HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-11-30, Page 3RICH, TIED BLOOD NECESSARY TO HEALTH Weak, Watery Blood Needs a Tonic to Build it Anew. Why are we eciitinusally 4.old that health -,giving blood must be alright red? What has color to do With the quality? Just tlhls---the oxygee. in the air le the great supporter of all ore garlic life. One function of the blood is to take the oxygen from the air— which it meets i'n the lungs and de - beers to the beetles of the body. When the blood, filled with life-sustaining oxygen, is eielit out by the heart, it is bright red. When it returns, impure and deprived of oxygen_it is dark. You, will see, therefore, that there are two prime requisites of health, pure air and bright red blood—the pure air to furnish the 'oxygen, the rich red blood to carry it where it is needed. Pale, anaemic people, whose nerves areon edge, who tire out easily, and who suffer from frequent headaches, do so because their blood is thin and watery. All such people can improve their condition through a fair use of Dr. Williams' PinkPills, which enrich the•, blood, thus enabling it to carry oxygento the system. Among those who have benefitted from the use of this medicine is Mr. Charles A. ay ser, Glenholme, V. S. who says: 'Some four years, ago I found myself badly run down. I tired very easily, and found it difficult to do my work. My appetite failed and I °slept badly' at night. I was taking ,medicine, but it was not helping me, and -I was grow- • ing weaker and weaker. A friend who called to see me advised me to try Dr. Williams'sPink Pills'. I got six boxes and before these were done I felt bet- ter. Then I got six more boxes, and after taking them felt as well and 'strong as ever, Four' years have pass- ed since that time, and I have con - Untied in good health and working all the time. I have recommended these pills to others and shall continue to do So."' These pills are scold by all medicine dealers or will be sent- by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box or .six boxes for $2,50 by The Dr. Wi114ams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville. Ont. - The Butcher's Boy Reads History. The subject in Englisb, history was the reign of Richard L One of the pupils, say's a Canadian correspondent, writing of his boyhood clays in Eng- land, had begun to read: " 'The king set sail with five thousand knives and one thousand skewers together with several thousand archers and foot- men.' ,. He : d got -as far as that when the interrupted him sharply. ose-. words; 'knives'.: and ''if -n -1 -g -h -t -s' and 'e -a q u -j -r -e -s,' " was the reply. Then with; a swish the cane descend- ed on the boy's shoulders as the mas- N-ter gave him the correct pronuncia- tion. Had the master's bump of humor been more fully grown, the face that this boy was the sou of a village butch- er might have saved him from a can- ing. The same boy, who appeared to have an unhappy faculty for mis'readieg words, was responsible for a whole page in his copy book that read: "Hop on; bop over," instead of "Hope on; hope ever," which was at the top of the pages. And again the cane des- cended.. In Russia it coats• more than twice as much to subscribe roma magazine for two months as it d'oee for one month. T1ie publishers have to make allowance foe the expected dep2ecia- tion of the ruble. The SundayLw-What? or. J• G, Sharer, eeoretary Social $erVIce Council of Canada• y? The .Official . title of our Sunday law is The Lord's Day' Aet. It le not an ancient statute. It its very modern, both ih time and nature. It came into force Merch'1st, 1907. It was passed iu 1.900 by the Parliament of Canada after menthe of careful and thorough discuesion by both Houses, and after dealing with every conceivable objec-. tion from the viewpoints of industry, business, pleasure, as well as from non-Christian and seventh -day -Sab batarian religion. The.work was well done. Not a single amendment has been made to it since. Its object was. to conserve as a na- tional heritage the weekly day of rest from toil, of industrial liberty and of opportunity for self -culture and wor- ship. It does not aim to regulate the ob- servance of the day in a religious -way —which must be voluntary --but simp- ly to preserve the day as the inalien- able right to every person. The law of nature imperatively requires one day's rest in, every seven in the in- terests of health', efficiency, and life to a normal age. It is not therefore im- posed on human nature. It is written in our members. It is an inward -law which we violate at our personal peril and at the sacrifice . of national wel- fare. It is .a social law. It seeks to protect all toilers• in their liberty. It tails for the -observance of the Golden Rule, "Do unto others as ye would that they should do unto you." It calls for the exercise of self-denial therefore where - ever this is, necessary in order not to take away or menace