. Hamilton about ten feet and his arm was numb for several days. • On Nov., 20th Elijah Jory passed away' at his'h'OYne on Huron st. ae ged 78 years, 7 months and 16 days. Deceased had been ailing since spring, he was born near Petrolia and. when about nine ye- ars old came to the Thames Rd. Shortly; after his marriage in 1870 to his bereaved widow, who was Emily Kestle;..theyy moved to Mc- Gillivray, • Eight viears after the. moved to ai farm on the 2nd con. Stephen, retiring and Moving to Exeter sixteen years ago. Seven children also 'survive. e. • Tbur,sdasY, I' oyeinber 30th, 1.921: 2:06,44er . Slashes 'rice Thursday Friday Nov. 30 Dec. 1 Saturday. Dec. 2 $5 Sweater Coats for men', 1good weight h t A t 2.4 $3,50 Largest 'size flannelette Blankets,�Tbxqualityat . $2.8 90 $1,10 Menis black and whie work Shirts, full ......98c- $1.50 Men!'s silk knitted ties, real 'Xivas. gifts for 65e. THIS SALE WILL SAVE YOU REAL MONEY - Ladies' Coats $19.50 Ladies Coats, This ,Season's best styles in Burberry's and 'Fur collars. Also, lots of good warns coats `one our racks froth $5.00 up. Any fur net in our 'stove at cost price and we have some beauties. Dinner Setts 20 per cent. Discount We have 'a big stock of Dinner sets, which includes !some or the best patterns in the trade and we will allow 20% discount on any set you chose. Our China department le also filled with beauti- ful sets and single peieces suitable for Xmas. Gifts. We are heads quarters for :;`Blue 13ird", "Bridal Rose," "White and Gold" and Over land stock patterns. $6.19 Boys, Let's Go—$6.19 2$ Boys' Suits and Overcoats in Snappy styles and good cloths Regular worth, $10 to $15—You take your pick for .. ..- $6.19 Coates -Cotton Spools Flannelette, Good quality 200 yards, 4 for 25c. widest width per yd.1.9c $5.50 Men's High Rubber Boots at .• . $4.49 $400 Men's .Low Rubbers f ai, ---ti., --- $3.49'• $1.50 Men's Woolen Shirts and Drawers at ... ..--..$1.19 YOUR DOLLARS WILL BUY MORE QUALITY GROCERIES HERE 2 lbs, Seedless Raisins et ..: .-_34c 1 lbs. sweet Mixed cookies 35e• 34c 7 Rolls. Quality Toilet paper ...25es 7 large cans Cascade Salmon $1.00c• P2 lbs. Seedless Raisins _. 1 lb. Best Orange Peel 34c 1 lb. Best Lenon Peed 340 7 lbs. Rolled Oats 25c 9 half 4b„ cans Cascade Salmon $1' 15 bars any Laundry Soap ... 98c 35e. Bottle Extract. Vanilla ... 22e• 3 pkgs Jelly Powder -. ...- 24e • 60e. 4 and 5 -string brooms e. -48e. teasel Yeast Calves 5c. — Lux 10c. — Corn Flakes __. ... 9e 1 ib. SpecialBlend Tea, black or:nix 48c. -11b -spec. mix.Coffee 38e' Best Canned Ctiiin and Early June Peas, it canof each for ..- _-- 25e•.. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR EGGS, BUTTER A, TD POULTRY Areclotheses clothes st now and Is a Word uppermost in our minds �.� s .. perhaps it -best describes aliens features' of the new We Tailoring For Men V. ST ABRICS ARE IDURAI3LE, ST'3i'LES PRACTIBLE BUT MOST $'t1'ORTA.1;41T OF ALL OUR WORKMANSHIP WILL GIVE YOU EN- DURING SERVICE ' AND LASTING SATISFACTION. IF YOUR REAL NIFTY ANb CLASSY STJIIT' INTENTIONS ARE TO BUS. A . OR OVERCOAT SDE OUR LATEST MODELS IN RAGLANS, ULw7- " S AND CH2TLRIILDB. YOUR INSPECTION IS CORDALLY VITED. .. 1 1 1� _. 