HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-11-23, Page 1Vol. XX I I I No 20 1 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, BOVENIBE 2'�.' GheeaI., y 8em}In Pnhl�* At3V87gt $1.513 IN ARREAits, ss MA . !i!s elis3lteRIS UBBER AllSizes _ £iiBty1os NOW THA.IT YOU MAY EXPECT DIRITY SLUSHY WEATHER ANY TIME, COME AND SEE OTJR STOCK ,BEFORE YOU B'UY ELSEWHERE WE HAVE A COMPLETE SMOCK OF THE AMES HOLDEN BRAND. A RUBBER GUA.RANTE • E'D TO OUTWEAR ANY OTHER BRAND. WE ALSO HAVE A COMPLETE- LINE OF COSY FEET SLIPPERS AND i&ELP SHOES OF ALL KINDS VOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. _H. PFILE, - ZURICH THE I -t01' �, OF GOOD SHOES REPAIRING NEATLY DONE Q" -t• ,• O.O.odsoo.`oc oo..p,.�ooe 000000coc '0c..'.oc�;‘: r•��' G'•O•c7•l!•4 O'�.!'P•GP''�/'d U 4 t� c ee:ze• . o �G'' CI Gr" •,,, ,'%•4 0.0• '0.4 0a-. �' OD D CI4L SELL/ 1 Ladies' And Misse 40D q0 Sorry to re(pAijt that Mr's, Mich 1 aex•cher is .seriously 11Ir. Ed Merner of Bayfield eat lied ii . the village on Tuesday. Mr. Wi , Xieinstiver of Dash- ,+'. ;.oci was in town on business on Monday, Miss Fannie Kipper left for Parkhill „this week, where she has accepted a positions ?Yle'sses.: P. Kropf and D. Staub. us were --to Kitchener over the ;e�Ia-ei1c1: 'Mr. Verd Haberer left on Wed- iiesday for a visit with friends at Kitchener. • Mr. Samson Coloskey of Dash - weed is •visiting at the horn.e of Mr. and 'Mrs,. John Albrecht. Mr. John Hey Jr. is attending a ;:Ruggles Motor Truck .Conven,- tion in Sag/anew Mich,, this • i• o Messrs, C. Fritz and W. O'Brien 'v'ho were on a duck hunting trip L1ke Erie, returned home last ursday and showed the Zurich iple a fine bag pf this hardy gamel t • Chris. Sehwartzentruber• and of the. Bronson Line, left pelt, for her former home, ex Faijs, N.Y. State, where visit with. relatives BAR 1 era ChiRP ing`, on„ Sat e';,To cirn 11a; ' at 2 o' baS.4'r �ss T" of St. Peter's e -holding% a ails+ of txoine nasi November" 25. 'Ph, comm= after- ' fter Yet) ki e urs'"•. F NEVER BEFORE HAVE 7.311 T PER V AT,UES BEEN oFFERioD 'THAN WE ARE OFFERING AT;TH.E; PRESENT l'1"IME,, AND AS OUR QUANTITY IS LIMITED 5' OU MUST HURRY OR, YOU MAX BE q TOO LA}TJ • : —NOTA THE PRICE . ABOVE 1 Only Ladies' Musk Rat Coat to clear at 1 Real B41 GAIN. 40. DOD Stylish Homespun Dresses We cannot speak too .,gh1y of these Dresses, Best Homespuns, several good styles and a dif: r fexent range of colors to seed from. These are High •ClassDRESSES At $7,05.Pt y� Ladies' and Misses SPORT HATS of Felt and Wool Polo Cloth., Sport Flats _ e different Shades, Reg. $2.75 For $1.7.5. We have adniost everything in the line of Ladies' Hose Note ie Pew H 0: 01 Hose! o! our lines (Fa3icy rib sport hose) {xieatller Hose, plain and ,clocked) 4 O (Silk and.Wool Hose, plain and clocked), All shades, all prices. Erma,, .,_xsx,-.= CS r� DD DOG MEN'S OVERCOATS $i5,.,to $30 ;There is certain satisfaction n in buying your Overcoat early as your selection is from fuller assortment of sines and patterns and patterns and as many have tokenibat advantage, we wnt to say to those who are still without their n;OW Fall Overcoat, that we have have, just received another large shipment of Coats which puts you all on even '.footing, REMEMBER Overcoats arc lower this season. These models compare qu- ite favorably with Coats that sold last fall for $35 and $0. Come and look these over. Reglan, With fall belts, half belted Ulster ettes and smart box coats with velvet collars. -Something new in Bogy's Su°its.. Boys Suits with extra Trousers at $9.00 ? We are now showing the finest range of Mens' Hosiery ever Men1• s Soc Cs in this Storer PRICES AND SIZES FOR ALL. 'horns.