HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-11-16, Page 6Try these ke ' ' aisin les -save baking at home DERE are luscious rais- in pies just around the corner, at your grocer's or a bake shop. Baked to a turn—a flaky crust filled with t e n d e r, tempting raisins, the rich juice forming a delicious sauce. Once try tnese pies that master bakers bake fresh daily in your city and you'll never take the trouble afterwards to make raisin pies at home. Get a pie now and let your men folks taste it. Made with tender, thin-skinned, meaty, seeded Sun -Maid Raisins. Raisins. furnish 1560 calories of energizing nutriment per pound in practically predigested form. AIso a fine content of food- iron—good food for the blood. Use raisins frequently, there- fore, which are both good and good for you, in puddings cakes, cookies, etc. You may be offered other brands that you know less well Than Sun -Maids, but the kind you want is the kind you know is good. Insist, therefore, on Sun -Maid brand. They cost no more than ordinary raisins. Mail coupon for free book of tested Sun -Maid recipes. Learn what you cando with luscious raisins. SU -MAID RAISINS The Supreme Pie Raisin Sun -Maid Raisin Growers Membership 18,000 FRESNO, CALIFORNIA Blue Package � aq - — CUT THIS OUT AND SEND IT MOO MEM Sura -Maid Raisin Growers, ', Dep+. N-633-7, Fresno, California. Please send me copy of your free book, 1'Recipes withRaisins." INAME ISTREET I. CITY. ..». a -STATE- • BY KATHARINE SUSANNAH, PRICHARD Copyright by Hoddee and Stoughton. :been cobbled for some s an There was an appeal in her vo ee eitlier side of the sale -yards because But Davey stared at her as though the cattle and horses made a sea of he had not seen her, and paeeed on. mud about them -when the spring "You're a rude, horrible boyi n simple directions in every package. rains had soaked into the soft earth. I hate you, hate you, hate you!" she The stores and shanties were fun on passionately after bhn. Don't wonder whether you can dye or men, with faces seared and seamed rthe sale -Yards, eriWedhen they met again it was near was thronged with people from the when the main street home dyeing iS guaranleed with Diae tint successfully, because perfect mond Dye,s even if you have never sale d,ays. with the dust of the roads hands' PRINCE REVIEWS 60,000 SCOUTS An interesting picture of the Prince of Wales in the role of.a Boy Scout leader. He is being decorated with the order oR the Silver Wolf on the oc- casion of his inspection of 60,000 Britisrhi Boy Scouts in London. The Duke of Connaught performs, the ceremony.• dre could watch the twilight dying on the plains and breathe all the frag- rance of the trees by the river when they were in bloom. The plains spread in vivid, undulating. green be- fore the cottage to the distant line of the hills, and the grass was full of wild flowers, ,aa manner' of"tiny, Ishy, and starry, blue, and white, and Iyellow flowers. Deirdre had watched Davey bring , of the Wirreeford men, said to the cattle down from. the hills across the , Schoolmaster one evening on his way , plains. She had seen him riding offs home. "Give it up, Dan! It's good runaways. Once a heifer had broken! enough to ory to look boysaThad's laugh, facebu Iand careered over the plains before I you've the cottage. Davey had chased after when he smiles to know what he is her at breakneck speed, and, rising in' promising himself of it all." his stirrups, had swept his' stock- i The ,Schoolmaster had watched Mc - whip round her, letting it fall on her ; Nab's face when he smiled. He had plushy hide with ripping cracks. He i learnt all he wanted to. He knew had flogged the beast, driving her with l what Salt meant. out of the strings of oaths, his dog, a black and For awhile be dropped tan fury, yelping and snapping at, 'circle round 'Tad's bar. When he her nozzle, until the blood streamed made one of it, his laughter was less from it, and with a mutinous bellow frequent, and he missed McNab when she turned aback to the mob again. Ibis lightly -flung arrows of wit whist - Deirdre had watched him • going' ed in the assembly. His spirits' had home in the evening with his father, suffered a depression. Some of the; or some of Cameron's men, at the • m thought the trouble with his eyes heels of a mob, his eyes going straight ° •w•, ,on his mind. He avoided en out before him. He never looked he a orr' adt with deNab,lea he though �afraid nonee way or seemed to see. her where s' 't s '' eye was more than a stood, at the gate of the whiteari _ 's two any day, they ' cottage within a hundred yar ,4 l river.- had.been chasing open quarrel between . 