Zurich Herald, 1922-11-23, Page 5<'• ThurtwayNovs°t�f,rt?t I U5INlE$S CA;.D 'ro'udtoole Killor:ti & UQnMies. -BarrsierNwet. .t's, WW1:, Mc. Otrice an the Stiuele. 204- dooe from Hamilton St. Goti- +erich, rrinitLe Lauds to loan at lowest rates]. s 1!, 1 roudfoot, K.C. Jr. L. Killoran w D. E, Holmes. Mr. Holmes will be le liensalt on ' Friday of each week. • Andrew F. Hess, Township Clerk leans of marriage licences, Notary P'uxilic, Comnai.solo.aer. 1''ire and Aun- t Insurance, i epreeenting ;;Huron and Erie Mortg ,ge Cot porae Hen, The Canada Trust Coe ZurTeb, Ya lrll Wants., For wallow Lost Found, o1*SO, Etc. Ad; IN Tina caiou bI: I WANTED We are in the market for Dutch ate and large onions. Highest merket prices paid. Must be well donned. I rl`. L. WUBM. •-16 WANTED 1 DUTCH SETS. highest anar- •;titr►te►xio: fret price paid, must be thoroughly dry aid put through fanning mill J. GASCHO & SON 1-16 Dr.E. S. Hardie DENTIST At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DA$HWOOD EVERY THURSDAY SUN OFFICI` - HENn 1LL. $ OSCAR KLOPP Professional Auctioneer,• graduate frit Davenport Auctioneering School Try me for real estate, merchandise, Ilaivellery pedigreed stock, farm sales Rate! alwaysreasonable, my territory the world. Choice farms for sale. r►;rone 18-9 3 Zurich Licensed Auctioneer •Licensed Auctioneer for County `:of Huron. In an position to c on- dtict any auction sale, regardless "ts to ,size orarticles to -sell. I ,solicit your business, and if not ti satisfied will make no charges for services. ,Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. Phone 31 r 13. Zurich Meet MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash: Price for Wouli CASH FOR SEWS AIDES rui,gb1 .t &, Dc1oher t I ZURICH LIVERY.. m in a position' to accomo- e*all requirements In the Livery Line, have Auto for hire. 'Any- thing done' in the teaming line. GEORGE J, THIEL Phone 59 Zurich: t9: IS: ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College el Dental Surgeons of Ontario and of the University of Toronto. Late 'District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every Tuesday and Friday from 10.00 a ala. until 5.00 p.m., at the Commerc- dal House, (Upstairs). , Main Of- lite at Bayfield, Ont. -19 LME (POULTRY WANTED Taken every day till 3 ()cloak p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning 'when brought in. Highest Cash Prices --CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phdne 94. Zurich COAL Spring and Summer DELIVERIES• SEASON 1922 wing to the strike of the Min - era now prevailing in the Pennsyl ' ania Anthracite coal fields, we etre unable to guarantee delivery Or price and until conditions be- tome more settled orders will be taken subject to our being able to. wtjftain Supplies. and at prevailing sirice time of delivery. 1OAi3 & PRODUCE MERCHANT TER112S;-CASH Phone Office 10w. 0011,86 10, ENSAL.L NT.z, FOR SALE Fore bred White Rock pullets, Apply to Ed. Diramick, R. R. 1, Zurich, Goshen Line, ,Stanley 18-.2 WANTED ' A Lady ,or Gentleman to sell silk stockings, gloves, silk blouses underskirts and hairnets direct to •on.' c • umers on commission bails. ear owner will be able to build up a good income, Apply' to Lad- ies Tailoring Service, 425 Rich- mond street, Lonon.d 18-4 NOTICE I have taken out License for Auctioneer for the. County of Hur- onand am in a,siti po i ion to " con- duct sales by auction. Give .me a trial and I will assure you satis- faction or no charge. .tf-29 James Denomey, R. R. 2, Zurich, Phone. No. 10-93 DR. JOHN WARD Will make a complete test of refractive condition of the eye, and of the muscles. Spectacles seientif- ically fitted. Services at reasonable charges. Will. 