HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1922-11-16, Page 3Industrious Peopler
TOREGAIN ysiologigtb, ,gay that .man wasp 'net
1T.•Aa Y *. !
intended by natures 'to aplily Wn sell
@ p� a T I without intermission for an'y kong
YOUR UR G O+w AL Manuel or mental task,
O period to any mania
-- - I and that one of the great difficulties. in
it Can be Done Through Keeping
the Blood !9upply Rich
and 'Pure.
We modern industrial system is to
overoome what is' for human being a
natural 'disability. Inter"vafs of rest or
distraction are necessary to everyone,
bet the frequency and length • of the
There is not a nr,it or corner in intervals kind the use, toe whic'h they
CCn , a ado in the cities, the towns, the are put vary with everyone. And on
villages, en the (arils and in the these variations suecess or fallle e,
mines and limber camps, where Dr. happiness or unhappiness, may y
Williams' Pink Pillshave not been largely be predicted.
used, and from one end of the country For the healthy person the best way
t the otl.er kind words have been to rest is to da sometl'iiug,� Says a
e' o writer In Youth's' Companion. "'1GIanmtai
said for tb�is medicine.
You have only to ask your neigh occupation or physical eetivitYle the
bora, and they can tell you of some best form of relaxation for ' those
rheumatic or nerve -shattered man, wth'es+e work is mental; and. mental or
some suffering woman, ailing youth or physical ,activity is the best toren of
anaemic girl who has been benefited rela.xati an for those whose work is
by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. For manual. The people who don't know
more than a third of a century these what to do with their spare moments
pills have ' been known not only in oat half hours or holidays . or who pass
Canada, but throughout the world as a 'them 131 a discontented indolence de-
reliable tonic, blood -enriching medi- rive no benefit frero. their opportuni-
cine. ties. They might well envy those who
The success of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills is due to the fact that they go to
the root of the disease in the blood,
and by making the vital fluid rich,
they strengthen the organs and nerves
of the body, Mr. A. M. Large, Victoria,
_ P.E.I., adds his testimony to that of
thousands of others who have,,found
benefit through the use of this medi-
cine. He says:—"About three years
ago I became dreadfully run down. So
much so that I had to stab work alto-
gether, and being' a carpenter, and
busily engaged, the outlook '' was
gloomy. I became so • reduced that I
would have to rest even after a short
walk. My appetite almost completely
tailed. The doctor whom I consulted
told me I would have to take a- pro produces', — execellent merit though
longed rest, and gave me a bottle of
medicine, which, however, did not help , that is,—but that he doesn't whine and
me. Then a good friend urged me W complain.
try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I got
hurry home eagerly to a: good book to While there is time, gather to Yourself
read, or something to make or build, '(dad's. They e,re life's most precious
ora musical instrument on which to possession.
practice, or a. boy—or even a dog—to
exercise, Moist of those who are with-
out a resource seek amusement in un- GU
The lest Ha*vest,'. IVItOU11000 Says
There . are those who 0.0(ilheY Pass
along life's pilgrim way gather to
themselves a harvest a mono,, 11Ion-
ey is something, but not everything.
It can be used, or abused. It can do
good --or evil. Other pilgrims, as they
pass, gafiher to themselves a.lharYes
of fame, That aalso ts gometWng, but
not "er erythtn ,
The best harvest is that of—friends. Calgary, StQ1TlaCll
43 N St pa
H who has no friends Is the poorest Alberta Canada
j.r 1: Penh
"1 am glad to reconi.ine:nd Tanlac,
for it has helped me to gain twelve'
Pounds and made me feel better than
X have in many years." This clear-
cut statement was made recently by
h)avid lV'l0Culloch, New r
'`Tape's • Diapepsi.11" for
Gas, Indigestion or
ora* n4L1
pr -t "i OND4RirtYL VALTJ AM)
�CgT �;olors, samples Pree Georgetown
Woollen Mills, Ont.