•.59 J. PREETER Produce Wanted WE ARE 1r1'\TH7+A lltET`FOR A1.91AND pi",OV1R SEED yai E LS 00 �-ir}, GIFTS THAT j LASS MI7lYITY Plate Silverware WE HAVE ,P..1T RECEIVEDTHE NEW LINE OF TUDORPLA'I' s IN THE BEAUTIFUL I3ARRONET DESIGN. A MEDIUM ]RITE} TABLEWARE OF EXCEPTIONAL 600D WEARING QUALITY A. PEW OT' THE PRICES;— 0 Tea Spoons ,., ... $11,75 • t Desert knives and Fork 47.50 Berry Spoon .... ... $2.00 6 Desert ;Spoons $3.30 Sugar Spoon 7 W. Hess Zurich V9m4a�104•iz u0.o.s. o...4.0.04..4v@1r914��bAl • Fall Horse Goods ;"a rust Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Horse a Blankets in Assorted colors Size -72x84. a rAlso a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prices 4 Ranging from $7.00 to ..................-.........$13.o0' SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A CALL. • 4 A BIG Stock of 'farness and Halters always .on • p ,CIub B,ags,,,Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Prices. • HARNESS PEPAIEING' A 5 PECL LTY �s a� 1 L Incorporated 1555 Capital ,,Paid Up $4,000,000 Reserve Fund $5.000,000 Over 125 Branches It is not necessary to make a special trip to the nearest branch of The Molsons Bank every time you want to deposit Money. Send your deposit to the Bank by mail. Write today to the nearest manager of The Molsons Bank for in- formation. C.H. JOY Manager Zurich Branch PROPERTY CHANGES Mr, Edward Beaver has disposed' of his neat resid.ental property i'1 the village to Mr. Jacob Koehler of the Goshen Line, south. Mr. Wni. Wainer of Seaforth, has purchased the house, lot and bake shop as well as the business good will of Zurich, from Mr. Irvin Eckstein who has conducted this b business the pant year. Posses- sion given ' on December 1st. Mr.. Win. H. Haugh of the 14th con. has purheased from his father Mr John Haugh his 50 --acre faint and the 43 acres on the 1?th con:, .Also the 871/2 acres from his bro- ther David Haugh on the 15th eon Itib oth cases he has purchased the stock and implements as well. Mr, 'Conrad Schilbe has sold his fine 100 -acre farm, 15th eop. to his eon Henry •Schilbe, and has also purchased for his other son Waren a 1:00 -acre farm north-east` of Kip- pen from Mr,. Wm. Butt. Posses- sion given' next March. Mr. Ed. Beaver has purchased front Mr. Gottfreid Nadiger, Dash- wood, his dwelling property. Pos- -esslon .given at once. Mr. Nad«- igcr is holden gan auction sate of his household effects on Saturday D,ec. 2nd. ►' TCS R For Irifroits ,tzd Children In Use; For Over 30 Years Always hears Signature zfthe hand. 1 4 1 � Of Endurable Footwear 4. . • 44, NOW TH:IT THE CHILLY WINDS OP FALL ARE GAAIN tit 3' BLOWING, ONE MUST THINK OF THE COLDi5 AND WELT• WEATHER. COMING, WELL 1 WE A_RE BIGHT..ON THE JOS• + + WITH LiNDURAi3LB SHOES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILD - 'II' DREN. OUR STOCK OF RUBI3ERS FOR THE WET IS CON - + PLETE, WEAR THOSE OLD COMFORTABLE SHOES BY + + FITTING THEM WITH A PAIR. Our Windows are displaying some of the Classy and Nifty styles, which afford so much comfort this season e ' G AT 'i'Hl � STOFlI3" ,,1. BE ECONOMICAL BY I3U t IV • SHOE MERCHANT..4. .1•44•1.•k<!•4•^i• i••1:'d.+.l'sc«p^•l. +.t'•¢.+••F•+fi14-!•*F•4•@^•: +•1'.F+•!•: ++•i'+•II.d•wi..; •l.'F^4*•s+47 C. FRITZ & SON t ZURICH ONTARIO I i DON'T DELAY BUY NOW! likt e can supply your li needs in good Warm Olothing, aswe have a complete assortrei t of: UNDERWEAR OF ALL KINDS FOR MEN, WOMEN £NZ CHTL:DR.EW, • ALSO HEAATY N; BA.BPERET CES, FLANNELET- TES AND DRESS. GOODS. SWEATERS, ECC,, EIC. A Complete Line of `Caps, Mitts and Gloves Men's Heat+, Ij rocks, Rubbers, Rubi.er 13oc1oi•s, Vire are making a Big Re d - action in Price on some Lines of Shoes, Halters and Harness Repairs, Sweat Pads, Ete. Ete. K PRODUCE AND GOOD DRIED APPLES 'WANTED R0 DOLJGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT' BLAKE 'HON a 11 *, "