HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-11-30, Page 1THURSDAY MOF{N1.10 NOVEMSER 30.1-922. -11.11 1 4 3i2e ty10 s ...Air YOU MAY EXPECT DIRTY SLUSHY WEATHER ANY TIME COME AND SEE O'U'R STOCK" BElsOR.E YOU BUY ELSEWHERE ` A RUBI3ER GUAktANTE WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF THE AMES HOLDEN BRAND, ED TO OUTWEAR ANY' OTHER BRAND. WE ALSO HAVEAND CHILDREN.FCOSY FEET SLIPPERS AND FELT SHOES OF ALL KINDS FOR MEN WOMEN , 1 W . PFILE ' • ... ZURICR ,. 11 ■ REPAIRING NEATIa DONE U, REPAIR , THE HOME OF GOOD SHOE S .Ci.CO.�(O 01.40• .0044OOPOdOOQ40• �. o a b �, .o•c .�•Q Fos -,27-• 4�a q0o Ladies' Apd Misses oa. Only three and a half rn weel'�' till Xmas. •��� M. Abe& Ducharme left for St Clair 'on Wednesday. 7!,I r., Harry Zapfe' of Brucefield was Ai' the village on Wednesday' M'i;ss Verda. Fuss is 'spending a few Weeks visiting at Detroit. M. Norman Holtzman of Tor- onto is visiting his father, ;Mr. G. Holtzmann. 1V17.- and Mrs. David Oesch re- turned from the West on Satui+- day • ":evening. M.11, Kano. Hartman of the Gosh en Iliac. is spending a few weeks at K.chener. Mr. Clea, Stelelt, son of Mrl Levi atelek, of. Dauphin, Man., is visiting'reilatives here. Mi; and; Mrs. Ed. Beaver moved (then heuselmold effects on Frida, J to„ Dr ahwood• itid .Mrs. A.rthur' "Truemner lel 4444Y for (Toronto, after via sr eJl'a,'ti'yes here for a week, 7 COlp ,Fip£er and family of is moving with his ;the Parr Line, where a", to reside. Mrs,. S. G. Litt left on Toronto, where they .1 World's Temperl- on this week., ,T. Durst of Lyle ased Mr.,B.Pflie's ave arrived and -of : same. ;Glove factory tinning of their morinng, his rile owing to gh to keep QQ „,t NEVER BEFORE RAVEABET PER VALUES BEEN OFFERED iTIIAN WE" AREOIIFERING,lord �,..; �. PRESENT TIME, AND AS OUR_t7UANTIiTY IS LIMITED YOU MUST.HURRY OR YOU M}t g-�. 6 TOO LATE, _.NOPE THE PRICE. ABOVE- iters Ladies' Musk Rat Coat to clear ata Real BARGAIN. ;gyp ave 1 Only"a,se1 p Homespun Dresses Homd styles and a dif- severs l goo e. �Stylish �Iomes. • ! We cannot speak too highly or these Dresses, Best eapuns, ferent range of colors to seect 'from: These are High' C1assDRESSES At $7.95. ..., Ladies' and Misses SPORT HATS75of Felt For and Wool: Pole Cloth; 6 different Shades,Reg. 4 o have lust lecc.xvc Sport Hats Hose! Hose! We have almost everything in the line of Ladies' Hose. and Note akew of our lines; (Fancy rib sport hose) (Heather Hose, plain d) (Silk and Wool Hose, plain and clocked), All shades, all prices. 40D 4�0 MEN'S OVERCOATS' $15. to$30 rtment of sizes and patterns and There is Certain satisfaction in buying your OverccMt early your selection is from.fullei., ease patterns and `ass many have takenthat advantage, we wnt to say to that wehave those° who are still another l `but their new ther large shipment FallOvercoat, 1Coats• which puts : e you all on even Tooting. X14 o 1iE E 1BER this season.These models compare qui Overcoats are lowcr r and its- favorably with Coats '.hat sold last fall for r1 $ .5 beltedib.0 of e 400 ,. • OG;and fool: these over. Reglan with fail , L Mars4.01 1 ettes and smart box coats with vclwe' co t P C4 Y, SA u thing 'new ao Oo 4. Boys Suits with extra 2 rousers at S9 00 We e are now showing the finest range of Mens' Hosiery ever shown �e �►� /� Socks -"In this Store. PRICES AND SIZES EOR ALL. 4�� 0�--' ,fir 1Q 0.4! J 11 PREET Produce Want qo. ARE IN THE 1VIARKEP FOR ALSIEE AND CLOVER, SEED ��� ,. wE A , , lie su ree! Ar to -Chz:.ster L. Smith, Publishet $1.25 a Year In Advazlt., Al2PS, $r' ae..