"ID 11t,11T1,' do A'MATIef1kt7, le•BeT'T !31 D.f}
Jl�.Yonge street, �.Cor•91zio, Tiegistere
l 1 atent Attorneys. Fiend for free booklet,
.f;ILT114G OF ALI,, 1{XND.s, mew OR
used, pulleys, save,
,•.,++,+.++r*++"*P?4'"' esu., shipped Pub9k4t to
Approval .. *,,..,.yo,.,..•.., flows
e wai at low.
world. "I had been in very poor health 1:0r t ! Stomach corrected! You est irises in �ToronEo. York Belting Co.
the wide re i? Jnstan ly 1 t Yorkrice 9t
I. own
Gatb•er, therefore, of those -other ,four Years, Uving generally i'ttn d ,
good things which life may being Yen, with nO: app{.tte 'to speak of, and my
never feel the slightest distress from
indigestion or a sour, acid, gassy
but remember that site best harvest is' nerves Were (always more .or ,less en act,, attar you eat a tablet of Pape s
friends. edge. •1V'1y strength and energy were Diapepsin," 'Tie mmellt it reaches
S mp thy, courtesy, helpfulnee's— I at a v,ry low ebb, and, a goad. nights t11e stomach all snarl: ess, . flatulence,
S' ._ attraction of7011rn�xrn. _ e-erned utterly ..,,` of . the gees_ gases, palpitation and rain.
these, ,and
character will bring them to your side tion • ,I was simply worn out all the
disappear. VDruggists guarantee each:
and keep thaw there. time, and was considerablY under nor- package to oorrect digestion at once.
Cultivate friendships in the spring Mel weight.
of life, so that when the autumn and "Friends of ,nine who had tried Tan -
winter come you .may walk through lac urge¢1 me to take it. I began to
the_grey days in company. • pick up from the very first bottle, and "- Pulp from Hemp Waste.
Of a truth, 'tis better te be homeless now I have plenty of strength and Experiments will be made in the
than friendless. Adversity, and not of energy, never seem to tire, and eat Philippines in the manufacture of pulp
your fault, may make you homeless% and sleep like a healthy man should, for paper tram hemp waste and low
To be friendless means'••that-You are 1 liavo'taken five bottles, and do not
self -condemned: You lacked some-
thing, and thereby.gained no, friend..
End your stomach trouble .far few
grade -
wholesome ways. To be without a re -
sources us to be lazy. People who are F ROM AUTUMN COLDS
not lazy discover resources and enjoy @�
Industrious people have their wor- The Fall is the most severe season
ries and their troubles, but they are of the year for colas—one day warm,not subjugated -•+by them, They get
happiness, out of life, and they don't the next cold and wet, and unless the
sadden or irritate the world with le_ mother is onher guard, the little cues
mentations over their misfortunes. In- are seized with colds that may hang
on all winter. Baby's Own Tablets are
deed, the greatn is not than he works and virtue of the thins- mother is en her guard, the little ones
trious Person banisihing colds. They act as a gen-
eral laxative, keeping the bowels and
stomach free and sweet. An occasion-
al dose of ,the Tablets will prevent
colds, or if it does come on suddenly
their prompt use will relieve the baby.
The Tablets are sold by medicine
dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
longfelt an im Prevents
Slipping -
a supply and before
pcovement. From that on I continued An open web fabric to be cemented
to gain and was able to resume my to the faces of p'u'lleys has been in-
employment. I continued taking the vented to prevent belts, slipping,
pills for some time longer and now -
feel as vigorous as I ever did."
You can get these pills through any
medicine dealer, or by mail at 50
cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from
The Dr:, Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont..
Many inventors Watchmakers.
Watchmaking was the first mechani-
cal activity of many of tale famous in-
Minard's Liniment for Distemper.
The Care of the Feeble Minded
Dr. J. G. Shearer, Secretary Social Service Council of Canada.
The havoc wrought by the non -care and other large school districts there
of the ;;mentally deficient is terrible is no .serious difficulty. They should
end is ;,eeming to be widely' known. abs examined .and tested by a capable
They are the cause ofhalf 'the crime doctor 'who ha's had especial training•
tt'' n in dealing with mental :disease and dee
in igeneral, two thirds of pros >. t ut
gartictilar, o fifths. of venereal, ficiency, ,and "sorted out into' Classes
I R ad''`a';:iarge . proportion 'of that may be `called, "special" "ox
hesitate to pronounoe Tanlac a fine
Tanlac is sold by all good druggists.
Self -Advertisement.
Little Barbara was out in the 001111 -
try walking with her mother. "Gra-
cious, whatever's that noise?" asked
"Oh, it's • nothing, mummle," replied
the child, "but a cow mooing, trying to
sell her milk."
Crocodiles Eat Stones.
The •crocodile has a gizzard which
, it usies to crush and grind large lumps
of food. It takes in sharp -edged sta•a'
to help. in •the ; grinding process.,e4
cover,; examine and arrange A
speeialized'.training and;
care of mental defectives;
iary" bg way of new • and constructive 0hilt.
h h uld not: law 'gives such authority an
Music Prevents Crime.
Education in music as an antidote diplomas.
for crinhi�nai proclivities was advo-
ode fibre.