'L'naster s duelling Ann's •geese from the been more than I green paddock that la a ;pricking, rapier shanty and the SchooIn. when Davey rode out e���aeve�ards leer, one even -' driOiag a score` or so of gling calves. Deirdre stood by th waited for him, her ey the cheek. The wind ha hair to the long tendril hang in when they raced impotent against that bitter, blithe wit and the laughter it raised. He laughed too—McNab. He was wise, as cunning as a dingo. Though his eyes were baleful, and his hands shook as he' poured the raw spirits from his bottle into a mug beside him, he laughed. "It's a mad game y're on with Mc - Nab" Salt Watson, one of the oldest Satisfies the sweet tooth, and --aids appetite and digestion. Cleanses mouth and teeth._ A great boon to smokers, relieving hot, dry mouth., Combines pleasure and benefit. Don't miss the joy of the new, N 1 ? S -the candy.coated peppermint tid bit! Chew it after every meal. erxA•:r�3y..4Nlas s Packed Tight- Kept Right "Ne the It'had an air o£ hunior had ai the flame which Yau !hfold before his oYtit,,1e fleet by u�s,ing its wliii;s as fore pr� v,; though nobody nose ^ For' he; does not care to'die' is feet. rnti.n !thumb" and"forefinger" of �'0i 1}east of all Thad " course of the year. Always contempt itterness in it. ntinued.) oi•' .2ira lent d Drapery in ,Diamond Dyes yr C16 Remarkable Bird.. The Fatal.Third Puff. The Hca Re• markable of British, Guiana is ver light hbree cigarettes with same match,"' : cried tie third ogle of the most remarkable b,rds,;,1n e1; who, '• imm�ed'iately blows out the world.. Almost as soon as it 1sm,, hitched the Young I ctzin'crawls out t ival�s of •card- I smolt along the roads from eohoo . CHAPTER XXI. In the Wirree Farrel was never known as anything but the School- master. Everybedy called him that— even Deirdre when she spoke of him. They had gone to live in a cottage on the outskirts of the township. The Schoolmaster had taken up his old trade though it was understood he had teen droving with Oonal for This superstition now generally es- _tablished in the public's mind is said to have had this origin: " In the war which Spain carried. on against Morocco in 1911-1912, and which was principally an arnbusca.de war, the Spanish officers, who axe great smokers, puffed cigarettes in or- der to kill time in the trenches. Some- times it happened that three of them lighted their cigarettes with the same match. Now, in. the course of/time they noticed that at the first puff of emoke eseaphig from the cigarette the twining that lie sold only the fron . Th buyer was als,o required to feed the cow and carry w'ater to her three times a day. Recently, the cow hoolo' ed. the old man, and now he is suing his son-in-law for damages. - uy "Diamond Dyes" and follow the nd b oken with ' ;harem, !hills. She had seen his horse hitehed dYed before. Worn, faded dresees, , i ici MeNab's and so skirts, waiets, coats, sweaters, stock - slouched along the streets,. or stood was reedy for him when. they passed. watching their cattle, yarning in de - Me path was so narrow that they sultory fashion, leaning over th,e rails could not avoid brushing. But Deir•dre',s of the drafting yards. They smoked, chin was well up and her eyes were or chewed and spat, in front of the steady when they met 'him under his shanties, and at right sprawled over it is linen, cotton, ar mixed goods. the table at the Black Bull, PlaYing hat helm. Soch gloomy, merose eyes d r tossing dice. She Diamond Dyes never streak, spot, they were that she looked into. Maitland the areater part of. the tune he had been away. Deirdre had wendered with him whenever he went, end it was on her account he was anxious to get back to steadier and more settled ways of life; it was said. Before long two or three of the broevn-skinned. Wirree children were ings, draperies', hangings, everything, become like new 'again. Just tell your druggitt whether the material you wish to dye is wool or silk or whether'. every dey. A snob that had travelled a long almost ex° Her mouth opened *to speak. The south bad heard a great deal of , way was often yarded the night be- them. Sam Ma'tland, head of the well-knowa'fore the salee When the selling fee But Davey was as intent on passing Something Safe. as she had been. His face had on "1 v,ealle h -ad a baby brother to sualen look, something of his wheel " • firm tof Maitland & Co., etock-dealers, ithe day was over, the beasts that had, doWn from the hills were driven uglY, trotting to the cottage for lessons Car S 0 my go cai , mamma, said f th r's dourness, After see had small Elsie., "MY dolls, are always get- of Cooburra, New 'South Wales. There had been a lead season in the north-west for a couple of years. Mait- land had. bought up poor beasts and Verde, Iowan and bellowing abt night , He them to fatten in the south. Ve , g the Bliaek Bull. Conal had been driving them through while the stockmen who were going to The Schoolmaster saw him there Wirreeford at intervals of two or.take charge of them spent the evening in lthe evening.n It tap-- not onteof the Far - three mottle, taking the fattened at the Black Bulb, or Mrs. Mary Anti's' Black Bull, though there was always beasts back on the return journey over The �town�ship was full. of the smell the border after he brought down the of cttle arid, dasPa hd become f starters: All the week the township slept peacefully in the spring sunshine. When a clear, young moon came up over the plains in the evenings, it drenehed them with wan, silver light. But on Friday morning at dawn, the ,cattle came pouring into :the town with a cracking of whips, barking of dogs, yelling and! shouting of men and � With a rush and a rattling of horns, they charged along between the rows of hudlled' houses, swinging one side to the: other of the wild and fearful -eyed, with ed heads, long strings of'glisten- saliva dripping from their mouths. !They seemed; to be searehing for the f}yp�nity tc brealir and head out to fit s ag+aln. Taut ranged wlth �is+P'p g dogs, they were ntgtirned into the sale -yards. The; one street of Wirfreeford had out along the Rene road, and gat she -stood still and watched