HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-11-16, Page 5Thursday, November Mtn 1.022 BUSINESS CARDS P O!. dioot, Killoran & iWLyiva. 13arristeas, SuIieiLore,, Noteriee, 'ub1 , Lice Office on the Square, Md door from Hamilton St, God- leraeh, Private funds to. loan at lowest rates, Proudfoot, I.C. 3, L, Killoran Mr. Holmes will be in Hensall D. E. IIolnies, onI :Friday of each week. ....,,....r.e .,,:,.,-,.,WIC, Andrew F. Hess, Township Clerk ;psuer, of marriage licenses, Notary 'Public, Commissioner, Fire and Aut Omobile Insurance, Representing Huron and Erie Mortgage Corpora,: Von, The Canada Trust :Co. Zurich, Ontario. Dr.E. S. Hard .e DENTIST �►t ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFFICE — HEN \LL ()SOAR KLOPP Professional Auctioneer, graduate bI Davenport Auctioneering School 'Try me for real estate, merchandise, `jewellery pedigreed stock, farm sales Hates alwaysreasonabl'e, my territory the world. Choice farms for sale, •hone 18-93 Zurich Licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for County td Huron. In a position to con- duct any' auction sale, regardless :as to size or articles to s'e'll. I not eft your business; and if ,not eatisfied will make no charges for services. Arthur Weber, Dashwood. Phone 31 r 13. Zurich Meet MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price far Waal' CASH .FOR SKINS & B1DES Ting brit - eicho URiGI-I LJVERY its , Yr alit; T I ana, in a position to accomo- date all requirements in the Livery Line, have -Auto -for hire. Any- thing' done in the teaming line. a GEORGE J. THIEL Phone Se • Zurich. g. S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, -DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and o1 _the Univgrsity of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every Tuesday and Friday from 10.0,0 a m. until 5.00 p.m.; at the Commerc- ial House, (Upstairs). Main (V- ille at Bayfield, Ont. -19 L I VE O U LT R Y. WANTED ''Taken every day till 3 Oclock p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning *ho brought in. Highest Cash Prices •--CASH FOR-- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien '-Pholne R4: Zurich .111•1•1•1110 SIM COAL Spring ' and Sumner DELIV1iRIES SEASON 1922 Owing' to the strike of the Min- s now prevailing in the Pennsyl- Tania Anthracite coal fields, we are unable to ,guarantee delivery xir price and until conditions be- tome more settled orders will be taken subject to our being able to xibtain 'supplies and at prevailing price time of delivery. JOd4.i) & PRODUCE MERCFIANT '.GERMS —CASH Vhoae: Office low, I• once 1oj. H IE 3 A ... L ONT' .PUT YOT,111: Wants, For Sahli, Lost, " nd,ttginicep Etc. Ads - IN THIS . COLUMN WANTED We are in the market for Dutch. eettc and large onions, ghest market prides paid. 1Vlust bA well. cleaned.' T; .L. 'WUR,IVI. ,-16 WANTED DUTCH SETS. Highest mar- ket price paid, must be thoroughly dry and put through fanning xnil'1 J GASCHO & SON 1-16 FOR SALE Pure bred White Rock pullets, .V.pply to Ed. Dimnsick, R. R. 1, Zurich, Goshen "Line, Stanley 18-2' NOTICE. We are operating our cider mill every Tuesday and Thursday, be- ginning Tuesday. Sept. 19th: . Par- ties wishing to have apple butter made, should make arrangements by phone. F. C. Kalbf'leisch, Zurich NOTICE I have taken. out' License for Auctioneer for the County of Hur- on, and am in a position to con- duct sales by auction. Give me a. trial and I will assure you satis- faction or no•.charge." tf-29 James 4enoreey, R. R. 2, Zurich, Phone No. 10-93 DR. JOHN WARD Will make a complete test of refractive condition of the eye, and of the muscles. Spectacles sc•ientif- ieally fitted. Services at reasonable charges. Will be at ;—. 