'Remit by Dominion Express Money
Order. If lost or stolen you get your
money back.
The s'ehool of .experience grants no
There is always a post -
Gated recently by GlennH. Woods, di- graduate coerse,
rector of mm 1e In tee Oakland public
schools, CelifornJIa. There lenothing
that will improve the taste of the
young people of to -day as will a thor-
ough drilling in the fundamiemitiale of a
classical musical education, said Mr.
Woodsy: The problem school authori-
ties had to face, he said, was that of
leading the child to spend his leisure
time in a manner that would react to
Co ttinued development. The child-
ren should be taught, not a few mere
facts that did not affect their lives
much,' but rather how to make their
lives better; and in no way was this
interest maintained in such a large
group, and with such solidarity of in-
terest in the group, as by music.
A musical education was a prime
essential for the good of society.. The
State was becoming acutely aware of
this fact and this was why Mr. Woods
seas now engaged upon a survey of
the conditions in the, various parts of
hiss State. Mr. Woods estimated that
0114 out of every four students would
readily respond to enthusiastic work
on the``part of the,, music instructo•1'e,
so the+ say in a city of 20,000 school
child ;-at least 5,400 of these should
=slice' education.
and of sexual vice, dtts xhal or a
',cost , of • caring Tor. the fruits
havoc in maintaining court's,
:;gaols, 'prisons, reformatories, `indus
trial farms, and; rescue homes is a
heavy burden on the taxpayers and
on private charity extent mallual," and snore or less -of
Prevention is always' more worth the kindergarten type.
while than cure even where cure is
possible, and feeblemindedness cannot
be cured, though in time it can be
Let us consider first what to do
with mentally defective children of
school age.
They cannot be trained in the same
classes with normal children. They
lag behind, .become discouraged, and
" get no benefit themselves. They re-
tard the normal children. They be-
come a nuisance to the teacher, taking
far more than their shareiof atten-
ti d all to little purpose They
the necessaryznachinery, a
of mild Welfare, a special
medical Examiner, and a B
lection to determine what i
with each' child.
A 'plan of, this kind syste
and well worked for a genera
ernarmonely reduce if not eliminate,
problem of the feebleminded. -M
Second, the adults also should be
discovered, examined, and the worst
of them .segregated and so prevented
from multiplying •their kind.
On industrial farms ,they scan be
self-sustaining. The large 'home atWaverley, Mass., with 2,000 inmates,
is practicably so. And the inmates
both sexes and all -ages are happy and
consisted, and though neither walled
human eamouflage. T ere s o
be more than about fifteen m one class:
or room: The teachers' of these classes
require special training of course, the
teaching has to be concrete, to >a large
Such classes are popular with the
children. They 'solve the problem of
truancy. Many of the normal children
are. pleased to be allowed to attend.
Vancouver deserves the credit of hav-
ing established these classes in a sys-
tematic way. When the writer last
heard they had some two dozen of
them. Many of the children mentally
below par can in these classes get
training enough to enable them to be
But this • method cannot meet the
need of such children in the country,
on an and in small centres. For these spe-
are the source or occasion al -se of de- eial provision .must be made none.
moralizing %school discipline, and usu- or more provincial' school.
The Child. Welfare Department of
ally also of abominable lewdness and for this purpose.
What then is to be done? In cities the province should have power to des- one or more:
vice among the
other ehhldielh
nor bolted, nor barred in, never run
away. The Spring City, Penn., one
with 1,000 inmates, is altogether self-
sustaining. So are many others.
Every Canadian province should
have at least one such institution,
vest of he
jN THE plump kernels of wheat and barley Nature plants the
1 seeds of human energy, which man himself must utilize in order to
enjoy a harvest of health.
These nutritious grains are carefully selected and scientifically con-
.verted into crisp, delicious Grape.Nuts, which provides the rl'otritive
and mineral elements that Nature intended for the use of man.
The 20 -hour baking process partially' pre-digests the stareh and
easily and
makes Grape-1\11as a rich and delicious food which digests
assimilates quickly.
Try a dish of crisp and crunchy Grape -Nuts
for breakfast or lunch. Grape -Nuts makes delicious pudding for
your dinner. It
is wonderfully sustaining and satisfying these brisk
November days.
ilEALTI-1, "There's a Reason"
F` , 1+nctbr :Windsor•, Ont..
Ltd., -0"6 Front St 1 , Toronto y
Made by Cuitttdiati 1'ostuiri Gereei Coy.,
owels without
g, take Casca-
ce, biliousness,_
, sour, upset stonrach
distress gone by morning.