's>e at;- 8-22 Zimmer's Hotel, Dashwood, Waiper House, Zurich, Zurich Studio and Book Room Just received our ship- ment of School Books, High School Books Etc. Printing and Developing, Photos. On Post Cards, Etc., Etc. Stationery always on hand tf21 OBRIEN& KABFLEISCH Hartleih Block - Zurich_. RGAI H r f 1 WE ARE SELLING ONT THE BALANCE OF OUR STOCK .OIF MEN'S• READY TO WEAR SUITS AT CLEARING PRICES. AS. WE DO NOT INTEND TO STOCK THIS L1N.E IN FUTURE. HERE • IS YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY 1 only dark Brown Serge size 39^ Reg. 35 for $26.50 2M -en's Navy with hairline stripe°"• Sizes 37 and 39 Reg. 30 for $22.50 2 only fine Navy Worsted siz 38-40 At$19 1 Brown Worsted size 3 8 For $20 1 Fine Navy Serge, ectzra quality For $26.50 2 Heavy allwool, brown size 44 At $17.50 1 Heavy Navj* Size 44 At $18.00 1 Youths, Size 36 For $21.50 2. Youths, Size 34, 35 For .16.50 1 Only' Youths, Size 35 For .$17.00 REMEMBER THESE ARE ALL No. 1 DUALITY GOODS. - IN ORDER TO APPRECIAITE VALUES COME AND -SEE THEM J. Gascho & Son ZURICH IIERAL. LOCAL news Mr, Fred Weseloh was a 'recotn visitor at London. Mr. and Nil's. Simon Greb were Sunday .visitors at Exeter. Miss' Eieeln Stowe of Port Elgin; is ,visiting :at the. Deicliert home. Mr, Ward Fritz was on a hunt- ing trip to the Pinery < this week, Ivir, Garfield Witmer of. the'Bab- D-lon Lind eft for, Kitchener the past week. ' Mrs. L. Peine and sant Ted Peine of New Hemburg, visited at the Tleichert home over Sunday. Wi . Black,:M P., for, South, Huron; attended the meeting of Pro gressive members in Winninpeg recently. Mr. and Mrs. John Bender 'of Dashwood were reent visitors at the home of Mr. and- Mil. W. B. Battler, Babyllon. Line. Mr,. and Mrs. Win. Consitt, Parr Line, entertained a number of fri- ends to a fowl supper on Mon- day evening. ' Mr. and Mrs,. John Preeter and daughters Muriel and Mabel Vis- ited at Dashwood on Sunday they were accompanied by, 'qrs. G. Hess and Miss Anna Hess." Owing to Miss O. O'Brien, tea- cher of, Rodin II, Z.PSS_ being ill on ,Tuesday,, the pupils of that room enjoyed a day •off. Y The auction sale of farm stock andheldMr. implements ants P xnbyBI• Pfile, 14th con.. on, Tuesday, was well attended and good prices we- re realized. Jack Frost; nwith:his white coat of snow, made its first real ape- pearance this Wednesday morning and a alai -filled coal bin, or, a good pile of hardwood is very ap- preciative. . Mr. G. Holtzman, the local wind and weatherinsurance agent repos tsb usiness very favorable, as he is' writinggup, a lot( of insrtrance in his new dffice, 1VIcCormick Block, Zurich. . C. Fritz & Son have installed an electric driven machine for fin- ishing shoed. . -With this machine new soles can. be put on shoes and finished to 'stich a perfection that it cannot be detected with -the eye. Mit and Mrs;. ' Hy. Walper oma. the '.Tillage, Mrs_ .Jos. Sararas. the Sauble Line, and Mr. Con rad Waiper, Bronson Line, spent the •week -end at Mitchell e and l3roadhagen( We are in receipt of informalt ion from a friend who ;net Revs F. B. Meyer, former Evanlgliecal pastor of Zurich, at Toronto the -other .day. Mr. Meyer was up -ml the Northern part of Ontario /leen huntingientor Net returning with, a� fine see. seieet his hag g'S,, ,a The'hele gates of the Evangel- ical church ••:rho attended the Boy's P '- iament at Exeter from Friday t.> Sunders were; Newell THE LONG -c A Rosy Cheeked,fihaek Skinned and Well Flavored, L'ruit Eaters WiU Welcome It - It May Be Growing To -day In Some Ontario Fence Row . hunting at.► Egg Factory, (eontrlbuted by Ontarlo Departnlent of Ag'rlottiture, Toronto.) ,Somewhere on a farm in theapple growing districts of Ontario there are, rosy red seedling apples, Seedling apples that may have characters that would melte them valuable com- mercial sorts, if such could be intro- duced to; the public. True, there' are thousands of worthless seedlings, but.. some fence row or orchard area is nosy growing a tree or 'trees that pro- duce a superior fruit. Box, Picking Apples at a .Premium. Ontario needs an apple suited to box packing, and it may be from an unnamed seedling that such want will be supplied. If those having really good seedling apples would bring them to light so that their qualities.. might be judged by those 'competent todo