HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-11-16, Page 8,+q Ili reeeeee leg leee .„,?3,700340 UPI Irmrvi 1c3j. ----blew Fall and Winter Goods for your inspection. We can supply your wants in these lines at prices that paean Dollars saved to you. New Serge') in ail colors priced from 85e. to 3,50 per yard. Velours and Homespuns for Coats and •Suits. New Short Flannels in leading sha- des, suitable for skirts, middys, and Children's wear. Black Douchess Silk, guaranteed. Extra heavy quality at $2,90 yd. Eiderdowns and Kimono Cloths, a - 'gain to hand. These cloths have been off the market for a few years,b 1st we are now again' showing a fine 'range of patt- erns to choose from, New Woo i and Flannelette Blan- kets ,.,.. A complete range of Underwear in Wool and `Fleeced, for Lad- ies and Children's wear. We have again in Stock, Reiners No. 1, quality Hosiery in heavy i and nenium yarns, for Ladies' and Children wear. And have added a supply of Yarn, this is guaranteed to give •satisface tion to wear. FORMEN NEW FALL SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS, FALL CAPS, HATS, Mcnai.ch Yarns in Down, Dove, GLOVES, 'PINE SHIRTS, iTIES, and Floss, 25 colors to choose from, BELTS, ETC. Highest market prices paid for Live Poul- try taken every Wednesday Forenoon Dried Apples Wanted J. GA O & SON PRODUCE WANTED DESIGNER PATTERNS urieh's Gaxage TO TIRES We have on hand a Complete Line of DOMINION TIRES Arid TUBES, All Sizes (l3est on the Market), Also a few Seconds to ;Clear at ,(Extra Special Prices). LET US SUPPLY\ YOUR NEEDS ON AUTO CYLINDER LUBRI- c TING OILS AND GREASES. WE HANDLE NOTHING BUiT.THE THE BEST AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH. OILS OF PROPER VES- COSITY TO SUIT YOUR MOTOR. • Also stock a complete line of Genuine Ford Parts ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO 'MOST CALLED FOR PARTS OF VARIOUS AUTOS. I.X.L. Battery Sales and Service Station, Battery Charging, Axys, +Acetyline Welding. EXPERTAUTO REPAIRING A SPECIALT Y. , Get into the habit of Pat-ronizing us. We want to serve. you, ;and Serve You Wwll. ' PHONE No. 103. H. Mousseau , fi Th•e Better Furnished• Shedd have OnellotiOur Cel. erated Ranges , 4, l ow that the cold winds of Fail . • 1. aid the chilly. evenings are here, on,e• should think ofof the cold wea- ther coming. Whiter will soon be at hand, stake your Home corn- plete and aorefortable with one o. tee our Ranges or Heaters. Come ;+i in and tell us what you -need and Zurich e we can fill your. requirements. / see. a414 PEN AIIILAR f WE ALSO STOCK AND INSTALL ,THE WELL-KNOWN' BAN- ,, NEE, PIP:SLESS FURNACES AS WELL AS SEVERAL OTHER PROMINENT TWA:ICES FURNACES! FURNA.0 EST ALL KINDS OF. SHEOL'F ,IIARDWARE, ETC., .ALWAYS IN STOOK. — NO TROUBLE TO SfIOW AND EXPLAIN ALL A� BOUT OUR. GOODS, GET OUR PRICES AND THEN BUY. TADE & P E1"T"t BLOCK' ZURICH °. ++++++++++++4444444++++ 4+44++++ 444414444414+441 (4444 +441 • Ready -to -Wear Clothing r,. I r tx • ; ;tit 1' DENOMY BROS. GENTS FURNISHINGS Ordered Clothing Fit For The Best Unusual— The new Inodeis of., the Art Clothes for 1922 and 1923 are intens deck to attract the p trticulaa.'eve- arer interested in:;good Clothes, Exceptional -- The fabrics and .patterxte are ccholee selections. Cloth that c -an be relied upon to give sect -- vice and stand the test of time. Quality— THE SPLENDID APPEARANCE OF' THESE WINiTER SUITS AND OVERCOATS IS ENDURING IN THEIR EVERYDAY, WEAR. THEY RETAIN THEIR STYLE AND GOOD LOOKS. THIS--CHARAOTER- ISTIC IN "ART CLOTHES" IS TREAT. QUALITY SOUGHT AFTER BY THE WEARER. When you leek for these three particulars -the U usual—•t`he Exceptional—the Quality --you are certain of results in buying Art Clothes. N0: 'Y ERO$a P:oxuoe t n i ezch n,p for a31.3 LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter ... ... ..