8-22 Zimrner's Hotel, Dashwood, Weeper House, Zurich, Zurich Studio and Book Room Just received our ship- ment of School Books,, High School Books Etc, Printing and Developing, Photos On Post Cards, Etc., Etc. Stationery always on hand tf21 OBRIEN &" KALRFLEISCH 1Jartleih ~ 131oc1r Zurich 1 WE ARE SELLING OUT THE BALANCE OF OUR STOCK O,F MEN'S READY TO WEAR SUITS AT CLEARING PRICES. AS WE 1)0 NOT INTEND TO STOCK THIS LINE IN FUTURE. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY 1 only- dark Brown Serge size 3r Reg. 35 for $26.50 • 2 Men's Navy with hairline stripe Sizes 37 and 39 Reg. 3O for $22.50 .2 only fine Navy Worsted siz 38-40. At $19 1 Brown Worsted size 3 •8 For $20 1 Pine Navy Serge, extra quality For $26.50 2 Heavy allwool brown size 44 ' At $17.50 1 Heavy Navy Size 44 At $18.00 1 Youths, Size 36 For $21.50 2 Youths, 'Size 34, 35 For $16.50 x11'RICa HEiiD LOCAL NE.. Mr.. Omar Denoney- wile to Lone., don on business on Monday. Some fanners have recently soy), 'their crop of beans at $2.60 per bushel. ' - Me. and Mrs, Hy. Gellman Wee visitors with relatives at 'Goiiericb on Sunday, ' Miss Ida Brill is :spendn'g a.few weeks at New Rambirug, Kitchener and Waterloos. Mr, and Mrs. Hilton Truemner of the 14th cont, were Sunday vis- itors at S•hipka. Mr. H. Either of rediton was in the village on Saturday, attend- ing the fire insurance nee'tieg. Mr. and Mrs. Weingarten of Ex- eter were Sunday visitrso at the hoe of Mr;. an rd Mrs, Sol: 3 acobe,. Mrs. Sol. Ziamnerman., and one of Mrs. Clark's children of Blake, were operated on by. Drs. O'Wwyee and MacKinnon, on Friday, for the removal of tonsils, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith were to London oe S'laiurday. The'pub- lisher has now an infected ear, and consulted .a specialist, and is ;;eating along fine. Me. and Mrs, D. Mcisaac and Mr, and Mrs,. ,0.T 11. Holtzman of Creditoni were Sunday visitoes with friends here. Mr. Holtzman gave air addre, s in the Evangelical sab- hath school.• The U.F.O. Co-operative comp'" any who conducted y y on acted a grocer,, and boot and shoe business at Seaforth for fire years, last week sold out to Jas. Cleary, who has been in the store for twto years. Mz McLeod, the manager, has puncme; aseci, the "grocery business of Tho3 Daffy„ -- . Again we. have had a week of. real fine weather. o veenber• is slipping by rapidflee and the wins ter with Jack Frost, if they do come,' will soon be upon us. There should be no reason why enyone in Zurich should suffer from • a fuel famine, as with the fine faille we have had, it made it possible to get all kinds of substitutes for coal, which has also been coming in quite freely. The Boys' Parliament for, South Huron will be held. in Exeter on Friday, S•uturdaiy' and, ,5uiiihj ' of this week. It is expected that about se'•enty bob -s will take.,part_ in the parliainent. Members 'of n different churches ate being a' tob illet• the boys, and mittees iii charge shout trouble in al hospitable Exeter. e electe i bens of the Zuri •ehurch are; Nrewe field Witmer and Messrs. C Fritz • Brien left on ,Satur.ela Erie, whsle they diredt shotonig'. J intend ding with that,, they wilit get remains 1.lt to be se euggeste:l a big •publi; wonel b one way of di: thsn•, while one of the hunter`. air ,.tdy spoltnie for a large ce, in the 'city cold storage house. Howev,e-we hope they will have a good outing and their efforts will not be in vain. An accident of some comment. occured