4 41.0 070 COMMUNICATION Dear Editor- In reply to a clipping from the "Wiarton Echo" I wish to say;— - - Some people would kick if they had both legs cut off, In the first place, the editor showed very little jud:gement in selecting for his example a young girl whose naive lie might just as well ment- ioned. The girl may be yet in her teens, bait in this day and generation brains ,and ability are the dominating factors for a suc- ccessful life, not necessarily grey hairs. The editor veru kindly re- ferred to the soft life led by the ones engaged in the teaching pro- fession, Firstly, he has never been e teacher or he would not have made that statement, and therefore any sane reader would. $judge that he is talking about a matter of which he is entirely ig- norant. The teacher does lead a strenuous 'life and if any poor beg- gar works from 't to 6, without a off that is his own look' out. • Evi- erybody could not belong ,to a professions If the editor were to go to a Teacher's Convention he would see the results of this str- enous lite clearly imprinted upon the faces of these "only girls" as my friend, the editor p sits it whose fault is it that the teacher only works from 9 till 4, and five days 'a week'? Don't blame ;the. teacher for something over which they have no control. Educati- onal experts agree that the child mind is being taxed to the limit. In closing I should like to say that it would shoes more judgement if the kicking editor Of the Wiarton Echo would use the male prineip.- talc as "the butt whore he refrains ?tfron attacking, fo'r his outbursts of oratorical deform. Leave that poor isolated (only girl) rural sch- col teacher alone' and kick hard at some person who is able to kick Jr t1r 11d .l»^. ,L • F31 /^, 1. Y. htlc �9 1. 1 14ti1"ilsen, Principal 4 ? E'+' 1 i• -'r ..1'i<4•++++++++++4++++++41444++++++++++++++4++++* t D. A. Cantelon, coal merchant, three brothers; Wm. Manse, Ne' has been gladdening a number of 'Homburg, Henry,South Easthope, homes by the delivery of much sought and prized coal, the past week. Miss Dora Sherritt, nurse, and sister, Mrs. Caldwell of Listowell, are visiting their mother, Mrs. Thos. Sherritt. ++4++++++++++++++++444•41+++0+++++++++++++++++,+++444. or 4 ,1.. Gold Yish Gold. yds WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF GOLD WHICH WE WILL SELL Al-. 10c,, 15c,., 25c AND t,Oe. ALSO FISH GLOBES FROM 50e, TO $3.50. CASTLES FROM 15c. to $1.00 EACH. FISH GRABS, THREE SPIKES FOR 10e. 4 FISH FOOD 15c. -II• Come Ear'dy al -.1 get .First Choice >a Exeter es is Powell's Bazaar HENSALL Mrs. Hillier and two sone, who recently came here from England left for Cleveland Ohio. where Mrs Hillier has a sister living. The engagement is announced of Elden Mae youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McArthur, of Mensal), to ?Mr, John Duncan Reid, of Londono on of Mrs. H; Reid, o 'Hensall, the marriage to take pl- ace lace in the near future. Mr. and Mrs(. Alex. Swan are spending a couple of weeks with their son. John at Windsor. sd Miss Gladys Petty , on Tue evening last, entertained in limier of Miss Nellie McArthur, a bride- eleot, and a very pleasant evening was spent. Miss McArthur ' was made the recipient, of a fine niis- cel!laneous shower. I+; R. J, Paterson and , i3usch'were in .Buffalo. the past week, Mr. Paterson looking alter coal inter - este, • "` 'Mrs. Waller, wile of Prof. Wal- ler, of Huron Colele, London, gave an ,addrt ess with the connects; ion With the recent .meeting held under the ou yr res ,f. thr Auxiliary sSet 1i;011i , '.Y•t. 1 ran church. Mrs. Legg, of St. Marys, was here fro. the week -end with Mrs: Ellis, and daughter Hattie. 