- 35. Eggs 38 Oats ... .., ,.......... 35-40 Wheat per bushel . 97-98 Flour per cwt. Bran per ton ... .. 20.00 Shorts per ton : 2C00 Hogs. ITEMS OF LOCAL IN A popular automeib' acturer says 43 per ce are • sedans. • The 'yields of groin this year show an es age iincreese of 43 pe last. year. The Unique. club N 14th coni. Hay, donate the fire sufferers of Not arid. This is one of t good things that are tran by this live society. • The Hont. IS. J. Latta, Minister.; of Education in the ;Saks. Governs. 'anent, paid a; visit to the home of Mr.. J. Fitzgerald, Chiselhurst, ire- cently; Mr. Latta is well known. to many in Zurich. Mr. Jack Routledge of C'entrale. ia, and formerly of Zurich, has re ceieed that he is being transferred to Dutton as manager of the Mol- sons Bank, and Mr. McLean of Dut ton branch will take Mr, Raouled• ge's place at ,Centralia,. At the provincial convention of the W. Cw T, F. held in, Oshawa. in. October, the banner was awarded to Huron county for highest st- anding in Scientific temperance te- aching. Mrs. A, McGyires Cot Pres. was presented with the bane per, and very kind remarks was made in approval of good work clone in essay writing, medal con- tests anc% temperance poster line in this County. ONE WAY TO GET AN ED • UCATION Some time ago, writes a .subse- riber to The Youth's omplanion, I was travelling in Euripe a young lady who lived ina small town way Down East in. Maine, and who w asmore generally informed in the history, literatu e, art and music of e countrier we visited than le who had lived in and had the `atages of a Large city "where educated?" I asked, "I ppf in my hometown uth's Companion'. ee,t+ end the same in in twill she Coeekmpia ii- beho it. prielzi!•i' see. cvals;r419923 will be. It°hial stories, short His .ltpoetry, facts and t)r4w and receive; etanion-52 is,-,. always tternlg issues of 1922 ntina'n - Horne Calendar mee.for $2.50. rreCall's Magazine, ntl ly authority on fashe oth publications, only $3. 'IE YOUTH'S COMPANION Co o iwealth, Ave. & St. Paul St. Bo on, Mass;. Subscriptions re- ceiv"red at the Herald Office. 10.25 tlix ar .i three month' course in Agr iculture and Horne Economics, in- sanding . niilinery and sewing and domestic science will be given in Clinton the coming winter. The course will be given under the superintendence of A:griculturel 5, B. Struthers, and' lectures will be given b yprofessors in their several lines, Such a course was given in Wingliam last winter and it proved ver ysuccessful. If you have and visitors a 10, stamp on an unsealed envelope will bring it to the Herald Office. Or . a phone message is quicker; while we always have a letter box at our office door where you scan slip in your articles. We would like a few mere eorresee ondents. €hould. have one i ant Blake, Drysd.aie, St. Joseph and a few More such places that have a finer bunch of visitors and haps. peningsand events nearly every week. It is a fine education! and if interested come and see us, The meeting in the !Town Hall on Monday night of the Huron Trustees and Ratepayers was very well attended and keen N interest manifested. Dr. McKenzie Snaith and Mr. McLelan of the Depart- ment of Education, Toronto, were the principal speakers, Mr, J. Laporte acted o chairman, ,. Mr, F'olton of Brussels also spoke. A, townships organization took place which resulted as fonows;—ores. J. Laporte; Viee-Pres, W. C. Pearce;; See„ Treas, Miss M. A,, Lamont; Directors, Win. Al+esceeder tievid Duette/et e and Albert llexidriek. DASHWOOD. Mr.- and Mrs.N. Kuntz and dau- ghter of Exeter visited -in this vic- inity on Sundaes. Mr. G. Gates left on Saturday for Chicago. Miss Luella Schatz has accept- ed a position. in the Pest Office. Mr. G, Edighoffer mveda on Mon day into his new home which he purchased f rem Mr. Wm, Ehlers. 