our neighbor's right to his rest day. It recognizes also that "the Liberty of rest foreach-.demands the law of rest for all." Rest for all must be compulsory inorder that rest for each may be possible. There is no other way. Excepting only works of "neces- sity and mercy," all business, all buy- ing and selling is forbidden. The same applies to all labor in one's own call- ing, or in any other line for gain. If men may work, greed will compel them, to work. Even foods may not be sold on that day excepting only for con- sumption on the premises,. Otherwise the baker and the grocer and their em- ployees would be compelled to forego their rest day that others might` be saved from having to think ahead. and to purchase in advance what theme will need on Suffday. So with the sale of news,.tobacco, cigars, etc. But what of pleasure? Why,should we not be able to -take such pleasure as we think wise on Sunday? The. Sunday law of Canada .does not forbid pleasure in itself in any form but only such pleasure as becomes- a business and involves labor on the. part of others, and _therefore robbing these others of thew. rest -day, rights that wee ourselves prize so highly: Golf is •law ful, but not employing caddies. Ball foe the mere fun of it is allowed. but not professional ball where an admis- sion fee is charged and it is made a business. This is the Sunday lase of Canada. In some of the Eastern Pro- vinces the old Provincial laws forbid all "noisy games," but not the Lord's Day Act of • Canada. It is lawful to toboggan or sleigh ride down any hillside on Sunday, but not to operate municipal slides that in- volve . the employment of Iabor for their operation. It is lawful to skate but not to run a commercial skating rink; to bathe but not to run bathing pavilions involving employment or ser- vice. Thus the principle of not rob- bing others of their rest day in order to permit our indulgence inpleasures or mere luxuries or conveniences runs throughout the law. Is it not reason able? Is it not right? Is it not essen- tial to the largest measure of rest -day liberty to the greatest number of peo- ple? Is it not fair and just thus to limit the liberty of Kane "for the Bake Of the ae.rger liberty of ell, • The taw ,also generously interprets "works of neoessity and mercy. Con- veying travellers and mails is permit- ted but not publie excursions• for plea- sure, run for gain. The restaurant may operate but not the saloon or theatre or picture show, for these 'fun. necessarily" involve the labor of others.' The druggist may sell medi- cines and appliances "for the reliersof sickness and suffering,' but only for this purpose, and he may not : sell cigars, tobacco and other sundries that it is customary for druggists to handle. Wiben the object and underlying pripciples• of this, law are understood, no good citizen,, no one who respects his neighbor's rights and .society's wel- fare will either violate its provisions. or complain of its restrictions. It le wholesome. It le liberty -conserving. It is worth while. It Is essential to the general good. GUARD THE BABY AGAINST COOS To guard the baby against colds nothing can equal Baby's Own Tablets. The Tablets are a mild laxative that will keep the little one's stomach and bowels working regularly. It is a re- cognized fact that where the stomach and bowels are in good order that colas will not exist; that the health of the little one will be good and that he will thrive and be happy. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The man who is allwuye pointing out the faults of others to you will. also point out your faults to others. • MONEY ORDERS. It is always safe to send a Dominion" Express. Money Order. Five dollars; costs three cents, re* • Great love has made great sacri Ices'i . which it required, a greater love tj accept. '. Minard's Liniment for Garget In Co Thirty YON'S Trouble Is Now Ended "Far the past thirty years.," Said M'rg, Malvina O'Desls, of 1089 Ethel St., "Verdun, P.Q., "I have hardly seen a well day. I seemed to suffer from .al- most everything, iudiestion, ,head. aohee, nervousn'esa, toss of appetite and eveu the little I managed to eat bloated me all up with gas until 1 ooaild hardly breetlhe. I wee CO rest- less I could scarcely sleep, and I Would get up mornings elo tired and dizzy it was all . I could de to get ereund. 