'Themes tT.. Berry, " one of the pioneer business men in Hensall, who crossed the ocean some thiety tines during his career as a horse importer, 'died here on Thursday morning, Nov. 23rd, in his 67th year after an illness 'of several months. He was well known all over Ont- ario for his ractivities in the world of thorobred Clydesdales, and his stables were the 'largest in ;the Co- untry, He is surviyed bar Mrst; i3erry and t'vo sons, Wilson and Ed -Ward. • The -funeral was .held on Saturday afternoon to McTaggart's ccernetery and was conducted un- der the Masonic auspices. and Adam of Tavistock. Her only' aster Mrs. Hy. Nickles' died in. June last year,. The funeral wae held it the Evangelical church and; inter ..cent at Crediton cemetery. CREDITO N. .- AUCTION SALE • OF DRY WOON On Lot 6. I, RB., Stanley Township Oe SA1 URD,A.Y, IDECEIIIBER 2, Commencing at 1.30 o'clock, the following;- 3S o.lion ing;-- 3i coeds of hard wood, 18 inches:. Song, mostly. • Maple. - t iJ0 rods of..snake fence, hard: wood? rail's. will be sold in 20 rod lenge ths. . • t TERMg--$10 and -under. cash, over that aniotint 10 months credit ♦vile tie. given on furnishing tppr- caved joint notes, 4 per cent, off:. for rash on credit amounts. Thos, M. Snowden, Proprietor.. O'rcar Mope, Auctioneer. ' Fred Clark of Islay, Alta., vis- ited his parents Mr.' and Mrs. Jas. Clark last week. Nese Senator and Mrs. Ratz of Hamburg visited, their daughtter, Mrs, C. Zwicker. Glad „to report that Hos hat Mrs. H. Hospital IC.'l:llber who is at Vic 1 London, is improving, ,., Mrs. August Hill, has returned to her home after visiting relatives in Kitchener. e There passed away at her home inn the village on Friday, Nov. 17th another of Crediton's esteemed re- sidents in the person of Mrs,Dan- iel Oestreicher, at the age of '52 Veers, 5 months and 22 days. De- sensed had been a long :sufferer from cerebral tumor, hence her death was net unexpected. She e was been in South Eesthope Tp. but lias been a resident of Cred- iton for over -28 years. and is the youngest daughter'of the late Mr. ,li,hit Man's, of the late Mr. John Manz of Tatiistoek, and is survived 1, i,s . i s isti, \'iL e 1 by hit Is 1 1 1 and AUCTION SALE Of Household E''fects, Etc. to lag held at Dashwood on Saturday, Dect' i ber 2nd, Commencing at 1 o'c1oek, p.m. the following -- Pandora. Range nearly new,', Oxfm•d Laurel base burner, lawns mower, 3 b eds, bed room suit; 3 n ' les 3 mattress; glass eupb- ,. es• 4, a•eses Pinsk. (1 dining Poor) chairs, 10 kitchen) chairs; 4 rock- ers, kitchen table, 3 centre tablese• Sieving machine, lounge, clocks, robe sesely nese 4itr_ 1e haancss, 2 onion crated, sere.. a''i cupboard, sink, 1 rnoreh'ome u made carnet, 2 pieces lineloum, flower steed, dishes, crocks ket-. i:(ee pans, lamps. picture: Trainees mats, curtsin poles, wash. tubs, coal scuttle, gardens tools, bench• gt.'i'nd tone, i'rnit jars, annum ere nuer,-. osis other stieles. Tl i:MS•-'i5 00 and under cash,. ovhy that amount 6 months credit \\ ilei 1: gi\•(ea on furrn•li''ng 11ap- , riv^d joint notes, 3% straight.', rif''r'1.•' r:•T h. on credit in mints, ( ! 1 i '{.,ir1l•h�nr. p..,v1' `i "tor• s,�thur Weber, Auctioneer,