11Ir. Jac: England moved into the• house recently vacated be, Mr. Gi. Edighoffer. Miss M. Hoffman has accepted apesiition as clerk with J. C; Reid & Co. ... The E yangelica1 church .ere hol- ding their Xmas. entertainment on Frida .yDec. 22ndd SCHOOL REPORT Flolowing is the report. 0 of Room IL Dashwood P ;S°. for October, Sr, IIt—Alice Willert 1474; Ar netta Kleinstiver 1352; Flossie KI- einetiver 1461; Marg. Held 1338, Har ry.; Hartleib 782; Int, III --Eddie Hamacher 1495 Tlieda Hayter 1463; Elgin. Merrier 1.451; Ethel +Hartleib 1428, Nelda Fas sold 1418,• Margaret Merrier 1375 Martha Grriupner 1305; Gordon Ben der 125.5, Flreonce Guenther 1207, Courtney. Burmeister 1060; Ivan Lippert 820. Jr. III --Earl Witmer 1:97, Helen. Nadiger 1295 "Louis - Zimmer 1230, Garhot Burmeister 1197, Pearl Ben, - der ` 1188; Willie Eveland 1110; xPloyd Wein 921. • Sr. II --Ruth Kleinstie-es 1485, Ella. Kraft 1328, scIrvin Guenther 1239; Louise Stagbus 1194,' Adana. etire 1026, sc' rallace Wein 1017. Jr. It—Verde, Piiririeister 1547, Sadie Held 1542, Zet ilecliger 1530, Margaret Willert 1478 Addison Ma- son 1226; xBianche Ed.igheffer 1181 Those marked (xy were absent, L. P, Guenther, Teacher. Co.;ir ing Social Events' The Ladies' Aid of the Lutheran church, Zurich, are giving a baz- aar in the Town in the .after- noon and evening of Saturday, Nov 25th. Wateh for particulars 'later. The Yo+ah.g' ladies' Bible Chest at the Evangelical church have changed the date Of their bazaar Item Doe, 2nd, to Dec. 8th Thursday, NO;cm•er lath, 1922 The store with the Mani C3Silii And see the Wonderful Val- ues in ° Aluminum now showing - in our window. Here are jest a few. items: TEA KETTLES $1,98 COFFEE PERCOLATOR $1.98 DISH PANS .•.\$1.98 SET 3 SAUCE PANS $198 8 AND 18 QUART STEWING KETTLES $1.98 These are all: Guaranteed .Heavy Weight Utensils We carry a complete line of Furn- ture and Hardware. Your confid- ence is solicited: MRLIei..L'&BRUN PHONE 63 BerJd Job Departmou Is al ways at your service for GOOD PRINTING.' Wedding Invitations and Announcements, Calling Cards*.. Stationery, Letterheads, $iIIheads Statements, Envelop- es; C .-ask , Po.skin;; Bills: a spae alty,' We invite you to go Season able Goods, of the low prj 10 yards. toweling foie :..$1.00 Serge, all colors 40 in wide, yd. 90e Dress goods for school girls per yard. at ..a 23c Plaid Dress, Goods, Very New 9c5 Monarch Down 2 -oz. ball at A35c. edonareh Dove 1 oz bran at 25c Monarch Floss, 1. oz. ball for 25e In all the newest shadeh. Knit Your Sweater and scarf now, We are showing a large. range of Dress Goods and Coatings for fall it) the following; 11om0 Spun Velours, Serges, Tricotine. Sweater sfor goys and Men. Just received a fine lot of Mens' and Boy's Sweaters, all wool, Nev Shades. New Hosiery for Ladies in Heather Shades. glen's Waterproof Coats, Regular. $25.00. On Sale this week ter $15.00, carefully ower these. and be convinced ces prevailing Congoleum Rugs in the Newest design andpopular prices. Whew• in town look these over and bet comvinced. See our window display for Intro-. dilatory trial offer of soap aa- sortmeent, • ; i, 1 -ib. tins Pilchards for $1,06 or 15c a tin. Better than Salmon. Choice Red Salmon, Libbys brant'* at 45c. a tin, Why pay 60c. a tin, when you can buy . No. 1 Sal- mon at 45c Broken Biscuits, 10c, a ib. Brick cheese at per ib. ... 30e We carry hundreds of samples e!~ the Celebrated Broadway- Brand Clothing for Men." Come itst and let us • show you these sant- 'pies whether you want a suit or eyereoat. We guarantee a;; perfect fit. s A Big Showing of (Tats, Cape, Men's Garbadeen Cats in the Gloves, Belts, Braces Col ar. Latest Style price this week $23 Ties, Socks, Etc, Etc. Collare, NO TROUBLE rP0 s 110W GOODS ABOVE ARE ONLY A PEW OF THE MANY WE ARE OFFERING, PECIALS Prod .ce Wanted. Buterickrashiono phone