at the corner of the 2nd. coni. Hay, and the South Boundary just 'west of Exeter, on Monday eve ening at dusk. Mr. John Decher Jr. was returning from Exeter,with his car, while Mr. Hunter was re- turning from Zurich with hrseo and rig. Seemingly bath parte over- estimated the distance between and the result was a collision', in which both landed in the ditch, the ,buggy being shattered to ,pieces, Mr. Hinter had ,his collar bone fracetured `and recei ved medical at- tention soon as possible. Last Wednesday evening wh'1'o walking on the sidewalk going east of the jewellery store, Mr, Albert less". collided with a bicyclelome ing in the opposite direction. Ow- ing to facing the rain Mr, Hess hacl his face in a downward pos- ition] and did not see the approa- ching bicycle which knocked him ofe the Walk against the fence and in bounding back injured his hip oe the sharp edge of the want He was confined to the house for nearly a week, but is able to he around again. It is high time that one village fathers appoint a coni- ;stable and keep the sidewalks a safe. place towalk on, The sc- ores of noisy dangerous coarcting wagons that infest our walks and so often collide with people are equally as bad and should not be allowed'. -.Wake up, Trustees! Now that the season for buy- ing your winter stipple of merch- andise, in fact your ;.-fear's supple many lines, is here, consider it carefully where you will make these purchases). The mail order catalogue has things pictured be- antifully, but .you are paving for it, .you may get a bargain oe a 1 Only Youths, Size 35 certain article, but they will "get For $17 N you'.' in the long run, One needs oily to take et day off and go to the city stores, and compare REMEMBER THESE. ARE ALL Prices' with our home anerchants HON, T. A. CRERAR; The .stalwart Western leader of the Progressive Party, who res- igned, and declares that business ai>d' Politics will not ziu'ix, and he must s' t devpte his time to interests of the Western Grain Growers. The new leaider is Robert Forke, M. P. of Brandon,• 1 Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Bechler .of the Bronson Line, are visiting the week at Kitchener. , Mei. and Mrs. Hy. Volland, Miss Cl ar a Voiland of Clinton, Mr, and Mrse Theo,.• McAdams . and family and Mr, David Schwartzeentruber.: were • Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. Hy. Vol'land, Bronson Line, Mrs. Lovelle of Detroit, Mrs: C. Price and daughters Minnie and Mary of London, attended the fun r ral of their sister -in law, Mrs. Andrew Pride, on Sunyda. The tar aver will 'remain with her bro- ther for soni,e time, to care for the little infant son of Mr. Price. Mrs. 'J. Hey, Jr. and Miss Pearl- Wurtz returned on Friday Vora ora the big, Womens' Institute ,C'onventiou at London last week. Mrs. Hey being the delegate for South Hur- on, while - Miss Wurtz represented the local society here. They' report ,most splendid and, educa- tive meetings, and come home brini-full with new suggestions. BAZAAR adies' .Aid of St. Peter's urcle are holding a sale of home made 'day November 25 Zurich,' comm. k in the ' after ch will be served EVERYBODY No. 1 QUALITY GOODS. IN a ORDER TO APPRECIATE VALUES COME AND SEE THEM J. Gaucho & Son nd then you are good and satis- fied to buy in Zurieh, And fur- thermore, if you have not just got the ready cash, our merchant will: advance the goods for you, how fair will your buyfngg e in the big stores without money? No mer- chant in Zurich over made ,a for., tune,.while the city inercliants have beeen, irtillronairs, :tiny at home! Whore' you