so,•an apple worth while might be, .unearthed "and introduced to the public.' Western apples -shipped in boxes have invaded the Ontario mar- ket because of theft color and ship- ping quality. The bright red color attraets.the buyer and the thick skin preserves the good appearance of the individual. Thick. Skins Most Desirable. Thin skinned Ontario varieties will not stand the shipping and long ex .,posure in the retail stores to the same degree as the Western thick skinned apples. Western apples may go punky and become unfit for use, but still look well, as the exterior will stand alone. Ontario needs a good box pack apple, something rosy red, of good quality, and a good thick proteeeive coat. Where, Oh Where, Is It To -day? • Perhaps somewhere in .a fence row such an apple may now be found, Who knows. What have you? -L .Stevenson, Sec., Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto.• RUNNING AN EGG FACTORY. Valuable Hints as to How to Make the Best of the Hen. ery flock of hens is an egg fac- Like any other factory the flock zibe, given the best materials in world to work on and still fail produce enough to pay for run - the. plant. •, Good feed in suite ht variety is necessary for egg eduction, tate the ability to manu- cture:eggs from feed must be there It pays to cull out the poor layers any time, to save the feed and labor they cost, but to make a profit on them it is best to cull in late sum - mar or early fall before the rush g chickens lc?;vers•,the.market • price of old hens. Shut up all the hens and pullets some evening. Count then; and de nide just how many can be readily kept during the coming year without Cse �iilC�m Hey, and O'•cax ;u,crowding, 'for this is very likely to G7 ,e These- members report a -11urt,.egg production and increase the leie educational event, and can ,idanger of disease. The next morning not sfieal; too highly of the kind the flock is ready to be culled. hospitality shown fly. the Exeter people. : , Word was received here of the, death of Mr, Fred. Aikenhead of near Brucefield, on Sunday. Mr Aikenhead is known to many in Zurich having been employed, as accountant in the Molsons Bank; Zurich, for a few years, but ow- ing to being a. victim of tubexl- cular ,he ;was compelled to disco* tinue banking and return to his home on the farm!. - The Christmas time is rapidly appraochgin, only four and ;a half more weeks, the ,fiappiest .event of the year. and then follows the pas - tine of 1922 and a new year will usher ini. The annual Christmas entertainmeats are being looked for the Lutheran church S.S: ;will like ely hold their's as usual on Xman, Eve.. Dee. 24th, while the Evangel - kat ,•S•S. 'will be held on the even:- ing of December 25th. A grand concert consisting of home: talent will be held in the Towns Hay -,-Zurich on Friday, ev- ening, December 22nd. The prol- gramme is being put on by the pupils of Z. P. School, under whose auspices it will be held. We all remember the lig attendance last year, and the fine program, some of the audience were h the Hall at six o'clock to assure a good seat, The management is consid- ering to make a plan of the hail and sell] reserved seats this year, So the first buyers. of • these seats have first choice, Mrs Johan Hey, Jr, wishes to inform the public that he has bee-: en appointed General Agent for the counties of Huron and Bruce for the famous Ruggles 'trucks, and will be pleased at any time to xu demonstrate this achine to any- one calling at his store rooms at Zurich or by special appointment. The motor truck is nothing Minn yet it is still in its infancy* as re- gerds to 'the many uses made the- reof, and Mr. (ley is taking over this salesmanship 'at a most op,- portune moment, when tune is moving too etalsetfor the reliable old horse, consequently the 'motor truck is Isi�.Ustituted by giving many advantages. If you have nt all any use lora truck, just phone 88 Zxirkeh, aid Mr. Hey will che- erfully give :you what in^oruxation lir can(. 