,sic en earth for grown-up
Risen. `Irk a box. Taste like
Very Likely,H
They were discussing ;animals, and
the intelligence of dogs in particular.
Said Robinson: "There are some
dogs that have more sense than their
'Exactly," said young Jones, getting
a word in at last. "Mine's one o1 that
Minard's Liniment for Garget in Cows.
Where Was the Rest?
Little Tommy Taylor was visiting
for the first time the house of an aunt
In the city, and among the objects of
interest she showed him was a bust
of her grandfather, whose history she
detailed to Tommy with; much gusto.
"And is that your grandfather?"
Tommy asked, when the recital had
been concluded.
"Yes,' dear," said the aunt.
i`IS that all there was of him?" add-
ed Tawny, very much' perplexed.
Civilizationand the Teeth,
"One of my earliest observations
When I. came to the Eskimos was that
those who were not eating civilized
food to any extent invariably had un-
decayed teeth, although they were
sometimes badly worn down through
chewing food containing sand."—Stef-
• There area lot of 8-tous men with
.16 -+hear Wives that ou,g'ht to unionize
their homes.
It is to her moderate men that
Great Brittain owes what she -has done.
and :what she is. -:-Colonel B, Kitson
A pessimist is a man who on every
opportunity sees a difficulty; an apti-
mist, one who in every difficulty sees
an opportunit1.'
The fiu11 is the time to select roots
of parsnips, carrots and beets to plant
for seed next year. It is a mistake
to save seeds fre'in plants that bolted
this year, for they are likely to pass
the tendency on to their offspring.
Choose the (best Toots when you lift
the crop, store their 'carefully, plant
them heart spring and grow them
especially for aced.
DR. MINARD, Inventor of the
assadowe mosso Doe seniedise
Book on
arid How
mailed estoany AA&
dress try the Author.
..� ,Crie.7 *lover co. m6
120 Wort 24th Street
New York. VILA.
Bulk Carlota
Your . Child's Bowels Need
"California Fig Syrup"
Hurry, Mother: A leaspoonsful of
"California Fig Syrup" now will thor-
oughly clean the little bowels end in a.
few hours you have a well, playful
child again. Even a cross, feverish,
constipated child loves its "fruity"
taste, and mothers :can rest easy be-
cause it < never fails to work all the
sour bile and poisons right out of the
stomach and bowels without griping
or`upsetting the child.
Tell your druggist you want only ties
genuine "California Fig Syrup" which
has directions for babies and • children
of all ages printed on battle: Mother,
you must say "California." Refuse any
Now Looks " After Home,
Thanks to .Lydia E. ,Pink -
ham's Vegetable. Compound
Meaford, Qrstarkeee I was so wean
could' hail yching and my
back ' seemed the
worst. I read so
ranch. about Lydia
Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound for
women that I_
thought I would
try, it. I feel that
it did. help me for
I. -am looking after
my own home now
and seem quite
strong again. I
have recommended
your Vegetable. Compound to quite a
few friends and you can use my name
if Poaesx Box 440, Meaford, Ontario.
In your own neighborhood there are
doubtless women who know of the
great value of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound. Women every-
where, either by word of mouth . or
by letter,recommend this splendid
medicine. Those who have suffered
from female weakness, change of life,•
and similar troubles know of the
wonderful relief brouglat
the Vegetable Compound.to them by
ISSU No. 45•--'22.
Nothing like shampoos with Cu-
ticura Soap and hot water, preceded,
by touches of Cuticura Ointment to
spots of dandruff and itching, to
keep the scalp and hair healthy.
They are ideal for all toilet uses.
Saap25c. Oiatmeet2SandSOe. Taleam25a. Sold
throughout theDominion. CanadianDepot:
imam, Limited, 344 St. Paul St., W., Montreal.
Cuticura Soap shaves without mug.
UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you
are not getting Aspirin at all
Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin," wliic contains 1
physicians during 22 years and proved sate by millions for
Colds , Headache
Toothache Neuralgia
Earache Lumbago
"Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets --Also bottles of 24 and 100 ---illi gisia
Bandy 1"
spina is tee tiraclo charts (rogittnredW3I11 in I Canatt�) of O ib I+tarrrfttrtttrc of
aroticarldtt1el, of `•atirvi{c.ariei, While it ft tvcIt l nosrn that A tlitin z:c 3r• ttav r
mettefecture, to a sial the public a[~ainfIt 'Vitt:VIM: a, isle rateer of 'Bare, Coll P2ny
will be SltanpOA Nils: their 'pliers.] trade tit ,w-;, the i:ayer
cpid ' which t i directions and dose worked out by
Pain, Pain