tell your p odticts, ALE d weeks -old. . Ap-- VVillD:rt, Dashwood, Tp. FOR SALE ',Debentures to the amount' of $1110.00 issued ueeler 'authorizing of i3F-law No. 11, 1922 of the ,Haly Municipal Telephone System. Debentures. bear interest at the rate -,of 514 per cent per' annum. De- bentures are dated Dec. lst, 1922. For particulars ,apply to A, P. HESS, Treasurer Hay Township bated at Zurich, November 7th, 19922. tf-18 WANTED A Lathy for Gentleman' to sell silk stockings, gloves, silk blouses underskirts and hairnets direct to consumers on commission basis, Car owner will be able. to build up e good income. Apply to Dad- ies Tailoring Service, 425,, Rich- mond street, Lonon.d , 18-4 • STRAYED Onto my premises, Lot 8 con. 6, Stanley Tp. A year-old heifer, about Cot. 1st. Owner can have same on premises .by peeving pro- perty and patying all expe :ses. B. W. • Carlile Varna, P.O. 18-3 NOTICE Will the party who took the lumber, scantlings and the plat- form used' for cementing, from the Fire Hall, which is the property of the Zurich Po. iVillage, kindly re- turn same. By Order -Z. P. V. TRUSTEES NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTice Is Hereby Given that Ail persons having claims against the estate of Jacob Haberer, late of the Village of Zurich, who died on the 10th day of August, 1922, aro required to forward their claims curly proven to the under- signed on or before the 18th day of November, 1922, ANT) NOTICE IS Further Given i b a t after ,the said 'date the Exec- utors xecutors will proceed to distribute the -estate, having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have .Notice, - Dated at Zurich this 30th dray of October, 1922, 'Peter, Haberer,.rredea•ick J'.' TTab- rr'n, ;arg,aretha Roedotr Executors ssuissiiI111iii o iwog latummS1JU_ ro 1 111,11 nm n n' N94-079 t 'heProlirieta yor!atentliedicmeol, AVeeeta eYrepar'ati afor:ki ,similatingtheFoodbyltegutal jlling the Stomaeissad Bowels • 1'rherebyPfomotin sgell q ; ;GheerruinesS'andRestContaiss' nether Oppkum,Morphine 00f Mineral. No's'1''tARCOTIO , DopedOlDs Alva weld Senna 4niseSeedr� 131CarbanatoSudit Prot Seed Ciarsfiirator lifidapeenAvor tS. helpfuiReznedY fol ' COtistipatioaa'nd'Diatrhoea and Feverisluiess anal Loss oV Szti;' rteSattingtherefa;o aney Fac Simile Sintiture of 1, ,,,;e, t, Via Cmana COD1PhNY, vioNTREAL,P•Q• 7 For Infants and Children. r✓Aub'w01a1P�IGRpuiteCu+]WPwmPw ('others Know That, Gamna : Castello Always Bears the Signature of In dor Over Thirty Years Bean. Copy of Wrapper. THE CbM'AUR COMPANY, NEW YOP ( CITY. 4. f 3'• Lumber Laths Shingles Everything in 4. Combination, storm arid screen decree Trade to or'der', •h + eu`I 1 4. ecialty saw logs Lumber and Bffldi Custom Work ccs .t Always S•�'i r , •II• PHONE 60 .4...+4.++++4-1.+.1.++-1.4-.+4.++++4,.•-t,4 .I+ow+44•3E+r1•+9:'t, in the market. .. U s`CH 4. 4. GIBUZIIIMINISINIMIEBSINVEZGUaNZEISME1===t2M2M21' WANTED The best Ford 4125 will buy. FO SALE Chalmers "Six, New battery $850 1 Four wheel trailer, painted $90 F. , M. itiOn CIL - halal On Y01T RECEIVE IN 12 MONTHS AT ORDINARY SAVINGS INTEREST 15n ON HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES OR CANADA TRUST Co. • CERPPIPICATES YOOU RECEIVE 27050 + i� INTEREST IS PAYABLE HALF YEARLY ON :SUMS OF $100 AND, OVER FOR TERMS 1F 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 YEARS • , COMOBINED ASSETS OF 1.30'6 INSTITUTTOONS TOTAL OVER THIRTY -0 0UR MILLION DOLLARS VICTORY ;'BONDS SOLI? AND BOUGHT. Have You MADE YOUR WILL? FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY TO; -- Andrew F0 Hess Zurieb