6V•e also Vs)/ him muci u..ces$ In • thin '.eittt.' Poor layers and all old hens. ..Cripples, and hens with broken - own abdomens or frozen toes. li'3. The sick, quiet, inactive hens that spend much time on the roost. 4: All "crow heads" with long, slim heads and beaks. 5. The large, coarse -headed hens with sunken eyes. 6.• All very short, stubby hens with feathers extremely heavy for their breed. 7. A11 late -hatched immature pul- lets and those that are early hatched but much 'undersized. , 8;, All•hens that molt before Aug- ust 1. . 9. The persistent sitter. 10. All hens with solid, fat ab- domens. 11. All hens having bad habits (cannibals, feather -pullers, egg-' eaters). 12. All cockerels not needed for breeding purposes. Keep 1. Strong, healthy, vigorous hens with short, neat heads and strong beaks. ., 2. The hens' with long, deep, rect- angular bodies and parallel top and bottom lines. 3. The liens with large, bright eyes, -active appearance and short, well-worn toe .naffs. 4. The hens . with dusty, worn feathers, especially worn tail feath- ers, but having a bright, healthy look. 5. The hens that molt late. 6. The noisy, happy, friendly hens. 7. The early risers and those late to 'roost. 8. The vigorous hens with the fad- ed beaks and shanks. 9. The hens with the soft, pliable abdomens: ;10. ,The hens with the thin pelvic bones spread wide apart. 11. The early -hatched', well -grown, pullets. 19, Large, strong, active, quick maturing cockerels of desired var- iety type •and high -producing mothers. . There are five major tactors in profitable poultry production --breed- ing, culling, feeding, housing, and care. These are the essentials; com- bined they will put the poultry busi- ness on a practical busia ss basis. Onions once frozen should remain frozen until tinxe to uee them. If you want stocky, shay plants in your hotbeds or gr . ;louse, ven- tilate well. ':Cod mien .r .Ind heat make tall, spindling', Have you organized or a reading circle n ity•? -Lots of eiijese., profit, may be .ant.. genization of this sui i, ]etas. • u;' club .11,1'tnn- :, r'il as ;;.it 01'- s,, sir. a feeee nee IIIIIIINII111111 1111eWNIIINW!Wa^-- ASI 11"11uN10NVIgi Jun mimam Wall TfceProprietaryorPato tMed"+c►�e 'rl AYedefablerrepar0tiahf u pp; similatingtheFbodbyReg II trnr� 4he5tomactts andBowets of NFANT,S90ILDRES• tiia Theretry PtomotineDigestionl GheerPuineSgendRestAntaill ' neither Opium,Morphine act i Mineral. Nos NA ooTic, oIal 1 Sol P0clle I; Punr�krn J'ertL Seam 1lorhelle Salts Anise Seed liz�riwWt 8Nur6watiIvo Tfo,m S,ed claril7idSygw7' hats ..,- - Ahe1pfulRemedyfbr ,Gonstipation and Diarrhoea, and Feverishness and ", LoSS OI' S 1C,Sutijnglhet'effio i ci I! . Fac•5imiie Sisjna is {; THa uTN AA R Cors'ANY. ,I MONTREAL,P.Q• -• ontltisala-. Exact Copy of Wrapper. For Infants and -Children. Mothers Know That, Genuine Criteria Always Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY• e++4.4.+4.444.44++++++++++++++ 1'- ra e++++++++++++++++++4 ++++++•€•+•'"+++•'"•r Lumber Laths Shingies Everything in :Combination storm and screen doors made to order. Lumber and. Builchner Material + + Custclii Fork cur, r dally e• .+ Always in the m fi 1'ket for saw logs 4, F C + 4. KALBYL1ISCI• + + .4 + PHONE 69 r?1 Y v avII 1 .,4 LU K161f r a• a .� .> ..s -� r r a•t•� a .1C.+`;;••:•..` -.t•++• • ;^+•€•a•,1••t«i•+4•+x•4.4• + WANTED .P -- ,,The best 11'ord ,'125 will buy. FOR SALE Chale ers Six, New baitery F50 11 Four' wheel trailer, painted X90 ® « Hess & Coo - Zurich O $500.00 YOU RECEIVE IN 12 MONTHS AT ORDINARY SAVINGSINTEREST 1l 15e ON HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES OR !Mt,* l . CANADA TRUST .Co. CERTIFICATES YOOU RECEIVE $27.50 INTEREST IS PAYABLE HALF YEARLY ON. SUMS OF $100 AND, OVER FOR TERMS IF 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 NEARS COMOBINED ASSETS OF'BOTH .INSTTTUTIOONS TOTAL OVER THIRTY-FOUR MILLION DOLLARS VICTORY BONDS SOLD AND BOUGHT, Have You MADE Ye U R WILL? FOR. FULL PARTICULARS APPLY TO: --- Andrew F. Hess, Zurich