1 was simply in a miserable condition, and nothing "I took seemed to, do me any good. • "I heard so mach good about Tanlae that I made up my mind to try it, and I'm • pleased to say that it has only taken five bottles to make me feel like an. entirely different person. • My appe- tite 15 so good now that I can hardly get enough teat and my troubleshave all disappeared, so that I'm - feeling just fine all the time. Why, I feel every bit of twenty years younger and can never praise Tanlac enough for the good health it has given me." Taniac is sold by all good druggists. Advt. The Wood Road, If ); were to walk this- way Hand in hand with Grief, I should mark that maple -spray Coming into leaf, I should note how the old burrs Rot upon the ground.. Yea; though Grief should know me here While the world goes round. It could not in truth be said This was lost on me: A rock -maple showing red, $urns beneath a tree. IF STOMACH IS TROUBLING YOU Spool of Thread Paid R A poor seamstress . in Celi�a,r Hanover, received the bill 'f quarterly rent, 250 marks,'say lin despatch She had no m which to meet the -bill,.:a homeward disconsolately Ole saw a display of the" dow: The price' per ! '� been moved lip to meet,, of the mark. She 'returned home a the little stock, bought spool of sewing cotton, ",. tendered it to the landlord her rent. He accepted it gl gave her ten marks change. The King's Perquisites ICIng George . would soon, have strange collection of rather usel odds and ends if he insisted upo claiming what is his by law. During the Norman •period, it was decreed that every whale or sturgeon caught off the coast .of dile Britiseb Isles should beoome the property of the Sovereign. The whale's head was given. to his consort so that a sufficient supply of corset -bones was assured. This strange law is still in force, al- though, of course, it is now merely an interesting relic of early days. • Electric machinery has been invent- ed for marking, listing and counting clothes in laundries. a»tly! End Indigestion Stomach Misery with . '"Pape's Diapepsin" a s you eat a tablet or two iapepsin" your Indigestion Pavy pain, hear't'burn, flatu- al;pitation, or any misery d stomach ends. Cor - and digestion for a ckage guaranteed er Daddy. ni cir-,hool and the nee of tee fathers std Small Lucy of her father, silent when rged be -the aid: does the wo- eiauty column of C./ EIANY' people, who cannot drink tea and coffee without suffering from the effects of the caffeine these beverages contain, have found health and satisfactionin the daily use of fragrant, delicious Instant Postut If you find that you are nervous and restless—that you tie awake at night—your own good sense will tell youthat tea and coffee are not good:for you. Then quit tea and coffee for awhile and use Instant Posturn instead. You'll find it wholesome, healthful and delightful, with a full, rich flavor and a delicate aroma that never fail to please and satisfy. At your Gt'rQOe•r's in sealed, air -tight tins. " here s a Reason" for o3• Agenerous sample tin of Instant Postunt sent, postpaid, for 4c. In stamps. Writes Canadian Postutn Cereal Co,, l.tch, 4$ Front St„ E„ Toronto. ,Iractory: Windsor Ontario yiMW ARUM A HCYtitAd;~ '.�iWaut at• at arm ,t,aa,yt p at wee atort dl'eo,Apen �n, tetk,N 4j1 n s Halifax, N, S. Co., Ltd,: ave used Minard's Lini- found it a good remedy. plosion I was pretty well , having quite a number of id cuts, but thanks to Minard'o I ani my old self again. It he tie sores and bruises and gave mu 4 3•, relief. It is true to its name as ;a ling ,of Pain, for it stopped the p . ost at once. I first noticed the adantt Montreal Standard and decided tis trap, in a bottle, for which I am not sof' t can say with truth that I am thant. for it having done all it claim- ed to o;"and in my case much more, and a satisfied' customer is the best ad one can psibly find. That is my view of it and I think you will agree with the too. • Yours very truly, (Signed) ALFRED BT,AIN, 134 Agricola St., Halifax, N.S. Influencing Children in Music Appreciation. What .1s the effort of the public school music teacher to -day? Is it to teachthe children to sing, even though they do not appreciate what they are singing? No. Then what is' it? It is to develop music appreciation, for without that :•there is no interest, and the music they are taught goes no further than the school room. It is music appreciation that makes a'ntusical nation; and how are we get- ting this musical ;appreciation? This is just' what the s'chore music super - misers have been devoting their time to. They have found that the child needs to hear good music, so they giye lots of good music in the schools by means of the` phonograph, Ever:y, child in Canada should be brought into very close touch with. the finest kind of music, and this can only be done through the influence of the parents and the school board authori- ties. No Cheating. 