% 1iJ+; UI{ARt•I;IA ree4 -1}3D 30 -Tour Alarm Clock given away FREE every Saturday night until Chris EJm�i, HOW MANY HOURS AND MINUTES WIL LTE CLOCK RUN WITH ONE WINDING BEGINN;ING EVERY FR'I'DAY AT 9 A.M. Ther .One Guessing the number or nearest will receive the Met absolutely FREE. One Guess only f`,or each persons and every ane;. -See the ;Clock in our East Show Winclb;w and call in for particular , and leave' your guess. W. G. Hess, Zuria JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN e iTown the' Ladies' was in e'- cess. The s excellenai fine articles origin compile- e' of Ba field's pr - ,sections on the he postoffice, rehmann, the bak s. King and vacant st- 11 a prey to the flames. is estimated at $10,000, PHONE No. 74 v+9494)41.A* 9004 ,W +t4t44 90®0.4+Ct9'.N®d®4b0QpA@@4 R> 170 +h Fall}1.orseGoo!.s tp, Tust Also 4 • t" HARNESS REPAIRING A 9 r 'FRED THIEL. dr4fr401•00 Received a large number of Genuine' Woolen Horse Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72x,64. a Number of Beautiful English Pluste Rugs., prices "-Ranging from $7.00 to ...... ......... $13.0.60 SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A CALL. A. BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always on hand. Club Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Pricess, PHONE 102 5 PECIALTY b ZURICH ?--- --... - urse' at4.f..4. e+4.4.7. ••1.+4.4.+++++. i'401.4..+4.44• ÷+ +++.• +3r+++++ S 44P'i• 4. !It ver 1+ 4- 4 4 •$r' edy insurance. o EndinableFootwear T 1113 ;1� NOW THAT MUSTHLTH Y WINDS OF FALL A.RE GAAIN • BLOWING, INK OF THE COLDER. AND WET* WE E RIGHT ON THE 3.0B d►• • WITH I;N DUP.1IBLE SHOES F OUR STOCK OF RUBBERS FOR THE' WET )ESS CO lintSWAS ANK ITHEWEATHER COMING. WELL! FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILD- + DREN COMFORTABLE S BY 4 Is authorized by the Minister ref Finance fo redeem Victory Loan Bonds Maturing Dee. 1st, 1922, with, out; charge. Bonds may be deposited with vs :any day' before Dec. 1st. ,'Cash will be paid Dec. 1st. For particulars apply to Mani - ager C. H. JOY MaIlager Zurich Branch HYMENIAL .$WALKER EDIGHOii`FER. A. quiet tveddinng was solemn'` ized in, the Methodist parsonage, Port :Huron Mich., on Saturday, November 25th when Miss Pearl 13. Edighoffer, daughter +f Mrs. Mar- garet Edighofrer, 14th eon., IIay, became the'bride of Mr. Franklin Dean Walker, son of Mrs. Port Austin, Mich. Rev. J. a. Fredinnick officiating, ilFollow.ng the eerexnony Mr, and Mrs. Wal- ker left on a, honeynkoon, .which will be 'spent ittt Detroit' and other Michigan points; after which they �e ill resit± at Port Austin on he groom's Marra. • :pLETE. WEAR THOSE OLD 4- FITTING THEM WITH A PAIR.some of the Classy and Nifty .1. Our Windows are displaying styles, whi'c'h afford so much comfort this, season. 4 BE• ECONp�O1VIICAL I3 Y BUYING AT' VII S" STORE" +1+ • • 0. tl ITZ 8c, SON 4. SHOE 'T 4' ZURICH ONTAREO 4,. 4.4 +4.ao° .t.4.4•.1..g'+l•+l• 4•v'+l++II•�•+F++3.14+4-1,• 4.4a -t at : t.:,,t, ;, .4 a 4.4.+$ .-1-t-7-i+ i.<a.a^ re a.i CASTO For Infants and Children hi Use For Over 30 Years "Always beats the Signature "DI 4444 BUY NOW! \\. e can supply your 1 needs good MT Clothing; asca n have e a complete assortment of: i1N'DERFVEAR OF ALL KINDS FOR MEN, WOMEN AND ' � FLAI3NELET- CIILDREN. ALSO HEAVY WRAP PERETSES, TES AND DRESS GOODS. SWEATERS, ETC., ETC. A Complete Line u'£ Caps, Mitts and Gloves, Men's Heavy Red - S, ocks Rubbers, Ruiner l3000ts. We are making aad Big meas tietion in Price on.some Lines of Shoes, 1•Ialt Repairs, Sweat Pails, Etc. Etc. PRODUCE AND GOOT) "PRIED') APPLES WARTED N. DOUGLAS GENERAL MI RCH A tt 4. 4 A 4 sal 4 4 A 4 4