under way for the northern markets; Passed but sometimes they were left in the him• • of thea wasteebutt for the houses. In the early. epring, breezes from the ocean with a tang of salt in them blew right through the houeee, and later, when the teees by the river blos,sorned, and bore =awes of golden down, a warm, sweet, musky frag- tance was %vatted to their very. doors. It overlaid the reek o•f the cattle yard:s, the fumes of rank spirite, and tobacco that came from the shanties. And in the long glitrintering terilights when the light faded slowly from the plaint and the wall of the hills changed from purple to blue and Misty grey, they were caught up into the mysterious darknees of the night—those per - trees in blossom—and rested like a benediction in the air: Freni their shebby, whitewashed, wattle -and -dab hut on the outskirts of the town the olickolinaster and Deir- a lighting of eyes, a shifting of seas in anticipation o a lively evening when he appeared, He wondered' what Davey ',Cameron was doing there, His father had been crippled with rheu- matism for a couple of weeks and Davey had charge of his business. Farrel wondered if he had begun to swagger, to give himself airs on the strength of it. He seeaned, on good terms with Mc - Nab and most of the men in the bar, but his acknowledgment of Dan's greeting was off -hand and he went soon after Farrel came in, The Schoolmaster's eyes met Me- Netb'�s; but McNa�b'a eyes never, met' any. man's for very long. Perhaps he was afraid of the inner man a strang- er might get glimpse of, afraid to let any one else see in his eyes the .sec- rets of that sly, slaying soul of his. Now that Farrel -had: only one eye, MeNab feared him less, although when the concentrated light of the Schoolmaster's spirit poured from it iiia single beam, he fidgeted, showed craven and was glad to escape, No one had the knack that Dan Farrel had of showing MoNab to tho 'Wirree for what lie wee. The School -1 master could string MoMab ups before the eyes of the hien int the- bar on the thread of one of his: whimsical humors and show hint dz ogling, •all his crook - e links wr,� i et �is , `ietec face simitter. rag wit wratie. a could pin I 1VieNab with 'a few, lightly -hung words and crake a :butt of him, whero lie stood before his rows. of short - necked, black and muddied bottles, l t.e Would have him quivering with wrath, {Willard's Llnlrncnt for Diphtheria. 90" ting broken when it tips over." °Duteris an alarm -clock that causes eome men to rise in the world. Others Win aver and take another nap. eeleee oullasillimpormatuumemulOMMamoramommeteraWMMI New Atintbu SUFFERERS Dear Sirs, --After suffering from Sciatica for over 15 years and spending moneY on medicine, baths, electric belts, etc., which did 'rne no good, I was cured by u8Ing one bottle of your NIDW LIFE REMEDY, Yonne truly, errard St Bast., Toronto One bottle for "O'ne Dollar; Six bottles for Five Dollars. Mailed direct to customers, firtbott West 'A:441d* 44.4 Toronto the ,wings have 'claws- with which the' young bird climbs- about the branches.:,, As soon as the wingS grow strong enough, to support the bird in the air, • Minard's Liniment for Colds, eto. The Meanest Man. The meanest man, on record is said to live in Shrewsbury, Mass. He sold his son -lo -law one half of a cow, and then refused to divide the milk'," main. Moroccan across the lines opened his eYes; at the second cloud he noted tbe place; at the third he fired. often the smoker fell with a bullet in his forehead. This third smoker, made prudent, therefore took to blowing out the match, 'rills quickly became a superstition, which continued after the end of the war and later was passed from Spain to France. Measuring Fog, The Paris-Lonclori air seeyice has an ingenious instrument for measuring the depth of fog above above the start- ing place at Croydon or Abbeyylile, and so to determine whether there is clear, dry weather a few hundred feet up. The instrument, -which la based on the property of hums.n hair of con- tracting sharply on passing from wet , to dry air, consists Of a hair attached I to a trigger that holds a ring. The instrument is sent aloft with boy bal- loons on a string; as soon as it reach- es dry air the hair contracts, pulls the I trigger, and down comes the ring on the string, The cost of livfng 600 tirnee in Ai:Istria,. has Meccas ed Cloning rt postman or express man will bring Parker service Tight to your home, Whatever you sena—whether it be suits, coats, dresses, lace curtains, tapestry draperies, etc., etc, --will be beautifully cleaned by the Parket process and speedily re- turned. We pay carriage one way on all orders. Nirrito for full particulars. Parker's Dye Works, Limited For Nervous Headaches TS THE RELIEF froth head - A. ache .or neuralgic pains worth one cent to you? That's all it costs for an application of "Vaseline" Mentholated Jelly. With the first indication of a headache rub a small amount of it gently on the forehead and temples. So convenient, effec- tive and economical 1 cliESEBROUGH MANUFACTURING COMPANY 1880 Chabot Ave. Montreal Vaseine Tradc Mark Cleaners and Dyers 791 Yoage Toronto OM oylektileen's. By quickening eireelm tionofbleod ihe congestion is broken up. Minions have nisoomaa a sinews 'welcome relief from rimier, atiern, Keep it h curly or sore. bruised muscles, back - itches and neeralgin. Moat* Litaracavkiihpaini