7 MOTHER! .Open Child's Bowels with' "California Fig Syrup" Hurry mother! Even a sick child loves the "fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup" and it never fails to open the bowels, A teaspoonful today may Prevent a sick child to -morrow. If constipated, billows, feverish, fretful, has cold, colic, or if stomach is sour, .tongue coated, breath bad, remember a good cleansing oaf the little bowels is often all teat is necessary. Ask your druggist for genuine "Cali- fornia Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must say "California" or you may get an imitation fig syrup. A pedestrian was travelling in the North of Ireland, He had been tramping all, day. and abowt one hour previously had been told it was only one mile to the next village. He must have walked at least three miles since then, and still there was, no gaga at tiro village, Of the next son of old Erin of whom lte inquired, he was told that the vil- lage Wes only a quarter of a mile down the road. ITS expialnedhoi0 an hour ago he was told that he end ere mile to tra- verse, anc'l asked how It. was that the Irish miles were so much longer than tee Puliglish ones. ""Why; you see, your honor," replied the Irislunee, "that our roads aro not hi very good condition just now, so rye give people very good measure." _.__..- ISSU I Cli h1 en and even some adults are being taught how to sneeze` correctly in a London health centre. Minard's Linimert for Distemper. The world: uses 600,000,000 pins a week. •JNVENTIONS Bend for bet of inventions wanted by Manufac- turers. Fortunes have been made from simple Ideas. "Patent Protection" booklet on request. HAROLD C. SH➢PMAN & CO.' PATENT ATTORNEYS OTTAWA. CANADA IMIECIEEMMUNPP COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Carlots TORpNTO SALT WORKS C J. CLIFF - TORONTO N as ifie4 Mdv►ertiaetti x'A'TAr'ir wrx�larr��ria, y11.OUT & MAY'.S.134,0, i£14 rg 13LD0 i Xonge Street, Toronto, 'Registered, atent Attorneys. $end lor free hoof lot, i ANOS. is zzi, �jATdN--N'ON1Ji)Iil'i7L VI+.LUI0S NTD • 1 eolora, samples free ---George own W.00ijeil Ufns, Ont, sit LEsuncgr WONTED, ii ARGEST COMPANY--It.EISOVROSS it $10,000,000; selling guaranteed toilet articles, spices, extracts, proprietary medioines, auto supplies, direct to con-' sumer, over 60 years, offers exceptional opportunity to a 'nest, intelligent Alen; experience unnecessary: surety re- quired, ' Write to -day, The T. R. Wat- ltins Company, Dept, R., Hamilton, Ont. BELTING FOR SALE 71h ELTING 01+' ALL KINDS, N.EW OR used, pulleys, saws, cable, hose, etc., shipped subject to approval at low- est prices in Canada, York Belting Co., 115 York St., Toronto, Carca � re 11 lOc Best Bowel Laxative When Bilious, Constipated To clean out your bowels without cramping or overacting, take Casca- rets. Sick headache, biliousness, gases, indigestion, sour,upset stomach and all such -distress gone by .morning. Nicest physic on earth for grown-up and children. 10c a box. Taste like candy. _ How to Prevent Biliousness Doctors warn against remedies containing powerful drugs and _ alcohol. "The Extract of Roots, long known as Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup, has no dope or strong ingredients; it chases away indigestion, biliousness and con- stipation. Can be had at any - drug store." Get the genuine. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. a Di OF INTEREST TO WWEN Inisseuals 141eaeer Re. Zieuneatnir Book on DOG DISEASES end Hew to Peed Mailed Fs bYree tohastheeM. dr2t. Cly 8lo ver Gtb.SO., 2no. 180 westNew York, U.S.A. Cuticura Talcum Is Soothing Foray's Skin After a bath with warm wa-a ter and Cuticura Soap there is nothing more cooling and re- freshing for baby's tender skin than Cuticura Talcum. Soap2Sc. Oiutment2sandSOc. Tdctiw2Sc. Sold throughouttheDomiition. CanadianDepot: L ane. Limited, 344 St. Paul St., w., iliontreal. Cuticura Soap shaves without mug. Nurse Recommended Use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound iothWelL. Ontari as. Weak and run do`VJu,='fid c. _e'e was nervous. ThEx'"`` fnoise who took care of me told me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's • Vege- table Compound, and now I am get- ting strong. I rec-. emmend your medi- cine to my friends, and you may use my testimonial." MBS. D. MAXWELL, R. R. No. 2, Both- well, Ontario. The reason. why Lydia E. Pink- bam's Vegetable Compound is so successful in overcoming woman's ills is because it contains the tonic, Strengthening properties of good old- fashioned roots and herbs, which act on the female organism. Women from all parts of the country are continually testifying to its strength- ening, be'i elleial influence, and as it contains no nercotics nor harmful. drugs it is e safe medicine for women. Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text - Book upon. "Ailments Peculiar to Women" will be sent you free upon request. Write to The Lydia E. Pinkhem Medioine Co., Lynn, Mass. UNLESS you see the name Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for ColdsHeadache Rheumatism, Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago fain, Pain liendy "Payer"'bales of 19 tablets—Moo bottles of »4. and 100 I.iruigiats. Aspirin is th,vtrnclo nutrk (rrgirtrreil in nanadal n0 Itayrr lfanttfc, it of Moat'. imMirOciilostor t ,"- ttreiit'Aci,'lrster of Snitcvlicaei,l; ii'htlt• it In n•edl krtc,wn that \rpniu tor 15 munufnrture, i.p e.:alet Ib.• t,ihlic agai n,,t imitations, thn Tom, to of It 71‘ t'umt,o;ty will be stinspod with tl:vlr goneral ttu i, avlt, the. "Ttay r•, ,'loss.'